






简历自我评价 | 求职自我评价 | 自我评价优缺点 | 毕业生自我评价



Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。

Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。

Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。

A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.简历中的自我评价范文需要有能力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。

Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。

Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。


Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。

Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。

Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。

Be highly organized and effecient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。


Ability to deal with personnel at all

levels effectively。


Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。


Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

Good people management and communication skills.Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。

Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。

Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人性格好。


With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。

The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。

Having good and extensive social connections.具有良好而广泛的社 会关系。

Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。

With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力


Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。

Mature,self-motivated and strong

interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。

With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。

Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。

Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。

Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。


Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。

Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很高的


Be highly organized and effecient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。

Willing to learn and progress.肯学习进取。

Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。

Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。


I am fine style, others with sincerity, good personal relations, doing things calm and steady, reasonable overall arrangement can live in the transaction.

Have strong logical way of thinking about things serious and responsible, able to endure hardship involved, have a strong sense of responsibility and team spirit; confident, optimistic, with a certain sense of innovation.


1 英文版科技期刊质量的现状

我国英文版科技期刊是对外科技信息交流的重要窗口, 也是我国的科技人员参与国际学术交流的一个平台, 其英文质量, 尤其英文表达的正确性和可读性是其重要的基础。根据2007年国家新闻出版署对148种英文版科技期刊质量检查结果显示, 仅有44种期刊合格, 合格率为29.73%, 约70% 期刊不合格, 其中包括 SCI, EI, IM等国际知名检索系统收录的期刊, 期刊差错率最高达96/万, 表明我国英文版科技期刊质量存在严重问题。此次抽检结果发现主要差错分为10类, 包括语法、结构、词语与搭配、用词、拼写、大小写、标点符号、格式、语言逻辑和引用与文献, 其中语法错误最多, 占约42%。也反映出英文版科技期刊编辑 (简称英文编辑) 的英文水平有待提高。如何采取有效措施提高刊物的英文质量和英文编辑的业务素质成为目前亟待解决的问题。

2 英文版科技期刊编辑的现状

合格的英文编辑必须具备广博的专业知识、熟练的编辑技能、深厚的科技英语写作功底和高度责任感[2]。目前我国英文版科技期刊的编辑人员主要是由转行的专业人员、中文科技期刊编辑转作英文编辑及英语专业毕业的大学生或研究生组成。专业研究人员虽具备较高的专业水平, 但作为英文编辑, 在知识结构方面, 需要由专而精转向博而新, 在英文写作和编辑业务方面, 还需要有一个继续培训、实践和不断自我提高的过程。一般来讲, 英文编辑相应地应该具有较高的学历并经过编辑和英文方面的培训, 在实际编辑工作中锻炼后, 才能更好地胜任科技期刊英文编辑的工作[2] 。中文科技期刊编辑具备一定的编辑业务水平和编辑经验, 但作为英文编辑对英文稿件进行编修, 需要在英文写作方面进一步培训、学习和自我提高。英语专业毕业的大学生或研究生, 虽具有扎实的英语阅读、写作功底, 但专业知识和编辑业务方面非常欠缺, 对科技论文的英文写作的特点, 专业术语及表达方面, 也需要有一个培训、实践和不断自我提高的过程。因此, 应加强英文编辑的培训, 提高其自身的业务素质。

3 英文版科技期刊编辑的继续培训

编辑业务培训。对于英语专业毕业的大学生或研究生, 在开始从事编辑工作时, 最好派他们参加编辑培训班, 使他们系统了解和掌握科技期刊的编排规范及要求, 并在工作实践中消化吸收, 融会贯通, 逐渐提升其业务能力, 尽快胜任编辑工作。

英语培训。对于转行的专业人员、中文科技期刊编辑, 要创造条件让他们轮流参加脱产英语培训, 使他们系统学习科技英语写作和翻译技巧。通过培训学习和工作实践, 使他们更快提高英文水平和稿件编修能力。编辑部应重视英文编辑的培训和交流, 积极派他们参加各种英文编辑培训班和有关讲座, 使他们及时了解和掌握新的英文版科技期刊的编排规范、英文编辑技巧、英文科技论文写作特点和要求;组织英文编辑多与同行交流编辑经验和办刊经验[3];与相关的英文科技期刊交换刊物, 互相学习, 取长补短。

