





真实姓名: 陈夕虎 性别: 男

年龄: 43 岁 身高: 161CM

婚姻状况: 未婚 户籍所在: 贵州

最高学历: 硕士 工作经验: 5-10年



期望工作地: 贵州省/贵阳市

期望岗位性质: 全职

期望月薪: 8000~9000元/月

期望从事的岗位: 建筑总工程师,土建工程师,结构工程师,建筑设计师

期望从事的行业: 建筑与工程


技能特长: CAD,OFFICE,(房建、市政二级建造师)(一级考试中)


工程兵指挥学院 (硕士)

起止年月: 2005年至2008年

学校名称: 工程兵指挥学院

专业名称: *********

获得学历: 硕士


施工员-项目经理 - 施工员-项目经理

起止日期: 1995年至2017年

企业名称: 施工员-项目经理

从事职位: 施工员-项目经理


企业介绍: 贵州建工集团 起止年月:1995-9-1 ~ 国有全资 建筑业 施工员-项目经理 现在在贵州宏科建设公司总工







1. 不要缩写

2. 未毕业的用expected

September, 2006



Related Coursework



exchage student




Bachelor of Arts in English


Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunication


Master of Science in Physics


Ph.D. in Psychology


Associate of Arts in English


1.overall GPA

2. major GPA


e.g. GPA 3.5 / 4.0



Top 30%

Ranking: 30/ 100



学校 TAB 学位专业 TAB 年月

GPA: 3.8 / 4.0 (major); 3.7 / 4.0 (overall)

Ranking: 12/320

Related Coursework: ***, *** and ***



庆祝中国高等教育学生信息网开通十周年暨学历在线验证系统英文版开通仪式于10月29日在京举行。教育部党组副书记、副部长杜玉波, 教育部党组成员、部长助理林蕙青出席活动并共同启动了学历在线验证系统 (英文版) 。

学历在线验证系统英文版 (Online Verification System of CHSI) 历时一年半的研发, 除技术开发工作外, 主要难点在于院校名称、专业名称等数据标准的翻译, 以及学生姓名汉字与拼音的转译问题, 还有一些非标准数据的人工审核问题。系统上线后可以解决境外用户使用学历在线验证系统时面临的语言障碍问题, 方便中国学生出国留学或境外工作。

英文版系统的验证服务模式与中文版相同, 由学生本人在学信档案中在线申请, 收到《Online Verification Report of HEQC》 (即中文的《教育部学历证书电子注册备案表》) 的境外用户可通过网络在线免费验证, 从而解决了用户验证学历的语言障碍。与中文版一样, 系统还提供多种数字验证报告格式及邮件传输功能, 方便用户对验证结果进行管理。










job intentions:xxx,xxx

educational background

/09 ~ /04 master of beijing university of xxxxxxdirection institute (rank 0 / 00)

/09 ~ 2005/06 bachelor of beijing university of xxxxprofessional (position 0 / 000)


“xx” corporate scholarships, the first comprehensive ranking, were all only 000 enterprises ;“xxx” scholarship winners; school class scholarship;

outstanding graduates in beijing; outstanding member of the school, outstanding cadres, miyoshi school students (two);

xx“xxxx” beijing university first cup business plan competition second prize; 0000 national undergraduate mathematical contest in modeling the success of team awards;

mission led by the beijing branch in 0000 was优秀团支部

english and professional skills

【 english through 46 countries; toefl000 points; twe (toefl writing part i) 0.0; the national college english in 0000 the second prize competition

【 solid foundation of the text, as well as good communication skills, in the “xxnewspaper” published an article, as well as “xxxxxxxx” “xxxxxxx”

【 familiar with the mobile communication technology, in particular, td-scdma, wcdma and cdma in the background, development, and understanding of industry market manufacturers, carriers, terminals, marketing and other operations; proficiency in the use of excel, powerpoint and spss software

internship experience

/11 ~ /04 xxxxbeijing group of wireless communications r & d center interns (full-time)

【 track td-scdma, cdma2000 latest technology trends, collect, collate information on the wireless market, to conduct in-depth analysis of industry development, in cooperation with “td-scdma content”, an independent complete the “cdma2000 content”;

【 manufacturers with some communication to help datang mobile td successful trial demonstration of new business networks;

depth understanding of the development of 3g industry chain with the latest developments and improve the analysis, and communication skills; the accumulation of the english market, written by industry experience report

2005/11 ~ 2006/03 xxxxcommunication (china) r & d center product line management intern

【 organize china mobile wireless network test norms, translation wireless core network systems market and technical information

greatly improve the professional standard of english; understanding of testing standards for equipment operators, as well as the demand for

/07 ~ 2003/09 xxtianjin branch of china network interns

【 assist members of the network, with korea exchange xxcompanies to carry out reception, meeting records and some translation work

widened the field of vision, access to world-class operator of the operational and technical experience; tempered spoken english as well as the habit of systematic work

project experience

2003/04 ~ 2003/11 beijing xxuniversity of “abc” cup first business plan competition, marketing director

