



Section A

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some new words and a phrase:

violin, drum, concert, hmm, lend, what a pity

2. Learn about exclamation:

(1) How exciting! (2) And it sounds beautiful!

(3) Oh, wonderful! (4) That’s too bad!

3. Talk about concert and musical instruments.

4. Enjoy music and musical instruments.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)

1. 师生对话, 教师展示有关音乐的著名乐队的MTV, 通过音乐理解感叹句的语气与情感。(由此导入2a。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)

1. 先让学生听音乐录音,根据乐器所发出的声音判断是什么乐器,然后教师展示该乐器的图篇并教学单词,让学生猜测词义并要求学生理解。

2. 让学生听2a录音,给乐器编正确的排序,板书play the + 西洋乐器,play+ 中国乐器。完成2a。 (核对答案。)

3. 教师播放My Heart Will Go On ,并让学生体会感叹句“It sounds beautiful!”的语气与情感。引入1a.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)

1. 设置听力环节,播放1a视频,让学生听后回答1b的问题。(核对答案。)

2. 让学生朗读1a,边读边找出文中语言点,并完成相关练习。 (核对答案。)

3. 让学生再读1a对话,试着找出感叹句。完成1c。初步了解感叹句的句子结构,并体会感叹句的语气与情感。板书感叹句,帮助学生寻找规律,归纳常见的四种感叹句式,操练并要求学生掌握。让学生朗读,体会感叹句的语气与情感。

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)

1. 教师播放1a录音,男女生分角色跟读。注意语音语调。

2. 让学生以I’m going to the concert this Sunday evening为题,自编一组对话,可参照课件上的提示词。对话中还要包含感叹句。

4. 让学生根据3中的海报,编一个类似的对话。完成3。

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:6分钟)


1. 请学生根据海报内容,自编一段对话。要求对话中要有感叹句。

2. Homework:


(2)查找有关音乐类型的资料,为Section B做准备。


Unit3 My Hobbies

Topic2 What sweet music!

Section A

Oh, wonderful! 计分

How exciting! Group1 Group2

It sounds beautiful! Group3 Group4

That’s too bad! Group5 Group6

play the + 西洋乐器

play + 中国乐器


Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: pet, keep

Oral words and expressions: amazing, imagination

Teaching Aims:

1. Animals play an important part in our life.

2. Practice the students’ spoken English.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Reminding and Warning.

2. Grasp the key words in the listening.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The imaginary pets

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Teaching Type: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

1. What’s your favourite animal? Why?

2. Do you have a pet? Would you like to have one?

Discuss the questions in groups with three or four people. Then report to the class.

Lets’ have an interview. How many students in your class like cats? How many students in your class like dogs? Does anyone in your class have strange pet? Why do you think it is strange?

Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. Does Jenny have a pet? What is it?

2. What animal would Danny like to have for a pet?

3. What animal would Brain like to have for a pet?

Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then read the text again. Play the tape again and let the students read after it. Play the tape for several times until they can read it correctly and fluently.

Step4. Let some students lead the class to read the text sentence by sentence.


Work in pairs. Practice the similar dialogue according to the text.

Step6. Come to “PROJECT”.

Do you have a pet? Do any animals live with your family?

Describe your pet, or describe a pet you would like to have. Write a passage about your pet or your imaginary pet. Draw a picture to match it. Then put them on the wall.

Divide the class into several groups. Let them give a report to the class.

If you can’t finish the project in one lesson, go on it the next lesson.

Step7. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the next lesson.


Dogs are people’s friends in the life. They are very important in many ways. We hear many stories that the animals save the owners out of danger. We must give love to the animals and we must love each other.

Lesson 18: Brandy Hates Cats

Teaching Content:

Oral words and expressions: Brandy, chase, squirrel, branch, fierce, Amy

Teaching Aims:

1. Understand the main parts of a story.

2. Describe one’s experience with the help of the pictures.

Teaching Important Points;

1. The Past Continue Tense.

2. Express one’s ideas in English.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The Past Continue Tense

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Show the picture of Mike and the dog to the class. What does the passage describe according to the picture? Let the students to express theirs ideas in English.

Step2. Come to ‘THINK ABOUT IT.”

Step3. Read the test silently and ask the students to answer the following questions:

1. What’s the name of the dog?

2. Does the animals need love? What do we do?

3. What does Brandy like to do when we are walking?

4. What are sticks?

5. Is Brandy fierce? What is she scared of?

Step4. Play the tape and let the students read after it. Pause after every line, and ask the students to repeat.

Step5. Let some students read the text in class and the others listen to see if they have any mistakes. Can they find and correct the mistakes?

Step6. Let the students rewrite the story and read it to the class.

Step7. Discuss the reading with the students. Use as much English as possible. Ask questions to make it easier for students to participate.

Ask questions like this:

What does Mike do to look after his dog?

Lots of people in North America have pets. In this way, are people in North America the same as, or different from, people in China?

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Review the next lesson.


It’s easy and interesting for the students to talk about the familiar dialogues in English. Give them chance to practice in class. They can prepare before the class, too. Some students need more time. If they don’t have a real one, what animals do they really want to have?

