






















1. 观看课件,欣赏课件中的各种图片。

2. 问:在欣赏中,你看到了什么?有什么想法?你在生活中遇到的和知道的哪些民间艺术品?

3. 小组活动:讨论你所知道的民间艺术品,你准备用什么方法和材料进行创造一幅有特色的民间作品?






1. 作业评述:举办墙报,展示全班作品,让学生自评优秀作品。

2. 教师小结:对构图完整,画面有特点的学生进行表扬。

3. 课后拓展:设问:你今天学会了什么?特别美的地方在哪里?

4. 课后思考题:寻找身边的民间美术,写成文字或画出草图,下节课带来。


Where is the book?

Let’s learn

It is big. It is black or green.

It is in front of our classroom.

Teacher can write something on it.What is it?

Let’s learn

We have two in our classroom.

They’re in the wall.

We can open and close them.

We can come in and go out by passing it.



1.能声情并茂地表演Part A。

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I/He/She can play … 及一般疑问句的问答。



1.能正确理解、朗读、表演对话, 并在生活中正确灵活运用。

2.学生通过学习, 会谈论有关运动的话题。


Step1.Free talk

1.T:Hello, I like drawing. (简笔画篮球) I can play basket- ball/ run… (边说边动作) What can you do?

S:I can … (直入重点)

2.T:Our school is going to hold a sports meeting. I want to be a volunteer to find more students who are good at sports. But to be a volunteer, we should try to do :

【设计意图】通过设计一个完整且贴切学生生活的大活动—招聘志愿者, 每完成一项, 获得一枚笑脸。整体感强, 层次清晰, 又能激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

5.回到任务目标, 显示task 1完成, 获得笑脸, 进入task 2环节。

【设计意图】通过说说做做学生自己会的活动项目, 让学生感知、操练、掌握了can引导的肯定句和一般疑问句。

Step 3:Task 2 I can listen and say.


(呈现头像) T:Who are they?Where are they?What are they doing? (打乱顺序呈现课文四幅图)


1) Listen and order.

2) T:Watch the video and fill in the blanks .

3) T:Underline the key sentences and read them.

(领读very well和Have a try, 注意语气的指导和板书)


1) Listen and imitate (只出图不出文字, 听音模仿, 难点指导) ;2) Listen and repeat (出示图和文字, 全班跟读模仿。) ; 3) Read together;4) Read in roles;5) Chant;1Make the chant, 2Say the chant together。

4.回到任务目标, 显示task 2完成, 获得笑脸, 进入task 3环节。

【设计意图】通过感知故事、理解故事、输出故事三个环节, 让学生学习掌握story time。听说领先, 读写跟上, 同时培养学生的自主学习能力。

Step 4 :Task 3 I can act.

1.Act the story (三人表演)

2.回到任务目标, 显示task 3完成, 获得笑脸, 进入task 4环节。

【设计意图】在道具辅助下, 将story time通过说说、做做、演演来掌握巩固所学知识。

2.回到任务目标, 显示task 4完成, 出示笑脸, 顺利过关。

【设计意图】结合旧知和生活, 将所学语言活化到生活中, 实现空间和时间的跨度, 真正体现语言来自于生活, 又回归生活的思想。

Step 6、Homework

Step 7、Summary

1.Do more exercise everyday .

2.If you got the big smile face, use the main sentences to ask your family , or try to write it.

【设计意图】进一步实现和巩固这节课的课时目标。同时, 分层作业的设计, 让每位学生都能有不同层次的提高。

摘要:本课的教学内容是四年级上册Unit 4 A story time, 以Wang Bing, Liu Tao和Mike在操场上互相询问是否会打篮球并演示引出can句型的肯定句和一般疑问句并教学。本节课的设计本着学生为主体、教师为主导的指导思想, 强调从学生的学习兴趣和认知水平出发, 创设一个大任务, 引导和操练基本会话。并在教学过程中, 遵循听、说领先, 读、写跟上的原则, 让学生掌握综合语言运用能力及培养学生热爱运动的意识。

关键词:I can do,I can listen and say,I can act,I can service


[1]《义务教育英语课程标准 (2011年版) 解读》


首先,让学生通过阅读趣味故事,复习与巩固本单元的核心句型“What can you do?”“I can...”“Can you...?”“Yes,I can.”“No,I can't.”其次,让学生通过图片和上下文理解句子意思和故事内容,并能够在教师的引导下朗读、表演和复述故事;最后,引导学生学习各种技能。








Students: “Bird, bird, what can you do?”

