






1.单词:have , soccer , ball , soccer ball , tennis , ping-pong , volleyball , basketball , bat , does , doesnt , do 2.词组:have a ping-pong ball ,tennis ball , 3.句子:Do you have a ping-pong ball ? Yes , I do.No , I dont.4.语法:助动词do的用法。有实义动词时的一般疑问句。



根据音标读出Unit 5 P25-26的单词。


1.完成1a,翻译1a、2a、2d(将答案写在课本上)2.翻译Grammar Focus并背诵。



soccer ball_________ tennis ball________有______球________ 排球____________ 篮球________乒乓球_________球拍_________

三、选择:(1)-Is this your eraser?-__________ A.Yes, it’s.B.Yes, it is.C.Yes , is.D.It is.(2)Is that ______ pencil sharpener? A.he B.him C.his D.you(3)This is _____ bag.A.me B.I C.my.D.you(4)----Is that his case?-----__________.A.Yes, that is.B.Yes , it isn’t.C.No, it is.D.No , it isn’t.课内学习


1.检查1a、1c、2a、2d及Grammar Focus 的预习效果。

2.听力练习:听1b、2a、2b 完成课本上的内容。3.听力练习:2a, 2b 完成课本上的内容,再听一遍。

二、组内探讨:仔细观察下面例句中的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺内容。1.Do you have a basketball ? 2.Do you have a ping-pong bat ? 拓展类似的问句还有:

Do you have-------? Do they have_____? 〖结论〗根据以上例句可知,have的基本意思为“ ”,问lsquo;你有-------吗?需要在句首加助动词do。


作助动词无意义,翻译下列句子并能用have造出相似的句子.Do you have a basketball? Yes, I do.Do they have a soccer ball? No, they dont.Does she have a computer? No, she doesnt.Does he have a ping-pong ball? Yes, he does./No,he doesnt.句中的do和does都是构成疑问句和否定句的助动词 do not的缩写形式_______________ does not的缩写形式_______________ dont/doesnt+动词原形.如,I dont _________(have)a soccer ball.(我没有足球)He doesnt ___________(have)a ping-pong ball.(他没有乒乓球)三,这节课你学会了哪些表示球类的词。Play_______ , Explanation 1.have作动词,意为“有”,一般指某人拥有某物,侧重于所属关系。其第三人称单数形式是has。常用句式为:某人 + have/has + 某物,表示“人有某物”。在一般现在时态中,当主语为第三人称单数形式时,用has的形式。如: I have a good friend.我有一个好朋友。She has a new pen.她有一支新钢笔。

2.late “迟到” 是个形容词,常用 be late 的结构。Xiao Ming is always late.小明总是迟到。3.we是人称代词主格,意为“我们”,在句子中作主语。如:

We are good friends.我们是好朋友。

We have a new soccer ball.我们有一只新足球。

4.us “我们”。是we的宾格形式,在句子中放在介词或动词后作宾语。

we “我们” 是人称代词主格形式,作句子的主语。

us “我们”是人称代词宾格形式,作句子的宾语。

our “我们的”是形容词性物主代词,放在名词前作定语。

We are in Mikes room.我们在迈克的房间里。Call us at 457-3287.给我们打电话457-3287.Our teacher is in the classroom.我们的老师在教室里。


基本结构为:let sb.do sth.,表示 “让某人做某事”,表示说话人的建议。其中sb.可由名词或代词宾格来充当,其后的动词一定要用动词原形。

Let me do it.让我来做吧。Let him guess.让他猜一猜。










长 山 中 学

张 晓 辉

长 山 中 学张 晓 辉



1.新课程标准的基本理念要求坚持“健康第一”的指导思想, 培养学生热爱运动的意识, 以便健康成长。导学案正是体现了这一思想。它科学引导学生探索, 鼓励学生探索, 帮助学生探索, 让他们体验体育过程的乐趣, 享受成功的喜悦, 从而激发他们对体育的浓厚兴趣。导学案强调学生的学习主体性与积极性, 以发挥其主体作用。导学案的流程设计以学生为主, 以激发其主体精神;引领他们参加活动, 并且积极主动去完成相应的活动, 是活动的主角, 又是安全保护者。教师在学案中的角色是以一个引导者出现, 而真正的活动主角是学生。

