



英语日记格式-英语日记格式 英语日记写作格式及要点



sunday may 21,xx sunny

going on a picnic

today was sunday.the weather was fine and warm.the sky was very clear and blue.my classmates and i were very happy,because we went out for a picnic at nanshan hill.we went to nanshan hill by bike with fruits,eggs,meat,vegetables,knives and some other things.about one and a half hours later,we came to a nice place at the foot of the hill.there were many beautiful flowers and green trees.birds sang their sweet songs.how pleased we were!then we were busy with the picnic.some of us were getting water,some were cutting the meat and vegetables and cook,others were sitting on the grass and waiting for nice lunch.at about 13 o”clock,our lunch was ready.we all sat around on the green grass,singing,talking,eating and drinking.at about 16:00 we began packing for our return.what a nice time we were having!






1 提升格式小波变换在ECG信号去噪中的应用

根据小波中含有的噪声信号特点可以构建相应的含噪信号数学模型, 该模型如下:

f (t) =s (t) +n (t)

在上述的数学模型中, s (t) 代表的是原有的信号, 其是日常所产生的噪声, 这样的噪声是按照高斯来进行的分布, 而n (t) 就是代表的高斯白噪声, 其噪声的分布符合N (0, σ2) 的要求。而f (t) 则主要指代的是直接观测信号, 在直接观测信号中, 想要能够有效的提出有用的吸纳后, 具有一定的难度, 所以要借用转换方法来完成, 一般来说, 所能够借用方法就是利用数学变换对信号进行去噪处理, 从而将信号转换到频域上, 小波换线本身具有一定的线性特点, 所以含噪声信号进行小波变换的具体计算方式就是将信号的小波变换与噪声的小波变换进行相加。对含噪声信号利用多尺度的小波进行变换处理, 在一定的尺度范围下, 提出其中有用的信号小波系数, 同时将含有噪声的小波系统进行去除, 然后将你小波变换重新构建成信号, 这样就可以达到去除噪音的效果。

在小波变换下, 信号及时出现短暂的时间, 其也会表现出较高的模极大值, 同时在分解的过程中, 随着尺度的增大, 小波系统中的模极值也会达到一个更高的高度。

另外, 在小波变换下, 白噪声中也具有一定的奇异性, 也就是说, 其所具有的小波系数极大膜以及稠密度等都与分解呈现反比的关系, 分解尺度越大, 小波系数的稠密度以及极大膜则会相应的减小。根据这一特性, 就可以实现对小波变换信号噪声的分离, 而在分解尺度逐渐增大的情况下, 信号所具有的特性也会越来越突出, 噪声也会相应的降低, 从而就可以达到去噪的目的。

提升小波去噪仍然是基于阈值去噪方法的, 不同之处在于进行小波分解时采用的是提升方案。其基本步骤如下:

a.将加噪后的心电信号进行提升小波分解, 得到各尺度上携带噪声的小波细节系数;



针对提升小波去噪进行仿真实验, 从实验的结果可以看出, 信号的信噪比越高, 原始信号与估计信号的均方误差越小, 则估计信号就越接近原始信号, 去噪效果就越好。而提升小波去噪效果是可以达到小波阈值去噪的水平的, 而且提升小波在提高运算速度和减少资源占用量的方面具有极大的优势;因此, 提升小波为实际应用中心电信号的去噪处理提供了良好的解决方案。

2 提升格式小波变换在QRS波检测中的应用

2.1 小波变换检测信号突变点的原理

在小波变换中, 信号突变点的监测是一个重要的内容, 在小波变换中, 信号突变点对应着小波变换系数的零点或者是极值点。小波变换系数极值会受到尺度变化的影响, 这主要是取决于信号所具有的奇异性特点, 所以, 在对小波变换进行应用的过程中, 能够对信号的瞬间特征实现有效的把控, 从而可以使得信号瞬间的特征更加的突出和明显。

而小波变换模极大值以及零点与信号突变点之间有着明显的联系, 两者之间关系较为特殊, 通常而言, 信号中都会包含一定的信息, 这些信息主要存在于信号的瞬变电以及瞬变区中, 这就使得信号的瞬变总共有两种表现形式, 其一就是边缘突变, 其二就是峰值突变。这两种瞬变都各自对应着信号中的极值点以及转折点, 两者可以统称为是信号的奇异点。而从这些奇异点中, 可以明确的了解到, 小波变换幅值对于各个点位有着不同的表现力, 也就是说, 小波变换可以对应信号中的零点, 也可以对应信号中的极值点。