积极参加学术交流。编辑部应积极安排英文编辑参加各种国内外相关的学术会议, 了解相关专业领域最新发展动向及新技术、新方法, 增加他们判断所编辑论文的学术质量及创新性的能力, 能发现及纠正文章中存在的问题和错误, 提高论文的编辑质量。英文编辑应积极参加有关学会组织的英文科技期刊学术活动, 听取国内外资深编辑的科技论文编辑技巧和经验。如2009年高校学报研究会组织的第12次年会英文版期刊分会, 邀请国外资深编辑Ian McIntosh 讲授“Use of the definite and indefinite articles in the English language”, 楼钦元教授讲授“How to write/edit scientific papers”, 同时邀请国内优秀英文科技期刊的编辑介绍办刊理念和编辑经验, 使到会的英文编辑感觉不虚此行, 受益匪浅。

4 英文编辑业务素质自我提高的途径

目前, 我国英文版科技期刊的编辑人员的业务素质参差不齐, 尤其表现在英文写作水平方面;因此, 在英文写作方面均需要有一个不断学习、实践和自我提高的过程。只有在实际编辑工作中不断学习和锻炼, 才能更好地胜任科技期刊英文编辑的工作。英文编辑可通过以下途径提高其自身英语水平。

经常阅读原版英文科技文献。大量阅读著名原版的英文科技文献, 有助于学习和了解英文科技论文的表述特点, 掌握英文科技论文写作的行文规律、语言使用技巧和规范的专业术语, 扩大专业词汇量, 增加语感, 培养识别和修改能力 [2,3];因此, 英文科技编辑应经常阅读国外相关的知名英文科技期刊刊载的最新论文, 如Nature, Science和Cell等, 并与自己所编辑加工的英文论文相比较, 从中汲取英文编辑加工的知识和技能, 规范自身使用的语言, 使编辑的论文在语言表达上更加规范、具有可读性, 达到进行国际学术交流的目的。

翻译中文资料。我国英文版科技期刊的稿件大部分为国内作者所撰写, 因不是母语, 这些稿件或多或少都存在一些“中式英语”的表达问题。在编辑过程中, 会经常发现一些文章完全按照中文稿直译过来, 虽每个单句的语法基本没有错误, 但整段阅读起来, 感觉非常别扭或读不懂, 这就是因为不顾语法, 缺乏修辞, 忽略上下句联系, 不注重逻辑关系所致[2]。

英文编辑, 尤其刚从事编辑工作的英文编辑, 应大量练习翻译相关专业的中文科技论文, 并与国外相关的知名英文科技期刊刊载的相关内容的论文进行比较, 检查和纠正练习翻译过程中存在的语法和科技英语的语言结构问题, 同时更要注重修辞和逻辑问题。英文编辑只有通过大量的练习, 才能具备较强的汉译英的水平和技能, 才会有能力审编改校英文稿件。

研究兼职编辑修改后的稿件。目前多数英文科技期刊聘请出国留学的学者、美籍华人科学家或母语为英语的外国专家, 或资深的科技英语翻译专业人员担当兼职编辑。他们具有扎实的文字功底, 有些又具有全面的专业知识, 是英文版科技期刊编辑质量的最理想的把关者。英文编辑应对他们编辑后的稿件多加学习和研究, 反思自己在编辑中没有发现的问题, 虚心向兼职编辑学习, 这样会起到事半功倍的效果, 使其早日成为一名合格的英文编辑。

注意专业词汇和常用句型的积累。英语学习是一个不断积累的过程。作为英文版期刊的编辑, 要有目的的去摘录和积累一些英文科技论文常用的句型, 并应用于稿件编辑加工中。经常阅读英文专业论文及参加相关专业的学术会议, 不断学习、积累和更新专业词汇, 这样, 在实际工作中才能快速发现原稿中的英文表达错误, 并能准确修正, 以不断提高期刊的英文编辑质量。