2.体育备课是进行体育课堂教学的重要环节, 是教学理念与学生活动实践的中间环节和联系纽带。集体备课是进行资源共享的前提, 老师们可以根据教学要求以及学生实际情况制定出适合的教学目标。目的是使教师在自己的强项上充分展示自己的才华, 为别的教师提供借鉴, 从而更好地进行教学。为学生的体育课堂打好坚实的理论基础。



体育课导学案侧重于教师“教什么”和“怎样教”的问题为主以及如何引导学生获取知识技能并且关注如何充分调动学生的主动性、安全性。在导学案中, 课堂角色、教育思想、方法运用等方面有着不同的区别。例如, 在体育课上, 老师要是让大家投掷铅球, 集体投掷时, 班级里的体力好的同学、身体棒的人永远是第一名行列, 那些平时少锻炼的、学习型同学就没办法体验到体育成功的喜悦。但是在导学案中, 老师可以把学生有意分成几种类型, 个子矮的一组, 学习型的一组, 力气打的一组。这样大家都能看到胜利的曙光。人人都有可能得到名次, 自信心十足, 在活动过程中享受拼搏的乐趣, 进而转化成学习的动力。更重要的是让每个人的心情愉快, 脸上挂着成功的喜悦。


在通常的体育教学中, 老师的教学目标都是以教师设计好内容为主。教师上课时宣布“本课活动任务”后, 学生们才知道本节课的活动内容是什么, 学生完全处于被动接受地位, 教学何谈学生的主体性和积极性。“导学案”则是在实际教学中将教学目标分为了“教”的目标和“学”的目标, 十分重视学生“学”的目标, 每个个体学生的体能不同, 老师就要针对不同的学生进行指导。并以此来设计教学过程, 在教师的组织指导下使学生逐步实现自己的学习目标, 从而也“教”的目标, 并最终实现“教”与“学”的目标的都达标。


体育教学有别于其它的学科教学, 其有自身的特殊性。它的教学形式可以丰富多彩, 根据学生的身体情况、心理情况、生理情况设计体育教学并进行控制教学流程, 最后还要进行评价, 需要进行各种量之间的协调, 如果协调不好将会影响教学本身。而“导学案”中的学案是学生根据自己的知识水平、能力水准、学法特点和心理特征等具体情况, 在教师引导下, 由师生共同设计的, 其着眼点则在于学生“学什么”和“如何学”, 这样它就会很好地协调起教学中的各种因素, 使教学设计更加合理。所以说它的模式有其特殊性。教学过程有时可能会发生变化, 那么教学目标可能也要随时变化。

体育课上最能体现集体合作精神和个人强项的体现。体育课上的人际关系最容易表达出来互相帮助、相互鼓励的群体活动。体育课堂上学生的人际关系直接, 交流方便 (课堂上老师不准讲话, 而在操场上多数情况下是允许的) 。体育课上的教学目标和学生活动的强度是体育课教学中的主体内容, 这就需要把设立情景和场面设定也要写在教学目标之中。“导学案”就是充分的利用了体育教学这些特点。通过教学问题的设定, 教学场景的创设有效的培养学生体能和进行体育锻炼, 激发了学生的兴趣, 充分的调动了学生的积极性。同时在教学过程中, 老师能充分利用体育课堂的特点, 积极开展小组合作学习, 大家互相鼓励、互相帮助, 有利于形成良好的人际关系。在教师的指导下, 相互合作交流, 形成能力。从而在老师与小组之间, 学生与小组之间, 小组与小组之间形成了一个立体的教学网络, 使整个教学活动在师生互动、共同交流下, 有目标、有组织、有步骤、有效果的开展下去。


1. t_nn_s 2. r_ck_t 3. so_ _er4. d_ff_c_lt

5. _nter_sting6. v_ll_yball7. b_s_ball8. rel_xing

9. s_ _nd10. c_ll_ction


1. There ____ two beds in that room.

A. hasB. haveC. isD. are

2. You can see a river ____ the school.

A. fromB. nearC. withD. of

3. ____. Do you have a bag?

