





1 distribute 使分布 2 expect 等待 3 plant 工厂 4 overcharge 多收钱

5 prehistoric 前历史的 6 sense 感觉 7 ban 禁止 8 independently 独立地

9 survive幸免于难 10 proportions 比例 11 repeat 重复12 release 公布

13 blast(s) 爆炸 14 minimal 小的


1 be in the lead 处于领先地位

2 wave one’s hand 挥手

3 wave sb goodbye 向某人挥手再见

4 run off 跑开

5 dig up 挖掘

6 your rate of reading 你的阅读速度

7 chief points 要点

8 take exercise 锻炼

9 do sports 运动

10 hold the lead 保持领先

11 lose the lead 失去领先地位

12 get a knowledge of… 了解…

13 have a sense of… 有…感觉

14 find fault with… 对…找毛病

15 come up with … 提出…

16 break down 分解

17 up to… 达到…

18 is linked to 与…有关

19 is relevant to… 与…有关

20 …be on the rise …在上升

21 take the place of… 取代…

22 throughout the academic year 整个学年

22 hand out 分发

23 in the meantime 在这期间


1 cause sb to do sth 引起某人做…

2 take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事

3 inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事

4 enable sb to do… 使某人能做某事


1 –How about ______ we go to the concert after dinner?

- Sounds a good idea.

A when B whether C that D if

2 learning another language is like stepping out of a door, ________ I can look back and see more clearly my own language.

A by which B through which C which D on which

3 The University of Tokyo is the oldest university in Japan and has always been in the lead when it comes to __________ new challenges.

A obtaining B assuming C advocating D dropping out of

8 ___________ evenly, the luggage loaded on a aircraft which goes up and down frequently stay in place.

A Locating B Selected C Investigating D Distributed

9 He kept a little notebook, in which __________ the names and addresses of his friends.

A were written B cancelled C said D read

10 Although _________ after the Civil War, the American blacks still took no important role in the white Americans except as servants and laborers.

A were no longer slaves B no longer been slaves

C no longer being slaves D no longer slaves

11 It was _________ was a waste land ten years ago ________ a modern city has been set up in.

A which; where B where; that C what; that D that; which

12. Do you expect ___________ to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the

particular furniture we need ?

A it B that C one D there

13.______________ on the road, and the taxi was stopped.

A Having seen a box B The driver saw a box

C Seeing a box D The driver seeing a box

14._____________ on the road, the driver stopped the taxi.

A Having seen a box B The driver saw a box

C Seeing a box D The driver seeing a box

15 _ Is there any particular soup you would like to have ?

- ___________ you select is all right with me.

A Anyone B No matter what C Whatever D Whichever

16. – I can’t find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

- It was in the hotel _________ he stayed.

A which B the one C where D that

17. ____________ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.

A Since B Before C Unless D While

18.He claimed __________ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.

A being badly treated B to have been badly treated

C treating badly D to be treated badly

19. – I’m not sure, but his accent __________ Australia.

A sounds B advises C shows D suggests

20 –Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

- No, dear. They don’t __________ well. Put them in the fridge instead.

A fit B get C last D keep

21 Can you make a sentence to __________ the meaning of the phrase?

A turn out B bring out C show off D take in

22. Cars do cause us some health problems ---- in fact far more serious ________

Than mobile phones do.

A ones B one C it D those

23. The home improvements have taken what little there is _______ my spare time.

A from B of C in D at

24. _______ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will

always be in demand.

A Since B As C If D While

25. I was greatly astonished that my students could _______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A get along B get over C get in D get through

26.Near the hill there is a small garden, ________ owner seated in it playing chess with his friend.

A which B that C its D whose

27 – Are you still busy?

- Yes, I _________ my work, and it won’t take long.

A just finish B have just finished C am just going to finish D am just finishing

28. He is such a man who is always ________ fault with other people.

A putting B seeking C looking D finding

29. I really can’t understand ___________ her like that.

A you treat B you to treat C you treating D why treat

30. – I have some trouble with this problem. Could you do me a favour?

- Sorry, you may turn to him. He has been _________ and he may know how to solve it.

A skill B around C expert D experience

31. The town was so quickly covered with volcanic ashes that the people hardly knew

what __________ to it as they headed for safe places.

