新概念英语第三册第18课:Electric currents in modern art


新概念英语第三册第18课:Electric currents in modern art(通用5篇)

篇1:新概念英语第三册第18课:Electric currents in modern art

Lesson 30 The death of a ghost 幽灵之死 I.New words and expression 生词和短语

☻.Labourer n.劳动者(劳工)强调使用体力, 而不是技能, 在户外工作。Workman n.技工, 工匠--具有某种工艺技能的半熟练工人 worker n.工人(泛指)--具有更高水平的工人--white-collar worker 白领职员(指非体力劳动者)--blue-collar worker 蓝领工人(指体力劳动者)--a factory worker 工厂工人 / farm worker 雇农, 农业工人 farmhand(n.农业工人, 农场工人)= farm labourers = farm worker ☻.Corn n.谷物[英]谷物, 五谷, 小麦 [美、加、澳]玉米 [苏、爱]燕麦 ☻.Conscientious adj.认真的;Conscientious adj.尽责的, 凭良心的, 谨慎的 a conscientious teacher / worker 勤勤恳恳的老师/工作者 conscious adj.有意识的, 神志清醒的

He is hurt but still conscious.他受了伤, 不过神志还清醒。conscious adj.了解的, 察觉的

She was not conscious of his presence in the room.她不晓得他在这房间里。I was conscious of her presence.我知道她在场。

☻.Suspect vt.怀疑, 猜疑, 疑心;I suspected her motives.我怀疑她的动机。Suspect sb to be;--suspect him to be ill 猜想他病了--I suspect him to be a spy.suspect sb of doing/n--I suspect him of stealing the car.suspect sb.of giving false information 怀疑某人提供假情报 suspect sb.of a crime 怀疑某人犯罪

Suspect that…--I suspect that his girlfriend hide her true feelings.We suspect they‘ll be a little late.我们揣想他们会晚来一会儿。Suspicion n.猜疑, 怀疑;Suspicious adj.可疑的, 引起怀疑的 Cats are suspicious of human beings.Suspect表示一种肯定的语义, Doubt 表示一种否定的语义 Doubt vt.怀疑, 不信, 拿不准(用 that, 往往表示非常怀疑)I doubt the truth of it.我怀疑它的真实性。I doubt that he will come.我看他不见得会来。I doubt whether [if] he is at home.我看他不一定在家。

I do not doubt(but)that he can recite it.我相信他能把它背下来。Can you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他会获胜吗? I doubt what he said.我不相信他说的话。

Doubtful adj.怀疑的;不信任的;--It is doubtful that he will come.Doubtable adj.可疑的, 令人怀疑的

☻.Desert v.(军队中)开小差--The soldier deserted his army.这个士兵开小差。Desert vt.vi.遗弃, 抛弃, 舍弃

(= abandon vt.放弃, 遗弃)违背法律、道义、责任、信仰--desert the army, desert school, desert his duty, desert his family Abandon vt.抛弃, 舍弃, 离弃(被迫放弃所喜爱的或所负责的东西)He had to abandon his favorite research because of the war.abandon one’s home 离弃家园

He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.(research n.研究, 调查)他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。

Forsake vt.(-sook,-saken)舍弃, 放弃, 背弃, 和…脱离关系 He forsook his family.He has forsaken his wife and children.他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。革除(旧风习等), 抛弃(坏习惯)You must forsake your bad habits.你必须革除你的坏习惯。Discard vt.放弃, 丢弃, 抛弃(= give up as useless)--Everyday we discard a large amount of rubbish.☻.Regiment n.(军队)团 Action n.战斗 Recluse n.隐士

give up 放弃, 抛弃, 认输

was willing:wanted, was prepared;labourers: workers claimed: said that, maintained that;an accepted fact: a general, undisputed truth conscientious: extremely careful;astonished: surprised revealed: made known, told Text:

Why did the two brothers keep the secret? ☻1.Haunt vt.闹鬼

It is said that the public house was haunted.Haunt vt.常去, 常到(某地)= visit somewhere every often He haunted this cinema.☻2.The farm was owned by two brothers, Joe and Bob Cox.Own = possess ☻3.They employed a few farmhands, but no one was willing to work there long.Be willing to do = be ready to do ☻4.Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story.Every time = whenever 引导时间状语从句 Every time I listen to his advice, I get into trouble.Whenever I listen to his advice, I get into trouble.☻5.Wake up to find that… 醒过来时, 结果发现…

He woke up to find that he was surrounded by a large crowd of people.He hurried to the post office only to find that it was shut.(表示遗憾的结果用only)

