




Lesson 34 What are they doing?


B Write questions and answers.Example:

the children/looking at the boats on the riverWhat are the children doing?

They’re looking at the boats on the river.1.the men/cooking a meal


3.the men/shaving

4.the children/crying

5.the dogs/eating bones

6.the women/typing letters

7.the children/doing their homework.8.the women/washing dishes

9.the birds/flying over the river

10.they/walking over the bridge

11.the man and the woman/waiting for a bus

12.the children/jumping off the wall


LESSON 1 Excuse me对不起!教学目的:陈述句的结构


重点句型:Excuse me.Is this your handbag?

Thank you very much.重点知识:陈述句和一般疑问句的结构和转化


一、肯定句变为否定句 1 含be动词或情态动词的句子




谓语若为行为动,动词前加do not 或 does not

二、陈述句变为一般疑问句对某一情况是不是事实提出质疑,或NO一般疑问句通常要用升调一般疑问句的结构: be助动词/主语+其他成分+?1 含be动词或情态动词的句子



二改:改换主语称谓,如果句中的主语是I /my /mines/we/our/ours等第一人称分别改为相应的第二人称you/your/yours等;


Eg1.I am an English teacher.→ Are you an English teacher?

Eg2.We can speak English fluently.→Can you speak English fluently?








Eg3.We read English every morning.→ Do you read English every morning?

Eg4.Tom’s father listens to English on the radio every evening.→

Does Tom’s father listen to English on the radio every evening?特别注意:对于行为动词一定要注意动词的还原,因为时态与数的变化已经体现在助动词上了加强记忆口诀:

“肯变疑,并不难,can 或be提在前;

谓语若为行为动,do 或does句首用。” 3.Yes, + beNo, + be情态动词+ not.1.lesson A功课,课,课业,课程

Lesson 1 第一课

Lesson 2,同时要理解中英文数字与课程位置的差异。可延伸出 一班

Class 1 Grade 3


Learn one’s lesson 吸取教训

We can learn his lesson.我们可以吸取他的教训。



He can make an excuse for his mistake.B)


2.excuse 用于提醒人注意,请人让路,打断别人说话,中途退席,请人再说一遍,请人原谅,也可用于当碰撞别人或打呵欠、打嗝时或者表示异议或转换时,其后接but 连接的句子Excuse me,but I have to go now.动名词动名词


Excuse me for bothering you.原谅我打扰你。C)免除

from 称代词 pron


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角色扮演法 (role—play) 是“通过模拟现实生活中的一些场景片断, 由学习者亲身扮演其中的角色, 将角色的言语、行为、表情及内心世界表现出来, 从而达到提高学习兴趣和效果的一种“参与式、体验式”教学方法。具体来说, 角色扮演法是学生在教师的指导下, 在一个设定的情境中, 学生分组讨论, 选择适合自己的角色, 经过一段时间的准备和练习之后, 借助道具、肢体语言和口头表达, 通过模拟表演加深对内容情节的记忆和理解。由于这种教学方法能够为学生提供比其他教学模式更大的思考空间和表现机会, 所以一直被国内外教育改革的倡导者所青睐。


实施角色扮演法需要遵循如下的教学步骤, 理解和掌握这些环节对提高课堂效果, 达到预定的教学目标是非常必要的。

(一) 进入课文情境

学生理解课文情境, 产生浓厚兴趣是实施角色扮演法的起点。因此, 笔者通常是在讲授完课文之后实施角色扮演法。而对课文情境的展示可以通过多种方式。经常采用的形式有:播放课文动画, 制作课文图片, 简笔画等 (《新概念英语》第一册每课都配有动画和图片) 。这一环节应该达到的理想效果是, 学生们对课文情境产生兴趣, 并且有意识地想要表达课文内容。

(二) 合理分配角色

因为学生的英语水平和表达能力有差异, 所以, 教师要认真决定和分配课文角色。一般来说, 性格内向的, 多做解说少作表演性动作;性格外向的, 多做表演性动作;语言表达能力强的多表演难度大的角色;语言表达能力弱得多表演难度小的角色, 使他们各尽其能。在分配角色前还需要先征求学生自己的意见, 看他们愿意扮演什么角色。这样学生之间可以取长补短、互相学习, 增强团结合作意识和集体荣誉感。只有尊重学生的个体差异, 才能真正满足学生的学习需求。

