Unit2 复习案


Unit2 复习案(共6篇)

篇1:Unit2 复习案

A8 Unit2 测试


欢呼 ___________ 孤独的___________ 几个___________强壮的___________ 感觉 ___________满足___________高兴___________物主 ___________ 旅行___________募集___________独自___________夫人___________ 先生___________ 有残疾的___________ 女士___________信___________ 车轮___________破损的___________安装___________修补___________ 通告___________标志___________志愿者___________兴趣___________ 变化___________理解___________聪明的___________仁慈___________ 训练(v.)___________(n.)___________激动的___________拿___________ 门___________打开___________困难___________想象___________ 聋的___________瞎的___________


对… 有影响 _______________ 设立_______________ 残疾人_______________ 捐赠_____________修理_____________参加…选拔_____________

照顾______________ 或______________分发____________ 或_____________ 打电话给某人_______________推迟做…_______________

想出一个计划_____________ 振奋起来_____________ 打扫干净_____________ 从现在起_______________ 制定计划_______________过去曾是____________ 一家养老院_______________在…岁的时候 _______________


学习阅读_____________ 进行一次旅行_____________赚钱_______________ 同时 _______________无家可归的人 _______________

像某人_______________ 或 _______________平常的事 _______________ 给某人发出指令_______________立刻 _______________

感谢某人做了某事 _______________擅长 _______________

有空做某事 _______________ 或 _______________



1. The boy did his homework with the help of his father in the past.But now he can do it ______.A.for himselfB.on himselfC.by himselfD.with himself 2.The Internet is so closely connected with our daily life.Can you ______ a life without it? A.understandB.imagineC.considerD.expect 3.Finish your homework fist, then you will ______ watch TV for an hour.A.canB.be able toC.ableD.could 4.—I’d like to help kids with their homework.—You ______ volunteer in an ______ study program.A.could;after–schoolB.could;after schoolC.must;after schoolD.must;after--school 5.After practicing for ______ months, I can swim much faster now.A.severalB.muchC.fewD.little 6.---Thank you so much for looking after my dog when I’m on holiday.---______.A.No wayB.Take it easyC.It’s my pleasureD.Glad to hear that

7.Even though he was disabled, he can do many things______ swimming, writing and reading.A.likelyB.for exampleC.that isD.like 8.She ______ by finding me a specially trained dog, which actually ______.A.helped me up;cheered me upB.helped me out;cheered me upC.helped me up;cheered me outD.helped me out;cheered me out 9.Our maths teacher will give us only 5 minutes ______ this problem.A.find outB.work outC.to give outD.to work out 10.The heavy snow didn’t ______ the international airline(国际航班).It took off on time.A.pay attention toB.add toC.make a difference toD.keep to 11.I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV.Would you please ______? A.turn it upB.turn it downC.turn it onD.turn it off12.—Have you ______ Zhang Lili? —Yes, she is the most beautiful woman teacher in China.A.heard ofB.heard fromC.heard outD.heard in 13.Would you please ______ my baby brother while I’m cooking?A.take out ofB.take care ofC.take part inD.take away from 14.Anyone who sings well can ______ the activity in our school.A.take part inB.take offC.take outD.take care 15.The boss often makes the workers ______ nine hours a day.A.workB.to workC.workingD.worked 16.I volunteer ______ others.A.helpB.to helpC.helpingD.helped 17.Jimmy has sixteen broken bikes to ______ and give away to kids who don’t have bikes.A.fix upB.set upC.put upD.look up 18.His grandparents live ______ in a small house, but they don’t feel ______.A.lonely;aloneB.alone;lonelyC.lonely;lonelyD.alone;alone 19.Try to sing more English songs, and you will find it interesting _____ a foreign language.A.learningB.learnsC.to learnD.learned 20.It’s rather hot in the room.You’d better ______ the windows or the door.A.closeB.not to closeC.don’t closeD.not closeⅡ.补全对话:

A: Hi, Marry.I hear about you are a volunteer.B: 1.________________________________________________________.A: Well.2.___________________________________________________? B: Oh, we often help to clean up the parks and visit the sick children in hospitals.3.__________________________________________________________? A: Yes, I’d like to be a volunteer.4.______________________________________? B: You could take part in our organization.A: 5.______________________________________________________________? B: I’m good at reading books and newspapers.A: Then you can read them for the old people.Ⅲ.作文:

在和谐社会里,人与人之间的互帮互助已构成我们生活中的重要组成部分。下周英国友好学校将来你校访问,你校英语俱乐部将举行一次以“Helping Each Other Makes the World Wonderful”为主题的英语演讲比赛。假如李智要参加演讲比赛,请你以李智的名义用英语写一篇演讲稿。内容要点提示:

1.帮助同学—友谊; 2.帮助老人—幸福; 3.帮助病人—快乐; 4.帮助别人体会… 要求:80词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。

Helping Each Other Makes the World WonderfulHello, everyone.I’m Li Zhi.It’s nice to speak about help here.…例文:

… In our life we often help others and also get help from others.When we help our classmates with their study and other things, we can develop our friendship.If we give a hand to old people, we can understand the meaning of pleasure.I think we can get much when we help the people around us.As the saying goes, “Giving is much better than receiving.”Thank you for your listening.A8 Unit2 复习案


对… 有影响 make a difference to设立 set up残疾人 disabled people 捐赠 give away修理 fix up参加…选拔 try out照顾 care for/ look after 打电话给某人 call up sb.分发 hand out/ give out推迟做… put off doing 想出一个计划 come up with a plan振奋起来 cheer up打扫干净 clean up 从现在起 from now制定计划 make plans过去曾是 used to be

一家养老院 an old people’s home在…岁的时候 at the age of …

一种强烈的满足感 a strong feeling of satisfaction 决定做某事 decide to do sth.学习阅读 learn to read进行一次旅行 go on a journey赚钱 make money 同时 at the same time无家可归的人 homeless people

像某人 take after sb./ be similar to sb.平常的事 normal things

给某人发出指令 give sb.orders立刻 at once

感谢某人做了某事 thank sb.for doing sth.擅长 be strong in

有空做某事 be free to do sth./ have time to do sth.二、知识点:

1.volunteer 做n.“志愿者”复数:volunteers

做 v.“志愿做”volunteer to do sth.2.在…方面给某人提供帮助help sb.with sth./ help sb.out with sth.3.lonely(adj.)“孤独孤单的”She feels lonely./ a lonely girl

alone(adv.)“独自一人地”walk alone/ sing alone

4.look做v.“看”look at the blackboard

做 n.“表情” the look of joy

5.a good way to do sth.“一种做某事的好方法”

如: Helping people is a good way to spend our free time.6.make it possible for sb.to do sth.“使做某事对某人来讲成为可能”如:You make it possible for me to have a dog.7.like做v.“喜欢”like to do/ like doing

做介词 “像、例如”后接 n./ doing/ 代词宾格/ 介词短语

如: He is just like my father.Normal things like answering the phone, opening and closing doors…like him/ herlike on the sand


如: a trained doga broken housefallen trees

9.be excited about sth.“对… 感到兴奋”

10.find it + adj.+ to do sth.“发现做某事…”

如: I find it exciting to go skating.