就理论层面来说, 小波系数的模极大值所对应的点越准确以及越合理, 那么尺度就会越小。然而, 在尺度变小的情况下, 小波系数受到噪音影响的程度就会加大, 从而就会出现很多的伪极值点, 因此这就说明, 不能够依据一个尺度来对突变点的位置进行定位处理。而在尺度增大的情况下, 对噪声进行了一定的平滑, 极值点相对稳定, 但由于平滑作用使其定位又产生了偏差。因此, 在用小波变换模极大值法判断信号突变点时, 需要把多尺度结合起来综合观察。

2.2 QRS波检测方法

通过计算机等设备对采集到的心电信号进行分析, 已经广泛应用于心脏的功能检查、心血管疾病的诊断与预防, 以及心电监护等多方面。在心电信号的分析中, 最为首要且关键问题就是QRS波群的检测。这是因为可靠的QRS波群检测, 不仅是诊断心律失常的重要依据, 而且只有在确定QRS波群后, 才有可能计算心率变异性。迄今为止, 对QRS波检测算法的研究也已有了不少理论成果, 但是各种方法均有不足之处, 因为各种类型噪声的影响以及心电信号自身波形的复杂性和人生理上的变异性, 都使QRS波的精确检测有很大的困难。

QRS波检测方法分为硬件检测与软件检测两大类, 近年来QRS波的软件检测技术随着计算机技术的发展而迅速发展起来。QRS波软件检测的方法大致可以分为两种:基于信号处理的QRS波检测和基于图象识别的QRS波检测。这两类方法首先都要对信号进行数字滤波。总体来说, 句法方法检测到的结果不如非句法方法, 且存在很多问题, 使得句法检测方法获得的实际应用较少。


本文主要从提升格式小波变换在QRS波检测中的应用以及提升格式小波变换在ECG信号去噪中的应用这两个领域进行了简要的探究, 从而总结出小波变换的应用效果, 虽然目前的提升格式小波变换在心电信号处理上还存在一些问题, 对其研究的开展还不够深入, 但是相信随着社会的发展以及心电信号研究的不断深入, 小波分析会得到更为有效的应用, 其应用的领域会进一步的拓展。


[1]刘雪红, 吴爱平, 王立业, 李川勇.小波变换去除心电信号中呼吸信号干扰[J].生物医学工程与临床, 2013 (2) .

[2]郑凯梅, 余生晨.心电信号的小波变换滤波算法的改进[J].山东生物医学工程, 2013 (1) .


















1. 年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如:December 18, 或者Dec. 18, 2003。

2. 如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期前面,也可以放在日期后面,星期也可以省略不写。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。例如:Thursday Dec. 18, 2003或Dec.18,2003 Thursday


英文日记主要由三个部分组成:日期天气、标题和正文,在写英文日记时,我们需要先在第一行靠左位置用英文写上年、月、日、星期和天气(如:Monday November 10,2020),将天气情况写在右上角,再另起一行写上标题后,再写上正文即可。




小编推荐:| | | | |

friday feb.15th 2006 sunny



1.年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如:december 18, 2003或者dec.18, 2003。

2.如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期前面,也可以放在日期后面,星期也可以省略不写。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。例如:thursday dec.18, 2003或dec.18,2003 thursday

3.天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:sunny, fine, rainy, snowy等表示。天气通常位于日记的右上角。


mon.sept.1, 2003 sunny



Date(日期) Weather(天气)


The body of the diary(日记正文)


1. 注意日期、星期和天气的书写位置。

日期和星期要写在正文的左上角,其顺序多是“星期 + 月、日、年”


如“ 年 11 月 22 日, 星期一”可写为“ Monday November 22, ”或“ November 22,2015 Monday ” 。

天气情况应写在正文的右上角,如: Fine、Rainy、Cloudy、Windy 、sunny等。

2. 关于标题的书写。

在日期和天气的下一行中间可以写上日记小标题,也可以不写标题。 刚开始写日记,可以用一个词作标题。

3. 关于正文的书写。



1 )要选择当天感受最深刻、最有意义的事件来描述,不要写成简单的流水帐;

2 )日记的内容多是亲身经历和耳闻目睹的事情,所以要用第一人称来写;

3 )日记多是在当天晚上来记述当天发生过的事情,因为动词时态常使用过去 时,但使用时必须灵活掌握。


4 )日记应以时间发生的先后顺序来展开,并且要简明扼要、条理清楚、写出真实感。


Sunday May 21,2015 Sunny

Going on a Picnic

Today was Sunday. The weather was fine and warm. The sky was very clear and blue. My classmates and I were very happy, because we went out for a picnic at Nanshan Hill.

