




Unit 1 Someone waiting


Important sentences

1.He is nowhere to be found.2.He strikes me like an unreliable person.3.His words struck a slightly false note for me.4.Love is like coke : sometime you get as the product of making something else.Words

Efficiently效率高的,有能力的Mysterious 神秘的,奇怪的,不易解释的Cue提示,暗示




Lamppost 电灯柱


Oblivious 不管

Bulge 鼓鼓的Neglect 被人忽视的Spectacular 壮丽的Awe敬畏

Neutral中立的Favourable 给人好印象的Part2 reading comprehensionandlanguage activities

Someone waitingI am siting at the airport watching people in the final moments before their loved ones arrive or depart.They are pacing ,nervous,looking at one another ,touching and not touching.the emotion is charged.A woman,speaking Spanish,is running in circles trying to gather family members together for a good-bye.Her voice is high-pitched.When the final moment comes before boarding,she wraps her arms around her son,giving hin a powerful embrace that should protect him until he returns.A grandmother andgrandson stand at the rail where I am waiting;the people who are supposed to pick them up are late.Two ladies,next to them but unrelated ,look up and down the corridor as if scanning an open sea.A mother holds a baby as she kissed her husband.Tears dampen her cheeks.The moment is charged.At Gate 13 ,the arrivals are just coming in.” I see her.There she is.”Just as poigant,the arrivals fold into the mix of people as if they have been the missing ingredient.There are tears and smiles.,pure delight ringing in the laughter of seeing someone who has been gone.I sit,glancing at my book,waiting for my turn to leave,alone because the ones I love have a different shedule from mine,and the one I am going to see,a daughter,is at the other end of my journey.I think of other departures and arrivals.I recall seeing my daughter,the daughter I an going to visit, coming down that narrow corridor with her backbag slung on one shoulder, her overstuffed carry-on cradled in her arms, her headphone making her oblivious to the stream of people flowing along with her.She was in her frist year at university coming home for a holiday in Novermber –the frist time since August.I wrapped myself around her as if she had been lost to me.Today my flight is two hours late.The book I am reading is not as interesting as the people leaving and coming,coming and leaving.A little boy about five is meeting his grandfather for the frist time.He looks up and up at the face of a man who is not that tall,except to a child.Joy shines down and up,and I am wandering how one would cather this moment in words or on film.When myflight is finally called,I gather my books and carry-on.Since there is no one to see me off, I do not look back to see where I have come from.Instead, I think of my husband at work wonding if I have left yet, and my daghret at the other end wondering the same thing.As I head toward the plane,I find myself remember yet another arrival and departure.When I was a newlywed, my 91-year-old granderfather died.We had been very close, and one evening,returning from his funeral, I arrived at the airport crying.My husband of only a year was

waiting at the gate to take me in his arms.Because of my tears,everyone was looking at us, but I didn’t care.Somehow the emotion I felt seemed not at all out of place for the airport.(黄色为重点字词,红色为重点句子)

Solemn 庄严的Whimper 哭泣,低泣

Tug 拖拉拽(几次用力)

Show you their teeth 要挟(孩子)

The dawn will follow the dark


Noble 崇高的Fudge 法奇软糖

Frosting 给覆上糖霜

Of one’s own accord 主动自愿

Torture 拷打 折磨

Resort to sth.诉诸,求助于

They’ll give you one more chance to tell them of you own accord.tf you don’t, they will have to resort to torture.Relife from pain

Earnestly非常认真的Conventional 依照惯例的,传统的,普通的Pester 打扰,纠缠

Cope with


ashen 面色苍白的,没有血色的earthen陶制的harden变硬,硬化

lighten 变明亮,变成淡色

strengthen 增强,巩固



milestone 重要事件,重要阶段


Bouquet花束wedding婚礼get engaged订婚divorced离婚widower鳏夫honeymoon bride蜜月

Pregnan怀孕godmother 教母nappy尿布maternity leave产假pram婴儿车



I.Comprehension check

1-5 DCABC6-10 DCDB

II. Vocabulary study

1.permanent2.has assembled3.discharging4.meekly




1-5 BDCAB6-10 ADABB 11-15 DBDAA16-20 CCDCB




1.能听懂会说并在实际情况中运用以下对话:Who′s your Math/English……teacher ?

Mr Zhao/..What′s he/she like? He ′s /She′s thin and short .And she′s very kind.

