



Period 3 教学内容: Reading A—Keeping Fit and Healthy


1. 能够用英文词典预习该课文。

2. 在老师的讲解下,能够了解文章内容,并用自己的话进行复述。3. 能够熟练掌握文中的各种词汇和词组 4. 了解文中所涉及的西方文化背景。

教学重点: 一些常用短语的学习。如:keep fit, put on weight, be aware of, fitness center, insist on 教学难点:Their muscles are no longer strong.no longer 不再,例如:

He no longer smokes.Such things no longer bothered him.People find out that a regular fitness program keeps them fit and stops them from putting on weight.stop…from… 阻止… 例如:

Stop your dog from snapping at me.How do you stop children from playing matches? 计划学时: 2学时 教学方法: 讲授法 教学内容及过程:

Step 1

Warming up

T:Good morning, students.S: Good morning, teacher.T: Today we will talk about how to keep fit.You know, people are becoming more and more concerned about their health.Do you know sth about how to keep fit?

S: We do morning exercise every day to keep fit.T: Yes, it is a good way to keep your bodys fit.We also should pay attention to the foods which we eat every day.Step 2


Read the article slowly.Let students listen to me carefully.Step 3


keep fit, put on weight, be aware of, fitness center, insist on

Their muscles are no longer strong.no longer 不再,例如:

He no longer smokes.Such things no longer bothered him.People find out that a regular fitness program keeps them fit and stops them from putting on weight.stop…from… 阻止… 例如:

Stop your dog from snapping at me.How do you stop children from playing matches?

Step 4


Leading the students to read Reading A and correcting the wrong pronunciations which the students have made.Step 5

Asking and Answering  Why people don’t have so much time to do exercise?  Why people go to fitness center in spare time?

Step 6 Exercise

Doing exercises after Reading A and giving the right answers.Step 7 Homework

Copying the Reading A 课后小记:1.一部分学生的基础薄弱,词汇量不够,学习起文章来有一定困难。












本单元的话题是谈论一些发明的历程及用途。学生可以针对这些发明的用途及特点, 发表自己的看法及理由。教师利用这些发明者的经历, 潜移默化地渗透“努力学习, 坚持自己的理想, 就会成功”的情感目标。本课时是在前面学习了被动语态的基础上, 阅读介绍茶叶的发明过程到仿写同一话题的作文, 是一节典型的阅读写作课, 具有一定的难度。


1.语言知识目标:学习课文中的重点词汇ancient, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, pie, by accident, according to, fall into, throw, 达到四会;掌握并熟练运用一般过去时的被动语态。



4.文化意识:了解世界上各种发明的由来, 学会做传承文化的使者。

5.情感态度:通过学习中国古代发明的文章, 激发学生的民族自豪感。


重点:通过阅读文章, 准确把握文意, 提炼出撰写关于发明的记叙文的要素。

难点:根据范文, 学会使用被动语态仿写关于发明的短文。

【教学方法及手段】任务型语言教学法, 多媒体, 自制收纳盒, 飞盘, MP3, 矿泉水


S te p I Le a ding-in (3 minute s)

Greet to the class.

T:Hi, boys and girls!First let me introduce myself.I come from No.6 Middle School.My name is Du Hongmei.You can call me Miss Du.So nice to meet you, everyone!

S s:Nice to meet you, Miss Du!

T:Who put the paper notes here?It’s really in a mess.

(Teacher collects the paper notes in the box.Then show the box to the class.)

T:What is it?

S s:It’s a paper box.

T:What’s it used for?

S s:It’s used for putting small things/holding...

T:Why did we invent it?

S s:To collect things easier and make our room much tidier.

T:We have lots ofinventions tosolve the problemin dailylife.

T:When we listen to English, what do we use? (a TV?a computer?a mobile phone or a tape recorder?)

S s:A tape recorder.

T:But when you listen to English, can you take a recorder everywhere?