A happened B has happened C was happening D were to happen

32 I won’t believe you until I ________ him tell the story with my own ears.

A heard B will hear C had heard D have heard

33. _____________ is it talking to him about it?

A How bad B Why C What good D Necessary

34. I hope that the little _______ I have been able to do does good to them all.

A which B what C that D when

35. I can’t ______ it if I am late because all the flights delayed taking off due to weather condition.

A make B help C get D catch

36 Is the research center ___________ you visited the modern equipment last year?

37.Is the research center ___________ you visited last year?

38.Is this the research center ________ you visited the modern equipment last year?

39.Is this the research center ________ you visited last year?

A the one that B the one where C that D where

40. It is better to ask someone for advice rather than ____________ something.

A risk doing B to risk doing C risk to do D to risk to do

41. – Would you like some more ice-cream, Susan?

- No, thanks. The ice-cream is very nice, but I have to ________ my weight.

A keep B notice C watch D lose

42 None at the Iraq police station ________ the car bombing last week.

A survived B was survived in C had survived D has survived in

43 I’ll talk about a newly-built market _________ you may get all ______ you need.

A in which; which B where; that C where; what D which; that

44 They are going to make _________ to have a meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

A a rule B it a rule C it rule D that a rule

45 When everything is ready, then _______ the most exciting moment.

A come B coming C comes D came

46 The bride carrying flowering enters last with her father who will “___________”.

A give her away B see her off C give her off D give her in

47 The car ____________ the couple leaves the church is decorated with balloons 、flags and shaving cream.

A which B that C in which D with which

48 Do you know __________ friends are coming to the party?

A whose else B else whose C else who’s D who else’s

49 _______ is this pen?

A whose else B else whose C else who’s D who else

50 I’m sure it’s _____________.

A someone else B someone else’s C else someone D who else

51 When and where to build the new factory ________ yet.

A is not decided B are not decided C has not decided D have not decided

52 Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and ________ become hard even for the students to understand.

A what B those C as D which

53 The coffee is wonderful ! It doesn’t taste anything I ________ before.

A was having B have C have ever had D had ever had

54 No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the condition of ___________.

A others B the other C either D another

55 – I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.

- __________ . It was her fault.

A No way B Not possible C No chance D Not at all

56 Mr.Green is second _______ speed ________ none as a famous athlete.

A at; to B at; with C in; to D in; with

Keys: 1 D 2 B 3 B 8 D 9 A 10 D 11 C 12 D 13 B 14 C 15 D

16 C 17 D 18 B 19 D 20 D 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 D 25 A

26 C 27 D 28 D 29 C 30 B 31 C 32 D 33 C 34 C 35 B

36 B 37 A 38 D 39 C 40 B 41 C 42 A 43 B 44 B 45 C

46 A 47 C 48 D 49 A 50 B 51 A 52 D 53 C 54 B 55A

56 C


1. I don’t smoke now, but I ever _________ (smoke) for ten years.

2. As we all know, Einstein ________ (play) a leading role in science for nearly 60 years.

3. The plan is so practical, so we can’t think _________ highly of it.


4.One can ________ be too careful in one’s work. (工作越认真越好)

5. I hate being like a bird _______ (keep) in a cage.

6. The champions came back _________ (load) with honors.(满载荣誉而归)

7.报名参加考试 sign up _____ the test / sign up ______ take the test.

8 expect there to ______ (期望有) more time to review their lessons.

9. Compare teachers ______ gardeners. (把老师比做园丁)

10._____ is known to all, China has a long history.

_______ is known to all is _______ China has a long history.

_______ is known to all that China has a long history.

11. 某人是微不足道的 sb be _______ potatoes.

12 live up ______ one’s expectations 不辜负…的希望

13.decline / _________ to do sth拒绝做某事

14. congratulate sb ________ doing sth / congratulations ______ sb on sth祝贺某人

15 make sb much _____ demand 使某人大受欢迎

16. Another colleague who is known __________________ (steal) things in the past is suspected ____ ______ _________ (steal) the camera.

17 I really appreciate ___________ (have) time to relax with you on this nice island.

18 You must get to know yourself so as to find out ________ your real interests lie.

19 As a doctor, I have to treat anyone who asks me for medical help, _______ it may be.

20 She risked her life _______ (try) to save the drowning child.

21 She couldn’t help but ________ (cry)

22 I’m sorry that I can’t help ________ (clean) the house now.

23 My son could have passed the exam, but he ________ (be) careful enough.

24. He wouldn’t have known the beautiful girl who __________ (become) his wife later, if he _______________ (take) a trip that year.

