






旁白:A cold winter day. A baby, her name is Snow White. She is very beautiful.


旁白:The queen loves her. Everybody loves her. (音乐起,人们、老王后下场)


旁白:The animals love her, too.(音乐渐弱)

动物:(一个人上场)Snow White! Snow White! Your mother is ill.(焦急)

公主:Mum! Mum! (边跑边下,动物跟下)


公主:Oh! Mum. No! No! What’s wrong with you?

老王后:(摸公主的脸)My dear. I love you for…ever… (手垂下,脸歪,死掉)



旁白:A new queen comes. She is beautiful but bad.(公主无奈,小动物气愤)


旁白:This is a magic mirror.

新王后:Mirror, mirror. Who is beautiful?

魔镜:Not you. Snow White.

新王后:No! No! No! (回头对猎人说)Kill Snow White!

猎人:(上场,半跪低头)Snow White?(抬头) But …

新王后:Kill her!



公主:(双膝跪下)Help me, please! Please!(乞求)

猎人:(思考一会儿)All right. Go, Snow White.(把举起的枪放下,马让道)

公主:(边跑边说)Thank you! Thank you!(猎人下,公主继续跑)

公主:(四下张望,来到门前)May I come in?(敲门,无人答)Anybody here?(推门进,数)One, two, three,… Oh, seven chairs and seven cups. Who live here?(打个哈欠)I’m too tired.(抽出凳子,坐凳上)Oh, I’m too thirsty.(喝两杯,边打哈欠边睡)



小1:Who sat here?(手指椅子)

小2:(拿起杯子)Who drank this?

其:Who is it?(互相看,纳闷)

小3:(跑到最后一张椅子)Who’s sleeping here?(大家围上)

小4:Look! She’s sleeping.

小5:She’s beautiful!

小6:嘘!Let her sleep!




小矮人:(上场)Good morning!

公主:(吓大跳)Who are you?

小7:We are the masters of this house. What’s your name?

公主:I’m Snow White.

小1:Why are you here?

公主:(哭)My mother is dead. The new queen wanted to kill me. So …


小2:What an evil queen!

小3:I’ll help you.

小4:Me too.

其:(一起)Me too.

小5:Stay with us, ok?

公主:Thank you.(大家手拉手,跳舞)



新王后:(上场,奸笑,边照镜边问)Mirror, mirror! Who(拖腔)is beautiful?

魔镜:Not you! Snow White!

新王后:What?(生气)I’ll kill her!


新王后:(一转身,拿出一个苹果,坏笑)哼!Snow White!


新王后:(上场)Apples! Apples! Buy some apples!(拎篮子)


新王后:Oh! You’re so beautiful! Give you a beautiful apple.(递)

公主:(接过苹果)Oh! How lovely!(咬一口,倒下死掉)


Mirror, mirror! Who is beautiful?

魔镜:It’s you.



小1:Oh! What happened?

其:(大家跑去)Snow White! Snow White! Wake up! Wake up!

小2:Oh! She died!


小3:Poor Snow White!

王子:(上前看)Oh! What a beautiful girl! I want to marry her.

小4:But you can’t. She is dead.

王子:(摇头)Oh! No!(摇公主)Snow White! Snow White!

公主:(咳嗽,吐苹果)What happened?(对王子说)Hello!


王子:(单膝跪下)Marry me, Snow White.

小5:Snow White, the prince helped you!



新王后:Mirror, mirror. Who is beautiful?

魔镜:Not you. Not you. Snow White.

新王后:No! No!(边说边后退)



小矮人:(摇手)Goodbye! Snow White. Goodbye! Prince.

王子、公主:(齐)Thank you! Goodbye!

旁白:The evil queen died. Snow White and the prince went. They’ll be happy forever



This story talks about some nature members want to have a party one day. But the party becomes a condem.


(The voice-over) It’s a beautiful sunny day! A little white rabbit jump out of her hole and run here and there happily. Then the story begins……

ACT 1:

Rabbit: Hello everybody! I’m the rabbit. I’m looking for someone else to have a party because, you know, a sunny day like this is hard to meet these days. I’ve not see it for several weeks!

