





一. 单项选择(共20个,每个1分)()1.He is in his _________.A.thirty B.thirties C.thirtieth D.thirty’s()2.Who is _______ in your class?

A.slimmer B.the slimmer C.slimmest D.the slimmest()3.She often keeps her feelings to ________.A.her B.herself C.me D.himself

()4.Yao Ming _________ as the “ Walking Great Wall”.A.knows B.known C.is known D.are known()5.He was _______ at the ________ news.A.disappointed;disappointing B.disappointing;disappointed;C.disappointed;disappointed D.disappointing;disappointing;()6.I’m sorry ________ that you are so upset.A.hearing B.heard C.to hear D.to be heard()7.Nothing is _________ than love.A.value B.more value C.valuable D.more valuable()8.I don’t know _____________.A.where the Bank of China was B.where does the Bank of ChinaC.where the Bank of China is D.where the Bank of China does()9.Most get angry ______ his words.A.because B.because ofC.ifD.unless()10.Do you feel like _________ ?

A.go dancing B.going dance C.going dancing D.going to dance()11.I like Enlish ________ it is useful.A.if B.when C.because ofD.because()12.I’ m looking forward to _______ you.A.hear B.hear from C.hearingD.hearing from()13.He is an _________ boy.A.7-year-old B.7-years-old C.8-year-old D.8-years-old

()14.________ is no doubt that China is still a developing country.A.ItB.There C.This D.He

()15.-----_______ do you go home?----Once a week.A How often B.How long C.How soon D.How many()16.Do you have ________ to say?

A.something important B.important something

C.anything importantD.important anything

()17.The more carefully you write, the _______ mistakes you’ll make.A.little B.fewerC.more D.less

()18._______ people will watch the game.A.Three thousand B.Three thousands C.Three thousands of

D.Three thousand of

()19.Would you like to go _______ bus or ______ foot?A.by;by B.by;on C.on;on D.on;by

()20.________ there are beautiful sights, there are buses in Qingdao.A.IfB.Where C.When D.While


Telivision has now come to nearly _21_____ family.It has __22____ a very important part in ___23____ life.School children in the U.S.watch TV about twenty-five hours ___24___.Some parents feel that telivision ___25___ good ___26____ their children because it helps __27______ learn about their country and the world.____28____ the help of some education programs, children do __29_____ school.__30_____ parents do not let their children __31_____ TV too much.They say the TV programs are not good and children __32_____ bad things from them.___33____ have invented many things which __34_____ much convenience.Television is one of them.If it __35_____ carefully planned, watching TV can be good for children.()21.A.many B.every C.much D.few

()22.A.became B.becomes C.become D.becoming()23.A.peopleB.people’s C.peoples D.peoples’()24.A.a day B.one day C.one week D.a week()25.A.is B.are C.were D.be()26.A.at B.of C.for D.to


()29.A.well inB.good inC.better inD.best in()30.A.OtherB.The otherC.AnotherD.Others()31.A.to watchB.watchC.watchingD.watched()32.A.studyB.learnC.listenD.see

()33.A.MenB.ManC.A manD.The man

()34.A.has broughtB.broughtC.bringD.have brought()35.A./B.will beC.wasD.is



The custom in different countries are rather different.If I have dinner with a Chinese host ,he alwaays puts more food onto my plates as soon as I have emptied it.That often

discomfortsme greatly.I have to eat the food even if I don’t want to ,because it is considered bad manners in the West to leave one’s food on the plate.I have aleady noticed that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party,he very often refuses the offer of food or drink though he is in fact still hungry or thirsty.This might be good manners in China,but it is not in the West at all.In the United States,it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or insist on his accepting something.They will ask for it.If not,they will say ,“No,thanks.”When an American is fed up with beer by the host ,for example ,he might say ,“No,thanks.I will take some diet,just a cola if you have it.”

That is what an American will do.So when you go to the United States,You had better remember the famous saying :When in Rome,do as the Romans do.()36.From the passage ,we can know that the Chinese are usually____.A.very hotB.politeC.impoliteD.cold

()37.When a foreigner has dinner with a Chinese host,he often feels____.A.pleasant B.uncomfortable C.satisfiedD.happy

()38.Why dose a Chinese often refuse the offer of food or drink at a dinner party?A.He has had enough.B.He is shy.C.He is afraid that others will laugh at him.D.He thinks it’s polite to do that.()39.When an American Wants something to eat or drink at a dinner party?