2.能够正确使用Mr, Miss, Mrs, 对西方人的称呼有进一步了解。






(1) T:Hello, everyone! Nice to see you again!Now , first Let′s review some words.

Young/funny/tall/strong/kind/old/short/thin. (要求学生根据图片认读单词)

(2) Let′s chant.

T:Now Let′s chant together. (Play the tape)


T:Thank you for your chanting. Now Let′s look at the form..What′s the math teacher like?

Ss: He′s smart. (Then the teachers fills “smart” in it. And then the teacher asks the similar questions

And fill in the form just like this

T:Would you like to chant again?Looking at the form.

【设计意图】第一遍让学生跟着录音唱, 第二遍唱之前通过问答的形式把关键信息填入事先准备好的学科教师调查表内, 再让学生看着表的内容唱, 渗透培养学生收集信息的能力。

(3) 教师风采

T:Sounds great! But Who′s your math teacher?What′s he like?Can you fill in the form by yourself

【设计意图】引导学生描述自己的老师, 先请学生集体口头来表达, 再引导学生填写表格, 同时可以检测上节课单词的掌握情况, 请学生4人一组进行交流, 渗透语言技能的培养, 同时也可以扩大语言训练面。


(1) Let′s try.

教师出示A Let′s try部分的挂图。

T:Please look at this pictures .How many people are there?What′s he like? (Ask some students to

Talk about this picture)

【设计意图】在做听力题之前, 引导学生观察相应插图, 通过几个问题来描述图画内容, 从而猜测出题意图, 渗透听力技能的培养。

T: Now, Let′s listen and please circle on your books.

(2) Let′s talk

①T:Now Let′s go on listening , please listen to the tape and answer my questions:

Who′s Chen Jie′s math teacher? What′s he like?

②the students answer the questions.

板书设计:Unit1 A-Let′s talk

Who′s your math teacher? Mr Zhao.

What′s he like? Thin, short, 【kind】

③the students listen again and read after the tape .

④学生齐读, 分小组读, 同桌读对话. (学生看板书背诵对话)

⑤教师Present the pictures of teachers引导学生make a dialogue,

⑥学生2人一组编对话, 根据插图替换对话内容.

【设计意图】从Let′s try直接过渡到Let′s talk的教学, 通过听音回答问题的方式出示对话的关键词, 请学生齐读.分小组读, 同桌读, 这是适当的机械性操练, 是学生灵活运用语言点的基础.以方便学生快速掌握对话和替换对话, 同时也是在逐步进行学法指导。


Magic Match Game

教师准备三组图片, 分别为能表示人物特征的图片, 姓氏类 (用Mr.Miss.Mrs加姓氏表示) 。

人物特征类 (smart, strong……) 请三位同学各抽取一张图片后出示给全班同学看, 请全班同学提问, 这三位同学回答。

【设计意图】这部分是语言的操练部分, 根据同学们熟悉的真实人物的图片来进行这游戏, 更具有挑战性和趣味性, 能激发学生的兴趣。


从学生的作业本中, 准备一个听力练习, 以检测学生对本堂课语言点的掌握程度.


①Please listen to the tape (A-Let′s talk) 3 times.

②Design a card for your favourite teacher, draw a picture of him or her.

③Get ready to describe your card in class.


A) 根据句意和首字母提示,完成下列单词(5分)

1. If you want to study in Japan, you should speak J____.

2. We have friends all over the w____.

3. Toronto is a city of C____.

4. Please tell me where Julie l____.

5. How many foreign l____ can Sarah speak?

B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)

6. Do you have brothers or ____ (sister)?

7. Please tell me about your school and ____ (your).

8. Jodie is from Japan and she can speak ____ (Japan).

9. Andrew likes ____ (live) in Beijing.

10. My friend likes ____(act) movies.


1. My good friends ____ from Shanghai.

A. isB. areC. comesD. to come

2. France is one of the best ____ in the world.

A. countriesB. citiesC. clubsD. schools

3. Andrew ____ to Sydney with his parents.

A. goB. goingC. goesD. to go

4. Where ____ Mr. King ____?

A. do; liveB. is, liveC. does; livesD. does; live

5. Maria ____ English very well because she is from Australia.

A. speaksB. speakC. speakingD. to speak

6. Tom ____ a brother and a sister.

A. haveB. getC. takesD. has

7. The boy likes ____ basketball very much.

A. playsB. playing C. to playD. play

8. Beijing is a big city ____ China.

A. inB. toC. onD. with

9. Sally wants ____ her friends on Sunday.

A. seesB. seeingC. to seeD. see

10. Math is too difficult. Jim ____ it.

A. likesB. dislikesC. livesD. wants


1. Mr. King is from the United States. (对划线部分提问)

____ is Mr. King ____?

2. Maria has some English books. (改为一般疑问句)

____ Maria ____ any English books?

3. My favorite subject is history. (对划线部分提问)

____ is ____ favorite subject?

4. Mrs. Li lives in Shanghai. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ Mrs. Li live?

5. His sister dislikes sports. (改为同义句)

His sister ____ ____ sports.


