






1-5 CBBCA6-10 CBCDC11-15 CCACD


16-20 DABDC21-25 ABADC26-30 BACAB31-35 ADABC


36-39 CACD40-43 CDBD44-46 DCB47-50 ADDA




五、任务型阅读 61.name62.Reasons63.stuffing64.maintain65 Approaches



One possible version:

Microblog, as its name indicates, is a kind of blog, which differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in size.Now microblog is quite popular among adults as well as teenagers and has become a symbol of vogue.With a computer or a cell phone you can text whatever you like, and immediately people who are concerned about you may receive it.Not only can you read it immediately but also you can type some words in reply to them if you are interested.In this way teenagers find fun of life in their spare time and get help to relieve the pressure from study.Also it is said to enable them to build up a better relationship.As far as I’m concerned, we should not be addicted to playing it because we can’t afford the time, energy or money.Also it’s very hard to control the information we get from it.As the saying goes, “The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.”




1-5 DBBCD6-10 CABDC11-15 DDCAC


16-20 ADDCD21-25 BACBC26-30 DADCC31-35 BABBA


36-38 BCA39-42 BCBA43-46 CDAC47-50 ADDB








One possible version:


国家教育部颁布《关于减轻学生过重课业负担的十项规定》之后, 中学生课业负担总体上已有所减轻。那么, 我校学生的家庭作业有了那些改进, 还存在着哪些问题?学生和家长对英语家庭作业又有哪些新的意见和建议呢?为了进一步了解学生的英语作业情况, 明确当前提倡素质教育时期学生的作业现状, 寻找学生学习中存在困惑的原因, 从而科学有效地布置作业, 减轻学生的学习负担, 我对所任教年级学生的英语作业现状进行了一次较全面的调查。

目前学生和家长普遍反映中学生课业负担沉重, 许多学生做作业时间过长, 影响了孩子的身心健康;学生作业质量不高, 糊弄作业的现象很严重;还有的学生不能按时完成作业, 心理压力很大;为了保证孩子完成作业, 甚至有家长代替孩子写作业。这种现象愈演愈烈, 一线教师也很矛盾, 不知道该如何布置作业才能满足学生的需要, 达到预习和巩固的目的。

我希望通过问卷、访谈方式对学生作业现状, 作业的质, 作业的量, 及学生家长满意度等方面进行调查, 获取一手资料 (数据) , 真正弄清楚学生作业负担沉重的原因所在, 使一线老师能够科学有效地布置作业, 真正减轻学生的课业负担, 达到学生乐学、爱学的目的。


本次研究采用调查法, 操作步骤和过程如下:


确定调查主题, 设计研究方案, 设计调查问卷和访谈提纲。


(1) 利用课余时间, 分发学生和家长的调查问卷, 对初三年级的五个班进行实地调查。利用课余时间抽取五个班级不同程度的学生进行访谈。

(2) 收集数据、做出统计、整理资料并进行分析。





研究结果显示, 学生每天完成英语老师布置的作业时间是1小时以内到1小时的占67%;在家长调查问卷中, 家长认为英语老师布置的作业量适量的占74%;对作业量的调查结果与学生问卷的结果偏差不是很大。从这个结果上可以看出, 对大多数学生来说, 英语作业量比较适度, 但是, 还是仍有27.5%的孩子对英语作业量难以承受, 完成作业时间较长, 按照国家规定的标准, 作业量还是偏多的, 家长对此也颇有微词。而且有78.4%的学生反映, 来自学校的作业量远远大于其他方面, 就学生不完成作业情况调查, 因其他作业太多没时间写英语作业的占了47.4%。从这一数据来看, 学生总的作业量是很大的。所以, 减少英语学科的作业量势在必行。


(1) 对英语老师布置的作业很感兴趣, 着急先做的占37%, 遇到不会的题非做出来不可的只占33%, 从这一数据看出英语作业的质量不高。

(2) 抄作业或糊弄作业的人也不在少数, 占12.3%, 对英语作业因不会做而不写的占43.3%。这表明, 大多数孩子只是为了完成作业而完成作业, 没有强烈的进取心, 自主学习能力较差, 甚至自暴自弃。21.6%学生不能按时完成作业的主要原因是英语基础太差, 没有自信心。

(3) 在家里完成作业时有77.4%的学生不需要家长的督促和帮助。孩子做作业的时候, 有69.8%的家长会注意营造安静的氛围, 不去打扰孩子的学习。在孩子旁边, 可以随时给他提醒或辅导的家长只占8.5%。