25 The dull precious metal seemed to flash as if ________ (reflect) her bright spirit.

He stood up as if __________ (leave)

She stood there as if __________ (fasten) to the ground.

26 The film is worth __________ (see) again.

It’s worthwhile ___________ (visit) that country.

He is a winner worthy of ____________ (call) a champion.

His deed is worthy ____________ (praise)

27 He screamed __________ delight.

28 Do you know the man ___________ (attend to) our business now.

Who do you think is the right man ______________ (attend to) our business while

I’m away.

29 My son ____________________ (pass) the exam, but he was too careless.

30 I stared at her, anger ______ (flood) me.

31 They were ________ (face) with problems, ______ ______ (其中) the financial problem is not the worst.

32 The house ________________________ (let).(供出租)

33 She lifted her hair with a __________ (practise) hand.

34 recite sth _________ memory

35 It was really a wonder that _________ (so/such) little insects ate so much food.

36 Are you aware _____ his danger?

37 What led him __________ (write) such a great book?

38 Her blue eyes __________ (suited/fitted/matched) the color of her eyes.

39 The girl spent as much time as she could ________ (go) over her lessons.

40 I would rather I ________ (do) it.

I would rather ______ (do) it.

41 With his son _________ (disappoint), the parents felt unhappy.


42 Don’t put the ladder _________ the wall.(靠)

43 He answered the question _______ a low voice.

44 Let’s operate ______ the patient now.

45 You’ll run a risk ____ cutting your feet if you don’t wear shoes.

46 Mr.Cheng instructed us _____ maths.

47 An awful idea _________ (hit/beat/struck/tapped) him.

48 You should stick to ________( study) English.

49 _________ (find out) more about university courses, call (920) 746-3789

50 The days we look forward to ________ (come) at last.

51 Whom will you have _________ (go) to see the film with you?

52 – Who is your brother?

-The boy __________ (dress) in blue.

53 Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _________ (follow) it closely.

54 Nowadays even the old people are interested in ________ (operate) the computer.

55 They took _______ (effect) measures to develop the city.

56 The way you work is far from __________ (有效率的)

57 I always get ________ (stick) when I come across a new word.

58 Regardless ________ the difficulties, we got through the ________ (design) task.

59 The Tiantic was built in accordance ______ the safety rules of her time.

60 Fred and I have many in common.(改错)

61 When _______ (offer) help, one often says,“Thank you.”or“It’s kind of you”.

When _______ (offer) help, one often says,“Can I help you?”or“What can I do for you?”

62 Did you get your intention ___________ (over/ across)

63 I have many friends, some of ________ teachers.

I have many friends, some of ______ ______ teachers.

64 Our efforts resulted ______ failure, I feel I am also responsible ______ it.

65 My money ___________ (run out). I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.

My money ________________ (run out of). I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.

66 I lost my way in complete darkness and, __________ (make) matters worse, it began to rain.

67 He decided to _____________ (弥补) the wrongs he has _______ in his life.

68 The plants want __________ (water) daily.

69 Can you pick __________ (out/ up) your brother from the crowd?

70 He went home, _______ (leave) a little work __________ (unfinish).

71 It is no ___________________________.(抱怨是没有用的)

72 I believe things will ____________ (pick up / turn up)

73 I’d rather he _________ (tell) me the truth now.

74 All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness

____________ (grow)

75 You should ___________ (lose/cost) no time in catching up with others.

76 Take a ten-minute break between classes is definitely important.(改错)

That we need is to have a real rest, instead of get more tired.

77 The mother was ________ when he heard the ________ news.(annoy)

78 All things __________ (take) into consideration, we will finish work ahead of time.

_________ (take) everything into consideration, this car is still a good car.

79 Sometimes ads tell a story, or the story may be continued _______ a series of ads.

80 He had found the key to _________ (explain) differences between species.

81 He was always a _________ (负担) to his parents.

82 He lives b_________ his income.(入不敷出)

83 He is a t_______ (耐劳的)worker.

84 _________ (lie) before him was buried treasure. Seeing it, I knew what was ______ his mind.

