



Recently, I find it’s more and more useful to tell white lies, especially to our family or friends. Because white lies more or less can make them comfortable.

Take my parents for example. They always worry about me. Now I’m far away from home. As long as I have something wrong, they’ll become very anxious. For sure, I do have some trouble sometimes, but what I usually tell them is I’m just ok, please don’t worry.

Similarly, if one of my friends show me her new dress, I’ll say “ah, it’s pretty well!”, or, “hmm. I think it’s quite fit you.” My praise makes both of us happy.

So why not tell some white lies to the persons who you love and make your relationship closer? I think it a good idea.



Some people believe(argue, recognize, think)that 观点1.But other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that 观点2.As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea.There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all, 论据1.More importantly, 论据2.Most important of all, 论据3.In summary, 总结观点.As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above, we can predict that 预测.模版2

People hold different views about X.Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.For one thing, 论据1.For another, 论据2.Last but not the least, 论据3.To conclude, 总结观点.As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above, we can predict that 预测.模版3

There is no consensus 一致of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点)。Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2。As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion(观念)is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all, 论据1。

Furthermore, 论据2。

Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest.That is, 论据3。

A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点。


20世纪90年代开始, 英语演讲和辩论比赛在全国范围内展开, 涉及的范围越来越广, 比赛的影响也越来越大, 许多在辩论和演讲赛中获胜的选手不仅获得了荣誉, 能力得到了提高, 更成为校园的焦点, 学生们的偶像。在近几年的辩论赛的参与过程中, 笔者渐渐感觉到, 英语辩论作为一种高效的教学方法, 在英语教学中有着重要的作用。



中国政府在20世纪80年代做出英语教学的革命性改革, 其目的就是为了能够进一步和世界进行沟通和交流, 可以进一步学习西方经济建设的先进制度和经验。企业、社会以及国家所需要的都是能够充分理解东西方文化, 流利运用中英文文字的人才。这一要求, 必须也只能通过英语教学来完成。

2. 帮助学生满足其提高个人修养的要求。

学生学习英语, 目的也在于通过学习, 了解西方文化, 从而使自身的素质得到进一步提高, 使自身的知识结构可以得到进一步完善。这一点是我们在英语教学中应该兼顾的。一方面, 辩论所涉及的范围极为广泛, 社会经纬无所不包, 学生在准备辩论赛的过程中对于中西方社会的各个层面可以有充分的了解。另一方面, 辩论是高校学生最为喜闻乐见的一种活动形式, 符合高校学生思想活跃, 意识激进的特点, 并且能够让学生增长知识, 锻炼能力, 对于学生的全面发展非常有帮助。



(1) 听力能力的培养。

辩论赛场上, 绝大多数信息的表现和传播形式都是要通过声音来进行。而且, 因为赛场氛围一般比较激烈, 所以大多数信息都是稍纵即逝, 如果不锻炼好很好的听力能力, 恐怕很难在这个舞台上生存。因而, 听力的培养是走向辩论赛场的第一步。

(2) 口语能力的提高。

辩论中, 所有的立论、反驳都要以口语形式进行, 这就对学生的口语水平提出了一个更高的水平。一般的口语课堂无非就是从会话角度来对学生进行指导, 或者说从语言角度来进行教学。





近年来,不少学校出台严厉的措施,禁止中学生把手机带到学校。此事引发了各界热议。你校打算举办一场英语辩论活动,要求辩手围绕“Should students be forbidden to bring their mobile phones to school?”展开辩论。你打算参加辩论,请写一篇英语辩论稿。内容包括:

1 表明你的观点

2 提供证据支持你的观点

3 结论段



In recent years, many schools have taken tough measures to forbid students from bringing their mobile phones to school, which has caused heated debate among parents. I am in favor of banning students bringing phones to school. My reasons are as follows.

First, there is no need to bring mobile phones to school because students can use public phones to contact their parents in case of an emergency. And parents can call the teachers to reach their children. Besides, mobile phones distract students from concentrating on their lessons as they may chat online with their friends or surf the Internet after class. Third, students are likely to compare the brands of their mobile phones with their classmates.

To sum up, I strongly support banning mobile phones in schools.