A. SorryB. All rightC. Not at allD. Excuse me

4. My sister, Sue ____ a new coat, but I ____.

A. has, don’tB. have, doesn’t

C. doesn’t has, doD. don’t have, does

5. ____ name is Sun Meilin. What’s ____ name?

A. I, yourB. My, youC. My, yourD. I, you

6. Where ____ my cat and dog?

A. isB. areC. amD. isn’t

7. ——Do the boys have a soccer ball?

——Yes, they ____.

A. doB. haveC. doesD. has

8. Thanks ____ your help.

A. forB. ofC. toD. with

9. ——Let’s play soccer. ——____. Let’s go.

A. No, it’s boringB. That sounds good

C. Yes, thanksD. Sure. Here you are

10. ——____ his shoes under the bed?

——Sorry, I don’t know.

A. IsB. AreC. Is thereD. Are there

11. Do you want to play ____?

A. basketballsB. a basketballC. basketballD. the basketball

12. My brother ____ play sports.

A. doesn’tB. don’tC. isn’tD. aren’t

13. They don’t have a baseball, ____ they have a basketball.

A. andB. butC. orD. too

14. ——What’s this in English? ——____.

A. Yes, it isB. It’s a pen

C. No, it is hersD. It’s on the desk

15. ——____ you bring the things to school?

——Of course, I can.

A. CanB. DoC. AreD. Is


1. He ____(have) a notebook.

2. Maria and I ____(have) a basketball.

3. Li Ping has a soccer ball. (变为一般疑问句)

____ Li Ping ____ a soccer ball?

4. Does she have a CD? (作肯定回答)

____, she ____.

5. He has a baseball bat.(变为否定句)

He ____ ____ a baseball bat.

6. You have a volleyball.(变为一般疑问句)

____ you have a volleyball?

7. The boy doesn’t have a TV.(变为肯定句)

The boy ____ a TV.


Frank is sixty. But he looks __1__. He has a __2__ sports collection. He __3__ 10 tennis rackets, 8 baseballs, 6 basketballs, 12 soccers __4__ 18 volleyballs. But he __5__ sports. He __6__ likes collecting sports things. His __7__, David, likes soccer. He is a member of a soccer __8__. He plays __9__ every day with his friends. He __10__ his father’s collection.

1. A. old B. young C. nice D. fun

2. A. great B. small C. some D. many

3. A. there is B. there are C. have D. has

4. A. and B. or C. but D. so

5. A. doesn’t B. don’t play C. plays D. doesn’t play

6. A. and B. only C. too D. doesn’t

7. A. daughter B. son C. father D. uncle

8. A. ball B. club C. class D. school

9. A. basketball B. baseball C. soccer D. volleyball

10. A. likes B. like C. watches D. plays



Hello, I am Becky. I’m eleven. I have a sister, but I don’t have a brother. I like games. I sometimes (有时) play tennis with her. I collect 4 tennis rackets, and my sister has 2 rackets. I like ping-pong, too. I play ping-pong with my friends. Do you like games? Do you play sports every day?

1. What is Becky? ____.

A. She is a student B. She is a teacher

C. We don’t know D. She is an English girl

2. What does Becky like? ____.

A. She likes her sister B. She likes her friends

C. She likes ping-pong D. She likes ping-pong and tennis

3. Who does Becky play ping-pong with? ____.

A. Her sister B. Her classmates

C. Her friends D. No one

4. Which one is right (正确的)? ____.

A. Becky’s sister is eleven

B. Becky likes sports

C. Becky has a brother, but no sister

D. Becky only likes tennis, she doesn’t like ping-pong

5. What does Becky want(想要) to do? ____.

A. She wants to write to her parents

B. She wants to find a pen friend

C. She wants to write a note

D. She wants to play tennis with you


Elena: Do you have black bags?