(三) 准备表演框架

通常表演是以小组竞赛的形式进行, 因此在确定表演人员后, 学生分组策划表演内容。学生在准备的时候并不需要把每一句台词背下来, 否则就会抑制学生的临场表现, 阻碍他们创造性的发挥。此时, 笔者会要求学生提前准备表演需要的场景、道具及其他辅助用品, 使表演最大限度地接近真实情境, 产生较强的感染力, 同时也锻炼了学生的动手能力。

(四) 组织安排课堂

在角色扮演的教学活动中, 还需要合理地安排课堂, 让暂时没有参加表演的学生也进入“状态”, 这也是一项重要的任务, 否则课堂教学纪律会出现混乱, 影响教学效果。为了使这部分学生在观看表演的时候也能积极地参与, 笔者会对他们进行有意识的引导和培训。例如, 教师可以首先设置一些观察性的问题。例如:角色扮演是否真实?情节发展是否合理?每个角色的用语是否正确?有没有更好的表现方式?等等。其次, 要求学生认真观看并做记录。全体学生对这些问题进行认真的思考, 并在表演结束后和教师一起进行评分, 对于保证表演后的有效交流非常重要。只有大家都进入到故事情境中, 才能获得真实体验, 下面的讨论才有效果。在鼓励学生参与的过程中, 教师要特别注意那些平时不愿意主动发言的学生, 想办法激发他们的学习兴趣, 使他们也能参与到对问题的讨论之中。

(五) 表演课文情节

这个环节是角色扮演教学过程的核心部分。学生表演者按照事先安排的个人角色进行合作表演。教师和其他学生在观看时, 切忌不要挑剔表演。从一定意义上讲, 学生表演不确定是十分正常的。他们在课文情节真实表演中, 很容易产生新的思想火花, 做出即兴的表情或说出与课文原句不同的句子, 而这正是角色扮演能够展示学生真实情况的优势所在。教师对于学生的积极表演要多给予鼓励, 肯定他们的良好表现。这样, 学生在表演中会增强信心, 不断提高表演情绪。需要注意到一点是, 角色扮演的时间不宜过长, 冗长的表演会增添表演者的负担, 也会使观看者失去兴趣。只要学生把课文内容情境完整地演出来了, 表演就可以停下来。一般来说, 表演时间以10分钟以内为宜。

(六) 讨论表演内容

表演后的讨论和评价, 能够把学生的情绪推向新的高潮。要求学生分组说出每组的优点和不足之处在哪里, 并对事先设置的问题进行讨论, 评出最佳剧情、最佳演员、最佳道具等, 并说明理由。这对提高学生的角色扮演水平和英语表达能力很有帮助。教师在最后要做出总结性评价, 这个时候可以把表演中出现的语言错误指出来并进行更正, 并且鼓励他们在日后的生活实践中加以正确的运用。



由于高职院校的学生英语底子薄弱, 不具备较强的英语学习能力, 因此对高职学生的英语教学应当从简单的英语基础开始, 从浅入深, 并注重培养学生的学习兴趣和英语交际能力。在课堂上采用角色扮演法活动, 课堂气氛轻松活跃, 在这种环境中学习语言, 更容易激发学生的学习愿望。如在Lesson 49《At the butcher’s》中, 一位表演者戴着自制的帽子和围裙, 拿着纸制的牛肉、羊肉、肉馅向顾客推销时, 学生们都表现出了极高的学习兴趣。另外, 笔者认为以小组形式展开角色扮演活动, 能够为学生提供一个理想的学习氛围, 激发每一个人的表现欲望, 充分展示自己。在Lesson 48《Do you like...?》中, 每个学生都参与了表演, 他们自己设置情境 (生日派对、超市购物等) 练习了句型Do you like..?/Do you want...?特别是一些平时不怎么开口的学生在这一课的表演中也扮演了角色, 并进行了不错的表演。


