







Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the research

1.1.1 The new curriculum reform advocates teaching by guided learning plan

1.1.2 Problems exist in the current design of guided learning plan

1.1.3 Deep learning provides new perspective for the design of guided learning plan

1.2 Purpose of the research

1.3 Significance of the research

1.4 Structure of the thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical basis

2.1.1 Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

2.1.2 Constructivist Theory

2.1.3 Meta-cognitive Theory

2.2 Deep learning

2.2.1 Definition of deep learning

2.2.2 Features of deep learning

2.2.3 Researches on deep learning abroad

2.2.4 Researches on deep learning in China

2.3 Guided learning plan

2.3.1 Definition of guided learning plan

2.3.2 Principles of guided learning plan

2.3.3 Evaluation index system of guided learning plan

2.3.4 Researches on guided learning plan abroad

2.3.5 Researches on guided learning plan in China

2.4 Researches on promoting deep learning with guided learning plan

2.5 Summary

Chapter 3 Research Design

3.1 Research questions

3.2 Sample introduction

3.3 Research methods

3.3.1 Case analysis method

3.3.2 Evaluation index system

3.4 Research procedure

Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Analysis of the evaluation results of the guided learning plan

4.1.1 Overall analysis of the evaluation results of guided learning plan

4.1.2 Case analysis of the evaluation results of guided learning plan

4.2 Attribution of the problems in guided learning plan

4.2.1 Insufficient understanding of the importance of the guided learning plan

4.2.2 Inaccurate grasp of the content and design essentials of the guided learning plan

4.2.3 Not thorough study of the design principles of the guided learning plan

4.2.4 Imperfect compiling ability of teachers

4.2.5 Lack of effective supervision and evaluation system for the guided learning plan

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Research findings

5.2 Research implications

5.2.1 Focusing on cultivating higher-order thinking in learning objectives

5.2.2 Infiltrating and strengthening the learning method guidance continuously

5.2.3 Stressing the problem level and scenario creation in learning process

5.2.4 Doing scientific reflection and multiple evaluation

5.2.5 Improving the professional level of teachers and developing a supervision and evaluation system

5.3 Research limitations and prospects



Appendix1 Evaluation index system by Cui Yunhuo

Appendix2 Guided learning plans of Unit4 Where is my schoolbag?

