



Unit 11 How was your school trip ?


1. 语言知识目标

基本词汇:milk, cow, horse, feed, farmer, quite, anything, grow, farm, pick,

excellent, coutryside, yesterday, flower, worry, luckily, sun, museum,

fire, painting, exciting, lovely, expensive, cheap, slow, fast, robot,

guide, gift, everything, interested, dark, hear

基本词组:milk a cow, ride a horse, feed chickens, quite a lot (of…), in the

countryside, fire station, all in all, be interested in

基本句型:How was your school trip ? It was great !

Did you go to the zoo ? No, I didn’t. I went to a farm.

Did you see any cows ? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.

Did Carol ride a horse ? No, she didn’t. But she milked a cow.

Were the strawberries good ? Yes, they were . No, they weren’t.

2. 技能目标: 能运用一般过去时描写过去的事情

3. 情感目标: 学会客观地表达对事物的看法,培养乐观向上的性格

二、 教学重难点:

1. 教学重点:一般过去时的判断及选用

2. 教学难点:正确运用一般过去时


Period 1

Section A (1a-2d)

Step 1 : Warming –up

1 Greeting

Who is on duty today ?

Who was on duty yesterday ?

What is the weather like today ?

What was the weather like yesterday ?

2 Song : Play the song “ Old MacDonald had a farm” and have Ss find out the animals in the song

Get Ss answer like this : On the farm ,there are some ducks, cats,chickens, cowspigs,dogs and horses . They are animals.

Step 2 : Presentation

1 Show a picture and tell Ss: This is also a farm. Last week Carol and his classmates had a school trip. They went to the farm. What did they do on the farm? How was their school trip?

2 Show some pictures again and try to get the past tense verbs expressions according to the pictures.

(1) Show the picture and the question

(2) Ask one student to answer the question.

(3) All students read it toghter.

Q:Did he ride a horse?

A:Yes, he did. He rode a horse.

Q:Did he milk a cow?

A:Yes, he did. He milked a cow.

Q:Did he ride a horse?

A :No, he didn’t .

Did he feed chickens?

Yes, he did. He fed chickens.

Did you go to the zoo?

No, I didn’t. I went to a farm.

Did you see any cows ?

Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.

Did they pick any strawberries on the farm ?

Yes, they did .

How were the strawberries?

They were delicious.

Were the strawberries good?

Yes, they were.

No, they weren’t.

How was your school trip ?

It was great.

Were the strawberries good ?

Yes ,they were.

No, they weren’t.

Step 3 Exercises

Step 4 : Practice (Listening and speaking)

1a Match the phrses with the pictures.

1b Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip in 1a.

1c Ask and answer questions about Carol’s school trip.

2a Listen and check the questions you hear.

2b Listen again.Circle T for true or F for false

2c Ask and answer questions about Carol’s visit to the farm.



话题: Can you play the guitar?


(2)辨别乐器 语言结构:

1、句型:Can you dance? Yes, I can.No, I can’t.What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club.What can you do? I can play the piano.2、复习已学词汇:basketball volleyball

复习已学句型:Do you like„? I like„.I don’t like„.Let’s „.3、新词汇:Verbs of activity such as dance, swim, sing

Names of musical instruments such as guitar, drums, piano, drums, trumpet,4、Grammar focus: Can you dance? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Can he paint? Yes, he can./No, he can’t.Can she speak English? Yes, she can./ No, she can’t.Can you speak English? Yes, we can./ No, we can’t.What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.I want to join the basketball club.(二)单元教学目标:





(2)要知道play +球、棋、牌

play +the +乐器













Section A 第二课时

Section A[X 第三课时

Section B 第四课时


二、Teaching Procedures

The first Period :Section A1a –1c Then introduces the key vocabularies and the words can and can’t.The teacher says to the students who say he/she wants to join the basketball club: Can you play basketball? Help the students say Yes, I can.No, I can’t.Then repeat with other actions or pictures, such as play volleyball.Show the students the activities the people in each club can do with the same step.Then repeat with dance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English and play the guitar with the help of doing the action.Or we can use the PowerPoint to help us to show the students what we can do.The teacher can ask the students to practice the following dialogues with can.Can you dance? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Can he paint? Yes, he can./No, he can’t.Can she speak English? Yes, she can./ No, she can’t.Can you speak English? Yes, we can./ No, we can’t.Can you play it well? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Do the action and read the new words and phrases.Ask the students to practice can and can’t.Ask the students to practice can you play it well? At the same time, the teacher write down sing, dance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English, and play the guitar on the blackboard.Ask the students to read after the teacher.Step 3 A game