阅读英文科技论文写作和编辑方面的文章或专著。经常阅读有关英文科技论文写作或编辑方面的文章或专著, 包括英文科技论文文题、摘要、方法、结果、讨论、结论的写作特点, 科技论文的时态、语态和人称及常用结构和句型, 副词、冠词、分词、名词、合成词等各种词的使用, 及常见错误分析等, 从中学习和掌握英文科技论文的写作方法、特点及各种词的正确使用, 了解常见错误和问题及正确的表述方法, 吸取其他编辑在稿件编辑加工中的经验, 以快速提高英文稿件的编辑加工能力。

充分利用各种工具书和网络。编辑部应配备相关专业的工具书, 如专业英汉词典、汉英词典等, 英文编辑在稿件编辑中, 应充分利用这些工具书, 对于不熟识的专业词汇、术语或词汇, 应勤查词典。同时, 金山词霸、各种专业词典及英文校对软件的开发应用, 使英文单词的查阅更为便利, 单词拼写错误会明显呈现。安装这些软件, 可明显提高英文编辑的工作效率、消除拼写错误。网络的迅速发展, 给英文编辑开阔了视野、拓宽了学习的渠道, 通过各种数据库可以搜索众多学科的科技论文, 从中了解各种专业词汇、短语和词在科技论文中的正确使用方法, 有助于提高科技论文的编修水平和工作效率。另外, 通过百度等也可以查阅一般短语、词的用法。

英文编辑只有通过系统培训、实践和不断自我学习提高, 才能不断提升其审编改校英文稿件的能力, 提高编辑业务素质。只有高素质的英文编辑, 才能确保我国英文科技期刊水平的不断提高, 以实现促进对外科技信息交流, 扩大国际影响力, 参与世界竞争的目的。


[1]陈智, 谈慕华, 王东方.中外学术类英文版科技期刊现状比较[J].编辑学报, 2003, 15 (4) :290-292.

[2]宋福南, 柴瑞海, 朱虹.英文版科技期刊编辑人员业务素质的自我培养[J].编辑学报, 2006, 18 (1) :62-63.

























What do you see as your weaknesses as an employee? 作为一名公司职员, 你觉得自己有什么缺点?

问题分析: 中国面试官往往用这个提问来衡量申请人是否有自知之明或者开诚布公的勇气, 外国面试官则往往更加注重这个问题的“后续问题”, 也就是, “你将如何避免因自己的缺点而影响工作质量?”

回答示范1: I am not a great public speaker.

When speaking in public I feel uncomfortable unless the topic is familiar.

So I have to be well prepared before giving a presentation.

As a matter of fact, I did lots of preparations for our interview today!

点评1: “不善于在公开场合发表演讲”, 的确是很多人的通病。不过, 现在越来越多的申请人“喜欢”上了这个回答, 造成了人力资源经理们的审美疲劳, 呜呼! 笔者建议大家在这个答案上适当包装, 这个申请人做得就很好, 他打趣说自己来面试前都做了充分的准备, 无疑会博得面试官展颜一笑。

回答示范2: As a manager my weakness is being soft-hearted.

Though being soft-hearted can be seen as a strength sometimes, it is also a major weakness for a manager does need to take tough measures, including decisions to fire.

Compared with other team leaders I am too soft.

As a result, my employees seem to be less disciplined, for example, late for a meeting.

The good thing is that being soft also has its advantages: my employees never hesitate to communicate with me, which greatly improves work efficiency.

点评2: “心肠太软”, 对于经理层来讲是个双刃剑。

回答示范3: Well, maybe my weakness sounds a little bit strange to you.

I think my weakness is that I talk too much.

I like to express my opinions.

My classmates say I am bossy and like to show off.

I’ve also noticed that I don’t listen enough because I am talking too much.

So I write down a reminder on my notebook, “Listen more, speak less.”

But interestingly enough, even when I feel I am speaking little my co-workers still pat my shoulder and say, “Susan, you are an active person!” The “talker” impression doesn’t go away easily.

点评3: “说话太多, 甚至有点爱出风头”, 其实是一个比较可爱的缺点。至少, 比招聘一个闷嘴葫芦要强上百倍!

