



agree with ,agree to ,agree on 用法探究。


1. they agreed on the project at last.最后他们就这项工程达成了共识。

2. i agree with you =i agree with what you said.我同意你的话。

3. we agreed on a price for the car.我们商定了这辆汽车的价格。

4. the climate here doesn’t agree with me .我不适应这儿的气候。

5. do you agree to that plan?你同意那个计划吗?

6. he has agreed to the arrangement?他已经同意了那个安排。

7. do you agree with what i have just said ?你同意我刚刚说的吗?

8. your story agrees with what i have heard.你说的话与我听到的一致。


1. 三个词组的词意是什么?

回答:agree with ,agree to ,agree on 都可以表示 _________;agree to 一般表示个人同意 ,而agree on 表示 ___________,达成共识。agree with 还可以表示与(气候或食物等)相__________.


回答:agree with 后面一般跟_____或是某人说的____;后面还可以跟words。

agree to 后面一般跟建议、议案、________、_________等。

agree on 后面一般跟表示具体协议的文件、计划等。

determine 与decide 有何区别?


1. we determined to get the work done before may day.我们决定在五一之前把工作做完。

2. he has determined that nothing can prevent him doing what he wants to do .他已经决定没什么能阻止他想做的事情。

3. they determined on an early start tomorrow.他们决定明天早点动身。

4. he has determined to study abroad. 他决心去国外学习。

5. he decided not to tell a lie any longer in the future.他决定以后再也不撒谎了。

6. let’s first decide what to do next.让我们先决定接下来做什么。

7. finally she decided on buying that green hat.最后她决定买那顶绿色的帽子。

8. it’s very difficult to decide between the two .要在两个之间抉择很困难。


1.decide 和determine 在意义上有什么区别?

回答:decide 和determine 在意义上都可以表示_______;be determined 表示_________。

2. 两者在用法上有什么不同?

回答:在用法上两者后面都可以跟________(to do sth )或是___________(比如that ,where,what …从句)

change …into …结构知多少?(put ,translate,turn,divide ,make …)


1. do you know how to change ice into water? 你知道如何把水变成冰吗?

2. he has translated many books into english? 他已经把很多本书翻成了英文。

3. the huts can be made into temporary houses.小屋能被弄成暂时可住的房子。

4. we will divide our class into four groups.我们将把我们班级分成四组。

5. we should put most of our time into our study and work. 我们应该把我们的把大部分时间花在学习和工作上。

6. the teacher often asks us to put sentences into english.老师经常叫我们把句子翻成英文。

7. he was able to put the complicated thoughts into simple words.他能用简单的话来表达复杂的意思。

8. the workers are making wool into cloth.工人们在把羊毛织成布。

9. we should learn to turn failure into success.我们应该学会把失败转变成成功。

10. she knows a way of turning water into steam.她知道一种方法,把水变成蒸汽。



这些词组都是有into 构成的,都是两样东西之间进行的转换,最基本的词义应该是________.

reach 的含义知多少?


1. after a long walk, we reached a small village. 走了很长的路之后,我们来到一个小村庄。

2. the little boy was so short that he could not reach the apple on the desk.那个小孩太矮了,够不到桌上的苹果。

3. your letter reached me the day before yesterday .我昨天收到了你的信。

4. the woods reached as far as the river. 那片树林一直延伸到河边。

5. he reached out his hand for the knife ,but it was too far away. 他伸出手去取那刀子,但是太远了,够不着。

6. would you please do me a favour to reach me that book?请你帮我个忙,把书递给我好吗?

7. i like to have my books within my reach.我喜欢把书放在我伸手可取的地方。

8. put the medicine out of the children’s reach..把药品放在孩子们够不着的地方。





回答:reach 可以用作名词 一般是 __________,通常用于out of one’s reach ,within one’s reach。

compare …to …与compare … with…


1. my handwriting can not be compared with my fathers. 我的书写不能跟我父亲的比。

2. compare this radio and that one ,and you will find which one is better. 比较一下这个收音机和那一个 ,你会知道哪个更好。

3. man’s life is often compared to a candle. 人生常比作蜡烛。

4. shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。

5. as a writer ,he can’t compare with luxun. 作为一个作家,他无法与鲁迅比较。


compare … to …与compare …with …意义有什么区别?

