




在阳光下in the sun长城 the Great Walll,拍照 take a photo, take photos, take a picture,take pictures玩得高兴have a good time, have a great time, enjoy oneself,have great fun 购礼物buy presents, shop for presents等待wait for,很喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth.,和某人说话talk to sb.talk with sb谈论某事talk about sth.,学校郊游a school trip,告诉某人某事tell sb about sth.,此时此刻at themoment,at this moment, at this time下班leave work,喝下午茶have afternoon teea,走路去酒馆walk to thepub,去听歌剧go to the opera,吃午饭have lunch,eat lunch吃早饭have breakfast,吃晚饭havedinner,看望朋友see friends ,visit friends,写明信片write a postcard, write postcards,帮助某人做事help sb.do.sth., help sb.to do sth.help sb.with sth.,动身去某地leave for,离开某地去某地,leave…for,去上班go to work,走路去walk to,看芭蕾舞表演 watch a ballet,喜欢做某事(习惯),like doing sth..,喜欢做某事(暂时)like to do sth,热爱做某事love doing sth.,在夜晚at night, 把某物寄给某人send sth.to sb.为某人买某物buy sth.for sb, buy sb.sth.玩游戏play games, 一整夜all night,写信write a letter,用手机聊天talk onthe cell phone,喝咖啡drink coffee,呆在家stay at home,喝酒have a drink,打扮get dressed,因…而感谢thank you for,美好时光a good time,待会儿见see you soon,see you later,记下write down,享受阳光enjoy the sun,对某人来说很重要be important to,用电脑use a computer,打扫房子clean the house,扫地sweep the floor为…做准备get ready for,be ready for工作at work,春节Spring Festival,听老师讲listen to the teacher,做饭cook the meal,做卫生do some cleaning购物do some shopping,做阅读do some reading

扫去sweep away,观光 游览do some sightseeing,好运good luck,坏运bad luck,在午夜at midnight,一整年all the year round,在元旦那天on New Year’s Day,穿上put on,几天a few days,一种a kind of,买衣服buy clothes,给某人某物give sb.sth.,give sth.to sb

.从…得到get….from,对…感兴趣be interested in,上节钢琴课havea piano lesson,做作业do one’s homework在工作 be at work, be working,查看我的电子邮件check my e-mail,复习准 备考试revise for a test,呆在床上 stay in bed,野餐have a picnic,参加聚会go to a party,在周末at the weekend,听音乐listen to music,在晚上,in the evening几个 a few,在周六下午on Saturday afternoon早起get up early,在一个朋友家里at a friend’s home,期待look forward to doing sth.,登长城walk up the Great Wall,中国文化Chinese cultrue,外国文化foreign culture躺在沙滩上lie on the beach,想做某事want to do sth.,想要某人做事want sb.to do sth.与某人交朋友make friends with sb.,外出go out,去骑自行车go cycling,去购物go shopping,去游泳,go swimming

从…到from…to,做计划make plans,坐飞机take the plane,环游世界travel aroundthe world,下周末next weekend,玩电脑游戏play computer games,坐公共汽车take a bus,坐小汽车take a car,坐自行车ride a bike,举办晚会have a party,在将来in the future,把某物寄给某人,send sth.to sb.在电脑上on a computer,在家里学习study at home,我不确定,I’m notSure,.通过电子邮件by email,没有一个人no one,在黑板上on the blackboard ,在每张桌子上on every desk,变暖get warm,坏天气bad weather,在秋天in autumn,在夏天in summer,在春天in sring,在冬天in winter,强风strong winds,大雨heavy rain,许多热水lots of hot water做枯燥的工作do dull jobs,做繁重的工作do heavy work,一周三天three days a week,长假long holidays,在农场on a farm,全年all year,许多lots of=a lot of,在网上做许多事do many things on the Internet,使用钢笔和纸use pens and paper,上学go to school,上课have lessons,在工厂里in a factory,说英语speak English,乘飞机fly in planes