回答示范4: I am pride of myself on being a“big picture” guy, but I have to admit I am not careful enough.

Sometimes I make stupid date and number errors, like typing when it’s ! Once I forgot to final-check the microphone when I was in charge of the Welcome Party and it caused great panic when was found to be silent only half an hour before the show began.

So I do love to hang out with the “detail” people.

They can depend on me to make plans, and I can depend on them to remind me of the small details.

When I can’t depend on others, I always depend on my notebook.

I like to write things down in my notebook now, which is the best way to remember every important detail.

点评4: “能看到事情的大框架, 有全局观而忽视细节”, 确实有很多这样的人。这个回答的亮点不在于此, 而在于他对自己缺点的弥补手段, 一方面他乐于和注重细节的人合作, 另一方面他选择使用好记性不如烂笔头的方法强迫自己注重细节。

回答示范5: I do things in haste sometimes.

I am eager to finish a task once I start doing it.

It looks like a strength but it can be a big weakness at work.

Haste makes waste.

Great haste makes great waste.

For example, when I started working for my current boss last year I once made a ridiculous mistake in an urgent report.

I typed “shit out” instead of “try to” because the two phrases have exactly the same spelling in Chinese.

So now I often remind myself: Do it right, Don’t do it over.

点评5: “急躁而忙中出错”, 通病也。

回答示范6: I set unrealistic goals sometimes.

For example, losing 10 kilograms in a month, or finishing typing a form in an hour.

The truth is that I know they are hard to achieve even when I am setting them, but I can’t resist doing so because I need to be motivated by aiming high.

But my boss sometimes criticizes me for being unrealistic when making plans.

点评6: “制定不切实际的目标”, 的确是个缺点, 不过, 往往只有上进心强的人才会有这种缺点。

回答示范7: Well, frankly speaking, I think I still need to be more professional.

Sometimes I let my emotions affect my work.

Last winter I lost a client because I didn’t look very enthusiastic when answering his inquiries.

He went to another teller the next day when he opened an account in our bank.

And he bought a ten thousand Yuan Lideying(an investment fund) immediately.

This was a big lesson for me because it made me realize that I should learn to be at my best for any client, at any time.

You know, I always look like an angel, no matter how difficult it is, because it will indeed help me to sell more products.

You’ll never know when the customers decide to buy, hehe.

点评7: 通常来说, 告诉面试官自己的职业化程度还不够高是非常危险的做法, 但是, 这个申请人以最真诚的态度, 给出了一个很打动人的回答, 使得她在一群对自己的`缺点欲说还羞的申请人中脱颖而出!

回答示范8: I am too sensitive and spend too much time worrying about what others think about me.

For example, I hesitate to speak out when I disagree with someone in fear of making him uncomfortable.

So I have missed some chances to share my views and prove my abilities.

I wish I could be more objective and more straightforward when dealing with people.

点评8: “敏感, 过分关注别人对自己的看法”, 这的确是个不讨人喜欢的缺点。不过, 对于一些容易脸红说话柔声细语的小姑娘, 这倒不失为一个好答案。如果你刚好是一个大老爷们或者阳刚小伙, 这个答案则会迅速让十个人中的九个人讨厌你。

回答示范9: My weakness? I need pressure to work harder.

This is my weak point.

I tend to perform better when somebody is pushing me, or gives me a high goal.

I really wish to work with a very demanding boss so he can give me the pressure I need.

点评9: “需要压力才能更努力”, 这是大家的通病!这个回答的点睛之处在于, 该申请人盼望着能遇上一个高标准严要求的老板, 从而督促自己更加努力地工作, 这是一个多么可爱的令用人单位求之不得的“受虐狂型”的应届毕业生啊!

回答示范10: I am likely to be influenced by the environment.

I study hard when I find everybody else studying hard, and I start looking for a part-time job when I find others talking about how important it is! It would be great if I could join Ericsson, as I can be influenced by the high quality people here!


Name: Tang

Sex: Male


I am lively and cheerful personality, and people live in harmony and harmony, have a strong communication skills. During the school as the monitor post, several times to plan the implementation of several large-scale activities, has a strong organizational capacity and coordination, and has good physical fitness. In many social practice, pay attention to the community to learn a wealth of experience, a serious and responsible work.