We went to Nanshan Hill by bike with fruits, eggs, meat,vegetables, knives and some other things.

About one and a half hours later, we came to a nice place at the foot of the hill. There were many beautiful flowers and green trees. Birds sang their sweet songs. How pleased we were! Then we were busy with the picnic. Some of us were getting water,some were cutting the meat and vegetables and cook,others were sitting on the grass and waiting for nice lunch.

At about 13 o“clock, our lunch was ready. We all sat around on the green grass, singing, talking, eating and drinking.

At about 16:00 we began packing for our return.

What a nice time we were having!

[点评] 小作者能用准确、地道的语言, 简练的语句非常生动地描写出了野炊的场面。

这篇文章条理清楚, 尤其是“ some … some … , others …”句型,以及 singing, eating 等现在分词作伴随状语的运用,使这篇日记增色不少。



Jan. 1st 2015 Thursday Sunny


It was sunny and cold today. I got up early.

Because today is my birthday!



一月:January 缩写:Jan

二月:February 缩写:Feb

三月:March 缩写:Mar

四月:April 缩写:Apr

五月:May 缩写:May

六月:June 缩写:Jun

七月:July 缩写:Jul

八月:August 缩写:Aug

九月:September 缩写:Sept

十月:October 缩写:Oct

十一月:November 缩写:Nov

十二月:December 缩写:Dec


1号 就是1st,2号2nd,3号 3rd 4号以后都是在后边加上th

如:1月1号 Jan. 1st

12月12号 Dec. 12th


Monday 星期一 Mon.

Tuesday 星期二 Tues.

Wednesday 星期三 Wed.

Thursday 星期四 Thurs.

Friday 星期五 Fri.

Saturday 星期六 Sat.

Sunday 星期天 Sun.


通用的各国时间表示 小时:分:秒 AM/PM



It’s true that everything has a price. I had been looking for a home, a place where I can put everything sensible in, such as my dreams, passions and memories. Wandering alone on the grassland in the afternoon, I start humming my favorite ancient Chinese poem. It’s Déjà vu?! Except for and fallen flowers on the path to a Chinese pavilion, I feel like the same as in the poem and my dreams. ‘Never ever try to seize anything or just the moment. It is to no avail.’ ‘You can’t see the flower and grass looking the same year after year, while you are always changing, different from every last moment?’ I do appreciate the people I met and the stories I heard of or engaged in, as I am no longer struggling in search of the home. The answer lies in every real moment of my life.


December 10th Sunny

Today was a very very great day! I went to many places and played all day.

First, I went to the Tianhe Park with my family. We had a piic on the grass. We also played badminton together and took some beautiful photos. Next we went to a library in Guangzhou. I found a lot of books that I wanted to read. Finally we went to a western restaurant. There was pizza, cakes, hot dogs, salad, juice and so on.


When I got home,it was very dark.Why?There is no electric.

Every year in Beijing,there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of factories.And it is very hot in summer.So the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working.

My house is in the manufacturing district.I was unlucky.It was very hot.So my father use the electric making machine to make electric.Oh! What a unlucky summer!


april 8th thursday

today i’d like to say something about another fiction that i just finished which named the tempest. and i am now writing my thoughts and some information upon it. the tempest is shakespeare’s last complete masterpiece which was written in 1611.the main idea of this drama is that prospero was a duke from northern italy. his young brother antonio was very ambitious that made the use of the help of alonzo, the king of naples to usurp the throne which belonged to prospero. then with great difficulty prospero and his three-year-old little princess were cast away on an island. and through magic he managed all the fairies and goblins on the island very well and made them obeyed him. later, prospero raised a storm by using magic so that the ship of his young brother and king alonzo of naples crashing through reef of the island. however people on board were safe and sound, they landed over there and began to intrigued against each other again. further more, prospero vanquished his young brother and alonzo through magic, making them promise that regain his dukedom. at last, all the people returned to italy together.

