



Book’s name: Gulliver’s Travels

Author’s name: Jonathan Swift

The book was published by Tsinghua University Press



1.The country round appear like a continued garden;and the enclosed fields, which were generally forty feet square ,resembled so beds of flowers.These fields were intermingled with woods of half a stag , and the tallest trees , as I could judge , appeared to be seven feet.I viewed the town on my left hand , which looked the painted scene of a city in a theatre.2.However I made a shift to creep on all four , and shelter myself , by lying flat on my face on the lee-side of a border of lemon thyme , but so bruised from head to foot , that I could not go abroad in ten days.3.Add to all this , the pleasure of seeing the various

revolution of states and empires;the changes in the lower and upper world

4.Doubting or not believing, are so little known in this country , that the inhabitants cannot tell how to behave themselves under such circumstances.5.In the trial of persons accused for crimes against the State , the method is much more short and commendable : the judge sends to second the disposition of those in power;after which he can easily hang or save the criminal , strictly persevering all forms of low.Recently I read a book called Gulliver’s Travels.In the book, Gulliver came across many wonderful experiences.He went to some isolated societies where he met different kinds of creatures.Rebellion as Gulliver was , he was unwilling to follow in his father’s step, to be a famous doctor.What he liked was to travel and adventure at the sea.By a chance , he found a job on a ship , then he began his adventure.Unfortunately, the ship ran into a strong

storm ,and all the people sunk into the water.Another day , Gulliver came to himself on a beach.However , to his surprise , he was tied down to the ground with small ropes, a lot of tiny person walking around him.Later he knew that this country was called Lilliput.After Gulliver’s endeavor , citizens in this country began to like him.What’s more , he acquainted himself with the king and some officials.In the meanwhile , Gulliver helped to defeat the enemy , put off a big fire , teach the tiny people.However , Gulliver’s second adventurehappened in a giant country.In this country ,was much bigger than Gulliver had met.Certainty this bring damager to him.At first he nearly became the child’s dessert , then one night , he got into trouble again.He defeated two enormous rats only with his tiny sword.In the following days Gulliver lived under a frightened life , for every creature here could threat his life.Different from the former countries , Gulliver entered a country at his third adventure, where horses were the directors ,the creatures similar to men were severed as slaves…

I spent many weeks finishing the book.The plot

attracted me so much that that I can clearly remember the story when I close the book.What’s more, through the knowledge of the author’s background ,I also learn a lot under the words.For instance , the plot that the tiny people break out a war just for a ridiculous reason reflects on the reality.At that age ,people who had power and wealth tried to gain whatever they want without thinking of other’s feelings.Besides, this book reveals people’s evil character.The creatures in Houyhnhnms is the epitome of people who are cruel, crazy and inferior.As far as I am concerned, if man continue to behave like today , maybe in the future , other high creatures will appear, like the giant ,the horse in the book, to direct the world ,at that time man suffer misery what they had ever composed on others.








英语学术书评是英语学术界进行学术交流, 探析学术成果的重要工具, 也是对一本书的写作技巧、理论观点以及社会价值等方面的评价。正如海兰德 (Hyland, 1996:43) 所说“书评对学科建设和学术团体的融合作用巨大”。但对学术书评的研究长期以来并未得到足够的重视。本文以英语学术书评为语料, 以系统功能语言学中的情态隐喻为理论框架, 探讨情态隐喻在英语学术书评中的意义。


功能语言学认为, 语言具有概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。其中, 人际功能指说话人用语言表达自己的态度, 并影响听者的态度和行为, 主要由语气系统和情态系统来体现。其中, 语气系统的功能是表达说话人希望通过讲话所达到的目的。情态系统则表示语言使用者本人对事物认识的估量和不确定性, 是说话人表达自己对命题和建议的态度和主观判断, 主要是由情态动词和情态副词来体现, 但这并不是表达情态的唯一方式。因为除了“一致式”表达之外, 名词、形容词、介词短语、动词词组等相应的不同结构都可以是情态意义的体现形式, 这类转换生成现象在功能语法中被称为“情态隐喻”。