篇2:Unit2 复习案

1.v./n.挣扎struggle2.n.十年,十年期decade3.n 产量,输出,output

4.adj 引起烦恼的disturbingv 打扰,麻烦disturb5.vt.扩大, 扩展,张开, expand


8.vt 摆脱,除去rid9.v.配备,装备equipn.设备equipment

10.v.输出exportv.输入,进口import11.n 国籍nationality


14.v.使迷惑confuse adj.感到迷惑的confused adj.令人迷惑的confusingv./n.后悔,遗憾regret 过去式regretted过去分词regrettedadj.后悔的,遗憾的regretful

16.n生产,制造productionv 生产,制造produce17.n./v.评论,议论comment

18.n 发现,发觉discoveryv 发现discover19.v.减少,缩减reduce


1.如果是这样/不是这样 if so / if not2.为…而斗争struggle for3.为反对…而斗争 struggle against4.挣扎着站起来渴望得到 struggle to one’s feet

5.对…感到满意 be satisfied/pleased/content with6.令某人满意的是 to one’s satisfaction

7.后悔做过某事 regret doing8.遗憾的做… regret to do9.令某人感到遗憾的是

to one’s regret10.逐渐增强,建立,开发 build up11.集中(注意力,精力)于…focus on

12.通向,导致 lead to13.引导某人做某事 lead sb to do14.对…加以评价 make a comment/comments about/on15.摆脱 rid…of,get rid of16.: 宁愿做…而不愿… would rather do…than do17.多亏thanks to18.关心, 担心 be concerned about/for19.与…有关be concerned with20.免除 …的;不受…约束的;free from无贼的城市a city free from thieves无风的一天 a day free from wind你没有过错。You are free from blame.这个房子没有苍蝇。This house is free from flies.三 1.C / got confused / confusing speech2A / D3.intend to do/ you to come to Beijing with me / was intended to test the theory /is intended for children4.get rid of headache/ rid of fever5.Thanks to Mr Jackson / Thanks to the strict training6.A/ A7.equip;for /equipped with/ equipped for/ equip you for8.has finished/ has been 3 years / has been to Beijing /didn’t come late/ has helped

四 1.D2.DC3.B4.BBC


to leaveto getto be builtto be carried

篇3:Unit2 复习案

随着新课改的深入, 高中英语教师对各种类型的新课讲授进行了积极的探索, 不断推陈出新;然而对于常规复习课的教法研究和学法指导则没有引起教师们足够的关注。单元复习课不仅能帮助学生建构知识网络, 提高学习兴趣, 还能培养学生灵活运用所学知识的能力。由于高中英语教学长期存在课时紧、教学任务重的情况, 在一个模块或单元结束时, 大多数教师不安排单元复习课, 或仅以简单的习题评讲课代替复习课。这样做的结果是:教学的针对性不强, 重点知识不能全面地复现和巩固。常常可以见到在复习课上教师“一言堂”讲的口沫横飞, 而学生听得昏昏欲睡。这样的课堂对于教师来说伤身、伤心, 对于学生来说兴致索然、效率低下。如何才能实现复习课“梳理教材脉络、构建知识体系、发展理性思维、提高综合能力”的作用呢?


英国学者东尼·伯赞 (Tony Buzan) 是著名的大脑潜能和学习方法研究专家, 他从生物学、心理学、教育学等多学科角度对人的大脑机能、思维模式进行了实验和研究, 得出“大脑进行思考的语言是图形和联想”的重要结论, 并以此为依据经过多年的研究和实践, 于20世纪七十年代首创了“思维导图 (Mind map) ”这一行之有效的思维工具。

思维导图是人类放射性思维的可视化表达。它运用图文并重的技巧, 将注意的焦点清晰地集中在中央图形上;各分支从中央图形向四周放射, 每一条放射线都是息息相关的分支。这种放射性思维的表达把各级主题的关系用相互隶属与相关的层级图表现出来, 同时它利用色彩、图画、代码和多维度等图文并茂的形式来增强记忆效果, 使人们关注的焦点清晰地直接地集中在中央图形上。思维导图被广泛地应用于学习、工作、生活的各个方面, 极大地提高工作效率, 增强思考的有效性和准确性以及工作学习的乐趣。

