




Unit 1(1)Greeting and Introducing People

Teaching purposes:

1.The students should be able to understand greeting and introducing people and make a short conversation to greet and introduce other people.2.The students should be able to communicate personal information.3.The students should be able to master some words and expressions in greeting and introducing people.(Key words and expressions: welcome, present a project report, business card, on business, care for, introduce)Teaching procedures: I.Talking face to face II.Being all ears III.Assignment I.Talking Face to Face Step 1 Lead-in: business cards.1.Warm-up questions:

1)When are business cards exchanged between people? 2)What are usually written on business cards? 3)When do people use passports?

2.Students read and translate the business cards under the guidance of the teacher.Sample1:

International Exchange Section Binhai Foreign Languages School

Prof.Lu Yang


Address:5 Binhai Road, Binhai City, 116000 Tel & Fax: 0411-4673289

E-mail: FLI603@pub.bl.lnpta.net.cn Sample2:

Binhai Electronics Ltd.Li Tiegang

Electronics Engineer Address: No.50Chang-Jiang, Binhai E-mail: ltg6@pub.bl.lnpta.net.cn Tel: 0411-4673289 Handphone: *** Step 2 Sample dialogue: 1.Warm-up questions:

1)How much do you know about the way Americans greet people and give responses? 2)How much do you know about the way Americans exchange their personal information? 3)How much do you know about the the Americans say good-bye to each others? 4)How much do you know about the the Americans introduce themselves to each other? Students speak out the sentences and expressions under the guidance of the teacher.2.Students read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentences and expressions for greeting people in the dialogue.Practice the following sentences:

1)Ladies and gentlemen, now let me introduce to you the renowned football star David Beckham.2)Businessmen often exchange business cards to each other when they meet for the first time.3)Would you care for a cup of coffee with me?

4)Our American English teacher told us to call her by her first name instead of her family name.Step 3 Students practice the dialogues in groups.1.Give students several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues.(P 3 in students’ book)

2.Students role-play the similar situations they create, first in groups, and then in front of the class.e.g.Please make a dialogue according to requirements.Task: Imagine you are Zhang and you meet Mr.Smith, an English teacher from the USA at the airport for the first time.The following dialogue is provided for your reference.Zhang: Hello, are you Prof.Smith from the United States?

Mr.Smith: Yes, Robert Smith.Please call me Robert.Thanks for coming to meet me at the airport.Zhang: My pleasure.Welcome to China.My name is Zhang Lin.You can call me Zhang.Here is my card.Mr.Smith: Thank you.Here is mine.And this is my wife.Zhang: How do you do, Mrs.Smith?

Mrs.Smith: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.Please call me Mary.Zhang: How was the journey, Mary?

Mrs.Smith: Well, it was Ok, although a little tiring.Zhang: Then let’s get your luggage and go to the hotel now.Mr.Smith: Oh, thank you.It’s very kind of you.3.Students do Put-in-Use exercises in groups by reading out lout all the three dialogues they have completed.II.Being All Ears Dialogue 1:

Teaching Procedure(It aims to train the students with proper listening strategies.)

Pre-listening: provide the students with the new words and expressions;read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as to the content of the dialogue.While-listening: ask the students to listen to the dialogue for the first time and ask them just to understand the main idea of the dialogue not to finish the exercises;listen to the dialogue again and ask them to finish exercise 1;ask the students to repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence after the tape while the teacher will press the button “pause” on the tape recorder;listen to the dialogue as a whole for the last time.Post-listening: ask the students to finish exercises, i.e.answering questions.This step aims to change listening to speaking.Notes: The following dialogue and the passage listening can be done in a more or less similar procedure.III.Assignments

1)Pair work: Prepare conversations about introducing oneself to other members of the groups.2)Do all the exercises in the section.Unit1(2)The Way Americans Greet Teaching purposes: 1.Understand the two passages as a whole;

2.Learn to use the strategy of scanning to locate specific information in a passage(reading skills development).3.Master some useful expressions in Passage I(Key words and expressions: greet, speaking of , leave a …impression on, prefer…to…, get/become acquainted with)Teaching procedures: I.Passage I II.Assignment

I.Passage I: The Way Americans Greet Step 1 Warm-up questions:

1.What is the common way for Chinese people to greet others?

(In greeting people, they usually ask personal questions to show intimacy, such as: “Have you had your lunch/dinner? / Where are you going? / What did you do last night?)2.How do Americans greet each other?

(They use greeting clichés like “Hi/Hello/Good morning!/How are you?/How do you do?/ Nice to meet you!/ How is everything going on? Step 2 Students read the passage

1.Comprehension Questions(The students will be asked some compression questions after they have skimmed the passage to help them develop reading strategies.)①.What does an informal greeting really mean to Americans? ②.Why don’t most Americans like using titles in introductions?

③.What do your American friends want to show when they address you with your first name? ④.Why do Americans ask you some personal questions?

Or: The teacher asks one question for each paragraph and the students read the passage paragraph and give their answers to the teacher’s questions:(参考教参P27和ppt.)

In this step, some related information will be provided for the students.)Formation of Common English Names

A common English name is usually composed of two or three parts: the first name is also called forename.If the person is a Christian, his first name will be given at his baptism, so it is also called the given name or the Christian name.Middle name is the second given name.When written, middle name is often shortened to the initial letter.Surname is often the father’s family name, so it is also called family name or last name.For example: Anne Louise Strong, George W.Bush.Step 3 Students summarize the informal ways American use for greeting and bidding farewell in Passage 1.(参考教参Page 27 and ppt.)

Step 4 Students read Paragraph 2 loudly and then complete the following sentences without looking at the passage.(参考ppt.)

