




封闭型问题要求应试者人员做出简单回答的问题。这是一种只要求应试者做“是”、“否”一个词或一个简单句的回答。 例如:你是什么时候参加工作的?你在大学学的是管理专业吗?


开放型问题时提出的问题要求应试者不能只用简单的一词或一句话来回答,而必须另加解释、论述,才能圆满回答问题。面试中的提问一般都应该用开放试问题,以启发应试者的思路,激发其沉睡的潜能与素质,从大量输出信息中进行测评,真实地考察其素质水平。 例如:你在原单位的工作,要求经常与哪些部门的人打交道?有些什么体会?


假设型问题是以虚拟式的提问了解应试者的反应能力与应变能力、解决问题能力和思维能力等。有时为了委婉地表达某种意思,也可用此提问方式。 例如:假如我现在告诉你因为某种原因,你可能难以被录用,你如何看待呢?


连串型问题提问一半用于压力面试中,主要考察应试者人员的反应能力,思维的逻辑和条理等,但也可以用于考察应试者的注意力、瞬时记忆力、情绪稳定、分析判断力、综合概括力等。 例如:我想问三个问题,第一,你为什么到我们单



这种提问方式带有某种挑战,其目的在于创造情景压力,以此考察应试者的应变力与忍耐。一般用于压力面试中。这种提问多是“踏应试者的痛处”或从应试者的谈话中引出问题。 例如:应试者表示如被录用愿服务一辈子,另一方面却知道他工作五年已换了四个单位情况,此时可向他提问:“据说你工作五年已换了四个单位,有什么可以证明你能在我们单位服务一辈子呢?”


这类提问主要用于征询应试者的某些意向、需求或获得一些较为肯定的回答。如涉及薪资、福利、待遇、工作安排等问题,宜采取此种提问方式。 例如:到单位两年以后才能定职,你觉得怎么样?












意愿型问题是考察应试者的求知动机与拟任职位的匹配、应试者的价值取向和生活态度。 如:你为何想离开原工作单位?又为什么报考现在的岗位?这次报考倘若未被录用,你将有何打算?(报考动机是否符合拟任职位所需条件,应试者是否既对报考的工作岗位有正确认识和强烈动机,又能正确对待挫折,抱有积极的生活态度。)




(自我介绍)Good morning, professors .I’m very glad to be here for you interview. My name is tansend, I’m 22 years old. I come from Yantai, a very beautiful coast city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in XX University in july 2011. And now, I’m trying my best for obtaining a key to Tianjin Foreign Studies University.


I have the confidence because I have such ability! I’m a boy/girl who is fervent , outgoing and creative. At the same time, I think I’m quick in mind and careful in everything.


Well, in my sparetime, I like basketball, tennis and street dancing. Also English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practise my oral English on every Saturday, and writing compositions to improve my written ability. But I know my English is not good enough, I will continue study.


2、Question: What’s reasons for your choice?(你为什么会选择来我校读研?)

It’s a good question , and as far as I’m concerned, there are several reasons.


I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here this summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous Foreign Studies Universities in our country, it provide people enough room to get further enrichment, this is the first reason.


The second one is I long for Japanese interpreter thoughout my life. It’s a pleasure to be with my favorite Japanese for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision . 第二,我一直都希望能够一辈子做一名日语翻译。而且,能够与我最喜爱的日语相伴一生是非常幸福的。这也是其中最重要的因素。

Thirdly ,I learnt a lot from my studies during my 4-year college life. However , I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is previous. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development , especially in this competitive modern world.


In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.


3、Question:Please talk about your plan in the postgraduate study.(请陈述一下你在研究生阶段的学习研究计划。)

First, I hope ican form systematic view of Japanese Interpreter. As for the plans in the postgraduate study, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development. If possible , I will gone with my study for doctorate degree.


In a word, I’m working forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.


