



Pep三年级下Unit4 Where is my car? Part A Let’s spell


教学内容:Let’s spell(P40)Listen ,repeat and chant.Read ,listen and number;Listen and write。教学目标:


2、能够了解字母O在单词中的发音[ ɔ ]。






1.通过Listen ,repeat and chant达成目标一 2.通过Read ,listen and number 检测目标二的达成 3.通过Listen and write达成目标三。



课件、录音机、带有元音字母o的词卡组 教学过程: Step1 Preparation

1、(1)Greetings & free talk(2)I will divide you into 4 groups,if you say or do well, you can take a letter card from your leader.2、Do you still remember ABC Song.Let’s sing together.(鼓励:Your voice is beautiful).3、I have a video for you:手语A b c phonics song.Listen and do.4、It’s your turn.Let’s chant from A [æ] to Z[z](设计意图:通过复习,激活了学生的原有知识储备,降低了学生学习新知的难度)Step 2 Presentation

1、T: We know the sounds of the letters.Can you spell the words according to the sounds? Let’s try.Listen, repeat and try to spell the words.让生听音、跟读,感悟发音,初步达成目标1。此处听两遍录音,first,listen and follow.Second, take out your exercise books and try to write the words.教师可以在黑板上板书示范一个单词,从而降低难度。

Check answers together.教师通过板书让孩子观察并总结出:These four words have the same letter O o,it pronounces [ ɔ ].2、I have other letters and words.Can you read them correctly and fluently?Try to read.Step 3 Practice

1、Turn to page 40,read,listen and number.先让孩子试着将本部分懂得8个单词读出来,再做听音标号的练习。Check answers together and read these words together.(设计意图:通过反复的读词,为孩子能自然拼读简单的含有o的单词做好铺垫。)

2、Listen and write.3、Sharp eyes.Sept 4 Production

1、Every one has a card.Now, using your cards to make up new words in your group.Take your words to the front, and let’s read them out.2、English is useful in our daily life.English connected with our lives.English is a beautiful language.英语在我们的日常生活中作用巨大,和我们的生活紧密相连。英语是一门美妙的语言。

Step 5 Sum up This class,we have learned the sound of letter O.Let’s read and spell these words together.Dog,box,orange,body.Homework:

1、Read the words on page40 fluently.2、Make word cards with your parents, try to spell, read and write the words.板书设计:Unit 4 Where is my car?Part A Let’s spell Oo [ ɔ ] dog box orange body


惠州市第九小学 莫文婷

Teaching Content:PEP 5 Unit 4

Let’s spell Teaching Objectives:

1.Enable students know the pronunciation of “ oo” in the words;2.Make students can sum up the rules of the pronunciation of “ oo”;3.Cultivate the students’ language learning skills and enhance their

interests in English;Teaching Important Points and Difficult Points: Important Point: the pronunciation of “ oo” in the words;Difficult Point: the rules of the pronunciation of “oo”;Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies: 1.Activities、courseware direct-teaching method;

2.Group work.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warm-up and Revision 1 Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls.I’m your new English teacher today.Do you want to know something about me? I’m from NO.9 Primary School.I’m an active English teacher.I like singing songs.Now, I want to sing a song for you ,and then we can sing together,OK? Ss: Yes!

Then the teacher sings the song.2 After listening to the song, the teacher asks Ss if they can find the same sound in the song.Then the teacher shows some words in the PPT and asks Ss to read the words one by one.In this part, the teacher can show more words that pronounce /ɒ/.Step 2 Presentation

After showing the words that pronounce /ɒ/,the teacher shows the words with “oo” ,and asks them to read again and again so that they can find the pronunciation rules:/ʊ//u:/.Step 3 Practice Where is my home? In this part, the teacher asks Ss to classify the words according to the pronunciation rules:/ʊ/ /u:/.Step 4 Expansion 1 The teacher shows a calender and asks the students to read the words one by one.2 Watch a short video about “oo”.Step 5 Summary T : What do you learn from this lesson? Guiding Ss to summarize the pronunciation rules:oo /ʊ/ /u:/.Step6 Homework 1 Sharing the word family of “oo” with friends.2 Collecting more words that pronounce /ʊ/ and /u:/.Reflection Blackboard design





balloon look





1.能理解生词garden, goat(s), eat,over there在语境中的意思。2.能够读短文并能回答根据短文内容提出的问题。能力目标:


2.能在具体语境中用These are...Those are...介绍农场。3.能在设置的有意义的语境中仿写句子These are...Those are...情感目标:


教学重点:能够在重点词句的帮助下理解、朗读并复述课文。教学难点:能够正确运用These are…Those are…句型在语境中书写和介绍农场。


一、Preparation 1.Greetings.2. 用千里眼的游戏形式来复习之前所学的蔬菜水果单词。用垃圾食品作对比进行情感教育:蔬菜有益健康,要多吃蔬菜。并教授本课新单词eat.3.用顺风耳的游戏听动物声音复习动物单词以及新单词goat(s).同时进行情感教育:动物是我们的好朋友,要爱护动物。


二、Pre-reading T:The second lanling International Vegetable Industry Expo is open.We have some interesting visitors.Look!They are coming!Who are they? They are sheep.They also want to build there own farm.So they come here and want to learn something.第一站,参观代村农场


T:Oh, what’s this? It’s a flower garden.It’s a orchard garden.This field plants many vegetables.These are potatoes.Those are carrots.So it’s a vegetable garden.教授garden并提及句子This is a vegetable garden.(2)羊羊们在这里采摘了很多蔬菜,我们来看一看。

复习已学句型These are…Those are…, 为理解课文句子做准备。

三、In-reading 羊羊们参观完代村农场学到了很多,下面它们要去一个美国的农场去看一看,引出本课内容。第二站,参观美国的农场

1.First reading 快速阅读,找到答案(1)这是谁的农场?

T:Whose farm is it? Can you find the answer? Ss: A.Mr MacDonald’s 学生读课文并在文中找到答案所在的句子,解决Mike的介绍。(2)在麦克唐纳先生的农场上你能看到那些蔬菜?

T: What vegetables can you see on Mr MacDonald’s farm? Please find and circle.学生圈出蔬菜单词并读出所在句子。通过此题解决图1 和图2 的课文内容。

(3)What about animals? 学生圈出动物单词并读出所在句子。通过此题解决图3和图4的部分句子。

2.Second reading: 仔细阅读,回答问题

(1)How many sheep are there on the farm? 提示关键词是how many sheep(2)Do the goats love to eat carrots? 用这两题解决图3和图4剩下的句子。3.Third reading(1)Listen and repeat 提示注意语音语调(2)Read aloud with your love of the farm.学生自主练习之后找些学生进行展示并给与鼓励。4.Retell the text 先领着学生一起练习再找生单独展示并给鼓励。

四、Post-reading 羊羊们参观完这两个农场之后收获很多,准备回去建农场。(1)T: Now they are going to build their own farm.What should they have on the farm? I think they should have vegetables and fruits because vegetables are good for their health.So I provide these for them.再次进行情感教育:蔬菜水果有益健康。出示蔬菜图片,板书These are tomatoes.边板书边提示学生书写注意事项。

T: They also need other animals, they are good friends.They can have those animals.再次进行情感教育:热爱小动物。出示动物图片,板书Those are cows.学生先在空中跟老师写完之后再在自己的练习纸上书写。老师随时纠正。

五、Progress 学生分小组为羊羊们设计一个农场。

之前学生答题时老师奖励的蔬菜和动物贴画在此时使用。小组随喜好选择粘贴并用These are…Those are…来写介绍。老师给出备用词库,帮助学生完成书写。学生活动时播放轻音乐。找小组展示。

T: The sheep love your design.And they’ll build it right now!Look!Their farm is ready.Let’s have a look!配着音乐播放美丽的农场照片,进行情感教育:大自然美丽又神秘。我们应该走到户外,享受自然。


Unit4My home PartA Let’s talk 教学设计



本节课是一节对话课。本节课的重点是:Where is she? Is she in the living room? Is she in the study? Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.以及She’s in the kitchen.难点是让学生阅读对话感知句型的语用及语义功能。本部分需要向学生说明的是国外家庭通常把宠物作为家庭成员看待,所以这里的cat用she表示,不用it.二、学情分析



根据对教材的理解和学情的分析,我预设如下教学目标:知识目标:1.复习单词bedroom,living room,study,bathroom,kitchen。2.能听懂,会说句子:Is she in the „? Yes, she is.No, she isn’t.能力目标:能在情境中运用句型:Is she/he in the „?