(4) 对于学校要求家长协助完成的作业, 诸如考单词、检查背诵、签字等, 有69.8%的家长很乐意做, 17.9%的家长不得不做或者不情愿做。但从孩子作业反馈上来看, 家长考单词效果80%左右还可以, 仍有接近20%的学生家长签字说在家考试已合格, 但是到了学校却不能合格。说明家长考试质量不高, 有糊弄现象。但其他形式的作业, 诸如阅读题、写作题、试卷等, 学生自己完成效果并不好, 质量不高。

(5) 就孩子的作业问题, 家长是否和老师有过交流?经常交流的只占10.4%。偶尔有交流的占37.7%, 几乎没有交流的占40.6%。说明家长对孩子的作业还没有真正的关注和重视, 大多数只是疲于表面应付, 没有真正起到监督的作用。

(6) 对于老师的作业批改, 92%的同学认为比较及时, 98%的同学认为老师做到了全批全改, 2%同学认为老师有个别批改。85.8%的同学反映老师是以赋分的形式给予了评价, 10%的同学反映老师给予了等级的评价, 反映老师给评语的只占4.2%。这个数据表明, 教师对于作业批改是认真及时的, 但是作业评价的方式还是老套了些。如果老师能多给学生一些文字方面的评语, 更能拉近师生之间的关系, 激发学生学习英语的兴趣和对作业的认真态度。所以, 老师对学生作业的批改方式也是影响作业质的一个重要因素。

(7) 你对老师批改作业还有哪些建议, 请提出来。学生主要提出了如下建议:

(1) 希望老师能够面批面改, 这样对错题能够及时弄懂。

(2) 希望老师能多写些鼓励的话语。

(3) 不希望做错的题被罚写多少遍, 弄懂就行。

(4) 不希望全班一样的作业, 会的题可不可以不做。

从中不难看出, 学生需要的是与老师近距离的接触, 真正将知识搞懂, 需要老师鼓励的话语, 不希望被罚写作业, 不希望千篇一律的作业。

(8) 通过对教师的调查, 发现教师给学生留的预习、巩固、复习型作业相对多些, 而鼓励自学、培养习惯、教会学生学习方法的作业相对较少。大部分教师通常会根据学生的能力和分数分层布置作业, 但从完成作业的质量来看, 学生对于书面作业完成较好, 而对于口头作业和探究型作业完成效果不理想。究其原因, 学生只善于完成老师布置的写的作业, 而对于口头和探究性作业, 不会有太多人认真对待。大部分教师对给学生布置的作业是逢布置就批, 对学生作业中出现的问题是共性的, 就全班讲;属个别现象, 就个别指导。说明老师对于学生的作业还是非常认真负责的。对于学生的作业评价, 多数教师是以分数或等级评价, 语言性的评价相对少些, 所以对学生的激励尚不足, 没有达到一定的效果。对于不完成作业的学生, 极少有教师探究其真正原因, 多数以惩罚或批评或请家长来教育, 效果甚微。


从完成作业时间看学生作业量偏多, 教师没有宏观地考虑学生总的作业量的多少, 导致学生作业负担较重;作业布置的质量比较科学, 形式多样, 但对于培养学生的兴趣和能力相对不足, 分层作业不够明显;评价手段相对单一, 对学生激励不够。虽然教师批改相对认真负责, 但是, 学生的学习兴趣和积极性没有充分地调动起来, 同时家长的辅助作用也没有很好地发挥, 所以学生总体完成作业的质量不高。


1.对于作业量预估是超标的, 但是从调查结果来看, 学生和家长基本都能接受, 部分学生感觉量大是因为对英语学习不感兴趣或者是学习能力欠佳。但从完成作业的质来看, 很多学生能够在短时间内完成作业是因为糊弄, 真正在短时间内认真完成作业的学生, 可以说, 体现了较强的自主学习能力和认真的学习态度。这些学生掌握了较好的学习方法, 而且会科学利用时间。他们一定不是把全部作业拿回家做, 而是见缝插针在校就完成了一部分, 所以, 应该号召同学们向他们学习。

2.对于作业的批改方式, 学生对老师的认真负责态度是认可的, 但是更渴望的是面对面的批改形式和激励性的评语。说明学生对英语学习还是有一定的进取心和提高成绩的愿望, 教师应该在批改方式上有所改进。