4、Question:Please introduce your hometown.(请介绍一下你的家乡)

My hometown is Yantai, a beautiful coast city in the east of ShanDong Province. It’s surrounded by green mountains with fresh air. And it is famous for apple and LaiYang pear, and ZhangYu Grape Wine is known widely all over the world.


The people in my hometown are very friendly, hardworking, sincere and honest. What’s more, we are get along with each other very well. I love my hometown very much.




1.题量和分值。总体上讲, 翻译测试的部分在题量与分值上, 在各个院校的试题中比较接近但也存在差别。除个别院校外, 翻译测试部分在整个考研试题中的比重都比较大, 而且有比重加大的趋势。

2.题型。各个院校的翻译测试题型有比较大的差别, 有理论测试, 有句子翻译, 有文本翻译, 属于不同的应试科目或板块, 如基础英语、专业英语、翻译理论与实践、翻译与写作、英汉互译等, 但是翻译属于各个院校英语专业对学生英语能力检测的必试部分。题型差别虽然较大, 但各个学校自身题型相对稳定。

3.难易程度。从全国多所院校翻译试题的难度来看, 名校题目大都偏难。大多数高校翻译题目难度适中, 也有较少高校翻译题目相对较为容易, 但难度水平每年有所波动。

4.试题选材。从题材内容上来看, 大多数高校比较单一, 少数高校选材极为广泛, 政治、经济、科技、文学等都有涉及。有的高校则有所偏重, 翻译文章绝大多数为散文。有的多考关于我国经济建设与发展、政治报告等方面的时文内容。另外, 翻译测试选材与学校自身的性质有关, 常涉及自身学校专业性质的文章。


1.双语能力。听、说、读、写、译是英语学习的五大技能, 也是英语学习的五大内容, 从这五个技能的排列顺序, 就可以看出翻译需要很好的语言功底。离开了语言基本素质的培养, 不可能具备良好的翻译能力。语言基本素质的提高对于英汉互译来说, 必然需要英语与汉语同步提高。英语考研翻译所选文章大都是名家名篇或原版文章, 单从理解上对学生当前的水平而言, 就有一定的难度, 更不要说表达地道、行文流畅, 具有一定的艺术水准。结合多年考研辅导经验, 笔者认为当前英语专业的学生基本全身心投入到专四、专八的应试教育中, 基本上很少花时间提高中文水平, 英译汉常常是理解到位, 但表达不力, 译文的流畅性、逻辑性都需要进一步提高。

2.知识积累。翻译必须有相当丰富的知识。因为语言只是人类传递信息及表达情感的一种符号, 如果缺乏对信息和情感的认识, 即知识上欠缺, 翻译时由于理解不够, 就只能字对字或机械地翻译, 译文必然缺乏逻辑、晦涩难懂。丰富的知识甚至可以克服语言理解与表达上的障碍, 让人有顿悟与豁然开朗之感。

3.文化素养。翻译并不是仅仅传递信息或达意而已, 更多的时候是传递一种异域的文化。缺乏对一定文化的理解, 翻译只能停留在表层的词意理解和表达上。如果漏掉更重要的文化信息, 往往就会导致理解错误、误译或失去异域色彩。

4.翻译实践。由于英语专业考研翻译测试有一定的难度, 而且该考试属于选拔性考试, 难度系数有一定拔高, 因此, 一方面学生要通过大量翻译实践提高翻译能力, 另一方面要针对所考院校做大量翻译练习, 提高应对该校翻译测试题型的能力。只有通过这个阶段的训练, 语言能力、知识积累、文化素养才会融合、升华为译者的素质。