Mr. Smith: Yes, I do. I have black bags, red bags, and blue bags. Do you like these?

Elena: Yes, I do. How much are they?

Mr. Smith: They’re thirty dollars.

Elena: Do you have pants?

Mr. Smith: Yes, I do. These red pants are seven dollars.

Elena: And those pants on the table? How much are they?

Mr. Smith: Seventeen dollars. And those black pants are twelve dollars.

Mr. Smith: I’ll take these red pants.


1. They ____ have white bags.

A. have B. doesn’t C. don’t

2. The bags are ____.

A. $13.00 B. $30.00 C. $15.00

3. Elena ____ the bags.

A. likes B. don’t like C. doesn’t like

4. The black pants are ____.

A. $7.00 B. $12.00 C. $20.00

5. The red pants are ____.

A. $17.00 B. $7.00 C. $12.00


I’m in a worker’s family. My name is Liu Ming. My father works in a factory(工厂). He says his work is fine and he likes it very much.

My mother is at home every day. She cooks for us and does much housework(家务). She is a good mother. I love her.

I have an uncle. He is twenty. He is a worker of a bus factory near my home. He and other workers can make many different buses. What am I, then? I’m a student. My school is also near my home. I think I must study hard. I want to be a teacher when I grow up(长大).


1. Where does Liu Ming’s father work?

2. Where is Liu Ming’s mother every day?

3. What do Liu Ming’s uncle and other workers make?

4. Where is the bus factory?

5. What does Liu Ming want to be when he grows up?


Mike: Hi, Tony, let’s ____ baseball.

Tony: ____ sounds good, Mike. That ____ funny.

Mike: Do you ____ a baseball or a baseball ____?

Tony: Oh, no. I don’t have a baseball and I don’t have a baseball bat.

Mike: ____ your sister have a ball and a bat?

Tony: Yes, ____ does. Hi, ____!Where ____ your baseball and bat?

Gina: They’re under the bed.

Tony: OK!____ play.


Do you have any sports collection? How about your sports collection? Where are they? Please write something about your sports collection.


学习目标 5’

1 能准确读出并默写下列词汇:how much , sock, shirt, T-shirt, shorts

sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, sale, dollar.

2 能熟练说出常见服装的名称。

3 会运用以下句型来询问所喜欢服装的价格

----What is it/ what are these?---- It’s a shirt./ They are trousers.

----How much is it/ are they? ---- It is / They are 30 dollars.



1 课前收集有关服装的单词。

2 根据音标自主拼读词汇,小组互相检测读音与词义;并交流记忆心得。


II 1a----1b

1. Talk about the picture in 1a.讨论1a中的图片,可以使用以下问句

What’s this?/ What are these?

What color is it? What color are they?

How much is it/ How much are they?

2. Match the words with the things in the picture. 将单词与图中物品配对。

3. Listen and circle the things in 1a you hear. 听录音,在1a的图片中圈出所听到的单词。

4. 合作探究

How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollars.

How many apples do you have?

归纳:how many 与how much 的区别


5 Listen and repeat.听录音并跟读。

III 1c Practice Pairwork / groupwork

$20$42$18 $35

A: What is this?/ What are these? B: It’s a …/ They’re …

A: What color is it/ are they? B: It’s …/ They are…

A: How much is it?/ How much are they? B: It’s …/ They are…


Picture 2:

Picture3 :


IV总结 4’



班级:学生:日期:编号 :


知识目标:1.掌握重点词汇:January, February, Christmas, sweep away, luck, lucky,celebrate, traditional, dumpling, programme, mean, Merry Christmas。2.掌握重点句型:My mother is cleaning our house and sweeping away bad

