






Training coordinator


Human Resource Development

Articulate and effective communicator and trainer. Inspire a team commitment to company goals, management objectives and high quality performance standards.

Computer systems

Skilled in use and development of data collection, and spreadsheet programs for accounting, statistical analysis and reporting functions. Assisted in computer systems installations and full training of employees.


Analytical with and established track record for identifying complex problems; resourceful and inventive in developing and implementing creative solutions with enhanced sensitivity to cost, efficiency and deadlines.


1993-Present Silver Guard Insurance Agency


Develop training curriculum, aids and materials to instruct staff in division operations, corporate policy and procedure, and to maintain on-going personnel development in knowledge of current practices, increase job performance skills and maintain quality assurance for al office operations.

Conduct highly effective classroom sessions and hands-on training encompassing billing, benefits, insurance industry regulations and relevant legal issues.Specialize in investigating medical malpractice cases.

1991-1993 Orange community medical center


Managed and supervised daily credit and collections operations with responsibility for client billing and managing free care peograms. Controlled operating budget and contributed to overall budget planning. Analyzed accounts status and


Daniel Simms

451 Rio San Lucas Ave.

San Diego, CA 92110

(618) 555-2169


Chef for a high class establishment where my experience and culinary specialties will beutilized in preparing a wide range of international cuisines.


Proven ability to produce quickly under pressure, without sacrificing quality.

Basic mastery of cooking philosophy and technique.

Full range of managerial skills.

Understanding of all key health and sanitation concerns.


Guest Specialist, Morris Elliot Cooking Show.

Recipie publication: Home & Kitchen Magazine.

Top Honors, Johnson School of Culinary Arts.


Chef 1998 - Present

Willington’s Bistro, San Diego, California - Prepared a variety of specialties for breakfast,lunch, and dinner. 400 to1000 covers daily. $3M in revenue annually. Direct supervision ofSous Chef, Kitchen Supervisor, and 20 cooks.

Pastry Chef 1992 - 1998

La Jolla Villa, Del Mar, California - Created daily dessert menu. Established kitchenprotocols for each menu item, still in use today. Created several new desert items, including theLa Jolla Souffle.


April 1992 Johnson Culinary Institute, Los Angeles, CA

B.A., Culinary Arts

Specialization: Itallian Cuisine




目前, 随着全球一体化的发展, 各用人单位在遴选人才的时候, 把语言能力也作为考察的重点之一。运用英文面试, 也逐渐成为面试当中不可或缺的一个部分。对应聘者来说, 英文面试更具挑战性。在英文的面试过程当中, 由于交际双方存在权势差距, 使得面试官和应聘者的交流处于不平等的状态当中, 所以就要求应聘者能够正视面试官的权势, 采取积极有效的交际语用策略, 在相对不利于其的语境当中, 充分展示自身的语言能力及综合素质, 最终得到面试官及应聘企业的认可。


Lyons认为语境是一个理论概念, 构成语境的各种因素是语言学家从具体的情境中抽象出来的, 这些因素对语言活动参与者产生的影响系统地决定了话语的形式、话语的合适性或话语的意义。 (Lyons, 1997:572) 同时, 语境又可分为文化语境和情景语境。前者指说话人生活于其中的社会文化背景, 后者指言语行为发生时的具体语境。

英语面试属于情景语境, 其中交际双方分别为面试官及应聘者。由于在该语境下交际双方身份的差异而导致了在该语境中交际双方在权势上存在悬殊, 并由此决定了交往的不平等性。因此, 对于应聘者来说, 认识自身所处语境, 从而选择合适的语用策略是英文面试当中的关键性问题。

在英文面试当中, 应聘者相对处于权势当中的劣势, 且要求在相对较短的时间内能够用英文充分展示自身表达能力, 应变能力及综合素质。且面试属于相对较为正式的交际场合, 那么应聘者就需要因地、因时制宜, 充分了解自身所处交际语境, 采取合适的语用策略, 使自身的回答更礼貌得体, 同时也能够绕开面试官设定的一些面试陷阱, 从而在众多应聘者当中脱颖而出。