S s:No, we can’t.

T:In order to solve this problem, what people invented?Can you guess?

S s:MP3.

(Teacher takes out an MP3 and shows it to the class.)

T:What is it?What’s it used for?

S s:...

T:Yes, it’s used for listening to English or music any time and anywhere without disturbing others.

T:As we know, inventions like MP3 are changing our world all the time;they can make our life more convenient and more comfortable.Today we are going to talk about the inventions around us.We are going to learn Unit 9 When was it invented?Section B 3a~4b.

S te p II P re s e nta tion (10 minute s)

T:Next, we are going to learn some words about the invention of tea.Read the following stories carefully, try to guess the meaning of the red words.

(Show the stories on the screen and get the students to guess.)

(Teacher explains the usages of the newwords.)

S tory One

Long time ago, a shepherd (牧羊人) noticed his sheep became more active after eating some red fruit from a bush.He boiled some and it produced a pleasant smell, so coffee, one of the most popular drinks was invented.

(Teacher explains the usages of the new words and give examples.)

S tory Two

The Cowherd and the Weaver is a famous Chinese ancient legend.Now a new movie is made according to the story, lots of people go to see it in the theatre.

S tory Thre e

Once a boy fell into a big vat (缸) full of water.The other kids ran help.Only Sima Guang remained there.He picked up a big stone and threw it at the vat.The vat was broken and the boy was saved.

Read the new words after the teacher together.Then students read them together once.

Say out the new words and phrases according to the Chinese meanings.One reads twice.

S te p III Re a ding (20 minute s)

T:I’m thirsty now, what should I do?

S s:You should drink some water.

(Showa bottle of water.)

T:Water is one kind of beverage.Beverage means drink.Read after me.

T:Next we are going to talk about another beverage, tea.Do you knowhowtea was invented?

S s:...

T:Please open your books and turn to Page 72.Read the article quickly and find out who invented tea.

(Students read the article and answer.)

T:Read silently and carefully and discuss the following questions in groups of 4.

(Get each group to answer one question.)

T:Let’s read the article aloud together.

T:Well, next let’s read one paragraph after one and analyze the article.Please look at the screen.

P a ra gra ph One

Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water) , ...invented...?

T:The first paragraph tells us what was invented.It's the thing of invention.

P a ra gra ph Two

Although tea wasn't brought to the Western world until1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire.

(Teacher explains the word over in this paragraph.Let the students sum up the main points according to the red words.)

S s:It tells us the time, the person and the place.

T:Yes, it tells us when it was invented, who it was invented by and where it was invented.

P a ra gra ph Thre e

Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.Later he decided to taste the hot mixture.It was quite delicious.

T:The third paragraph tells us the process of the invention.It tells us how tea was invented.

P a ra gra ph Four

And in this way, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.

T:The last paragraph tells us how important tea is.It tells us the importance of the invention.

T:Next please discuss on how to write about an invention in groups of four and fill in the form on the study plan.

(Lead the students to sum up the main points and write onthe blackboard.)

T:If there is time, place, person, cause, process and result in an article, we call it a narrative.

(Explain the six elements and narrative in Chinese.)

T:Look, it’s a flying disk.Read after me, flying disk.Who can play it?It’s an important invention because it can bring us a lot of fun.Read the article and try to find out the six elements of narrative.Discuss in pairs, fill in the chart using the question like:—What was invented?—Flying disk.

From pie pla te to flying dis k

The flying disk was invented by college students.The original flying disk was really a metal pie plate from a bakery in Bridgeport, Connecticut (布里奇波特, 康涅狄格州) .The students liked to eat the pie and then threw the pie plates each other.In the 1950s, a company began making plastic disk.Now there are flying disk clubs, a flying disk magazine, and even a national flying disk festival each September.

(Get several pairs to act out their conversations.Show the correct chart on the blackboard.)