☻6.claimed to do…

He claimed to have seen the puma.Seamen claimed to have seen monsters.See sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事

stay up 不睡觉, 留在原地,原地不动(= not to go to bed)= sit up 坐起, 端坐, 熬夜;--The boy sat up to see the film.Wait up for 等候着不睡--Don’t wait up for me;I’ll be home very late.☻7.burn the midnight oil 开夜车

I have to burn the midnight oil to tonight to complete work.☻8.It became an accepted fact that… 变成了一个大家都接受的事实 That引导同位语从句, 补充说明fact。

--It becomes an accepted fact that the puma is still at large.= Everybody had already accepted the fact that the puma is still at large.☻9.be astonished to do sth(可代替do的词:see, learn, hear, find, know, discover)I am not surprised to see he is still as fat as before.☻10.For(= as)引导原因状语从句, 对主句补充说明。

☻11.none other than = no other than 不是别的, 正是...(强调人)The man who spoke to her was none other than her husband.和她说话的不是别人正是她丈夫。t was no other than my old friend.nothing else than 只不过, 仅仅(强调事物)His failure was due to nothing else than his own careless.他的失败不因为其它原因, 仅仅因为他的粗心。A third brother 又一位兄弟 Was supposed = was thought He was supposed to have died twenty years ago.Keep secret 保密(= keep sth to oneself)Reveal secret 揭露秘密(= make known)

The press reveal the scandal.(n.丑事, 丑闻)(the press 新闻界)He kept secret for a long time.= He kept it to himself for a long time.☻12.He had been obliged to join the army during the Second World War.Be obliged to do… = be force to do… 被迫做某事 Feel obliged to do… 有义务做某事 Concealment n.隐藏, 隐蔽, 隐蔽处

in hiding(躲藏着的)= remain in concealment(隐藏着, 躲着)He remained in hiding at home.His father told everybody that Eric had been killed in action.The only other people who knew the secret were Joe and Bob.The only other people who knew the secret 仅知道这个秘密的人 The only other people who finished the work 仅完成这项工作的人 ☻.I thought it very difficult to pass the examination.We all think it our duty to support our parents.动词 + 宾语(形式宾语it)+ 宾补(名词、形容词)+ to do… ☻.Quite unaware of… 形容词短语做状语 unaware adj.不知道的, 没有觉察的(of, that)be unaware of the danger 没有觉察到危险

He was unaware that I was present.他不知道我在场。

☻.aware adj.知道的, 明白的-I was not aware of the fire.我没有意识到火。

his brothers found it impossible to…(动词 + 宾语 + 宾补 + to do…)We found it quite impossible to finish the hard work in 2 hours.It is quite impossible to finish the hard work in 2 hours.II.Read the passage two or three time.Make sure you understand it.And then in not more than 80 words discribe what happened from the time when the car got past the boulders to the moment it stopped in the shallow pool(Para3).Use your own words as far as possible.1.Write a list of points(in note form).2.Connect your points to write a rough draft of the summary.Try to use your own words as far as possible, not only making extracts(摘抄)from the passage.Don’t count the number of the words until you have finished the rough draft.3.In the rough draft, you are likely to go well over the words limit.Correct your draft carefully, bringing the number of words down to the set limit.III.Summary-writing points 1.Joined army---Second World War---hated army life---deserted 2.Returned to farm---father hid him---end of war---remained in hiding after war 3.Father told everyone---killed in action 4.Joe and Bob---kept secret---Eric lived as recluse 5.Sleep during day---work at night---‘ghost of Endley’ Summary Eric jioned the army during the Second World War, but hated army life, so he deserted.He returned to the farm where his father hid him until the end of the war, and he remained in hiding after the war.His father told everyone that he had been killed in action.Joe and Bob kept the secret, so Eric lived as a recluse.He slept during the day and worked at night, so he became the ‘ghost of Endley’.(79 words)IV.Letter writing I have already written several letters to you in the ast few weeks, but I have heard nothing from you.Do I have your correct present address? Just a few pieces of news about me and the family.I am just about to take my final exams and then I hope to leave school and go to college or university.My brother has a new job and my sister is getting married next year.I would love to hear from you again.Please write as soon as you can and let me know all the latest news about you and your family.