Bird:“I can fly, I can fly.”

Students:“ Fly away, fly away.”

(2)Free -talk


Teacher:“Can you...?”Students:“Yes, I can./No,I can't.”

Students:“Can you...?”Teacher:“Yes, I can./No,I can't.”



Teacher:“Do you think I can draw animals in one stroke on the blackboard?”


Teacher:“When a rat comes across a snake, what will happen?”


Teacher:“What can you see in Picture 1? Where are they? What does the snake want to do? What is the tasty food?”


Teacher:“It's dangerous. What can the rat do?”

Watch the cartoon without subtitles and answer:“Can the rat sing? Can the rat dance? ”


Teacher:“The rat can sing and dance for the snake. Can the snake let it go ? What will happen then?”

Students read Picture 5 and answer the questions:“ Can the rat really swim or not? Why does the rat say ‘No?(Because he wants to ____.) Can you guess the meaning of‘throw?”


Teacher:“Will the snake throw the rat into the lake? Can the rat swim away? Watch the cartoon and discuss the end of the story. Is the snake clever? ”


3.Practice and consolidation

Read after the tape twice. Read in roles. Act out the story in pairs.


Put the pictures in orders.


Look at the 6 pictures and retell the story. Then finish the poem.



Do you like the story? Which animal do you like better? Why?Can you give a title to the story?


Tell the students“move your brain when in trouble, you will find a way.”“it is always good to have more skills.”



Read and act out the story with your friends.






教 学 重 点 难 点 1、能正确、流利、有感情地朗读、背诵全诗。


学 生 以前学过的有关节日、冬天的古诗。





















爆竹声中/一岁除, 春风送暖/入屠苏。

































问题:1. 说一说这道题的运算顺序是什么。

2. 如果变成96÷(12+4)×2,运算顺序怎样?

3. 先说一说运算的顺序,再计算。


问题:1. 如果在96÷(12+4)×2的基础上再加上中括号,你知道运算顺序应该是怎样的`吗?

2. 先说一说运算的顺序,再计算。

3. 算式中有小括号还有中括号,应该按照怎样的顺序计算?



1. 先说一说下面各题的运算顺序,再计算。

2. 你知道吗?




Teaching objectives:

To improve the students’ listening ability

To improve the students’ speaking ability

To learn and master some useful expressions to express agreement and disagreement!

Teaching difficult points:

Train the students listening and speaking abilities

Help students master expressions of agreement and disagreement.

Teaching aids:

Tape recorder, slide

Teaching method:

Discussion method

Teaching procedure:

StepI Lead in (1 minutes)

T: good morning, girls?

Ss: good morning, teacher!

T: this unit, we learned the British Isles. We have talked so much about the United Kingdom, right? We have talked about its famous cities, its people, its geography and its typical features. Do you remember them?

Ss: yes

T: very good. We have also learned that there are two famous universities in the United Kingdom. Do you still remember what their names?

Ss: Oxford and Cambridge

T: very good. They are 2 world-class universities. Do you want to know students’ school life there?

Ss: yes

T: ok, today we will learn something about students’ school life in Dublin University. Do you know where Dublin is?

Ss: …..

StepII Pre- listening (5minutes)

T: Dublin is the capital city of the Republic of Ireland. Today we are going to do listening part. Now, please go through the exercises on page 33 and 34. From the chart and these questions, can you guess what the listening material talks about?

Ss: a school, timetable…….

T: yes, good, it talks about the timetable of the language school in Dublin University. Now, let’s see what we should do when listening. First, please look at exercise 1 on page 33: listen to the tape and tick the sentences which are true. (I will explain each sentence and some new words) When you are listening, please pay attention to what is taught, where and when and by which teacher. Among these 5 sentences there is only one sentence that is true, are you clear?

Ss: yes

T: good, now, please look at exercise 2 on page 34: listen to the tape and fill in the timetable below. This is a bit difficult. When you are listening, try your best to hear what is taught, where and when is taught. Ok?

Ss: ok

T: exercise 3 has 3 questions (explain what information students should find), try your best to find out the answers from the listening material. Are you clear with what you should do now?

Ss: yes

StepIII While listening (30 minutes)

T: good, now, let’s listen to the tape for the first time to get the general idea and try to finish exercise1. Ok, here we go! (First time)

T: have you got the general idea? Can you tell me what you have heard?

