



Dear Mum,

I finished my end-of year exams last week and got my report card today.I always feel nervous when I got my report card,but luckily I did Ok this time.My Chinese teacher said I was the best in class,because I had a really hard time with it .But my worst report was from my math teacher.He said I was lazy.And my science teacher said I could do better.That`s all for my report card .Best wishes.



一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标:

1)能掌握以下单词:sitcom, news, soap, educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, stand, happen, may, expect 能掌握以下句型:

① What do you want to watch? ② What do you think of talk shows? ③ I can’t stand them.④ I don’t mind them.⑤ I like/love them./ I don’t like them.2)能了解以下语法:



二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:






本节课内容为人教版新目标八年级 (下) Unit 5的第四课时, Section B部分的3a, 是一节语篇教学课例。根据《义务教育英语课程标准》 (2011年版) 的建议, 本节课采用任务型语言教学模式, 辅以情景交际和多媒体应用, 使学生能够在老师的指导下运用恰当的阅读技巧进行阅读, 领会文章主旨, 抓住文章细节, 读懂文章;学会根据提示词复述文章大意, 并学会模仿短文, 用目标语言描述自己的理想职业。提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 增强他们学好英语的信心, 学会、巩固用if引导的条件状语从句组织语言, 表述自己的梦想和增强为了理想而奋斗的决心。



本节课内容为人教版新目标八年级 (下) Unit 5的第四课时, Section B部分的3a。

是学生在Section A学习完if引导的条件状语从句基本用法之后的一节阅读能力训练拓展课。


八年级学生已经拥有了一定的英语语言知识水平和阅读能力, 但是他们的阅读水平和阅读技巧还不够成熟, 需要在教师的指导下不断完善和提高。虽这个阶段的学生具备了一定的写作基础, 但模仿范文写作的训练还很有必要。


(一) 知识目标:

1. 通过本节课学习, 使学生能够理解、会读、会写、会用如下词汇:

against, charity, chance, all the time, make a living doing sth., get injured

2. 学生理解并正确模仿下列句型:

If I become an athlete, will I be happy?

Becoming a professional athlete might seem like adream job.

Many professional athletes get injured.

(二) 能力目标:

1. 阅读能力:在老师的指导下, 能运用恰当的阅读技巧进行阅读, 领会文章主旨, 抓住文章细节, 读懂文章;并学会根据提示词复述文章大意。

2. 写作能力:会模仿短文用目标语言描述自己的理想职业。

(三) 情感态度:

1. 通过多种教学手法, 提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 增强他们学好英语的信心, 并提高其听和说的主动性;

2. 学会、巩固用 if 引导的条件状语从句组织语言, 表述自己的梦想, 增强为了理想而奋斗的决心。



1. 通过本节课学习, 使学生能够理解、会读、会写、会用如下词汇:

against, charity, chance, all the time, make a livingdoing sth, get injured

2. 学生理解并正确模仿下列句型:

If I become an athlete, will I be happy?

Becoming a professional athlete might seem like adream job.

Many professional athletes get injured.


1. 运用恰当的阅读技巧进行阅读;

2. 根据提示词复述文章大意, 用目标语言描述自己的理想职业。


(一) 读前任务

Step 1: 导入和复习

用目标语言“If…have / has a chance to…, …will be…!”谈论:

T: Look at the picture on the screen. Could you please tell me what they are doing?

Ss: (They are swimming.)

T: Are they happy?

Ss: (Yes, they are.)

T: I think so. I like swimming. If I have a chance to swim, I will be happy! (Repeat once) (Teach the word “chance”, ask them to read it after the teacher) Could you please talk about the other pictures (Picture 2 – 5) like me?

S1: (Picture 2) If they have a chance to …

S2: (picture 3) If she has a chance to …

S3: (Picture 4) …

S4: (Picture 5) …

T: The people in the pictures are very happy. They play sports for fun, not for a living. Who play sports for a living? (Lead in to the next step.)