S te p IV Writing ta s k (5 minute s)

T:We have learnt two articles about invention.I think you have known how to talk or write about an invention.If you are a magazine reporter, you want to introduce an invention.You can choose either of them to write about.Write it on your papers.

(Students:Write their compositions on the paper.Teacher goes around giving help if necessary.)

S te p V Comme nts (5 minute s)

T:Do you know how to check a composition?Let me give you some advice on it.

(Teacher shows the ways to check a composition on the screen and make two or three examples.)

S te p VI S umma ry&Home work (2 minute s) T:What have we learnt in class?

S s:...

T:Which country did Shen Nong come from?

S s:China.

T:Tea was invented by Chinese.But tea is drunk by people all over the world.What do you think of it?Don’t think that Chinese people are great and wise?

S s:Sure.

T:I think we should be proud of our motherland and our Chinese people.You can also be a great inventor.First, you should have the idea, next you should work hard and hold on to your dream, you can achieve your dream one day.








































1. What’s the main idea of the passage? Give one sentence to describe it.

2. What did Ashrita achieve recently?

3. Ashrita has been one of Sri Chinmoy’s students. Sri Chinmoy believes that _______

A. it is not so important for people to develop their bodies as it is to develop their minds.

B. there is physical limitation.

C. there is no physical limitation.

D. people just need to develop their hearts and spiritual selves.

4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Ashrita was asked by his spiritual leader to enter the marathon after doing some training.

B. Ashrita moviation to keep trying to break records comes through his devotion to his teacher.

C. Ashrita broke his first Guinness record in New York’s Central Park in 1978.

D. Before the bicycle marathon Ashrita believed that the seemed to be able to accomplish anything.

5. From the passage we can infer that ________.

A. the events Ashrita participates in are childish.

B. the events Ashrita participates in only cause laughter.

C. people show no respect to Ashrita though he has broken many Guinness records.

D. the events Ashrita participates in really require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination.


when facts

As a child Ashrita was _________ and was not at all interested in _________. However, he was _________ by the Guinness Book of World records.

As a teenager Ashrita began _________ deeper meaning in life. He studied _________ and aged 16, discovered an Indian _________ called Sri Chinmoy.

Since the early 1970s Ashrita has been one of Sri Chinmoy’s students. Sri Chinmoy says it is just as important for people to develop _________ as it is to develop their _________, _________ and _________. He believes that there is _________ to people’s physical abilities.

In 1978 Ashrita _________ in 24-hour bicycle marathon in New York’s Central Park. He came to understand that his body was just an _________ of the _________ and that he seemed to be able to use his spirit to _________.

In 1979 Ashrita broke _________ with 27,000 jumping jacks.

Over the last 25 years Ashrita has broken _________ 93 Guinness records. More than twenty of these he still _________, including the record for having_________.



1. Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records.

2. He achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents.

3-5. C B D


very unfit; sports; fascinated; searching for; Eastern religion; meditation teacher; their bodies; minds; hearts; spiritual selves; no limit; came third; instrument; spirit; accomplish anything; his first Guinness record; approximately; holds; the most records

Unit 2


1. What is the text mainly about?


2. What would seamen use to navigate without modern navigational aids then?


3. What part of nature could seamen use to help navigate?


4. How many navigational instruments are mentioned in search of longitude and latitude?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

5. What does the word “random” in “Finding latitude” stand for?

A. organized B. intentional

C. arbitrary D. planned

6. Without secure method of measuring longitude before the 17th century, the British sailors really knew________.

A. how to estimate longitude using speed and time.

B. how to measure speed involved throwing a knotted rope.

C. how to count the knots as a ship advanced through the water.

D. what to do deal with the compass to calculate longitude

7. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The bearing circle was the first instrument to measure position between the sun and the ship.

B. The quadrant was awkward to handle and used a moving ship as a fixed point of reference.

C. The astrolabe, quadrant and sextant all connected were developed into the most accurate and reliable instrument, sextant.