River: (Flowing in the desktop now and saying) I’m the river. I’m enjoy myself and

you can feel it from my song:“一条大河,波浪宽,风吹稻花香两岸……”

(The rabbit step forward and interrupt him)

Rabbit: Hello River! Nice to meet you.

River: Nice to meet you too.

Rabbit: What are you doing here?

River: Just singing,“一条大河……”(Look at Rabbit) and ready to go!

Rabbit: Wait! Wait!

River: Um? Is there anything I can do for you?

Rabbit: Would you please have a party with me?

River: Have a party?(愕然,look at her, then laugh) A river with a little grey rabbit?

Rabbit: I’m white, not grey! (angrily) You look!

River: Oh! Are you white? (look around) But there’s grey in my eyes!

Rabbit: No! you can’t say that!

River: Ok, ok! You say there’s a party?

Rabbit: (turn to smile) Yeah, I think we can raise a party!

River: (laugh) To raise a party need several people. And there can be several!

Rabbit: We can invite other guys to join us! There comes from one to two.

River: (think) Ok, let’s go!

ACT 2:

(Mountain and Tree 上)

Mountain: I’m the Mountain, not a hill. So, there are so many trees here with me,(骄傲地) and……

Tree: Okay, okay! (转向大家) Morning everyone, I’m the Tree―an old tree for a hundred years. (turn the face to Mountain) So, I’m owned by you, er?

Mountain: Yeah, yeah…That’s what I want to say…(不好意思地冲Tree笑。忽然看见Rabbit和River上来,就告诉Tree:) Oh,look! Who’s coming?

All: (to each other) Nice to meet you!

Mountain: (to Rabbit) You two come here for……

Rabbit: …to raise a party! Can you join us?

Mountain: Okay, but…(look at Tree)

Tree: Um, …(look all and think a while) Okay!(smile)…as there’s nothing to do today.

Rabbit: (jump)Great, great! (laugh to River)I have told you: Several come from one to two!

River: Yeah, I believe it!

Rabbit: Then, (to all) why not find a cool place to sit down and, get enough foods and drinks, and we chatting, singing, and dancing?

All: It’s easy! (smile)

Mountain: I can offer delicious fruits.

Tree: I can give you shadow.

River: I can make a lake. You can drink or fish if you like!

Rabbit: Woo! Impossible! Everything is ready!

Tree: Okay, we can begin now! Everybody must give us a show including singing, dancing, or just give us an interesting story. (to All) Do you agree?

All: Yes!

Tree: Then, (to All), Who’s the first?

All: You--are the boss!

Tree: Um…ok! (to mountain) How about you?

Mountain: I have so many things to do such as prepare fruits for you…

Tree: Then…what about you, River?

River: Oh, no! I want to do some fishing but, you know, the fish is few and fewer these days. So, I need some time…

Tree: Then…what about you, Rabbit?

Rabbit: No! I am the youngest one…you know…

Tree: You are all Chinese!(angrily) This is the English class, why not be voluntary?(鼓励)

Rabbit: I’d like to be the first!(高兴地)

Mountain: Good! Let our pretty grey Rabbit be the first!

Rabbit: (生气) How can you say that? Look, I’m white!

All: (众笑,互相议论: Is her white? No ! haha…When the Rabbit look at them, they all become quite. Then, )

Rabbit: I want to sing a song to you named ……

All: (All applause.) Great!

Mountain: (大惊失色)Oh my god! Wind comes again! He wants to carry my soil!

All: Don’t worry! We will protect you!

Tree: Actually, man has done too much to the earth! They should consider the consequence before they do that! (All nod)

Tree: Many foolish Chinese people cut their trees―my friends―to make one-off chopsticks and freight to Japan. Japan, you know, have a forests covering ratio of 65% which is 5 times to China. They forbade cutting their own forest but importing 20 billion pairs of one-off chopsticks every year from China. And there’s 2500 thousand of my friends were fell every year because of this!(weeping, 擦眼泪)

All: Faint! (众安慰)Don’t cry anymore.