设计意图:巩固目标语言知识, 为本节课的语言应用做好准备。

Step 2: 游戏 (猜谜游戏)

展示一些著名运动员的图片 (姚明、刘洋、李娜、贝克汉姆等) , 请学生猜一猜“Who are they? What do they do?”, 学习词块, 如professional athletes, make a living doing sth., do sth. for a living等。

2. 谈论职业运动员, 如:

T: They are all famous professional athletes. If you become a professional athlete, what will happen? (Show a picture of Liu Xiang with many people around him and asking for his signatures.)

S1: If I become a professional athlete, people all over the world will know me and some people will follow me to ask for my signatures.

T: You mean you’ll be famous?

S1: Yes, I’ll be famous and make money easily.

T: You’ll be famous and rich?

S1: Yes. If I become a professional athlete, I’ll be famous and rich.

T: If you become famous, what will happen? (Showa picture of a man who is taking photos of a famousman furtively.)

S2: Many people will know me and follow me all the time.

T: If you become rich, what can you do? (Show a picture of some athletes giving money to charities.)

S3: We will give money to schools and some poor children.

T: Charities? It means“慈善事业。”

Ss: Yes.

T: We will give money to charities. (Read the word “charity” some times.)

T: If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be famous and rich, many people will know you and followyou all the time, you will give money to charities. Will you be happy all the time? Let’s read the passage in 3a to know the answer. ( Lead in to 3a.)

设计意图:用目标语言导入话题, 引导学生思考职业运动员的职业优势和问题, 为下面的阅读打好基础。

(二) 读中任务

Step 1: 速读训练任务

请学生速读3a部分短文, 抓住文章主旨大意。

(Three choices: A. The reasons for being an athlete. B. The reasons against being an athlete. C. The reasons for and against being an athlete.) .

这个环节学习单词“against”and“for”, 并学习阅读策略“To catch the main idea, we can read the fi rst sentence of each paragraph.”

设计意图:通过指导学生运用略读的速读技巧, 抓住文章主旨大意, 培养学生的速读能力。

Step 2: 详读训练任务

任务一:Read Paragraph 1 carefully and fi nd out the reasons for being an athlete.

The questionis : What are the reasons for becoming an athlete?

The answers may be:

·It seems like a dream job.

·You can make a living doing sth you love.

·You can become famous.

·People all over the world will know you.

·You can give money to schools and charities.

·You can have a chance to help people.

任务二: Read Paragraph 2 and 3 carefully and fi ndout the reasons against being an athlete.

Read and tell “True” or “False” and try to correct the false ones:

·Professional athletes never have any problems. (F)

( P r o f e s s i o n a l a t h l e t e s c a n a l s o h a v e m a n yproblems.)

·If they are famous, people will watch them all the time. This can make life interesting. (F)

(If they are famous, people will watch them all the time. This can make life diffi cult.) .

·Sometimes their work is dangerous and they get injured. (T)

·It is very easy for them to know who their real friends are. (F)

(It is very diffi cult for them to know who their real friends are.)

本环节, 让学生学会生词“get injured”, 并学会运用阅读策略“To guess the meaning of some new words, we can notice the situation and the sentence before or after it.”

设计意图:分两步通过两个任务来指导学生详读文章, 了解文章细节, 更深入理解文章内容。

Step 3: 总结语言知识点

1. 学生自读文章, 找出自己的知识难点。

2. 教师引导学生总结知识点:seem like a dream job, make a living doing something, a great chance, all the time, play sports for a living, get injured, have a diffi cult time doing sth.

设计意图:在能力训练的同时, 进行语言知识的学习, 知识学习与能力训练相结合。

Step 4: 在文章内容理解和知识学习的基础上, 完成短文 (完形填空)

设计意图:巩固所学, 加深理解。

(三) 读后任务

Step 1. 在教师提供的图表的提示下复述课文。图表如下 :

设计意图:通过本环节, 学生可以在图表的提示和教师的示范下用目标语言复述课文, 既巩固了知识, 又训练了学生的听、说等语言运用能力。

Step 2. 写作训练

1) List the names of some professions, such as teacher, policeman, actor, lawyer, doctor, artist, etc.

2) Ask students to write a short passage about your dream job using sentences with “if” and “will”. Choosetwo things and write about both.

