














1)A∩(A∪B)=A 2)若关系R是对称和传递的,试证明R°R=R。




a∧b=a∧c,a∨b=a∨c 成立,则必有b=c。






Part I Listening Comprehension(20%)Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations.At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Section A.A.An advertisement B.A newspaper C.Their work D.A dream A.On foot B.By car C.By bus D.By bike A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six A.The restaurant provides good food B.She enjoys her part-time job C.The restaurant offers cheap food D.There are several cooks in the restaurant.A.The movie was disappointing B.The movie was expensive to see.C.He wants to see the movie again.D.He should have seen the movie at home.A.$ 64 B.$ 86 C.$96 D.$140 A.To stay at home B.To go to bed immediately C.To see a movie D.To go to a party.A.Tom is unable to hear well.B.Tom didn’t say anything at the meeting.C.Tom doesn’t listen to him.D.Tom went out before the meeting was over.A.She bought something for her aunt.B.She was there only briefly.C.She missed it.D.She went to it on her way to the hospital.A.One hour and a half.B.Half an hour.C.45 minutes.D.40 minutes.Section B.Compound Dictation.Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.During the first reading, you should listen carefully for a general idea of the whole passage.Then listen to the passage again.When the first part of the passage is being read, you should fill in the missing word during the pause at each blank.After listening to the second part of the passage you are required to write down the main points according to what you have just heard.Finally, when the passage is read the third time you can check what you have written.In many ___11___ of the world people clap hands to show that they like or __12___ of something.In the theater, at a concert, or at a football game, people ____13____ hands after they see something they like.In Russia the actors, ___14___, and athletes clap ____15_________ the audience.In most countries, however, the performers are happy to receive the applause.They don’t clap back to their fan.A very long time ago clapping meant the ___16____of what it means now.When people did not like an actor or a performer they clapped.They were trying to make as much noise as possible.They continued to clap until the actor left the ___17_____.At some time in history the ___18___of clapping changed.It became a compliment instead of an insult.Now when an audience wants to show great admiration for a performer, they not only clap but they ____19____.That is called a standing ovation.A standing ovation is the dream of every performer._________________20___________________________!Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(35 minutes)(40%)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Joseph Weizenbaum,professor of computer science at MIT, thinks that the sense of power over the machine ultimately corrupts the computer hacker(黑客)and makes him into a not very desirable sort of programmer.The hackers are so involved with designing their programs, making it more and more complex and bending it to their hill, that they don’t bother trying to make it understandable to other users.They rarely keep recorders of their programs for the benefit of others, and they take rarely time to understand why a problem occurred.Computer science teachers say they can usually pick out the prospective hackers in their courses because these students make their homework assignments more complex than they need to be.Rather than using the simplest and most direct method, they take joy in adding extra steps just to prove their ingenuity.But perhaps those hackers know something that we don’t about the shape of things to come.“ That hacker who had to be literally dragged off his chair at MIT is now a multi-millionaire of the computer industry,” says MIT Professor Michael Dertouzos.“ And two former hackers became the founders of the highly successful Apple home computer company.”