Rabbit: Really? How disgusting they are! I hate Japanese! I really hate it!

River: I hate those foolish Chinese people!

Mountain: The overexploitation is not only to trees. They exploit us too much for temporary interests and left garbage everywhere! Mountains become empty.

River: Yeah, yeah, as what I said just now, there’s fewer kind of fishes here day by day because of overexploitation too! I haven’t got one piece of fish till now!

Rabbit: I’d rather not to eat fish today……

All: (低头沉思状)

Tree: And all kinds of factories released noxious gases and detritus into the atmosphere which made us grow hard!

River: And dumped toxic wastes into us―the rivers! All my fish were hurt seriously, even die out! (weep, 擦眼泪)

All: (众安慰)Don’t cry again.

River: And the domestic sewage! They are not treated before flow to me! And all kinds of pesticides flow to me since they are undegradable.

All: (低头沉思状)

Rabbit: Yes! The smoke and dust in air made my white cloth become grey day by day! Even black! All my It’s impossible for me to become white again! (weep, 擦眼泪)

All: (众安慰)It’ll be better some day.

Mountain: I heard that many yellow powders were insufflated to the lawn of the Summer Palace when the film The Promise was taken. And it made there 2 years to become a little green! Also, the famous beauty spot Shangre-La’s碧沽天池 was destroyed too! It needs 3 to 5 years to comeback!

Rabbit: That’s terrible!

River: Underground water has been contaminated as a result if agricultural waste.

Rabbit: Green house effects make our earth become wormer and wormer. I can not see ice column in my hometown any more, which I often play in my childhood!

Mountain: They cut all my trees (to Tree) except you and the wind often tease me and make me sick.

All: What sick do you have?

Mountain: Soil erosion!(weep, 擦眼泪) 教育城外语网英语话剧剧本www.12edu.cn/wyl/wyj/ywjb/

All: (众安慰)Don’t cry anymore.

Tree: Yes, man must do something to us since they want to develop the economic.

Rabbit: But man cannot deal with the conflict between economic growth and environmental protection very well.

All: Right.

Rabbit: We Rabbit are timid by nature and we cannot endure too much noise. But Man’s machine make noise pollution, cause many of my friends died!(愤怒)

All: (皆怒)How can they do that!

Tree: I think the relationship between human and us should be friendly.

River: But they don’t think so!

All: (低头沉思状) Mankind believe that they can conquer over the nature, but they never done!

River: Okay, let’s take revenge on human, how do you think?

Tree: I agree! Since they killed so many friend of me including my brothers and sisters!

Rabbit: My parents are all killed by human!

Mountain: I’m so sick because of human’s hurt!



Death of a Salesman (1949) 作为美国现代悲剧作家阿瑟·米勒的成名作, 在美国上演取得骄人成绩后, 在1983年被搬上了中国的舞台, 并对中国话剧创作产生了极大的影响。现在, 在国内能看到的有三种译本, 包括:1971年姚克的译本, 1980年陈良廷的译本和1983年英若诚的译本。姚克先生是我国近代著名翻译家和剧作家, 由他率先将Death of a Salesman译入中国。姚译本忠实原著, 琅琅上口, 但由于姚先生在译本中使用了许多非常地道的北京话, 北京以外地区的读者理解有困难, 因此读者范围相对有限。本文要进行比较的对象是, 国内研究Death of a Salesman的学者较多采用的陈良廷译本 (以下简称“陈译本”) 以及为搬上话剧舞台而“量身订做”的英若诚译本 (以下简称“英译本”) 。笔者将在从戏剧翻译的特点出发, 剖析两种译本的区别。