Honest and trustworthy, with good sense of Thanksgiving; diligent and pragmatic, pay attention to the effective combination of theory and practice; good at innovation, have excellent creative thinking; strong sense of responsibility, work diligent; aggressive strong, modesty; Organization and spirit of collaboration, with good interpersonal relationships; can undertake a greater workload and strong work pressure. I have a positive attitude towards life, in the work of a strong sense of professionalism, a high degree of responsibility and team spirit, I am confident that with their own ability and knowledge in the future work and life to overcome difficulties and achieve self-life value.

I am cheerful, stable, energetic, warm and sincere. Be responsible, active, hardworking, have strong organizational skills, practical ability and team spirit, can quickly adapt to a variety of environments, and be good with colleagues, concerned about the collective, consciously abide by discipline, by colleagues The praise and leadership of the trust.


Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993 with her masterpiece Beloved published in 1987.Morrison establishes herself well in the American literary arena with such achievement.Beloved implies Morrison's special concerns about the enslaved black women.Morrison focuses on black women's tragedies and miserable struggle to self-growth.It takes Morrison10 years in conception and 3 years in writing.The instance Beloved comes out,it shakes the whole American literary and circle,and causes considerable controversy.Newspapers exto Morrison for an outstanding command of techniques and language in narration.Beloved erects itself as a shining milestone in slave narrative in modern American literary history.With adept maneuver of narrative skills,Morrison artistically narrates the existence and conditions of slavery which black women slaves are in and how they manage to survive all the disasters.Miseries and tragedies which black slave women have suffered are an unbearable weight.By closely examining the text of Beloved,this pape attempts to focus on the lives for the Baby Suggs,Sethe,Beloved and Denver—the women of three generations in one family.The thorny path in which they manage to survive on their own manifests their tragic situations and their bitter but brave struggle to self-growth.The significance in self-growth is highlighted.

2 Tragedies which the Women in Beloved Underwent

2.1 Beloved

Sethe and other five black males were enslaved and compelled to work hardest like animals in Sweet Home.Inhuman life of enslavement results in a risky escape.Sethe survives death narrowly and manages to reach 124.28 peaceful days goes by quietly until the slave owner"the schoolteacher"appears,threatening to hunt her down and to capture her back.In such a state of crisis,Sethe hastens to the shed in time to slice open with a handsaw the throat of the daughter who is crawling already.When the bad dream flashes in her mind that"a gang of whites invaded her daughter's private parts,soiled her daughter's thighs",[1]296for all whites could do everything at will not just to"work,kill,or maim you,but dirty you.Dirty you so bad you couldn't like youself anymore.Dirty you so bad you forgot who you were and couldn't think it up"[1]295.In this situation,all choices Sethe might make simply boil down to an either-or decision:either to die in a lofty dignity,or to live in a lowly humiliation.The former is Sethe's unavoidable choice.Sethe's wild behavior greatly scared the school teacher.He and his entourage dare not to venture one more step forward to capture her and her children back to Sweet Home,and the only thing they could do was take flight in great panic and muted anger.In this sense,Beloved's death secures safety and freedom for her family folks.Between intense maternal love and atrocious slavery,death of Beloved is doomed.

Twenty years later,the spirit of Beloved comes back with gorgeous gloss.In reincarnation,Beloved is to seek for maternal love which is denied her,and for the reasons that Sethe kills her.Beloved's insatiable pursuit of love and incessant queries almost crumbles Sethe.Seen as an evil token,Beloved is exorcised and gone forever:

They forgot her like a bad dream.After they made up their tales,shaped and decorated them,those that saw her that day on the porch quickly and deliberately forgot her.[1]323

Beloved's half-human and half-ghost life staged in the human word is the fruit of slavery.Beloved is thus tragedy personified:she is butchered,of all people,by her own mother;of all things,the motif for killing is for love's sake.Beloved is nicknamed"crawling already"for years before being buried.Though named Beloved,she is denied love.So naming includes Morrison's little irony of life—to love or to be loved,in the context of slavery,is an unfulfilled dream.