Step 5 Students do dictation practice of Paragraph 3.Step 6 Explain the passage in detail 1)Difficult sentences:

①(Title)The Way American Greet

Analysis: In this title, “in which” is omitted after The Way.“in… way” means(to do something)by means of a certain method.Translation: 美国人的致意方式

Example: I think the way she studies is worth studying.②(Para.1)Speaking of „ time, I’ve got to run.Analysis: “Speaking of” is a present participle clause used as an adverbial of cause/time.It means “when it comes to time, I’m reminded of …” Translation: 说到时间,我得赶紧跑了。

Example: a.Speaking of English, I’ve go to a class.谈到英语,我得上课去了。

b.Speaking of business cards, I’ve got to print some more now.谈到名片,我现在得再印一些。

③(Para 2)However, American introductions are usually rather simple.Analysis: However is a conjunct to denote a contrast of this sentence to the previous one.It means “然而,可是” in Chinese.Translation: 然而美国式的介绍通常相当简单。

Example: a.In China, family relationships are usually rather close.在中国,家庭关系通常都很紧密。

b.In my hometown, companies are usually rather small.在我家乡,公司通常都很小。

④(Para 2)“Glad to meet you.I’m Miller.But call me Paul.” Analysis: Miller is the family name and Paul is the given name.Addressing others by their given name usually implies a sort of informal and friendly relationship.Translation: 比起正式称呼,大部分情形下他们更喜欢直呼其名。

Example: a.These boys prefer football to basketball.比起蓝球来,这些男孩子们更喜欢足球。

b.I prefer Chinese food to Western food.比起西餐来,我更喜欢中国食品。

⑤(Para 3)But Americans do sometimes ask such questions.Analysis: Do is used here to emphasize the following verb.It means “的的确确,真的”

Translation: 但是美国人有时确实会问此类问题。

Example: I do appreciate your help.⑥(Para 3)In this way they can get better acquainted with you and have a topic for beginning a friendly conversation with you.Analysis: And is used here to introduce a coordinate clause, which further develops the topic being discussed.Translation: 他们想要得到你对这些询问的回答,这样就能更多地了解你,并以此为开端与你友好地侃上一场。

Example: In this way you can improve your spoken English and do(2)Useful Words and Expressions

①.Greet: v.say words of welcome to, express one’s feelings on receiving sb.Example: It is important for the students to learn how to greet people in English.Practice: a.我们经常用微笑表达喜悦。

We often express our happiness with a smile.b.她说话经常带浓重的乡音。

She often speaks with a strong local accent.②.Similarly: 同样

Example: Similarly, there are also many proverbs in Chinese.Practice: a.同样,格林教授也无法忍耐惰性。

Similarly, Professor Green couldn’t bear laziness.b.同样,他们也不愿意依赖他人。

Similarly, they don’t want to depend upon others.③.To sb.:对某人来说

Example: To the parents, a healthy child is the most essential thing.Practice: a.对一个商人来说,利润是最重要的事。

To a businessman, profit is the most important thing.b.对我来说,一个幸福的家庭是最有价值的东西。

To me, a happy family is the most valuable thing.④.leave an impression on/upon sb.给某人留下印象

leave a deep/good/nice impression on/upon sb.Example: 一个友好的问候会使谈话有一个良好的开端。

A friendly greeting will make a good beginning for a talk.Practice: 一个幽默的句子会给一堂课增添一股活力(lively touch)。

A humorous sentence will give a lively touch to the lesson.⑤.such: 如此的,这样的

Example: Such a life may be too hard to the little girl.Practice: a.这样的结局对我来说是太匆忙了。

Such an ending maybe too hasty to me.b.这样一种天气对游客来说是太热了。

Such weather maybe too hot to the tourists.⑥.acquaint: v.make familiar with, get to know, reveal to sb.结识,认识

Example: You should try to acquaint him with the facts of the case.Practice: a.I have become acquainted with my new duties.b.The overseas students have make themselves acquainted with their Chinese peers.⑦.prefer: v.like better, would rather do 更喜欢,宁愿

Example: I prefer to have the meeting in the morning rather than in the afternoon.Practice: Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? II.Assignments

1.Students tell the way the Americans greet.2.Recite the first paragraph of Passage I.3.Finish all the exercises in this section.Unit1(3)A Little about Me Teaching purposes: 1.Writing a business card.2.Master the basic sentence structures.3.Learn to use the strategy of scanning to locate specific information in passage II.Teaching procedures: I.Passage II II.Applied writing

III.Sentence Writing and Grammar Review IV.Assignment

I.Passage II: A Little about Me Step 1 Warm-up activity:

T: First ask the students the question “If you write a short passage to introduce yourself, which aspects should be included in it?” and then make some conclusions as follows:

Self-introduction can be made according to different requirements and should be appropriate in different situations.Generally speaking, such aspects as name, personality, interests, appearance, etc.are included.1.The teacher asks a few students to introduce some of their classmates and lets the other student guess who they are.Words for describing appearance and characteristics.(参考教材P28和ppt)Step 2 Students read the passage.T: Today we’ll read a passage concerning self-introduction from which we can get a glimpse of how to write a self-introduction.Step 3 Students try to describe Mike according to the information given in the passage.(教参P29和ppt.)Step 4 Acting out

The students work in pairs to make up and act out an interview between a reporter form the college radio station and Mike Adams about his life and work in China.Step 5 Language points:

1.move to : to go from one residence or location to another e.g.The pressures of city life forced him to move to the countryside 2.be kind to :to be friendly, generous, or warm-hearted e.g.The doctor is always kind to the patients.3.change one’s mind: to reverse a previously held opinion or an earlier decision e.g.The old man is very stubborn and it’s difficult for him to change his mind.4.have everything under control: everything is controlled by … e.g.Some parents want to have everything of their children under control.5.look neat and tidy: to be clean and in order

e.g.She spends a few hours cleaning her house everyday.So it always looks neat and tidy.II.Applied Writing Trying Your Hand

1.Sample analysis: The teacher summarizes the format and the language used in business card.2.The teacher introduce some items often included in a business card.3.Simulated writing and create exercise.III.Sentence Writing and Grammar Review.1.英语五种基本句型列式如下:

基本句型一: S V(主+谓)

基本句型二: S V P(主+谓+表)

基本句型三: S V O(主+谓+宾)

基本句型四: S V o O(主+谓+间宾+直宾)

基本句型五: S V O C(主+谓+宾+宾补)

2.Students do Exercises 5,6 and 7.IV.Assignments

1.Design a name card for yourself.2.Do the grammar exercises in the Workbook.3.Recite the last paragraph of Passage II.4.Read and learn by heart the new words in Unit 2.5.Prepare the speaking activities in Section I of Unit 2.