1. 这是一篇辩论稿,文章应包含三个部分。第一段是导语段,引出辩论的话题,同时表明自己的立场观点。第二段提供充分的论据来支撑自己的论点。第三段为总阶段,总结前文,再次表明自己的观点。

2. 第一段和第二段之间使用了过渡句My reasons are as follows,使上下文衔接紧密。

3. 二段中用连接词First, Besides和Third列举了三点证据来支撑自己的观点。最后一段使用To sum up表明结论段。

4. 短语亮点:

take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事

be in favor of 赞成 ban doing sth 禁止做某事

as follows 列举如下 in case of 如果

distract sb. from doing 使某人不专心做某事 concentrate on 集中注意力于

after class 课下 be likely to do 可能做某事

compare sth. with sb. 把某物与某人相比 to sum up 总而言之

5. 句子亮点

(1)复合句:非限制性定语从句:which has caused heated debate among parents;原因状语从句:because they can use public phones to contact their parents in case of an emergency;as they may chat online with their friends or surf the Internet after class。

(2)?非谓语动词:动词不定式作目的状语:many schools take tough measures to forbid students from bringing their mobile phones to school;And parents can call the teachers to reach their children;动名词作宾语:I am in favor of banning phones to school。

(3)固定句式:①没有必要做某事:there is no need for students to bring mobile phones to school。②很有可能做某事: students are likely to compare the brands of their mobile phones。


1. 辩论稿是英文中一种常见的写作文体,旨在帮助辩手在辩论过程中更好地陈述自己的立场和观点,并提供论据。

2. 辩论稿通常由三部分组成。第一,要提出一个辩论的话题,并亮明自己的观点和态度;第二,提供充足的论据来支撑自己的观点;第三,总结前文,再次强调自己的观点和立场。

3. 写辩论稿时用到的句式:


Some people argue that/hold the idea that…

But I hold the opposite view. / I am against this idea. I would agree that…/ I strongly believe that…

I’m in favor of…

First of all/First/Firstly/Initially Second/Secondly/Then/Next/Besides Last/Finally/Last but not least/What’s more/More importantly In conclusion…/All in all…/In summary…/To sum up…/In a word…




Recently, many schools have taken tough measures to forbid students from bringing mobile phones to school, about which teachers and parents have different opinions. In my opinion, students should be allowed to bring their phones to school. Here are my reasons.

First of all, it is convenient for students keep in touch with their parents so that parents can know how their children are getting along at school. Secondly, mobile phones make it easy for students to contact their friends when they are in need of help. More importantly, students can relax themselves by listening to music or playing games after class.

All in all, students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school as long as they can use them in a proper way.



People hold different views about X.Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2.As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.For one thing, 论据1.For another, 论据2.Last but not the least, 论据3.To conclude, 总结观点.As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或 From above, we can predict that 预测.模版3

There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点)。Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2。As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all, 论据1。

Furthermore, 论据2。

Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest.That is, 论据3。



Good evening,Ladies and gentlemen.

According to the law, every single individual is born with the right to keep living. Since death is just a part of life, to suggest that it is a right is to grant that it is a freedom to decide when and where to give up this kind of right. In a manner of speaking, it is a man’s right to commit suicide.

Again, we can find in the OXFord Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese dictionary the explanation of “suicide”----the act of killing oneself intentionally----which indicates that suicide is simply a libertarian movement for human freedom and the right of making choices. It is the law’s duty to protect human’s freedom and the right of making choices.

While it is without doubt that suicide, in reality, is human’s right, there main argument remain:

1,Maybe some people will say that the primary purpose of human being is to live, so suicide is inhumane and totally against the standard of ethic;

2,Suicide is criminal offense because it involves the killing of a person;

3,The people who commits suicide is irrespondsable to those who love him, even if it is a physical and mental realse to himself.