When seen in this light, the hacker phenomenon may not be so strange after all.If, as many psychiatrists say, play is really the basis for all human activity, then the hacker games are really the preparation for future developments.Sherry Turkle, a professor of sociology at MIT, points out that the computer, because it seems to us to be so “ intelligent”, so “capable”, so “human”, affects the way we think about ourselves and our ideas about what we are.She says that computers and computer toys already play an important role in children’s efforts to develop an identity by allowing them to test ideas about what is alive and what is not.21.The Passage tells about_____.what has caused the emergence of computer hackers the strange behavior of the computer hackers the importance of bringing up computer hackers different opinions concerning the hacker phenomenon 22.Professor Weizenbaum believes the hackers’ strange behavior is caused by_____.their deliberate attempts to make their problems complex and impracticable their incompetence in making new computer programmes their ignorance of the responsibility they should assume their strong desire to control the computer 23.In Professor Bertouzos’ opinion, which of the following is true?___ The hackers are likely to be very successful business man.Only a few hackers will be successful in their later life.The hackers probably have better insight into the future than other people.The computer industry will certainly make the hackers millionaires.24.The phrase“to develop an identity”(Line7, Para.4)probably means_________.to cultivate creativity to seek an answer to become distinguished to form a habit 25.The passage tries to convey to its readers the idea that______.perhaps the hacker phenomenon is a welcome development the computer hackers are the hope of the computer industry.The computer hackers could be useful if under proper guidance The hackers may prove indispensable to the computer industry.Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Within about 50 million years, one of the mammals that lives in a marine environment, the whale, has developed into the largest of all animals forms.However, at least for the last 150 years, trouble has closed in on whales from humans.Whales have been hunted since about the eleventh century.Certain types of whales have been hunted too much.Recently, their number has been reduced so greatly that they are in danger of becoming extinct.People are worried about the fact that the number of whales is getting smaller and smaller.They are working to save them.There are reasons why people want to protect the whales.One reason is that whales help to keep a balance between plants and animals.People have been throwing their wastes into the oceans and seas, and these wastes increase the amount of salt in ocean and seawater.The increased salt helps some plants and some very small creatures to grow but these plants and small creatures are harmful to fish.However, whales are eating large numbers of plants and animals that grow in very salty water.In this way, whales are doing a good job as they keep the ocean water clean enough for the fish.In addition, because fish supply necessary food for many people, whales become our good friends which we want to save.Some people are now working to save whales by using the law.They hold meeting to ask fishermen to reduce the number of whales which can be killed in a year.They also work within countries to persuade law makers to make whaling against the law and to make the use of whale products against the law too.Now this struggle to save whales is going on in many places in the world.Some governments will not let people sell whale products in their countries.Other governments have changed the law about whaling.Many people believe that since the number of whales is regarded as a serious world problem, the remaining whales will be saved.26.The passage mainly discussed ________.the protection of whales the strange behaviors of whales the mysterious life of whales the advantages of too many whales 27.From the passage we know that during the last 150 years humans have______.returned to nature learned how to swim threatened the existence of some marine mammals begun to harvest certain plants from the ocean as food 28.According to the passage, certain kinds of whales will soon _______.kill most of the plants and small creatures find some other places to live in die out die from pollution 29.Salt in the oceans usually ______.decreases the plants which are harmful to fish gets rid of harmful plants and creatures removes the wastes thrown into them increases the plants and small creatures that do harm to fish 30.Whales are helpful to humans because______.they eat a large quantity of plants and creatures harmful to fish they make the oceans more and more salty they often save sailors lost in a storm they can communicate with humans Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others.These may show strengths that you can use in your work.A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career.A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work.So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school.On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard.Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value.A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details.This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work.You may be good at mental work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it.If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers.You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example.Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job.Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself.You may be all thumbs when you handle tools, perhaps you are a poor speller of cannot add up a column of figures.It is better to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist.Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background.You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.31.Which of the following best sums up the first paragraph? The importance of doing well at school.Using school performance to help to choose a career.The importance of being good at all subjects.The indirect value of school work.32.The writer thinks that for a student to have a part-time job is probably______.a waste of time that could have been spent on study useful for his future work a good way to earn extra money a good way to find out his weak points 33.According to the passage, if a student’s school record is not good, he______.will be a complete failure in his future work will not be able to find a suitable job will regret not having worked harder at school may do well in his future work 34.Which subject is supposed to have no direct value for job hunting? Mathematics English

Technical Drawing History 35.The whole passage centers on _____.choosing a career according to what one is skilled in acquiring knowledge by working hard at school finding one’s strong and weak points developing one’s abilities useful in school work Part III Vocabulary and Structure(15%)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C.and D..Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.36.The general strike is a means of _______________ the total authority of the government.A.incorporating



D.transforming 37.They work hard to ________ a barren landscape into an area of beautiful pastureland.A.transform



D.transport 38.George took _________ of the fine weather to do a day’s work in his garden.A.chance



D.charge 39.I’d rather you ________ make any comment on the issue for the time being.A.don’t



D.shouldn’t 40.The new shopping center will not be ________ until next year.A.useful




41.Shall we _______ girl ________ roses?

compare … for

B.compare … like

C.compare … with

D.compare … to 42.Please _____________ me if you feel sick.A.turn down

B.turn to

C.turn up

D.turn toward 43.____________ the teacher last night, I would have asked him about.A.Had I seen

B.I had seen

C.If I saw

D.If I have seen 44.Stop making so much noise, for you are _______ me from my work.A.attracting



D.contacting 45.The forest was ________ to few trees by the great fire.A.reduced



D.restricted 46.Let’s think of a situation _________ this idiom can be used.A.where



D.what 47.People will not believe those who always ________.A.argue



D.tell truth 48.When _________ the evidence of his guilt, he confessed at once.A.faced up with