篇2:新概念英语第三册第18课:Electric currents in modern art

1.■lovable adj.可爱的 lovable == worthy of love;lovely = beautiful 可爱的 lovable 惹人爱 Eg: What he does is lovable.他的所作所为惹人爱

I like the lovely boy/girl.A large number of eccentrics are lovable.许多怪人惹人喜爱。

■eccentric n.(行为)古怪的人 a person whose behavior is peculiar, unusual, rather strange.eccentric: adj.peculiar, unusual;strange strange因为陌生而奇怪 Eg.: The modern building looks strange to the villages.eccentric 行为举止古怪Eg.: I can’t get on well with him, because he is eccentric.odd 强调因为少见而多怪 Eg.: Look, he is wearing an odd hat.peculiar 奇异的,不同寻常的 The house is peculiar.这房子很奇怪 I feel peculiar today.==I feel uncomfortable / ill.== I’m not myself today.eccentricity n.怪癖

odd or strange behavior or nature


■disregard v.不顾,漠视 ignore;pay no attention to:Disregard noise and keep working disregard n.have disregard of / for:不顾 He has complete disregard of / for my feelings.in disregard of:He did the work in disregard of my instructions.不顾我的指示继续做这项工作。

treat sb.with disregard 怠慢某人

Anyway, don’t treat your friends with disregard.■convention n.习俗,风俗 generally accepted practice.被普遍接受的准则(很有可能受到时间的限制)

Shaking hands when meeting people is normal convention in China.custom 历史悠久的社会习俗(不受时间影响)It’s a custom of giving presents at Christmas.He always does exactly what he wants and does not care about convention.他总是想做什么就做什么,不顾常规。

practice 可以表示custom的意思,但常指“某团体的传统做法或令他人无法接受的习俗

Eg.: The normal practice in the company is to send bill as soon as the job is done.这个公司通常做法是工作一做完就寄账单

Your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat--the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.(三册L23)

tradition 传统,比custom更悠久

Spending Christmas Day is a tradition for western people.habit 个人习惯

I have a habit of reading English aloud in the morning.■ conscious adj.感觉到的,意识到的 ==aware be conscious of / that; be aware of / that He is quite unaware of the danger.He is not conscious of the danger.丝毫没有意识到

class conscious 有阶级意识的;family conscious 有家庭观念的 clothes conscious 注重衣着的; stairs conscious 注重地位的 aware, conscious的反义词直接加un-unaware, unconscious subconscious 下意识的;

consciousness n.■routine n.常规;惯例 the regular fixed way of sth./ doing things; follow the routine 墨守常规

break the routine 打破常规;

start the daily routine 开始每天的日常生活

■shrewd adj.:showing good practical judgment精明的,狡滑的,敏锐的, 机灵的 He is a shrewd observer.敏锐的观察家 We have got shrewd common sense.敏锐的判断常识

Sb.is shrewd.== He has good judgment.shrewd brained

shrewd headed 头脑机灵的; shrewd looking 看起来机灵的 cunning: clever at deceiving 善于歉骗的sly 用更隐秘的办法来达到目的a sly old fox

■intensely adv.强烈地;intense adj.very strong;violent;extreme;sharp;etc.intense cold 严寒; intense heat 酷暑; intense discussion 激烈的讨论 intensify vt.使增强;You must intensify your sense of responsibility.你必须加强责任感。

intensity n.剧烈,紧张,强烈 sth is growing in intensity …(某种程度)在加强

Eg: Losing jobs are growing in intensity.失业现象越来越严重了

■ reprimand v.scold officially and severely训斥 正式而严厉的批评 blame 责备(语气程度很弱)The teacher blamed him for his coming late.scold 斥责(语气稍重一点)

Don’t scold me for a trifle.reproach 斥责(语气最严重)He often reproached his children.The boss reprimanded his employees severely.■apologetic adj.道歉的 apologize v.He apologized to his boss.The boss apologized to his employees.He was apologetic.他致以歉意

apology n.歉意

make apology to sb.for sth.■stage v.暗中策划

He staged a joke.策划一个玩笑

■elaborate adj.精心构思的 == carefully worked out;an elaborate design 精心的设计

elaborate vt.He elaborated a system of computer.Deliberately: on purpose, intentionally

disregard: ignore

Conventions: habits, rules

conscious: aware

Notable figures: famous people

shrewd: clever

Elaborate: detailed, carefully planned


Answer to the question: because he was snob.Dickey looked too poor to be able to afford anything in the expensive shop.So the shop assistant simply refused to serve him.课文主要线索是发生在这家高级商店里的事。但课文内容并不止于此。第一段先向我们对所有怪人做了概述(一般现在时,陈述一般规律),第二段有对Dickie这个怪人做了一个简介,第三段举了几个例子进一步说明Dickie这个怪人的古怪之处,(过去时,讲述的是具体的人)

