



FRIENDSHIP Friendship is necessary for us;they play an important character in our life.As the saying goes, where there is a friend, there is strength.That is to say, friend can courage us when getting self-abased, and give us a handwhen falling into a trouble.We cannot make a friend within a short time, because the real friendship is based on deep communication and having something in common such as the sense of value, life and so on.Someone make friends for their own utility, they only think about what can they get from friend instead of giving.This friendship will not take long, because it goes against the equality.All in all, we can get along well with each other as well as we communicate by heart and control the principle.


Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we

need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.

Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.



积极鼓励学生在预学中自主提出自己的学习问题是教师组织翻转课堂的前提。在高中英语翻转教学前, 教师必须为学生科学设计预学环节, 提供学习资源, 有效引导他们通过自主学习, 激发问题意识, 学会发现和提出问题, 这是顺利开展翻转课堂教学的关键。

1. 引导自主质疑。

自主质疑是学生主动参与学习进程的体现, 也是由学会到会学自觉转变的重要标志。俗话说:“学起于思, 思原于疑。”教师积极联系学情, 引导学生在预学活动中学会自主提出学习问题则尤为重要。如, 在《Unit 1 Friendship》Period 2 Reading翻转教学前, 提前注意收集学生在“Warming up”学习环节中暴露出的学习困难, 比如他们的英语词汇量不丰富, 知识基础较差, 对原汁原味的英美英语语言素材涉猎不多等, 来有针对性地做好了“Period 2 Reading”的预学设计, 明确要求学生要把预学任务区别于以往的简单预习, 要积极开展自主学习, 并善于发现和提出自己的学习难点。学生通过利用微视频、自主学习任务单等学习资源开展自主学习后, 提出了许多有共性的问题, 如“怎样速读?”“精读时要注意哪些方面?是不是要一字不漏地读呢?”“如何做好英译汉?”“怎样复述课文啊?”这些问题就是刚刚步入高中学习阶段学生的普遍的学习困难了, 它们将为围绕问题的翻转教学提供探究主题。

2. 带着问题走进课堂。

学生积极通过预学来发现和提出自己的学习问题, 并带着问题走进课堂, 这充分体现出学生自觉主动的学习姿态和素质。如在《U-nit 1 Friendship》Period 2 Reading同一节翻转教学前, 笔者发现学生预学后, 在“English-Chinese translation”环节中还发现了不少学习问题, 主要如: (1) 对“It is/was++that+”和That引导的从句的句子结构分析存在困难, 不理解If引导的wonder从句; (2) 对“It____+the first/second...time+that+主语+”时态的分析和把握有困难; (3) 对be crazy about、everything to do with nature、there was a time when...等新短语的用法不理解。学生面对这些学习问题, 积极借助了网络、学习参考资料、英语词典等资源, 还是不能完全理解, 于是及时通过“班级QQ学习交流群”反馈给教师。教师看到的不仅是学生的学习困难, 而且看到了学生善于主动提出学习问题的可贵学习精神。在教师的鼓励下, 他们将带着问题走进课堂, 为有序开展翻转学习、有效解决学习困难奠定了必要的探究活动准备。


教师反思课堂探疑, 必须始终关注学生在交流探疑中是否真正解决了预学中遇到的学习问题, 这是组织翻转课堂的重点。课堂探疑是翻转课堂教学的主体环节, 即坚持以问题为引领、以任务为驱动, 在教师的有效引导下学生积极参与问题探究, 在互助合作中求得问题的解决。

1. 问题引领, 互助释疑。

问题是贯穿翻转课堂的纽带。在高中英语翻转课堂中, 教师必须善于收集学生的学习问题, 并坚持以问题来引领学生开展互动交流, 通过学习小组 (groups) 互助合作的学习方式实现释疑解惑。如《Unit 1 Friendship》Period 2 Reading课堂环节中, 为了更好地引导学生进入问题探究, 笔者在Step 2 Fast reading中积极联系学生预学中遇到的学习问题, 设计了这些问题: (1) Please look at the pictures and the title of the reading passage.Guess what it might be about... (2) Who is Anne? (3) Who/What was Anne’s best friend? (4) When and where did the story happen? (5) Please fill in the following form according to the condition of your fast reading:The time/place/heroine/of the story...The length of time they hid away...The date of the diary...”并放手让各学习小组开展快读活动, 引导和鼓励他们加强交流合作, 在互帮互助中完成上述的问题。同时, 教师积极走进学生小组中, 时而倾听他们的互动交流的声音, 时而参与他们的讨论分析, 时而简要回答他们的小问题, 特别是对学生在自主预学中遇到的如何更有效地快读等问题, 简明扼要地加以指点。只有教师有效根据学生的学习困难来设计课堂探究的主题, 翻转才有可能;只有学生充分地体验自己学习问题的探索、分析、解决的过程, 释疑解惑才能实现。