(一) 戏剧语言的特殊性

一部戏剧作品既可以被视为文学作品, 同时又是舞台艺术的一个有机组成部分 (刘金龙、高莉敏, 2010:96) 。因而一部戏剧既要关心其作为书面文本的效果, 又要考虑其作为舞台剧本的效果。但笔者认为, 戏剧被创作出来, 最大的目的是为了他日搬上舞台以表演的形式呈现给观众, 因此相对而论, 大部分剧作家更看重的是未来观剧的观众而非单单通过阅读剧本获得感受的读者。试想, 历史上哪部名留青史的戏剧作品不是通过演出给人们留下深刻印象的呢?戏剧的这种特殊性必然导致了其语言的特殊性。

“戏剧语言既不同于小说、散文语言, 又不同于一般诗歌语言。比之于前者, 它更像诗, 即使是用散文写成的剧, 它的语言也应该是诗化、充满着诗意的;比之于后者, 它又更具有小说的描绘性、通俗性、口语化、个性化。它是兼有二者特点而又与二者都不相同的第三种文学语言”。 (汪榕培、王宏, 2009:142) 即便单单从阅读感受而论, 戏剧与小说就有着明显的不同, 读完一部小说, 读者往往在脑海中构筑成了一个丰富而又独特的世界, 作家在创作时也十分留心给读者以想象的空间;而读过戏剧剧本过后, 读者往往会有“不完全、不彻底”之感, 甚至某些地方“不知所云”。究其原因, 是因为“戏剧文本在阅读时是不完全的, 还未得到完整展开, 因为只有在表演时, 文本的潜能才能得到充分发挥” (Bassnet, 1991:120) 。这便是戏剧剧本区别于其他文学文本的特殊之处。剧作家在创作时就是抱着他日上演的目的, 使用了一种与其他文本不同的语言习惯和结构, 既要做到给表演者以提示又要有发挥的空间。

(二) 戏剧翻译的特殊性

基于戏剧语言的以上特殊性, 无论是戏剧创作还是戏剧翻译都有不同于处理其他文学文本的特殊之处。英国翻译理论家苏珊·巴斯奈特 (Susan Bassnett) 在《仍陷于迷宫中——对翻译与戏剧的再思考》一文中首次正式提出戏剧翻译的“可表演性 (Performability) ”。 (Bassnet&Lefevere, 2001) 根据可表演性原则, 话剧译本不能只是好的文学读本, 更应该是舞台表演易于操作的蓝本。为了能够译出这样的译本, 译者不仅要处理其与作品和读者之间的关系, 也要面对与未来观看此剧的观众的关系。对于这种关系, 王卫平和乌兰在《试论英若诚译<推销员之死>的艺术成就》一文中, 创造性地用一个模型进行阐释:

D=director导演S=spoken language口语



W=written exit书面语1=原语2=目的语

从上图可以看出, 剧作者P的原作W1可以直接由本国语言的读者R1阅读, 也可以导演为口头形式S1的戏剧, 操原语的观众或者听众A1可以直接享受舞台上的戏剧。但要将戏剧传达给操目的语的读者R2, 必须由译者将原作W1翻译为目的语的译本W2;操目的语的导演或译者将译本W2改编为口语形式的目的语剧本S2, 再由演职员演绎为目的语的戏剧, 最后戏剧S2才传达给目的语的观众A2 (王卫平、乌兰, 2005:64-67) 。经过这样几番“接力”, 最后呈现的戏剧作品在目的语国家上演时要做到与原语国家上演的效果一致的确是非常困难的。译者在翻译戏剧作品的过程中, 倾注的经历不见得会比剧作家在创作时耗费的少, 像玛丽安 (Maryann) 在谈到戏剧翻译时曾说“译者必须置身于剧中, 犹如亲临其境, 亲历其事, 亲睹其人, 亲道其语, 亲领其甘, 亲受其祸, 亲享其福, 亲得其乐, 亲感其悲” (转引自汪榕培、王宏, 2009:147) 。