2.2 Sethe

When Mr.Garner,the slave owner in Sweet Home,passed away,Mrs.Garner invited her husband's sister's husband,"the school teacher",to take charge of the plantation.The arrival of the school teacher brings about a completely destructive change to everything and everybody.The school teacher boasts a lot of good schooling,which disguises him as an elegant and graceful gentleman,"talked soft and spit in handkerchiefs.Gentle in a lot of ways".[1]44In a hypocritical disguise,the school teacher looks like a gentleman.However,what he and his nephews do is brutal and absurd,"Schoolteacher'd wrap that string all over my head,'cross my nose,around my behind.Number my teeth",[1]226with all this,the school teacher expected his students to distinguish Sethe's animal and human characteristics,while instructing them to do research on blacks.Black women and animals are labeled in the same category in his so-called academic studies,for he views them as animals.Two nephews of his would hold Sethe down at will to suck her breast,"schoolteacher writing in ink she herself had made while his nephews played on her".[1]116When sucking couldn't satisfy their insatiably abnormal desires,the two young white folks whip her back to be split in different directions,only to form"a chokecherry tree".An enslaved black woman's"body is not only treated as the one of an animal's,but also as a property,and it can be occupied and used arbitrarily by slave owners".[2]12What else could Sethe be tasting apart from tragedies in slavery?

Sethe and Halle got married.However,in reality,they were denied to live together.They've never before been offered a special shelter to enjoy the sweetness of marriage life.Their ungovernable sexual activities in the cornfield were just temporarily acquiesced,for their sexuality guarantees a constant supply of labor forces,which Sweet Home needs to increase its scales in production and productivity.Although having sex underground occasionally,the young couple are"not supposed to have pleasurable feelings on their own",or they are not"supposed to have pleasure deep down".[1]247The so-called marriage is nothing but an exhibition of hypocrisy of slave owners.It's simply a defined marriage whose form and essence are totally deprived and hollowed out.Sweet Home experience is an undreamed-of nightmare to Sethe.To her,"being alive was the hard part",[1]8even"death was anything but forgetfulness".[1]12Traumatic memories of slavery defy blacks'courage in looking back.Modern American history is severed for a time due to calculated oblivion.

2.3 Baby suggs

Sixty years of hers have been sold into slavery in different plantations in the South.Her last slave service is in Sweet Home.In her life,she got married once,but she had the slightest memory of his husband's looks and even his name.For twenty years,a lifetime,she was compelled by ghastly and sordid life in succession to sleep with six different men,only to have eight different children born for slavery and humiliation.As a mother of eight children,Baby's motherhood was nullified,for four were taken and four chased,she had nobody at hand to show maternal love and care to.A straw boss promised that she could keep the third child,a boy,with her,on condition that she sleeps with him for four months.She did as he promised,but only to find her third boy traded for lumber in the next spring and herself pregnant by that indecent and nasty boss.As the eighth and last child,the only one staying by Baby's side,Halle was sold into slavery in Sweet Home the same day as his mother did.The child is too young and needs maternal care,but this is poignantly denied.Baby is hurt in the hips,and that aching causes discomfort and inconvenience to her.Halle rents himself out for five years all over the county to buy his mother away from that place of nightmares.In all Baby's life and memory,"men and women were moved around like checks",[1]27whoever Baby knows and loves haven't run off would have"been hanged,got rented out,loaned out,bought up,brought back,stored up,mortgaged,won,stolen or seized".[1]28The nastiness of life that greatly shocks Baby Suggs and the readers is that"nobody stopped playing checkers just because the pieces included her children".[1]28

Slavery has devastated all by,of and for Baby.Baby could do nothing during her last years but concentrate all herself on colors."Took her a long time to finish with blue,the yellow,then green.She was well into pink when she died."[1]237She exhausts her last energy in pondering all kinds of colors,except red and black.Red is metaphorized by the blood,since the blood of Beloved is splashed and scattered all over the planks of the shed.Black is the color of their skin,they can't help it.Baby Suggs holds the view that the colors wouldn't hurt people.However,it's the color that really hurts people,even kills people.Being black,Denver is estranged and isolated by little kids around.Being black,Sethe has to hide her lofty head in loneliness and cold indifference.