85 Though __________ (tremble) with fear, he walked on.

86 If __________ (untreat), it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient.

87 Mother said that I was ______ blame for the broken window.

88 The best chance to reach customers is to ________ to(迎合) their emotions.

89 He was accused _______ being a thief.

The driver was charged ________ speeding.

90 Some ads can not provide _________ (detail) information.

91 Different kinds of ads are found on websites _______ (offer) services and information.

92 They appointed him _______ (a /the/ 不填) head of the department.

93 We found the room _________ (decorate) with framed ads on the walls.

94 A good ad often uses words ______ _______ people attach positive meanings.

95 It ______ ________ _________ (没意义,无道理) to do like that.

96 He had a s__________ (充足的)knowledge of botany.

97 Young Banks had an appetite ________ knowledge.

98 In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they __________

_______________ (survive).

99 All showed a clear relationship with those of America, though _________

(separate) from that continent _________ (相差) about 600 miles.

100 a city _________ (locate) between Sydney and Melbourne.

101 warn sb _______ possible dangers

102 The class _______ (be) over, I found her _______ (seat) at the desk _________

listen) to the pop music.

103 The local Tibetans and Sherpas laughed at the strange bottles_________(contain)

__________ they referred to _______ “English air”.

104 At the age of 25, QuYinhua was the youngest _______ to _________________ (reach) the summit.

105 Skateboards have been _________ (盛行,活跃) since the 1970s.

106 _________ (put) into different categories, Guinness records are easy to find.


107 He got a chance ________ (go) abroad.

108 The Labrador Current (拉布拉多洋流) is cold water _________ (come) from

the Arctic.

109 Who is the man _______ (talk) to our teacher over there?

110 You can never predict everything _______________ (happen) in the future.

111 Today, most diamonds _________ (use) in industry come from Russia.

112 The problem _________ (discuss) at last week’s meeting is very important.

The problem _________ (discuss) right now is very important.

The problem __________ (discuss) at next week’s meeting is very important.

113 He has a book ________ (read).

He has a letter __________ (write).

He has a meeting ____________ (attend).

He has a lot ___________ (do)

114 There is a book for him _________ (read)

115 She was the only one _________ (look) after the child

116 The court a________ (承担) responsibility for the girl’s welfare.

117 Do you feel _______ better now?

118 Make sure that your weight is evenly d___________(分布).注意让你的体重分布均匀。

119. A modern city has been set up in _______ was a waste land ten years ago.

120 – Is Mr. Stephen in, please? He _____________ (expect) me.

_ Yes, sir, in the meeting room.

121 _ You know Mr. Green has been ill for days?

_ Yes, I wonder if he is _________ better now.

122 – There must be a dozen pens in this house, but I can never find one when I need them.

_ Keep looking. ________ is sure to turn up.

123 He gripped(紧抓) his brother’s arm _________ (免得,以免) he be trampled (踩) by the mob.(暴民)

124 He thought I was lying, _________ / _________ I was telling the truth.

125 They ______ ________ _______ a snowstorm on their way back.(被困住)

126 Guilin is known _________ its beautiful mountains and clear water _______ all the people.

127 More than one student in our class _____ been to Beijing.

128 He as well as I ________ a student of Beijing University.

129 She _________ (marry) a German. She has ____________ (marry) him for three years.

130 Official data _________ (release) yesterday also showed retail sales surged a surprising 1.3 percent in June.

Keys: 1 smoked 2 played 3 too 4 never 5 kept 6 loaded 7 for / to 8 be

9 to 10 As / What; that / It 11 small 12 to 13 refuse 14 on / to

15 in 16 to have stolen / to have stolen 17 having 18 where 19 whoever

20 to try 21 cry 22 (to) clean 23 wasn’t 24 became/ hadn’t taken 25 reflecting / to leave / fastened 26 seeing / to visit / being called / to be praised

27 with 28 attending to / to attend to 29 could have passed 30 flooding

31 faced / of which 32 is to let 33 practised 34 from 35 such 36 of

37 to write 38 matched 39 going 40 did/ do 41 disappointing 42 against

43 in 44 on 45 of 46 in 47 struck 48 studying 49 To find out 50 came 51 go 52 dressed 53 following 54 operating 55 effective 56 efficient 57stuck 58 of; designed 59 with 60 much 61 offered; offering