角色扮演是一种具有较高教学价值的群体参与模式, 它要求学生相互交流、彼此合作、共同完成任务。因此, 学生在这个教学活动中能够体验到团结协作的快乐, 培养团队作业的精神和能力。在同一个小组内, 组长要根据每个学生的不同特点和意愿进行任务分配, 学生在完成任务的过程中, 需要相互沟通、相互包容、相互帮助。这样, 学生在课堂活动中, 不仅学习了英语知识, 并且体验到了合作学习的快乐。例如在Group 1中, Yummy擅长画简笔画, 她负责道具的准备;Cathy喜欢表演, 她每次都会扮演不同的角色;Mikky擅长讲故事, 她担任课文情境中的旁白讲解等。学生在这样有趣的课堂活动中学习, 不仅加深了相互间的友谊, 也提高了团队合作的意识。

总之, 在高职英语中采用“角色扮演法”进行教学, 不但提高了学生的听说能力, 同时也增强了学生的团队合作意识。它有效地培养了学生的积极性和主动性, 提高了英语教学的质量。


[1]亚力山大, 何其莘.新概念英语第一册[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1997.1

[2]董文雅.角色扮演法在中职英语教学中的运用[J].职业教育研究, 2012 (5)


1. honest / loyal

(1) She is an________girl and never tells a lie.

(2) I think everyone should be________ to his duty.

2. handsome / beautiful

(1) I know your daughter is very________.

(2) His brother is a very________young man.

3. argue / quarrel

(1) If we cant agree with each other in something, we will________about it.

(2) He doesnt get on well with his classmatesand often________with them.

4. movie / film

(1) Dont you often see a________in this cinema?

(2) Since we are free this evening, lets go to the________.

5. in order to / so as to

(1) The young man started very early catch the first train.

(2)________see the film, he had to walk far.

6. care about / care for

(1) The girl doesnt________clothes very much.

(2) As far as I know, the patients are well______in the hospital.

7. error / mistake

(1) A slight________in calculation will make a great difference.

(2) Everyone makes________in everyday



1.(1) honest(2) loyal2.(1) beautiful(2) handsome

3.(1) argue(2) quarrels4.(1) film(2) movies

5.(1) in order to/so as to(2) In order to6.(1) care about(2) cared for

7.(1) error(2) mistakes

Unit 2

1. broad / wide

(1) As you can see, this is a very________river.

(2) Look, the young man has______shoulders.

2. equal / fair

(1) Women are________to men in everything.

(2) I dont think its________ for you to treat us differently.

3. except / except for

(1) This TV program is wonderful________a few dialogues.

(2) I know that nobody________you knows it.

4. exchange / change

(1) If it is possible, they will find time to_______their experience.

(2) They will________trains at Zhengzhou for Xian.

5. signal / sign

(1) A dark cloud is usually a________of rain.

(2) The________given, the bus started.

6. stay up / stay out

(1) You can play for a while, but dont________too long.

(2) If you cant finish your work during the day, you have to________.

7. come about / come across

(1) I dont know how the traffic accident_______.

(2) Yesterday afternoon, I________an old friend in the street.

8. expression / impression

(1) The________on her face suggested that she was angry.

(2) His kindness and honesty left me a deep______ .

9. bring in / bring up

(1) After her parents death, the little girl was________by her uncle.

(2) They managed to________some good equipment from foreign countries.

10. a great many / a great deal of

(1)________students in our class have passed the exam.

(2) Dont you know________time has been wasted by you?


1.(1) wide(2) broad2.(1) equal (2) fair

3.(1) except for (2) except

4.(1) exchange(2) change

5.(1) sign (2) signal

6.(1) stay out(2) stay up

7.(1) came about(2) came across

8.(1) expression (2) impression

9.(1) brought up(2) bring in

10.(1) A great many(2) a great deal of

Unit 3

1. protect…from… / prevent…from…

(1) The heavy snow________me getting here in time.

(2) As we all know, an umbrella can us________ rain.

2. normal / usual / common / ordinary / regular

(1) Ill get home as early as________this evening.

(2) Everything is________; dont be worried about it.

(3) I still remember this matter happened on an________day.