Ss: language lab, conversation workshop…….

T: very good. Who has found the true sentence?

S1: the third sentence is true!

T: well done, thank you very much! The third sentence is true, and others are false. (Explain why other sentences are false) Ok, good. Now, let’s listen to the tape for the second time and try your best to hear the answers to the chart. At this time, there will be a pause after each sentence. It may help you to hear the answers to the chart. Are you clear?

Ss: yes

T: good. Now, listen to the tape carefully. (Second time)

T: Have you finished the chart? Maybe it is a bit difficult, now, let’s check it together. (Check the timetable together with students) are you clear with the timetable of Dublin university? Ok, good! Actually, when we listen to the tape, we just need to pay attention to what is taught and when. You can divide the listening material into 2 parts, morning and afternoon. Do you think so? Very good, now, let’s listen to the tape for the third time. This time, after each sentence, I will translate it for you to help you understand the listening material. Please try your best to find the answers to exercise 3. Are you clear now?

Ss: yes

T: good. Listen to the tape carefully. (Third time)

T: do you understand this listening material now? Ok, tell me the answers to these 3 questions. Any volunteers? (Check the answers to 3 questions; I will explain some words, if it is necessary). Very good, just now, we finished all the exercises, next I will play the tape for the last time, and you just listen to the tape carefully. Try to understand the listening material by yourself. Are you clear now? Ok (Fourth time)

T: ok, girls! Are you all clear about the answers? If you have any questions you can ask me. Very good, it is a bit difficult, right? But you did good jobs. Don’t lose heart, if you practice more, you can do better. Ok? So much for today’s listening.

StepIV Post listening (discussion 9 minutes)

T: Just now, we got some information of the timetable in Dublin University. From the timetable, we can see students there can get more practice in listening and speaking. Do you think so? You see, there are so many skill lessons to practice students’ listening and speaking, and conversation workshops to train students’ speaking ability and language lab trains students’ listening. What about us? How many English classes do we have in a week?

Ss: 5

T: yes, we only have 5 English classes. Among these classes we pay more attention on language study. That is to say, we pay more attention on grammar and vocabulary. Do you agree with me?

Ss: yes

T: ok, for Chinese students, some people think speaking and listening are more important, because the ability of speaking and listening is more practical, but some people think grammar and vocabulary should be practiced more, because we have to pass a lot of examinations. What’s your opinion? What do you think we should practice more, listening and speaking or grammar and vocabulary? Now, please form groups of 4 or 3 or just discuss with your partner, make up a dialogue to express your agreement or disagreement, using these useful expressions on the slide. If you agree with your partner, you can use ……… if you don’t agree with your partner, you can use ……. (Explain each expression) are you clear? I will give 3 minutes


T: have you finished, which group would like to be the first. Hands up please.

S1: I want to have a try. I just express my own opinion. I think ……….

T: very good, but I think …….

S1: I don’t agree with you…..

T: thank you very much! Well done! S1 think listening and speaking should be practiced more because if you meet a foreigner but you can not talk with him, it is a great pity. Do you think so? But I think as Chinese student, we should practice grammar and vocabulary more, it depends on the special situation in china. We must pass a lot of examination, when we have enough free time, we can practice listening and speaking by ourselves, because both of them are very important right? Ok, any other groups? You can keep your own opinions and we can have discussion after class. Try to remember these useful expressions.

T: ok, today we practiced listening and speaking, may it is a bit difficult for you, but I think you did good jobs. After class, you can practice by yourselves; I think you can do better. So much for today! See you!


Useful expressions Agreement

Disagreement: Yes, you are right

I don’ think that’s right Yes, I agree with you

I don’t think so I believe that you have got it right

No, you are wrong thinking that… I think so.

I’m afraid you’re wrong… Yes, that is true

I’m sorry, but I don’t..

Blackboard work

Dublin: 都柏林

Conversation workshop: 讨论小组

Language lab: 语音室 grammar & vocabulary

Computer lab: 计算机实验室 listening & speaking

Skill practice: 技能训练 what do you think we should practice more?


1. 画面设计合理,具有艺术性;

2. 课件与教学、学习内容紧密结合,具有实效性,起到教学的辅助作用,促进课堂效率的提高;

3. 展示情境直观形象,突出了教学重点,利于突破教学难点,使教学具有高效性;

4. 运用动画设计,激发学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学生的学习积极性.