1.a lovely eccentric ■ set out to do = set about doing = start doing / to do sth.adj.同义词 odd, strange

Eccentricity: odd or strange behavior or nature

His eccentricity had become legendary long before he died.2.draw attention to 吸引对......的注意

capture/attract/hold/catch/arrest/receive/draw attention to 吸引对……的注意力

3.social conventions 社会习俗,与之相关的词还有:social norms社会规范,social customs …风俗 disregard / follow(conform to)social conventions 不遵守/ 遵守社会风俗

win sb sth 为某人赢得……Her fine character quickly won her the friendship of her colleagues

4.add colour to sth: to make sth colourful or more interesting 使…更有色彩/更有意思

Intensely: strongly 常用来表带情感的强度 I was intensely moved by the film.深深的被打动

5.be caught in: be in a very difficult or very unpleasant situation陷入某种困境

I was caught in the traffic jam on my way to the airport.6.be in a …condition: be in a certain kind of state esp.physical state 在…状态下(外表或身体状况)Be in a bedraggled condition: be wet, dirty and untidy

7.dump: put down sth esp.sth heavy carelessly(sb/ sth)/ get rid of 猛地扔下来,重重地方下

She dumped her bags on the floor and flopped onto the bed.把包扔在地上,然后扑通一声倒在床上He dumped his old car.把旧车扔掉了。She dumped her boyfriend.他把男朋友甩了。

8.request to do:ask to do, but request is more formal than ask

Every student can request assistance of their teachers.有权利请求老师帮助

Demand: 语气比request更强,如果你坚决认为你有权利得到你所要求的,并不愿接受否定回答,I demand my rights.我要求我的权利。

9.Apologetic: adj.to show or to say that you are extremely sorry表示抱歉的10.Insist on sb’s doing / that subj 坚持让某人做某事

He insisted that the assistant should count the money before he left=the assistant’s counting the money..She insisted on her innocence.他坚持他的清白无辜。

11.… the attention of the press.the press: newspapers, magazines, or TV and radio that broadcasts use …..电台,电视台播报新闻的 the freedom of press新闻自由

12.stage: n 舞台v.to arrange or organize sth 安排,策划

Stage a play 拍一部戏arrange and perform

stage an event: to arrange an event so as to put on a performance 在英文中最常见的表达否定是no 和not,besides, there are a lot ways expressing negitives 1.用副词否定: hardly,never

2.用动词否定:disregard,don’t follow;refuse 3.介词表示否定without

Come back to the topic of eccentric people.The text tells us that eccentrics disregard social conventions.Is it good or bad? How should we look at social conventions? Generally speaking, we should follow social conventions, because we need social recognitions(社会的承认).In English there is such a sentence “Human beings are social animals.” But the text tells us that Eccentrics are lovable, because they disregard social conventions, which is why people feel them lovable What is your opinion about this idea? We should not invariably follow the social conventions, because if a person is being too conventional, he or she might be too conservative and one may lose his individuality.And the text also tells us there are true eccentrics who never deliberately draw attention to themselves, then there must be false eccentrics who will try their best to draw attentions.(虚假怪人,也可能就是哗众取宠的人吧。)III.Summary-writing points 1.Caught in heavy shower-walked into expensive shop 2.₤300 watch for wife-bedraggled-assistant refused 3.Left shop-returned-heavy cloth bag-dumped on summer 4.Asked for manager-given watch-gave bag-₤300 on pennies.5.Assistant had to count Summary

篇3:新概念英语第三册第18课:Electric currents in modern art



在第3课《无名女神》(An Unknown Goddess)中有这样一段描写:“The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.Houses-often three storeys highwere built of stone.They had large rooms with beautifuly decorated walls.The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.”这一段总共四句话。第一句话讲这座城市曾经很繁华,享有高度文明。第二句讲房子,房子有三层楼高,还是石头造的。第三句讲房间,房间很大,墙壁装饰很华丽。第四句讲城市甚至还有排水系统。我们分析一下不难发现,其实第一句话就是作者要表达的中心意思:城市很繁华。后三句不过是从三个不同角度(房子、房间、排水系统)来论证作者要表达的中心意思(为什么作者可以断定这座古城曾经一度很繁华)。到这里,英语思维“至高无上的秘诀”就已经完全揭示了:中文和英文在思维上存在巨大的差异,所以表达上也存在巨大的差异;中文表达遵循的是偏正结构,而英文表达却是开门见山的,总是把最重要的中心先说出来;更通俗一点来讲,中文的习惯表达方式是“因为……所以……”,而英文的表达习惯一般是“之所以……是因为……”。