“田忌赛马”很好地说明了比赛时的谋略可以出奇制胜。翻译测试也一样, 需要的不仅是平时知识的积累和能力的掌握, 而且需要考试时的应变与机智。

1.时间分配与顺序调整策略。由于考研考试可以灵活调整试卷内各测试板块的做题顺序, 这样平时最擅长的先做、快做, 在保证较好地完成任务的情况下, 把时间留给较难的部分。比如有些学校翻译与写作在一起, 有些同学写作较好, 而且写作有相当部分与平时模式化训练有关, 因此可以先做。有些对英译汉、汉译英擅长, 而且英翻汉和汉翻英在考试时难度可能不同, 则可以调整做题顺序。当然, 这与平时训练时策略的应用有很大关系。

2.翻译方向策略。不同的翻译方向 , 可能选取的策略不同。英译汉的目的语是中文, 改卷的老师是中国人, 他们除了对译文要求传意准确之外, 对译文的可读性、文采、地道等要求更高。笔者认为英译汉时需要更加注意色彩和流畅性、逻辑性, 译文在很大程度上应是一篇美文。汉译英, 对学生而言, 要达到母语为英文的人所写文章的地道有点不现实, 因此, 改卷老师的改卷标准肯定有所不同。笔者更倾向于学生的译文应有能引起改卷老师特别注意的亮点, 有自己的翻译风格, 而不是模式化、乏味的陈腐烂词或机械的字对字的硬译。

3.表达策略。要注意出题老师的出题用意。难度很大的文章, 有时是因为理解上的困难造成的, 需要把重心放在理解上, 即译文最需要反映的是原文意思, 表达的要求不一定那么高;相反, 有可能有一年的某一个部分特简单、基本没有理解的问题, 出题者可能把重心放在对表达的检测上, 对译文的可读性、流畅性、逻辑性及色彩可能要求很高。

通过以上分析, 旨在强调翻译测试必须有针对性, 针对翻译本身的特点, 针对所考院校题型, 需要做大量的针对性练习。同时, 更需要掌握一定的现场应试策略, 最终才能考好。


[1]李秀丽.英语专业八级翻译测试对英语教学反驳作用研究[J].乐山师范学院学报, 2011 (3) :135-140.



一 邮轮业发展现状及人才的需求矛盾分析






二 国际邮轮英语面试的常见问题及面试技巧


1 国际邮轮英语面试的基本流程


2 面试官提问的主要动机





1 自我介绍问答及面试技巧


e.g.Could you introduce yourself? Can you say something about yourself in English? (能自我介绍一下吗?请用英语做一下自我介绍。)


Yes, I could. My name is Li Ming.I am 24 years old .I graduated from Tianjin Maritime College. My major is International Cruise Stewarding.(我叫李明,今年24岁,毕业于学天津海运职业学院,学的是国际邮轮乘务专业.)

2 关于受教育情况及工作经验的提问及面试技巧


e.g.Now tell me something about your professional education.(请告诉我你所受专业教育的情况。)

回答这一问题时,首先明确自己要回答什么,切记毫无重点的堆砌一些句子。可以适当加一些转折或者强调性的语句。比如,在说明自己的专业是International Cruise Stewarding(国际邮轮乘务专业)时,可以适当强调下自己的英语水平,如紧接着说明I am very skilled in English(我很擅长英语)。同时,在介绍自己专业所学课程时,可以加一句:I think the professional knowledge I have learned will be quite practical in my future work. (我觉得我学的专业知识在以后的工作中会比较实用)。可做如下回答:

I graduated from Tianjin Maritime College. My major is International Cruise Stewarding. I think the professional knowledge I have learned will be quite practical in my future work. (我毕业于学天津海运职业学院,主修国际邮轮乘务专业。我相信所学的专业知识在未来的工作中比较实用)


e.g.Do you have any work experience? Whats your working experience background? Can you describe your working experience? (你有过工作经验么?你都有哪些工作经验?能否描述一下?)


e.g. Yes, I have. I had working in company / hotel .My working experience is…

我有工作经验。我曾在 公司 / 酒店工作。我的职责是……。



e.g. Why did you leave your previous work? (你为什么要放弃先前的工作? )