(4) The old woman lives a________life by getting up and going to bed early.

(5) Its very________for you to see wild animals on the mountain.

3. as well as / as long as / as soon as / as far as I study English________French in my spare time.

(2)________he got home, it began to rain.

(3)________I know, she has been there.

(4)________you go over all your lessons, you can pass this exam.


1.(1) prevented, from (2) protect, from

2.(1) usual (2) normal (3) ordinary(4) regular (5) common

3.(1) as well as(2) As soon as (3) As far as (4) As long as

Unit 4

1. advance / develop

(1) We should make great efforts to education.

(2) Look, the soldiers are________towardthe front.

2. struggle / fight

(1) Suddenly, I saw a little girl________ in the water.

(2) The soldiers________a way out of the enemys encirclement.

3. strike / beat / hit / knock

(1) You should________ the iron while it is hot.

(2) I dont know who is at the door.

(3) Hearing this noise, he felt his heart______ very fast.

(4) The girl fell from the tree and______the ground heavily.

4. go through / get through

(1) I know that you have________a lot of hardships.

(2) I tried to phone you, but I couldnt_______ .

5. destroy / damage

(1) The terrible fire________many buildings, which left us feeling very sad.

(2) The storm has________a few houses and some people are trying to repair them.


1.(1) develop(2) advancing

2.(1) struggling(2) fought

3.(1) strike (2) knocking (3) beating (4) hit/struck

4.(1) gone through (2) get through

5.(1) destroyed(2) damaged

Unit 5

1. prize / price

(1) The________of the computer is very reasonable.

(2) I dont know who won the________for the best actor.

2. choice / chance

(1) I think you have no________but to study hard.

(2) You have missed a good________to study abroad.

3. take off / take away

(1)________your food; I dont want to eat it.

(2) Your career will________sooner or later. 4. owe / own

(1) I think we should________our success to our leaders.

(2) He is very rich and________ten large companies.

5. in all / at all

(1) I have five thousand dollars________.

(2) I dont understand what you said. 6. accept / receive

(1) Have you________my letter posted to you last week?

(2) She asked me to have dinner with her, but I didnt________her invitation.

7. stay away / stay with

(1) I went to see her to find her________.

(2) Can I________you for a few days?

8. on the air / in the air

(1) Look, a lot of birds are flying________. (2) I have heard that this wonderful match

will be________.


1.(1) price(2) prize2.(1) choice (2) chance

3.(1) Take away (2) take off

4.(1) owe(2) owns5.(1) in all (2) at all6.(1) received(2) accept

7.(1) stay away (2) stay with

8.(1) in the air (2) on the air

Unit 6

1. interrupt / disturb

(1) All the students were________by the news of their teachers illness.

(2) Im very sorry to have________your discussion.

2. fault / shortcoming

(1) I dont think this traffic accident is my________.

(2) Everyone has his strong points and_______ .

3. cloth / clothes / clothing

(1) As we all know,________is made fromcotton.

(2) I want to buy a suit of________this afternoon.

(3) This shop only sells womens________. 4. custom / habit

(1) The young man has formed the of smoking.

(2) We dont know anything about these social________.

5. raise / rise

(1) He________his voice to make himself understood.

(2) It is well-known that the sun________in the east.

6. advice / suggestion

(1) These________are very reasonable, and well accept them.

(2) Our English teacher gave us a piece of_______on how to learn English well.


1.(1) disturbed(2) interrupted2.(1) fault________ (2) shortcomings

3.(1) cloth(2) clothes (3) clothing



新概念英语是世界闻名的英语教程。本版是该书出版30年来经作者亲自修订的唯一新版。这套经典教材通过完整的英语学习体系,帮助学生掌握英语的4项基本技能--听、说、读、写,使学生能在学习中最大限度地发挥自己的潜能。此第一册《First Things First英语初阶》的学习对象为英语初学者,共有144课。学习者学完后可以达到初级以下和初级的英语水平。



Teaching aims(教学目标)

1.Knowledge aims(知识目标)

a)To help students understand and use the following words and expressions and make simple sentences: name ,what ,nationality ,job ,keyboard ,operator ,engineer ,what’s ,I’m

b)Translate the sentences to understand the sentences patterns: I am a …./My name is …/Are you a…./What is your job?