However, an evidence to sustain the first argument is difficult to obtain.It is common sense to note that Modern medicine has its own limitation and can not cure all the existing diseases.In spite of the extraordinary progress made in Modern medicine, problems remain in terms of guaranteeing that all the pains due to illness can be reduced to a tolerant level. As a result of this, at least in the near future, there must be some illnesses which can not be treated, some pains which are uncontrollable, some people who are terminally ill. Maybe the primary purpose of an ordinary and healthy human being is to live, but what if the person we are talking about is a terminally ill patient whose remaining time is no more than a series of suffering . Neither the law nor medical ethics requires “everything be done” to keep a person alive. However, insistnece, against the patient’s wishes, that death be postponed by every means available is contrary to law and practice. It would also be cruel and inhumane. There comes a time when continued attempts to cure are not compassionate, wise or medically sound. That’s where only euthanasia can be of use. Voluntary euthanasia,which is another form of suicide, is human, because it brings mental and physical release to the patient and his family and helps to put an ultimate end to the torment of a termnally ill patient by hastening his death when he has no prospect of recovering. Extending an incurably sick patient’s life means the same as aggravating the pain . It is unnecessory to maintain life artificially beyond the point when people will never regain consciousness. Because effort should not be made to perpetuate what has become a meanless existence.

Others may argue that “suicide is criminal offense because it involves the killing of a person”. Indeed, killing another person is a kind of serious criminal offense which we call “murder”. However, what we are talkig about is “suicide”, not “murder”. Do they realise there is a big difference between the lives of our own and the lives of other people? Since it is our own life, we have the right to decide in what way the life meets its end. If not ,what is the difference gonna be? For instance, you are guity of keeping other people’s possession without permition. Because you are stealing the things which do not belong to you. But when it comes to your own possession, that it is to say, when you keep your own possession or even use it in a way that will probably destroy it,no one would consider you as guity.So, Sustaining the idea of “suicide is criminal offense” is as ridiculous as saying that a person is guity of using his own possession in a destructive way. In the case of suicide, there is no victims, let alone the so-called criminal offense.

With regard to the last argument----”the people who commit suicide ,even if it is a physical and mental realse to himself, is irresponsable to the people who really love him”----the argument itself, ironically is in some sense to abmit that suicide is a physical and mental realse. But what they fail to realise is that the kind of release is not just to the one who commit suicide, but also to his family.It is a terminally sick patient’s right as well as duty to put an utimate end to the torment of himself and his family. Because he is the reason of all the suffering. Those who choose suicide are a class of people whose remaining time is nothing but simply suffering, a class of people who choose death as an ultimate escape from the eternal torture they are destined to ,a class of people who need compassion and understanding from their relatives and the society, rather than meanlessly prolonging his painful life. If we really love the one who commit suicide, we should let him die in a desired way, die with dignity as he wishes. Because this is where true love lies.

Judging from what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that we should make suicide legalized. Because it’s a new and bitter truth we must learn to face.


There is a great concern among people on the issue whether online shopping is better than go market for shopping. Some people argee as if it is a general truth that go suppermore for pick Commodities.However, to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numberous reasons why I hold on confidence in them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

The main reason for my propensity for A is that you can search as much information as you can which normal couldn not do,and some local did not seal .

Another reason why I agree with on-line shopping lies in the fact that commodities will not have a time limit. to cite an instance ,when you Insomnia at Midnight, A strange idea jump up you mind --you want to shopping right now .How do you do ?A t that time ,on-line shopping fully satisfy your desires.

Furthermore ,Online payment using more traditional cash payment of more security, to prevent loss of cash or looting.


随着各类英语辩论赛开展的热潮, 越来越多的学校、学生投入各级各类的英语辩论赛中。正如北京大学王式仁教授所说:“辩论赛无形之中已成为高校学子学习生活中的重要内容, 特别是英语学习的‘风向标’, 让他们看到了英语学习不应该只停留在考级拿证, 而是要实践运用!”作为历届“外研社杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛的教练, 以及高校一名普通的商务英语教师, 笔者就英语辩论对于商务英语教学的助益谈谈初浅的看法。

1 商务英语教学的现状

当前, 在商务英语课堂中占主导地位仍是“语法———翻译”教法, 即教师引领学生对段落进行逐句翻译并外加一些必要的语法和术语讲解, 以此达到对整个篇章进行阅读理解的目的。这一教学模式以教师为中心, 以课堂为中心, 以书本为中心而展开, 教学手段较单一, 灌输式教学依旧占据主导地位, 极不利于学生能力的提高。改变商务英语教学的这一现状, 培养学生素质成为商务英语教学改革迫在眉睫的任务。