礼貌是建立良好的人际合作关系的前提。礼貌策略具有调节作用, 它维护了交际双方的友好关系且保证交际进行的可能性。不同的交际目的对于礼貌的程度也有着不同的要求。英国著名语言学家Leech提出了六条制约人际交往的礼貌准则: (1) 得体准则; (2) 慷慨准则; (3) 赞誉准则; (4) 谦逊准则; (5) 一致准则; (6) 同情准则。

礼貌策略就是在其它条件共同的情况下, 按照礼貌准则的要求, 把不礼貌的信念的表达减弱到最低程度。在面试的过程当中, 应聘者恰当的运用礼貌语用策略, 展示个人的交际能力, 与此同时, 营造良好的面试氛围, 对于面试的成败起了决定性的作用。

(1) 礼貌的问候语

面试当中, 第一印象至关重要。在初次见面的很短的时间内, 要给面试官留下亲切、得体的良好印象, 必须从礼貌的问候语开始。


Interviewee:Good morning, Sir. Nice to meet you.

Interviewee: It's a great honor for me to have this opportunity to have this Interview.

(2) 表示赞同

根据Leech礼貌原则当中的赞同准则, 应聘者在面试的过程当中, 对于面试官在某些观点、态度及表达上的赞同不仅体现出个人意见与面试官的一致, 同时也说明应聘者在用心倾听面试官的表述。


Interviewer:We're not always expecting our employees to work over-time but Sometimes people need to work hard and pay more to succeed.

Interviewee:Absolutely! I couldn't agree with you more. I would like to work hard to achieve my goal.

(3) 间接表达不同意见

在礼貌原则的赞同准则当中, Leech要求减少分歧, 来达到礼貌的效果和确保交流的顺畅。但在实际的交流和面试当中, 应聘者难免要表达一些与面试官不一致的观点, 这就要求应聘者不能直接对于面试官的观点进行否定和挑战, 而需要间接表达自己的观点, 在陈述自己意见的同时, 也不伤及面试官的面子。


Interviewee:I got you, but in the operating process, we may met other problems, such as…

Interviewee:To some extent, you're right!…but maybe there's something we should pay attention to…That is….

在这种情况之下, 尽量使用诸如“we, our, let's”等人称代词能够拉近交际双方的距离, 使语气更加缓和, 营造和谐友好的气氛, 进而在表达不同意见的同时, 能够更好顾及面试官的面子, 使自己的观点更容易为对方所接受。

(4) 表达赞美及赞誉

礼貌原则当中的赞誉准则, 也能够使面试的氛围更加融洽, 使交际双方的交流更加顺畅。应聘者真诚的赞美能够拉近双方的心理距离。


Interviewer:what's your impression about our company?

Interviewee:Well, as far as I know, our company is the leading one in this industry and it has great potential to develop. And I have to say I love the environment the first time I came here.在面试结束时, 对于面试的过程和面试官进行真诚的赞美是一种礼貌的行为。

Interviewee: Thanks for this great opportunity and it's really nice talking with you. I benefit a lot from our talking and I expect to be a member of this terrific team.


Grice认为, 在所有的语言交际活动中为了达到特定的目标, 说话人和听话人之间存在着一种默契, 一种双方都应该遵守的原则, 即合作原则 (cooperative principle, 简称 CP) 。在英文面试过程中, 从开场, 进入主题到结尾, 应聘者要向面试官传达如下信息:应聘者的个人基本信息;自己的专业知识水平和技能;自己在何种程度上能够承担该工作等等。面试基本采用的形式为一问一答, 也就是说, 应聘者和面试官的问答应该是由一串互相关联的话语组成的。要使得面试顺利进行且达到面试最终的目的, 那么交际双方因根据每个交际阶段的目的或方向, 使谈话的内容相关联且符合交际需要。只有交际双方有效配合, 才能使交际顺利进行, 所以Grice又将合作原则具体体现为四条准则:

(1) 数量准则:使自己所说的话达到 (交谈的现实目的) 所要求的详尽程度。


Interviewer:When did you graduate from university?