2.Ability aims(能力目标)

a)Be able to talk about someone’s name,job ,nationality in their daily life using English.b)Develop students’ innovative sense,spirit and ability.3.Emotion aims(情感态度)

a)To improve the ability of cooperative learning.b)Be polite when they are asking question.Important points(重点)

1.Improve students’ reading ability and grasp the new words and new sentences patterns 2.Help students to understand the text.Difficult points(难点)

1.How to use article a and an.2.Ask some one’s name,job ,nationality in English.教学用时

One period 教学方法

1.Task-based approach 采用任务型的教学途径,结合学生的生活经验和兴趣设计相关的任务链,让学生在以个人或小组合作的形式完成任务的过程中学习到相应的语言知识并获得语言能力。

2.Communicative approach


3.Multimedia teaching 充分利用现有的教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生的学习渠道,体改教学效果,本课堂将现代化信息技术与英语课程结合起来,服务于课堂教学。


Step1 Greetings&Lead-in After greeting I will ask for some questions and we will have words dictation which we learnt last period class.And I will start my class.Before starting my class, I will ask some questions to lead in them class.设计意图:通过提问,又一次复习上节课学过的内容,也引出课文话题,激活学生的学习兴趣。

1.你叫什么名字? 2.Are you a French student or Japanese student? 3.Is it an English car or an American car? Step2 Reading In this part,teacher ask students to read the dialogue by yourself.ROBERT: I am a new student.My name’s Robert.SOPHIE: Nice to meet you.My name’sSophie.ROBERT: Are you French? SOPHIE: Yes,I am.SOPHIE: Are you French too? ROBERT: No,I am not.SOPHIE: What nationality are you? ROBERT: I’ am Italian.ROBERT: Are you a teacher? SOPHIE: No, I’m not.ROBERT: What is your job? SOPHIE: I’m key board operator.SOPHIE: What’s your job? ROBERT: I’m an engineer.Step 3 Interpreting After reading teacher and students translate above the dialogue into Chinese all together ,meanwhile the teacher should have to explain the text to the students one sentences and one sentences.Step 4 consolidation 设计意图:在学生对课文进行了充分的理解和欣赏的基础上,让学生再次回归课文,以课文为依托,让学生进行语言输出。这样既是对课文的在理解,也是对语言学习的检测。

T: Now try to read the text again and meanwhile translate it by yourself.T: Ok, let’s read text again, please read after me.After this,teacher let students make some conversations with their partner in English or let them to read the text by role playing.Step5 Home work 设计意图:作业是对课上所学内容的延伸。因此,我设计了两份作业,不但为学生创造了巩固课文,运用语言机会,更重要是发挥自己的想象力对所学的内容进行拓展,进而引导学生对相关知识进行进一步探究,促使学生对已有的知识进行加工整合。


Lesson 18 What are their jobs? 他们是做什么工作的?


Are you a teacher or a student?

Are you teachers or students?

We are not teachers.We are students.Are they mechanics or hairdressers?

They aren’t hairdressers.They are mechanics.★ Text

Lesson seventeen: How do you do?

Come and meet our employees, Mr.Richwrds.Thank you, Mr.Jackson.This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.How do you do?

Those women are very hard-working.What are their jobs?

They’re keyboard operators.This is Michael Baker, and this is Jeremy Short.How do you do?

They are’t very busy!What are their jobs?

They’re sales reps.They are very lazy.Who is this young man?

This is Jim.He is our office assistant.音标学习:双元音

/ai/ price/white/quite/ride/fight/mind

/ei/ hate/waste/game/snake/plate/shame

/Ci/ boy/soil/choice/join/noise/employ

price 价格 white 白色的 quite 相当 ride 骑 flight 战斗 mind 介意hate 狠 waste 浪费 game 游戏 snake 蛇 plate 盘子 shame 害羞boy 男孩 soil 土壤 choice 选择 join 加入 noise 噪音 employ 雇用







cat /kAt/

late /leit/