62 across 63 them; whom are 64 in; for 65 is running out; is being run out of 66 to make 67 make up for; done 68 watering 69 out 70 leaving; unfinished 71 use of complaining 72 pick up 73 told 74 grew 75 lose

76 Taking; What; getting 77 annoyed; annoying 78 taken; taking 79 over 80 explaining 81 burden 82 beyond 83 tough 84 Lying; in 85 trembling

86 untreated 87 to 88 appeal 89 of; with 90 detailed 91 offering 92 不填 93 decorated 94 to which 95 makes no sense 96sound 97 for

98 are to survive 99 separated; by 100 located 101 of 102 being/ seated/ listening 103 containing/ what/ as 104 ever/ have reached 105 around 106 Put 107 to go 108 coming 109 talking 110 to happen 111 used

112 discussed / being discussed / to be discussed 113 to read / to write / to attend / to do 114 to read 115 to look 116 assumed 117 any 118 distributed 119 what 120 is expecting 121 any 122 one 123 lest 124 whereas / while 125 were caught in 126 for; to 127 has 128 is 129 married ; been married 130 released



政府 方便的 感觉 压力(n)



Hi, boys and girls, I am your new friend Sally.From now on, I will lean English with you.中文解说:Hi,小朋友们,你们好。我是你们的新朋友Sally。从现在开始,我将会和你们一起来学习英语。(半蹲,微笑,热情的张开双臂,和全班小朋友打招呼)

So,listen carefully and read after me.(比手势:听。把手张开放在自己的耳朵旁边。读。将手掌一张一合,放在嘴巴边上,表示张口说话)


I am Sally, I am Sally, I am Sally.(比手势:指着自己说I am Sally,放慢速度让孩子们跟读3-5遍)在孩子们重复跟读的同时,用very good, wonderful等鼓励话语表扬孩子们 2.立规

Now, keep silent.(比手势:嘘。将食指放置嘴唇中间)Let’s play some games.中文解说:现在我们来玩一些好玩的游戏。If Sally say “Attention”, you should say “one two!”中文解说:如果Sally一说到“attention”,你们就说“one two!”(发出“attention”指令之后,Sally自己也说“one two!”并且半蹲下,跺脚两下。意在告诉孩子们说“one two!”的时候要跺脚两下。重复做,并改变说“attention”的语速增加趣味性。)

在孩子们回应整齐的时候,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们 You all did a good job.Next, when Sally say “one two three” you should say “four!” and put your hands on you legs.中文解说:当Sally说“one two three”时候,你们就说“four!”并且将你的小手放在你的腿上。

(比手势:“one two three four!”,再将自己的双手放在大腿上,示意孩子们跟着Sally一起做。)在孩子们回应整齐的时候,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们 When Sally speak “who can try?”you must say:“let me try!”(这一遍基本是不要解释,小孩就能听明白的。Sally says “who can try?”时候,比手势左手手臂横放,右手手臂竖放,让手臂呈现一个九十度的举手姿势。之后用左右手在胸前交换两到三圈再作举手状。意思为“let me try!”。)

在孩子们回应整齐的时候,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们 3.热身歌曲《The hello song》 分组

Now Sally will divide you into two groups.This is the group A, and this is the group B.If your group performs better, you will get an egg.中文解说:现在Sally要将我们的小朋友们分成两个组,这边的小朋友们为A组,这边的小朋友们为B组。哪个组表现好呢,Sally就给他们组加一个蛋!(选好分组点,将班级中的孩子们分成两个组,在黑板上画两根竖线,表示两个组。给每组的孩子一个蛋,表示鼓励,也让他们明白加蛋是一种奖励。蛋由下而上累加。)

Now, Group A attention!Group B one two three!在孩子们明白了分组的时候,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们,并给他们表现更好的一组加蛋 《The hello song》放映

Ok,very good.Up, up, stand up.Let’s sing now.中文解说:我们一起来唱歌跳舞吧!