1978年米勒首次访华, 当年的《外国话剧资料》杂志的第1期刊登了梅少武所写的长文《阿瑟·密勒 (米勒, 引者注) 的六个剧本》, 同期刊登了陈良廷译的《推销员之死》的剧本 (熊婷婷, 2007:56-60) 。1983年, 阿瑟·米勒第二次访问中国, 赶在他来之前, 英若诚用六个星期的时间重新赶译了该剧的舞台剧本。当时, 已经有了姚译本和陈译本, 为什么他都没有采用呢?对此, 英先生坦言, “现在的译本不适合演出”。他希望达到这样一种效果, “语言节奏上保持米勒的风格, 但是意思上又设法寻找晓畅、活泼、上口的北京话, 力图在风格传递上保持原作神韵、在语言表现上又增加民族乡土味儿” (吴戈, 2006:7) 。以下我们不妨从译文的增补、删节和口语化的角度, 通过具体例子来看英先生的译本是否达到了他期盼的效果, 而陈先生的译本又有何不同。

(一) 译文的增补和删节

例1.LINDA:Well, you’ll just have to take a rest, Willy, you can’t continue this way.

WILLY:I just got back from Florida. (Miller, 1994:6)

林达:得了, 你非歇会儿不可。威利, 你不能再这样下去了。

威利:我刚从佛罗里达回来。 (陈良廷, 1980:13)

林达:哎呀, 威利, 你就是该休息一阵子啦, 再这样干下去不行。

威利:我刚从佛罗里达休养回来。 (英若诚, 1999:17)

陈译本遵循了原文, 直译成“我刚从佛罗里达回来”, 这也遵循了米勒要给读者留下理解空间的初衷, 而英译本增加了“休养”二字。对于原语观众来说, 佛罗里达州是很熟悉的疗养胜地, 很容易理解威利为什么这样回答林达叫他歇一阵子的要求。但对80年代的大部分中国观众来说, 可能难以理解, 所以加上“休养”使意思明确。

例2.There’s little attachment on the end of it.I knew right away.And sure enough, on the bottom of the water heater there’s a new nipple on the gas pipe. (Miller, 1994:42)

在橡皮管的一头有个小附件。我马上就明白了。果然, 在烧水的煤气找底肚上有个新的小喷头接在煤气管上。 (陈良廷, 1980:63)

管子的一头安着个接头儿。我一看就明白。他打算用煤气自杀。 (英若诚, 1999:78)

此处是林达向儿子描述威利如何有自杀的打算。英译本删减了部分台词, 主要是考虑观众的接受程度;陈译本则完整地译出了原作, 但这段用作舞台表演, 显得有些拗口, 观众也不容易听懂。

例3:How can I insult him in that way? (Miller, 1994:42)

我怎能那样侮辱他呢? (陈良廷, 1980:63)

我要是当面说, 他的脸往哪放呢? (英若诚, 1999:78)

此处是儿子问林达为什么不直接把煤气管子拆了以阻止威利时林达的回答。英译本采用了增词法, 加上原句没有的“当面”, 强调了林达矛盾的情绪, 也更符合我们中国人的表达习惯。

(二) 从译文的口语化角度

两种译本的语言风格也有较大的不同。英译本“北京味儿”较重, 在当年《推销员之死》演出的中文剧本的封页上, 英先生曾这样写道:“至于《推销员之死》, 因为原剧用的是四十年代末纽约的中下层社会的语言, 其中不乏某些土语, 因此译文中也大胆地用了不少相应的北京土话。这样做是否得当, 自然还需要观众的批准。” (英若诚, 1999:1) 据说, 米勒在导演该剧时就要求说, 要把它演得美国味十足, 办法就是把它演得中国味十足。可见他对英若诚的这种译法也是很赞成的。而陈译本更多地遵循原作, 努力向读者展示著者所表达的意思。从翻译策略角度来看, 也可以发现英译本多用归化, 陈译本多用异化。从下面的例子中我们就可看出区别。

例4.You are counting your chickens again. (Miller, 1994:44)

你蛋还没孵, 就在数鸡啦。 (陈良廷, 1980:65)

又是八字没有一撇, 就想发财。 (英若诚, 1999:80)