功能语言学认为, 一种形式可以表示一种以上的意义, 反之一种意义也可以由两种或更多的形式体现 (黄国文, 1999) 。这种形式与意义之间并非一一对应的关系, 反映在情态上, 就可能出现一致性体现之外的情态隐喻现象。按照Halliday (Ravelli, 1988) 的语法隐喻模式, 隐喻选择增加了语义特征, 隐喻被看做语义特征的结合体。这样, 诸如“I think”, “It’s likely”, “It’s certain that”等用语都是情态的表达方式。Halliday (1994) 指出, 决定每一种情态意义如何体现的是情态的取向系统。情态取向可分为四种:明确主观, 非明确主观, 明确客观, 非明确客观, 系统功能语法认为, 明确的主观取向和明确的客观取向都是隐喻式, 以命题的形式来表达情态, 即由小句来表达。在明确主观取向中, 体现情态意义的小句常常表达一个认知心理过程 (如:I believe, I think等) , 以强调说话人的主观看法, 使其对所做的判断或提议负有明确的情态责任;在明确客观取向中, 体现情态意义的小句通常表达了一个修饰性的关系过程 (如:It seems that, It’s likely等) , 目的在于使说话者的断言似乎不再是一种个人观点, 而是一个固有特征, 为本来只是一个看法的东西增添客观确定性, 从而隐藏了情态来源, 以远离相应的情态责任。Halliday (1994) 将广义的情态系统分为表示可能性和经常性的情态化 (modalization) 和表示义务和意愿的意态化 (modulation) , 并且将它们把语言与功能联系起来。

不难发现, 情态意义的一致式表达更容易理解和运用, 但同时它也太简单直接、单位信息量不大。情态隐喻式这一语言运用手段可以弥补一致式的不足, 它能通过转换生成将信息按照一定的情态责任进行合理配置, 以在语篇中起到特定的语用功能。


英语学术书评是对英语学术作品的学术价值公开地衡其是非, 扬优汰劣的判断其价值。其中书作者、书评作者、真实读者、潜在读者等都参与其互动, 这就要求书评作者从人际因素的角度出发作充分细致的考虑。作为学术语篇的一个分类, 书评必须是客观的、真实的, 然而书评又具有辩论性和评价性的特征, 因此个人主观看法也是必然存在的。同时为了体现对书作者的尊重或遇到不宜直接陈述的观点时, 书评作者也会求助一定的表达方式, 使之语言含糊不确定。

本文选取了五篇学术书评, 一篇出自Applied Liguistics, 4篇出自Journal of Linguistics, 以此为语料, 分析了这些学术述书评中情态隐喻的使用情况。


如上表所示, 情态隐喻的使用在书评中广泛存在, 在98个句子中出现15句, 占总句数的15%, 其中主观情态隐喻的使用比客观情态隐喻更为频繁, 分别为9句和6句。

1. 客观性的需要。

如前所述, 学术书评必须是客观, 真实的。书评作者为了达到这一目的, 客观情态隐喻是很好的选择, 通过使用非人称主语的表达方式, 情态就被扮演成一个具有某种属性的命题, 掩盖了情态的真实来源, 强调了书评作者对事物判断的客观化。如:

It is clear that this is a highly interesting and very readable book, which offers a wealth of intriguing examples of language contact and some very lucid analyses.

Journal of Linguistics March2005, 190

上句中, 书评作者评价这是一本非常有趣, 值得一读的书, 表达的是书评作者个人的看法, 目的是向读者推荐这本书, 但他前面用了一个关系小句It is clear that, 让人觉得这本书有趣是一个客观事实, 这时书评作者降低了所评价内容真实性的承诺, 不需要对所说的内容负全部责任, 就可避免读者潜在的批评, 其观点和判断更容易被接受。

2. 强调作者的主观性。

在学术书评中, 书评作者需要阐述自己的观点, 判断和评价, 使用主观情态隐喻能清楚地告诉读者这是书评作者个人的观点、判断。同时, 作为学术团体的成员, 书评作者享有隐含的权威, 有权告诉读者什么是好的什么是不好的, 因此展示了书评作者的权威性。

In sum, I am sure this book will provide scholars, teachers, students and readers with valuable insights which will spark further interest in the field of phonological acquisition.

Journal of Linguistics March 2005, 217

由此句可以看出, 书评作者确信这本书会给读者提供有价值的见解, I am sure的使用突出了作者个人的主观看法和评价, 清楚表达了一个书评作者的判断和评价, 语言明确不含糊, 显示了学术界人士的权威性。


综上所述, 情态意义表达有一致式和非一致式之分, 情态隐喻是情态意义的非一致式表达, 它极大地扩展了英语学术书评的语义内涵。本文分析了情态隐喻在英语学术书评中的使用情况, 发现情态隐喻在英语学术书评中普遍存在, 其中主观情态隐喻的出现频率高于客观情态隐喻, 二者在学术书评中有其特定的意义和功能。领会并掌握书评这一特点能提高理解英语学术书评的水平和书评写作能力, 对广大读者具有积极而深远的意义。


[1]Halliday, M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar (2nd edition) [M].London:Arnold.1994.

[2]Hyland, K.Disciplinary Discourse:Social Interaction inAcademic Writing[M]London:Longmand, 2000.

[3]Ravelli, L.J.Grammatical metaphor:an initial analysis[A].In Erich H.Sterner et al. (eds.) .Pragmatics Discourse and Text[C]Nor2 wood, N.J.Ablex, 1988.