怎么样what about,how about,想要做某事would like to do sth., would love to do sth.乘飞机去某地take a plane to =go to …by plane, 有趣的工作interesting jobs,昂贵的燃料expensive fuel,大型飞机large planes ,炎热的夏天got summer,老人old people,暖冬warm winter,照顾look after=take care of,回答这个问题 answer the question,一座新城a new city,中国的人口the population of China,问人口what’s the population of,一座古老的城市an old city,在中国的西部in the west of China,在英国的东部in the east of England,在…东部in the east of,在…西部in the west of, 在…北部in the north of,在南部in the south of,因…而著名be famous of ,低矮的山low mountains ,在海边near the sea ,….的部分a region of,…的首都the capital of ,有….的人口have a population of,一个小城市a small city , 一个岛屿an island ,在海岸线上on the coast of ,一座大城市a big city,一个繁忙的城市a busy city ,在河岸上on the river,多大how big ,多远how far,多长how long,多宽how wide,多高how high, how tall ,几岁how old,寻找look for ,看look at ,擅长be good at =do well in ,不擅长be bad at =do badly in,一节英语课an English lesson,到达arrive at, arrive in =reach =get to到达那里get there, 在…的前面(内)in the front of在…的外面(外)in front of在后面at the back of,说得慢speak slowly,听得清楚listen clearly ,带某人参观take sb.around,说英语speak English,努力工作work hard,大声说speak loudly,静静地听listen quietly,许多游客lots of visitors,想说好英语want to speak English well , 弹钢琴差play the piano badly,迟到be late,危险的运动dangerous sports

流行的运动popular sports,做某事对某人来说It’s adj.for sb.to do sth.,乘公共汽车take a bus ,by bus,骑自行车ride a bike ,by bike,乘地铁take a subway, by subway,乘出租车take a taxi, by taxi

乘船by ship,by boat, by sea,by river,乘飞机take a plane,by plane

乘火车take a train,by train到达arrive at ,arrive in=get to到达学校get to school

最好的方法the best way,离…近be close to ,上班go to work ,离..远far from,公共汽车站 bus stop ,从…前往go from ….to,多于,超过more than在火车上on a train,步行on foot ,长距离long distance,在公共汽车站at the bus stop,在世界上in the world,做某事的方法the way to do sth,数以百万计的millions of