回答:compare …to …一般是把一方____另一方;而compare …with …是指把两方进行_____。

hope 与 wish 用法探究


1. i hope we can pass the examination.我希望我能通过考试。

2. we hope to see you tomorrow. 我们希望明天能见到你。

3. there is nothing to be hoped for. 没什么好期待的了。

4. the doctor expressed strong hopes for her recovery.医生对她恢复健康抱有乐观的希望。

5. i wish i could go with you .我希望我能跟你一起去。

6. how i wish it wasn’t raining. 我多么希望天不下雨啊。

7. parents wish their children to be happy always.父母们总是希望孩子们能一直快乐。

8. i wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快!

9. it’s hoped that our team will win the game.大家都希望我们队能赢的比赛。

10. i wish i could fly to the moon one day 我希望有一天我能飞到月球上去。


1. wish与hope分别是什么意思?

回答: wish是指的意思是________。而hope指的意思是________。

2. wish与hope 在用法上有什么不同?

回答: wish和hope一样都后面可跟_______( to do sth.)但是wish可用于wish sb to sth,而hope只可以跟说hope to do sth。两者后面也可以跟_____从句:wish后面跟的从句一般用____语气,从句里的时态一般用过去的某种时态。而hope后面的从句根据句子的需要可以用________。


1998年普通高考英语试卷(NMET)是依据1990年颁发的《全日制中学英语教学大纲(修订本)》和《1998 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试说明(英语科)》命制的。这套试卷继续坚持“稳定中求发展”的指导思想 ,继续坚持英语高考改革的总体方向,继续坚持“突出语篇,强调应用,注重交际”的设计原则,是一套有利 于选拔人才、有利于高中英语教学改革的成功试卷。


试卷评价组认真研究了NMET1998试卷的抽样统计数据,分析了全卷的试题,比较了全国主要省、市、地区 的反馈信息,特作如下报告。




理工类:英语题号 满分平均分 难度 标准差 区分度 未答 零分

人数 人数1. 25.0 13.78 .55 3.816 .613 0 12. 25.0 15.78 .63 4.039 .612 0 13. 45.0 23.57 .52 7.265 .681 0 14. 10.0 5.61 .56 2.468 .627 0 384.76 1.0 .70 .70 .161 .387 0 3974.77 1.0 .65 .65 .476 .523 0 1544.78 1.0 .80 .80 .403 .387 0 2664.79 1.0 .69 .69 .464 .543 0 1094.80 1.0 .10 .10 .295 .287 0 11794.81 1.0 .44 .44 .496 .503 0 7314.82 1.0 .30 .30 .460 .437 0 9084.83 1.0 .79 .79 .404 .434 0 2684.84 1.0 .69 .69 .519 .190 0 4154.85 1.0 .46 .46 .198 .501 0 1705. 15.0 6.78 .45 3.850 .690 0 735.86 1.5 1.04 .70 .694 .471 0 3925.87 1.5 .86 .57 .747 .508 0 5575.88 1.5 .33 .22 .618 .381 0 10215.89 1.5 .67 .45 .755 .505 0 7205.90 1.5 .93 .62 .737 .532 0 4995.91 1.5 .36 .24 .650 .015 0 9945.92 1.5 .85 .57 .753 .483 0 5575.93 1.5 .83 .55 .745 .628 0 5845.94 1.5 .52 .35 .708 .440 0 8465.95 1.5 .39 .26 .667 .370 0 9696. 30.0 16.03 .53 6.865 663 0 28


G1(.0.61.0) G2( G3(78.5,89.5)

29.42 42.35 50.34

G4(89.5,101.5) G5(101.5,150.0)

58.31 71.50


总体 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ

单项 完形 阅读 单词 短文 书面

拼写 改错 表达1995 0.54 0.61 0.52 0.49 0.32 0.491996 0.56 0.59 0.53 0.67 0.32 0.43 0.551997 0.52 0.55 0.54 0.54 0.41 0.56 0.461998 0.51 0.55 0.63 0.52 0.56 0.45 0.53



单项 完形 阅读 单词拼写 短文改错 书面表达 1996 0.624 0.599 0.667 0.592 0.605 0.618 1997 0.661 0.655 0.708 0.578 0.730 0.661 1998 0.613 0.642 0.681 0.627 0.690 0.663


总词量 单词量1994 2291 6911995 2700 7521996 2650 6261997 3055 7971998 2976 706



评价组回顾了我国英语高考考试改革的历程,认为NMET1998试卷是一份既能充分体现十多年英语考试改革 成果、又能指明今后英语考试改革战略方向的继往开来的试卷。英语高考考试改革是在1985年起步的,其间经 历了MET标准化测试的试验过程,又在1991 年推出了适应会考后高考选拔模式的NMET试卷,1996年则进行了题 型的局部调整。整个改革进程从测试形式的结构性调整逐步进入测试内容的大幅度改造,积累了丰富的经验。 从战略方向上看,我国英语测试改革要完成的一项重要任务就是把测试的重点从语言形式(form)转到语言意 义(meaning )上来。NMET1998试卷命题显然明确地坚持了这个战略方向:除少数试题直接涉及对较为复杂的 语法形式的.测试外,绝大部分试题都