1.Display the theme song of 2008 Beijing Olympic games to students.2.Students guess the name of the song.Step 2: pre-reading 1.Show students photos of some famous athletes and then ask them what they have known about them.2.Show a picture of Phelps and give them some detailed information of him.3.students do exercise 1;Step 3: while-reading 1.Global Reading(1)Give students 5-8 mins read the text quickly to get the main idea of the text.(2)Check the answer of exercise 1.(3)Lead students read and study new words.2.Detailed Reading Explain important phrases and difficult sentences:(1)Michael Phelps — the name is now in the air.— A lot of people now are talking about Michael Phelps.be in the air 到处流传,某种感觉到处都有

Eg: Change is in the air.(2)dream big: to have a big dream;imagine something ambitious that you would like to happen;be very Ambitious(有雄心,有抱负)Eg:She had dreamed big and worked hard, and she was a winner in sports and in life.(3)tie v.if two players, teams, etc.tie or are tied in a game or competition, they finish it with an equal number of points(与…成平局)

Eg: England tied 2-2 with Germany in the first round.The scores are tied at 3-3.(4)circumstance n.the conditions that affect a situation, action, event, etc.(情形,情况,环境)

Eg: Obviously we can’t deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.Prisoners can only leave their cells under certain circumstances(= if particular conditions exist).(5)profound a.felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way(巨大的,重大的)

Eg: His mother’s death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.(6)worthy a.deserving respect, admiration or support(值得尊敬的,值得敬仰的,配得上的)

Eg: He is a worthy man, I suppose, but he is very dull(迟钝的,呆滞的)be worthy of: to deserve to be thought about or treated in a particular way(值得…的)

Eg: Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice.(7)talented a.having a natural ability to do something well(有天赋的,天才的)

Eg: They opened with a show in which several talented artists were represented.(8)believe in: 1)to trust someone and be confident that they will be successful(信任,信赖)2)to think someone or something exists(相信某人或事物的存在)3)to think that an idea or a way of doing something is good or right(相信…的可行性)Eg: You’ve got to believe in yourself, or you’ll never succeed.Do you believe in God? I don’t believe in all these silly diets.(9)must n.something which is necessary;something that you must do or must have(必需品)(10)suited to/for: having the right qualities to do something(合适,适宜,适当)Eg: The activities are really best suited to these groups.(11)make a/the difference: to have an important effect or influence on something or someone(有影响)Eg: Whatever she did, it made no difference.(12)come down to: if a complicated situation or problem comes down to something, that is the single most important thing(归结为)

Eg: It all comes down to money in the end.(13)feel like: to want to have something or do something(想要)

Eg: Do you feel like another drink?(14)resort to: to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something(求助于)

Eg: I had to resort to violence to get my money.(15)on track: making progress and likely to succeed(走上正轨;在轨道上;上正轨;步入正轨)

Eg: They’re on track to make record profits.(16)catch someone doing something 抓住某人做某事 Eg: He caught her reading his old love letters.(17)stain v.to permanently spoil something such as someone’s reputation(名誉)受损,玷污

Eg: His image will be stained and there should be some impact on his popularity.(18)apologize v.to tell someone that you are sorry that you have done something wrong(道歉)Eg: I must apologize to Isobel for my lateness.(19)engage in: to take part in something(参加,从事,忙于)Eg: Men engage in more high-risk activities than women.(20)demonstrate v.1)to show that you have a particular ability, quality, or feeling(显示,展示)2)to show or prove something clearly(证明,证实,论证)Eg: He has demonstrated an ability to meet deadlines(期限).(21)keep/bear in mind: to remember or think about someone or something when you are doing something(记住)Eg: It’s a good idea.I’ll keep it in mind.You must always keep the readers in mind when writing a report.Step 4: post-reading

Summarize Text A, and let students do exercise2 and 3 on page 148 to have a deep understanding of the text.Step 5: summary and homework

1.Make a summary about what we have learned this lesson;2.Do exercises on page 149 to 151.VI.Anticipated problems: None





从2005年年底至今, 我院《实用英语》课程经历了院级精品课程建设 (05年底至07年底) [2]、课程内容完善 (07底至08年) 、“F+1” (即“英语基础+职业方向”) 模式公共英语教学改革 (08年至今) 三个阶段, 每一个阶段的努力把面向全院学生的《实用英语》课程推上了一个更高的台阶。目前已进行了三个学期教学实践的“F+1”公共英语教学改革, 是为了更好地实现高职教育人才培养目标, 满足人才市场对于应用型、技能型人才的需要, 培养我院学生不仅有扎实的基础知识和专业知识, 更有运用英语处理工作中实际问题的能力。

商务方向《实用英语》校本教材正是在这样一个背景之下推出的, 是“F+1”模式公共英语教学改革成果之一。该教材根据商务方向各专业学生未来岗位群的技能需求, 把基础英语和专业英语有机地融合在一起, 在打好语言基础的同时逐渐渗透专业知识, 培养学生运用英语进行信息交换、处理事务的能力。该教材在两个年级 (08级和09级) 、三个学期的教学实践中收到了良好的效果, 使我院的英语教学在英语基础知识和商务英语专业知识有效结合的道路上迈出了坚实的一步。