Yes, she/he is.No, she/he isn’t.情感目标:在生活中能够主动询问或对别人的询问能够热情应答。能够感受到家的温馨,从而激发学生爱家,爱家人的情感。


学习句子Is she in the „? Yes, she is.No, she isn’t.五、教学难点



Step1.Warm-up 1.Greeting.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: You are friendly and cute.May I know your name? Ss: „

T: Let me guess!Is she/he„? 引导学生根据情况正确使用一般疑问句的回答Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn’t.(设计意图:通过老师认识班上学生的活动让学生在熟悉的环境中掌握he 和she的使用,让学生上课初就开始大胆的表达,也为突破本课难点做铺垫。)

Step2.Revision 1.T: Now we are friends.Do you want to go to my home? T: Look!This is my home.A big house!T: Can you guess where Mr.Huang is?(做动作猜房间)(课件闪现 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, study , living room)引导学生表述:“Go to the living room ,watch TV„” 2.Let’s do Go to the living room Watch TV Go to the study Read a book Go to the kitchen Have a snack Go to the bedroom Have a nap Go to the bathroom Take a shower(设计意图:通过由词到句,动静结合的复习活动让学生继续语言的热身和兴趣的培养。)

Step 3.Presentation 1.(1)T:(猫叫,呈现照片)T: What’s that? Ss: Cat.T: It’s my cat.(ppt 呈现猫儿消失)Where is she?(播放录音)

(设计意图:新授起始就设置悬疑“Where is the cat?”并让学生在听对话的活动中初步感受文本内容。)

T: Where is she ? S1: She is in the kitchen.T: Really? Is she in the kitchen? Ss: Yes, she is.(ppt出示各类房间,师生问答。让学生尽可能多的从视觉和听觉层面输入感知本课新句型。同时熟练掌握一般疑问句的简单回答。)(2).(借助图片,引导学生操练重点句型)T:Follow me, please!kitchen , in the kitchen.Is she in the kitchen? Is she „?(补全句子练习)T: Is she in the living room?(Two by two 操练)T: Is she in the study?(Group1/2/3/4操练)(在句型的操练活动中掌握本课重难点知识。)(3).(ppt呈现系列房间)Who can ask me? S: Is she in the bedroom? T:(擦眼睛状)Yes, she is.Who can have a try? You please!(师生--男女生--全班)(分组操练)T: All of you did a good job!Clap hands for yourselves!(结合图片语境引导学生尝试语言输出。)2.Let’s sing.(In “do re mi” tongue)T:Show me your hands.(初步感受音乐节奏)I have a little cat.It’s very very cute.Where is she? Where is she? Is she in the living room? No, no, no, she isn’t.Is she in the study? No, no, no, she isn’t.Look!She’s in the kitchen.Mew!Mew!Mew!Mew!(将课文内容和轻快活泼的英文名曲结合,不但能活跃课堂气氛,还能让学生乐于接受新知并感受到音律和英语语言相结合所产生的协调之美。)

Step 4.Consolidation 1.T:(门铃响起,五娃出现)Look!They’re Kimi, Cindy, Angela, Tiantian and Shitou.They are my good friends,too.Let’s play hide-and-seek.Where are them?(将五个孩子的头像背贴在各个房间进行游戏问答。)(1).T:(设置头像卡)Where is Angela? S1:Is she in the „?(2).T:(S2趴桌子数数状,向其它同学出示躲藏的房间)T: Where is Tiantian? S2:Is he in the study? T: No, he isn’t.S2: Is he in the bathroom? T:(翻牌并出示)Yes, he is.(3).学生对话展示(4).小组操练并表演


2.T:(门铃再次响起,Amy和Sarah出现)Welcome to my home ,Amy and Sarah!Look!Amy also has a little cat.She is very very cute.Where is she? Let’s have a look.T:Where is the cat? T:She is in the kitchen.(回归文本,回答上课初提出的问题。)

5.T: Boys and girls.You are clever to help me find the cat!Big hands for youselves!Are you happy at my home ? I’m happy ,too.But it’s time to go home.Because “East,west,home is best.” Look!(ppt呈现图片)When you are tired, go home.When you are ill, go home.When you are unhappy, go home.When you hurt yourself, go home.When you want to cry, go home.Father and mother are waiting for you at home!They love you so much.T:(出示红心)What do you want to say ? Ss: Father and mother I love you.T: Good.Father and mother I love you.(结合课堂活动和单元话题,因势利导激发学生对家的热爱)Step5.Homework 1.Read the dialogue three times.(英语“达人秀”--朗诵对话三遍。)2.Clean the rooms with your parents(和父母一起让房间“亮”起来!)3.Share photos of your tidy rooms.(“晒”出你干净明亮的房间!)