A: What are you doing, Li Ming?

B: I’m __1__ at the color photo.

A: __2__ is the boy?

B: He is my pen pal, Mike.

A: __3__ does he live?

B: He lives in Sydney, Australia.

A: __4__ old is he?

B: Oh, we are at the same age—fifteen.

A: He looks tall and strong.

B: Yes, he tells me he __5__ sports very much. And he is 1.72 meters tall now.

A: What __6__ his studying at school?

B: He is good __7__ math, English and science. He is interested in Chinese. He can

speak a __8__.

A: That’s __9__!I wish I could see him some day.

B: He’ll __10__ to China on summer vacation. We can have a good time and be good


A: I’m glad to hear that. Thanks a lot.


Kids in China wish they could __1__ pen pals of other countries where English is spoken. They can write to each other __2__ English. They can __3__ online, even telephone to each other. __4__ kids can invite their pen pals to come to China __5__ they are on vacation. They’ll have a good __6__ and be good friends. It is good for the Chinese kids to improve their English.

Many kids in the world want __7__ pen pals who are from China. They think China is a __8__ and interesting country. And __9__ is more and more important in the world. They want to work __10__ study in China some day. Now Chinese is one of the school subjects in some other countries.

1. A. lookB. haveC. likeD. see

2. A. withB. forC. inD. on

3. A. talkB. tellC. sayD. speak

4. A. AnyB. SomeC. Many D. Little

5. A. whenB. what C. whyD. because

6. A. dinnerB. meeting C. timeD. rest

7. A. to haveB. have C. havingD. has

8. A. smallB. greatC. youngD. long

9. A. FrenchB. Japanese C. ChineseD. Russian

10. A. orB. butC. andD. also



John is a Canadian boy. He was born in Toronto on August 6, 1994. Now he lives with his parents in Guangzhou because his father teaches English in a university and his mother teaches French in the Friendship School where John studies.

John likes his school and has many friends. He thinks there are too many subjects at school. He is good at art, music, Chinese and P.E.. He doesn’t like math. He likes going to a restaurant to have dinner with his friends on Saturday. And he likes riding a bike around the city on Sunday.

John often has a travel with his parents during the vacation. He goes to London, New York, Paris, Sydney and Tokyo before they go back to their hometown. He can talk with the people except in Japan. John says he likes studying and living in China. He’ll work in China after he grows up.


1. John is from ____.

A. AustraliaB. CanadaC. SingaporeD. Japan

2. John is ____ years old.

A. fifteenB. thirteenC. elevenD. twelve

3. John’s parents are ____.

A. doctorsB. clerksC. teachersD. students

4. John dislikes ____.

A. Chinese foodB. musicC. riding a bikeD. math

5. John can speak ____.

A. Chinese, English and FrenchB. English, Japanese and French

C. Chinese, Japanese and EnglishD. Japanese, Chinese and French


First Name:Jennifer

Last Name:William


Nationality:the United Kingdom

Be Born:September 26, 1995.

Favorite Color:Red

Favorite Food:French Fries

Favorite Subject: Music

Favorite Sport:Tennis

Family:Sisters: Jerry; CindyBrother: Victor

Address: No. 5, the Seventh Street, London

Phone Number: 5346-7821


6. What’s the girl’s full name?


7. Where’s Jennifer from?


8. How old is Jennifer?


9. What is Jennifer’s favorite food?


10. How many people are there in Jennifer?蒺s family?





姓名: 赵磊

年龄: 14岁

性别: 男

籍贯: 广东省广州市

爱好: 打篮球、看电视、玩游戏、收藏体育用品

地址: 上海市北京路256号





1.能够正确听,说,朗读“Who is …? He/She is…What’s he/she like? He/She is … Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”等询问某人是谁,外貌或性格怎么样的相关交际用语。


3.能够听懂,会说,会表演let’s learn的内容并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。


重点:学生能够表演let’s learn的交际内容,能够根据实际情况用英语讨论人物。

难点:用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如“Who is …? He/She is…What’s he/she like? He/She is … Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”等。




Step1. Warming-up

1.sing a song”Who’s your teacher”

2.show pictures and say

出示一些学科教师图片,让学生快速说出来,如Chinese teacher/math teacher/English teacher/art teacher/music teacher.