按照北美大学的要求,学生论文(essay)除了开头段和结尾段之外,一般要有三段正文,从三个不同的角度去支持命题(thesis)。如果能够深刻领悟“新三”的“良苦用心”,掌握英语的思维模式,我们完全可以把每段的正文格式固定下来,就是主旨句(topic sentence)加上支持性细节(supporting details)。主旨句表达全段的中心思想。支持性细节是支持主旨句的事例、细节、理由等,目的是帮助读者充分理解作者在主旨句中所表达的含义。这一格式完全符合西方人的思维模式。

我们不妨再来欣赏一段文字,这是由ETS提供的、他们非常肯定的“外国学生的优秀作文”。事实上这段文字就严格遵循了我们刚才提到的格式,和“新三”的课文实在有异曲同工之妙:“Parents are the best teachers of their children.They teach their children to utter sounds when they are babies.They coach them hand in hand for walking.When their children begin formal education, parents tutor them in their homework.Apart from this, parents direct their children’s moral;they instruct and show their children what is right and what is wrong, which is not effectivelytaught at school.”很显然,主旨句加上实例支持,不仅使结构清晰明了,更使读者读来倍觉有趣,产生认同感,完全符合西方人的表达习惯。



“住在乡村好还是住在城市好”是大学非常熟悉的、也是饶有趣味的一个话题。“新三”的第41课讨论的正是这个话题,叫“宁静田园生活的遐想”(Illusions of Pastoral peace)。文章开篇作者直抒胸臆,说“宁静的乡村生活从来没有吸引过我”(The puiet life of the country has never appealed to me.)。然而,作者没有就这个观点马上展开论证,而是先肯定一个事实:“我的许多朋友都住在城市,但他们只要一提起乡村,马上就会变得欣喜若狂”(Most of my friends live in the city, yetthey always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coun-try.)。接下来作者就站在这部分人的角度,描述了住在乡村的好处:“友好的农民,洁净的空气,贴近大自然的环境和悠闲的生活节奏”(the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living),当然,还有乡村无与伦比的美景———“凌晨雄鸡的第一声啼叫,黎明时分小鸟的叽喳欢歌,冉冉升起的朝阳给树木和牧草镀上了一层金光”(the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures)。正当读者跟随作者一起陶醉在乡村生活中的时候,出人意料地,作者很尖锐地提出了乡村生活若干致命的不足:第一,缺乏娱乐,只有“在电视机前度过漫长寂寞的冬夜”(the long and friendless winter evenings in front of the TV———virtually the only form of entertainment)。第二,“商店货物品种单调”(the poor selection of goods in the shops)。第三,为了赶往城里上班,住在乡村的人必须“每天在路上奔波四个小时”(people who have to travel from the country to the city every day to get to work...a four-hour journey each day)。读到这里,显然,“一语惊醒梦中人”,乡下生活那一点点乐趣已被无情地摧毁了。所以作者话锋一转,指出,“城市可以为你提供生活中最美好的东西”(...you will find the city can provide you with the best that life can offer.):首先,朋友都住在附近,“你去看朋友不用跋涉好几英里”(You never have to travel miles to see you friends.)。其次,文化生活丰富,“坐公共汽车几站路,就可以看到最新的展览,电影,戏剧”(The latest exhibitions, films or plays are only a short bus ride away.)。再者,不容质疑,城里的物品品种繁多,“从来不必用二等品来凑合”(There is so much variety that you never have to make do with second best.)。还有一点,乡村虽有风光,“城市也并非没有良辰美景”(Nor is the city without its moments of beauty.),“寒冷潮湿的冬夜里广告灯箱发出的暖光”(the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights),“周末空旷街市笼罩着的宁静气氛”(the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends),都使城市更加地旖旎多姿。


事实上,我们完全可以把这篇文章的精彩论证思路应用在我们的托福论文写作上。比如,在ETS的独立写作(Independent Writing)部分的官方题库中(总共有185个题目),第107个是论证:“高等教育应该面向全体学生,还是仅面向好学生?”题目为:“Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students;others believe that higher education should be available only to good students.Discuss these views and explain the one you agree with.”如果我们感到没有思路,无从下手,完全可以模仿“新三”这篇文章的思路。


(a)开头(Introductory Paragraph)