一段长为…的距离,a distance of



1.have a great time

2.on the Great Wall

3.talk to sb

4.on a school trip

5.take photos

6.in th sun

7.at this moment

8.different places

9.leave work

10.wait for

11.afternoon tea

12.have a drink

13.get dressed

14.greetings from...15.see you soon

16.on the phone



1.get ready for...2.a dragon dance

3.make lanterns

4.cook the meal

5.at work

6.sweep away

7.paper cuts

8.decorate...with...9.have a haircut

10.put on

11.at midnight

12.all the year

13.be interested in

14.at Spring Festival

















在阳光下in the sun 2 长城 the Great Walll, 3 拍照 take a photo take photos take a picture, take picture 4 玩得高兴have a good time, have a great time, enjoy oneself,have great fun 5 购礼物buy presents, shop for presents 6 等待wait for,7 很喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth.,8 和某人说话talk to sb.talk with sb 9 谈论某事talk about sth.,10 学校郊游a school trip,11 告诉某人某事tell sb about sth.,12 此时此刻at the moment,at this moment, at this time13 下班leave work,14 喝下午茶have afternoon teea,15 走路去酒馆walk to thepub,16 去听歌剧go to the opera,17 吃午饭have lunch,eat lunch 18 吃早饭have breakfast,19 吃晚饭havedinner,20 看望朋友see friends ,visit friends 21 写明信片write a postcard, write postcards,22 帮助某人做事help sb.do.sth., help sb.to do sth.help sb.with sth.,23 动身去某地leave for, 24 离开某地去某地,leave…for,25 去上班go to work,26 走路去walk to27 看芭蕾舞表演 watch a ballet,28 喜欢做某事(习惯),like doing sth..,29 喜欢做某事(暂时)like to do sth,30 热爱做某事love doing sth.,31 在夜晚at night, 32 把某物寄给某人send sth.to sb.33 为某人买某物buy sth.for sb, buy sb.sth.34 玩游戏play games, 35 一整夜all night,36 写信write a letter,37 用手机聊天talk onthe cell phone,38 喝咖啡drink coffee,39 呆在家stay at home,40 喝酒have a drink,41 打扮get dressed42 因…而感谢thank you for,43 美好时光a good time,44 待会儿见see you soon,see you later, 45 记下write down,46 享受阳光enjoy the sun,47 对某人来说很重要be important to 48 用电脑use a computer,49 打扫房子clean the house,50 扫地sweep the floor51 为…做准备get ready for,be ready for 52 工作at work,53 听老师讲listen to the teacher,54 做饭cook the meal,55 做卫生do some cleaning 56 购物do some shopping,57 做阅读do some reading58 扫去sweep away,59 观光 游览do some sightseeing,60 好运good luck,61 坏运bad luck,62 在午夜at midnight,63 一整年all the year round,64 在元旦那天on New Year’s Day,66 穿上put on,67 几天a few days,68 一种a kind of69 买衣服buy clothes,70 给某人某物give sb.sth ·give sth.to sb 71 从…得到get….from,72 对…感兴趣be interested in 73 上节钢琴课havea piano lesson,74 做作业do one’s homework 75 在工作 be at work, be working,76 查看我的电子邮件check my e-mail 77 复习准 备考试revise for a test,78 呆在床上 stay in bed,79 野餐have a picnic,80 参加聚会go to a party 81 在周末at the weekend,82 听音乐listen to music,83 在晚上,in the evening84 几个 a few,85 在周六下午on Saturday afternoon 86 早起get up early,87 在一个朋友家里at a friend’s home,88 期待look forward to doing sth.,89 登长城walk up the Great Wall,90 中国文化Chinese cultrue,91 外国文化foreign culture 92 躺在沙滩上lie on the beach,93 想做某事want to do sth.,94 想要某人做事want sb.to do sth.95 与某人交朋友make friends with sb.,96 外出go out,97 去骑自行车go cycling 98 去购物go shopping, 99去游泳,go swimming 100 从…到from…to,101 做计划make plans,102 坐飞机take the plane,103 环游世界travel around the world,104 下周末next weekend,105 玩电脑游戏play computer games,106 坐公共汽车take a bus,107 坐小汽车take a car,108 坐自行车ride a bike,109 举办晚会have a party,110 在将来in the future,111 把某物寄给某人,send sth.to sb.112 在电脑上on a computer,113 在家里学习study at home,114 我不确定,I’m not Sure,.115 通过电子邮件by email,116 没有一个人no one,117 在黑板上on the blackboard ,in autumn,


1.all right 好;行;不错2.at home 在家3.at school 在学校

4.come in 进来;进入5.come on 来吧;跟着来;赶快

6.family tree 家谱(图)7.get up起床8.go home 回家

9.have a look 看一看10.have a seat 坐下;就座11.have supper 吃晚餐

12.how many 多少13.in English 用英语(表达)14.look after 照顾;照看

15.look at 看;观看 16.look like 看起来像……17.look the same 看起来很像

18.middle school 中学 19.on duty 值日20.over there 在那边21.put on 穿上;戴上

22.sit down 坐下 23.very much 很;非常24.watch TV 看电视

25.Young Pioneer 少先队员 26.a bottle of 一瓶… 27.a glass of 一(玻璃)杯…

28.a little 一点;少量 29.a lot 很;非常 30.a lot of 许多;大量

31.a piece of 一片(一张,一块…)32.a shop assistant 售货员;店员

33.after class 课后34.all day 一整天;一天到晚35.and so on 等等

36.at night 在晚上;在夜里37.be full of 充满…的38.be good at 在…方面

39.bus station 公共汽车站40.by air 乘飞机41.by plane 乘飞机

42.by sea 乘船43.by ship 乘船44.come out 出来45.dinning room 餐厅

46.do homework 做作业47.do morning exercises 做早操

48.do some reading 朗读;阅读49.each other 互相

50.for example 例如

51.family name 姓52.from …to…从…到…53.get down 下来;落下

54.get on 上车55.give … a hand 给予…帮助56.go shopping去买东西

57.go to bed 睡觉58.have a rest 休息59.have sports 进行体育活动

60.help…with 帮助(某人)做(某事)61.high school 中学62.hot dog 热狗

63.how long 多久64.how much 多少65.ice cream 冰淇淋 66.in the day 在白天

67.a kind of 一种;一类68.learn…from 向…学习69.listen to 听

70.look for 寻找 71.make friends 交朋友72.make phone calls 打电话

73.make money 赚钱74.make the bed 整理床铺75.not…at all 一点也不

76.of course当然77.on foot 走路;步行78.one day 有一天;某一天

79.put away 把…收起来80.right how 立刻;马上81.shopping list 购物单

82.table tennis 兵兵球 83.take off 脱掉衣服84.take photos 照像

85.take time 花费(时间)86.talk about 谈话;交谈 87.talk with 和…交谈