Interviewee:I graduated from university in July, 2002.

(2) 质量准则:不要说自己认为是不真实的, 及缺乏足够证据的话。


Interviewer:Is there anything special that you prefer to do in your spare time?

Interviewee:I prefer reading, esp. autobiographies of some celebrities.

(3) 关联准则:说话要贴切

在面试过程当中, 恰当应用关联原则, 能够从不同侧面展示应聘者对该工作的适合程度。

Interviewer:What are the positive aspects in your personality?

Interviewee:As for the positive aspects, I suppose I'm a responsible, patient and inspiring person.

(4) 方式准则:说话要简要, 有条理, 避免晦涩词语和歧义

在交际的过程当中做到条理清晰, 简明扼要更能够给面试官留下深刻、干练的印象。


Interviewer:What do you think is the most important to be a qualified teacher?

Interviewee:The utmost one is responsible.

合作原则在面试的开始部分, 即面试官在了解应聘者个人信息方面发挥着重要作用。交际双方只有充分遵守合作原则才能够达到其交际目的。但随着面试的深入, 由于双方权势上的差异, 使得面试与一般意义上的人际交往存在着明显的差异。在整个面试过程当中, 话语的主动权, 话题的选择, 延续以及终止均由面试官进行掌控。在面试过程当中, 面试官会通过“问题陷阱”从各个不同角度来考察应聘者的反应及综合考量应聘者素质。这就要求应聘者能够听懂面试官的“弦外之音”即推断出面试官的话语的隐含意义。但是, 当应聘者无法准确把握问题的隐含意义时, 无法做出准确有效的反应, 就只能采取不合作态度, 即违反合作原则及其准则。


G. Lakoff提出的模糊限制语可对话语中信息的真是程度、涉及范围等进行修饰, 也可表示说话人或作者对某一内容所进行的主观推测, 或提出客观依据, 或对话语的内容进行间接性评价等。在面试当中, 交际双方出于人际关系等社交方面的考虑, 比如给对方留面子, 或减少伤害对方面子的程度等, 这些都涉及到模糊限制语使用的社交语用功能。在英文面试当中, 当面试官问及一些应聘者不容易把握, 或者比较敏感的问题时, 由于应聘者比较难把握这些问题, 此时可以通过语用模糊限制语, 把信息模糊化, 避免过于直接之的回答, 为自己留下余地, 掌握主动权。


Interviewer: Which position do you think you are more suitable, teacher or teaching assistant?

Interviewee: Well, it obviously depends on your judgement-- whether I qualified to be a teacher or just start over from the teaching assistant.

很明显, 以上会话违反了合作原则当中的方式准则, 但通过这以巧妙的回答, 应聘者为自己在职位的选择问题上留下了充分的选择余地。

在英文面试中, 薪酬问题一般是比较敏感的话题, 同时, 也是面试官考量应聘者个性、性格和价值取向的有效方法之一。那么在回答此类问题的过程当中, 如何规避不利因素, 又能充分体现自身价值呢?模糊性词语的使用, 为该问题找到了很好的解决途径。


Interviewer: What's your expectation for your future salary?

Interviewee: Salary is not my first concern when I hunt for a new opportunity. I believe the company will pay me fairly according to my experience and my ability. Perhaps it will depend on my performance in my work.