商务英语教学中一门重要的课程就是国际商务谈判英语 (International Business Negotiation) 课程。该课程是建立在国际贸易、工商管理专业知识和语用学基础之上的跨学科的课程。作为商务英语专业学生的必修课之一, 在国际商务活动中, 不同的利益主体需要就共同关心或感兴趣的问题进行磋商, 协调和调整各自的的经济利益或政治利益, 谋求在某一点上取得妥协, 促使双方感到双赢而达成共同协议。如果能将辩论中的技巧运用到这一环节, 就能够促成交易的达成。在商务英语教学中, 一旦能够像文秋芳教授在《专业英语口语指南》中所说, 把辩论引入到英语口语教学, 就可以达到贯彻四个“最大限度”的目标:让学生直接参与课堂活动的时间达到最大限度、让学生直接参与课堂活动的覆盖面达到最大限度、让学生的交际真实性达到最大限度、让学生相互学习的机会达到最大限度。这不仅有效地调动学生自主训练的能动性与创造性, 而且大大提升学生对语言的理解和输出能力, 并同时迅速提高学生以交际能力为核心的语言综合素质和智力水平。

2 英语辩论在中国的发展

人类向来有探求真理的冲动和享受思维激荡的乐趣, 这使得人类自有文明史以来, 就有辩论。纵观历史, 人类的“好辩”时代, 如中国春秋时代、古希腊雅典时期, 真理之辩奠定了人类哲学的基础。

“外研社杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛自2004年以来, 就引入了议会制辩论。作为一种文化现象, 议会制英语辩论并不等于英美等国的议会辩论, 它只是借用了英美议会辩论的发言形式, 为全国的英语学习者提供了一个共同交流思想的平台。为了与“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛及其他国际性赛事接轨, 在学校推广英语语言实践的作用, 笔者自2005年开始就负责学校建立的英语口语培训站, 在学校营造良好的英语口语学习环境并挑选优秀的辩论人才的同时, 对学校的素质教育与实践英语教育进行补充。

“外研社杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛采用的是议会制辩论 (Parliamentary Debate) 的形式举行, 每组选手有2人组成, 每场辩论正方称为“政府”, 反方称为“野党”, 每位辩手依次单独发言, 对所给出的辨题进行辩论。在规定的时间内, 还需要接受至少两次由对方提出质询 (即POI, Point of Information) 。这样的做法, 可以规避自由辩论的种种不足 (如场面混乱、争论不深、结构不清、在细枝末节上反复纠缠等问题) , 保证辩论既有深度, 又秩序井然。

议会制英语辩论赛的辩题 (Motion) 覆盖面广, 涉及国际政治、环境生态、文化生活、伦理道德等各方面的国内外热点的争论性话题, 如中国的户籍政策、妇女权益、大学招生等热点话题。这些辩题要求辩手不仅要具备良好的英语语言运用能力, 而且要求他们具有广阔的知识面和敏锐的思辨能力。

在辩题选取上, 选择与商务相关的辩题能能增强学生商务知识与英语运用结合的能力, 在英语教学中引入英语辩论能改进外语教学, 同时真正凸显英语的工具性、实用性、实战性。

3 英语辩论教学的组织形式

在商务英语教学过程中, 教师可以根据课程的特点, 提前一周布置学生就即将讨论的辩题或者说问题, 进行资料收集, 课上选用以下的组织形式:

1) 单独辩论。这其实是辩论的准备阶段。教师组织并设定学生分处于两个相对的不同利益主体上, 就某一辩题站在自己方的立场上发表自己的见解 (包括对辩题本身的理解与对辩题所涉及内容的看法等) 或对其他同学的观点进行辩驳。用“必要性-方案-好处”结构法、优势比较法等方法立论, 选取代表轮流表达自己完整的看法, 让其他的学生在对不同观点表述的比较过程中不断完善自己的表达内容, 帮助深化自己的主题。在充分讨论后, 学生的注意力被引导至辩题与教材内容存在的联系性上———要求学生结合教材的理论讲解对辩题进一步剖析, 于课后规定时间内以较为正式的小论文形式将成果递交。这样既能锻炼学生的口头表达能力, 又能训练学生笔头的语言组织能力。