(一) 遵从高职高专教育理念

高等职业教育人才培养定位是培养技术应用型人才。英语课程教学应本着“以服务为宗旨, 以就业为导向”[3], 坚持高职教育的培养目标, 即“高等职业教育作为高等教育发展中的一个类型, 肩负着培养面向生产、建设、服务和管理第一线需要的高技能人才的使命”[4]。在英语教学中, 不仅要教授学生必备的基础知识和专业知识, 还要注重培养学生未来职业岗位群所需的基本技能和职业能力。

“F+1”模式公共英语教学改革之前, 我们走访了05-07届商务英语、涉外文秘和国际商务等专业已经在公司、企业等单位就业的毕业生, 对其工作情况进行了调研。通过各用人单位的反馈意见, 了解到这些机构和单位对商务方向辅助型人才的实际需求及英语语言能力在这些行业的各个岗位中起到的重要作用, 同时了解到具有“英语+职业方向”岗位技能的学生会比其他不具有这样岗位技能的学生在工作上更得心应手, 所以我们更坚定了一个信念:应该在基础英语教学中加强商务英语职业技能培养。

商务方向《实用英语》校本教材, 把与商务相关的各专业方向学生在实际工作中所需的英语职业技能按照不同的商务场景进行分解, 模拟真实的工作情境, 把所需的语言基础知识和专业知识相互融合, 以项目驱动、任务练习的形式, 使学生的听、说、读、写能力得到全面培养。随着学习的深入, 按照“实用为主, 够用为度”的原则, 逐渐加大专业知识的渗透。这样不仅有利于学生将来专业英语的学习, 也为学生更好地适应未来工作岗位建立优势, 真正实现了高职高专教育理念。

(二) 体现科学的教学方法

1. 任务型教学法:

任务型教学法是二十世纪八十年代美国人勃雷泊 (Probhu, 1987) 提出的教学理论, 使学生通过运用语言完成任务的方式学习语言。该理论强调“在做中学”要求教师依据课程的总体目标并结合商务方向岗位群对学生能力的要求, 设计出符合学生未来工作实际的教学活动[5]。根据任务型教学法, 将三册校本教材分成18个单元, 每个单元一个项目, 涉及了商务方向各专业学生在未来工作岗位中所遇到的各种工作主题, 如:自我介绍、接打电话、商务宴请、顾客投诉、网上销售、会议管理等。围绕这些主题, 每一课按照听、说、读、写的顺序, 将围绕该主题的词汇、表达法、商务知识等循序渐进地展开, 在学生掌握了与主题有关的词汇、表达法、商务知识之后, 编排场景, 设置任务, 要求学生运用所学知识, 完成对话或讨论, 在实际操练中巩固并掌握与本课主题有关的内容。

2. 情境教学法:

情境教学法也叫视听教学法, 二十世纪50年代产生于法国, 它结合了直接教学法和听说教学法的优点, 充分利用现代化教学手段, 让学生边听边说, 身临其境地学习并使用外语。在依据任务型教学法而确立的18个教学任务单元中, 先以听的形式进行大量的语言输入, 真实的场景、鲜活的语言, 使学生身临其境, 学习其中的表达法, 然后模拟未来工作岗位实际情境, 编排任务, 学生们要通过角色扮演或小组讨论等形式完成任务, 在使用英语完成任务的过程中, 使他们运用语言的能力充分得到锻炼。

3. 交际法:

交际法也叫功能法 (Functional Approach) , 是语言学家海姆斯 (Hymes) 和韩礼德 (Halliday) 在70年代提出的教学理论, 它着重培养学生使用目的语进行交际的能力, 即实际运用语言的能力。校本教材在充分的语言输入的基础上, 培养学生的语言输出能力。在学习了每个单元主题的表达法之后, 完成语言输出任务。语言输出任务的完成是通过对话、小组讨论等形式, 真实地再现未来职位岗位群的工作情境, 在模拟的交际环境中使学生实际运用语言的能力得到提高。

几种教学法的综合运用, 使我们的课堂成为了实践教学的场所, 有如一个学生走入工作岗位之前的实习基地, 对于培养学生的语言技能和职业技能起到了积极的促进作用。

(三) 遵从语言学习规律, 尊重学生学习主体

1. 遵从语言学习规律。

根据现代语言学习研究的成果, 语言输入是语言表达的前提和必要条件, 没有足够的语言输入和语言知识积累, 就不可能有理想的语言产出, 即有效的语言表达。另外, 学好语言的另一规律是模仿和重复练习, 教师在给予学生充分的语言知识输入的基础上, 为学生设置情境、布置任务, 要求学生运用所学知识, 根据情境设置要求进行模仿训练, 而且这种模仿训练必须有一定量的积累, 学生在大量的模仿和重复练习中获得并巩固语言运用能力。

2. 尊重学生学习主体。

传统教育理论把学生当成被动接受知识的一方, 所以出现了满堂灌的现象, 严重挫伤了学生学习的积极性、主动性、创造性;应试教育的指挥棒, 使学校和教师在如何提高考试通过率方面煞费苦心, 题海战术使学生苦不堪言, 更没能培养出学生实际运用语言的能力。该校本教材在编写中, 在各个环节的设计上, 突出了学生的学习主体作用, 充分体现了对学生的尊重, 大大提高了学生学习的能动性、自为性和自主性, 如听力训练、专业阅读、词汇拓展、实用写作等环节, 都是学生们在动口, 在操练, 在学习, 在思考, 教师起到了一个知识导入、理论讲授、课堂组织和答疑解惑的作用, 使课堂充满生气和情趣。

(四) 与AB级考试挂钩

“高等学校英语应用能力考试A/B级”为检测高职高专学生是否达到《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》所规定的教学要求而设置的, 是高职高专院校英语教学水平的一个检验工具。它不仅考查了学生的英语语言基础知识, 也强调培养学生运用英语进行有关涉外业务工作的能力[6]。该项考试的通过率也影响着我院能否跻身于高职示范校行列。

商务方向《实用英语》校本教材的编写, 特别针对我院学生在该项考试中的几个薄弱点, 在如下环节中, 有精心的考虑:

1. 听力训练:

完全模仿A/B级考试, 使学生在日常的学习中熟悉考试题型和难度, 掌握听力方法, 提高应试技巧。

2. 精读课文:

该部分针对学生A/B级考试中的单项选择题来设计, 加强了学生对词汇的学习和掌握, 同时注意对学生易混淆词汇的辨析;每一课的精读课文中穿插了一项重点语法项目, 与后面的语法练习环节相呼应。

3. 语法讲解:

该环节针对学生的语法弱项进行查漏补缺, 而不是事无巨细的详细讲解, 针对历届学生在A/B级考试中暴露出的语法弱点, 设计练习, 集中训练。

4. 专业阅读:

围绕每一单元的主题, 编写了有关专业方向的阅读文章, 增加了学生的专业知识, 丰富了专业词汇量。文章后面的练习形式与A/B级考试中的阅读部分题型一致, 使学生在平时的学习中熟悉和适应该项考试。

5. 词汇拓展:

A/B级考试中有一题型是“用所给词的适当形式填空”, 一直以来, 该部分是学生得分情况最不理想的题型, 原因之一就是词汇量贫乏、缺乏词汇辨析能力。自编教材中的“词汇拓展”部分, 把本课所出现的每一个大纲词汇, 都按照词根、动词、名词、形容词、副词的顺序一一罗列, 力求让学生在了解一个词的同时, 把与它有关的、从同一词根出发的不同词性的词完全掌握, 并掌握词形转换的规律和词汇记忆的方法。该环节的设计不仅有助于扩大学生的词汇量, 提高A/B级考试成绩, 对他们通过词根猜出词义的能力也是一种培养。

6. 实用写作:

围绕每一单元的主题以及A/B级考试的实用写作部分, 结合未来工作实际的需要, 安排了实用写作环节, 使学生掌握写通知、介绍信、邀请函、报告、调查问卷、投诉信等的格式、套语及方法等。

(五) 培养学生自主学习能力

1. 培养学生自主学习能力的必要性。

培养高职高专学生的自主学习能力是非常必要的, 一方面是由于目前就业市场需要的是专业型、技能型和综合型的人才, 要求学生有较高的自主学习和自我发展的能力;另一方面是当今社会经济的迅速发展、知识的快速更新换代, 也要求我们每一个人具有通过自主学习不断更新知识的能力, 也就是终生学习的能力。近些年来, 对于高职高专学生自主学习能力的培养越来越受到重视, 这主要是高职高专学生的自身特点和未来工作需要决定的。高职高专学生普遍存在基础知识薄弱、学习兴趣不高、自主学习能力较差等特点, 这些问题的存在不利于我们实现高职高专教育人才培养目标, 也不利于学生未来的职业能力拓展。所以要实现高职高专教育的人才培养目标, 我们就应该重视培养学生的自主学习能力。

2. 校本教材在培养学生自学能力方面有特别设计。

首先, 每课有一项语法的讲解, 但避免了语法书中的那种形式:即将有关这个语法项目的所有内容一一陈述。校本教材中对于语法的讲解不是事无巨细的一一陈述, 而是针对学生的语法漏洞和A/B级考试的考点进行讲解, 进行查漏补缺的同时, 还将学生与该项语法易混淆的其他语法项目的有关知识点进行对比。学生通过仔细研读语法讲解, 解决心中疑惑, 并通过做后面的练习检查自学效果。其次, 把从同一词根出发的不同词性的词系统总结, 加以对比, 留给学生自己去查词意。学生先按照词形转换的规律发现词意, 然后经过查字典来证实自己的判断, 如果有不符合规律的地方就单拿出来记忆。这一过程完全是学生的自我学习, 巩固有关词根的知识, 同时极大地丰富了词汇量。最后, 学习语言的方法之一就是模仿, 它不单指说的模仿, 还指写的模仿。在让学生动手进行实用写作之前, 给他们几篇范文, 学生边读边从范文仲找出该类实用写作的固定表达法和套话, 并把它们恰当地运用到后面的写作任务中。

3. 帮助学生学会自主学习。

如果我们把自主学习能力培养仅仅局限于学生的自学层面, 那就未免片面了。从目前国外所使用的与自主学习有关的术语看, 如自我教育 (selfeducation) 、自我指导 (self-instruction) 等, 这些概念都在强调, 自主学习是学生的自我计划、自我管理、自我监控、有计划、讲方法的学习过程。所以, 在校本教材中, 我们注意了如下几点:首先, 教材内容由浅入深、计划性强:教材中的每个环节, 如听、说、读、写、语法复习、词汇拓展等, 都是由浅入深、环环相扣, 非常注意各个环节的联系和知识点的衔接。这种安排有利于学生自己计划、安排学习过程, 方便学生的查漏补缺和澄清混淆的知识点, 也促使基础知识薄弱的学生由简单的知识点着手, 逐步树立信心, 提高兴趣。其次, 适当渗入英语专业知识:教材中知识点由浅入深、循序渐进的安排, 商务方向专业知识的逐渐融入和加大, 使学生慢慢从基础英语的学习逐渐进入专业英语的学习, 并加大专业英语内容的比重。这种安排对于学生的专业英语的学习也是一种启发和帮助, 他们从浅显的商务知识入手, 逐渐进入一个丰富的商务英语知识世界。再次, 安排学生自我检查环节:每个单元的各个环节都安排了学生自我检查的环节, 从中看到自己的学习效果, 并检查学习过程中的问题, 逐渐学会自我管理。最后, 传授学习方法和技巧:在语法学习、词汇拓展和实用写作等环节, 教会学生一定的学习方法:如知识的前后对比、记忆单词的方法、自我检查的手段等, 使学生时时感到自己身边有一位教师在指导帮助和鼓励自己。