实践表明思维导图可以准确展示教学内容的知识结构, 化复杂为简单, 化抽象为直观, 帮助学生把握重点、理解知识的逻辑关系, 将学生的注意力引导到教学的重点和难点上来, 引导学生把知识“串珠成线、结线成网、套环成链”时, 突出知识的逻辑关系, 使学生的知识条理化和系统化, 并启发学生积极思考。


人教版新课标必修一Unit 2 English around the world的中心话题是“世界上的英语”, 通过对这一话题的探讨加强学生对英语语言的了解。本单元涉及的要点有:1.了解英语的演化史;2.对英国英语和美国英语的差异有所了解, 尤其是一些常用词;3.掌握间接引语中命令与请求的表达法等。在完成一个单元的学习后, 笔者尝试运用思维导图, 帮助学生梳理单元知识。

1.英国英语与美国英语差异的思维导图。该图以英国英语 (Br E) 与美国英语 (Am E) 的对比为中心要素, 发散出四个大的分支:Vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation and usage, 每组分支又选取课文中出现的, 或比较常用的英国英语与美国英语的差异词或用法为例子。通过让学生读图并填空的形式, 帮助学生梳理并掌握该部分知识。

2.了解英语的演化史的思维导图。本单元阅读部分的文章标题是“通向现代英语之路”, 简要地说明了英语语言的起源、发展变化、变化原因, 以及它的发展趋势。了解文章大意, 即了解了英语的演化史。经过阅读部分的学习, 教师要求学生们将课文内容转化为思维导图。其中一位学生将一条路作为导图的中心, 与文章标题吻合, 在路的延伸过程中, 涵盖了文章中出现的英语发展史中的重大时间和事件, 使文章内容可视化, 非常有形象生动。

3.单元知识图谱。经过一个单元的学习, 一些重要的知识点散落在warming-up, reading, using language等各个版块。如何将这些零散的知识串联起来, 使学生们更好地掌握呢?教师可以将单元知识分为words, expressions, sentences, grammar四个分支, 要求学生们绘制单元知识导图, 首先学生个体独立制作, 然后在小组内讨论、对比, 查缺补漏。在绘图过程中, 学生们必须将单元知识从头浏览一遍, 并甄别出重要关键词, 这本身就是一轮高效地复习。同时经过小组思维碰撞, 使导图内容更加完善。制作好的思维导图不仅在单元复习中, 甚至在今后的月考、期末、高考复习中, 都可以发挥巨大的作用。


单元复习课是一种非常重要的课型, 是对整个单元所学知识的回顾、概括、总结、提升, 是夯实基础、提高能力、跨越式提高教学效益的重要一环。通过将思维导图理论运用到英语单元复习课当中, 可以突破传统的教学形式, 让学生在动手绘图的过程中将重点知识“一图打尽”, 并在小组合作中进一步完善思维导图, 形成知识体系的构建, 从而最终提高英语复习课的质量。


[1]马智慧, 刘欢.高中英语单元复习课模块教学的尝试[J].中小学外语教学 (中学篇) , 2011.03.

[2]东尼·博赞.思维导图大脑使用说明书[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2005.















[碳单质\&物理性质 [ ] 用途\&不同碳单质物理性质不同的原因\&金刚石\&无色透明正八面体形状的固体\&\&\&\&划玻璃,切割大理石\&有璀璨夺目的光泽\&\&石墨\&深灰色不透明有金属光泽细鳞片状的固体\&\&软\&\&\&电极\&有润滑性\&\&活性炭\&\&用于防毒面具和制糖工业脱色\&木炭\&\&吸附食品和工业产品中的色素和异味\&]


[物质\&化学性质(化学方程式) [ ] 用途\&C\&常温下,稳定性\&\&可燃性:C+O2—






















1.为确保“水立方”的水质达到国际泳联最新卫生标准,泳池的水将采用“砂滤—臭氧—活性炭”净水工艺,其中活性炭净水是利用它的???? 性。

2.古代用墨书写或绘制的字画虽年久仍不变色,原因是墨的主要成分碳具有???? 性。木炭还原氧化铜的实验,大试管中的反应体现了碳的还原性,其反应的化学方程式是???? ,单质碳的还原性可以用于???? 。