Legend has it that Ham who chances to see the nakedness of his father and tells his two brothers outside is condemned by his angered father"Cursed be Canaan;lowest of slaves shall he be to his brothers".[3]22This biblical contortion is to convince blacks that they are the immediate descendents of Ham;being black is a just punishment from God.Many blacks,like Baby,poisoned by this fabulous story and God's civilization,would choose not to fight for their rights,but choose to lay down their armed hostility in immeasurable despair.

However,when they are captured and sold into America and enslaved and maimed and dirtied,God does nothing to stop those crimes.Blacks are groveling at the feet of the tyranny of their masters trying submissively to satisfy the insatiable desires of the slave owners,but little hope for the future can be seen.They choose to believe in Christianity,for"in the heart of Christ,love means that the others are respected as humans rather than as animals".[4]145When they are deeply lost in Christianity,they are told that"slavery is approved of by God."[5]154God is nothing but a personified mask of hypocrisy worn by white folks,whoever could blacks count on?

3 Backbreaking Growth out of Tragedy for the Three Generations in Beloved

3.1 Baby suggs

Slaves are dehumanized and are not entitled to normal human rights.Her roles of friend,daughter,wife,and mother are deconstructed.She has eight children,but she is husbandless and homeless.She is allowed to keep her little son Halle by her side.All black children,along with their slave mothers,are none other than the slave owners'property.So the instant Baby and10-year-old Halle are both sold into slavery in Sweet Home,Baby's motherhood is ousted;her right to care for little Halle is negated.Baby and Halle are kept like livestock,so a normal human life is thus rendered impossible.Baby Suggs hates the white folks,she believes that"there is no bad luck in the world but whitefolks,those white things have taken all I had or dreamed,and broke my heartstrings too".[1]105When all the things that make meaning to life are taken out and wiped out by white folks,Baby has the slightest ideas of her own self,until five years later she is bought away by Halle,and for the first time she takes a deep breath of the fresh air of freedom.Once she steps out of enslaved life,she realizes that the knowledge of one's own values and the love of oneself have much to do with freedom.She goes out into the clearing,appealing to her black fellows for loving themselves:

Love your hands!Love them.Raise them up and kiss them Touch others with them,pat them together,stroke them on yours face'cause they don't love that either.You got to love it you!......hear me now,love your heart.For this is the prize.[1]

Blacks are dismantled and hollowed out by slavery and can hardly be put together even after they are bathed in freedom Freedom does them no good,for nightmares are still going on The freed blacks are leading a life of void and nothingness.Baby's passionate sermon of love ushers in new hope.Love is a beacon to shimmer in the sheer darkness of slavery,for love awakens Baby to her self-awareness and identity.Self-love,beyond any peradventure,is an access to self-salvation.

3.2 Denver

Denver is left the only kid in the house since her two little brothers are scared away and lost nowhere by the wrath of the baby ghost.With no one else of her age at home,she isolates herself from everything.Loneliness and autism have been escorting her for years,so she is delighted with the ghostly company o Beloved.However,Denver comes to realize that she Beloved's craze would take away her mother's life,so she knows that her insanely insatiable contentment with Beloved's company must be disillusioned,and she must have a decisive choice to make.The thing that she could do is that"she would have to leave the yard step off the edge of the world,leave the two behind and go ask somebody for help".[1]286For the first time in her life,Denver steps out of her own threshold to make contact with and communicate with other strange people in the outside world.Denver's wakening to her own self comes from her love of her mother;she loves the baby ghost,though.Love wakens Denver who has been indulging in a self-enclosed world.Wakening leads up to action She bravely and decisively goes outdoors to solicit help from her neighbors.Thirty neighboring women cast away their past prejudice against Sethe,and join hands with each other to exorcise Beloved.With timely assistance from the neighbors,the reincarnated Beloved is expelled and gone forever,Denver and her mother's life is eventually returned to normal.On her way to work one day Denver chances to meets Paul D,she begins to say hello to and chat with him,for whom she has ever nurtured a strong distaste,though.The moment Paul D starts to pass a remark on Beloved,she stops him,and says that"I have my own."[1]314The fact that self-isolated and self-conscious Denver dares to associate with other unfamiliar people with smiling confidence and that she starts to form and pass her own opinions on things and people with certainty demonstrates that she has learned how to grow up in the context of slavery.