B.met with

C.opposed by

D.confronted with 49.His plan was rejected, ______ of its merits.A.regardless



D.involving 50.Any country in the world should always be _______ with other countries.A.on peace

B.at peace

C.at ease

D.in case 51.________ it’s raining heavily, we’ll have to put off the picnic.A.Now that



D.If only 52.He looks _______ young, in fact he is in his fifties.A.apparently



D.clearly 53.The failure in the experiment _______ the carelessness of the young assistant.A.results in

B.results from

C.leads to

D.as a result 54.His younger brother is _______________________ he.A.ten centimeters tall than

B.ten centimeters taller than C.ten centimeters as taller than

D.ten centimeters taller as 55.He __________ works in that University.A.no longer

B.no more

C.longer than

D.no more than 56.Speech difficulties may sometimes be ________ if a person is shown where to place the tongue and teeth to make sounds.A.overpaid



D.overcome 57.His position is _______ to hers.A.inferior



D.good 58.He seems to __________ criminals.associated into

B.associated in C.associated with

D.associated to 59.I’m sure Harry will remember, but why not give him a ring _______ he forgets? A.in the case

B.in case of C.in case

D.in the case of 60.Only under special circumstances __________ to take make-up tests.A.freshmen are permitted

B.are freshmen permitted C.permitted are freshmen

D.are permitted freshmen 61.He is a very ________ secretary.So the boss wants to promote him.A.unless



D.efficient 62.Generally, most of the people in world are not willing to __________ force to solve the dispute.A.ask for


C.resort to

D.get 63.The new arrival was ______ the famous scientist.A.none but

B.nothing but C.none other than

D.nothing other than 64.Human beings have _______ themselves to very diverse environments with the help of fire, agriculture and machines.A.adapted



D.addicted 65.It’s necessary ___________ the dictionary immediately.A.that he returned

B.that he return C.that he will return

D.that he has to return Part V Cloze(10%)Directions: For each of the following blanks four choices are given, choose the most appropriate one.The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating it raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he lived.We do know, however, that(66)thousands of years, food was always eaten cold and(67).Perhaps the cooked food was heated accidentally by a(68)fire or by the melted lava from an erupting(69).When people first tasted food that had been cooked, they found it tasted better.However,(70)after this discovery, cooked food must have remained a rarity(71)man learned how to make and light(72).Primitive men who lived in hot regions could depend on the heat of the sun(73)their food.For example, in the desert(74)of the southwestern United States, the Indians cooked their food by(75)it on a flat(76)in the hot sum.They cooked piece of meat and thin cakes of corn meal in this 77).We surmise that the earliest kitchen(78)was a stick(79)which a piece of meat could be attached and held over a fire.Later this stick was(80)by an iron rod or spit which could be turned frequently to cook the meat(81)all sides.Cooking food in water was(82)before man learned to make water containers that could not be(83)by fire.The(84)cooking pots were reed or grass baskets in which soups and stews could be cooked.As early as 166 B.C., the Egyptians had learned to make(85)permanent cooking pots out of sandstone.Many years later, the Eskimos learned to make similar pans.66.A)in



D)of 67.A)raw



D)fresh 68.A)forest



D)lightning 69.A)volcano



D)valley 70.A)through



D)even 71.A)when



D)as 72.A)food

B)a fire


D)it 73.A)to cook



D)cook 74.A)places



D)domains 75.A)beating



D)placing 76.A)stone



D)plate 77.A)zone



D)fashion 78.A)utensil



D)equipment 79.A)by



D)to 80.A)supported



D)switched 81.A)by



D)at 82.A)incapable



D)unpopular 83.A)broken



D)pierced 84.A)newest



D)worst 85.A)stronger



D)longer Part V Writing(15%)Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “A Job-Applying Letter ” You should write at least 100 words and your composition should be based on the following : 1)Reason for writing(including how you found out about the job)2)Relevant information about yourself 3)How to contact you 4)Closing Keys: 听力答案:


6-10 CACCD

11.parts 12.approve


14.performers 15.together with 16.opposite

17.stage 18.meaning 19.not only clap but they stand up and clap 20.Many actors say that is what they work so hard for----Applause!Applause!21-25 D D C B A