2. 任务驱动, 检测提升。

为促进学生学习问题的切实解决, 上述以问题为引领的互动探疑形式本身就是任务型学习的有效方式。除了以设置问题来引导学生解决学习问题、完成学习任务外, 教师还可以通过随堂检测的形式强化训练, 在训练中检验学习效果、修正学习问题、提升学习实效。如, 在Period 2 Reading翻转教学进行到Retelling时, 笔者为了更好地解决学生预学中面临的学习困难, 为他们设置了“Please use the following words to retell the text”的检测任务, 明确要求他们利用what/what kind/when/where等词, 从“Anne’s best friend”和“Anne’s feeling”等角度, 以第一人称来复述。在此, 通过创设读后复述任务, 目的是借助训练活动来检测学生的英语听力和语感, 改进英语语音语调, 促进自主阅读, 强化英语知识和能力的发展, 并在教师对复述活动的细节和要项的方法指导下, 实现学生英语综合能力的提升。


总结反思是翻转课堂的最后一个重要环节, 也是学生翻转学习的最终落脚点。及时做好翻转学习后的反思, 有利于教师明确翻转课堂教学哪些方面亟待改进和完善, 也有利于学生在教师的有效指引学生做好自己学习的归纳小结, 促进学生查缺补漏、自觉提升。

1. 反思学习困惑。

翻转课堂最后, 教师应注重引导学生结合课堂学习开展反思, 想一想还存在着哪些学习困惑, 特别是要联系每一节课堂实际情况, 来有针对性地引导学生进行反思。如在本节课中, 相比于初中英语学习, 要求掌握的词汇量明显增多了, 于是有不少学生思考到, 怎样扩展和丰富自己的词汇量?怎样记忆英语单词?自己的学习盲点、易错易混点为什么老是重复犯?……这些由学习而引发的困惑和思考, 都集中体现出学生的认知能力的发展和求知愿望的积极状态, 他们渴求学习方法和技巧的指点, 迫切需要利用学习英语来培养自己获取与处理信息、分析与解决问题的能力, 以及用英语来思维和表达的能力等。

2. 带着反思走出课堂。

教师让学生带着反思走出课堂, 这不是一节课的结束, 而是下一节新课的开始, 是学生学会了反思的学习能力后为下次课继续做好准备。笔者认为, 每一节课完成之后, 都应该让学生们以积极的学习状态带着反思走出课堂。如, 在Period 2Reading这节翻转教学的最后, 笔者适时设置了Learning and reflection (学习和反思) 环节, 让学生思考:“ (1) 你在自主预学活动中遇到的问题现在解决了吗? (2) 在Fast reading、Intensive reading、English-Chinese translation、Retelling等活动过程中, 你有什么收获?有哪些困惑? (3) 你真正参与到学习小组的讨论学习中了吗? (4) 你对本节课有什么建议呢?”教师鼓励学生带着这些开放性的反思问题回家思考, 注重激发他们的学习目的性和自主性, 使他们由学会转变为会学、善学, 在自主思考中促进英语语言综合学习能力的提升。

总之, 教师应积极“三思”而后行, 始终坚持以学生的问题为出发点, 以学生问题的切实圆满解决为重点, 以激发学生更细致地反思学习问题作为学习进步的动力, 让英语翻转课堂不仅翻转更新了学生的学习实效, 而且成为了学生乐学的园地。

摘要:问题是学习的纽带, 是学习的起点。高中英语翻转课堂必须紧紧围绕学生的学习问题来组织设计, 紧跟学生自主预学、课堂探疑、总结反思等学习环节来开展学习活动。积极反思课堂, 来促进学生善于在预学中质疑、在互动交流中探疑、在总结反思中提升, 这是教师有效组织英语翻转课堂的重要任务。



[1]林顺华.如何在高中英语课堂革新思维开展翻转课堂[J].校园英语, 2015, (01) .