Lesson 19: Brandy Hates Cats!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: open, somewhere, lake, all kinds of, protect, scientist

Oral words and expressions: extinct, gorilla, protect…from…, go extinct, stop…from doing

Teaching Aims:

1. Ask the people to protect animals.

2. What are the zoos for?

Teaching Important Points:

1. What will we take if we go to a zoo?

2. Write a story about a trip to the zoo.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Some words and expressions

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Show some pictures of animals to the class. Ask the students:

What animals do you like best?

What animals can you see in the zoo?

Step2. Read the text and let the students repeat the main ideas of the text.

Step3. Listen to the tape, pause after every line, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, (c) individually.

Step4. Practice

Deal with the vocabulary. Select one or two words for discussion. For example, the word kind can be used as an adjective (Mr. Smith is a kind person) or a noun (I like this kind of pet). The word open can be used as a verb (Open the door) and an adjective (The door is open). Can students think of other examples? You may want to compare zoo with school. Remind the students that while we say, “ go to school” (here the word the is not used), we usually say “go to the zoo”(here the word the must be used).

Step5. Read the text in roles. The teacher walks in the classroom while they are reading. Help them if necessary.

Step6. Let some students come to the front and act the dialogue out.

Step7. Come to “PROJECT 2”

Divide the class into several groups and finish the task.

Instruct the students to write a story about a trip to the zoo they have taken or would like to take. The story can be real or imaginary. They should illustrate their stories with pictures or photographs. Students may continue working on their stories during the next two lessons.

Step8. Homework

1. The third reading in the reader.

2. Finish off the activity book.


It is important for us to protect animals from extinction. Let the students look up after class about the information about the animals. How many animals are there in the world? Now how many kinds of animals have been extincted? What do we need to do immediately? What have our government done for this? What’s your opinion about this? Can you give some good advice?

Lesson 20: Stand So Still

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: still, make friends with, while, camel, fear, shy, bear

Oral words and expressions: waddle, toss, seal

Teaching Aims:

1. Continue animals as our friends.

2. Learn about the foreign culture.

Teaching Important Points:

1. How do you make friends with animals?

2. What are the animals’ habits?

Teaching Difficult Points:

Make friends with animals

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure;

Step1. Free Talk

Talk about your trip to a zoo. Work in groups. Write a passage and report it to the class. You can answer the following questions:

1. Where did you go?

2. How did you go”

3. What’s the weather like that day?

4. What did you do in the zoo?

5. Where did you have lunch?

6. Where did you have a rest?

Step2. Listen to the tape and repeat after it. Let us lose ourselves in the beautiful music now.

Help the students to guess the meaning of the new words that appear in the text. This will in turn help the class understand the meaning of the song.

Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1. How do you make friends with the animals? Why?

2. What does Danny like to do?

3. What animal would he like to make friends with?

4. Do you think what animals are fierce?

Step4. Read the text and check the answers. Then let the students read it loudly in class. After a while, ask the students to act it out in front of the class.

Step5. Make sure everybody can sing confidently. Let volunteers come to the front and sing loudly.

Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Work in groups and give their opinions in class. Encourage them to speak freely. Maybe they will have good advice. You can write a letter and show your opinions to the local government.

Step7. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Review the next lesson.


Let the students draw a picture of you and your favourite animal. Put them up on the wall. According to the content of today, we can practice spoken English about a trip to a zoo. Make up a dialogue in two or three and act it out in front of the class.

Lesson 21:Fun at the Zoo

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: danger, surprised, mad, lazy, nearly

Oral words and expressions: entrance, cage, No Photos!

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn about the instructions in the zoo.

2. What are the animals’ habits?

Teaching Important Points:

1. Express one’s idea with the help of the teacher and the picture.

2. Cultivate the students’ active attitude to the future.

Teaching Difficult Points:

What we can’t do in the zoo? Why?

Teaching Preparations: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Show a picture of the zoo to the class and say: “Today we are going to have a trip in the zoo. Who is the tour guide?

Step2. Remember any other signs you have seen or read before? (Wet Paint! No Noise! No Smoking! Men’s Room/ Ladies’ Room)

Step3. Check the homework. Let’s see if the students have previewed the lesson. Let them ask questions. They can ask like this:

1. When is the zoo open?

2. What do we can’t do in the zoo?

3. Why can’t we take photos?

4. What animal would Danny like to make friends with?

Step4. Listen to the tape and repeat after it. Play the tape for several until they can read it correctly and fluently.

Step5. Read the text in roles. Then change the roles each other. Help them during their reading.

Step6. Let some students act the dialogue out in front of the class.

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

In a group of three, act out a trip to the zoo. Each group member takes one of the three roles (Brain, Jenny or Danny). Try changing the story. Be creative.

Give the students time. Then let them act it out. Choose which group is the most creative.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


When we practice spoken English like step7 “LET’S DO IT”. Remember to give chance to the poor students. Encourage them to speak loudly in class. Praise them when they have some progress. Encourage others to help them in many ways to cultivate their confidence

Lesson 22: April Fools’

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: joke, yourselves

Oral words and expressions: fool, trick, April Fools’, play joke on…

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn about the foreign culture in western countries.