1. What will Dorothy do on the weekend?

A. Go out with her friend.

B. Work on her paper.

C. Make some plans.

解析:本题是细节题,需要考生仔细辨认说话者的真实打算,隐藏在连词but之后:“... but I'm going to work on my paper all weekend.”正确答案为B。

3. What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon?

A. To attend a wedding.

B. To visit an exhibition.

C. To meet a friend.

解析:与第1题相似,本题的解题关键同为连词but:“... but my best friend is getting married, and I won't miss it for anything.”后半句强调了说话者的态度,正确答案为A。


2. What was the normal price of the T-shirt?

A. $ 15.B. $ 30. C. $ 50.

解析:本题需要考生认真审题、抓住细节并进行简单运算。审题时,考生应注意题干中的normal一词,而录音中出现的是bargain和saving:“... it was a real bargain. I got it half price, saving 15 dollars.”半价为15 dollars,那么normal price应为30 dollars,正确答案为B。

4. When does the bank close on Saturday?

A. At 1:00 pm.B. At 3:00 pm.

C. At 4:00 pm.

解析:题干问的是“银行星期六的下班时间”,根据录音中的“On Saturday we close one hour earlier at 3:00”可知,正确答案为B。本题需要注意的是,录音中出现了at 4:00,还出现了one hour等干扰字眼,需要考生仔细辨别。

在平时的听力训练中,我们应多注意积累和场景相关的词汇,才能轻松应对与场景相关的题目 。例如:

5. Where are the speakers?

A. In a store.B. In a classroom.

C. At a hotel.

解析:本题考查对话发生的场景,根据录音中的两个细节lost key和 front desk共同推断出正确答案为C。




19. What can students do in the practical areas?

A. Take science courses.

B. Enjoy excellent meals.

C. Attend workshops.

解析:分析题干,关键词组为practical areas,录音中出现该词组的句子为:“At 11:00 am, you will be guided to the tour to practical areas. This covers our technical workshops, music and other areas of our school life.”由此可判断正确答案为C。


13. Who could the man speaker most probably be?

A. A person who saw the accident.

B. The driver of the lorry.

C. A police officer.

解析:本题考查说话者的身份。录音材料中出现了“statement (陈述)”和“write your name (签名)”等词(组),且通过全篇的内容判断,是一份交通事故目击者的口供,由此可判断正确答案为C。





(邹旋 陈雪)





26. The experiment has _________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.

A. found outB. pointed out

C. ruled outD. carried out

解析:模块二Unit 1中课文的最后一段,原文如下:“Police have not ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are also looking into other possibilities.(警察尚未排除Justin被外星人带走的可能性,但也在调查其他可能性。)”本题即为考查“尚未排除可能性”句式(sb. have not ruled out the possibility that + 从句),所以正确答案为C。



35. —I prefer shutting myself in and listening to

music all day on Sundays.

—That's _______ I don't agree .You should have a more active life.

A. whereB. how

C. whenD. what


31. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ______ I disagree.

A. whyB. where

C. whatD. how




2010年江苏省高考单选要识记的语法项目包括:①名词词义辨析,如第22题考查expectation、reputation、contribution、civilization这四个名词的词义辨析;②动词短语词义辨析,如第24题考查attend、attain、attract、attach 这四个动词的词义辨析,再如第26题考查find out、point out、rule out、carry out这四个动词短语的词义辨析;③介词短语词义辨析,如第29题考查next to、far from、out of、due to这四个介词短语的词义辨析;④短句和谚语的意义,如第27题考查Of course、It depends、Don't mention it、By no means这四个短句,第31题考查Great minds think alike、Two heads are better than one、A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush、It's better to think twice before doing something这四句谚语的意义。这些基础知识的积累非朝夕之功,考生应从平时做起,规定每日的背诵量,制定好背诵计划并锲而不舍地坚持执行。






完形填空是一种“由未知信息推测已知信息,文章阅读越清晰”的题型。填实词空的时候我们务必注意原词复现、同义词复现、形近词复现三种方式,这些可以在第47、49、50、53 题中找到相对应的影子。例如:

47. When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand 47 and told me that she believed that I could become a writer.