They can write it like this:

Maybe I’ll become a/an … when I grow up. If I become a/an …, I will … I will … But I won’t … Maybe I’llbecome a/an …

3) Ask some of students to read their short passages in class.

设计意图:在阅读的基础上, 指导学生模仿范文写作, 训练其写作技巧。

( 四 ) 作业布置

请学生模范3a写一篇短文, 介绍同伴的理想职业并说明理由。

设计意图:训练写作技巧, 提高表达能力, 巩固本单元话题相关词语、句式。



1. 学生对语言的综合运用能力。通过师生对话, 生生对话、小组互动写作练习。

2. 起到的激励作用。教师组织了一些有趣的活动, 例如:游戏、竞争、演示、表演等, 使学生参与其中, 让他们能够在一种情境中较好的掌握和理解语言。

3. 老师对学生的这些活动进行评价。这非常有益于学生更好的认识自我, 树立自信。对游戏比赛每一环节的操作进行评分。


(一) 量规的设计

1. 在复习环节, 根据学生反应快慢、答对多少这一标准进行评定。

2. 课件显示运动员图片。学生仿照教师的对话自己做对话练习环节。以哪一组对话内容丰富, 有自己的创意, 交际流利无障碍为原则评出“对话能手”。同时运用观察法。

3. 在习题检测环节, 通过教师所设置的习题检测学生的学习情况, 同时再一次巩固刚学的内容。以回答积极举手次数多少为标准。同时运用观察法。

(二) 观察法

1. 在课件中显示运动员图片, 学生仿照教师的对话自己做对话练习环节。以哪一组对话内容丰富, 有自己的创意, 交际流利无障碍为原则评出“对话能手”。

2. 在习题检测环节, 通过教师所设置的习题检测学生的学习情况, 同时在再一次巩固刚学的内容。以回答积极举手次数多少为标准, 评出“聪明星”。同时运用观察法。

(三) 作业与测验法


1. I have too ____ homework to do so I can’t go with you.

A. muchB. manyC. lotD. lot of

2. Do you like to go ____ the concert with me?

A. atB. toC. forD. with

3. May Lee ____ go to school today because she’s ill.

A. mustB. shouldC. canD. can’t

4. These flowers are ____ Miss Li.

A. toB. withC. inD. for

5. What are you doing ____ Sunday morning?

A. inB. atC. onD. with

6. ____ he’s coming right now.

A. MayB. BeC. MaybeD. May be

7. Thank you for ____ me to your party.

A. invite B. invitesC. to inviteD. inviting

8. My sister is writing ____ her penfriend.

A. toB. forC. withD. at

9. I have to go to____ doctor on weekends.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

10. Peter is busy. He is studying ____ a science test in the classroom.

A. withB. forC. toD. because

11. The birthday party is ____ Saturday night.

A. onB. inC. atD. for

12. Can Vince play volleyball ____ Andy?

A. forB. withC. andD. to

13. I’d love to ____ some coffee.

A. haveB. havingC. tableD. taking

14. This e-mail message is ____ Tony.

A. withB. fromC. atD. on

15. My daughter is playing ____ piano.

A. aB. theC. withD. /

16. Girls sometimes like to help their parents ____ the housework.

A. forB. atC. withD. to

17. I like bananas. ____ you, Ted?

A. HowB. How aboutC. WhatD. What like

18. Can you ____ anything different, Tom?

A. thinkB. think aboutC. lookD. think of

19. ____ my sister and I like watching TV.

A. BothB. AllC. AlsoD. Too

20. I’m inviting all my friends ____ my birthday party.

A. forB. atC. toD. in


1. ——Can you come to the cinema with us?

——Sorry, I can’t. I have to h____ my parents do the housework.

2. When I’m f____, I will go to visit my teacher.

3. ——Can you come to my party on Sunday?

——S____, I’d love to.

4. I can’t go and play football with you. I have too m____ homework to do.

5. Thanks a l____ for the invitation.

6. I’m going sightseeing on v____ with my parents.

7. I h____ to study for a math test next week.

8. ——What time is it now?

——It’s a q____ past three.

9. Can you come o____ to my house this afternoon?

10. I can’t c____ him because I don’t have his telephone number.


1. 今天下午你能和我一起去买东西吗?