【 0 person team responsible for marketing value-added services, integration of large amounts of data research, analysis of product market positioning, development of marketing mix strategies; with the other members of the discussion and implementation of projects; write a business plan based on the demand for the book 00 of the planning document

【 business plan competition was the second prize and china unicom's data services center recognized

telecom mastered the basic knowledge of marketing; accumulated a certain amount of practical experience and methods of marketing; exercise of the business plan writing ability

social activities

/11 ~ 2006 / 12 beijing xxuniversity graduate council liaison, vice-minister

【 00 people led by the team, the successful planning, implementation of the “second job forum” and xxxxcompanies full sponsorship in session 0, each with more than 000 spectators; activities carried out large-scale survey feedback to the company, received recognition and praise enterprises; the success of planning, “the capital of xxxxuniversity creative competition”, to be xxxfull support network media;

【 0 session business plan competition organizing committee members of the secretariat, the coordination of other departments, the successful completion of the drafting of the text, as well as all major outreach activities

campus-depth understanding of business strategy and marketing needs; training in collaboration with the communication ability, team leadership, as well as analysis and decision-making capacity

2004/06 ~ 2005 / 06 xxxxschool year 01 arts commission members, graduate director evening

【 during the 0 on the evening of the graduation planning process, the organization meets regularly to discuss and coordinate programs, technology, logistics group of the progress of the work, according to the capacity of each character of the distribution of tasks, working to stimulate the enthusiasm of members; 0 hours-long evening as the total graduate director, the audience show up to 000 people;

【 other departments to assist the successful completion of graduation album, graduation celebrations, such as songs, book circulation of 0000;

the accumulation of a large-scale activities in the overall grasp of the experience, training the team leadership, coordination, ability to spot and respond to creative thinking

2003/06 ~ 2005 / 06 xxxxmission mission branch branch

【 cadres to assist other classes meet regularly to develop and implement a professional learning program, which results from the full-line branch 00 progress to the first 0 (a total of 00 branches); to strengthen cohesiveness branches, links organized and participated in “123” xxxvolunteer activities;

【 lead branch members to participate actively in the selection of the top ten activities in 0000 was named the top ten college school branches in beijing;

enhance the spirit of optimistic self-confidence, and accumulated valuable experience in team-building to foster innovative thinking and analytical problem-solving ability

2001/10 ~ 2003 / 06 xxuniversity student union beijing, minister of propaganda department

【 12.9 students for planning and implementation of large-scale publicity activities; to help enterprises of publicity into the campus; with other departments to complete the daily work of students

【 and xxxxcooperation, successfully organized the first north x“xxxxshow, ”nearly 000 works on display

exercise a reasonable time, the ability to work efficiently; established trivial when faced with pressure and the confidence and patience; trained publicity activities

2001/10 ~ 2004 / 09 xxuniversity, beijing youth league committee, deputy editor-in-chief directly under the weekly “xxx”

【 responsible for internal and external coordination and communication; successful edition of the newspaper 0 to 00 version of the expansion; responsible for military training during the 00 “xxxnewspaper” with the publication of the planning

【 00 “xxxx” anniversary of the interview activities, the collection of well-known alumni information, contact the success of an interview with well-known alumni of 0 and write articles, published in the “xxxx”; “000 days celebration in 2000 countdown” activities for the whole coverage





(+86) 138-xxxx-xxxx

(+86) 021-xxxxxxxx



Dear Sir or Madam,

Your recruiting advertisement for Overseas trainee on is of great interests to me. With a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by University of Wollongong Australia and one bachelor degree awarded by Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology, China - and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, I am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.

In addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent English ability as well as proficient IT skills prepare me a qualified candidate. I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to your company.

Thank you for your time and consideration and I am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.

With enthusiastically personal regards.





Name: yjbys Gender: Male
Date of Birth:   Contact No:  
Experience: 4 year(s) Hukou: Nanjing, Jiangsu
Email Address: /jianli
Job Target:



Current Industry Telecommunication (Equipment· Operation· Value-Added Service)


Senior Software Engineer

Target Industry Telecommunication (Equipment· Operation· Value-Added Service), Computer Software,


Senior Software Engineer, R&D Engineer, Project Manager· Supervisor· Leader, System Analyst

Working Experience:


2006/01-Present A 3G Mobile Network field test, analysis and network optimization solution


Provider Senior Software Engineer

  Type of Company: Foreign Company / Rep. Office


Size of Company: 100 – 499

Location: Shanghai, Nanjing

Number of People under My Supervision: 5 People

Responsibilities & Achievements: mobile network optimization software, my responsibility is to design the architecture of device (UE and scanner) handlers, device data parsers and middle ware (L3Msg decoder, finite state machine etc).