To be more familiar with the words and phrases, the teacher can organize a game like this: Write the words and phrases on pieces of paper.Ask one of the students come to the front and choose one of the paper, then do the action.Ask other students to guess what he or she can do.Then exchange.Step 4 Exercise Task 1: Look at the pictures on Page 59.1a.Points to the activities the people in each club are doing.Say something about each club’s activity clearly.For example, This is a chess club.See the chess? They are playing chess.Ask the students to match each club activity in the picture with a word from the list.For example: A can dance, so we can write “a” beside dance.The answers are: 1.dance a 2.swim e 3.sing f

4.play chess b 5.paint d 6.speak English c 7.play the guitar g

Task 2.Say each conversation with a student in Part 1a.After doing this, play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time ask the students to listen to the conversations and write a number 1 next to the first conversation they hear, a number 2 next to the second one they hear, and a number 3 next to the third one they hear.Point out the sample answer.The answers are 2, 3, 1.Task 3 1c.Say the sample conversations.Have students repeat.Then ask students to practice the conversations in pairs.Ask them to use the vocabulary from 1a.As students work, listen in on various pairs so that you can check progress and help with pronunciation as needed.After students have had a chance to practice the conversations, ask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out one of their conversations.[来源:学§科§网] Step 5 Homework Task1: workbook Page 38 Part 1, 2,Task 2.: fill in the form.Write down three things you can do and three things you can not do.I can I can’t

The second period: 2c-4 Step1 Revision[ Task 1:Ask the students to revise the names of the clubs they have learnt.Do the actions and ask the students what the thing is.Task2: Ask the students: what can you do? What can’t you do? Can you play chess? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing? What club do you want to join? Can you play it well? If time permits, ask the student who says he can do it to show something he can do.Step 2 Presentation: Task1:(Listening practice)

2a.Ask the students to read the context in 2a on Page 60.Ask one student to read the clubs in the box.And ask another two students to read the dialogue.Ask all of them to listen to the recording carefully, circle the clubs they hear.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time ask the students to circle the club they hear from the recording.The answers are: English club, music club and chess club.And then ask the students to repeat the dialogue.Task 2(Listening practice)

2b.Ask the students to look at the dialogues of 2b on the right.Ask them if they can fill in the blanks directly.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time ask the students to fill in the blanks with the words they hear from the recording.The answers are: do , to , want, club, play, can’t.Then ask the students to listen and repeat the dialogue.Task 3 3a.Ask the students to put the conversation in order.The first one is given.The right order is 2,3, 1, 4.Step3 Survey After finishing task 2 in step1.the teacher can ask: Can he play the guitar? Can he play it well? Maybe there are all kinds of answers.Some of the students may say I don’t know.3b.Page 61 the left part and 2c on Page 60 The teacher asks the students make a survey, and fill in the blanks.Name Can Play well or not Can’t club why I

Ask the students to practice the dialogues by asking: What can you do? Can you dance? Can you play the guitar? Can you play it well? What club do you want to join? etc.the teacher goes round the classroom , gives help if necessary.Ask some groups of students to act out their dialogue.Step4 Oral practice 3b.Page 61.the right part Ask the students to share the information they got from their friends.Help the students with he or she wants to join the music club.Example: I am Lisa, I can sing, but I cannot sing well.I can swim.I think it is hard.I want to join the swimming club.My friend Tom can play the guitar but he can’t play it well.And he can’t play chess.He wants to join the chess club.He thinks it is interesting.He wants to learn it.If the students can do the report like this with the help of the teacher, they will be quite happy, and they will learn much knowledge.Step 4: Homework: Task 1: 4 group work: Suppose you are a boss, you want to get some good workers.How to write an advertisement.Focus students on the advertisement.Elicit the kind of personal qualities that would be good for the job, eg.A good teacher, a good swimmer, and write them on the board.Then elicit questions from the qualities on the board.eg.Can you teach children? Can you help kids with swimming? Divide the class into small groups and have them take turns interviewing each other for the job.Walk round the class offering language support as needed.Practice Can you help kids with„? Pay more attention to the things after “with”.Eg Can you help kids with swimming/ chess/ playing chess/ singing? For feedback, ask students if they have found someone for the job.Why? What can they do? Why not? What can’t they do? Homework: Workbook Page 39.Part 3, 4.The third period: Section B 1a-3b.Step 1 Revision