____ you go shopping ____ ____ this afternoon?

2. 他们星期六上午要为汤姆举办一个生日聚会。

They’re having a birthday party ____ Tom ____ Saturday morning.

3. 我们明天不得不很早到校。

We ____ ____ get to school early tomorrow.

4. 你星期一要做什么?

What are you ____ ____ Monday?

5. 谢谢你的邀请。对不起,我不能来。

____ ____ your invitation. I’m ____, but I ____ come.

6. 我明天要和我的朋友去看电影。

I’m ____ ____ the movies ____ my friend tomorrow.

7. 劳驾,你能告诉我他的电话号码吗?

____ ____, ____ you ____ me his telephone number?

8. 你们必须按时到校。

You ____ ____ to school on time.

9. 后天你和你的叔叔去钓鱼吗?

Are you going fishing with your uncle ____ ____ ____ ____?

10. 假期你准备去哪儿?

Where ____ you ____ on vacation?


A. We are going to the party and enjoy ourselves.

We are going to the party and __1__ __2__.

B. Cindy is in Class Two. Vanessa is in Class Two, too.

Cindy __3__ Vanessa are __4__ in Class Two.

C. Thank you for asking me to go to the party.

Thank you for __5__ __6__ to the party.

D. I can’t come. I’m having a very busy day.

I can’t come __7__ I __8__ very busy.

E. He’s busy from Monday to Sunday.

He’s busy __9__ __10__ week.


A: Hey, Robert, __1__ you go to the movies __2__ Saturday?

B: I’m sorry. I __3__. I have too much homework __4__ do this weekend.

A: Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe __5__ time.

B: Sure, Dave. Thanks for __6__.

A: Hi, Peter, are you __7__ on Saturday?

C: Ah, yes.

A: Can you go to __8__ movies with me?

C: Sure, I’d love __9__. What __10__ is it?

A: It’s at ten.

C: OK. Ten o’clock. See you.

A: See you.



Last summer, Bob’s whole family went to New York for their summer vacation. They stayed there for two weeks.

The whole family got to New York on schedule(按照预期的安排). Soon after they left the airport, they first found a hotel in the city. Then they took a taxi to the Empire State Building(帝国大厦). From the top of the building, they saw most parts of New York. On the second day, the whole family visited the Metropolitan Museum. In this museum, they saw a lot of interesting things. During the rest time of the week, Bob went to Bronx Zoo with his younger brother and sisters. There they were delighted(高兴) to see a lot of their favorite animals—tigers, lions, monkeys, and elephants.

In the second week, the family visited Long Island(长岛). On the island, they spent most of their time swimming, sunbathing, and playing on the beach. They all had a good time.

1. Bob’s family spent their summer vacation ____.

A. in Bronx ZooB. on Long Island

C. in the Metropolitan MuseumD. in New York

2. They stayed there ____.

A. for a weekB. for two weeksC. for two daysD. for a month

3. From ____ they saw most of the city.

A. the Empire State BuildingB. the Metropolitan Museum

C. Long IslandD. Bronx Zoo

4. They were delighted at the zoo because ____.

A. they saw a lot of their favorite animals

B. their parents let them play computer games all the time

C. their friends invited them to go to a big dinner party

D. they met their good friends and played soccer together

5. They spent ____ swimming, sunbathing, and playing on the beach on

Long Island.

A. a little timeB. a lot of money

C. most of the timeD. some time


I was downtown(进城) yesterday, and decided to stop at the bank(银行) to see Alice Green. I thought she might have time to go to lunch with me. When I got to the bank, they told me she had just been out for a few minutes. I asked them if she would be back by 11:30 or 11:45, and they said yes. I had some time, so I decided to wait for her. Then I walked over to some chairs by the windows and sat down. I decided to watch the front door because I knew she would come back in that way. I waited and waited, but she didn’t come through the door. Finally I decided not to wait any longer. It was 12:30, and I was sure that she wouldn’t be back until after lunch. I got up, and I started to walk toward the door; somebody called my name. I turned around and was surprised to find out that it was Alice. When I said that someone had told me she had been out, she told me she hadn’t left her office all the morning.

