



My name is __, from __. I scored unsatisfactory and did their desired universities. I think, either in the country on a first-clacolleges, or to go abroad. If on a domestic university, it is a waste of time. So I chose to study abroad.

So I understand that New Zealand students through the Internet has more advantages. First of all, New Zealand is a multicultural country, a time-advanced level. Second, the students lower costs than other countries, more reasonable. Third, the weather and almost southern China. Therefore, I propose to the parents to New Zealand to study the wishes of the parents get the support.

From 06 to 07, I CIBT School of Beijing University of Technology to study for two years, I am learning is that I am interested in businemanagement. Through this two-year study, as in the commercial, I later laid a foundation for learning.

Many schools in New Zealand, I chose the UNITEC Institute. UNITEC is unique in that the traditional university academic standards and polytechnics and technical advantages of combining vocational education. School in combining theory and practice for school concept, exploring the creativity of the students to continue to adapt to social change.

This year, China will host the Olympic Games in Beijing. , The eyes of the world gathered here. In particular, some businessmen in China, a huge potential market in search of busineopportunities. Therefore, I choose to UNITEC Institute study marketing, I believe that this right after I returned employment development will be of great help. UNITEC particularly to the integration of theory and practical teaching methods, more determined my choice. Reading through UNITEC of Chinese students in the exchange, I understand MARKETING study very hard, I need to put more time and energy on top. Maybe I can not be like the other students on edge as the Edge Reading. But my parents understood my idea, I am willing to fully support the school.


If you are going to wear your everyday clothes, like pants and a t-shirt, be very careful to wear what matches your look. If you have red hair, unless it is Valentine’s Day,Additional Details avoid anything related to red such as pink. You will look like a walking valentine. Aside from matching you, your clothes must match each other. If you wanted to wear a pink shirt with white on it, an adorable choice for a sweater would be a white jacket. Suppose, you wore a white shirt with pink on it, you shouldn’t wear the white sweater. Instead, wear a pink sweater. Also, if you wear this shirt and wanted to wear a headband that was pink but a slightly different shade of pink with it- that is a fashion don’t. Never wear denim on denim. That is to wear a denim jacket with a denim skirt or jeans. Especially if the denim is two different shades. You may think similarity is a good thing, but in some cases its not. Dark green with light green is fine-light blue with dark blue is fine too. But, they must be correct shades. A pink with a slight orange tinge is not good with plain pink. Never wear brown and black together. Black looks good with lots of things-just not brown. Be in touch with your seasons and holidays. Unless it is the Fourth of July, or some patriotic holiday, avoid wearing red, white, and blue. Unless it is around Christmas time, don’t wear red and green. During winter, light blue looks good, and so does white and beige. During spring, green, yellow and cheerful colors look best. Fall is the time for solemn colors like dark red, brown, and black. Summer is the cheery red, orange and plain cool and crisp white.

Types of clothes are also important. A long-sleeved shirt with shorts is never ok, but a short-sleeved shirt with shorts or pants is ok. No socks with sandals even if its toe socks. Clothes are fabulous things for girls to fuss over and spend hours deciding what to wear. Let’s try our best to make them look great.


Synthetic aperture radar sensors can produce range imagery of high spatial resolution under differen conditions.However,because the image data are formed by coherent interaction of the transmitted microwave with the targets,they suffer from the effects of speckle noise which arises from coherent summation of the signals scattered from scatterers.To sea SAR image,point target detection usually becomes difficult because of the intensive sea-clutter speckles.To solve this problem,traditional concepts can be classified into two aspects:one is threshold segmentation based on intensity difference[1],for example,based on histogram information;the other is target extraction based on speckle reduction,for which sparse code shrinkage[2]taking advantage of independent component analysis(ICA)[3]serves a good case by applying nonlinear operator on each component.However,both of them appear to be not effective enough especially when sea clutter is strong.As to the former,intensive sea clutter usually has the same grey value with point target as a result of which no considerable difference of intensity can be obtained;as to the latter,de-noising is usually tentative because of much uncertainty about the speckle information.In this paper,an efficient method is proposed with both intensity and de-noising taken into consideration.Briefly,two kernel procedures,Pre-K and Post-K,are involved.