2. What are the main festivals in western countries?

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn about the things that we can do in April Fools’.

2. What we usually in China on April Fools’?

Teaching Difficult Points:

the main festivals in western countries

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Explain April Fools’ Day in English. Let’s see how many students can understand you. Tell them what they usually do on that day.

Step2. If happens today is April Fools’, play a joke on the students. When the teacher comes into the classroom, says we will have a quiz today. The students may feel surprised and puzzled, why didn’t the teacher tell them earlier? When they all in a hurry, tell them we only play a joke on them. Now they can understand the festival clearly.

Step3. Listen to the tape and let some students retell the main idea about the text. If they can’t do well, don’t publish them. Encourage them and say: “I know it is very difficult for you. It’s also difficult for me. Let’s face the problem together.”

Step4. Read the text silently and answer the following questions:

1. What is the date today?

2. What’s the meaning of April Fools’ Day?

3. What do they decide to do?

4. Did Danny believe what Brain and Jenny said?

Step5. Listen to the tape for several times until they can read it correctly and fluently.

Step6. Let some students read the text in roles. Then change the roles. Now let’s briefly discuss the reading. To dertermine students’ level of understanding, ask them to ask questions about the text. They may begin like this:

1. What did Brain and Jenny want to do?

2. Did the bear get out of the zoo?

3. Was the cage open?

4. Who said the bear looked hungry?

5. What did Danny say on Saturday?

Step7. Let some students act the dialogue out in front of the class.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Listening is a difficult part in English teaching. So teaching the students how to improve one’s listening ability is very important. We can use many types in class. The main types are: listen and answer the following questions; listen and fill in the blanks; listen and choose the best answer; listen and repeat the main idea about the story. Of course, the last one is the most difficult. The teacher should practice the students listening ability step by step.

Lesson 23: Famous Zoos

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: giraffe, Asian

Oral words and expressions: Egypt, Africa, pyramid, Italy, wedding, Siberian, be famous for

Teaching Aims:

1. Know about the history of the zoo.

2. Call on people all over the world to create a more life for the animals.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn about the growth of the zoo.

2. Improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Some words and expressions: Egypt, Africa, Italy, Siberian, be famous for

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Deal with the words first because the words in this lesson are a little difficult. Let some students read the words. Then read after the teacher. After several times, let some students read the words and the others read after it. Now close the cooks, let some students read the words in class, at the same time, the others read after it.

Step2. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks:

1. One of the world’s first zoos was in ______, about ________ years ago.

2. Egypt is a country in _______.

3. China built its zoo about _______ years ago.

4. ________ years ago, a king kept many wild animals in his zoo.

5. When he got married, he took _______, _______, ________ and ________ to his wedding.

6. One hundred years ago, a new kind of zoo opened in _______.

Step3. Read the text and briefly discuss the reading. To determine students’ level of understanding, ask questions like this:

1. When the first zoos built in Egypt?

2. What people can go to the zoo?

3. Where is Egypt? What is it famous for?

4. When did China build its first zoo?

5. Were there animals in wedding clothes eight hundred years ago? What did they do?

6. Where did a new kind of zoo open one hundred years ago?

Step4.Listen to the tape again and repeat after it until they can repeat it correctly and fluently. Let some students read the text in class. Choose the best one to encourage from the students’ pronunciation and intonation.

Step5. Ask the students what they know about the history of the zoo. Encourage them to search on the Internet and report to the class in next class.

Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the class into several groups and discuss the task. What are the good ways for animals living in the zoos? What are the bad ways? Let the students give them advice freely.

Animals should have a better life. But what can we do? Can the students give more good advice? Report to the class and discuss together.

Step7. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the students’ book.


Everyone does not know the history of zoos. In order to get more information, we can use the Internet and the time after class to enlarge the knowledge. Then the teacher give them chance to show their performance to the class.

Lesson 24: Unit Review

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions from Lesson 17 to Lesson 23.

Oral words and expressions from Lesson 17 to Lesson 23.

Teaching Aims:

1.Teach people to love life, animals and environment.

2.How can we make a better life for the animals?

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn about the festivals in western countries.

2.Teach the students the ways of learning by themselves.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The Past Continue Tense

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: review lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Let some students come to the front and sum the main content that we learn in this unit.

The teacher helps him when he has difficulties. If one can’t say clearly, the others can add it.

Step2. Ask the students to review the grammars that we learn in this unit. Provide help if it necessary. If one student can’t finish it, the others can go on.

Step3. Make up sentences with the important words and expressions that we learn in this unit. Such as: protect…from… be famous for. The teacher can arrange an order, according to the time or the length.

Step4. Talk about the favourite animals. Divide the class into several groups and share the pleasure that the animals bring you.

Step5. Do the exercises on Page 29. The teacher walks around the classroom and provides help when they are in trouble.