Unit 4 My home






















1、小南海水泥厂2002年向国家缴纳增值税 210万元;













小结:(课件出示)怎样计算应纳税额?(收入× 税率=应纳税额)





2、李明的妈妈月收入2300元,爸爸月收入3500元,他们各应缴纳个人所得税多少元? 个人收入2000元以下不征税;


超过部分 税率

不到500元的 5% 500元——2000元 10% 2000元——5000元 15%









纳 税


篇6:六上 复习教案

1.通过活动,对本单元的知识进行巩固和运用。2..复习成节辅音和重音。◆ 语言技能目标

能用英语就奥林匹克运动会的话题开展简单的交流。◆ 情感态度

通过学习,培养学习英语的兴趣和大胆开口说英语的基本素养。重点: The 29th Olympic Games 难点: There are Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.They take place every four years.What color is the Olympic Flag ?

How many rings are there on the Olympic Flag ?

What color are they ?



Step 1Warming up 1.师生互致问候。Step 2 Review


1.全班学生跟着录音齐唱歌曲:You and Me.2.教师说:“This song is about.”引出the Olympic Games,教师板书the Olympic Games,并引导学生读一读。

(二)复习第一单元的单词与句型。1.教师出示奥运会会旗贴在黑板上问:“What’s this?”根据回答,在图旁写出the Olympic Flag.2.教师提问:“What do you know about the Olympic Games?”学生自由发言。3.教师出示下面的练习,让学生写一写,说一说。(1)There are Olympics and Olympics.(2)The Olympic Games take place every years.(3)There are on the Olympic Flag.(4)They’re blue,,and.4.教师再提出问题:“What do you know about the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing?”并板书the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing,然后贴出卡片:When,the Olympic Slogans,the Olympic Theme Song(主题歌),提醒学生主题歌与奥运会的会歌The Olympic Hymn不同。

5.根据学生的回答,教师板书如下: When began on August 8,2008 the Olympic Slogans One world,One dream.Faster, stronger and higher.the Olympic Theme Song You and Me 6.复习单词和词组。


(2)出示有关词组take place,Olympic Games,Winter Olympics,Summer Olympics,every four years等,请学生认读。7.根据黑板上的内容,引导学生说一说。



3.请学生翻开课本第30页,完成第一单元的Look,think and say.部分。(1)请学生先自读对话,然后独立完成填空练习。(2)同桌两位学生进行对话活动。(3)个别学生展示活动。

4.请学生翻开课本第33页,完成Read.Tick or cross.部分。(1)学生自读短文了解大意,并完成练习。(2)教师巡视,了解学生完成情况。


一、写出下列动词的原形。1.saw __________

2.held __________ 3.told __________

4.began __________ 5.did __________

6.were __________


1.The class meeting will ________ at 8:30.2.Please ________ me the story of it.3.They ________ not play football on Sunday.They went to see a film.4.We can ________ swimming on Sports Day.5.We ________ in Beijing yesterday.6.Greece(希腊)________ the 28th Olympic Games.三、将下列词组译成英语。1.举行 __________

2.一个世界 __________

3.每四年 __________

4.夏季奥运会 __________


6.唱一首歌 __________

Review 2 ◆ 语言知识目标

1.通过活动,对本单元的知识进行巩固和运用。2..复习成节辅音和重音。◆ 语言技能目标

能准确使用频度副词来描述活动。◆ 情感态度


难点: Who’s that boy between the two women ?

Where is he from ?

He’s from Australia.Peter is strong and healthy.Does he often exercise every day ?

He always gets up early in the morning.He often plays basketball.Sometimes he also plays football.(一)复习between,beside,behind等词汇。





2.请学生翻开课本第9页,自读课文,然后回答问题: What does Peter always do? What does Peter often do? 3.根据学生的回答,板书有关运动类的词组,如:go running,play basketball/football,do high jump等。

(三)复习有关运动类的词组及第二单元Part A的对话。1.教师提出问题:“Do you exercise every day?What do you often do?”请学生根据实际回答,教师板书其他有关运动类的词组,如:go swimming,do long jump等。



(四)复习第二单元Part B的内容。

1.教师出示下列问题,请学生看课本第11页,然后在本子上写出问题的答案。(1)When do the children have sports?(2)Where are the children?(3)What are the boys doing?(4)What is Wang Tao doing?(5)What are some girls doing? 2.请五位学生上台,在黑板上写出答案。教师核对答案后,引导学生读一读。3.教师播放课本第11页的录音或CD-ROM,学生跟读二至三遍。4.请个别学生读课文。



1.请学生翻开课本第30页,完成第二单元的Look,think and say.部分。


2.请学生翻开课本第34页,完成Fill in the missing words.部分。

(1)请学生独立完成填空练习,教师巡视。教师要注意关注学生对第三人称单数后动词的变化形式的掌握情况,及时纠错。(2)个别学生展示完成情况。(3)请个别学生读一读小短文。Step 4Review the English sounds 1.请学生翻开课本第35页并看第一张表格,教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。2.请个别学生起来读一读。3.同桌同学互读、互相帮助。