A.ask for it boldly B.refuse the offer C.ask for it directlyD.express himself indirectly()40.”When in Rome, do as the Romans do” means _______.A.When you got to Rome, you should act as as the Romans doB..When you stay in Rome, you should do as the Romans doC..When you are in a new country, you should do as the locals doD.Romans can be an example for you.(B)

My name is Betty Sandes.I’m a telephone operator, and I work for a Universal Telephone Company.My job at UTC is an interesting one.I work five days a week, and the hours are from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.I

do a lot of things—I place long-distance calls for the people,I answer questions and I help people when they are in trouble.Today, for example, I had an interesting experience.At 11 o’clock this morning, I got a call from some man.I don’t know who he was.He was in trouble and I could tell that he was worried about something.He gave me his address and asked me to send ambulance(救护车)right away.I asked him if someone was hurt, but he didn’t answer my question.He told me he needed a doctor at once, so I said I’ d call an ambulance for him.But I still wanted to know what was wrong.Then he said,“Our keys are gone.” I didn’t understand that.Why would he needan ambulance just because he couldn’t find his keys? Then I find out what the trouble was.The man and his wife left the car keys on a coffee table, and later they couldn’t find them.Their little boy Johnny was playing in the room and they thought he swallowed(吞下)them.But before I could help him, he told me he wouldn’t need an ambulance any longer.His wife found the keys in her bag.They were there all the time.()41.Betty works in a _________.A.shopB.companyC.hospitalD.factory()42.she works _________.A.40 hours a weekB.less than 40 hours a weekC.seven days a weekD.from Monday to Saturday()43.The man called Betty because ________.A.he wanted to ask for an ambulanceB.his son was illC.he thought Betty was a doctorD.his son wasn’t ill()44.In fact, his keys _______.A.were on the coffee tableB.were in his wife’s bag

C.were left in the carD.were swallowed by his little son()45.From this passage we can see ______.A.Betty’s job is to place long-distance call only B.Betty likes her work

C.the man’s little son likes playing with the keys D.doctors can help people to find keys(C)

There are many wetlands in China and some of them have become

the world’s important wetlands.The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them.They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province.They are home for many different kinds of birds and animals.The world’s largest Milu Deer Reserve(自然保护区)is in them.More than 700 milu deer live freely there.There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-Crowned Cranes Reservein the Yellow Sea Wetlands.The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low.There is a lot of rain and sunshine, too.They are really good places for wildlife.Offering food and home for some special kinds of animals and birds is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands.Wetlands are important because they also prevent flood.But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings.This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.Luckily, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of wetlands and wildlife.Every year, on February 2nd, many activities are held to tell people more about wetlands.()46.The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _______ of China.A.eastB.southC.westD.north

()47.Usually the weather in the wetlands is ________.A.hotB.pleasantC.coldD.dry

()48.The World Wetlands Day is on _______.A.April 22B.June 25C.February 2ndD.March 22()49.We must protect wetlands because _______.A.they are home for wildlife

B.they can offer food to the animals and birdsC.they can prevent floodD.All of the above

()50.The best title for the passage is ________.A.China’s Wetlands Have All Entered the World’s ListB.Wetlands—Home for Wildlife and Human BeingsC.Special Animals in the Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands

D.Wetlands—Valuable Resources(珍贵资源)of Land on the Earth


四.用所给词或词组的正确形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)51.She is very _______.(humor)

52.He looks _________ than before.(friend)53.Tell him ______ late.(not come)

54.Your opinion sounds ________.(reason)

55.Would you like ________ a message?(leave)五.补全对话(每空1分,共10分)

56.---Happy New Year!

----The ___________ to you.57.----Have you ever ___________ the Great Wall?----Yes, Ihave been there twice.58.---______________ your sister?-----She is a nurse.59---Happy birthday!----____________.60.----How about going out for a walk?-----______________.