开场白先提出涉及的问题(issue),然后摆出两种不同的观点,道明文章将在某一共同点上探讨两者(These two viewsare based on different beliefs.)。

(b)正文(Body Paragraph)

正文第一段论述两者中的一方,最好是作者准备舍弃的一方如:Higher education should be limited to only good students.首先摆出产生这一观点的原由,如:could save the government’s fund on education,然后指出其不足之处,为作者自己选择第二者埋下伏笔,如:These high school graduates, especially the socalled bad students, since they are refused by colleges or universities, have nothing to do and would easily from gangs strolling in the streets.正文第二段论述第二方,最好是作者准备选择的一方,如:a college or university education should be available to all students。在说明这一方的产生原因之后,作些肯定性的评价,再次为作者的选择埋下伏笔,如,Every student should have the equal right to have education./When mass students have university education year afer year, the education level of the whole society will finally get promoted, resulting in a better quality of the nation.

(c)结尾段(Concluding Paragraph)

以作者身份作出自己的抉择并说明理由:Apparently, opening university doors to all students benefits the society and the whole nation rather than individual students;therefore, it is a better choice for us to take.



托福写作的评分标准中非常重要的一项是遣词造句能力(word choices and sentence variety)。如何做到用词准确和句型丰富呢?学习“新三”,可以接触到正式化的英语,体会到语言的灵动多变,领略到文字本身的美。

比如,说到“走”和“看”,很多中国学生能写出来的只有“walk”和“see”,一篇文章之中反复使用,非常苍白。但在“新三”中我们可以学到一些更有表现力,极富感情力的词,比如,“走”有stroll, pace, tread, plod, stride, slog, lumber;“看”有gaze, gape, gawp, glance, glimpse, stare, peep, peek等多种表达,什么时候该用哪个词,怎样运用能为写作增添色彩,在“新三”中都有生动详细的说明。正如:They strolled together beneath the summer moon.(他们在夏夜的月光下散步。)岂不比僵硬的“They walked together beneath the summer moon.”浪漫,有情调得多?

“新三”中的经典句型更可谓是数不胜数, 短句韵律顿挫, 长句华美旖旎。更有人形容说, “短句如关西大汉, 持板唱铮铮秦腔;长句如江南佳丽, 素手弄丝竹管”。比如上面提到的41课“Illusions of Pastoral Peace”, 除了论证结构严密紧凑之外, 还向我们展现了一个美妙的语言世界。像“Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures.”简直是天籁之句:“Nor is the city without its monents of beauty.”更是在一个短短的句子中包含了我们中学生很不擅长的倒装、双重否定等修辞手法。这样的例子比比皆是, 信手拈来。当然, 单纯的欣赏是不够的, 具有实用性和可模仿至关重要。第4课“The Double Life of Alfred Bloggs” (阿尔弗雷德-布洛格斯的双重生活) 中有这样一个句子, “Such is human nature, that’s a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workes.”, 熟练掌握之后要表达“此乃人之常情”就一点不费力了, 就是“Such is human nature that...”。遇到要写“情况是……”的时候也只要稍微举一反三, 套用这个句型, 写成“Such is human nature, that...”, 虽然简单但却很地道, 效果出乎意料。再如, 第33课“难忘的一天” (A Day to Remember) 第一句就是:We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong.这个句式或写人, 或状物, 或绘景, 或抒怀, 无一不可。比如遇到比较无奈的环保话题, 我们不必光板起面孔说道理, 不如换个角度:We have all experienced days when birds were singing, but today theyrefuse to sing any more.不是很生动很贴切吗?

除了单词、句子之外, “新三”中更有一些值得背诵学习的句群。比如, 第七课“残钞鉴别组” (Mutilated Ladies) , 文章开篇连用三个问句:“Has it ever happened to you?Have you ever put your trousers in the washing maching and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket?When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white?”用问句开篇能吸引读者的兴趣, 自然过渡要论述的话题, 是一种很有效的开头段的方法。托福考试中也有“乡村和城市”这个话题, 有个学生就这样来开篇:“Have you ever been late for school or work due to the heavy traffic jams?Have you ever noticed that the atmosphere in cities is getting worse and worse?Fortunately, people living in the countryside do not need to worry about sunch problems...”虽然这段文字还很幼稚, 却使这个学生的文章在千篇一律的模板作文中脱颖而出, 让考官眼前一亮。



[1]Ellis R.Understanding Secong Language Acquisiton.上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999.

[2]ETS.The Official Guide To The New TOEFL iBT.北京:世界图书出版公司, 2006.