此处是威利讽刺儿子太异想天开。英语原句出自谚语“Don’t count chickens before they’re hatched”。陈良廷先生采取直译, 是典型的异化;而英先生恐怕是担心观众一时不习惯这种类比而改成了我们更为熟悉的“八字没有一撇”。笔者认为, 这两种译法都是非常恰当的, 陈译法保留了原文的“精髓”, 而英译法则是为适应戏剧表演时“瞬时性” (一句台词观众只有机会听一次) 的特点。

例5:Maybe it was the coffee. (Miller, 1994:5)

也许是咖啡作怪。 (陈良廷, 1980:7)

说不定就是那杯咖啡闹的。 (英若诚, 1999:14) 例6.And then all of a sudden I’m goin’off the

road! (Miller, 1994:6)

不料一下子我竟离开了车道。 (陈良廷, 1980:8)

车子老往轱辘外面甩。 (英若诚, 1999:15)

例7:I’m fat.I’m very—foolish to look at, Linda.I didn’t tell you, but Christmas time I happened to be calling on F.H.Stewarts, and a salesman I know, as I was going in to see the buyer I heard him say something about—walrus.And I—I cracked him right across the face.I won’t take that.I simply will not take that.But they do laugh at me.I know that. (Miller, 1994:24)

我胖了。看上去我真是——一副蠢相, 林达。我没告诉过你, 圣诞节那会儿我凑巧上斯图尔特公司去, 我刚进去看个买主, 碰到认识的一个推销员, 听到他说什么——矮胖子。我啊——啪的打了他一耳光。我咽不了这口气。我就是不肯咽这口气。可是他们当真在笑我。这点我知道。 (陈良廷, 1980:38)

我太胖。相貌太蠢。我没你跟说, 林达。圣诞节那会儿我去见F.H.斯图尔特, 正好有一个我认识的推销员也在。我一进门儿的时候他们正拿我开心呢, 说我是大狗熊, 我当时就给他一嘴巴。我不吃这个, 我说什么也不吃这个。 (英若诚, 1999:45)

以上几个例子当中, 英先生使用的语言像“闹的”“往轱辘外面甩”“给他一嘴巴”“我不吃这个”等, 都带有明显的“京腔”。笔者认为, 最精彩的例子应该属下面一句:

例8.There was a man started with the clothes on his back and ended up with diamond mines! (Miller, 1994:27)

他一个人光带着随身衣服出去闯天下, 结果开到了钻石矿! (陈良廷, 1980:43)

你看看人家, 俩肩膀扛一个脑袋, 最后是几个钻石矿到手啦! (英若诚, 1999:52)


英译本对话剧《推销员之死》在中国的成功上演做出了巨大的贡献, 这与英先生本人丰富的话剧翻译、表演经验密不可分;而陈良廷先生作为我国优秀翻译家, 其译作更贴近原文, 作为文学研究对象价值很高。两种译本各有千秋, 为广大后人研究《推销员之死》一剧、一书, 提供了极其重要的素材。


[1]Bassnet, Susan.Translation Studies.London:Methuen, 1980rev, 120.

[2]Bassnett, Susan&Andre Lefevere.ConstructingCultures:Essays on Literary Translation.Shanghai:Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press, 2001.

[3]Miller, Arthur.Death of a Salesman.New York:VikingPress.1949, 2nd Version.

[4]陈良廷.阿瑟.密勒剧作选[M].上海:上海译文出版社, 1980.

[5]刘金龙, 高莉敏.戏剧翻译的文化之维[J].中外戏剧视线, 2010 (4) :95-99.

[6]汪榕培, 王宏.中国典籍英译[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2009.

[7]王卫平, 乌兰.试论英若诚译《推销员之死》的艺术成就[J].内蒙古财经学院学报, 2005 (2) :64-67.

[8]吴戈.英若诚、阿瑟.米勒——中美戏剧交流的两个“推销员”[J].中外戏剧交流, 2006 (7) :56.

[9]熊婷婷.从功能派角度看话剧翻译兼评推销员之死的两个译本[J].西南科技大学学报, 2007 (1) :56-60.