6. The writer went to the bank to ____.

A. get some money so that he could buy something in the department store

B. ask one of his friends to go shopping with him

C. see one of his friends called Alice Green

D. have a talk with the people in the bank

7. When the writer got to the bank, ____.

A. Alice had left her office

B. Alice was in her office all the time

C. Alice was waiting for him

D. Alice was on her way to the bank

8. The writer decided to wait because he was told that Alice would be

back before ____.

A. 12:30B. 12:45C. 11:00D. 11:45

9. The writer was waiting for Alice ____.

A. at the front doorB. in the office room

C. by the windowsD. in front of the bank

10. The writer waited for Alice for ____.

A. half an hourB. a few minutes

C. an hourD. more than an hour


Two sailors who had just finished a long voyage(航海) went home to their village(村庄) and decided to have a few drinks in the bar(酒吧) there. When they had enough, they came out into the street to look for something amusing(引起乐趣的) to do, but it was a very quiet place, and nothing interesting ever happened there, so they could not find anything.

But at last, while they were standing in the marketplace(市场) outside the bar, they saw a village boy coming slowly towards them. He was leading a donkey(驴) by a rope, so the sailors decided that they would have a joke(玩笑) with him.

“Hello,” one of the sailors said to the boy. “Why does your brother have to have a rope round his neck when he goes for a walk with you?”

“To stop him joining the navy(海军),” the boy answered at once.


This is a very funny story. It is about two __1__. They went home __2__ they had traveled on the sea for a __3__ time. First, they decided to have some __4__ in the bar to enjoy __5__. Then they left the bar to look for amusements in the street, __6__ the village was so __7__ that they couldn’t find anything __8__. When they saw a village boy leading a donkey in the street, they __9__ to make fun of him. __10__ they didn’t expect that they were made fun of by the boy.



Dear Tom,





Teaching aims: 1.Learn how to make, accept, decline invitation.2.Talk about obligations with “have to” 3.Talk about the schedule.Sentence structure 1.Can you come to my party? Sure, I’d love to.I’d like to.Sorry, I can’t.I have to 2.What’s the day? What day is it today? What’s the date today? Vocabulary can, have to, have a piano lesson, help, invite, another, weekend, too much, join, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, play tennis, on Friday evening, go to the mall, this evening, really, busy, study for the test, whole & all, come over Procedures

Period 1 Step 1 Lead in 1.Can you help me? Hello, everyone!Yesterday I received an invitation letter from my dear friend;she invites me to go to her Halloween party.But I have something important to do.I’m studying for a test.I don’t know what to do.What should I say? Can you help me? 2.Repeat the words above in Chinese.Tell them my obligations in Chinese so that the students can use target phrase “have to”.昨天,我收到了一封我用心



同学寄来的邀请函,她请我参加她的万圣节聚会,但是我有些重要事情要做,我不得不为考试学习,我不知道该怎么跟她说?如果你们是我,你们会怎么回答呢? 3.Ask one student to answer my question.“Julia, can you come to my party?” 4.Introduce the topic of this unit.Step 2 1a~1c 1.Tell students to look at the book and find talk about the obligations.(Section A, 1a)Look at the pictures and learn the phrases.have a piano lesson上一节钢琴课 lesson与class give sb.a lesson上课,teach sb.a lesson教训 help my parents 与 help sb.with something 2.1b Listen and check the answers.3.Learn some language points while listening on the Saturday afternoon, how about„, next time 4.Groupwork.Divide the students into groups of four and make conversations.Ask one group to act it out.Step3 1.Listen to the tape and finish 2a, 2b 2.Pairwork.Read the passage and learn the language points too much, this weekend, another time, thank for Step4 grammar(3 minutes)1.Can you„?情态动词can在这里起征求对方意见的作用。2.肯定回答。3.否定回答。