Friendship is essential for the existence of society The successful accomplishment of any task calls for support from many people Friendship is a guarantee of harmonious efforts People live in a common society, co-operating and helping each other directly or indirectly all the time And it’s this kind of friendship that makes society harmonious though competition is universal Unfortunately, people are so complex in the modern society due to various reasons Adversity is the touchstone of friendship No matter what happens, a true friend will never leave you alone and will always be with you.患难见真情。不幸的.是,由于各种各样的原因,现代社会的人们是如此复杂。有时候,我们真的不知道谁是我们真正的朋友。逆境是友谊的试金石。也就是说,在困难的时候,我们很容易测试友谊是真是假。不管发生什么事,一个真正的朋友永远不会让你独自一人,而是永远与你同在。


Everybody need friends.It’s very important for us to know how to make friends.

How to make friends?At first,we should be friendly to each other,and make strangers at home,wherever they are,and think more of others than ourselves.We shouldn’t quarrel with our friends if we have different opinions with them.

Don’t believe the man who leaves you when you are in danger because everyone knows “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”


On my birthday, my good friend Lin Lin came to me to her home to play. On the way to her, I secretly complacent: ha ha, she must know today is my birthday, so invite me to her home to play, then sing a “happy birthday” to me this song, and then gave me many nice present, and then share with me a big birthday cake, send you a message, be happy after the birthday... I still asleep in the middle of the “dream”, was broken by a soul.but about beats to: “I wish you a happy birthday, Lin Lin!” When I heard those words, I suddenly thought of Lin Lins birthday and I are on the same day. Well, it doesnt seem that they are likely to celebrate my birthday.

I looked at their pleasure, the in the mind very sad, I didnt think you dont care my birthday, only care about Lin Lins birthday. I opened the Lin Lins door, is preparing to leave, heard the sound of a lily: “the gift, wait!” My heart is a pleased, they prepare to give me a birthday present? I decide to wait. But wait until 4 o clock in the afternoon, also see them to celebrate my birthday.

I despair, such as after their good Lin Lins birthday, I said also dont say left. That is, the house came the lily cries: “of course! The best program is left to the last! Now, lets celebrate the gift of birthday!” At that time, my hands appeared many fine gifts, they give me through a happy birthday.


Many people find it hard to make friends.It really is not!All it takes is for you to get out of your shell and remember that if you love your yourself, others will too.As a teen, making friends can be hard or easy depending upon several factors.

Relax.It's all about confidence.If you are nervous or try too hard to look cool you’ll just be strange.So you won't make many friends.You will stand out as overdoing something.Think of good reasons why someone would like to meet you.So relax.People will like you for passing a peaceful energy.

Make the first move.Don’t be shy because it won't help you in anything.Look around for someone that seems interesting, and go up to talk to them.A good subject to talk about to anyone is music, because almost everybody likes music.Other topics could be movies or sports.Try not to get deep when you are first meeting somebody.Keep away from things like politics, religion and relationship problems.

Develop friendships.You may talk to someone now but soon they’ll forget you if you stop.You'd better take a time to say hi to them every day and ask how they are doing.Say their names as often as you can.When you greet them, say things like, “Hey Alex!”“what’s up, John?”If you do that every day, they’ll be happy that you care about an remember them, so they won’t forget you and you will be good friends.

To g e t h e r n e s s i s o n e o f t h e m o s t b e a u t i f u l a s p e c t s o f friendship.No matter what happens, friends always stick together!Unconditional support is what friends have.Even when your friend thinks you are wrong, he/she will first try to convince you, but if that fails, rest assured that no matter which way you choose, true friends are always two steps behind!


Friendship is not as bright as gold and rare as platinum, but as pure as silver; Although there is no sea surging like the Yangtze River, but as delicate as a stream.

It is rare to have a few good friends to talk to in your life. You must grasp the happiness you have now. Dont be like me, you have no one to talk to.