旁白:Long ago and far away, there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was very vain [ven] ( a. 1. 爱虚荣的,自负的,炫耀的 )and could think about nothing but his clothes. He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes.

The Emperor spent hours every morning getting dressed. Mid-morning, he invariably changed into something more formal for his short meetings with his officials and advisors. He would change again for lunch, and then again for a rest in the afternoon. He just had to change for dinner and then again for the evening!

News of the Emperor spread to distant kingdoms and finally came to the ears of two very shady characters.


骗子甲:Could we ? Could we fool the Emperor who loves new clothes ? (they asked themselves.)

骗子乙:Lets try,

旁 白:They left their homes and travelled to the Emperors city and applied to meet the Emperor.

骗子甲:We have something very special to show him。

大 臣:Thats what everyone says。.

骗子乙:Ah, but this is magical。We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method.

皇帝:Something magical? (在镜子前试衣服)Oh, I love new things, Show the two weavers in.

骗子甲:It is gold,silver and rainbow coloured, all at the same time,

骗子乙:It feels like silk, but is as warm as wool,

骗子甲: It is as light as air, a most wonderful fabric.

皇帝:There is a grand parade in the city in two weeks time, I need a new outfit for it. Can one be ready in time?

骗子甲:Oh yes, your Majesty。But there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make.

皇帝:No matter, (挥挥手)Money is no objest. I must have an outfit. Just see the Chamberlain and hell sort it out. Make it here in the palace.



皇帝:Chamberlain, go to the weavers and see how the cloth is processing. The parade is only a week way.


骗子甲:Enter! (非常兴奋)

大臣:The Emperor has sent me to check on the progress of the cloth,( 很奇怪的盯着织布机)

骗子甲:Is it not beautiful? See the lustre, feel the softness!

骗子乙:Oh wise Chamberlain ,Now you can see why it is magical. Only the truly clever and brilliant can see the cloth. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man like you will see our wonderful cloth.

大臣:Um,(不知道该说什么)oh,my god !Am I foolish? Am I unquartifited? I would not let others know it! (自言自语)

骗子甲:Are you satisfied?

大臣:Of course,(不想让别人看出来) It really is quite marvellous. Those colours, that shimmer of the gold and silver threads. Marvellous.“

骗子甲:Oh, you are so wise.

旁白:The Emperor was very impatient and couldn wait for the Chamberlain to return. After ten minutes of pacing up and down, he went to the weavers room, followed by half of his court.



大臣:Your Majesty, A wise man such as yourself can surely see the colours and sheen of this magical cloth.

皇帝:oh,my god !Am I foolish? Am I unquartifited? I would not let others know it! (自言自语)

Of course I can, Its beautiful. Simply enchanting. When can my outfit be made?

Send for the royal tailors!”

骗子乙:Your Majesty, We would be delighted to make your outfit for you. There is no need to trouble your hard-working tailor. It is such a difficult fabric to cut and sew. We will make the suit.

皇帝:Very well, First fitting tomorrow.

骗子甲:Is it not beautiful? Of course, only the wise and very clever can see the beauty of the cloth. Look at the colours, feel the weight.(对官员讲)

官员:Of course!

旁白:They muttered and discussed at the Emperors fittings, stitching here, cutting there until at last the suit was made.The following day was the day of the parade.


皇帝: Am I not the handsomest of men in my marvellour suit?(高兴地对大臣和官员门讲)

Just look at the tiny stitches and the lacework. Truly marvellous.

官员:Undoubtedly, sir,There is no outfit on earth to equal this one.

旁白:The Emperor was dressed in his new suit and ready for the parade. News of his amazing outfit had reached the people of the town and () all wanted to see him. There were people crowded along the sides of the streets.

大臣:The parade now begins!

观众:It’s said that only the truly clever and brilliant can see the cloth. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man will see the wonderful cloth.

观众:Oh, really?

观众:What a suit!

小孩:What suit? The Emperor has no clothes on at all!

观众:Its true! No clothes! The Emperor is naked!































