Pre-K:To avoid intensity confusion between sea clutter and point target,we calculate the Hölder exponent[4]of original SAR image as the first step of proposed‘Pre-K’.Because Hölder exponent characterizes the loca singularity without feature structure loss,an improved intensity differentiation can be achieved as a matter of fact In addition,‘Pre-K’also employs binary-fuzzy processing as a further step,in which,Hölder exponents of the image is binarized according to a criterion and next fuzzed with average filtering.Then,the processed image becomes more compact and predigested so that it can be inputted to ICA technique for superior convergence performance.

Post-K:As the second kernel procedure focusing on the outputting data from ICA technique,an efficient de-noising theory is proposed based on signal separation,avoiding huge computation complexity by other traditional method,like sparse code shrinkage.As a result,sea clutter speckles are sharply removed and poin target detection is successfully obtained due to the clean image.

2 Overview on Independent Component Analysis

The Independent Component Analysis(ICA)is a statistical method for transforming an observed multidimensional random vector into components that are mutually independent.Denote by X the observed matrix:X=[x1,x2,…,xm]T,by S the independent components matrix(or sparse code matrix):S=[s1,s2,…,sn]T,and by A(m×n,m>n)the mixed matrix,the linear representation can be given by:

Where:xi(i=1,2,…,m)is the observed signal and si(i=1,2,…,n)is the independent component.W namely de-mixed matrix or transformation matrix is the pseudo inverse of A,that is W=A+.Because S has a“sparse structure”which means any image can be represented by a relatively small number of descriptors out of a much larger set to choose from.Thus,an image I(x,y)can be modeled as a linear superposition of basisφk,which can be defined as follows:

Where,sk,b is the element of code matrix S at row k,column b.Andφk is the kth column vector of mixed matrix.A=[φ1,…φk,…,φn].

If we use symbol‘↔’to define the mapping association between a basis vector and the corresponding independent component,we obtain sk↔φk,k=1,……,n.

3 Pre-K Procedure

3.1 Hölder Exponent

Hölder exponent is an instrumental tool for image segmentation and de-noising,also a powerful parameter for studying the structure of singular signals[4].

Letα>0,and x0∈K⊂R.A functionf:K→Ris inCxα0(or has a pointwise Hölder exponentαat x0),if for all in a neighborhood x of x0:

Where,c is a constant independent of x0 andα.The Hölder exponentαis computed as:

Clearly,a function that is differentiable at x=x0 has a Hölder exponentα≥1.Geometrically,this means that the magnitude of oscillations of the function near x0 decreases faster than the distance to x.In general,if this inequality holds forα0,then it will hold for allα<α0.Thus,the Hölder exponent of a function is the upper bound ofα.For images,this exponent characterizes the edges and the features.

3.2 Binary-fuzzy Processing

Hölder exponent contains substantive information of the image,but usually weakens the‘target’feature unavoidably.To enhance target information of the image of Hölder exponent,we propose a scheme namely binary-fuzzy processing and apply it on Hölder exponent image.

According to multifractal theory[5],small targets can be regarded as points with strong singularity because of higher intensity than neighbouring points.Strong singularity corresponds to small value of Hölder exponent since Hölder exponent is a tool for singularity measurement.If we extract the strong singularity ones from Hölder exponent image,a more‘centralized’points set can be roughly obtained.Here,a simple criterion is proposed for this extraction,which can be defined as follows:

Where:µis a scale coefficient with interval(0,1).H(x,y)is the grey value of each pixel in Hölder exponent image.Then,we obtain binary Hölder image modified by this criterion.To overcome convergence failure resulting from applying ICA algorithm on binary image,we further employ some fuzzy processing.Here,we use average filtering with a template 3×3 to obtain this fuzzy version.The template can be given as below:

4 Post-K Procedure:Space Separation

Suppose we have obtained X=AS using ICA technique.From the view of signal separation,we believe that‘clutter pattern’in an image comes from another kind of signal source which is different from the‘target’signal source.(Note here,we denote‘target’by‘clean’,and‘clutter’by‘noise’).Therefore,an image space can be separated into two subspaces.If we can separate the original one into these two sub-ones using some criterion,we can effectively obtain the‘target’version extracted from the original image by reconstruction on the‘target’subspace.Let us denote the original image space by Sorigin,‘target’subspace by Sclean and‘clutter’subspace by Snoise,we obtain:Sorigin=Sclean+Snoise,which is equivalent to Xorigin=Xclean+Xnoise.Because each space comprises basis images and corresponding independent components.Separating basis implies separation of space.