3.干冰是固态的二氧化碳,在常温下易升华,下图是干冰升华时的情景,根据图中信息,从“物质性质 [决定反映]物质用途”这一角度分析干冰具有的性质和用途。

(1)干冰升华时???? (填“吸收”或“放出”)大量热,因此可作致冷剂或用于人工降雨。

(2)干冰转化成二氧化碳气体后能参与绿色植物的光合作用,故在大棚蔬菜种植中作???? 。

(3)??? ???? ???? 。

4.轻轨电车是近年来新兴的城市高架交通工具,具有污染小的优点。当轻轨电车开动时,轻轨电车上裸露的电刷沿架空电线滑动。电刷材料中含有石墨。选择石墨作电刷材料是因为其具有下列性质:(1)???? 。(2)???? 。(3)???? 。


责任编辑 林云志

篇5:Unit2 复习案


1.(2013·河北质量检测)—I’ve got the job I’ve been looking forward to.—________!

A.Wish you success

C.Sounds great

B.Good luck D.Congratulations 2.The washing machine which I had just bought________,so I called the repairman to see if he could put it right.A.broke down

C.set down

B.broke up D.set up 3.He didn’t go back home until I promised to keep him________of how we were getting along with the project.A.informing


B.to be informed D.informed 4.The church,________was built in the 1890s,is in terrible condition and needs to be repaired.A.where


B.which D.what 5.It is greatly to her________that Zhang Lili saved two students at the risk of losing her life.A.honour


B.credit D.relief 6.People usually have what they hunt for at Taobao.com________by the express company.A.delivering

C.to deliver

7.—Where are you living? —Just nearby.Come and see me whenever________.A.it is convenient

C.you have convenience

B.you are convenient D.there is convenience B.delivered D.deliver 8.You should________the facts related to this problem,which can make others know you are innocent.A.clarify


B.judge D.express 9.My parents check our package carefully to make sure we don’t________anything

we will need on the trip.A.leave off

C.leave about

B.leave out D.leave for 10.If what you say is not________with what you do,it will have a bad effect on your children.A.controversial


B.consistent D.considerate 11.—Do you know when________accident happened? —I was not there,so I don’t know the exact date.But it must be________Sunday because I was off duty only on Sundays.A.the;a


B.a;a D.the;/ 12.Compared with that of last year,the price of housing in my county has increased by________10% so far.A.secretly


B.roughly D.deeply 13.—How was your journey to the countryside? —It was great.The scenery was beautiful beyond________.A.institution


B.administration D.description 14.(2013·天津十二区县联考)I have to reschedule the appointment with you since there is a________in my arrangement.A.contract


B.contrast D.conflict 15.There are more than two million farmers,________two thirds of the total population of the province.A.made up of

C.consisted of



(2013·苏北四市三调)Most people watching Jeremy Lin these past two months saw Jeremy Lin,New York Knicks star;but I,watching him,saw someone else.That was my elder brother,Bob,who is athletic and energetic.He could never sit still when he was in second grade;he had to get up every now and then and run around the room.And sure enough,he grew