4.教师随机出示卡片,请学生快速读出相应的单词。Step 5Homework 1.背诵并默写Unit 1和Unit 2单词表中的单词。2.听Unit 1和Unit 2的课文录音,并模仿跟读。

3.完成课本第32页的Tick the words you can say.部分。

一、根据中文意思写出英文单词。1.经常 __________

2.有时__________ 3.总是 __________

4.现在 __________ 5.跑步 __________

6.游泳 __________ 7.滑冰 __________

8.划船 __________

二、选词填空。am;is;are;do;does(1)That ________ Peter.(2)I ________ good at sports.(3)Look, the girls ________ dancing!(4)---________ he often ________ high jump?---Yes, he ________.Review 3 ◆ 语言知识目标

1.通过活动,对本单元的知识进行巩固和运用。2..复习成节辅音和重音。◆ 语言技能目标


◆ 情感态度


难点:Bring me a basket , please.I’m going to pick some vegetables.Bring me a cup of water ,Sally.。

I’m very thirsty.Take an umbrella with you.It may rain in the afternoon.It‘s Sunday today.Can you take us to the cinema ,Dad ? 教学过程

Step 1Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.揭示并板书课题:Review 1。Step 2



1.教师播放录音,全班学生齐唱歌曲:An Apple。2.教师说:“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Apples are good for you.” 在黑板上靠左边的位置板书句子: They are good for you.They keep our body healthy.3.教师出示有关食物的图片,边说边贴在黑板上,如:出示“蔬菜”的图片,全班学生说:“Vegetables.They are good for us.They keep our body healthy.”教师将图片贴在两个句子下面。教师出示“糖果”的图片,全班学生说:“Candy.It’s bad for us.”教师将图片贴在黑板靠右的地方,并板书:It’s bad for us.It’s bad for our teeth.以此类推,将所有学过的食物图片贴在黑板上。


(二)复习句型Bring me…,please.和Take…with you.1.请学生翻开课本第16页,教师播放录音或CD-ROM,学生模仿跟读二至三遍。2.出示句子,Bring me a basket,please.和Take an umbrella with you.复习bring和take的区别。

3.教师出示一些图片,请学生看图说话,如: Bring me a pen,please.Bring me the football,please.Take a kite with you.Take some water with you.…

4.请学生读一读课本第16页的对话和第17页的Look and say.(三)复习本单元Part B的内容。

1.教师出示课本第18页的Menu A和Menu B,请学生读一读菜单里的食物。2.教师提出问题,请学生自由回答或看书回答。Which one do you like,XXX? Why do you like it ? Is there any problem with Menu A?

3.教师请三位学生上台,根据自己喜欢的食物,用黑板上的图片排出菜单,教师在菜单上写出Menu A,Menu B 和 Menu C。

一、将下列词组译成英语。1.两个汉堡 __________

2.一杯水 __________ 3.一些牛奶 __________

4.一把雨伞 __________ 5.菜单A __________

6.许多坏牙齿 __________

二、根据中文意思填入适当的单词完成句子。1.I like vegetable ________(沙拉).2.I ________(不喜欢)vegetables.3.We ________(需要)vegetables to ________(保持)healthy.4.It’s ________(不好)for your ________(牙齿).5.They are ________(好)for you.6.Wang Tao likes delicious ________(食物).三、根据问句将答句补充完整。1.---Is there any problem?---Yes, _______________.2.---Can you buy some juice?---Yes, _______________.3.---Are they in the classroom?---No, _______________.4.---What do you usually have for lunch?---_______________ noodles.5.---Who’s that girl?---_______________ Ma Li.Review 4 ◆ 语言知识目标

1.通过活动,对本单元的知识进行巩固和运用。2..复习成节辅音和重音。◆ 语言技能目标 能用英语谈论服装。◆ 情感态度


难点:Can I help you , madam ? Yes ,please.I need a dress.Sally is their daughter.Ben is their son.(一)复习有关服装类的单词。

1.教师播放录音,全班齐唱歌曲:Who Is Wearing Dress Today? 2.教师出示dress的图片并贴在黑板上,提问全班:“Who is wearing dress today?”所有穿连衣裙的女生起立说:“I’m wearing a dress.”其余学生说:“You look beautiful in your dresses.”以此类推,将所有学过的服装类的单词贴在黑板上。3.重点复习巩固词组a cap,a dress,a pair of shorts,a pair of trousers,a pair of glasses。