1. 利用课件可促进课堂目标的达成




2. 利用课件可激发学生学习的兴趣


3. 利用课件可利于突破教学的难点


4. 利用课件可充分提高课堂的效率


5. 利用课件可拓展学生学习的思路



◆devote 奉献,献身

课文原句:Professor Stevenson, who has devoted himself to protecting the Milu deer, gave a talk to Chinese college students in Beijing.


1. Devote A to B 意思是“把A奉献给B”。其中的A常为表示人生、时间、精力等意义的词。例如:

He devoted his lifetime to this important research. 他把自己毕生的精力都投入到了这项重要的研究上。

2.Devote oneself to意思是“献身于……,专心致力于……”。使用这个短语时,要特别注意:其中的to并非不定式符号,而是介词,其后要接名词、代词或动名词(短语)。例如:

She devoted herself to teaching English in this village. 她献身于这个山村的英语教学。


Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _______ some schools for poor children. (2001 上海)

A. set upB. setting up

C. have set upD. having set up

解析:本题考查的是“devote A to B”这个短语中to的用法。由于此处的to 是介词,后面只能接名词或名词性短语。四个选项中A、C不符合,先排除。再结合句意:瑞德先生下定决心把他一生的所有都贡献出来为穷孩子们建学校。Set up所表示的动作,必然发生在谓语动词make所表示的动作之后,所以用动名词的一般式。因此,答案选B。

◆ be used to 习惯于……

课文原句:They are all used to their environment.

这句话的意思是:他们都习惯于他们的生活环境。其中包含一个常考的短语“be used to”,意思是“习惯于”。使用时,需要注意区分它和其他几个也包含used的短语:

1.Be used to sth./doing sth. 意思是“习惯于(做)某事”,表示一种状态;而get used to sth./doing sth. 的意思则是“变得习惯于(做)某事,开始习惯于(做)某事”,强调一种由“不习惯”到“习惯”的动态过程。试比较:

·He was used to the cold weather after he lived there for two years. 在那里住了两年之后,他习惯了寒冷的天气。

·I think it is a bit difficult for you to get used to the humid weather here. 我想,让你习惯这里湿热的天气有点儿困难。

·You'll soon get used to living in the country. 你很快就会习惯住在乡下的。

2.Be used to do sth. 意思是“被用于做某事”。注意,这是动词use的被动语态,其中的to是不定式符号,后面要接动词原型。例如:

A metal bar was used to force the door open. 用金属棒把门撬开了。

3.Used to do sth.意思是“过去常常做某事”,指的是过去的习惯性动作,目的在于与现在形成对照。例如:

I used to like swimming. 我过去很喜欢游泳。(暗示现在不喜欢游泳了)

注意:在表示过去的习惯性这一点上,used to与would的意义相同。但used to既可用于表示过去的习惯动作,又可用于表示过去的状态;而would只能用于表示过去习惯性的动作。例如:

·When he was a child, he would spend every penny he earned on books. 小时候,他把挣来的每分钱都用来买书。(过去的习惯性动作,句中的would可以用used to替换)

·People used to believe the Earth was flat.过去,人们认为地球是平的。(过去的状态,并非某种习惯,句中的used to不可以用would替换)


(×) My elder brother would be a PLA man. He is now a teacher.

(√) My elder brother used to be a PLA man. He is now a teacher.


In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ________. (2007 安徽)

A. that used to beB. it is used to

C. it was used toD. it used to be

解析:一看选项就知道本题在考查包含used的几个短语的辨析。从题干来看,句子的意思是:在我看来,21世纪的生活要比以前容易得多。空格处表示的是过去的状态,只能用“used to”,四个选项中可先排除B、C。再结合句子,前后比较的都是life,用it指代前文出现过的life。因此,答案选D。

Unit 11

◆combine 联合,结合

课文原句:Hip-hop music often combines parts of other styles to create music that will help people hear new things in old music.

这句话的意思是:Hip-hop音乐经常和其他风格的音乐结合,产生一种新的音乐。这种新的音乐能使人们在老音乐中听到新的东西。这句话中有个重要的动词combine需要掌握。Combine既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,意思是“(使)联合,(使)组合”。作不及物动词用时,常与with连用,构成combine with sth.短语。例如:

Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. 两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合成一个水分子。


A combination of tact(技巧) and authority was needed to deal with such a bad situation. 处理这么糟糕的情况,既需要技巧也需要权威。


Scientists have discovered a close connection between smoking and several serious diseases. 科学家已经发现吸烟和几种严重的疾病有着密切的联系。


His eyes were wet and there was a _______ of love and respect on his face. (2006全国)

A. combinationB. composition

C. connectionD. satisfaction



课文原句:They play music to satisfy their inner desire.