从08年9月至今, 经过08、09两届学生前后三个学期的教学实践, 现已收到初步成效。以笔者所教09级两个班为例, 09年9月入学伊始, 以08年6月B级真题做摸底测试;2010年1月初进行期末考试考试, 题型、分值与B级真题相同, 其中的听力部分采用了08年12月B级真题的听力部分原题, 其他部分主要是依据课本和大纲, 但难度上略有增加。两次考试的各项分数对比如下:

1.09级涉外文秘班 (43人)

(1) 09年9月入学摸底测试结果如下:

(2) 2010年1月期末考试结果如下:

2.09级社区管理与服务班 (43人)

(1) 09年9月入学摸底测试结果如下:

(2) 2010年1月期末考试结果如下:

从上面两组表的对比可以看出, 由于期末考试难度的增加, 个别项的分数略有下降, 除此之外, 其他各项的分数都在提高, 听力、词汇和语法上的进度明显。从最低分我们也看到, 每个班都有个别同学掉队的现象, 这就要求我们今后的教学中应注意个别基础差的同学, 在鼓励他们加强基础弥补方面作出努力。


我们目前的高职高专教育肩负着为社会培养技术应用型人才的历史使命, 在世界经济日益融合的今天, 高职高专英语教学要根据当前就业市场对人才的需求, 与学生未来工作实际相结合, 在培养学生实际运用语言的能力上做出努力。在教材的编写上, 我们应注重基础英语与专业英语的衔接, 在巩固英语基础知识的同时, 逐渐加大专业知识的渗透, 力求使我们培养出的学生既有扎实的语言功底, 又有一定的专业语言能力, 以更好地满足未来职业岗位的要求。


[1]2005年12月至2007年12月参与院级《实用英语》精品课程建设, 并与2008年3月正式被确立为院级精品课程。

[2]《以服务为宗旨以就业为导向为社会注意现代化建设培养高技能人才》, 周济同志在第二次全国高等职业教育产学研结合经验交流会上的讲话, 2003年12月。

[3]《关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见》, 教高[2006]16号。

[4]《高职英语教学研究与实践》, 现代教育出版社, 第72页, “任务型教学法在高职口语教学中的应用”。


Unit Goals What you should learn to do 1.Make a phone call 2.Answer the phone 3.Leave and take a passage

4.Pass the message to the person being called 5.Extend a phone call 6.Take/fill in a message What you should know about 1.Phone service in the USA 2.Benefit or trouble of cell phones 3.Business telephone etiquette for success 4.The subjective mood Section I Talking Face to Face 1.Imitating Mini-Talks 2.Acting out the Tasks 3.Studying Email Information on the Internet 4.Following Sample Dialogues 5.Putting Language to Use Section II Being All Ears 1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication 2.Handling a Dialogue 3.Understanding a Short Speech / Talk Section III Trying your Hand

1.Practicing Applied Writing 2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage 1 : Information Related to the Reading Passage 1.cell phone 手机,移动电话

A cell phone is a small telephone you can carry with you that operates through networks of radio antennas or space satellites.Other expressions of a cell phone:

1)a cellular phone / telephone

2)a mobile phone / telephone

3)a handset 2.ATM 自动取款机

ATM is the abbreviation for automated teller machine.ATMs are found in business districts and shopping malls.People use them to get cash from their bank accounts and in many places, to pay for gas, groceries, and other things.3.voice mail 有声邮件

A voice mail is a telephone answering system on which spoken messages are left by one person for another.Text

For Conversation Press # 1 I’ve got a cell phone, e-mail and voice mail.But why am I so lonely?

A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped talking to one another.I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation.There they were, talking and talking on a beautifully sunny day and I became invisible, absent from the conversation.The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones.They were passing other people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pet their puppies.Evidently, the cordless electronic voice is preferable to human contact.The telephone used to connect you to the absent.Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent.Recently I was in a car with three friends.The driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone.There we were, four friends zooming down the highway, unable to talk to one another because of a gadget designed to make communication easier.Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a setback to the intimacy of human interaction.With e-mail and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up.You can’t even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more.Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.Pumping gas at the station? Why say good morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert your card into the ATM? I am no Luddite.I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice mail system, an email account.Giving them up isn’t an option — they are great for what they are intended to do.It’s their unintended consequences that make me cringe.Language Points 1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1.(Title)For Conversation Press # 1 Analysis: In this sentence, for means with the purpose of.Press # 1 is in imperative mood.# stands for No., therefore #1 is read as No.1.Translation: 通话按1号键。Example: For redialing, press the # key.2.(Para.3)I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation.Analysis: Interrupting our conversation in the sentence is a present participle phrase used as an adverbial of result.Translation: 最近我和一位朋友正在公园里散步,突然他的手机响起来,打断了我们的谈话。

Example: The child fell, striking his head against the door and hurting it slightly.3.(Para.3)There they were, talking and talking on a beautifully sunny day and I became invisible, absent from the conversation.Analysis: Talking and talking on a beautifully sunny day is a present participle phrase used as an adverbial of attendant circumstance.Translation: 在一个阳光明媚的日子,他们在那儿谈啊谈,而我却被遗忘,成了谈话的局外人。

Example: Marta sat in the armchair, reading a magazine.4.(Para.5)There we were, four friends zooming down the highway, unable to talk to one another because of a gadget designed to make communication easier.Analysis: Four friends zooming on the highway is a present participle phrase, with four friends as the logical subject of zooming on the highway.The whole phrase serves as an adverbial of attendant circumstance.Designed to make communication easier is a past participle phrase used as an attribute, modifying the antecedent gadget.Translation: 我们四位朋友坐在车里,飞驰在高速公路上,却因为有了那个被 设计来方便通信的小玩意儿而不能互相交谈。

Example: My room is on the fourth floor, its window overlooking the beach.Trucks and buses were driven on gas carried in large bags on the roof.5.(Para.6)Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Analysis: In this sentence, the antecedent it stands for the subject that-clause(that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel), where the comparative...structure is used.Similar structure can be found in What is it that...? Translation: 为什么我们联系得越多,我却越感到失去了联系呢? Example: Why is it that you know so much? 6.(Para.7)As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up.Analysis: As is a conjunction, meaning at the same time that.Translation: 随着人们之间几乎每一种可以想到的联系都变得自动化起来,疏远指数上升了。

Example: They smiled as their eyes met.As he entered, the hall burst into thunderous applause.7.(Para.8)Pumping gas at the station? Analysis: This is an elliptical sentence.The complete sentence should be

Are you pumping gas at the station? Translation: 你在加油站加油吗?