[4]陈彧英语学术书评中情态的人际意义[J].太原城市职业技术学院学报, 2005.4

[5]黄国文.英语语言问题研究[M].广州:中山大学出版社, 1999.

[6]李战子.话语的人际意义研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.




书评是评论者对作品内容的批判性评价,它的目的在于介绍和评论某一作品的内容。书评是潜在的威胁作者或读者面子的一种文学体裁,它不仅反映书评者对所评书目的个人观点,而且还反映他处理人际关系的技巧 (Hyland, 2000)。






通常情况下,交际双方会通过彼此合作维护对方的面子,但现实生话中难免有不少潜在的威胁面子的行为, 当这种情况发生时,为减轻威胁面子的程度,需要采取一些补偿措施,即礼貌策略。禮貌策略分为积极礼貌策略和消极礼貌策略。前者是指在进行威胁面子行为时采取补偿行动,对受话人的积极面子加以保护,具体做法有表示赞扬、赞同等。消极礼貌即采取补偿行动使受话人的消极面子加以保护,具体做法有使用疑问句、过去时、缓冲语、歉语等。






学术书评是对一本书的质量、学术水平、理论观点以及实用价值等方面进行的评价,它必然会涉及到面子问题(李经纬,1996)。根据Leech的观点,遵循赞扬准则和赞同准则, 是对作者积极面子的维护。批评和建议属于负面评价,是对作者和评论者面子的侵害,但是没有哪一个学者的观点会绝对地正确或是文章写得确实无懈可击,所以学术批评是不可避免的。正是学术批评促进了学术繁荣和学术进步。为了解决既要提出批评又要保护作者和评论者的面子这一矛盾,作评者必须采取必要的礼貌策略。当然,由于西方人的坦率的特点,不拐弯抹角,直截了当地指出缺点和不足在英语书评中比较常见。在他们看来,有批判的眼光,有不同的见解往往被看成是有思想、有见地、有创造性的表现(柳淑芬,2005),这不属于本文的研究范围,本文主要关注的是当书评者进行负面评价时,为减弱威胁面子行为的侵害程度,保持人际关系的和谐所采取的修饰性的策略以及作评者对作者进行的正面赞扬。

以下是笔者从2006年出版的Applied Linguistic和The Modern Language Journal中随机选取的例子以及对它们进行的归类分析。

(1) Much of the analysis of King’s speeches and sermons is valuable. However, the term ‘messianic’ is misleading.

(2) The instructor’s manual in both series could be improved with the addition of more specific strategies. Nevertheless, the variety and wealth of activities make these booklets a useful and attractive supplement to any language.

(3) Despite its shortcomings, Stone’s volume is the richest in the number and range of its entries in all categories.

(4) The introduction is easy to understand, but at times it is not sufficiently detailed or explicit.


(5) Although the careful reader may find somewhat redundant…such a schema meets Coppola’s didactic purpose and facilitates subsequent referencing.

(6) In its separation of the spoken and written textual components, it may well prove to be another alternative for the teacher struggling to find materials appropriate for the large Chinese learner population in the USA.



(7) The treatment of prepositions could have been better integrated into the Noun Group section.

(8) This volume covers an impressive ground in terms of periods, authors and approaches, yet in a few instances one would expect to encounter more recent sources.

(9) In a discussion of speech acts, almost two pages are dedicated to a lengthy passage from one of Ibsen’s plays, when a much shorter sequence might have sufficed.

在一定语境下,使用情态动词可以减弱语言的批评力量(Perkins, 1983)。could, would , might作为can, will, may的过去时,其语气更加缓和且更带有试探性。它们的使用也是为了避免与作者的正面交锋,增加了批评的可协商性。使用这些情态动词有时表明作评者因缺乏权威不便非常肯定地提出批评或对该评价模棱两可,为了回应来自读者潜在的质疑而采取的保全双方面子的措施,有时也表示承认与分歧立场对话的可能性,为对话协商提供一个更宽松的环境。如:

(10) A small drawback is that the English translations in the book seem to need some polish.

(11) There are some small typographical errors throughout, making sentences at times a little difficult to understand.

(12) The title of the volume is somewhat misleading.

(13) These, however, were minor points that one should expect from software.

在以上幾个例子中,书评者通过使用seem, a little, somewhat, minor等模糊语,使他们的观点更具有说服力和可接受性。

(14) One seeking the precise Latin for the injunction against arguing about taste would not find this…

(15) It is much to be welcomed that both of these books make a substantial…in content.

(16) It is taken for granted in several papers that rationalist positions equal…

在上述例中,作评者使用了表示泛指意义的one 和非人称主语引导的句子,让读者去评论,让事实自己说话,可以避免因评论不当而招致的批评,同时也开脱了自己的责任,保护了作评者的面子。

(17) It strikes me that more careful editing was necessary to aid coherence and consistency throughout the book.