·The little girl felt that nothing she did would satisfy her stepmother. 这个小女孩觉得自己做什么都无法讨继母的欢心。

·Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car? 我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱?

Satisfy本身的用法并不是很难,satisfaction是其名词形式,意思是“满意,满足;令人满意的事物”,用法也比较简单。特别需要注意区别使用的是satisfy的几种形容词形式: satisfactory、satisfying和satisfied。前一个是satisfy本身的形容词,而后两个则是由satisfy的分词形式演变而来的形容词。这三个形容词都可作句子的定语、表语或补语。


The explanation is a satisfying / satisfactory one. 这是一种令人满意的解释。

That was a satisfying performance. 那是一场令人满意的演出。

2. Satisfied的意思是“满意的;满足的”,指用作主语的人本身对某事或别人所做的事感到满意。在用作表语或定语时,其句中的主语或修饰的名词一般都是表示人的名词。例如:

The satisfied boy has just left. 那个心满意足的小男孩刚走。

Are you satisfied with his answer? 你对他的回答满意吗?

注意:Satisfied与介词of连用,构成be satisfied of,表示“确信……”。此时,of后一般接事物名词或抽象名词,相当于be sure of。例如:

I am satisfied of the truth of his story. 我确信他讲的故事是真的。

I am satisfied of your ability to do the work. 我确信你有做这种工作的能力。


What he has done is far from ________. (2000 上海)

A. satisfactoryB. satisfied

C. satisfactionD. satisfy

解析:本题考查的是satisfy不同形式的辨析。题干的意思是:他所做的很难令人满意。“Far from”是固定搭配,相当于一个副词,意思是“远非,完全不”,后面应接形容词,整个句子主干是一个“主系表”结构。四个选项中只有A、B两项是形容词,排除C、D。而B项的意思是“满足的,满意的”,多用于指人,不符合题意。所以本题选A 。

Unit 12

◆get through 通过

课文原句:We need a password to get through the wall.

这句话的意思是:我们需要口令才能通过这堵墙。(编者注:此句选自《哈利·波特》) 其中的动词短语get through意思是“通过,穿过”。除此以外,get through还有几个意思也较为常见:

1. 度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间)。例如:

Without enough coal, it's going to be hard for us to get through this cold night. 煤不够了,这么冷的夜晚将会很难捱。

2. 干完(工作等);用完;吃掉,喝光。例如:

He reads really fast — he can get through one book in one evening. 他看书很快——一晚上就能看完一本书。

3. 用电话(或无线电等)联系上,拨通(电话)。例如:

I tried to telephone you but I couldn't get through this morning. 今天早上我设法打电话给你,但就是打不通。


In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for what they are: small hurdles you need to jump or ______ on your way through life. (2007山东)

A. pass byB. come across

C. get throughD. run over

解析:本题考查的是pass by、come across、get through、run over这四个动词短语的辨析。Pass by意为“经过”,指从侧面、旁边经过;come across意为“碰到”;get through意为“通过,克服”;run over译为“从……驶过,碾过”。结合题干可知:空格所在的句子是说“在人生的道路上,你需要越过或克服许多小的障碍”。根据题意,排除A、B。D项同Jump语意有些重复,因此排除。所以答案选C。

◆believe in 相信

课文原句:You must believe in what you do and who you are if you want to succeed in the world.

这句话的意思是:如果你想在这个世界上成功,就必须坚信自己和自己所做的一切。在使用句中的动词短语“believe in”时,需注意与believe区别。Believe侧重指“相信某人的话或某件事是真实的”,而believe in则侧重指“相信某事的存在或价值”,特别是对信念、信仰等的坚信。例如:

I really can't believe that he would do me such a favor. Since last time I was cheated by him, I no longer believe in him at all. 我实在不相信他会帮我这个忙。自从上次被他骗过之后,我就再也不信任他了。


I ______ what he has just said, but I still don't _______ such a man as he is.

A. believe; believe inB. believe in; believe

C. believe; believeD. believe in; believe in