2) 议会制辩论。正反两方各抽选出数量相当的数名同学, 组织他们就辩题进行英式议会制形式进行辩论。其余的学生作为Adjudicator (裁判) , 认真听取辩手的辩论, 并在辩论结束时做出评价, 这种方法可以调动大多数同学的积极性, 使大多数学生得到锻炼, 分享更多的用英语表达的喜悦。教师在操作过程中要善于调控, 适时给予肯定与鼓励并提供一些必要帮助, 引导学生严格围绕论题展开表达。

4 结束语

英语教学的实质是交际, 是师生、生生之间的思想、感情和信息的交流。在商务英语教学中引入英语辩论有利于巩固学习者对所学课程理论的理解;能让学习者更全面分析和处理所面临问题, 从正反两方面入手, 对比考虑所面临的问题的各个方面, 从理解到应用, 从信息输入到信息输出, 层层推进;并有利于提高学生的学习兴趣, 有利于突破重点、难点, 有利于培养学生的综合能力、提高学生整体素质, 对于培养全方位人才具有积极的作用。


[1]Branham, Robert James.Debate and Critical Analysis:The Har-mony of Conflict[M].Hillsdale, New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, 1991.

[2]Johnson, Steven L.Winning Debates[M].New York:International Debate Education Association, 2009.

[3]Kay, Sue.Practical Debating:A Simple Guide to the Art of Debate in English[M].Beijing:Foreign Language and Teaching Research Press, 2006.

[4]尹松涛.论英语辩论与新时期高校英语教学改革的关系[J].高教研究, 2006 (3) :33-35.

[5]万江波.刍议议会制辩论赛及其影响——以“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛赛制研究为例[C]//复旦外国语言文学论丛, 2010 (1) :128-139.


【关键词】创新性思维 英语辩论 能力培养




议会制具有无可辩驳的随机性与偶然性,是能够真正锻炼选手语言能力、思维能力、逻辑能力、批判性思考能力和临场发挥能力的绝佳锻炼机会。相比演讲比赛题目固定,准备时间充分,演讲时间多固定在三分钟,参赛选手会将准备演讲的热情投入到依赖老师、咨询外教和搜索各种网上现成的信息中,这样就会白白浪费掉很多原本属于自己的锻炼机会。虽然有的比赛在定题演讲比赛之后会附加即兴演讲和问答环节,但定题演讲给评委们留下的主观印象仍难以抹去,这样定题演讲准备的好坏就起到了至关重要的作用。而且由于定题演讲题目单一,大多数选手演讲稿内容都千篇一律(例如在2012年外研社杯全国英语演讲比赛黑龙江赛区决赛的现场,50多个选手以What we can not afford to lose为题进行演讲,很多选手都选择了love,time,happiness,youth等话题。这样造成了演讲比赛的枯燥乏味,直接导致现场观众和评委都提不起兴致。议会制辩论赛则不然,它的辩题都在比赛前20分钟发放,选手只有十五分钟左右的准备时间,要求选手要尽说满7分钟,并且每一轮的辩题都不同,或是当代实事,或是民众的热点话题等,选手要尽可能靠自己日常知识储备的广度和深度,以及自己语言组织能力、思维的逻辑能力去和对手辩论,同时还要令裁判信服自己的立论是正确值得信任的。这也是为什么我们发现在议会制辩论的赛场上,优秀选手中不乏一些跨学科人才甚至是理工科人才。议会制辩论赛由于其辩题的灵活、与时俱进和贴近生活,越来越受广大学生的喜爱与关注,同时现场比赛的紧张气氛和选手说话语速的节奏也令在场的评委不敢有一丝松懈。通过鼓励学生参加各式各样的议会制辩论赛并加以相关的培训,定会培养出具有敏锐眼光,敏捷思维能力和批判性思维的辩手,从而为复合型人才的培养奠定了坚实基础。