The proposed principle on separation and reconstruction is shown in Figure 1 for clear illustration.

Suppose the number of‘clean basis’is h,and the number of‘noise basis’is g:Clearly,the central is how to separate two subspaces from the original one.We define the separation rule as follows:

For more clarity,the formula(7)can be written as:

Where:i=1…n,n is the number of components,si is the i th component,φi is the i th basis with relationφi↔si.N is the number of sample points of each component.θ⋅(||S||∞)/nis the separation threshold withθ∈(0,1),which can be easily set in particular experiment.

5 Steps Involved

1)The pointwise Hölder exponent(H image for short)of original SAR image is computed.

2)Use formula(5)withµ=0.3 as a criterion for H image binarisation.

3)Apply proposed fuzzy processing using a template mentioned in formula(6)to obtain binary H image Then the modified version of H image is obtained.

4)Use a sliding window(size=16×16)sampling the modified H image regularly,ensuring that each block sampled has an interval step of 8 pixels both in row and column.Then,we obtain the observed matrix X with each row-vector as an observed signal.For example,if an image is 256×256,then the observed matrix X should be256×961 by this kind of sampling.

5)To avoid huge computation complexity,we subtract the mean of each signal and then apply PCA(principal component analysis)[6]to reduce dimension of the vectors to 64,which implies 64 basis images we shall have.

6)The preprocessed X is used as the input to Fast ICA algorithm[7],with‘tanh’non-linearity.

7)The 64 basis images from A and correspondingly independent components from S are obtained after convergence of Fast ICA algorithm.

8)Apply proposed space separation theory(or Post-K procedure)on outputting data computed from ICA technique.As a result,the original space of modified H image can be separated into two sub-ones:‘target’(clean)and‘clutter’(noise).

9)According to Xclean=AcleanSclean,the detection result with target strikingly intensified is obtained.Then,a clear target extraction can be achieved with a simple morphological erosion[8].

6 Results and Discussions

An original SIR-C SAR image under intensive sea clutter speckles(256×256,acquired on October 9,1994on the Arabic Sea,150km west of Bombay(India))with point target at the bottom is shown in Figure 2.We apply the proposed method to this image.For performance comparison,other two traditional approaches:threshold segmentation based on histogram information and ICA sparse code shrinkage,are also employed.

1)Results with two traditional methods

(1)Threshold segmentation based on histogram information

The histogram of the original image is shown in Fig.3,the detection result is shown in Fig.4 with a selected threshold 240.Clearly,the performance is not desirable because of the low difference of intensity between target and sea clutter,which means clutter speckles have greatly impacted the target to be differentiated from them.

(2)ICA sparse code shrinkage

The de-noising result is shown in Fig.5 and detection result is shown in Fig.6 with a binarisation threshold which is 0.9 times of maximal gray-value in de-noising image.Obviously,the performance is also unqualified with much clutter imposed.

2)Results with the proposed method

H image computed from original SAR image is shown in Fig.7.Modified H image after applying binary-fuzzy processing is shown in Fig.8,from which,we can see that point target has been obviously enhanced compared to original image.With a separation threshold set to 0.65 in proposed Post-K procedure,the basis(64block images)of the modified H image,shown in Fig.9,is separated into two subsets,‘clean’basis(35 block images)shown in Fig.10 and‘noise’basis(29 block images)in Fig.11.Detection result with construction on‘clean’subspace is shown in Fig.12 and binary result of target extraction using morphological erosion is shown in Fig.13.

7 Conclusions

Based on independent component analysis,we propose a novel approach for point target detection for sea SAR image under intensive clutter speckles.With a combination of both fractal and signal separation theory,the proposed method modifies H exponent image on one hand,avoiding intensity confusion,and on the other hand separates‘target’pattern from original space,resulting effective speckle reduction.Experimental results demonstrate that point target detection can be efficiently achieved with proposed method,which is superior to traditional approaches.Nevertheless,model establishment correlating separation threshold with statistical property of a SAR image needs further research.


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