T: Who’s this man/woman?

S: He/she is ... ...

Step2. Presentation

1.Look and guess.看图片,猜一猜。


T:guess,what’s he/she like?

S: Is he/she strict/funny…?

T:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.


2.展示Let’s learn图片,快速让学生说出Mr还是Miss。

3.look at the pictures and say.看图说句子。

如:Mr Young is our music teacher.He is old.


Step3 Consolidation

Group work:小组讨论任课老师。



Step4 Homework

1.Copy the words of let’s learn.

2.Make a dialogue about your teachers.


Unit one What’s he like?

Part A let’s learn ask and answer let’s spell

old young funny kind strict

Who’s your art teacher?--Mr Jones.

Is he young?--Yes,he is.

篇6:牛津英语7A unit1 教案

牛津英语7A unit1 教案

7A unit 1 教案 重点 一、  语法 【1】喜欢做某事 like/love/enjoy doing sth 1.Daniel 喜欢打电脑游戏。  Daniel enjoys playing computer games. 2.Simon 和Allan 不酷爱游泳。 Simon and Allan don’t love swimming. 3. Millie喜欢听音乐吗? Does Millie enjoy listening to music? 【2】二 去做某事 go doing sth 去游泳/唱歌/散步/跑步/购物 go swimming/singing/walking/running/shopping 1.让我们去游泳。  Let’s go swimming. 2. 他妈妈总是在周六去购物。His mother always goes shopping on Saturday. 3. 你爷爷每天早晨去散步吗? Does your grandfather go walking every morning? 【3】 擅长做某事 be good/clever at doing sth 1.我不擅长画画。  I’m not good at drawing. 2. 她擅长唱歌吗? Is she clever at singing? 3.他们不擅长跑步,他们擅长游泳。They are good at running. They are clever at swimming. 【简单的一般现在时】客观存在的事实 目前存在的事 实经常做的事 1、Simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’  I am happy 2、Simple present tense of the verb ‘to do’  I like fish n  I am /am not happy. n  He/She/It is /isn’t happy. n  We/You/They are/aren’t happy. 1、 Remember that we add an ‘s’ to the  verb after ___,___, or __. ( walk-walks)【书14页表格】 实战习题 Liu Xiang enjoys _______ (run). He goes _______ (run) for 3 hours every day. He is also good at ________(sing). 1.Tom ______ (run) every morning.  He _____(be) good at _________ (run). 2.We _______(like) _______(read).  ____(do) you ____(like) _______(read)? 3.My parents ______(go) _________(shop) every Sunday. They ______(love) _________(shop). 4.Daniel and Sandy ______(come) from Beijing. They enjoy ________(live) there. 5.Mr Wu ___________(not like) ________(sit) in his office. He ______(love) _____(do) sports and he ______(be) clever at _______(play) tennis. 二、  自我介绍 Name:  _________________________ Age : _________________________ Class: _________________________ Grade:  _________________________ Birthplace:_______________________ Living place:______________________ Appearance:______________________ Hobbies:  ________________________ Abilities(begood at):_________________ 三、句子转换 1.他们星期天去购物. They go shopping on Sunday. They don’t go shopping on Sunday. Do they go shopping on Sunday? 2.他在工厂上班. He works in a factory. He doesn’t work in a factory. Does he work in a factory? 4.汤姆和杰克放学后喜欢跳舞. Tom and Jack love dancing after school. Tom and Jack don’t love dancing  after school.  Do Tom and Jack love dancing after school?  



编写者第 二




’she/shelie?/He/SheisthinandshrtAndhe’s/she’sverind并能在实际情境中运用。2)能运用上节的词汇进行Pairr巩固练习。3)学生能在教师指导下完成Readandrite教学重点h’sur…teaher?/hat’s…lie?的准确运用。教学难点能用英语对人物的特点做出准确的描述。教学资源 PPT;教材相配套的录音磁带;单词卡片 修改意见教




Listenandirle2 Shsepitures,andassequestins1))hat


