(18) This volume, offers a comprehensive description and analysis of FLT in China, on the basis of up-to-date domestic and international research.

(19) The overall aim of Linguistic and the Language of Translation is admirable and a work of its kind is indeed much needed.

(20) It will provide a clearer understanding of the nature of thoughts, beliefs and values. The result is at least interesting and more often than not richly illuminating.






[1]Brown, P and S, Levinson. Politeness: Some Universals in Language Use[M].London:Cambridge University Press, 1987.

[2]Hyland, K.Disciplinary Discourse: Social Interaction in Academic Writing[M].London: Longman, 2000.

[3]Perkins, M.R. Modal Expression in English [M].London: Frances Printer, 1983.

[4]李经纬.英汉书评中的礼貌策略比较[J].解放军外语学院学报,1996,(3): 1-8.

[5]柳淑芬.对比修辞:英汉书评比较[J].广东教育学院学报,2005,(1): 104-108.
















Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom-Review Written as an appeal to the salvation of soul, Tuesday with Morrie is an incredible treasure to the mankind.This book is published in the U.S.in 2006.This is a book about “the life’s greatest lessons” between a young man and an old man, the true experience of Mitch and his respecting professor.Regardless of their close friendship on the campus, Mitch, who “had become too wrapped up in the siren song of his own life”(Mitch, 2006, p.33)stayed out of touch with his teacher after graduation until it comes to the last moment, when Morrie was terminally sick.Due to a great coincidence, they reunited thankfully and Morrie brought back the true feelings in the dust-laden heart of Mitch.They started fourteen extraordinary lessons, during which they discussed the simple but ultimate issues of life.These lessons are sure to make the most important course one has to take.The words flow gently through people’s minds like a warm stream with twinkling sprays of thoughts.With the main lessons presented in a natural, plain dialogue mode, it reads entirely relaxed.Readers are absorbed into the scene, talking face-to-face with Morrie, asking the same questions that disturb them so much and gain spiritual enhancement over and over again.And it is not simply an aggregation of the conversations they have made.The structure is exquisitely designed with the main lessons and the backgrounds appearing alternatively.It remains intriguing and the coordination of the two parts make the affection it created far more impressed and long-lasting.In addition to helping people reconsider the real content and the significance of love, it is a terrific journey where readers are confronted directly with the death.There is no doubt that the mightiest part of the book is the combination of love and death.The two concepts have striking contrast but both contribute to the return of people’s soul.With death drawing near, people tend to think more and deeper.It is the best time for one to look back, evaluating his or her life in a completely different way.When people know they are bound to die, they are no longer engaged in the trifles around, they are no longer bothered by the huge appetite they have got for everything.And the material world just seems unimportant;they only want company and mental comfort from others.It is the only time that almost every human being can reexamine himself and knows the true feelings inside him.De.Montaigne and Steve Jobs have both spoken highly of the particular state of mind called “being-towards-death”.For them,being-towards-death means one can truly get rid of the daily routines and decide what really matters for him or her as well as the people around.And that is what makes this series of chicken soup a milestone in history.Another highlight is that Mitch faced up to himself bravely.It is estimable for him to spoke out his faults, revealing the cold, indifferent figure of himself.This big contrast and the great change of Mitch present people an overwhelming affection and drive people to reflect on themselves.As a book to refresh people’s soul, Tuesday with Morrie is absolutely perfect.The warmth of love and the depth of thought shock everybody.There is one little flaw, though.At the end of the book, it puts “Have you ever really had a teacher…If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers, you will always find your way back.”(Mitch, 2006, p.192)Yet actually, unfair as the life is, quite few individuals can expect to have such enormous fortune to come across such a great mind in their life.For the majority, they are more likely to gain constant power from their inner world.It would be better if the author could express this idea in another way or maybe propose a more common method for the ordinary to create their own culture.At least it may not be so wisea to owe this too much to his teacher.Though this is also a book in memorial to Morrie, it is more crucial to pass on.And Morrie would be glad to see so, wouldn’t he? This may probably make the impact of the book more sustainable, not just a transitory passion, but a continuous one.Tuesday with Morrie is a profoundly heart-warming book which enables us to explore our love and inner passion.The unembarrassed love between Mitch and Morrie is to touch everyone, making us feel ashamed when we hold back our true feelings, making us feel guilty when we drop our dreams and stimulating us to love and gain the courage to say that our culture is wrong.And the reexamination of these beautiful concepts in the view of death pushes us to embrace our life and create our own culture.References:

Mitch, A.(2006), Tuesday with Morrie, New York, Anchors Books