2.Here’s the first one.3.We are celebrating Spring Festival with a traditional family dinner on the evening before Spring Festival.4.There’s so such delicious food.小组长检查登记完成情况。


luck.Here’s the first one.We are celebrating Spring Festival with a traditional family dinner on the evening before Spring Festival.There’s so such delicious food.3.进一步学习、理解现在进行时态和一般现在时态的用法和区别。4.掌握连词and的用法。












1.My mother is cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck.1.用PPT图片导入单词和词汇的教学。2.小组长组织本组成员朗读,并纠正发音。3.齐读。



1.互相谈论Activity 1的图片上正在发生的事情。2.阅读短文,将短文与图片配对。3.听录音跟读,再阅读完成Activity 3。

4.齐读Activity 4的短语并记忆,然后用短语造句并正确地使用连词and。



(1)我们打扫房间,扫走坏运气。We clean the houses andbad luck.(2)你们怎样庆祝圣诞节?How do you?

(3)我们有许多传统节日。We have afestival.(4)我们常常在电视上看一个特别节目。We usually watch aon TV.(5)我的爸爸正在制作大红灯笼。My father isbig.(6)我妈妈正在为春节做准备。My mum isSpring Festival.(7)他们正在学习舞龙。Theya dragon.(8)她正在打扫屋子。She.分配好任务,每组按照任务要求把答案写在黑板上。全班核对答案。






( 湖南省隆回县石门中学 徐善海 )


Unit 1 ~ Unit 3


1. 掌握is / am / are/ was /were /be 的用法

2. 学会使用 this / that/ these/ those

3. 掌握含be动词的一般现在时的用法。

4. 掌握形容词性物主代词及名词性物主代词的基本用法。

5. 熟练运用这三个单元的单词及短语。


※ ※※※定向自学( 15分钟)

◆◆◆自我检测单词及短语 ( 120 个 )

1.我的( “形”) 2.我 (宾格) 3.在旁边

4.我们的(“形”) 5.我们 (宾格) 6.可以

7.路、方式 8.五月9.神秘的

10.名字 11. 相同的 12.不同的

13.姓氏 14.名字 15.裸露的

16.游戏17.著名 18. 著名的

19.温驯的 20.come(过去式) 21. 时钟

22.时间23.手表 24. 闹钟

25.唤醒、、、、、、26.街区 27.锁

28.钥匙 29.金属的 30. 遇见

31.会议 32.肉33.脚(复数)

34.他姓李 35. 一个懒惰的男孩 36. 他的办公室的电话

37.最后的 38.终于 39.零

40.快的41. 一(基数词 )42.第一的

43.我的第一个老师 44.骨头 45.口渴

46.地球 47.诚实的 48.查阅字典

49.玩具 50.电话号码 51.卡片

52.卡车 53.五 54.住在湖南

55.四 56.到、泼 57.小时

58.为 59.粉末 60.八

61.高度 62.体重 63.九

64.酒 65.好的 66.第九

67.第九十 68.三69.那儿

70.三棵树 71.问题与答复 72.六

73.混合(动词) 74.修理 75性

76.做第一 77.它78.打

79.坐(动词) 80.一点儿 81.适合

82.这本书 83.那个文具盒 84.棒球

85.十支钢笔 86.四支上海铅笔 87.昂贵的

88.打他的电话8506270 89.一块橡皮90.玩电子游戏

91.厨师 92.靴子 93.一套钥匙

94.在学校 95.查阅字典 96.箱子

97.行李箱 98.小心(名词) 99.双肩背包

100.三个塑料袋101.请原谅 102.对不起

103.用英语 104.多久105.长城

106.在失物招领处 107.爸爸妈妈 108.父母亲

109.他 110.成为111.那些



118.女儿 119.嘲笑(名词) 120.一张朋友的照片


① - Nice to meet you.

___ Nice to meet you, too.

② What + is/are + her/his/its + name ?.

③ A: How do you do?

B: How do you do?