Step6. Explain some problems on the blackboard. Let’s discuss together. Practice “Speaking the Language” in class.

Step7. Let’s sing the song, if we have time.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the activity book.

2.Sum what we learn in this unit.

































6.关于器材。本节课的设计,没有学生如何取放排球的表述文字,笔者在试教中,课一开始学生就人手一球,节省了课中取球环节的时间。在准备部分和基本部分的2名学生1个球的练习中,笔者在外侧圆外间隔放置了20个球托(P VC管头),方便学生放球,并有效防止球的滚动,杜绝了球的滚动干扰课堂和带来安全隐患。但本节课大部分时间,用了20个球,有一半的器材闲置了,器材的利用率大大降低,如何解决这一问题,值得思考。












1. 在教材分析中已说明排球运动的作用与性质,但本课的主要教学内容垫球技术在教学中的作用与地位未说明。应分析本课教学技术内容在初中排球技术教学中前后的联系,阐述明白垫球技术在初中排球学习中的地位与作用。

2. 学情分析中只是从心理学角度进行分析,说明学生处于8年级年龄段的心智表现。应在此基础上进一步分析学生对排球运动的兴趣,学生对本课所学技术掌握程度和学习热情,以及学生群体与个体在该技术上所表现出来的差异性。

3. 教学目标与重难点的表述不够具体,不够客观,操作性不强。技能目标应从行为、条件与标准3个维度来表述。如,在认知目标中可写明掌握垫球的叠指法和抱拳法的手型;在技能目标中可写明掌握垫球技术的具体动作“插、夹、提”,标明隔网一抛一垫的成功率的百分比等。

4. 准备活动中未说明何时取球。



1. 内容简单运动量少。


2. 练习强度较低。


3. 生理负荷曲线偏高。



1. 杜绝错别字。


2. 前后缺呼应。


3. 反思待商榷。




1. Oh, you’re going camping. That sounds ____.

A. niceB. nicelyC. nicerD. greatly

2. ____ you, Mary? What are you doing for vacation?

A. WhatB. HowC. How aboutD. How long

3. Mike is going to the ____ camp from the 11th to the 22nd.

A. sportB. sportsC. sport’sD. sports’

4. Write down your answer ____ a piece of paper.

A. inB. atC. withD. on

5. Can I ask you some questions ____ your school?

A. aboutB. atC. withD. for

6. Last summer they had a very ____ vacation.

A. relaxB. relaxingC. relaxedD. relaxation

7. We’re leaving ____ Hong Kong on Saturday.

A. toB. inC. forD. at

8. They are going to ____ Great Wall this Tuesday.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

9. Sometimes he works late at night, ____ two am.

A. atB. inC. fromD. until

10. I’m sorry ____ that you’re ill.

A. hearB. to hearC. hearingD. heard

11. Look!The boy students are ____ football while the girls are ____.

A. playing, danceB. playing, dancing

C. play, dancingD. play, dance

12. ——Will you be back ___ five in the afternoon?

——I’m not sure, maybe later than that.

A. inB. beforeC. forD. until

13. ——What day ____ it ____ tomorrow?


A. is, going to beB. will, be

C. shall, beD. does, be

14. We usually start our lunch ____ a song in the past.

A. forB. inC. atD. with

15. Listen!You can hear the children ____ downstairs.

A. to singB. are singingC. singingD. sing

16. Please tell them ____ cats.

A. not to playB. not to play with

C. don’t play withD. to not play with

17. He ____ there is no air or water on the moon.

A. heardB. hearingC. hearD. is hearing

18. Eat them all! Don’t have anything ____.

A. leaveB. leftC. to leaveD. leaves

19. ——____?

——I think he is very busy.

A. Why not help you

B. Why don’t you ask him a favor

C. What can I do for you

D. Do you want help

20. ——May I borrow some books?

——Sure. But you must ____ soon.

A. give they backB. return it

C. return fromD. give them back


1. Why is the girl ____(stand) at the door? ____(ask) her to come in.

2. He ____(be) a new man when he comes out of the jail.

3. Tom can’t walk fast because he ____(carry) a heavy box.

4. He ____(rent videos) every Friday.

5. Do you think the teachers ____(have) a meeting now?

6. The sky turns black. I think it ____(rain) soon.

7. Now he ____(not work); he ____(stay) at home.

8. The train ____(be) about to leave. ____ he ____(get) to the station in time?

9. Knowledge ____(come) only from practise.

10. What ____ you ____(do) on the island?


plans, have, return, famous, said, babysitting, rent, heard, asked, fly, problem, finished, knows, Paris, show

1. There is going to ____ a meeting this weekend.

2. The teacher ____ the earth goes round the sun.

3. You’ll forget your mental pain when you ____ from your vacation.

4. Nobody ____ who took your pen.

5. He ____ which picture was Joan’s.

6. I ____ a house when I am preparing for TOEFL(托福考试).

7. It’s a big ____ that her pen is gone.

8. He told me that ____ is the capital(首都) of France.

9. The East Lake is very ____ in Wuhan.

10. He ____ to watch that movie again.

11. ____ me your paintings when you get back from France.