Every year thousands of people get hurt or die when they are crossing the road.Most of these people are old people and children.Old people often get hurt or die because they can’t see or hear very well.Children often get hurt or die because they are not careful.They forget to look and listen before they cross

the road.shouldn’t drive too fast.If they drive too fast, it will be very difficult to stop the cars in a very shot time, For the pedestrians(行人), first, they must be careful when they are walking on the road.When we walk across the road, we must walk underpasses(地道)or footbridges(天桥)。If there are no underpasses or footbridges, look right, then look left again.Only when we are sure that the road is clear can we cross it.The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly.It’s not safe to run.If people run across the road, they may fall down.Second, try to help children, old people or the blind people to cross the road.Third, never play in the street.根据短文内容简要回答问题:

61.Who are most easily hurt while crossing the road?

__________________________________________________________________________ 62.How many solutions(解决办法)are mentioned in order to lower traffic accidents?

__________________________________________________________________________ 63.What shouldn’t drivers do in your opinion?

___________________________________________________________________________ 将短文中划线句子译成汉语:

_______________________________________________________________________________ 65.We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road._________________________________________________________________________________


根据下面的提示,请写写你的兴趣与爱好。我是个学生,有很多 兴趣与爱好。1.业余时间看书,放学后打篮球,周六游泳,周日与父母一起爬山。2.平日我对英语和计算机感兴趣,因为它们很有用。3.我最大的爱好是集邮。




第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

21.Word of her mother’s death was a terrible _________ to her and her father.A.honourB.identityC.shockD.attitude

22.Tom had better not_______ the bike, or he’ll not be able to put it together.A.set upB.break downC.sort outD.take apart

23.A student in our school is _____ from school because he often plays computer games.A.goneB.removedC.movedD.beat

24.Possible use should be ______ advanced science and technology.A.made ofB.made upC.made fromD.made sure

25.Mandela was_____________ by his people though he himself didn’t think he had done anything special.A.thought little ofB.thought poorly

C.thought highly ofD.thought highly

26.Houses of this kind are so __________ that they can been seen everywhere.A.usualB.ordinaryC.normalD.common

27.Mistakes don’t just happen;they occur for a reason.Find out the reason and then making the

mistake becomes______________________.A.favorableB.preciousC.essentialD.worthwhile

28.The ship sank quickly but ________ everybody was saved.A.generallyB.naturallyC.fortunatelyD.strongly

29.Pollution problems ______ at the international conference, but no one can answer.A.came upB.raised

C.were risenD.asked

30.That hero who died in the war was so brave that he never ____ ____ to the enemies until death.A.gave upB.gave outC.gave inD.gave away









词汇记忆是英语学习的重要任务,一些同学对此颇为犯难。解决的方法很多。由于英语是表音文字,背词汇的首要策略就是结合读音记忆,做到音形结合。在高中阶段,结合语境记忆单词则越发重要。比如,背诵satisfaction,可以结合look back on the past with satisfaction记忆。这样,词语的用法和意义变得更加鲜活,印象更加深刻,也非常有利于日后的提取和运用。

同样,对于语法规则的掌握也要结合大量详实的例句。语法是对自然状态中语言使用规则的一种归纳,语用是第一位的。语法的学习要从例句分析开始,在例句的研读中体会语法规则,考查他们是如何表达意义的。此外,每学到一个新的语法现象,我们可以在大脑中加以“排演”(rehearsal),想象一个表达情境来运用规则。比如,学习虚拟语气时,我们可以利用其规则表达自己对过去的遗憾:If I hadlistened to the teacher's advice,I would havedone a better job in yesterday's test.



动词搭配1:consider sth./doing sth.(考虑……)

动词搭配2:be considered to do…(被认为做……)

动词搭配3:be considered as…(被认为是……=be regarded as…,be thought of as…)

名词搭配:take…into consideration(考虑到……=take…into account)

形容词搭配1:a considerate hostess(考虑周到的女房东)

形容词搭配2:have a considerable impacton(对……有相当大的、重要的影响)