as far as i know, shakespeare’s writing career is divided into three trimesters. and from 1608 to 1613 which is the last period, shakespeare got into creations of his late life. this time, he realized that the ideals of humanism could not be true in the real world. therefore, shakespeare turned his style from tragedy to legendary drama, and from exposing the dark realistic society to describing the dream world. so this period is also called shakespeare’s legendary-drama-period. in this period, his works usually draw support from the supernatural to solve the contradictions between idea and reality through mythical fantasy. these works are filled with the spirits of forgiveness and compromise, not like the joyous earlier stage or the gloomy medium term but are full of the dreams about lives and romantic twists.

the tempest is the best represent of this period’s style and is called the testament in the form of poem. in my view, the story praises the pure love, friendship and amity between people. i was carried away by its plot more than once. the pretty ariel’s carefulness with her work, prospero’s tolerance that although he was set up by his relatives however finally be true to his heart and soul treating them with forgiveness, the quite genuine love between prospero’s daughter miranda and his enemy’s son ferdinand, the friendship between the upright minister and prospero, all these things are so worshipful and respectable. to my way of thinking, life is made up of necessary elements-careers, family bond, love, friendship. they are complementary to each other. and i appreciate that people should cherish these relationships, trust people live a happy and peaceful life instead of hurting each other or always telling lies which neither side will gain in the end.

april 14th wednesday

recently i’ve been thinking about the ideas of translating and to be a good translator. because as i’m an english major student, these things might be close related to my future careers. therefore, just in time i am writing my thoughts and let these always keep in my mind. when comes to translating from one language into another, we may have some common problems. here let me express my ideas. first of all, i think translating from one language into another may have the culture conflict problems. it certainly will influence on the translating issues. the second, when doing translation, sometimes people may add or miss some words. the reason i think is he probably forget to translate or his judgement is colored by his personal prejudice. if the adding and missing words are very important it will lead the version into a different meaning from the original text. the last point is the nuances between two words. since the translator have deficiencies to understand the original text. and if someone regardless the subtle wording to translate, it will make the version artificial, not very natural or even far away from the original meaning.

to avoid these problems, it is very important to be a good translator. and i think to be an effective translator should possess four qualities except familiar in a language. first, be objective and loyal to the original text. second, have broad range of knowledge. it is said that a good translator should be electric, knowing a bit of anything. the translation process involves many areas, if it’s all greek to the translator, when it comes to some terminologies, the translator can not get through it. third, have a sensitive response. this usually refers to the interpreters. fourth, thinking logically. some translators make mistakes during translating, not because of poor verbal skills, but of poor logic. the translator can not realize the context between the lines in the original work so that cause something goes wrong.


she is so young and beautiful. she looks like a middle school student. she has two big eyes and long hair. she likes wearing t-shirts and jeans.

she teaches english very well. in class, she looks like our elder sister. we usually learn new things by playing games and singing songs ,so we always have fun in english class. she often helps us to solve problems. after class, she looks like our friend. we often play games together.


One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful). When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door.





Taday is sunday ,the weather is good ,i want to go hiking in the mountain ,but my parent said me to do not hard studing ,so i have to study at home .I has been studing for one hours now ,and i am very tired .The a midterm examination

will coming ,and i always get nervous but i think i will did ok in the exams ,because i think i was hard studing .For example,i had a cold last week ,and it until Yesterday on to come through,but i did not relaxing .While my mother was asking me to went to sleep ,i studied hard with my English until 12 pm so i think i will do ok in the exams ,and become a good student.


好的学习态度 The Good Study Attitude

Before I go to school, my mother tells me I should have a good attitude towards study, she says I will like to study and be a good student. I start to understand to what she tells me, now I am a good student, I am the monitor of the class, my teacher is very satisfied with me, she says I am a good student, I am so happy.



Today,my little brother XiaoMing came to my home.He is a smart boy,so I like playing with him.I was doing my home work when he arrived at.Then I stoped to played with him. He said to me that he wanted to play the basketball.I agreed with him.We played the basketball all the moring.

After lunch,he came back.my mother ask me to did my home work contiue.

How wonderful the day is !


他告诉我他想打篮球。我就同意了。然后我们打了一早上的篮球。 多美好的一天啊!