(播放《The hello song》,Sally 跟着视频的舞蹈跳起舞来,带动孩子们也动起来。3-5遍。)

孩子们跟着音乐动起来了,用very good, wonderful,give me five等鼓励话语表扬孩子们,并给他们表现更好的一组加蛋。Open the books


Good job!Very good!Ok, take out of your books and open it, and then turn to page1.(做打开书的手势或自己拿出书打开)

Page1!(不断强调Page1.中文释:小朋友们,翻开书本第一页。)表扬翻书翻得快的学生:You’re right!Now, look at the screen.And watch the carton.Listen and look!中文解说:小朋友们,Sally要给你们播动画片了,认真听,仔细看!(同时做倾听和看的动作。)VCD第一遍:只让孩子看。(中间维持课堂秩序,说keep silent!)播放动画。发声练习


Ok, let’s review the words.Listen carefully and read after me.(做手势:倾听,说话)拿出Beth 大卡,念Beth,Beth,Beth.学生跟读三遍。

Very good!And then, touch the card and read it!

(示范给孩子看:拍打卡片,读出单词,让孩子一个一个轮流拍打。)(Role play!一组小朋友代表Beth,另一组代表Sammy,然后互相问好。再变换觉得进行,主要让学生记住I’m句。)能够拍打卡片并读出单词的小朋友,教师给予 Give me one!Give me five!等鼓励。

换成 Sammy 的卡片,用相同的击打念读的方式训练。每个学生都要训练到。表现好的组,给予eggs奖励。

B、颜色(pang-pang 活动)

Now,let’s look at these colors.拿出 blue 大卡,念blue,blue,blue。学生跟读三遍。

That’s right!Look!Blue, blue, blue, blue, boom!


表扬学生 Good job!用同样的方式学习green和red。表现好的组,给予eggs奖励。

C、物品(choose 活动)活动准备:课前准备好蜡笔和纸张的实物。

Everyone look here!What’s this? It’s a crayon.Read after me.Crayon, crayon,crayon.中文解说:小朋友们,跟Sally一起读,crayon.crayon.crayon.(拿出 crayon 实物展示。)

Here are crayons.(拿出多根蜡笔。放在旁边备用)

Now, look!This is paper.Paper.Paper.Paper.中文解说:小朋友们,这就是paper。跟我读:paper,paper,paper.(拿出几张 paper 展示。再带读3-5遍。)

Ok, Sally will play a game with you.And who can try?(用 who can try? 的方式选一个小朋友上来。)

Sally says crayon , you should pick up all crayons.(一边说,一边演示给孩子看。)

Ok, listen carefully!Um, crayons!


然后利用paper,crayon 交替进行活动。

Good, good, very good!

做完游戏后及时表扬孩子。以及给孩子所在的小组加egg.D、小结(flash cards 活动)You all did a good job!Ok, let’s have a review.Look at me carefully!


Beth Sammy Red Blue Green Paper Crayon 单词都复习完了,带领小朋友为自己鼓掌,同时按 Right!Right!Right,right,right!的节奏。两组小朋友都加egg。

VCD第二遍:Ok, we will watch the cartoon once again!(中文解说:现在,我们再看一遍动画。)播放动画

This is Beth.(动画暂停,Sally在大屏幕上指着Beth。念:this is Beth。Beth, Beth, Beth.同时拿出缩放的人物卡片,说who can try? 谁愿意当 Beth? 分发卡片给两个小朋友)

She’s playing with her crayons.(动画暂停,Sally在大屏幕上指着crayon。念:this is crayon.Crayon, crayon, crayon.同时拿出缩放的人物卡片,说who can try? 谁喜欢crayon? 分发卡片给两个小朋友)

She has a green crayon, a blue crayon, and a red crayon.(动画暂停,Sally在大屏幕上指着green。念:green, green, green.同时拿出缩放的颜色卡片,说who can try? 谁喜欢green? 分发卡片给两个小朋友。三种颜色的分发方式相同。)Beth has paper, too.(动画暂停,Sally在大屏幕上指着paper。念:paper, paper, paper.同时拿出缩放的人物卡片,说who can try? 谁喜欢paper? 分发卡片给两个小朋友)Look outside!Oh no!It’s raining.Who’s at the window!It’s a kitten!Poor kitten.Come in, kitten!(This is the kitten, Its name is Sammy.拿出图片说:这就是小猫Sammy。Sammy, Sammy, Sammy。)发完卡片后,说:OK, it’s the game time!