Task 1.Ask some questions about can you „? What club do you want to join? Task 2: ask the students to give the ad.Four students a group.Ask one of them to be the boss.And others are the interviewees.Guide them to use kids, can you help the kids with „? Step 2 Presentation 1a Ask the students to guess the music instrument by listening the music one by one.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.Page 2.)

The music instruments are guitar, trumpet, drums, violin and piano.Ask the students to read after the teacher when they are looking at the pictures on PowerPoint.Ask the students to match the words with the pictures on Page 62 of the book.The right answers are 3, 1, 4, 5, 2 Step 3 Practice 1b.ask the students to ask and answer questions about the instruments with the help of the PowerPoint.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.Page 5.)

They can ask and answer the questions like this.The teacher goes round the class and gives help if necessary.Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.Can you play it well? No, I can’t.Can he play the violin? Sorry, I don’t know.[来源:学§科§网]

Can she play the drums? Yes, she can.She can play it well.After the practice, the teacher can ask some pairs to act it out in the front.And the students answer the questions of the teacher after listening to the dialogue.Ask the students to practice more dialogues with the picture of playing chess, singing, dancing, swimming, painting, speaking English.Mix with playing the guitar, playing the violin, playing the drums.Tell the students there are something differences between playing chess and playing the guitar.Ask them to pay attention to it.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.Page 6.)

Then ask more pairs to act the dialogues out in front of the class.Step 3 Listening Practice 2a and 2b.Ask the students to read the words in the box first and ask them to listen to the recording for the first time.And play it for the second time and ask the students to circle the words they hear.The answers are sing, dance, drums, piano.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.Page7、8.)

With the same step, ask the students to do the exercise of 2b.Fill in the chart with the words in the box.Before doing this, tell the students to write down what can Bill do , what can’t Bill do and so on.person can Can’t Bill Play the guitar sing Jennifer Sing, play the drums Play the piano Victor Play the piano Sing, dance Step 4 Pair work 2c.Ask the students to read the information in the box.And do the pair work to tell what Bill, Jennifer and Victor can and can’t do.They can practice it like this: A: Can Bill play chess?

B: No, he can’t.But he can play the guitar.And he can play it well.A: Can Bill dance?

B: No, he can’t.But he can sing.And he can sing very well.Ask the students to work in groups.Ask and answer like this:-What can you do?-I can„,but I can’t„

(I can„and„, but I can’t„or„)(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.Page 9.)Then act it out in front.If you can ,you must show(展示)it for your classmates.3a.Ask the students to read the ad from the school magazine.The teacher can teach the students how to read the first part: musicians wanted for school music festival.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.Page 10.)Ask the students to underline the things they want people to do for the school music festival.Ask the students to read once more and think about whether he or she can be the musician.3b.ask the students to complete the following poster with the words in the box.They can use 3a for help.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.Page 11.)The answers are: play, guitar, Can, sing, Can, play, drums.Homework: Task 1: 3c.Ask the students to write their own poster for a sports day.The teacher can give some information to the students: play basketball, play volleyball, swim, jump, and so on.New and more information can be given to the students and they can also look up in the dictionary.They can also demonstrate their poster.Task 2: workbook Page 40-41 Part 5, 6