12. Most men dislike ____ because they think it’s troublesome(有麻烦的).13. I ____ that old people like fishing very much.

14. We’ll ____ to Hainan for a holiday.

15. She just ____ reading Guo Jingming’s novel.




When you are i__1__ England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic(车辆) drives on the l__2__.

Before you c__3__ a street, you must look to the right first and then the left.

If the traffic lights are r__4__, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road.

If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can g__5__. People on foot mustn’t cross.

In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very b__6__. Traffic is most dangerous then.

When you go by b__7__ in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. S__8__ you must be careful. Have a look first or you will go the w__9__ way.

In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can s__10__ the city very well. It’s very interesting!


“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is a popular saying in the United States. It is true that all of us need recreation(娱乐). We cannot work all the time if we are going to keep good health and enjoy life.

Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular(流行的) way is to take part in sports. There are team(队) sports such as basketball and football. There are also individual(个人的) sports, such as swimming and running. Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreation for people who like to be outdoors.

Not everyone who enjoys sporting events likes to take part in them. Many people like watching TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people like some forms of indoor recreation, such as watching TV, singing and dancing.

It doesn’t matter whether we like indoor recreation or take part in outdoor sports. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time, and enjoy some forms of recreation.


If we work __1__ the time and don’t play, we are not going to keep good health and can’t enjoy __2__ life, so __3__ is needed. Everybody has his __4__ way of relaxing. Perhaps some of us like __5__ part __6__ sports, such as basketball, football, swimming and running. Some of us like watching TV, listening __7__ the radio, singing and dancing.

No matter(无论) __8__ kinds of sports we take part in and what kinds of activities we __9__, the __10__ important for everyone is to relax from time to time.



We sometimes think it would be very nice to have no work to do. If only(如果……该多好) we didn’t have to go to school and do our lessons, but could have vacation from January to December!If only we didn’t haveto work in the fields(田野), or go to the office every morning, how jolly(愉快) it would be! And we envy(羡慕) the people who have not to work for living(谋生), but can do just what they like all the year.

Yet, when we feel like this, I think we make a mistake. I do not know whether the rich(富人) are as happy as we think they are. Very likely(可能的) they are often very tired of having nothing to do. But most of us are really happier if we have regular(固定的) work to do for our living, especially if the work is the work we like.


( )1. At times we think it would be very nice to have work to do.

( )2. Some people don’t have to work for living.

( )3. I know that the rich are as happy as we think they are.

( )4. Very likely the rich are often very tired of having something to do.

( )5. Most people are really happier if they have regular work to do

for their living.



Yang Jun is a student in Melbourne. He studies computer science in a college. He is new there, so he finds it hard to travel in the city. He often travels with his friends to some big places like the Opera House(歌剧院) and the Blue Mountains. Now he is not feeling well; he needs to find a hospital. He does not know the way. Look!He is asking a woman for help.

MR YANG: Excuse me.


MR YANG: Is there a hospital near here?

WOMAN: There’s one near Louis Super-market.

MR YANG: Where is Louis Supermarket?

WOMAN: Go down this street, and take the first turning on the right, then the second turning on the left, and then the third turning on the left again, then...

MR YANG: I’m sorry I can’t follow you, Madam.

WOMAN: Well, come on! I’ll take you there.

MR YANG: That’s very kind of you, Madam.


1. In which country is Mr Yang staying now?


2. What is he doing there?


3. Why does he find it hard to travel in the city?


4. What places does he often go to with his friends?


5. Who does he often ask for help?


6. What place is he looking for now? Why?


7. How does the woman answer him?


8. How does Mr Yang find the hospital?












一. 翻译。

1.等一会,稍等______________ 2.在昨天的这时__________________

3.洗澡_______________ 4.打扫卫生_____________________

5.听收音机______________ 6.玩电脑游戏___________________

7.植树________________ 8.最有趣的早晨__________________

9.练习作某事______________ 10.接电话_______________________


1. She was giving us a lesson this time yesterday.






1. While 意思为“当......的时候”,引导时间状语从句,从句要用延续性动词。

Somebody broke in while I went out.(×)

Somebody broke in while I was out.(√)


注意:when 和while 意思相近,都可以引导时间状语从句。When当.......时,可以表示瞬间、时间点,主从句所陈述动作、主从句可以同时发生,也可以有先有后。

e.g. It was snowing when we got there.我们到达那里时正在下雪。(同时)

He went home when he finished his work.他做完工作就回家了。(表示动作先后)

While 用于两个延续性动作同时发生。

e.g. Mother was cooking while father was watching TV.


2. hold the line 相当于hold on, wait a moment, just a moment, 打电话用语,意思为“等一会,稍等。”

3. Take a shower 洗澡,同义词组have a shower, take a bath, have a bath.

e.g. I was taking a shower when the bell rang.




Step2 展示学习目标。


a. What is Jane doing now?


b. What was Jane doing at this time yesterday?


Step4 合作学习1a,并掌握重点词组。Hold the line, answer the telephone, take a shower.