3.3 Sethe

As for Sethe,with her daughter Beloved killed,reincarnated exorcised and gone,her husband Halle crumbled and missing her milk for her little kids stolen at will and her back planted a"tree"with heartless lashes from the school teacher's nephews,she lives a hellish life.In an infinite abyss of darkness,Sethe has been tasting abasement,violence,deformation,fright and menta alienation and abnormality.Since all her characteristics as a human are squeezed out,Sethe's identity is missing and her self awareness is plunged into a lost chaos.However,her sudden wakening to humanness ensues from overhearing that the schoo teacher asked his students to put Sethe's human characteristics on the left side,and animal ones on the right.For the first time Sethe knows she and her children are regarded as nothing but animals in the eyes of white folks.Negation of humanness wakens Sethe up,and she resolves to flee from Sweet Home.This active endeavor to escape symbolizes Sethe's pursuit of the subjects—freedom,equality and self.She flees from Sweet Home,single-handed,pregnant,but she makes it eventually.A 28-day time of freedom and happiness with Baby Suggs and her kids in124 makes Sethes well aware of the fact that freedom is as precious as life,as lovely as fresh air.A temporary freedom wins Sethe great respect from other blacks and her selfhood is activated.So when the school teacher brings with him a little band of horsemen to hunt Sethe down,Sethe's intense self-awareness leads to a tragic infanticide.However,this atrocity exhibits the strength of maternity,for the return of normal motherhood reminds Sethe to avoid having her kids repeat the same enslaved life as she did in the past.Her choice for her daughter Beloved is too extreme and unreasonable,but between two choices to make—death and enslavement,there is no via media.It stands to good reason that few people,white and black,can understand Sethe's motive—how can killing be synonymous with love?The point is,with two extreme choices offered,the option of the one or the other will point to a downright deprival and repudiation of meaning of life.For Sethe,enslavement is even much worse than death,so she would choose for Beloved the latter,which keeps intact Beloved's dignity,purity and chastity,all of which constitute the most beautiful part of a black woman.In this sense,Sethe's instantaneous abnormality is understandable and forgivable.Her brutal and indecisive option displays her clean breakup with enslaved life,and her resolve to exercise control over her own destiny.This activeness in making an escape and committing infanticide forcefully signifies Sethe's intellectual maturity towards self-awareness,which has won a self for Sethe.The wakening and establishment of selfhood bring in an entrance to freedom.

4 Conclusion

Morrison depicts via Beloved the tragic state of real living of slaves,and a dual devastation that slavery imposes on slaves in body and soul.Three generations of the Sethes who have undergone the worst tragedies in the process of human civilization are focally described as the image representing all black women.Baby is optimistic,with a dim awareness of national independence shown in her harangue of love in the clearing.Sethe has the awareness of self-salvation and rebellion against slavery.Denver is finally able to shake off the chains of destiny and reshape the image of black women.Their self-growth is tragic and unbearable.However,they survived all kinds of disasters in slavery.With a tearful description,is recorded a live history laden with miseries and hatred,which,in Morrison's point of view,should not be encaging people,but warning or reminding people that new tragedies of this kind in the context of neo-colonialism can be averted.If so,Morrison's reminding in Beloved makes some sense.




[1]Morrison T.Beloved[M].Vintage International,A Division of Random House,Inc,New York,1987.

[2]苏珊·鲍尔多.不能承受之重—女性主义、西方文化与身体 [M].綦亮,译.南京:江苏人民出版社,2009.

[3]Michael G,Coogan.The New Oxford Annotated Bible[M].Ox- ford University Press.Inc.1989.

[4]詹姆士·里德.基督的人生观[M].蒋庆,译.北京:生活·读书· 新知三联书店,1998.