B.making up D.consisting of

up to be a starting player for an NCAA championship lacrosse(长曲棍球)team.He was a Nike­endorsed marathoner,too,and reached the top of Mt.Everest,unguided,in his 50s.And yet my family never watched his lacrosse games.We did watch some of his marathons,but that wasn’t until he was in his 20s.When Bob was in his glory days,our Shanghainese­born parents were bent on getting him into medical school.There was a loving aspect to it:I can remember my father working through math books with him,lesson by lesson,at the big blackboard in the attic.Bob never did become a doctor,though;and neither did I.It wasn’t until my younger sister came along that someone in the family finally wore a white coat.Bob today could be the fittest 58­year­old on the planet.His doctor estimates his biological age at 35;he’s still big mountains in the Himalayas.And,like Jeremy Lin,he’s charming.No one sees Bob without leaving with a laugh.He sometimes jokes he could be mayor of his building,and it’s true.To know him is to cheer for him.And yet my parents did not cheer for him.What if my mother had sat on the sidelines with her statistics,like Jeremy Lin’s mother?What if my father had played videos of athletes for my brother to watch and imitate?It’s hard not to wonder.And how did Jeremy Lin’s parents manage to do these remarkable things?Amy Chua,the tiger mother,recalls her immigrant father beating the kids whenever they mispronounced a Chinese word.How is it that Jeremy Lin’s immigrant father in particular,Gie­Ming Lin,encouraged his son to follow such an untraditional path? 1.Bob’s glory days were those________.A.when he was doing well in math B.when he was in second grade C.when he was made mayor of his building D.when he showed his talents in sports 2.From the passage we can tell that Bob is________.A.active and optimistic B.clever and determined C.brave and helpful D.considerate and independent 3.Which of the following statements is probably TRUE? A.Bob was always ignored by his parents.B.Bob could also have been a sport star.C.Bob’s parents often watched his games.D.Nobody in the author’s family was a doctor.4.From the last two paragraphs we can infer that________.A.parents should always study together with their children B.parents should know how to educate their children properly C.children should be punished when they do anything wrong D.children should try to live up to the hopes of their parents


(2013·南京第一次模拟)It is a plain fact that we are in a world where competition is going on in all areas and at all levels.This is exciting.Yet,on the other hand,competition breezes a pragmatic(讲究实际的)attitude.People choose to learn things that are useful,and do things that are profitable.Today’s college education is also affected by this general sense of utilitarianism(功利主义).

Many college students choose Business,Law not Computer Programming as their majors convinced that these professions are where the big money is.It is not unusual to see the college students taking a part­time job as a warm­up for the real battle.I often see my friends taking GRE tests,working on English or computer certificates and taking the driving tests to get a license.Well,I have nothing against being practical.As the competition in the job market gets more and more severe,students do have reasons to be practical.However,we should never forget that college education is much more than skill training.Just imagine,if your utilitarianism becomes the main trend on campus,leaving no space for the cultivation(培养)of students’ minds,or development of their soul.We will see university is training out well­trained spiritless working machines.If utilitarianism controls society,we will see people lost in the money­making adventures;we will see humanity losing their grace and dignity,and that would be disastrous.I’d like to think society as encouraging and people regard profit or fame only as a horse that pulls the courage.Yet without the driver picking direction,the courage would go straight and may even end out in a dangerous situation.A certificate may give you some advantages,but not broad horizons,positive attitudes and personal integrity(诚实正直),which are the wealth you cannot acquire through any quick fixed way.Although in today’s world,the highest level of competition may not be that of skills or expertise(专门技能),but vision and strategy,your intellectual quality largely determines how far you can go in your

career.5.The author’s attitude toward today’s college education is________.A.positive


B.cautious D.doubtful 6.Many college students choose to major in Business because________.A.a businessman is very likely to make big money B.studying business is less competitive C.too many students have chosen Computer Programming D.Computer Programming is not a must for them 7.The author does strongly suggest that________.A.more competition be encouraged on college campus B.people not ignore the value of broad horizons,positive attitudes and personal integrity C.intellectual quality determine how far one can go in his career D.college students get as many part­time jobs as possible 8.In the author’s opinion,________.A.college students are not pragmatic enough B.college students should have drivers pick direction for them C.college education should provide students with more business courses D.college education should value the cultivation of students’minds




1.解析: 考查交际用语。句意为:——我得到了我一直想要的那份工作。——祝贺你。根据句意可知,应选D,表示祝贺。Wish you success祝你成功;Good luck祝你好运;Sounds great听起来很好,一般用来表示对某个主意、想法的赞同。