4.教师出示句子,请学生说一说。Girls can wear.Boys can wear.Boys can’t wear.(二)复习第四单元课文内容。

1.请学生翻开课本第23页,教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读二至三遍。2.出示单词daughter,son和词组try it on,进行复习巩固活动。3.请个别学生读一读对话。

4.请学生翻开课本第25页,教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读二至三遍。5.出示句子These clothes are very boring.请学生读一读,巩固单词clothes和boring。6.分角色表演对话内容。

7.请学生翻开课本第31页,完成第四单元的Look,think and say.部分。Step 4Review the English sounds 1.教师出示healthy,problem,October,between,umbrella,December等六张单词卡片贴在黑板上,边贴边读,学生边听边将单词抄在作业纸上。2.请学生拿出红笔,教师再读单词,学生标出单词的重音。3.将个别学生的作业纸用幻灯片展示出来,全班学生一起订正。4.请学生翻开课本第35页,看第二张表格,先请个别学生范读 Step 5Homework 1.背诵并默写Unit 3和Unit 4单词表中的单词。2.听Unit 3和Unit 4的课文录音,并模仿跟读。3.完成《活动手册》上本课的练习。

一、正确抄写下列词组或句子,并写出中文意思。1.go shopping

______________________ 2.too short

______________________ 3.the beautiful clothes

______________________ 4.I like this color._____________________ 5.Can I try it on? ______________________



_____________________ 2.一副眼镜

_____________________ 3.一篮苹果

_____________________ 4.一条长裤 _____________________ 5.一双运动鞋 _____________________ 6.一杯水



It’s Monday today.It’s raining.I am going to school on foot.I am wearing my raincoat and rain shoes.Look!This is my new umbrella.It’s Sunday today.I’ll go swimming with my cousin.I will wear my beautiful swimsuit.My cousin can’t swim.She will wear her sunglasses.And she is going to eat an ice cream under a big umbrella.(1)It’s raining on Monday.______________

(2)I walk to school on Monday.______________(3)I go swimming with my cousin every day.______________(4)I can’t swim.______________(5)I am standing under a big umbrella.______________(6)My cousin is going to eat an ice cream.______________

Review 5 教学目标

◆ 语言知识目标

1.通过活动,对本单元的知识进行巩固和运用。2.复习陈述句和一般疑问句的基本语调。◆ 语言技能目标

能用英语询问物品的归属。重点:Whose desk is that?

Whose desks are those? 难点:Whose dirty socks are those ?

I think they’re Ben’s.I often do some housework.I make my bed every morning.I clean my room every week.I clean the table after dinner.I often water the flowers.I wash my clothes.教具准备


2.词组卡片:make my bed,clean my room,clean the table,wash my clothes,water the flowers,water the plants等。3.部分学生的服装和学习用品。


Step 1Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.齐唱歌曲:Pick up Your Toys。Step 2


(一)复习Unit 5的单词。


(1)教师出示这四张单词卡片,学生认读,区别它们的用法。(2)请学生用这四个单词造句,如: S1:This is a desk.That is a door.S2:These are my books.Those are XXX’s books.…



T:This.S:These.T:Those.S:That.T:This is a chair.S:Those are chairs.…



1.复习Whose is this/that…?It’s XXX’s.Whose are these/those…?They’re XXX’s.(1)出示两组句子,请学生读一读。(2)游戏——谁的物品?

游戏规则:教师拿出课前收集的部分学生的服装和学习用品,将它们放在讲台桌上,教师随机拿起一个物品提问:“Whose…is this?”个别学生猜,奖励猜中的学生所在的小组。

教师再随机拿起一个物品,刚才猜中的学生当小老师提出问题:Whose… is that?然后指名个别学生猜,以此类推,复习巩固Whose… is this/that?It’s XXX’s.和Whose… are these/those?They are XXX’s.的句型。2.复习有关做家务的动词词组。

(1)教师播放录音,全班齐说韵律诗:What Can I Do?(2)教师出示词组卡片:make my bed,clean my room,clean the table,wash my clothes,water the flowers,water the plants等,学生齐读词组。(3)教师提出问题,请学生根据实际回答问题,如: Do you do some housework? What can you do? Can you…?(4)同桌两人进行对话活动,并将对话记录下来。(5)请个别学生进行汇报,如:

XXX doesn’t make his bed every morning.XXX often cleans the table.…


1.教师播放课本第36页和第38页的录音,学生模仿跟读。2.完成课本第64页Unit 5的练习。(1)学生独立完成练习。(2)请个别学生起来读一读。

3.完成课本第67页Read.Tick or cross.部分。(1)教师播放录音,学生认真听。



1.the dirty clothes ______________________________ 2.the thirsty boy

______________________________ 3.the hungry man

______________________________ 4.Kate can do some housework, too.______________________________


1.这些 ____________

2.那些 ____________

3.干净的 ____________

4.脏的 ____________

5.玩具 ____________

6.想 ____________ 7.捡起 ____________

8.在地板上 ____________ 9.洗衣机 ____________


wash, sing, water, do, clean, make

(1)_______ the flowers(2)_______ the clothes(3)_______ the bed(4)_______ the table(5)_______ a song(6)_______ some shopping


1.Do you often help your mother do some housework? _____________________________________________________________________ 2.Can you wash your T-shirt? ______________________________________________________________________ 3.Is there a garden in your school? ______________________________________________________________________ 4.Do you have a bike? ______________________________________________________________________

Review 6 教学目标

◆ 语言知识目标

1.通过活动,对本单元的知识进行巩固和运用。2.复习陈述句和一般疑问句的基本语调。◆ 语言技能目标


难点:What did you do last night ?

I watched a film.When did you go to bed ?

I went to bed at half past eleven.In the morning ,I went to the supermarket.In the afternoon, I watched a film with my dad.(一)复习动词过去式。1.师生齐说韵律诗:Late。



(二)复习本单元Part A部分。1.教师在黑板上贴出下列卡片: usuallythis morning

gets upgot up walks took a taxi gets to school got to school 2.教师指着黑板上的词组说:“Do you remember the unusual day of Wang Tao?Let’s talk about it.”学生根据黑板上的提示,小组竞赛说句子,注意强调动词第三人称单数形式及过去式的正确使用。

(三)复习本单元Part B部分。

1.请几位学生根据课文内容提出问题,如: Why was Wang Tao late for school? When did he go to bed? Why did he go to bed so late? 并请其他学生回答。2.教师说:“Boys and girls,did you have an unusual night?What did you do last night?When did you go to bed?Ask and answer with your partner.”学生在小组中互相询问。

3.教师播放课本第43页和第45页录音,学生模仿跟读。4.完成课本第64页Unit 6的练习。

(1)教师播放录音,学生边听边在横线上写出相应的词。(2)同桌交换课本互相订正。(3)请几个学生起来读一读。Step 4Homework 1.听Unit 5和Unit 6的课文录音,模仿跟读并背诵。2.预习下节课的内容。

3.预习课本第66页的Tick the words you can say.部分。


1.出租车 __________

2.座位 __________

3.今天 __________

4.总是 __________

5.通常地 __________

二、根据中文意思将句子补充完整。1.He is a __________(小足球迷).2.We __________(看电影)at the cinema.3.I__________(到达学校)early every day.4.They__________(步行上学).三、写出下列动词的原形。

1.got __________ 2.took __________ 3.went __________ 4.was __________ 5.had __________ 6.did __________






(1)This morning I got _______ at 8:30.(2)I have cakes and eggs _______ breakfast every day.(3)I went to school _______ bus this morning.(4)I always help my mother do housework _______ Sunday.Review 7 教学目标

◆ 语言知识目标

1.通过活动,对本单元的知识进行巩固和运用。2.复习陈述句和一般疑问句的基本语调。◆ 语言技能目标


难点:What’s the date today ? It’s March 12.Tree Planting Day.What is Thanksgiving?

It’s an American holiday.When is Thanksgiving Day ?

The last Thursday of November.How do the American people spend it ?

They have a big family dinner.教学过程

Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.齐唱歌曲:Happy Thanksgiving to You!3.板书课题:Review 2。Step 2


(一)复习Unit 7的主要句型。1.教师在黑板上板书如下: Thanksgiving What When How引导学生根据疑问词提出问题,如:

What is Thanksgiving?When is it?How do they spend it?并请学生回答。教师板书出相应的答句,并请学生读一读。2.由最后一个问题的答案:They have a big family dinner.引出另一个问题:What do they have for their Thanksgiving dinner?(1)请学生回答问题。教师在黑板上画一个圆桌,将学生所说的食物图片贴在圆桌上,然后在图下写出该单词。

(2)采用不同的方式复习巩固有关食物的单词。3.复习句型Would you like…?(1)教师指着黑板上的食物说:“So much delicious food.Would you like some…,XXX?”若该生是肯定回答:“Yes,please.”教师就将卡片给他,并说:“I’m happy you like it.”如果该生的回答是否定的,就另请一位学生。