D. The astrolabe was a special instrument to tell the distance among the ship, the sun and stars.

8. We can infer from the passage__________.

A. Earliest seamen explored the oceans since latitude and longitude made it possible to plot a ship’s position.

B. Earliest sailors only used celestial bodies, the weather, and tides and currents to navigate.

C. The first seamen began to use navigational instruments to find longitude instead of using nature.

D. In history of sailing the oceans, man mainly used nature to sail before navigational instruments were made.

再次阅读SAILING THE OCEANS 然后完成下面表格。

Seamen explored the oceans by using _______ and navigational _______.

Using nature navigators could keep alongside the _______, use such celestial bodies as North Star to _______ their positions, as the sun overhead to _______ by, as clouds over islands to indicate land close by. Wildlife, especially _______ could tell how far or close the ship was to land and _______ could be use to show the way. Fog could help identify the _______ of a stream or river and winds direct the sailing. Certain tides and currents could be used to carry ships to the _______.

Navigational instruments helped the sailor to find ______. They used the compass to calculate longitude and find the _______ for the ship to go. The _______ was the first instrument to measure the sun’s position. The astrolabe could tell the position of the _______ in relation to the _______ and stars. The quadrant measured how high stars were above the _______ and the sextant was the updated version of the astrolabe and quadrant, measuring the _______ between two fixed objects outside the ship. It _______ to be the most accurate and reliable of the earlier _______ instruments.


1. It explains how seamen explored the ocean and what kind of navigational instruments were used at sea before the 17th century use nature and navigational instruments to sail the oceans.

2. They would use nature and navigational instruments to sail the oceans.

3. They could use celestial bodies, wildlife, the weather and the sea.

4-8: B C A C D


nature, instruments, coastline, plot, navigate, seaweed, sea birds, position, destination; longitude, direction, bearing circle, ship, sun, horizon, angle, proved, navigational

Unit 3


1. What topic.ruiwen.common to all five text?

2. What does Text 1 “Glimpses Australia” mainly tell us?

3. On Australia Day, ________.

A. people sing and dance together

B. people enjoy Australian food

C. some people from overseas were accepted as the citizens in Australia

D. people can travel all over Australia

4. If you trip from Sydney to Perth, you can see _______.

A. mountains and trees

B. mountains and plains

C. mountains, plains and wildlife

D. plains, trees and wildlife

5. The rock in Uluru is amazing because _____

A. it is very high

B. it is very large

C. it is sacred

D. I can change colour

6. How many World Heritage areas is mentioned in the five texts?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 14

再次阅读课文的五篇短文,然后完成下列表格:Something about Australia

Official name


Population ______________ million, approximately 80% live in the _________

Area _________km2,the _________ country in the world.

The number of states

Two largest cities

Famous for

Australia Day On_________, more people who come from overseas will become _________

Travel from Sydney to Perth View_________,_________ and_________

Travel from Adelaide to Darwin Observe_________, _________ and _________.

Uluru Rock It appears to _________, from _________, _________ and _________

Cradle Mountain National Park It is famous for _________, _________ and _________.

There is a _________ track and _________.



1. The five texts are about some aspect of Australia.

2. A general description of the physical features and ecology of Australia and its political organization.

3-6: C C D C


Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 20 million; the south-eastern coastal area, 7,686,850; sixth largest, Six, Melbourne and Sydney, it huge, open spaces, bright sunshine, enormous number of sheep and cattle and it unusual wildlife, 26 January; Australian, Blue Mountains; plains of Nulbarbor, a variety of wildlife, the rolling hills, the rusty reds of Australia’s center, the tropical splendour of Darwin, change colour, grey-red at sunshine, burning red at he dusk, it’s mountain peaks, lakes, ancient forests, walking, a range of short walks

Unit 4

阅读Plant exploration in the 18th and 19th centuries, 然后回答下列问题。

1. What’s the main idea of the passage?

2. Of the following plant collectors, who had ever been to China?

Robert Fortune, Father Farges, E.H.Wilson, Sir Joseph Banks, James Cook, Dr. Nathaniel Ward, Father d’Incarville

3. Who first sent seeds of the Dove Tree to Europe? And what about the seeds?

4. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The Tree of Heaven in Europe was firstly brought in from China.