答案: D 2.解析: 句意为:我刚买的洗衣机坏了,因此我请修理工检查一下,看看他能否修好它。break down(机器等)出故障;break up分解;set down记下;set up建立。

答案: A 3.解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意为:直到我答应让他知道我们的工作进展情况他才回家。him与inform构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词。

答案: D

4.解析: 考查定语从句。先行词the church在后面的定语从句中作主语,又是非限制性定语从句,故用which引导定语从句。

答案: B 5.解析: 句意为:张丽莉冒着失去自己生命的危险救了两名学生是非常值得赞扬的。to one’s credit值得赞扬。

答案: B 6.解析:


答案: B 7.解析: 句意为:——你在哪里?——就在附近。方便时来看我吧。it is convenient for sb.to do something某人方便做某事,符合句意。

答案: A 8.解析: 考查动词辨析。语意为:你应当澄清与此问题有关的事实,让别人知道你是无辜的。clarify澄清;judge判断;explain解释;express表达。

答案: A 9.解析: 考查短语动词辨析。“父母仔细检查包裹”的目的是为了“不要遗漏(leave out)任何东西”。leave off停止,中断;leave about乱放;leave for动身去„„。

答案: B 10.解析: 考查形容词辨析。be consistent with与„„一致。句意为:如果你言行不一的话,这将对你的孩子产生不好的影响。controversial争论的,争议的;confident自信的,确信的;considerate考虑周到的。

答案: B 11.解析: 考查冠词。根据句意可知此处accident是指双方都知道的事,故其前应用定冠词;而Sunday此处是指某一个星期天,其前应用不定冠词。

答案: A 12.解析: 考查副词辨析。句意为:与去年的房价相比,到目前为止,我们县今年的房价上涨了大约10%。secretly秘密地;roughly粗略地;originally最初地,原始地;deeply深深地。

答案: B 13.解析: 考查名词辨析。答语意为:风景美丽得难以形容。institution制度;administration实施,行政;collection收藏品;description描述。

答案: D 14.解析: 句意为:我得重新安排跟你约会的时间,因为我的安排中有冲突。conflict冲突,矛盾;contract合同;contrast对比;connection联系。

答案: D

15.解析: 句意为:有二百多万农民,占这个省份总人口数的三分之二。空格处表示“组成;构成”之意,与farmers为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用现在分词making up。A、D两项意思为“由„„组成”,不符合句意。

答案: B Ⅱ.阅读理解

语篇解读: 林书豪的成功,使人们开始反思什么是最合适的教育方式。家长是应该把自己的意愿强加给孩子还是发挥孩子的特长呢?

1.解析: 推理判断题。根据文章一、二两段内容可知,鲍勃20多岁时在体育方面的表现很优秀,由此可推知,鲍勃最辉煌的时期应是他在体育运动中展现他的特长时。

答案: D 2.解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段的第三、四、五句内容可知,鲍勃积极、乐观,故A项当选。

答案: A 3.解析: 正误判断题。根据文章第一段内容可知,鲍勃曾经在体育方面的表现非常优秀,多次获奖,若能坚持下去,他也许会成为一名体育明星,故B项正确。

答案: B 4.解析: 推理判断题。在文章最后两段中,作者用反问句暗示出家长应该给孩子正确的教育,而不是强迫他们做这做那。

答案: B 语篇解读: 本文作者用批判的语调告诉我们,现在的大学教育是一种功利主义的教育。这样的教育对学生的成长弊大于利,针对这种情况,作者对大学教育提出了一些建议。

5.解析: 作者态度题。通读全文尤其是文章第一段可知,作者认为现在的大学教育追求的是功利主义,由此可推知作者对其持批评的态度,故选C项。

答案: C 6.解析: 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的第一句“Many college students choose Business,Law not Computer Programming as their majors convinced that these professions are where the big money is.”可知A项正确。