4.复习句型Pass me the…,please.(1)教师说:“I like delicious food.I like corn.Where is the corn?”持有该图片的学生要站起来说:“It’s here.”然后师生对话如下: T:Pass me the corn,please.S1:Here you are.T:Thank you.(2)每组请一位学生上台,模仿对话练习,并将食物图片再贴到黑板上的圆桌里。



3.请学生完成课本第65页Unit 7的练习。(1)教师播放录音,学生边听边完成练习。(2)请个别学生读一读对话内容。(3)出示另外一些有关节日的图片,复习巩固句型What is the date today?It’s….一、根据英文单词或句子写出中文意思。



3.Wednesday 4.interesting 5.They thank their parents, teachers and friends.二、看图写话。

It’s _____________________________________ It’s _____________________________________ It’s _____________________________________ We _____________________________________ We _____________________________________


1.A: What’s the date today? B:(1)_____________________________________ A: How do you spend Children’s Day?

B:(2)_____________________________________ 2.A:(1)_____________________________________ B: It’s September 10.A:(2)_____________________________________ B: We give flowers to Miss Gao.Review


◆ 语言知识目标

1.通过活动,对本单元的知识进行巩固和运用。2.复习陈述句和一般疑问句的基本语调。◆ 语言技能目标


重点:There be 句型的一般疑问句及回答

难点:Are there any people on the monn?

No ,there aren’t.Is there a rabbit on the moon ?

No, there isn’t.(一)复习There be句型的一般疑问句及其回答。1.教师指着黑板上的食物卡片,说:“Look at the table.Is there a/an…on the table?Are there any…on the table?”并请几位学生回答,复习there be句型的一般疑问句及其回答。

2.请学生仔细观察本班教室,同桌间运用there be句型的一般疑问句形式进行问答,如:Is there a TV in our classroom?Are there any desks in our classroom?等。


1.师生齐唱歌曲:Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star。2.教师在黑板上画几颗星星,提出问题,如: Where are the stars? When can you see the stars? Why do they look small? 3.教师继续在黑板上画上个太阳,说:“What is it?Talk about it with your partner.”接着请几位学生来描述,如:The sun is in the sky,too.We see the sun in the day.The sun shines day and night.等。

4.教师继续在黑板上画一个月亮,全班齐说韵律诗:The Moon。5.教师说:“Do you want to know more about the moon?You may ask me or your classmates.”引导学生用“Is there a/an…?Are there any…?”来询问。6.最后教师在黑板上画一个地球,引导学生说句子:“The earth goes around the sun.The moon goes around the earth.”并告诉学生:“We live on the earth.The earth is our home.We should love our earth and protect it.” 7.请学生根据板书提示,复述课文。


1.教师播放课本第57页和第59页录音,学生模仿跟读。2.完成课本第65页Unit 8的练习。


3.完成课本第66页Tick the words you can say.部分。(1)请学生自己看图说单词,在不会读的图旁画“×”。(2)请同桌或老师帮助学习不会读的词。(3)同桌间互相指读。

4.完成课本第68页的Fill in the missing words.部分。(1)请学生根据图片提示,将所缺的词补完整。(2)教师出示正确答案,学生订正。(3)同桌合作说句子。



2.请学生看第一个句子至第三个句子,教师先示范朗读,提醒学生按意群停顿。3.请学生看另外的几个句子,按箭号提示用升、降调读单词。4.再次播放录音,学生跟读。5.请个别学生朗读。Step 4 Homework

1.听Unit 8的课文录音,模仿跟读并背诵。2.背诵并默写单词。


一、根据实际选词填空.the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, shines(1)The sun ________ day and night.(2)The moon’s light comes from _______.(3)The moon goes around _______.(4)We see _______ and _______ at night.(5)The earth goes around _______.(6)There aren’t any people on _______.二、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断“√”或 “×”。

It’s Sunday today.The sun is shining.I am in the park with my friends.There are many people in the park.Some children are flying kites.Some young people are drawing pictures.Some people are boating on the lake.Some are walking around the lake.It’s a good day.(1)Today is a sunny day.We can see the sun in the sky.____________(2)My parents and I are in the park today.____________(3)There are some children m the park.They are drawing.____________(4)Some old people are swimming.____________(5)Some people are walking beside the lake.____________


1.(1)We can see it in the ______________.(2)It can ______________.(3)It’s very ______________.2.(1)It’s ______________ Festival.(2)We have ______________ at this festival.(3)There ______________ some mountains on it.四、根据英文单词或句子写出中文意思。

1.a Chinese story _____________________________________ 2.a baby elephant _____________________________________ 3.day and night