The four period:Self –Check Step1 Revision Ask several students to read the poster out.Let’s see whose poster is the best one? Who can read it the most loudly and freely? The teacher asks the students to collect their own poster.Ask the students to say something about their friends.Let’s see what their friends can do for the school show.Step2 Words check 1 and 2 Ask the students to see if they know the words on Page 64 Part 1.Ask students to check all the words they know.You may wish to have them circle any words that they don’t know.Ask students to find out the meaning of any words they don’t know.They can do this by reviewing the lesson, asking you, asking classmates or using a learner’s dictionary or bilingual dictionary.They can also add some new words that they learn from the teacher or the dictionary such as flute and harmonica Step 3 Writing 3.Ask the students to read the conversation.Ask them who is asking the conversation(a student and the teacher on charge of the art club)Ask the students to fill in the card individually.The answers are: Cindy Jones, 12, cindyj@pep.com.cn I can draw a little.I want to learn about art.Step 4 Check the homework.Just for fun!Ask a student to read what the man is asking the drummer.Ask students: can they play the drums? Guide them to answer: No, he can’t.Then ask, can he play the guitar? Allow the students to guess.Yes, he can./ No, he can’t.Step 5 Group work(Page 63)

4.There is a school show in the music room on Sunday.The time is 6:00.What can you do? What can your friends do? Ask one of the students to read the chart.Ask another students to read the example in the speech bubbles.Explain that students must fine people for the school show and write their name s in the chart.Name What can you do ? Li Xin Chinese Kung Fu

Then ask the students to give us a report like this.I can do Chinese kung fu for the music show.My friend Wang Ming can„.Culture note Kung Fu.The term Kung Fu can be used for the many martial arts native to China.More than 300 styles are registered with the Chinese government.Different spellings are Gung Fu and Gong Fu.In everyday language, gong fu is excellence achieved through long practice in any endeavor.A more correct word for describing Chinese martial arts is Wushu.Using Kung Fu to describe Chinese martial arts is more common outside China.Chinese martial arts have spawned popularized genre of action movie.The films of Bruce Lee popularized martial arts in the west and actors like Jet Li and Jackie Chan have appeared in many western films.Their movies are often called Kung Fu movies.Homework



(一) 教材结构分析

小学英语新课标强调, 以“贴近生活”为基础, 以“激发学生的英语学习兴趣”为动力, 以“培养学生良好的语言能力”为突破点。本节课的教学正是这种指导思想的具体体现。本节课是《小学英语》五年级下册第四单元第一课第一课时。这一单元的课题是《Shopping》, 根据课题可以明确本单元的核心教学内容是“购物”。通过分析教材, 我设立本单元的学习总目标是使学生能运用英语说出一些生活中常用的物品名称, 能表述如何在商店中购物, 能读懂商品价格, 并将商品价格转化为文字信息, 能制作简单的购物单。本单元共四课, 第一课共三个环节, 分别是Look and listen, Listen and learn, Work with your friend。第一课创设一个商店购物的语境, 使学生能听懂对话, 读懂并会表述商品价格, 能进行购物活动的交流, 能表演课文内容。其中第一环节Look and listen是利用图片展现一个商店购物语境, 学生通过看图, 听对话, 在语言和图片之间建立起意义联系, 从而了解对话所表达的意义, 再通过角色表演巩固所学语言, 扩展对话内容。

(二) 教学目标分析

新课标强调知识和技能、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观三个角度的有机结合。在这种教学理念的指导下, 结合对小学高年级学生心理特点、认知规律以及小学英语学科特点、课本的教材结构的分析, 我设计了以下教学目标。


(1) 能听懂、会说本篇对话;

(2) 能听懂、会说新单词:Walkman、brand、prefer、hundred、test.

(3) 能运用“What can I do for you?”、“Which…do you prefer, A or B….?I prefer…”进行口语交际。


通过分组练习和角色表演练习, 发挥学生的想象力, 使学生能进行小组合作, 增强其参与意识、合作意识和竞争意识, 培养其团结协作能力及初步运用英语进行交流的能力。


通过活动和游戏, 进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 树立学生学好英语的自信心。

(三) 教学重点、难点分析

1、重点:听懂对话, 能通过角色表演扩展对话内容。

2、难点:学生运用“Which…do you prefer, A or B…?I prefer…”进行口语交际;百位数英语的拼读。


(一) 依据

我面对的学生是11—12周岁的学生。处在这一年龄段的学生, 好奇心强, 形象思维占优势, 抽象思维处于初级发展阶段。从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发, 依据英语教学直观性、兴趣性、活动性和主体性原则, 这节课我将通过看、听、说、演、练、唱等一系列教学活动, 采用多媒体、磁带、图片、实物、模型等教具教学, 充分调动学生眼、耳、口、手、脑等多种器官, 让学生在直观的教学情境中主动地愉快地学习, 完成预期的教学任务。