答案: A 7.解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句可知B项正确。答案: B 8.解析: 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段前两句的内容可知,在作者看来,大学教育应该重视培养学生的思想,故D项符合题意。

篇6:Unit2 复习案


there lived an old man on the hill.in front of the house stands a boy.in front of the house.(他正站在房子前面 2.l8.open the floor = be free to speak 自由发言

floor n.发言权 have / get the floor 有/ 获得发言权 take the floor 发言 at last he took the floor.4.l12 amount = quantity the amount of the desks 1000.(are , is in large / small amounts the river the east sea.the river paris.他除了英语之外,还会说法语。

add vt.vi.加、补充说 add to add … to add up add up to some salt the soup.these figures fifty.all the money i give you.7.l16.large numbers of / a large number of /a number of / the number of + n(pl 8.l20 population n.人口、人口数 那个国家的人口有多少? 这城市有25万人口。

纽约是一个有一千多万人口的大城市。9.l21 倍数表示法

⑴a is … times as + adj + as b⑵ a is … times +adj 的比较级 than b.这个房间是那个房间的3倍大。(用3种译法 ⑷a is … times +名词性从句 this room is(过去的3倍大

smoking(减少吸烟的量 you have to spending.(削减开支 ③to make the dish, you should first the vegetables.11.l22 my suggestion is … l42 mr lin suggested …



12.l33responsibility n(u.责任、职责 take the ~for sth / doing 对…负责a sense of ~ responsible adj.有责任的、应负责任的

be ~ for sb./ sth./ doing 你应该为你儿子负责。他负责喂鸡。

13.l36 side by side 肩并肩、并排

类似短语:shoulder to shoulder hand in land 手拉手、联合

14.p25run out vi.用完、耗尽 vt.使…跑得筋疲力尽 run out of vt.用完、耗尽 我的钱已用完 my money.i.与run 相关的短语 in the long run / term =.16.p29arrest vt.n.逮捕~sb.for sth./ doing 他因超速而被捕

under ~ adj.adv.被捕you are under ~ stand to me.listen to me.look!the plane is flying in the sky.18.p35equipment n(u 装备

equip vt.装备、配备 equipped equipping 我们教室里配有一台新电脑。类似短语:

my bike is under repair.rapid adj.迅速的、飞快的常指急流、旋涡等,也可指有意的高速度。fast 指动作本身迅速。

they took a plane last time.let’s have a meal.she is very in reading.the boy is to learn.this term he made progress in english.there is a river near the village.22.p38 rely on = depend on 依赖、信赖、依靠、指望

rely on sb to do / sb’s doing 指望某人干某事、想信某人会做某事 rely on it that…相信、指望、放心 don’t rely on my seeing you off.see(to it that 务必使 depend on it that 指望 23.p38remain ①vi.物品剩下、人留下、常指灾害之后物品剩下、其他人走了,某人留下 树上还剩几朵花。

nothing /little remained of the house after the fire.所有人都回家了,但他留了下来。②link v.保持、仍是


remain seated the book remains unfinished.③留待、尚待~to be done 几个问题有待于解决。那个问题有待于讨论。‘

it remains to be seen.那有待于证实。

④表示“留在某地”时remain 和stay 同义。如remain/ stay there(呆在那里,但只能说stay at home 另外remain 既可指人逗留在一定场所,也可指物逗留在一定场所或保

持原来的状态,stay 只表示人逗留在一定场所。

remaining adj.剩下的 the remaining 20 yuan.=the 20 yuan left.remains ①剩余物、剩饭菜;②残骸、遗体、遗骸、遗稿

~sth./doing ~与thank 区别~表感激时宾语不能是人 thank 接人作宾语 i ~ your help.= 如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。

含有否定意义的副词,如nor, not , neither, seldom, little, hardly, never 等放句首时,句子要部

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