在面试交际时, 面试官通常会使用较为精确的语言来进行提问, 应聘者可采用模糊限制语的语用策略来回避不利于自身的问题, 从而在面试中能够扬长避短。


在经济高速发展的今天, 企业对于人才的要求也在不断的提升。无论在专业素养还是语言能力方面, 都对现在的应聘者提出了更高的要求。尤其是英文面试, 已经成为各大型企业挑选人才过程当中必不可少的一项。这就要求应聘者在具备良好语言能力的同时, 也要掌握一定的面试语用策略, 在短时间内充分展示自身才华, 得到面试单位的认可, 为未来事业的发展迈出成功的第一步。


[1]Jean Stilwell Pecci.Pragmatics[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[2]陈智钢, 李晓惠.英语面试语境中受试者的语用策略分析[J].九江职业技术学院学报, 2008, (3) .

[3]葛红.求职面试的语用研究[J].山东省农业管理干部学院学报, 2003, (6) .

[4]何兆熊.新编语用学概要[M].上海外语教育出版社, 2000.

[5]李昕.面试成功的策略与技巧[M].中国人事出版社, 1998.

[6]刘森林.语用策略[M].社会科学文献, 2007.



Volunteers Wanted

Our annual English Festival, which will be held on June 15~17, 2015, is now looking for 20 student volunteers to provide service for Talent Show, Speech Contest, and English Debate. If you are interested, please send an application email at your earliest convenience to Ms Chen at chenlaoshi@aef.com.


1. 表达写信意图;

2. 陈述应征目的;

3. 说明应征条件(性格、能力等)。


1. 邮件词数不少于100;

2. 开头和结尾部分已写好,不计入总词数;

3. 可根据情况增加细节,使行文连贯;

4. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。

Dear Ms Chen,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 3. ________________________________________________________

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

1. 掌握应聘信的常规写作内容

一般来说,应聘信由介绍个人身份、表明写信意图、交代应聘目的、陈述应聘条件、表达感激之情、表明期待答复等几部分构成。在写作时,首先应介绍个人身份,表明自己的来历,比如真题开头部分的个人介绍交代了应征者的姓名、身份等。接着应表明写信意图,比如后附的参考范文第①句,说明自己要应聘学生志愿者(student volunteer)这个职位。接下来需要陈述应聘目的,说一下自己应聘这个职位的目的和动机,比如范文第②句说明自己是为了提高组织能力(organizational abilities)、沟通能力(communication skills)和增加当众说英语的自信(confidence in speaking English in public)。表明动机后再来说明应聘条件,介绍自己的优势和长处。为了增强说服力,在摆明自身优势时还可结合个人经历,比如范文第三段就举了自己做英语老师的助手帮助组织英语活动的例子。这三部分内容是应聘信最重要的部分,也是高考通常要求考生写作的内容。介绍完这些之后不要忘记表达一下自己的感激之情,比如范文第⑦句,这是应征者要具备的最基本的礼节。上述真题虽没有做出要求,但考生若能写出来,势必会为自己的作文加分。信的最后,可以表明自己期待对方的答复,比如真题的结尾句。如果需要还应提供自己的联系方式——这点高考一般不会要求,大家了解就行。具备上述内容,一封应聘信就算得上完整了。

2. 把握应聘信的写作基调

众所周知,写信应聘必然需要应征者表明自己的诚意,展示自己能做好工作的自信,并拥有感恩之心,因此应聘信应以表示真诚、展现自信和表达感激为基调。以参考范文为例,在表明自己对学生志愿者这个职位的渴望时,应征者用了really来强调自己的诚意,除此之外,还可以使用indeed、to tell you the truth等表示程度的词语。在介绍自己的优势时,范文用了such a good command of ...、successfully等词语来展示自己的自信心。当然,应征者最后也应不忘感激。表达感激之情除了可以使用范文中的I would be grateful if you ...,还可以使用I would be (very) thankful ...等。

3. 了解应聘信的语言规律


介绍个人身份常用句型:①I'm ..., a/an ... ②I'm ... from ... ③I'm ... who is a/an ...

表明写信意图常用句型:①I'm writing to apply for the position of ... ②I want to apply for the position to ... ③I'd like to apply for the position of ...