(二) 使用的教法和学法指导


主要采用情景教学法、愉快教学法、演示法、讲解法、谈话法等教学方法, 既面向全体学生, 又注重因材施教。借助一些直观教具, 丰富学生的感性认识, 帮助他们对知识的理解。让学生在创设的情景中学习, 通过倾听、观察、比较、讨论、积极与他人合作, 共同完成学习任务。这样既有助于学生掌握知识、又激发学生的学习兴趣, 培养其团结协作能力, 让学生在“乐中学”, 又在“学中乐”。


在教学中, 我将指导学生使用观察法、讨论法、模仿练习法、游戏法、小组合作法等学习方法, 让学生理解对话, 巩固所学语言, 扩展对话内容。培养学生敢于开口, 积极实践的良好学习习惯。


(一) 组织教学, 创设氛围

演唱上单元所教的英文歌曲:“Months and Seasons”。 (既复习了旧知, 又营造出一种宽松愉悦的教学气氛, 使学生在唱唱做做中迅速进入最佳的学习状态。)

(二) 复习旧知, 做好铺垫

提问:“When is the Spring Festival?/When is your birthday?/What’s the date today?” (既复习巩固了旧知识, 又为新知识的学习埋下了伏笔。)

(三) 创设情景, 导入新课

创设情境:今天是何平的生日, 妈妈和她一起去商店购买生日礼品, 并与售货员展开交谈。引出课题:Shopping。 (由于情境贴近生活, 学生感到亲切自然, 激发了学习兴趣。)

(四) 结合生活, 学习新知。多种形式, 练习巩固

1、多媒体展示图片 (何平和妈妈走进一家商店, 与售货员进行交谈) , 引导学生观察图片。

提问:“她们会说些什么呢?”“她们的对话如何用英语表达?” (这样既锻炼了学生的观察力和想象力, 又设置了悬念, 调动了学生的好奇心, 激发了他们的学习欲望。)

2、播放磁带中的前四句对话, 并用多媒体展示出来。

先学习几个生词:walkman、brand、prefer。只需听懂、学会发音和理解含义, 下一课时将专门学习。 (主次分明, 着重听说能力的培养。)

3、在教师引导下, 让学生听懂每句话的意思。

这里, 可用苏格拉底法让学生自己得出正确结论。 (充分发挥了学生学习的主体作用, 使学生积极主动参与教学活动)


do you prefer, A or B….?I prefer…”。多媒体演示各种实物:水果、玩具、文具, 让学生练习说“你更喜欢什么?” (利用直观教具, 通过替换练习, 突破了教学难点。)

5、采用多种形式, 让学生通过自读, 互读, 指名读, 开火车读, 分小组读, 角色扮演读等多种多样的形式来练习对话。

(在使学生知识得到巩固的同时, 提高了学生的语言能力, 更创造出一种和谐、融洽的教学气氛, 使学生保持振奋、饱满的学习情绪, 提高了合作意识, 培养了团结协作能力。)


展示图片, 听磁带, 多媒体展示对话, 学习生词“test、hundred”、理解句子含义, 多种形式练习巩固。

(五) 角色游戏, 巩固知识。运用句型, 扩展对话

把全班学生分成五个组, 即五个“商店”, 每组由一名学生当售货员, 其它学生充当顾客。顾客可以到任何一家“商店”“购买”自己喜欢的物品。教师到各组去指导, 同时教师也当顾客, 购买物品。 (通过分组的角色游戏, 学生所学语言在运用中得到了巩固和扩展, 听说能力得到了锻炼, 每个学生的创造个性得到了展现, 进一步激发学生的学习热情, 增强他们学好英语的信心。小组分工合作, 增强了学生的参与意识、合作意识和竞争意识, 培养了他们团结协作能力。)



一 文字排序

三种排序: ⑦⑥②①④③⑤





八年级英语下册《An E-mail to Grandpa》教案新冀教版

Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us lesson 24 An E-mail to Grandpa

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

New words and phrases: set up a time.