A. cameraB. radio

C. bicycleD. typewriter

解析:D 选项typewriter与后文的writer属于形近词重现,迅速将其选定。

49. I accepted her 49 and began to write for local newspapers.

A. belief B. request

C. criticismD. description

解析:A选项belief与前文“When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand 47 and told me that she believed that I could become a writer.”中的believe属于同源词,故正确答案为A。

53. What power 53 has!

A. enthusiasmB. sympathy

C. fortuneD. confidence



完形填空解题的两大法宝为:①反义多对一;②同义必同错。这两条原则是针对A、B、C、D四个选项而言的,即如果两个选项意思相反,多数情况有一个是对的;如果两个选项意思一样,那两者肯定都是错的,因为正确答案是唯一的。 例如:

38. A. soonerB. later

C. longerD. earlier

解析:A选项sooner和D选项earlier属于同义词,都表示“尽早地”,同义必同错,同时排除。B选项later与它们意思相反,反义多对一,有可能是正确的。再看C选项longer,填入空格中则原文变为“no longer than tomorrow morning”,意思不通,所以正确答案为B。



36. I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia. My father 36 me to her with these words: "I would like you to meet the fellow ..."

A. rushedB. sent

C. carriedD. introduced

解析:继母第一次来我们家,父亲肯定要向她介绍我们,再结合后文“I would like you to meet the fellow ...”这样的介绍性文字,进一步确定正确答案为D。













Unit 1

I. 翻译下列词组或句子:


one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration

2、着手分析明显存在的事物undertake analysis of the obvious

3、热衷于地心引力 be on fire for gravity

4、与……相似 be similar to

5、一位有前途的毕业生a promising graduate student

6、患不治之症have an incurable disease

7、放弃对未来的希望 give up hopes for the future

8、没有放弃 instead of giving up

9、继续进行他的研究 continue one’s research

10、进行演讲give lectures

11、有新的发现make new discoveries

12、另一方面on the other hand

13、证明是错误的turn out to be wrong

14、创建科学理论build a scientific theory

15、仔细观察他们感兴趣的东西observe what they are interested in carefully

16、因果the causes and effects

17、与他们所见的相吻合match what they have seen

18、预测未来的事predict future events

19、用实际的方法in a practical way

20、花光了他们所有钱use up all their money

21、对……满意be satisfied/content/ happy with

22、随着季节的变化而变化change from season to season

23、承认他的伟大recognize his greatness

24、相反地,从相反方向the other way around

25、与……定婚be (get) engaged to sb.

26、在……有天赋have a genius for …

27、梦想成为医生dream of (about) becoming a doctor

28、作为科学先驱而出名be known/famous as scientific pioneers

29、真正与众不同truly make a difference

30、达到我们的目标reach our goals

31、更加仔细地大小事物take a closer look at things both great and small


There’s some doubt whether he is guilty.

2、毫无疑问伟大的科学家利用他们的创造力与想象力提出新的观点。There’s no doubt that great scientists use their creativity and imagination to come up with new ideas.


There didn’t seem much point(in) working on the research.

4、事实是地球围绕太阳转,而不是太阳围绕地球转。It’s a fact that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around.

5、不知不觉十年过去了。Ten years has gone by before I know it.


We hurried there, only to find that the train had gone.


What if curious minds find new ideas and solutions?