Step5 homework Make some conversations.Period2 Procedures: 2c~3b Step1




Procedures: Step1 1.Read the e-mail message.2.Analyze the e-mail and fill in the blanks thanks→apology→giving reasons→obligations→invitation 3.Language points: Thank you for„(为„„表示感谢)Thank you for helping me.Thank you for your invitation.busy: be busy with sth Kate is busy with her homework.be busy doing sth jack is busy practicing for the school concert.training训练 不可数 go to the movies make a movie the movies=cinema Let’s go to the movies Step 2(3b)1.Review the grammar.Use present progressive to present future.2.Ask the students to fill in the blanks in 3b.3.language point: call sb=call sb up Step 3(3d)1.Read the conversation in the box together.2.Write down everything you have to do next week.(for social practice)Step 4(Self check 1)1.Let the students to fill in the blanks with the words given.2.Learn the language points: on weekdays, Step 7(Self check 2)1.Language points: go to the mall, geography, culture club, whole & all(the whole day, all day), come over, free

take a piano lesson



























































































mr.GreenhasfourEnglishbooks.mrs.GreenhassixEnglishbooks(合并为一句).mr.Greenhas________Englishbooks___________ mrs.Green.1>


>这两名学生都比其他学生聪明一些.Thetwostudentsare__________________thanthe______ 2>我不如我姐姐漂亮.I’m____________thanmysister.I’m________________________mysister.3>越努力工作,获得的成绩越好。



21.Don’t go out, it is rainingA.hardlyB.heavilyC.heavyD.big A.pick it upB.pick it out C.picked up itD.picked it up

23.She doesn’taying at home alone.A.wantB.would like C.feel likeD.decide

you.A.winB.beatC.beatsD.wins 25.The sun in the east.A.riseB.risesC.raiseD.raises

his illness.A.becauseB.butC.soD.because of A.where Jim livesB.where does Jim live C.where Jim liveD.where is Jim

A.overB.lessC.moreD.less than 29.——It’s May 4th.A.What day is it today?B.What time is it?

C.When is it?D.What’s the date today? silence.A.withB.forC.inD./

the rainstorm?

A.at that timeB.in timeC.at the time ofD.when A.byB.atC.onD.in

(洪水).A.were taken offB.were taken away C.were taken outD.were taken down A.shoppedB.is shopping C.was shoppingD.shops

out of the station.A.getsB.gettingC.was gettingD.got Ⅲ.完形填空(10分)

A boy was walking in the street36a man came over37him the station.The boy was very naughty(调皮的).He wanted40a joke(玩笑)on the man.He pointed to(指向)side of the road and said,“Go down the street until you reach a shop.You can find it on your left!” The man thanked him and went away.A few minutes42, the man came back.He said to the boy that there was find the station.and said,“a map in the bookshop, and you’ll find the way!” 36.A.butB.becauseC.thenD.when 37.A.formB.toC.forD.with 38.A.askB.askedC.tellD.told 39.A.toB.forC.atD.in

40.A.playB.to playC.showD.to show 41.A.anotherB.the otherC.one moreD.two 42.A.beforeB.afterC.pastD.later

43.A.can’tB.may notC.couldn’tD.mustn’t 44.A.lookedB.criedC.laughedD.jumped 45.A.BuyB.CarryC.ShowD.Borrow Ⅳ.阅读理解(10分)

Mozart was born on January 27,1756 and died on December 5,1791.When he was three, he often had lessons with his elder(年长的)sister.His father took him through many different countries, where he played music for lots of people.But some people didn’t believe that a little boy could write such beautiful music.They asked him to stay in a room all by himself for a week and somebody watched the room all the time.In the week, he finished a piece of music.After that, people believed that he could write beautiful music.Mozart died when he was still a young man.During his short life he studied

music and taught music and played music and wrote music.Even by working so hard, he couldn’t make much money.Often he had to borrow money from his friends.But his music made him happy and for more than two hundred years his music has made other people happy, too.,Mozart took music lessons with his elder sister.A.threeB.fiveC.youngD.old

finished a new piece a week later.A.believedB.didn’t believe C.knewD.know A.richB.poorC.happyD.relaxed A.a long timeB.a long lifeC.a short timeD.a happy time happy.A.both him and other people B.only him C.other peopleD.his family


in the room is too weak, I can’t see it clearly.53.Are you for or athe plan?

after dinner.55.I don’t understand the word, can you tell me theof the word? Ⅵ.用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)