④ A: What’s this / that ( called ) in English ?

B: It’s a / an ….

⑤ A: Is this/that +…?

B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

⑥ 口语交际

A: Excuse me. May I have your photo?

B: Sure.

A: How beautiful you are when you wear white shirt and black jeans.

B: Thank you.

A: Who was it taken by?

B: My cousin.

A: What’s your cousin hobby?

B: Taking photos.

A: What do you think of the photo which was taken by him?

B: Very good.

A: Would you like to learn from him?

. B: I’d love to, but I have to be busy studying hard for the big examinations of June 16 ~ 17 of .

A: Well. I am sure that your dream will come true. Good luck to you.

B: Thank you.

※ ※※※合作探究

1.小组训练:定向学习( ◆◆◆语言知识点⑥ )

1. 加入“翻译吧”

① 名字叫爱丽丝布朗的学生心地善良。

② 学生们,早上好。

③ 我们历史老师的移动电话号码是13874285151。

④ 那个12的女孩正在寻找她的塑料梳子。

⑤ 这些是我的好朋友。

⑥ Kelsey在床底下找到了她的学生证。

☆ ☆☆参考答案:

① The student named Alice Brown is kind.

② Good morning, boys and girls.

③ Our history’s cell phone number is 13874285671.

④ The 12-year-old girl is looking for her plastic comb.

⑤ These are my good friends

⑥ Kelsey found her ID student card under the bed.

※ ※※※展示点评教师点拨

1. 每组将合作交流部分在各自黑板上展示。

2. 学生互相点评。

3. 教师点拨

① you/your; my/mine; our/ours的 区别

② 冠词的基本用法。

③ 介绍自己: I’m … ; My name is …

介绍他人: This is …, this is …,this is…

④ Learn to describe your family photo.

※ ※※※快乐抢答(PK)

1. What does every alphabet in the word “family” mean ?(6分)

☆ ☆☆参考答案

“ F” stands for “ father”; “ A” stands for “ and”; “M” stands for “mother”; “ I” stands for “ I”; “L” stands for “love”; “ Y” stands for “ you”.

2. 翻译:对于我们来说,与同学和家人和睦相处很重要。(4分)

☆ ☆☆参考答案:

It’s important for us to get on well with our classmates and family members.

3. 单项选择题抢答(共6小题,每题1分)

⑴ ___ is nice for me to meet you .

A. ItB. We C. They

⑵ My friend’s first name is Jack, and his last name is Smith. So his full name is ____.

A. Jackson B. Jack SmithC. Smith Jack

( )⑶ As a student, we should practice _____ ourselves and others in English.

A. introducing B .to introduce

C. introduced

( )⑷ A: ____ is your aunt?

B: She works in a restaurant as a clerk.

A. Where B. What C. When

( )⑸ A:____ is your QQ number?

B: 972255826.

A. How B. How many C. What

() ⑹ Thanks for the photo ____ your family.

A. of B. in C.With


1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 A


()1. Here __________.

A. is my family photo B. are youC. is it

( ) 2. This is ____ photo.

A. Jenny Brown B. Huang Si Si’s C. her

( ) 3.There are a lot of key words. Please _____.

A. write it down B.write then down C. wake up them

( ) 4. A: ____ is the yellow backpack?

B: My cousin’s sister’s.

A. WhoB. Whose C. Whom

( ) 5. She bought ____ eraser. ____ was made in Shanghai.

A. an ; an B. an; The C. an; It

()6. The alarm clock doesn’t ____, so he has to buy ____.

A. work; it B. works; it C. work; one

( ) 7.A: ____ is his notebook ?

B: In the backpack.

A. Where B. What color C. What time

( ) 8. A: What’s the time ___ your watch ?

B: At twelve to twelve.

A. byB: onC. of

( ) 9. This ___ my sister, those ___ my grandparents.

A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are

() 10. As a volunteer, we should learn _____..

A. to devote B. receive C. think ourselves


1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 C