Step5 再听1a录音,让学生模仿语音语调并跟读。





一. 完成课本2b.


1.---____you doing your homework at 9 last night?

---Yes, I ____.

A. Are, am B. Were, am C. Are, was D. Were, was

2. My mother doesn’t like playing ___guitar, he’s fond of playing ___basketball.

A., B., the C. the, D. the, the

3. The story is very ____. We are all ___in it.

A.interesting, interesting B.interested, interesting

C.interesting, interested D.interested, interested

4.---Do you often do some____at home?

---Yes, I often help my mother.

A.shopping B.read C.washing D.shop

5.---What ____you ___this time yesterday?

---I was reading a story book.

A. Were, doing B.was, doing

C.is, doing D.did, do


1.I usually __________(get) up at 6, but yesterday I _________(get) up at 7.

2.---Where was your mother this time yesterday?

---She ____________(cook) supper in the kitchen.

3.---________you ____________(skate) when I called you the day before yesterday?

---No, I____________(play) at home.

4.---What ______your parents_________(do) at 9 last night?

---They ______________(enjoy) the concert.

5.---How _____Tom usually_____(go) to school?

---By bus.


1.I’m doing my homework now.(this time yesterday)


2.Jim takes a bath every day.(at that time)


3. We watch TV every evening.(at nine last night)


4. Are you sleeping now?(when I called you)


5. What do you often do in the evening?(when I knocked at the door)



Unit 3 Topic3 SectionB(1a-1c)

设计:谭莉 审核: 审批:







一. 翻译。

1.看电影_______________ 2.同意某人(的看法)__________________

3.我认为如此___________________ 4我不认为是这样_________________________

5. 昨晚这个时候你在做什么?我在床上读小说

---What _______you________at this time last night?

---I_________________ novels on the bed.

6.---I think_____________________(集邮一定很有趣)

---_______________. /________________.


7.---___________you a student?(难道你不是一个学生吗?)

---___________,I am.(不,我是。)


1. 否定疑问句,表示肯定意义,特别应注意其回答方式。

e.g.---Isn’t it beautiful?

---Yes, it is.不,它漂亮。

---No, it isn’t.是的,它不漂亮。

2. pleasant 形容词,意思为“令人愉快的”,其名词形式是pleasure意为“愉快”,动词please意为“使.......快乐”

e.g. It’s a pleasant trip.这是一次愉快的旅行。

She takes pleasure from reading.她从读书中获取乐趣。

He did it to please his parents.他这么做是为了取悦他的父母。

3. watch a movie=see a film 其相关的固定短语还有go to the cinema/ go to the movie theater 去电影院,watch TV,看电视,watch a ball game看球赛。

4. agree 是不及物动词,意思为“同意,答应”。但是如果它后面接不同的介词,表达的意思就会不大相同。

a.Agree with 用来表示“同意某人的观点,看法等”。With后面常跟人或人称代词,还可以接what引导的从句。

e.g. Do you agree with me?你同意我的意见吗?I agree with what you said.我同意你所说的。

b.Agree on=agree about 表示“在某件事上取得一致,同意某事”

e.g.We agreed on the plan.我们一致同意这个计划。

c.agree to do sth同意做某事。Agree 之后可以接动词不定式,但不可以接动名词。

e.g. He agreed to buy the book for me. 他答应给我买这本书。


e.g. They agreed that I should buy this book.他们承认我买这本书。



Step2 展示课前准备。

Step3 听1a录音,回答下列问题。

a. What was Maria doing at this time last night?


b. Does Maria think the scenery was beautiful?


Step4 合作学习1a,并掌握重点词组。

Step5 教师点拨重点词组。

Step6 在听1a录音,跟读,操练。

Step7 根据1a,操练1c.并掌握 agree with sb, I think so , I don’t think so 等的用法。


一、 选择。

1. Li lei doesn’t like English. He doesn’t like math____.

A. too B. either C. also D. neither

2.Well done! We’re all ___with your answer.

A. pleasant B. pleasure C. pleased D. unpleasant

3.I ___Jack ___playing in the garden. He ___teaching himself at that time.

A. think, wasn’t, was B. don’t think, wasn’t , was

C. don’t think ,was ,was D. think, was, was

4.One morning while she ____in the forest, she found two birds in the grass.

A. was walking B. walked C. is walking D. walks

5.---What did you do last night?

---I___TV with my friends.

A. watches B. watch C. am watching D. watched


1.Jack was sleeping when the telephone rang.(变否定句)

Jack _________ __________when the telephone rang.

2.I was listening to violin music when my mother came home.(变成一般疑问句)

__________ _________ __________to violin music when your mother came home?

3.They were playing on the computer at 6pm the day before yesterday.(对划线部分提问)

________ __________they __________at 6pm the day before yesterday?


A:Hi,Kate! Did you go to the concert last night?

B:Yes. 1___________

A: 2.

B:Wonderful. Many famous singers sang at the concert. 3

A: What does it mean?

B: 4 .You know many children in the world don’t have enough food.

A: 5

B: I think people all over the world should help them.