Unit 2

I. 词组:

1. elect a new president选举一位新总统

2. burn down烧毁

3. more than不仅仅

4. experienced editors有经验的编辑

5. make informed decisions about…根据已了解的情况决定……

6. make sure确保;查明;确信;弄确实

7. relate to理解;涉及;与……有关

8. talented journalists才华出众的记者

9. agree to switch roles同意转换角色

10. for once就这一次

11. rather than而不是

12. keep sth. doing / done使某物处于某种状态

13. contact the person to be interviewed联络要被采访的人

14. get sb. to do sth.使/让某人做某事

15. be addicted to… / addict oneself to…沉溺于;醉心于

16. draw attention to对某事表示注意

17. on all sides / on every side在各方面;到处;四面八方

18. lead to sth. / doing sth.导致

19. fewer than 100 students不超过/少于100个学生

20. make one’s voices heard大声呼吁

21. cause trouble引起麻烦

22. fight with sb.与某人搏斗

23. leave a positive message about…就……提出建设性的意见

24. be armed with..配备着;装备着

25. suffer from…遭受……;患……病

26. change one’s mind改变注意

27. current affairs时事

28. look up to尊敬

29. fall in love with爱上

30. too much water 太多的水

31. rob sb. / some place of sth.抢某人/某地的某物

32. go up上升;上涨

33. adapt to one’s new life适应新生活

34. comment on对……作评价/评论

35. all over again再一次

36. be concerned about…关心……;担心……

37. interview sb. about sth.采访某人某事

38. nine out of ten housewives十个家庭主妇中有九个

39. steal sth. / sb. from some place偷某人的某物

40. be crowded with…挤满了……

41. the attitude toward / to…对……的态度

42. not all…并非……都……

43. focus on…集中于;把注意力集中在……上面


1. Television can be a __________() for giving information and opinions, for amusing them, and for teaching them.

2. Is the source of the information ______________()?

3. A survey shows that guilt is _________ ()to the season.

4. One’s mind works quickly at the c__________ moment.

5. Now, many middle school students are a__________ to computer games.

6. Who’s r__________ for this terrible mess?

7. The minister’s advisers u________ her on the situation yesterday.

8. From her d_________ look, we can know she didn’t pass the exam.

9. Her face was r_________ in the mirror.

10. How can you t___________ that rude fellow?

Unit 3


1. You parsed your text? F______.

2. Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and ______.(建筑)

3. His ______ is for coffee rather than tea.(偏爱)

4. This old French table is a very valuable piece of ______.(家具)

5. You’d better change your ______ of living.(方式)

6. I will come when ______(方便) to you.


1. preference偏爱,喜爱

in…to (prep.) 优先于,比起……来宁愿……

He always drinks red wine in preference to (=rather than) wine

Have a …for偏爱

2. be free to do sth. 随心所欲做某事,自由做某事

You are free to go or to stay.要走要留悉听尊便。

3. make a choice做出选择,抉择


make an address 发表演说 make an explanation解释

make an attempt尝试 make a move搬家

make an effect努力 make an offer提议

make an excuse找借口 make a search搜查

4. some/certain

两者均可表示“某,某个,某种”所不同的是some用作此意时,some修饰单数的可数名词,其前不能带冠词,而certain前需带。另外,some用来指未知而非特定之事物,或者的知道而未特别指出之事物。a certain是用来指知道而不刻意指出之事物。

There must be some reason for what he’s done.

Drinking is forbidden in certain/ some countries.

5. works of art艺术作品、艺术品

work 作“(文学、艺术的)作品,著作”讲时,常用复数形式works

the complete works of Shakespeare莎士比亚全集

6. furniture家具

a piece of / an article of furniture 家具

two pieces/ articles of furniture两件家具

a set of furniture一套家具

7. prefer (preferred, preferring)(比较)喜欢,(更)喜欢,宁可,宁愿

prefer sth./ doing sth. 更喜欢……/更喜欢做……

prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. 喜欢……胜过喜欢……,宁愿……不愿……

prefer to do sth.宁愿干……,更喜欢干……

prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. else宁愿干……而不愿干……

prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿要某人干……,更喜欢某人干……

8. a traditional house with personal style有着独特风格的传统房子


out of style不再流地的,过时的

in style流行的,摆排场,讲气派

9. look at the Man-made living environment 关注人造生活环境




10. in the choice of materials and shape of buildings


in the choice of 在选择一方面

in the shape of 在形状上,采用……的形式,扮成……(模样)

11. be covered with the skin of a fish覆盖着鱼鳞

the back of a dragon龙脊

12. full of fantastic colors and shape充满了梦幻般的色彩和形状

13. It looks as if /as though …看起来像是……

注意:a. as though=as if 好像,仿佛

b. 当as if /though 从句中的动作无法实现或客观事实相反时

从句谓语有以下三种情况:①(与现在事实相反)动词过去式 ②(与将来事实相反)could/ might/would+v.原形 ③(与过去事实相反)had done


14. A is to B what C is to D. A对B的关系就像C对D的关系。

Bricks are to a house what words are to texts.

Engines are to machines what hearts are to animals.

15. be decorated with用……装饰,点缀

16. remind sb. of sth.使某人想起/记起某事/提醒某人……

to do 提醒某人做某事

17. turn old factories into successful arts centres


18. the 1950s二十世纪五十年代

the 1920s二十世纪二十年代

(1)某结构形式是:the +年代(词尾加s或’s)the 1950s=the 1950’s

(2)某内涵是特定的十年时间,如the 1950s/1950’s指1950年到1959年这一段时间


the 2090s/2090’s译成:二十一(20+1)世纪九十年代