Example:(Are you)Making a deposit at the bank?(Para.9)8.(Para.8)Why say good morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Analysis: In this sentence, why is used as an interrogative adverb, followed by a bare infinitive to form a rhetorical question, which can also take a negative structure such as Why not do something? The former means why should we do something or we don’t need to do something, while the latter means the opposite: let’s do something.Translation: 既然你可以用信用卡在加油泵旁自动刷卡,免除与人打交道的麻烦,何必还要对加油站的工作人员打招呼呢?

Example: Why smoke when you know it is so unhealthy?

Why not try to train your character when you have the opportunity? 9.(Para.11)I am no Luddite.Analysis: In this sentence, no means not at all.Translation: 我并不反对自动化。

Example: Don’t cheat her.She’s no fool.She is no friend of mine.10.(Para.11)Giving them up isn’t an option — they are great for what they are intended to do.Analysis: The clause They are great for what they are intended to do serves to explain why giving them up isn’t an option.Great for means very good for.What they are intended to do means what they are designed to do.Translation: 放弃他们并不可取——人们赋予它们的功能太美妙了。Example: Going there isn’t a good idea — it’s too far away from here.11.(Para.12)It’s their unintended consequences that make me cringe.Analysis: This is an emphatic sentence introduced by it is...that.What is emphasized here is the subject their unintended consequences.The basic structure of such a kind of sentence is as follows: It + be + the emphasized part + that + the other parts of the sentence.Translation: 只是他们无意中带来的后果使我感到不寒而栗。Example: It was David that(who)did it.It was a key that I found in his pocket.It was not until last year that he came to live in this city.2 Important Words 1.lonely

a.alone and feeling sad, lonesome 孤独的,寂寞的e.g.Without friends, Selena felt lonely in the city she had just arrived in.I shall have a companion in the house after all these lonely years.He felt lonely when his best friend moved to another place.2.recently

ad.not too long ago;starting not too long ago and still going on,(syn.)currently 最近,近来

e.g.I saw my friend recently;we had dinner together last week.Recently, my brother has been working on his master’s degree at the university.I’ve only recently begun to learn German.3.evidently

ad.as it appears, seemingly,(syn.)apparently 明显,显然

e.g.Mr.Lowenberg evidently regarded this as a great joke.From the warm temperature and abundant flowers, it is evidently spring here.Evidently your sister was sensitive on the topic of operations.4.preferable

a.better or more suitable, to be preferred 更可取的,更好的 e.g.She found life in the city preferable to her quiet life in the country.Gradual change is preferable to sudden, great change.Milk is fine, but cream would be preferable.5.connect

v.to attach, join together;to reach sb.by telephone 连接,接通 e.g.The telephone operator connected me with the human resources

department.I connected the antenna to the TV set.A new road connects the two small cities.6.unable

a.not able, incapable 不能的,不会的 e.g.I am unable to cycle to school because my bicycle is broken.He is unable to walk because of a bad ankle.He is unable to do the job for lack of experience.7.advance

n.an improvement,(syn.)a breakthrough 前进,进展 e.g.There have been great advances in medicine in the last 50 years.This model is a great advance on previous ones.Under this system popular science education made great advances.in advance of: more highly developed 在⋯之前,超过

Their training facilities are far in advance of anything we have.in advance: ahead of time 预先,事先

Everything had been fixed in advance.8.deposit

v.to place sth.valuable, such as money, in a bank or brokerage account;to place valuables for safekeeping 存放,存储

n.a partial payment to hold goods or property until the buyer makes complete payment 定钱,押金

e.g.Sam deposited ten dollars in his savings account.Mrs.Heckler deposited her jewelry in a safe.She left a deposit on the coat.9.insert

v.to put sth.into, between, or among 插入,嵌入 e.g.The old lady carefully inserted the letter into an envelope carefully.The professor inserted a comment in the margin.A film of oil is inserted between the sliding surfaces of a bearing.10.account

n.money kept in a bank for present or future use;a character string that indentifies a user and is used by computer operating system in accounting or other services 账户,帐号

e.g.I have a checking account at Metropolitan Bank.The accounts were perfectly in order.He opened an account at my bank in your name.11.consequence

n.the result of doing sth.结果,后果 e.g.He drank heavily and died as a consequence.I’m quite willing to accept the consequence.He does not consider the consequences.Passage 2 :

Information Related to the Reading Passage 1.Proper phone etiquette tips

Proper phone etiquette is important at both a personal and professional level.Being polite on the telephone is just as important as when speaking with someone in person.You might be surprised at how good you feel about yourself if you use proper telephone etiquette and the positive responses received while talking on the phone.Here are a few telephone etiquette tips as an update to skills that are quite natural in many of us.Always answer the phone by saying “Hello” and not any other greeting.If the person who has been requested is not available, simply state that he or she “is not available at this time.May I take a message?” Not only does the person on the other end of the phone have a good impression about you, that feeling will apply to the person they are calling for as well.Always be quick and to the point while remaining pleasant during a phone call.Friends and family will continue with a telephone conversation if they have time, otherwise they are not likely to rush you off the phone no matter how busy they are.No one is perfect, so if you dial a wrong phone number, state your mistake, apologize and hang up the phone.2.Ways to answer a telephone at work