1-5 CCACB6-10 ABBCB 11-15 BCBAA 16-20 CCCBC

21-25 DACBB26-30 DCBAB 31-35 CCDCA36-40 ACCDA

41-45 DDACC46-50 ABBDC 51-55 AADAC 56-60 DDCCA

61-63 BCD64-67 CABC 68-71 CBDA 72-75 BCBD



1.social2.provided3.figures4.impressive5.Traditionally 6.occurred

7.frightening 8.argument/arguing9.influential10.disability/disabilities

第二部分1.living, means 2.On, causing 3.resources, out4.palm, spread

5.production, by

Writing :















B.1.7g NH3含有的电子数为NA

























A.铁跟盐酸反应:2Fe +6H+ ==2Fe3++3H2↑

-B.氯气与水反应:Cl2 + H2O == 2H++Cl+ClO

--C.硫酸与氢氧化钡溶液反应:Ba2++OH+H++SO42== BaSO4↓+ H2O

-D.金属钠与水反应:2Na +2H2O ==2Na++2OH+H2↑

11.在反应3S +6KOH = K2SO3 +2K2S +3H2O 中,作还原剂和作氧化剂的硫原子个数比为




A.常温下,浓硫酸可以用铁制容器盛放 B.SO2具有漂白性,可以使石蕊溶液褪色

C.硅的化学性质不活泼,在自然界主要以游离态存在 D.氯气具有强还原性,可以用于自来水的杀菌、消毒 14.不需其他试剂就能区别的一组溶液是

A.Na2CO3、NaCl、HCl、KNO3B.KNO3、K2CO3、BaCl2、Na2SO4 C.NaOH、FeCl3、Ba(NO3)



A.上述实验证明氧化性:MnO4>Cl2 > Fe3+ > I

2B.实验①生成的气体不能使湿润的淀粉KI试纸变蓝 C.上述实验中,共有两个氧化还原反应 D.实验②证明Fe2+既有氧化性又有还原性 16.下列离子检验的方法正确的是


生成白色沉淀,说明原溶液中有Cl A.某溶液




生成红褐色沉淀,说明原溶液中有Fe3+ C.某溶液

生成无色气体,说明原溶液中有CO32 D.某溶液


18.a g Fe2O3和Al2O3组成的混合物全部溶于20mL、物质的量浓度为0.05mol/L的硫酸中,反应后向所得溶液中加入10mLNaOH溶液,恰好使Fe3+、Al3+完全沉淀,则氢氧化钠溶液的物质的量浓度为 A.0.1mol/LB.0.2 mol/L C.0.4mol/LD.0.8mol/L


19.(6分)(1)0.5 mol H2O的质量为_______________,其中含有_______________个水分子,共有_______________个原子。












请回答下列问题: I.(1)仪器p的名称是_________________,若用装置A由浓硫酸和亚硫酸钠固体制取



(1)写出①处发生反应的离子方程式_______________________________________。(2)在实验过程中,③处能观察到的现象___________________________________。(3)写出装置C中“吸收多余气体”所用的试剂_______________________________。23.(11分)某些化学反应可用下式表示(未配平):A+B→C+D+H2O 请回答下列问题:


(2)若C为氯化钠,D是能使澄清石灰水变浑浊的无味气体,则A与B的组合是(填俗名):A________________或________________ , B______________________。




1.D2.C3..A4..B5.C6.D7.B8.C9..B10..D11..A12.C13..A14.D15..A16.C17.D18..B 19.(6分)(1)9g,3.0110,9.0310

(2)CO2,NH3,CO2(每空1分,共6分)20.(8分)(1)钠块表面由银白色变为暗灰色(或钠块表面变暗),4Na + O2 ==2Na2O(每空1分,共2分)



(1)8Al + 3Fe3O44Al2O3 + 9Fe(2分)

(2)Fe3O4 或磁性氧化铁或四氧化三铁(1分)Al或铝(1分)24(2分)


(3)2Al + 2OH+2H2O=2AlO2+3H2↑(2分)1:1(2分)22.(11分)I.(1)分液漏斗(1分)

SO2 + I2


+ 2H2O ==SO42 + 4H + 2I(2分)

II.(1)2Fe 2+ + Cl2 == 2Fe3+ + 2Cl(2分)



(1)Cl2 + 2OH == Cl+ ClO + H2O(2分)(2)A:纯碱或苏打小苏打 B:盐酸(每空1分,共3分)