[3]Kramsch C.Language and Culture.Oxford:Oxford Uni-versity Press, 1998.

[4]Kapels A.B.An Overview of Secong Language Writing Process Research.Cambidge:Cambrdge University Press, 1990.

[5]L.G.Alexander, 何其莘.New Concept English (Book3) .北京:外语教学与研究出版社&Longman朗文, 2004.

[6]Oxford Dictionary of English.Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1998.

[7]梁蝶影.TOEFL写作考前冲刺.北京:世界知识出版社, 2000.

[8]陆效用.试论母语对二语习得的正面影响.Foreign Lan-guage World No.4, 2002.

篇4:新概念英语第三册第18课:Electric currents in modern art

本课是冀教版《小学英语》Book3,Unit 3,lesson20 的教学内容。本单元主要学习一些人们熟悉的农场动物的名称,以及他们的一些特征,学会用英语谈论这些动物。

本节课的教学内容是在学生学习了一些农场里的动物的基础上学习更多的农场动物:即rabbit,donkey,mouse,horse,并能用Can a _ _?的句式来描述动物的特征。教学内容生动有趣 ,贴近学生生活实际,有利于培养学生在实际生活中运用英语进行交际的能力。




2、能用句式Can a _ _? What else can?来描述、谈论动物的特征。








1、学重点是学习四种动物名称,并能用Can a _ _? What else can?来描述、谈论动物的特征。






Equal(be equal to sb/sth)与人/物相同,相等 equal an Olympic record平了奥运纪录 be equaled/matched by no one in kindness没人比他更善良be equaled by no one in intelligence

Parallel平行的parallel lines平行线—〉(be equal to , match)与--相当,相匹 a record never paralleled 一个举世无双的纪录 conditions unparalleled/unmatched/unequaled elsewhere in the world 世界上其它地方无法匹敌的条件

(be comparable or similar to)可与--相比,相类似 your experience parallels mine 你的经历和我的经历差不多

Be equivalent to sth(equal in value, amount, meaning, importance)(数值,意义,重要性)相同的250 grams or an equivalent amount in ounce 250克或者与之相当的盎司 It is six of one and a half of dozen of the other(两个都不好)

Parallel(be similar)a parallel case, career 相同的事例,职业 产量到达---,这个数字在历史上从为达到过

The production reached----, a record/figure unparalleled/ unmatched/ unequaled by any year in its history

Vicar 英国国教的牧师~~ priest 神父,牧师=clergyman Bishop 主教 archbishop 大主教 pope 教皇

Worship the heaven and earth 祭祀天地 offer sacrifice 供以祭品

Nun 修女 hermit 隐士 monk 和尚

abbey ~~monastery修道院 nunnery

The temple of sacred seclusion


A common hermit lives in seclusion,a great hermit lives in society 尼姑庵

raise(collect together)募集,筹措 raise funds for charity 募集慈善基金 a fund-raising event 募捐活动 Solicit(ask sb for money, help, votes earnestly)向某人要钱,帮助,选票 从某人那里要钱/支持solicit money/support from sb= solicit sb for money /support Apportion(give sth as a share)分配某物,分派某物apportion blame among sb 怪罪大家 apportioned charges 摊派费用

levy征收(collect payment by authority or force)levy a departure tax on all the travelers 向游客征收的离境税

torchlight 电筒光

flashlight 手电筒 torch 火把,火炬

carry a torch for sb 单相思,单恋某人 carry a torch for an old sweetheart 单恋昔日情人 childhood lovers 两小无猜,青梅竹马 blaze/illuminate a new trail for sth 为---开辟一条新道路

The text

Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another我们的教区牧师总是为了各种各样的事筹集资金

1,be always doing 表示抱怨,不满的语气


Nowadays ridiculous scandals are always making headline news, from the milk scandal to the jerry-built houses and to the mafia-police collaboration.Obviously something is very wrong with the quality-control departments and the supervision departments.如今各种各样极端的自然灾害频频发生,很显然,人类在利用自然的过程中过头了,大自然在进行报复 Nowadays new extremes and patterns of natural disasters are always attacking/ striking.Obviously, we humans have gone too far in exploiting natural recourses and the nature is taking its revenge

2, for one cause or another 为了种种事由one N or another 的妙用

For one reason or another 为了种种理由 for some historical or realistic reasons 出于某些历史和现实的原因 for some well-known reasons and unknown reasons 出于种种理由,广为人知的或者不为人晓的 由于各种历史原因和经济原因,我们没有足够数量的大学来接收庞大的高中毕业生