B. The first plant collecting expedition recorded in history was unknown.

C. Father d’Incarville was sent to Beijing in the 1740s. And he took some Tree of Heaven seeds back to England.

D. Robert Fortune was the earliest French plant collectors to use Wardian cases.

5. What resulted in the complete change of plant exploration?

A. James Cook’s first voyage.

B. The invention of the Wardian case.

C. The Dove Tree’s growing in Europe.

D. French Catholic missionaries’ set up.

6. Who had ever been to Australia?

A. Ward. B. Banks.

C. Robert. D. Both A and B

再次阅读Plant exploration in the 18th and 19th centuries, 然后下列表格。

When Who What

1500BC Queen of Egypt sent ship away to gather plants, animals and other goods.

In the 1740s Father d’Incarville was sent to __________

______ Father d’Incarville had some seeds of Tree of Heaven sent back to England.

In 1769 __________ Collect quantities of plants in Australia which had never been found by Europeans before.

In 1784 __________was introduced in North America.

_______ __________ shipped two cases of British plants to Sydney.

In 1835 Ward made a return trip with some __________ species back to London successfully.

Between 1843 and 1859 Robert Fortune shipped __________ from Shanghai to India as well as introduced __________ of plants to Western gardens.

_______ Father Farges one of Catholic missionaries sent to China from ________, sent the seeds of __________ back to __________.

In 1899 E H Wilson of the western plant collectors to China, also collected many seeds of __________ and many other new plants to __________.



1. It’s about plant exploration in the 18th and 19th centuries and some plant collectors, who came to China and Australia to look for plants species.

2. Robert Fortune, Father Farges, E.H.Wilson, Father d’Incarville

3. Father Farges first sent 37 seeds of the Dove Tree back to France in 1897, but one of them grew.

4-6: A B D


When: In 1751, In 1833, In 1897

Who: Banks, Ward

What: Beijing, Tree of Heaven, Australian, 20,000 tea plants, over 120 species, France, the Dove Tree, France, the Dove tree, Western gardens

Unit 5


1. What’s the main idea of the text?

2. What is an advertisement and what is its function?

3. Effective advertisements are supposed to _____.

A. appeal to customers

B. identify different target groups

C. use a suitable medium

D. A, B, & C

4. The environmental protection advertisement “We only have one clear sky and this belongs to us all.” will __________.

A. attract everyone in the World

B. appeal to our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens.

C. persuade us all not to pollute the air.

D. earn much money

5. Government all over the world pay a great deal of money for ads so as to __________.

A. benefit from ads

B. promote produce sales

C. persuade people to buy goods

D. make people aware of social problems or policies and change their opinions

6. The first paragraph of the text implies that ____.

A. ads are found here and there

B. advertising works

C. we can avoid being controlled by ads

D. there are many effective advertisements


Advertisement A ________ or announcement that ________ or influences people.

Make effective ads ________ the target groups, understand their interest and try to make the product ________ their lives. ________ to varieties of customers, grab their attention and meet their ________. Choose and use a suitable medium in order to reduce the advertising expense/fee.

effective ads If people likely to be ________ to buy products or their opinions to be________ by ads, these ads should be effective.



1. The text mainly tells us about how advertising works and the way to make effective advertisements.

2. An advertisement is a message or announcement that informs or influences people. Ads can inform or educate the public; Frequent advertising helps companies to increase product sales or to promote a new product.

3-6: D B D A



Module 9 Cartoon stories

Unit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.






















Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in china which have held birthday parties for Tintin.





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