





Once we finish our final exams, many of us might never see each other again, and we might never sit in the classroom of St。 Charles listening to our teachers。 But “”If not us, who? If not now, when?”This quote is said by John F。 Kennedy, America’s 35th president。 It means that the time is pushing us forward, and we have to keep going。 We will leave many things behind the road。 I feel excited for the new things that are waiting ahead of me, and also feel sad to leave St。 Charles and all the great teachers and staff。

Good-by, my teachers。 Many of you are the greatest teachers I’ve ever met in my life。 Thank you for teaching me knowledge and skills。 Thank you for helping me to be a better person。 Most importantly, thank you for helping me overcome my language barrier。 Good-by, my friends。 Thank you for being my friends, you added color on to my life, and made my life interesting and fun。 Good-by, my classmates。 The last day of school might be the last time I will see you。 I will miss you and all the good time we have spent together。 When I look at my year book one day, I will say ,“Ha, I remember you ” And I will not forget the fun things we have done。

I have changed a lot in the three years I have been in St。 Charles。 Firstly, I learned many things from this school。 My English improved from being able to understand nothing to being able to almost understand anything。 These changes are huge。 But the most important thing St。 Charles gave to me is courage。 The courage to talk to other people, and to actually be part of a group。 I can say that St。 Charles helped me pass hardest time in life。 When I first came here from China。 I could hardly understand anything I was very shy when I talked with people I didn’t know。 With my language difficulties, I could barely talk to people and understand what they were saying。 Also, the completely different culture made my life very hard。 Sometimes I have to do six hours of homework and go to sleep at one o’clock。 But the teachers, staff, and classmate are so nice。 They give me lots of help when I need it 。With that help and my effort, my English grows better and better。, and the hardest time has finally passed。 Thank you to all those who have helped me , I will never forget what you have done for me。

Look back at our school, it’s not fashionable, it’s not big, it doesn’t have new technology, and it even looks small at first。 But we all love it。 It’s like our second family, a family filled with joyfulness。 Here, everyone helps everyone, everyone love everyone。 I feel love and kindness here, that is something that I cannot feel from other schools。 Those are the unique things about our school。 That is why we loved it , and wanted to stay there。

We will miss this school so much because we’ve spent so much of our life here。 But like John F。 Kennedy said “If not us, who ? If not now, when ?” There are still many exciting things waiting for us in our future。 We can’t just stop and miss the other beautiful sights coming up。 To keep going and get a good gradd is the most important thing for me to do now, because that is what I think I’m supposed to do。 It is the starting of all。 You have to gain knowledge to develop your skill and to reach your goal。 And I believe that I will go farther if I get more knowledge。 I will remember all the great things St。 Charles had taught me, and remain thankful after I leave St。 Charles。 And I will come back and visit our school again, and visit those teachers who taught me, and people who helped me。



Good afternoon, my dear teachers and fellow schoolmates. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to stand here on behalf of the graduates. This is a memorable day both in our personal lives and in the life of this campus. It was almost three years that every third years students came here from every part of China. As we are young, it is very easy for us to communicate and it is not easy for us to learn every object very well, get acclimatized our new surrounding quickly. It was in the past three years that we were ambitious. It was in the pat three years that we worried. It was in the past three years we were content.

We will miss every teacher in our department.(Thank you for your responsibility , patient and kind.You(They) teach us skill and how to be a good person. )We will miss every thing in our campus , the library, the dining room and so many place. We will miss the happy time we spend in this college. Three years passed too fast, we want to stay but we need move on. Thank you Hwanan for helping us to become the people we are. I would like to congratulate each of you having reached your goals in the future and now we are ready to graduate! Thank you









在大学期间,我参加过一些校内活动和社会实践。与某些同学相比,也许不算什么,但是对于我而言,却收获良多;活动不在多在精,在人的思考与总结。我担任过团支书和一些活动的负责人,作为leader,我学会了怎么制定目标与计划,统筹全局,按计划实施;怎么沟通团队,去互相信赖互相帮助互相激励。我曾是社团的干事,作为一个team member,我学会了怎样和队员团结协作,怎样负责任按时高质量地完成任务。我曾做为老师的助理,我学会了更好地待人接物,更好地协助上级工作。我曾去过实习,懂得了主动谦虚在工作中的重要性,为就业做好准备。我很庆幸,自己能不断地提高工作能力,体验成长的喜悦与满足。





学习上,通过良师的教导和自身的刻苦学习,我已初步掌握如何运用英语知识进行 一般商务活动,也养成了认真对待学习和工作的好习惯! 我圆满地完成本专业课程。并具备了较强的英语听读写能力。对office办公软件和其它流行软件能熟练操作,并在因特网上开辟了自己个人空间。平时我还涉猎了大量文学、心理、营销等课外知识。相信在以后理论与实际结合当中,能有更大提高!思想上,本人有良好道德修养,并有坚定的政治方向。我热爱祖国,热爱人民,坚决拥护共产党领导和社会主义制度,遵纪守法,爱护公共财产,团结同学,乐于助人。并以务实求真的精神热心参予学校的公益宣传和爱国主义活动。






