交代应聘目的常用句型:①By offering my service, I will be able to ... ②If I get the position, I can ... ③Getting the position, I will realize my aim of ...

陈述应聘条件常用句型:①I'm a/an ... girl/boy. ②I'm ..., ... as well as ... ③I'm good at ... ④My ... is especially good. ⑤I have a good command of ... ⑥I have been elected as assistant to ... ⑦I have lent a helping hand to ... ⑧My talent has been appreciated by both ... and ... ⑨I'm sure that I can meet your expectations.

表达感激之情常用句型:①I would be grateful if you could ... ②I would appreciate it very much if you could ... ③I would be very thankful if I could get the position.

表明期待答复常用句型:①Looking forward to your reply. ②I'm waiting for your early reply.

4. 善于使用过渡性词语

不管何种文章都需要过渡性词语来衔接前后文,应聘信自然也是如此。信中使用过渡性词语较多的是在应聘目的和应聘条件的介绍上。当有多个目的需要说明时可以使用first、besides、what's more等过渡性词语,这些词语在介绍应聘条件时也可以使用,比如参考范文中就用了besides来展示自己不同方面的优势。除此之外,还可以用at the same time、in the meanwhile、in addition、also等过渡性词语。

Dear Ms Chen,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 3. ①I'm writing to apply for the position of student volunteer.

②I really want to obtain this precious opportunity because, by offering my service, I will be able to improve my organizational abilities and communication skills as well as my confidence in speaking English in public.

③As an outgoing girl, I get along well with my classmates. ④Besides, I have such a good command of English that I have been elected as assistant to my English teacher. ⑤I have successfully lent a helping hand to her in several English class activities, which has been appreciated by both teachers and my classmates.

⑥I am sure that I can meet your expectations. ⑦I would be grateful if you could consider me for the position.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua







interpersonal skills - ability to put people at ease; dependable, organized, efficient ;team player; self-starter

business experience:

the health institute, division of clinical care research, new england medical center, boston, ma

november - present, executive assistant to director and to research scientist

created prepress drafts for flyers, catalogs, order forms, and price lists

managed digital image library

formatted digital images for website

coordinated co-op program and produced credit memos

wrote memos, presentations, and correspondence for vice president

maintained excel sheets for budget, brand id program, and retail mailer program

monitored invoices

health dialog, inc., boston, ma

sept. -april administrative assistant for healthcare management firm

edited and produced company newsletter

maintained company database

performed internet research on health topics and competition

reviewed and analyzed health videos

created powerpoint presentations

fulfilled orders for videotapes

teaching experience:


Telephone No:

Email id: /jianli


Director of Training, First Nationwide Bank


-Top-notch administrator with more than 15 years experience in finance.

-MBA and extensive training in seminars for working professionals.

-Outstanding productivity both as a loan officer and as a supervisor.

-Unique combination of expertise in mortgage banking, training, sales, and finance.

-Dynamic leader and team builder, consistently motivating others toward success.


MORTGAGE MADNESS, Pleasant Hill CA 1994-present

Director of Sales and Training

Managed eight loan officers, with responsibility for $288 million in production, plus full responsibility for all training.

-Designed and led seven monthly training sessions, including broker education and product knowledge seminars, sales strategy and training.

-Reported directly to the president of the company.


Rustic City CA 1990-1994

Loan Officer

Developed expertise in all areas of residential financing, including builder business, portfolio loans, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac investor loans.

-Top producing loan officer for Maudlin in 1992.

-Built a large client base by successfully implementing relationship selling.

COUNTY OF LEWIS, Alameda, CA 1987-90

Director, Administrative and Fiscal Services

DREYDEN BEVERAGES, Hayward, CA 1985-1987

Senior Internal Auditor

BLOUCHER MELON & CO., San Francisco, CA 1980-1985

Senior Accountant

-For this “Big Eight” accounting firm, consulted with CEOs and CFOs of diverse industries (computer services, construction, legal services, high tech) concerning auditing, tax accounting, and management.