(kill)by a person sixty years ago.(see)him in your school.(cook)at 6:30 yesterday.Ⅶ.根据汉语意思完成句子(5分)61.雾正在渐渐消退。62.当他醒来时,他爸爸正在看着他。, his father was watching him.63.不要打我的脸。

Don’tthe face.64.今天早上他起晚了,因为他的闹钟没有响。

He got up late this morning, because his alarm didn’t.65.那时他正在等他爸爸。


66.Tom did homework at home yesterday.(用at that time yesterday改写句子)homework at home at that time yesterday.67.She was making a banana milk shake.(就画线部分提问)?68.The girl wanted to play with us.(改为同义句)

playing with us.69.These workers had to stop working, because the rain was too heavy.(改为简单句)

70.Other people saw the strange light, too.(改为同义句)Ⅸ.书面表达(15分)

根据表格信息,描述昨天晚上停电时汤姆的一家人正在做的事情。Tom play the computer games Tom’s father wash the car Tom’s mother make dinner Lily: play the piano


Ⅱ.21.B rain在句中作动词,应该由副词heavily修饰,因此选B。

22.D pick...up意为“把……捡起来”,宾语如果是代词,只能置于中间,又因为时态为一般过去时,故选D项。

23.Cwant,would like与decide后面接动词不定式作宾语,want后常接动名词时,表示被动,故此处只有C项符合题意。24.Bwin表示赢得比赛项目;而beat表示赢得对手。

25.Brise为不及物动词,意为“升起”;the sun为第三人称单数,故B项符合题意。

26.Dhis illness是名词短语,应该用because of。27.A疑问句作宾语时,应该用陈述语序。28.Aover意为“超过”。

29.D该对话中的答语是日期,因此应该用What’s the date进行提问。30.Cin silence是固定短语,意为“沉默,无声”。

31.Cat the time of是固定短语,意为“在……的时候”。32.Aby the side of意为“在……附近”为固定短语。

33.Dtake off脱掉;take away拿走;take out拿出来;take down拆掉,拆毁。根据句意“所有的房子都被洪水 ”可知选择were taken down最合题意。34.Cwhile意为“当……的时候”,通常用于进行时态;由主句中happened可知,该句表示“当一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作发生了”。因此while引导的时间状语从句用过去进行时。

35.D该复合句表示当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行;主句时态为过去进行时,因此从句应该为一般过去时,故选D。Ⅲ.36.D 该主从复合句表示当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行。37.Bcome over to him意为“来到他身边”。

38.Bask him the way to the station意为“向他问到车站的路”,由前面的came可知该句时态应为一般过去时,故选B。

39.Athe way to...是固定短语,意为“到……的路”。

40.Bwant to do sth.意为“想做某事”;play a joke是固定短语,意为“开玩笑”。

41.Bthe other side of the road意为“马路的另一边”。

42.Da few minutes later意为“几分钟后”。

43.C由上面的句意“there was only a bookshop there 那儿只有一家书店”。可知这个男子没有找到车站;又因上句时态为一般过去时态,故该句相应的也应该是一般过去时。


45.A由文意可知,男孩的意思是“在书店买张地图,就会找到去车站的路”。因此答案为A。Ⅳ.46.A由第一段中的“When he was three, he often had lessons with his elder sister.当他三岁时,他就跟着他姐姐上课”可知答案为A。


48.Brich“富裕的”;poor“贫穷的”;happy“快乐的”;relaxed放松的。由第三段中的“he couldn’t make much money他挣不到许多钱”以及“Often he had to borrow money from his friends他经常不得不向他朋友借钱”可知此处应填poor。

49.C由第三段的第一句“Mozart died when he was still a young man.”可知答案为C。

50.A由第三段的最后一句“但是他的音乐不仅让他开心,而且两百多年以来,他的音乐让别人也感到快乐。”可知答案为A。Ⅴ.51.light52.beating53.against54.asleep55.meaningⅥ.56.was killed 57.seeing58.learning59.truth60.was cookingⅦ.61.dying down62.woke up63.hit;in64.go off65.waiting forⅧ.66.was doing67.What was;doing68.felt like69.because of70.as wellⅨ.One possible version:


教材用词应力求准确无误, 这样才能为学生提供规范准确的学习资源。《英语 (新目标) 》八年级下册有几处用词瑕疵:

P41 Write the names your hear in the conversations next to each picture.