在回答放弃先前工作原因时,要在简要表达原因的基础上,做适当转折,从自身角度来回答问题,而非将原因推到原工作单位上。例如,可以这样回答:I'm desirous to leave my present position so that I'm able to improve my position and have more responsibilities. (我想离开现在的雇主,是为了能提升和承担更多的责任)。

而针对Why are you interested in Our company? (为什么你对本公司感兴趣)的提问,则要求应聘者必须提前通过报纸、熟人、老师等途径,获取一些该公司的情况,包括该公司全称、简称、经验理念、企业文化、社会贡献、主营产品、大事记以及最具特色的广告等。







1. Do you generally speak to people before they speak to you?

It depends on the circumstances.



2.What was the last book you read? Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended?

Talk about books, sports or films to show that you have balance in your life.



3. What is the toughest part of a job for you?

Be honest. Remember, not everyone can do everything.

4. Are you creative?

Yes. Give examples that relate to your current job.

5. How would you describe your own personality?

Balanced is a good word to use, but remember the type of company you are interviewing at. Some companies may want someone who is aggressive and a go-getter.



6. Are you a leader?

Absolutely! Cite specific examples using your current job as a reference point.



7. What are your future goals?

Avoid, “I would like the job you advertised.” Instead, give long-range goals.


8. What are your strengths?

Present at least three and relate them to the company and job you are interviewing for.



9. What are your weaknesses?

Dont say that you don’t have any. Try not to cite personal characteristics as weaknesses, but be ready to have one if the interviewer presses. Turn a negative into a positive answer: “I am sometimes intent on completing an assignment and get too deeply involved when we are late.”


1. If you could start your career again, what would you do differently?

Nothing ... I am happy today, so I dont want to change my past.

2. What career options do you have at the moment?

“I see three areas of interest...” Relate those to the position and industry.

3. How would you describe the essence of success? According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far?

Think carefully about your answer and relate it to your career accomplishments.


1. If I spoke with your previous boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Emphasize your skills, and dont be overly negative about your weaknesses. Its always safer to identify a lack of a skill as an area for improvement rather than a shortcoming.

2. Can you work under pressures, deadlines, etc.?

Yes, its a way of life in business. Be sure to cite examples of your success.

3. How have you changed the nature of your job?

Explain how you have improved the efficiency, productivity, and the like.

4. Do you prefer staff or line work? Why?

It depends on the job and its challenges.

5. In your present position, what problems have you identified that had previously been overlooked?

Keep it brief and dont brag.

6. Do you feel you might be better off in a different size company? Different type company?

It depends on the job -- elaborate slightly.

7. How do you resolve conflict on a project team?

Explain that communication is important, and that you would first you discuss the issues privately.

8. What was the most difficult decision you ever had to make?

Try to relate your response to the prospective employment situation


1. How much are you looking for?

Answer with a question, e.g., “What is the salary range for similar jobs in your company?” If the interviewer doesnt answer, then give a range of what you understand you are worth in the marketplace. Check out Monster.coms Salary Center.

2. How much do you expect, if we offer this position to you?

Be careful; the market value of the job may be the key answer, e.g., “My understanding is that a job like the one youre describing may be in the range of ______.”

3.What kind of salary are you worth?

Have a specific figure in mind…dont be hesitant















Would you please make a breif introduction about yourself?


Good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors.I am very glad to be here for your interview.My name is XXX,I am 22 years old.I come from XX, a very beautiful city.My undergraduate period will be accomplished in Southwest University of Science and Technology in July, 2012;and now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to XXX university.I am a person with great perseverance.During the days preparing for the first examination insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.Detailed one:

Good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors.I am very glad to be here for your interview.My name is XXX,I am 22 years old.I come from XX, a very beautiful city.My undergraduate period will be accomplished in Southwest University of Science and Technology in July, 2012;and now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to XXX university.I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals.Generally speaking, I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in.I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.If luckily I got the chance to learn XXX in our university,I will concentrate on the study and research in this field..First I will hard to learn the major courses,constructing a solid base for my future work;Second I would like to do some practical work with the help of the tutors and

classmates, And through this, I can get something that cannot be acquired from the

textbooks.I believe after 3 years of learning, my dream will finally come true.I love my major.It plays an important part in modernization of our country,What’s more, XXX is also close to our daily life and it can deeply reflect the future of

our society.I am not easily ssatisfied with such superficial knowledge.I hope I could

have a better understanding in XXX by studying further.This is a very inportant

reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.(这段可作为为什么选择本专业的答


I believe that I am a very qualified applicant for admission into your Master of

Mechanical Engineering and can contribute to the enrichment or diversity of our

university, I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in it.I have the confidence because I have such ability!At the same time, I think I am quick

in mind and careful in everything.I am looking forward to my postgraduate sutdies

and life.I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest.Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!

That’s all.Thank you for your attention!

Thank you!


My hometown------luoyang(洛阳)

i am from luoyang,a beautiful city in henan province.it is famous as the capital

of nine dynasties and enjoy yhe honer that luoyang peony is the best in the world.luoyang played a very important role in chinese history.so it has a profound

cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved.such as

longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being

regarded as the cradle of chnese buddhism.luoyang peony is world-famous.every year, many tourists travel to luoyang to

see the beauty of peony.the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the

travellers from all over the world.i like my hometown very much.3.My university:

I’m graduating form XXX, this June which has a history of 50 years.It shares

many same characteristics with SiChuan University.Both of them have a refreshing

and scholarly atmosphere.Four years’ studying there made me an independent,optimistic and strict girl.I appreciate the education my university gave me.4.Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses.这是很多面试考官喜欢问的一个问题,这是你“展示自己”的最佳机会,不要吹嘘自己或过



I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done.I feel a real

sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I‘d planned.I’ve set some

high goals for myself.For example,I want to graduate with highest distinction.5.What do you do in your spare time?

Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess.Also English is my favorite.Often go to English corner to practice my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability.But I know my English is not good enough, I will continue studying.6.上面提到的步骤中有看图的,大部分人可能没准备,下面是描述的范文:虽然没考研作文要

求那么高.但还是看下复习下开头和一些步骤吧.Under the ridiculous appearance of the cartoon lies a scene full of sorrow and regret: stealing the precious “coin” beneath the Chinese character “trust”, a greedy man is breaking his credibility only to set more barriers to his long-term development!The author of the cartoon adopts this

metaphor to warn him, as well as all of us, that we can withstand anything but the breach of trust.Actually, conceived in this cartoon is simple truth: the most valuable treasure is not anything else but credibility that cannot afford any destruction.However, cases against this principle are abundant and within easy reach.In commercial world, it is not surprising to see, for huge profits, some businesses offering their customers substandard commodities and services, inferior to what the promised.Similarly, in the academic society, it is even not uncommon to find some “scholars” commit plagiarism for promotion or for enhancing their fame.Consequently, they are trapped into a difficult situation: sacrifice long-term benefit for instant satisfaction.More than anything, they disturb the normal atmosphere of both the business world and academy groups.How to put an end to this social delinquency? A package deal, involving governmental

intervention and regulation-based restrictions, may be welcomed by most of us.But is that

comprehensive enough to put an end to this delinquency? Actually, that is merely a passive way!What we really need is some innermost changes, self-discipline for one.If there were general awareness that “honesty is the actual source of social achievement and we can never bypass this virtue for direct short term benefits”, this delinquency would be put to an end.其它一些问题:

Why did you choose peking university?

Why did you choose MBA?(Why do you want to be a part of MBA students?)

What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(Do you have a plan for you future?)

If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?

Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student?

What is your impression of Beijing?

Was there any teacher who impressed you very deeply during you student life?

面试结束最后可以说:Thank you for giving me the chance.I hope to see you again and soon.提供十大注意事项供大家参考。