Due to many historical and financial reasons, we don’t have an adequate number of colleges to match the huge population of school graduates.西方政客总是为了这个理由或那个理由指责中国,似乎他们永远都是对的

The western politicians are always pointing their fingers at china for one reason or another,as if they were always right.他对老婆百依百顺,工资都浪费在了这个那个奇思妙想上了(a hen-pecked husband 妻管严)He is really a wife-slave.His salary is totally wasted on her one whim or another 竭尽全力满足将来一代的各种想法乃至怪诞念头

Do their best to satisfy /indulge every wish and even whim of the future generation.The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since 教堂的大钟以前不分昼夜打点报时,但是多年前遭到毁坏,从此无声无息

1,strike hours day and night 不分昼夜打点报时== the clock fulfilled its responsibility/duty quite well 很好的履行了自己的职责 –(dereliction of duty渎职,失职)A willing and sturdy man who gets up earlier than a rooster that heralds the rise of the sun , and goes to bed later than a dog that patrols around the yard late into the night一个任劳任怨,坚忍不拔的人,起得比鸡早,睡得比狗晚

2,be silent 悄无声息,Hush money 封口费~~silence fee —〉拟人化


The bike underwent/received its first time repair years ago and has been quite noisy ever since.The bike received its first time repair years ago and has been very musical ever since.All the parts except the bell seem to be a noisy chorus.One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was striking the hours!一天夜里,我们的牧师突然惊醒过来,大钟又在打点报时了

Wake up with a start 惊醒过来 ~~startle sb out of sleep Wake sb up 让某人醒悟


The unprecedented drought in the humid south has woken people up to the bloody fact that water scarcity which is peculiar to the desert areas is now happening across the globe and that the nature is seriously taking its revenge against us arrogant, greedy humans

Looking at his watch, he saw 以及armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower 1,两者都是分词做状语,前者表示“广义进行” 2,went up into the clock

went up into the clock:up 副词 into 借词

挣扎着上了悬崖,朝着微弱的灯光走去(借词+借词的连用)Struggle up the cliff toward the glowing light= struggle up the cliff and toward the glowing light 越过了障碍,沿着悬崖一头扎了下去,跌进了谷底 Leap over the obstacle, down the cliff and into the valley

In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer 借着电筒光,他看见一个人,马上认出那是本地杂货店店主比尔.维尔金斯 1, Catch sight of 看到 glance 瞥见(近处)glimpse 瞥见(远处)一顾倾城,二顾倾国

One glance, the city tumbles;another glance, the country topples Exchange loving glances 互递秋波,含情脉脉 *** Tumble 倒塌,坍塌 ~~Topple 倒塌,倒下

2,figure 身形,身影(不明身份);体形 pear-shaped figure 梨形体形

build 体格 a man of strong build 体格健壮的人

~~physique 体形,体格 muscular physique/magnificent physique 健壮的体格,肌肉发达的体格

have a puny physique 瘦弱的体格

3,凭借着皎洁的月光,我立刻认出了他,原来那个蜷缩在我门口的“乞丐”是我一个潦倒的同学, 等待着我的慷慨救助

In the bright moonlight, I immediately recognized the ―beggar‖ as one wretched classmate who crumpled and crouched by my door, waiting for my generous help.(crumple 弄皱,变皱,crouch 蹲)

I have been coming here night after night for weeks now.I was hoping to give you a surprise.好几个星期,我天天夜里到钟楼上来,我一直想给你一个惊喜 1,现在完成进行时的用法,过去进行时的妙用

你没有听我讲么? 不好意思我刚才一直在想着明天可怕的考试

You did not listen to me? Sorry, I was thinking about that terrible exam tomorrow.2, night after night for weeks 每个晚上一连好几个星期

Work day after day for years to produce this great work 好几年每日辛劳以推出这个伟大的作品

Labor day after day for years on this great work 在这个伟大的作品上一连几年日日辛劳 Sweat and toil 辛劳,用力

you need to sweat and toil to survive the fierce competition 为了在可怕的竞争中活下来,你需要努力辛劳

thirteen is not as good as one, but it is better than nothing 十三下是不如一下,但是总比一下也没有要好


His face is wrinkled and his knees stiff(僵硬的,不灵活的,一动就疼的).Maybe there is not so much romance left in his heart.Indeed, 40 years old is not as good as 20 years old, but it is better than nothing.At least, he can indulge my petulance [petjuləns], tolerate my stupidity and guide me through the darkness

Wrinkle 让----起褶皱