26-30 ACCDA

31-35 BBDDA 36~ 40 CACCB

41~45 DBABA 46~ 50 ABD A B

51~55 A ABB A 56~60 D A CCB

61~ 65 DCCA B 66----70.DAAAD




1.6.3737……精确到十分位是 ( ) , 保留两位小数是 ( ) 。

2.两个因数相乘的积是0.36, 其中一个因数扩大10倍, 另一个因数也扩大10倍, 积现在是 ( ) 。

3.6.5小时= ( ) 小时 ( ) 分4m5cm= ( ) m

5.6kg= ( ) kg ( ) g 0.72km= ( ) m


5.去掉3.14的小数点, 也就是把它的小数点向右移动了 ( ) 位, 它的值相应扩大了 ( ) 倍。



( ) > ( ) > ( )


9.长方形的面积计算公式用字母表示是 ( ) , 如果a=2m, b=1.5m, 则长方形的面积是 ( ) m2。

10.1个面包0.8元, 买a个应付 ( ) 元

l1.《故事会》每本2.5元, 《故事大王》比《故事会》贵x元, 《故事大王》每本 ( ) 元。

12.图书角有a本图书, 借走b本, 还剩 ( ) 本。

13.妈妈买了4kg苹果, 每千克y元, 付给售货员50元, 应找回 ( ) 元。

14.三个连续自然数, 中间一个是a, 较小数是 ( ) , 较大数是 ( ) 。

15.小明读一本a页的故事书, 已经读了5天, 平均每天读b页, 剩下的c天读完。

(1) 5+c表示 ( )

(7) 5b表示 ( )

16.小明住在南湖花园10号楼3单元的2楼02室, 记作:10-3-202。小英家住在13号楼4单元的1楼01室, 应记作: ( ) 。

17.四年级爬竿比赛, 前5名的成绩是5m、7m、6.5m、4m和4.5m, 他们的平均成绩是 ( ) m, 这组数据的中位数是 ( ) 。

18.当一组数据的个别数据严重偏大或偏小时, 用 ( ) 数来描述该组数据的一般水平较合适。

19.转动指针, 停在3号方格的可能性是 ( ) ;如果转动指针100次, 指针大约会有 ( ) 次停在1号格上。

20.有四张卡片2 3 4 5, 从中抽出一张, 有 ( ) 种可能, 可能性都是 ( ) 。摸出卡片的数字大于3的可能性是 ( ) 。


l.6x-4>是方程。 ( )

2.x=5是方程3x+5=20的解。 ( )

3.当m=3时, m2+7的值是13。 ( )

4.含有未知数的式子叫做方程。 ( )

5.两个面积相等的三角形一定可以拼成一个平行四边形。 ( )

6.面积单位比长度单位大。 ( )

7.三角形的面积等于平行四边形的一半。 ( )

8.等底等高的三角形, 它们的面积一定相等。 ( )

9.一个平行四边形的高是6cm, 底的长度是高的5倍, 它的面积是180cm2。 ( )


1.一个平行四边形的面积是5.4cm2, 高是0.9cm, 底是 ( ) cm。

(1) 0.6 (2) 6 (3) 12

2.一个三角形与一个平行四边形面积相等, 底边的长度也相等, 平行四边形的高是6cm, 三角形的高是 ( ) cm。

(1) 6cm (2) 12cm (3) 3cm

3.将用木条钉成的一个长方形拉成一个平行四边形, 它的面积比长方形 ( ) 。

(1) 大 (2) 小 (3) 相等

4.一个三角形的面积是40cm2, 底是8cm, 它的高是 ( ) cm。

(1) 10 (2) 5 (8) 20

5.一个梯形的面积是16dm2, 把这样的两个梯形拼成一个平行四边形, 这个平行四边形的面积是 ( ) dm2。

(1) 32 (2) 16 (3) 8





4.脱式计算。 (能简便的要用简便方法计算)



五、动手画高, 并进行相应测量, 求出下列图形的面积

(测量时, 保留一位小数, 单位:cm)



这是从 ( ) 面看到的。

这是从 ( ) 面看到的。

这是从 ( ) 面看到的。

是从 ( ) 面看到的。



1.《少儿童话》每本价格为5.40元。五 (1) 班订阅了55本, 五 (2) 班订阅了45本。这两个班共花了多少钱订购《少儿童话》?

2.李老板购进200米彩条, 卖出108米, 剩下的准备扎成花篮出售, 每个花篮需用彩条2.5米, 一共可以扎多少个这样的花篮?

3.玩具厂计划生产2600只机器猫。前5天每天生产18只, 为了赶在交易会前交货, 余下的要在8.5天内完成, 每天应生产多少只机器猫?

4.小青买了2本日记本, 付出10元, 找回4.4元。每本日记本多少元?