P74 Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China?

P76 Listen and number the pictures above in the order you hear them.

P80 Match each note with the correct situation.

P41中的“your hear”应改作“you hear”才符合英语语法规则;P74里的“outside of”仅在美国英语中使用, 一方面不够典型, 另一方面“outside”与“of”连用, 学生易误认为是名词, 而作名词时的意思是“the outer side or surface;the outer parts (……的外围, 外表面) ”, 去掉“of”就无此歧义了。P80中的“number”应改为“check”更合适, 因为学生听到的只是四幅图片中的三幅;P80“situation”应改成“subject”, 因为短信前提供的不是使用短信的“情境”, 而是短信的“主题”。

2. 所选句式的典型性。

《英语课程标准 (实验稿) 》强调, 教材的编写应该保证重要语言现象有足够的再现率, 教材应尽可能选择真实、地道和典型的语言素材, 其目的是让学生学习标准、地道的英语, 尽可能减少已有的母语认知结构的负迁移作用。笔者认为, 教材在追求“真实、地道”的同时, 也应充分考虑所选素材的典型性。

P70 It is just so much fun in Disneyland!

P3 People will use the subways less.

P80 Sometimes it isn’t easy being the new kid at school.

P70中“fun”的词性和用法令人费解, 凭初中生的认知能力和英语水平根本无法理解。七年级上册中“fun”作形容词, 用在口语中作定语, 可例句中的“fun”又作名词, 学生被弄得一头雾水。P3里的画线部分仅在美国英语里使用, 且“the”可以省略, 在学生的原有认知结构中, 复数名词表示“一类”时是不用冠词的。P80改为“Sometimes it isn’t easy to be a new kid at school”更符合英语的表达习惯。

3. 逻辑思维的缜密性。

文字是语言的符号, 人们把思维活动用符号记录下来就是书面表达, 直接说出则叫口头表达。语言能显示出人们思维活动的先后顺序, 即所谓的逻辑关系。如果逻辑出现错误, 那么语言就会出现前言不搭后语或自相矛盾的情况。

P97“注:非延续性动词在否定结构中可用现在完成时。例如:I haven’t bought anything for two months.”

教材P96却是:“某些动词的现在完成时可表示过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在 (包括‘现在’在内) 的动作或状态, 可以和表示延续的时间状语连用。表示持续动作或状态的动词多是延续性动词”, 这显然是说:“非延续性动词不可以和表示延续的时间状语连用”, 而例句中却变成“非延续性动词在否定结构中可用现在完成时”, 这分明是逻辑上的混乱, 应改为“非延续性动词在否定结构中可以和表示延续的时间状语连用”, 以保持逻辑上的连贯性。

P93 Conversation 2

Boy 1:You’re new here, aren’t you?

Boy2:Yes, Iam.Myname’s Bill.You’re Tony, aren’t you?

Boy 1:That’sright.Whatdo you think of school?

Boy 2:It’s great.Have you always gone to this school?

Boy 1:No, I haven’t.I started here last year.

根据第一句话可以看出此对话发生在学校, 而下面用的“have gone to”表示的是“已经去某地了”, 既然都“在学校”, 为何又说“去某地”了?前后自相矛盾。笔者认为改作“--How long have you been studying at this school?--Oh, not too long.I started here last year.”更符合逻辑。

4. 教材编写的科学性。

《英语课程标准 (实验稿) 》要求, 英语教材的编写要依据语言学习的客观规律, 充分体现不同年龄段和不同语言水平学生的学习特点和学习需要, 教学内容和教学要求要符合学生的心理特点和认知水平。

P50 I’ve been teaching in China for two yrars.…I’m certain I will be here for the Olympic Games in 2008.

笔者在教学时告诉学生这是作者过去写的文章, 学生却根据第一句判断出作者是2008年开始在中国教书, 那时奥运会已经结束 (八年级新学期九月份开始) , 由此判断画线部分确实应用一般过去时。

P74...you won’t have any problem finding rice...