A. That’s true.

B. How do you like it?

C. The concert ended at 10:00pm.

D. I went there with my parents.

E. How did you go there?

F. It was called “Saving the Children”

G. The concert was held for collecting money for poor children.

1._______ 2._______ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________


Unit 3 Topic3 SectionB(2a-2b)

设计:谭莉 审核: 审批:







一. 翻译。

1. 没有什么严重的____________________

2. 生某人的气_____________ 3.做鬼脸____________





1. sad,悲伤的,反义词为happy;副词为sadly悲伤地,不幸地;名词为sadness.

e.g. He still felt sad about his sister’s death.


He is crying sadly.他哭得很伤心。

In people’s lives, they have happiness and sadness.


2. nothing, anything, something, everything 是不定代词,修饰不定代词的形容词应在不定代词的后面,如果既有形容词,又有不定式,不定式应放在形容词的后面。

e.g. something beautiful 一些漂亮的东西

something delicious to eat 一些好吃的东西。

3. make faces/ make a face 做鬼脸,make 的用法还有make sb do sth 让某人做某事。

e.g.The boss makes us work the hours every day.


Make+形容词 使某人.......

e.g. make me strong 使我强壮。

4.give sb lessons 给某人上课,还有教训某人的意思。





a. Why does Bill look so sad?


b. Why was Miss Wang angry?


Step4 合作学习2a.

Step5 教师点拨重点词组,句型。

Step6 听2a,并跟读。




一、 用所给词的正确形式填空。

1.---What _________you _________(do) now?

---I_________(read) a letter.

---Who_____________(write) it?


2.---What __________you ___________(do) at 8 o’clock last Sunday morning?

---I ____________(take) a shower.

3.---___________you__________(go) to school yesterday?

---No, I________. Yesterday was Sunday.

---What_________you ________(do)then?

---I ______________(sleep) all day.

4.---You ____________(look) tired today.

---Yes. I____________(not sleep) well last night.

5.---__________you ___________(go) to the concert tomorrow?

---No, I’m not. I__________(go) to the museum instead.

6.I__________(not read) novels when my mother _________(knock) at the door.


Henry is very fat. He wants ___1___ , so he eats very ____2___ . he eats little _____3___ because it will ____4____ him fat. He does ____5____ very morning. He ____6___ and runs much. Now he is thinner than before.

Henry’s cousin, Susan is healthier ____7___ Henry.

She takes care of _____8____ . She ____9____ a lot of sports every week, and keeps ___10___ .

1.( )A.thin B.to thin C.to get thin D.to get fat

2.( )A.many B.much C.few D.little

3.( )A.wateer B.fruit C.sugar D.vegetable

4.( )A.be B.make C.give D.bring

5.( )A.an exercise B.exercises

C.some exercise D.some exercises

6.( )A.swims B.play C.swimming D.to play

7.( )A.as B.of C.to D.than

8.( )A.himself B. herself C.yourself D.myself

9.( )A.do B.play C.have D.does

10.( )A.healthier B.health C.fit D.healthy


Unit 3 Topic3 SectionC

设计:谭莉 审核: 审批:







1.19世纪早期_____________ 2.神圣的日子________________

3.玩得高兴______________ 4.忧郁星期一________________

5.停止做某事____________ 6.太......而不能.......____________

7.过一个双休日周末_______________ 8.洗衣服_______________



1. in the 1800s 在19世纪

e.g. in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代 in the early1700s在18世纪早期 before 1800 在18以前

2.blue Mondays 忧郁星期一 blue 除了有“蓝色”外,还有“沮丧”的意思。

3.stop doing sth 表示停止正在做的事情。Stop to do sth表示停下正在做的事情而去做别的事情。

e.g. He stopped smoking .他停止吸烟。

He stopped to smoke.他停下手中的事情来吸烟。

4. too.....to......“太......而不能.....”。当too前面用否定 词如never时表肯定。

e.g.He is too tired to walk on.他太累了不能继续走了。

It’s never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。


Step1 目标揭示,学法指导。

Step2 展示课前准备。

Step3 将重点短语勾画到书上。

Step4看1a, 完成1b.

Step5 合作学习1a.

Step6 教师点拨1a.

Step7 根据重点词组,逐段复述1a.

Step8 合作学习2a,2b,注意过去进行时。


一. 选择。

1. It’s too hard____ it by myself without your help.

A.not to do B.to do C.that I do D.doing

2.---Why didn’t you come to his birthday party yesterday?

---I ____a wonderful football match.

A. watch B.was watching C.am watching D.am going to watch

3.How are you going to spend the ____weekend?

A.two days B.two-day’s C.two-day D.two day’s

4.I felt tired, so I stopped ____.

A. work B.to work C.working D.to working

5.In China few people spend a day ____church during the Christmas.

A.of B.on C.at D.off

6.From four p.m. to six p.m. yesterday, I ___basketball with my classmates.

A. played B.was played C.was playing D.playing


1.Michael was making model planes this time yesterday.(对划线部分提问)

__________ _________Michael ________this time yesterday?

2. Students go to school for five days a week.(同义句)

Students go to school _______Monday ______ Friday.