5.南山广场种樟树365棵, 比柏树棵数的4倍还多13棵。柏树种了多少棵?

6.甲、乙两地相距350km, 一辆汽车以每小时45km的速度从甲地开往乙地, 行驶几小时后, 汽车距乙地正好80km?

7.有一块平行四边形的麦地, 底是20m, 高是35m, 共收小麦840千克, 平均每平方米产小麦多少千克?

8.一个梯形的高是4.8cm, 比上底长1cm, 下底比高长1.2cm, 它的面积是多少?

9.一张等边三角形卡片的周长是18cm, 高是4cm, 这张卡片的面积是多少?

10.一块长方形平面钢板, 长1.5m, 宽0.8m, 从这块钢板上截下一块底长0.4m、高0.5m的三角形钢板, 剩下钢板的面积是多少平方米?

11.桌子上摆着9张卡片, 分别写着2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10各数。如果摸到单数小明赢, 如果摸到双数小红赢。

(1) 这个游戏公平吗?为什么?

(2) 小红一定会赢吗?为什么?

(3) 你能想出一个什么办法使这个游戏公平。

12.下表是五 (1) 班七名同学投垒球的成绩。

(1) 求出这组数据的平均数和中位数。

(2) 为什么中位数比平均数小?


(1) 求出中位数。



成绩测试是教学中最常用的一种测试,是根据课程的教学大纲、所用的教材和教学方法考查学生在经过一定时间和阶段的学习之后,所掌握的汉语知识程度,看其是否达到教学大纲和使用教材所要求的范围内,外语水平达到的程度。成绩测试包括了期末测试和阶段性测试(Hughes, 2000),研究表明:“成绩测试不仅可促进学生对课本知识的掌握,而且有利于提高他们的整体语言水平”2(原萍,2002)。成绩测试不仅能检测学生对所学知识的掌握程度,也能作为教师检测教学成果的有效工具,对下一学期的教学有所改进。


本套试卷的被试是理科大学初级汉语课的330 名学生,其中总院的考生有215人,7名学生缺考。在所有被试中,及格率为95.76%,获83分以上的人数在各分数段中,占百分比最多,为24.24%。根据国际汉语教学通用课程大纲标准,学生完成课程后将达到介于一至二级目标,语言知识方面初步掌握汉语拼音的正确读音与四声、书写和掌握170个左右常用汉字和与日常生活、学校生活相关的最基本词汇、语法方面了解和掌握基本语序。语言综合技能方面,学生在学习该课程后能够理解最基本的,与个人和日常生活密切相关的简单而又十分有限的语言材料,并熟悉日常生活中的一些问候语,用简单的词语自我介绍或与他人沟通。初步了解生活中表达情感(感谢、道歉、告别语)的词语。




试卷第一部分是考察学生对词汇的掌握,共有三大题。第一题为汉字改正,第二和第三题均为词语翻译。汉字改正这部分是由出题教师使用电脑软件将汉字部分删除并配上汉语拼音让学生写出对的汉字;在第二题的词语翻译部分是将汉语词汇翻译成英语或马来语;而第三题则是将英语或马来语的词汇翻译成汉语。词汇翻译这一部分,出题教师除了选出课文中学过的生词,也将一些生词搭配出题,考查学生是否能灵活运用这些词汇,例如:“老朋友”即old friend。然而,批卷过程教师们发现部分学生将“老医生”的答案写成“Doctor Lao”,乍然一见,是错的答案,正确答案是old doctor。虽说“老”是华人姓氏,而这一答案严格上并没有错。然而教师们都清楚这只是学生有错着的情况,经教师们商讨后决定不与满分,只给半分。






[1]Arthur Hughes,Testing for Language Teachers.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000.6







一、本试卷共包括七个部分: 1.Vocabulary and Structure 20% 2.complete the dialogue 10% 3.Fill in the blanks with the words given 10% 4.Reading Comprehension 30% 5.Translation 15% 6.Writing 15% 试题体现了英语教学的思想和要求。主要表现在:1.注重语言基础知识的考查,强调语言知识运用,大部分题目都创设了比较完整或相对独立的语境。2.定位语篇,突出能力考查,阅读都能把理解文章的主旨大意,掌握文章的整体要领作为命题的基本内容,旨在考查学生分析和解决问题的能力。3.大多数试题结构合理,难易基本适中。大部分考点中要求考生不仅要了解字面意义,还要结合上下文语境、联系相互的文化背景进行思考。参加本次考试的共34个教学班,平均分为79分。





