There are several accepted ways to answer a telephone at work.You can simply say “Hello” or you can say your name, as in “ June Johnson speaking.” You don’t need to say the company’s name if a receptionist or a secretary has already done so.Try to speak in a pleasant, unrushed voice.If you are rushed and can’t talk, it’s better to say this and make plans to call back later.Don’t rustle papers or work while you’re speaking on the phone.If you’re really too distracted to speak, then reschedule the call.It’s okay and sometimes even necessary to screen your calls.But there’s a right and a wrong way to do this.First, train your secretary to do it politely.It’s better to ask “May I know who’s calling?” than “ Who is this?” or even “ Who’s calling?” Second, don’t instruct your secretary to say you are out when you are in.It’s acceptable to be in but too busy to talk at the moment and it’s always better to be honest.Callers sense the difference, and besides, it may not look good ifyou’re always out.It’s rude not to return telephone calls regardless of whom they are from.You might be ignoring a potential customer.Many people today don’t bother to return phone calls, and if you work for someone else, it’s highly unlikely that such behavior is acceptable.When you do return calls, try to place them yourself.If you must have your secretary make the call, then get on the line immediately.It’s not polite to keep someone waiting when you’ve placed the call.Text

Business Telephone Etiquette for Success Proper telephone etiquette is more important than ever in today’s business environment.Much of our business communication takes place on the phone: in the office, at home, in the car, virtually anywhere.In various areas, proper phone technique can make or break deals or relationships.Look at these guidelines that can help you use the phone as a powerful tool.First is the greeting.When answering the phone for business, be sure to identify yourself and your company.If answering someone else’s line, be sure to include their name in your greeting, so that the other party does not think they have reached a wrong number.For example, if Bob Johnson answers Jim Smith’s line, he would say: “Jim Smith’s line, Bob Johnson speaking” and then take a message or handle the call, depending on how his office works.When you are the person making the call, be sure to use proper phone etiquette from the start.You want to be sure to be polite to the “gatekeepers” i.e.secretaries, receptionists etc.who answer the phone for your business contact, as they are the ones who have the power to put you through(or not), say, at 4:55 P.M.on Friday, when their boss is getting ready to leave the office.When you have reached the party, if your call has been expected, remind them of the prior conversation and appointment.People get busy and can seem surprised until you remind them of where they should remember you from.If your call is not expected, unless it will be a short call, ask the party if they have the time for you.If the other person does not have time, briefly state the purpose of your call and ask for an appointment to follow up at a later time.Have a phone diary.Keep a pencil and pad near the phone and jot notes during phone conversations.This will help you “actively listen” and have a reference later.Employ active listening noises such as “Yes” or “I see” or “Great”.This lets the other person know that you care about what they have to say.End the call on a positive note by thanking the other person for their time and express an interest in speaking with them again(if that is true).A gracious goodbye leaves the door open for further communication.In this global village today, you never know whom you will be doing business with in the future, so burning any bridges, or telephone lines, would be unwise.Language Points 1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1.(Para.2)If answering someone else’s line, be sure to include their name in your greeting, so that the other party does not think they have reached a wrong number.Analysis: This is a complex sentence.Be sure to include their name in your greeting is the main clause, which is an imperative sentence with the subject “you” being omitted;if answering someone else’s line is an adverbial clause of condition, with the subject “you” being omitted;so that introduces an adverbial clause of purpose.Translation: 如果你接的是别人的电话,一定要在问候时包含应接电话人的名字,以免对方误以为打错了电话。

Example: If answering the phone for business, be sure to identify yourself and your company.We’ll sit nearer to the front so that we can see better.2.(Para.2)For example, if Bob Johnson answers Jim Smith’s line, he would say: “Jim Smith’s line, Bob Johnson speaking” and then take a message or handle the call, depending on how his office works.Analysis: This is a complex sentence.The main clause is he would say „ and then take „ or handle the call.The subject of the main clause is he(Bob);and would say, take and handle are compound predicates.Depending on how his office works is a present participle phrase, serving as an adverbial of condition and modifying handle the call.Translation: 例如,如果鲍勃·约翰逊接的是吉姆·史密斯的电话线路,他会说“这是吉姆·史密斯的电话,我是鲍勃·约翰逊”,然后根据自己办公室的工作程序,记下留言或处理来电。

Example: The expenses you claim can vary enormously, depending on travel distances involved.3.(Para.4)If your call is not expected, unless it will be a short call, ask the party if they have the time for you.Analysis: This is a complex sentence.In this sentence, the imperative clause ask the party „ is the main clause with an if-clause;if they have the time for you as its object.Unless it will be a short call is an adverbial clause of concession.Translation: 如果你的电话不是他们期待的,除非你的电话内容很短,否则你要问问对方是否有时间和你交谈。

Example: He won’t finish his task in time unless he works hard.Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it’s going to be tough to keep your motivation level high.2 Important Words 1.virtually ad.in fact or for all practical purposes 事实上

e.g.It was reported that the city had been virtually paralyzed by the storm.Unemployment in this part of the country was virtually non-existent.2.identify

v.to establish or recognize(sb./ sth.)as a certain person or thing

辨认, 鉴别 e.g.The boy identified the bird as an eagle.The police officer refused to identify himself.They have already identified ten murder suspects.3.contact

n.the condition of being in communication 联系 e.g.We lost contact with our former neighbors after they moved.The polite was always in contact with an air traffic controller.Has your brother kept in contact with his friends from college? 4.put „ through

v.to connect(a caller)to the person they have telephoned 接通 e.g.She put the lady through immediately.Hold on, please.I’ll put you through to Mrs.Barnhart.Would you please put me through to your manager? 5.remind „ of

v.to make sure that sb.does not forget sth.提醒, 使想起 e.g.Thank you for reminding me of the meeting I have to attend.This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.The tune reminds me of the same play that we saw a few years ago.6.prior

a.coming before in time, order or importance 在前的 e.g.She denied prior knowledge of the meeting.He didn’t talk about his prior employment.7.follow up





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第一章 行政公文






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