2. Understand the meaning of text.

二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1. Make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.

2. Make the Ss can use the Internetsend e-mails.

3. Ask the Ss to talk about how to use the Internet.

三、Key points:(重点)

Make the Ss can use the Internet---send e-mails.

Difficult points:(难点)

Ask the Ss to talk about how to use the Internet

五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) ictures or cards.

六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) New lesson.

七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)

Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)

Homework check.

Review: In last lesson, we learned that the Internet has advantages and disadvantages. Now, we should use the Internet in right ways, but don’t let it take up all of your time. After all, all things have two sides.

Step 2. Lead in.(引入)

Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.

Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.

Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”. Do you prefer writing a report on paper or on the computer? Why?

How often do you use your computer for work, study or fun?

Step 3. New lesson.(新课)

No. 1 repare lessons before class. Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly.

No. 2. Text: Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary. Read the text silently and check the answers. Let the students discuss the main idea of the passage in details. At last, the teacher explains the text in Chinese; make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.

No. 3. Finish “Let’s Do It!”

Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

Make the Ss listen the text, then let them read follow the tape.

Step 5. Summary. (小结)

Sum up the text what we learned, the new words, phrases, and sentences.

Sum up the grammar.

Step 6. Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.

Copy the new words and phrases twice.

Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words, the master phrases, important sentences.

The grammar and practice.


Course: College English Book: New Horizon College English (3rd edition) Instructor Classes Content ShenDan Title Dates

School of Computing B Class Unit 6 Earn as You


Class periods


1.To talk about the effects of part-time employment 2.To further understand the text 3.To apply the phrases and patterns 4.To master the paragraph writing skill


An Interactive Approach (CAI)

Key Structures and Difficulties

1.Words & phrases: Numerous,reliable,contrast,indicate,indicator,decrease,assess, alter,stake,academic,undermine,significant,significantly,interfe re,overall,proof,approximately,seemingly,consistent,toll,given,i ndication,compromise,whereas,marginal,commit,committed,wi thdraw,striking,generate,anew,permanent,owing to,erode,characteristic,intensive,recreation,surplus,accustome d,depress,convention,controversial,conventional,formative,aba ndon,appealing,myth,resolve.//interfere with,cut class,on the other hand,take a /its toll on,at risk(of),to begin with,in other words,cut back on,cut corners,bit by bit,burn the midnight oil,drop out,in turn,contribute to,hold on to 2. Functional patterns: 1).Nevertheless, given that … , indications / proofs / investigations are that sb. is at risk of doing sth. 2).In other words, the more sb. do, the less sb. become / do. 3). According to sb.’ s studies / surveys / investigations, sth., in turn, may be linked to sth., and therefore, is likely to do sth.

Class Period 1: Lead-in and Pre-reading Activities 1. Lead-in: Questions and Answers (20’)

1) Why do some students want to take part-time jobs? 2) Why some students do not want to take part-time jobs? 3)What suggestions will you put forward toward students planning to work part-time?

2. Pre-reading Activities (25’) 1) look and talk 2) a debate about working or not working when studying 3) Information background Class Period 2: Text Study 1.Main idea & structure(10’) 2. Language focus (10’) 3. Critical thinking (25’)

In-class Activities

Class Period 3: Text Study 1. Text Reading and Comprehending (25’) 2. Main Ideas & Structure (10’) 3. Summary (10’) Class Period 4: Practice and Exercises 1. Student presentation (15) 2. Translation Exercises (30’) Class Period 5: Practice and Exercises 1. Language appreciation (20’) 2. Critical thinking (10’) 3. Writing skills (15’) Class Period 6:Practice and Exercises 1. Student presentation (15’) 2. Analyze Comprehensive Exercises(30’)


1. Exercises in Section A. 2. Self-study of Section B and finish the exercises in it. 3. Comprehensive exercises; 4. Writing assignment.