Today,I will talk about whether friendship is a necessity.I hold that friendship is a necessity in life.Of course ,the majority of people will agree with me.Friendship is a kind of human relations.It is a human instinct to make friends.It plays an important part in our life.Friendship not only brings us a lot of happiness,but also reduces the sense of

loneliness.Because friendship is a basic source of hope in our lives.For

example,when we are happy,we can share our feelings with friends;when we achieve success ,we can also tell friends to share our joys.when we are sad,friends are good listeners who can give us suggestions to make us get rid of it,if we are in trouble, we can turn to friends for help , friends will surround us and friends willoffer us support and encouragement.Every one of us needs friends, so that we can depend on each other.people want to do friends favours and hate to break a promise.In contrast with marriage ,there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association between two persons.But the supporting and understanding of each other does seem toa powerful bond ,which can overcome differences in background ,and break down barriers of age, class or race.In terms of real friendship, true friends share not only joy ,but more often they share sorrow.As we get to know people, we take into account things like age, race ,economic conditions,social position,and intelligence.To the true friendship , these factors are not of prime importance.close friends just have similar ideas and beliefs and have attitudes and interests in common.Friendship is also a bridge between people to communicate with each others,which let us understand each other the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections.Diffient people will make our minds more advanced and mature.To me, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends.With friendship, life is happy and harmonious.without friendship, we will be denyed withfortunate and happiness.Therefore, friendship is necessity.That’s all.Thank you.


My friend is a teddy bear in my family. I like him very much. I hold him when I eat and when I sleep.

He has a pair of bright small eyes, and a banana color, but also wearing a fiery red clothes. I like him very much because he is lovely.

I also have a friend is my toy little fox, I also like her, she has two big eyes, she is the color of an orange, but also with a little white, she is wearing a big red skirt, there are black dots above.


The silence of men in general is overtalked about and overcriticized. to be sure, men never open up as much as women want them to, but there is a wordless understanding in which we function fairly well especially in friendships.

I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be gloomily uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat. the push for men to express their feelings presumes that we have feelings, and we do have a few, but they remain submerged, and the airing of them often violates their authenticity. i am no biologist, but my guess is that the male human animal was programmed for silence. i would go so far as to argue that men were programmed to be isolated from one another and that aloneness is our natural state. silence in male friendships is our way of being alone with each other.

Once men have established a friendship that itself is the word. the affection is obvious, at least to us. a main component of our silence is an appreciation of the affection.


小学英语作文:About Friendship

Friendship is always being a eternal popular topic among people. Beacuse it is connected with us in every aspect of our lives. Friendship means a lot to everyone . No matter good people or bad people . They all want to get a pure and trustworthy friendship .So they attech great significance to it . Friendship is the emoitonal bond between people. Friendship is the most magic kind of various relationships. It never conflicts with other relationships. It can get on well with other relationships . Friendship can be established on different bonds. Once it come into being . It will be pretty firm and nothing in front of it is insurmountable. From my point of view , friendship is the most precious treasure and we should cherish it wholeheartedly A real friendship can always stand the toughest storm.


What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship, no matter what their background, age, sex or personality.

Friendship can be pure. We hear, nowdays, however, how one can be cheated by friends. Many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money. It is doultful that is real friendship.

Having friends, one can be find happiness. If you are in trouble your friends will help you through or at least comfort you. When you are happy , they share it with you. They are also there for you to chat with at any time.

It is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says “to love each other is easy but to make frieds is hard”, So, it is crucial that we should get along with our friends. In my opinon, it is a shame to deceive your friends . The world would be more beautiful if it was full of filled with friendship.





Friendship Friendship is the most valuable things between heaven and earth, sincere friendship is one of the greatest comfort.By zou toufen What is friendship? Friendship is a bridge constucted by you and me, not you or me alone.Of course,building a bridge is a great project which consumes time and energy.As the saying goes,“time reveals all things”.Maybe a bridge has been built, but it could not stand the wind and rain of future.And time will help us to test on it.So friendship is you and me, time and energy.What is friendship? The friendship of Marx and Engels was called the great friendship.Just because their outstanding work changed the world ? I think it is far from the essential of friendship.It was with the help of Engles that Marx could focus on his masterpiece and finally composed the communist manifesto.At the same time, it was the common worship for freedom and justice that encourge them to work together through the hard period.So friendship is you and me , help and common dream.What is friendship? A old man may find that he has only one friend in his life.Friends are easy to spell , easy to pronounce, but difficult to be forever.In childhood, we played together innocently.When we were tennagers, we went after our dream.In the future, I may not know where you are and what you will

have become.But we will still remember once a time you and me are friends.Friendship is you and me, and we will be together again at the bridge after a long voyage.