2004/09-2005/06 Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Student
  Type of Company: Government/Non-Profit


Size of Company: 1000+

Number of People under My Supervision: 8 People

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Mobile Agent Platform, my responsibility is to design the system framework of the mobile agent system based on JXTA (.NET version), the agent behavior architecture.

/07-2003/07 Multimax China Engineer
  Type of Company: Foreign Company / Rep. Office


Size of Company: 50 – 99

Location: Hefei

Number of People under My Supervision: 1 People

Responsibilities & Achievements: fax/voice software based on modem. my responsibility is to add new features, upgrade the software from win98 to win2k/xp, and implement the support to the dialogic card.



2004/09-2007/04 Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  Computer Science Electronic Science and Technology Master
1997/09-2001/07 Anhui University
  Computer Science Electronic Science and Technology Bachelor
Skills & Specialty:


1.Familiar with C/C++, having experience in Win32 and MFC Programming.


2.Good understanding of Objected-Oriented Design patterns and Design Principles.

3.Good Understanding of TCP/IP, familiar with socket programming.

4.Understand Web programming and web service. Especially familiar with the .NET architecture


Female, 31,

Education: master or above

Working years: 1 to 2 years

Expected salary: negotiable

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: regions doctor

Work experience (work for 3 months, do 1 job)

Combine traditional Chinese and western medicine hospital, southern medical university

Working hours: between September 2013 and December 2013, [3]

Job title: editor/journalist/writer

Work content: writing medical articles, help clinical medical records.

Education experience

Graduated in June Guangzhou university of traditional Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine (itcwm)

Self description


A man is 29 years old in shandong province

Degree: master and above

Length of work: fresh graduates

Expected salary: negotiable

Where to work: shenzhen - nanshan - no

Job objective: | mechanical engineer | technology/technical engineer | technical engineer | equipment management maintenance

Be careful and be enthusiastic

Work experience

(I worked for 8 months, got 2 jobs)

Foxconn, inc

Working hours: May 2013 to August 2013 [3 months]

Position name: line length of production line

Job description:

Shandong hongyuan machinery factory

Working hours: March to August 2010 [5 months]

Title: deputy monitor and warehouse management

Education experience

In July 2016, shenyang aerospace university, shenyang aerospace university

July yantai university mechanical design manufacturing and automation

Professional skill

Word: good experience: 10 years

Excel: good experience: 10 years

AutoCAD: five years of experience

Pro/E: good experience: 5 years

CATIA: good experience: three years

Language skill

Mandarin: good English: good

Certificate award


current residence: chongqing wanzhou

nation: han

household registration: xian in shaanxi

height and weight: 175cm 65 kg

marital status: single age: 23

job search intention and work experience

personnel types: fresh graduates

candidates jobs: computer, human resources management, marketing and product marketing, and other related workwork experience: 0 title: title

job type: full-time can be filled: 2008-7

salary requirements: according to your ideals and work requirements


chengdu, chongqing, guangzhou

practice experience:

from january 2006 to february 2006 in xian of shaanxi trust-mart super-room cu xiaoyuan

august 2006 to september 2006 in xian of shaanxi 7 space decoration company clerk

january 2007 to february 2007 shanghai branch sales wanzhou changhong

august 2007 to september 2007 in suzhou, dongguan mingschin electronics factory intern

educational background

graduate institutions: the joint institute in xian

supreme education: bachelor graduation date: 2009-07-01by science: self-marketing professionals: information management

training experience: september 2005 to july 2009 xian institute of joint marketing english four chinese proficiency test, such as computer erji b 2(vf)

language ability

english: general vf: good


luBin wang

Male, born in 1980.1

Signal and Information Processing

Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.



Job Desired

Signal Processing Algorithm Engineer

Electronic engineer with emphasis _disibledevent=EN-US style=“FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana”>FPGA design and development


9/– now M.S., Signal and Information Processing, Xidian University

9/-7/ B.S., Electronic Information Engineering, Yanshan University


English (CET-6)

Especially adept at reading and writing English material for researching

Experience, Knowledge

Computer knowledge: Windows, LINUX, MS Office Software

Team oriented, love to work in highly motivated teams

Good communication skills

In-depth understanding of special knowledge in the field of Signal and Information Processing

Programming skills: good experience in C and assembly programming languages for signal processing

Full competence in the design of digital filter and filter banks

Experience of system simulation with MATLAB

Skilled in using FPGA and Verilog-HDL for designing digital system, especially have a profound understanding of the algorithms implemented with FPGA for Digital Down-sampling Converter (DDC), Digital Up-sampling Converter (DUC) and Crest Factor Reduction (CFR)

Familiar with TD-SCDMA. Participated in the research and development of ZXTR R01 (Remote Radio Unit in the TD-SCDMA communication system) in the Xi’an R&D Center of ZTE among recently 10 months. Completed the FPGA designing and debugging of this system


《An Efficient Algorithm for Designing Cosine Modulated Filter Banks with Linear Phase Satisfy Perfect Reconstruction》 ICCCAS 2007.7 (indexed by EI)