3.I was watering the flowers when the phone rang .(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

_______you _______the flowers when the phone rang?

_______, __________ _________.

4.Jim takes a bath every day.(用at that time 改写过去进行时)

Jim ________ __________ _____ ___________at that time.


Tom was eight years old. He was a good boy. But he could not get up early. He slept until nine or ten o’clock in the morning. He was often late for school.

Tom’s mother didn’t want him to be late for school. So she bought him an alarm clock. She said to Tom, “You must get up at seven when you hear the clock ring.”

“Yes, mum,” said Tom. After that Tom got up at seven thirty when he heard the clock ring.

One day, his mother forgot to make the clock get ready to ring. And the next morning Tom didn’t get up at seven thirty. It was time for breakfast. Mother went to see him . Tom was in bed and his eyes were open.

“Why didn’t you get up?” Mother was angry.

“You told me to get up when I heared the clock ring. So I am waiting for the bell.”

1. Tom was a _______.

A.teather B.student C.worker D.driver

2.Tom’s mother bought him a clock because______.

A.he couldn’t get up on time B.it was very beautiful

C.it was Tom’s birthday D.he liked it very much

3.The clock rang at______.

A.6:30 B.7:00 C.7:30 D.8:00

4.What happened that day?

A.The clock was broken B.The clock didn’t ring

C.Tom was ill D.His father took the clock

5.Tom didn’t get up on time that day because he ______.

A.was waiting for the bell in bed B.didn’t want to go to school

C.didn’t want to have breakfast D.was ill


Unit 3 Topic3 SectionD

设计:谭莉 审核: 审批:








1.洗碗____________ 2.看报纸_________________





5. 你那时正在玩电脑吗?是的,我是。


6. 请别挂断。____________________________

7. 我觉得他它一般般。_________________________________

8. 停止做某事___________ 9.多精彩的一天啊!____________




Step2 听1,独立完成1.

Step3 合作完成2.

Step4 合作完成3,注意过去时和过去进行时的区别。

Step5 合作学习4a,4b.


一. 选择。

1.---May I speak to Jane? This is Maria.

---_____.She is in her bedroom.

A.Hold the line,please B.I am Jane C.Yes, I am. D.Speaking

2.---What ____you ____at this time yesterday?

---I was watching TV with my family.

A.are,doing B.were, doing C.do, do D.did, do

3.---Yao Ming is a great basketball player.

---____.Many people like him very much.

A.I agree with you B.I don’t agree

C.I don’t think so D.That’s OK

4.Don’t be angry ____me. I ‘ll study hard.

A.in B.on C.of D.with

5.Jim ___in class. So his teacher was very angry.

A.listened to teacher B.make faces

C.answered questions D.helped others

6.Don’t make him _____like that.

A.to walk B.walking C.walk D.walks

7.They came here in ____.

A.1980’s B.the 1980s’ C.the 1980s D.1980s

8.It’s time for class.The students stopped _____.

A.talking B.to talk C.talk D.talked

9.His sister is ____young ____carry the box.

A.much,to B.so, that C.too, to D.very ,to

10.---Don’t be late for class next time.


A.I won’t B.I will C.I do D.I am


Mr. Brown and his wife had a small bar near a railway station. The bar didn’t close 1 midnight because people came to drink while they were 2 for trains. So the business was good

At three o’clock one morning , a man was 3 sitting at the table in the bar. He was 4 . Mr. Brown’s young wife wanted to go to 5 . She looked 6 the man several times, but the man kept sleeping. Then at last she went to her 7 and said to him, “You have tried to wake that man several times, and he isn’t drinking 8 . Why haven’t you sent him away? It’s too 9 .”

“Oh, no, I don’t want to send him away,” he answered 10 a smile . “You know, each time I woke him up, he gave me five pounds. Then he went to sleep again”

1. ( ) A.when B.until C.as D.while

2. ( ) A.looking B.asking C.waiting D.getting

3. ( ) A.only B.also C.still D.just

4. ( )A.sleeping B.drinking C.talking D.thinking

5. ( ) A.home B.bed C.school D.work

6. ( ) A.for B.in C.around D.at

7. ( ) A.room B.either C.husband D.bed

8. ( ) A.too B.either C.anything D.everything

9. ( ) A.dark B.early C.cold D.late

10. ( ) A.in B.by C.for D.with





三、地点 八年级教室



五、主持人 小丽



















一、班会背景: 班上许多同学说话不经大脑思考,有时候造成同学间的误解,影响学生之间的感情,有的甚至挑弄是非,挑拨离间,影响极其不好,外加上10月10日晚班上两名女生吵架了,加上他人在一旁添油加醋使两个好朋友关系更僵,为此,非常有必要对全体同学进行“谨言慎行”的教育,并把原定的班会提前了。


三、地点 八年级教室



五、主持人 饶志琴、曾令荣、韦锦烨


1、Be discreet in the word and the deed.2、主持人解释谨言慎行(找反义词、近义词)