When Sally says “Beth, stand up!” The ones who have the Beth card should stand up!Understand? 中文解说:现在是游戏时间啦!当听到Sally说“Beth, stand up!”,你们手中拿着Beth的小朋友就要站起来。(Sally同时自己也要举起卡片。重复,然后换单词,每个单词最少stand up 三次。)游戏的同时,要记得给表现好的那一组加egg.B.Now, when Sally says “Sammy touches me!” the ones who have the Sammy card should come to here and touch my arms!中文解说:当Sally说,“Sammy touch me!”的时候,拿着Sammy 卡片的小朋友就要到Sally这里,然后触碰Sally的手臂。(重复,换单词,每个单词最少touch 三次。)

游戏的同时,要记得给表现好的那一组加egg.C.Ok, when Sally says “crayon hand in!” the ones who have the crayon card should bring your cards to Sally!As fast as possible!中文解说:当Sally说“crayon hand in!”的时候,手中有crayon的小朋友,就要把卡片交到Sally这里。看看谁最快!(每个单词小卡都必须回收)给速度快的小组加egg。过渡鼓励:let me have a look.Which group gets more eggs.Group A: one, two, three„ Group B: one, two, three, four„ OK, Group A gets more eggs.Come on, Group B!中文解说:A组的小朋友比B组的小朋友成绩好,B组的小朋友要加油咯!指认书上的人物和物品

Ok, every one take out of you fingers.One finger!


And point to the books, show me Beth!Where is Beth?

(老师自己拿出书本,手指在书本上的Beth上,走到小朋友身边,指导小朋友找出书本上的Beth。重复这个步骤,直到小朋友找到书上的Beth Sammy Red Blue Green Paper Crayon)

So, you can find all the things in your book!And close your books.(老师做合上书的动作,或者老师把自己的书本合上。)

用 wonderful 表扬学生做的好。After the books

1、复习故事 Ok, let’s review the story.Look at the screen.Listen and have a look!中文解说:小朋友们,现在我们再来看看这个动画片。(播动画VCD,老师在动画播放的同时,也可在一旁辅助补充,如出现Beth的画面,老师可指着屏幕上的Beth说,Beth。)


2、Magical time(代替手工制作环节)课前准备:老师自己用的背胶Beth和Sammy卡纸。每个学生两张纸。胶棒。


It’s the magical time now.中文解说:现在Sally要给你们变魔术了。(把之前准备好的两张卡纸贴在手背上。)当当当当,Who is it? And who is it?(举起两只手,分别问小朋友Who is it? And who is it? 再次复习Beth和Sammy。)等待小朋友的回应。

Would you like to have ones?


Everyone should stick Beth and Sammy on your hands.中文解说:现在,我们用胶棒把Beth和Sammy贴在手背上。(帮小朋友贴纸片)

(纸片贴完后)And the, show me Beth.(自己举起Beth那只手,让小朋友跟着举起。)

Now,show me Sammy!



给表现好的小组加egg.同时,带领小朋友一起数eggs.给予egg多的那组小朋友,Good, good, very good!的奖励。可以考虑是否要奖励贴纸。

3、Goodbye Song!Ok, it’s time to stop.We have say goodbye to Beth and Sammy.中文解说:小朋友们,时间到了,现在我们要和Beth和Sammy说再见了。

Up, up, stand up!

(用手示意小朋友起立。)Now, listen and follow me.We will sing the goodbye song!中文解说:我们现在唱歌和他们说再见!(播放 goodbye song,鼓励学生一起唱一起做动作。歌曲共两遍。)



Thank you everyone!

中文解说:小朋友们,跟Sally说,Thank you Sally!

(带着学生重复3-5遍,再做 Byebye, Sally的动作)


In the winter holiday, we came to lianyungang. Today, my father took me, my mother, my sister, uncle and aunt to the seaside in lianyungang. On that day, the wind was so strong that we all took our hats and went to the seaside. Look at the rolling water, how beautiful it is! Dad took the camera down from the car and took a picture of us.

We got into the car again, and all of a sudden, my sister and I shouted, “seagulls! I see the seagulls! Adults also looked out of the window, so many seagulls flying around the sea, lianyungang sea is really beautiful ah!


Today, my grandmother and I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Grandma in the market, bought some bamboo shoots and potatoes, we walked while watched again. I saw a buy bullfrog, just call my grandmother bought me a. We continue to go forward again, see there is a fruit shop, my grandmother said: “lets buy a cane.” just want to buy, I saw the shops sugar cane is bad, the grandmother also saw said: “your sugar cane how do ah” then I said to my grandmother so bad things, we dont buy it.
