


摘要:随着我国与其他国家在政治、经济和文化的不断交流,许多外国人来到中国学习、生活以及从事经济文化教育等各种活动。这些外国人在中国必须遵守中国的法律,因此,译介中国的法律变得越来越重要。在法律翻译中,法律术语的翻译直接关系到源语法律文本的权威性和可信度,是法律翻译中十分重要的部分。国内对于术语的翻译研究主要是从关联理论和功能对等理论的视角,很少从Susan Sarcevic(苏珊·沙尔切维奇)的法律翻译理论视角。自Sarcevic(沙尔切维奇)提出了其法律翻译理论后,对法律翻译实践产生了十分重要的影响。本文以Sarcevic(沙尔切维奇)的法律翻译理论为理论基础,以北大法宝法律数据库所提供的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》(全文289条,共34405字)和《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改<中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法>的决定》(全文共26条,5444字)的英译本为语料,试图回答以下两个问题:1.这两部法律和决定中的法律术语的英译存在着什么问题?2.应采取什么翻译方法或翻译技巧来解决这些问题?通过对这两部法律和决定中的术语的英译分析,本文发现:(1)对等法律术语的英译和源语法律术语存在细微差异,没有译出源语法律术语的核心含义;(2)部分对等法律术语英译的含义大于或小于源语法律术语的含义;(3)零对等法律术语的英译在源语法律术语中没有相对应的概念。对于这些问题,译者可采用直译、词汇扩充、描述性释义和中性术语等翻译方法或翻译技巧。






Chapter1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis

1.3 Research Questions

1.4 Data Collection

1.5 Structure of the Thesis

Chapter2 Literature Review

2.1 Basic Introduction to Legal Terms

2.1.1 Definition of Legal Terms

2.1.2 Features of Legal Terms

2.1.3 Differences between Legal Words and Legal Terms

2.2 Previous Studies on the Translation of Legal Terms at Home

2.2.1 Translation Principle of Legal Terms

2.2.2 Equivalence in Translation of Legal Terms

2.2.3 Problems in the Translation of Legal Terms

2.2.4 Standardization of Legal Terms Translation

2.3 Previous Studies on the Translation of Legal Terms Abroad

2.4 Comments on Previous Studies

Chapter3 Theoretical Foundation

3.1 Sarcevic’s Categorization of Equivalence

3.2 Terminological Incongruence

3.3 Compensation for Terminological Incongruence

3.4 An Act of Communication within the Mechanism of the Law

3.5 Transition to Text Producer

Chapter4 Translation Techniques of Chinese Legal Terms

4.1 Translation of Near Equivalence Legal Terms

4.1.1 Problems in the Translation of Near Equivalence Legal Terms

4.1.2 Translation Techniques of Near Equivalence Legal Terms

4.2 Translation of Partial Equivalence Legal Terms

4.2.1 Problems in the Translation of Partial Equivalence Legal Terms

4.2.2 Translation Techniques of Partial Equivalence Legal Terms

4.3 Translation of Zero Equivalence Legal Terms

4.3.1 Problem in the Translation of Zero Equivalence Legal Terms

4.3.2 Translation Techniques of Zero Equivalence Legal Terms

Chapter5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

5.2 Limitations of the Thesis

5.3 Implication of the Thesis