3.采用调查研究法, 有一定的科学性、真实性。问卷调查范围较全面, 有学生问卷、家长问卷、教师问卷, 还有部分学生的访谈、教师的访谈等。局限性表现在:在有些问题的设置上不够合理, 无法调查出学生最真实的想法。对于建议题, 大多数学生没有把自己心中的真实想法表达出来, 所以对于学生的调查问卷应该少一些文字表述题;另外, 从学生调查问卷的回答情况可以看出有些孩子不认真, 应付了事。教师访谈题目不够巧妙, 过于直接, 老师未必做出最真实的回答。对于家长问卷, 题目不够全面, 对于教师批改方面没有提及;真实度体现力度不够, 家长碍于情面, 没有把自己真实的想法说出来。从问卷结果来看, 大多数家长还是支持老师的工作, 对于过多的作业量也没有提出过多的怨言。因此问卷调查在设计上还有待于改进, 争取引起被调查者的兴趣和共鸣, 调查出最真实的结果。

通过调查, 我认为英语作业现状不甚乐观, 无论在作业量还是批改方式方面都需要改进。只有优化学科作业管理, 才能减轻学生的课业负担, 提高学生学习英语的积极性、主动性, 让不同层次的孩子收获成绩, 收获自信, 从而提高教学质量。


(1) 抄写性作业少些, 对于不同层次学生给予不同的作业量。

(2) 朗读、背诵作业, 家长协助签字检查。

(3) 预习作业分层次, 对于能力差的学生降低要求, 单词、短语、句子掌握即可。

(4) 试卷作业分层选作。

(5) 阅读练习、写作作业也分层布置, 能力相对差的学生每次只需完成1~2篇即可。

(6) 避免节假日布置超量作业。


(1) 减少机械抄写性作业, 单词过关的学生可以不写或只写少量不会的。

(2) 减少选择题的量, 避免学生糊弄。选择题尽量在课堂限时完成, 当堂批改, 当堂反馈。

(3) 写作作业一定先给学生以指导再布置学生写。

(4) 利用家长会等机会与家长沟通学生作业管理情况, 帮助家长找到合适自己孩子的管理方法, 保证学生作业的高质量完成。


1.“粗改”“精批”相结合。所谓“粗改”, 就是对那些由要求“一会”“二会”甚至有些含有“三会”的词汇、句型和交际用语构成的复习性练习, 仅给予对、错评价即可 (甚至可依据学生水平层次抽取适量样本进行批阅) 。所谓“精批”, 就是对那些由要求“三会”或“四会”的词汇、语法或交际用语构成的各类强化、巩固性练习, 批阅时不仅要给予对、错评价, 而且还要对学生写错的予以更正并指出错误原因。“粗改”与“精批”相结合的方式, 不仅可以使教师在讲评练习题时做到有的放矢, 而且能使学生知晓自己知识结构上的缺陷, 做到“对症下药”。

2.学生“自改”与“互改”相结合。教师“包办式”的作业批改方式往往使学生产生惰性。采用学生“自改”与“互改”的方式, 最后再由教师对作业中出现的共性错误, 集中评议和分析, 使学生认识到错误的原因并掌握纠正的方法。“自改”与“互改”的批改方式, 不仅反馈及时, 而且更重要的是利于充分调动学生的积极性, 培养他们的参与意识, 提高自我教育和分析、解决问题的能力, 使他们在批改作业中, 思维得到锻炼, 对知识由被动接受变为主动探究, 提高教学效率。

3.优化作业评价方式。单纯的分数评价只是对知识内容进行评价, 对学生在学习知识、完成作业过程中相伴而生的目的、心态、方法等并没有直接评价。所以教师应该改变传统的“遇对必钩 (v) , 有错必叉 (x) 或打分数的批改作业方式。作业评语便于学生更加清楚地了解自己作业中的优缺点, 有利于沟通师生之间的情感, 调动学生的学习积极性, 促进学生养成良好的学习习惯。评语还有利于激发学生的学习热情, 让优等生更上一层楼, 使中等生改正缺点、发扬优点, 使暂时落后的学生能克服畏惧心理, 树立信心。


[1]程宏喜.启发式教学方法的外延——英语作业批改方法改革尝试[J].安徽教育, 1990 (2) .

[2]陈寅.面批究竟给教师和学生带来了什么[J].上海教育, 2007 (9) .

[3]李涛.“减轻学生过重课业负担”与学生的发展[J].宁波大学学报 (教育科学版) , 2001 (3) .

[4]刘珍珍.关于初中生课业负担问题的研究[D].华中师范大学, 2006.


A) 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。

1. December is the t______month of the year.

2. My father likes s_________. He can play baseball and soccer.

3. Yao Ming is a basketball s_________. We all like him.

4. Please w______to me and tell me about your family.

5. They work all n______every day,from 22:00 pm to 6:00 am.

B) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词或短语。

1. The musician has two______(钢琴).

2. My brother often______(起床) at six o’clock in the morning.

3. You can______(打电话) me at 6881556.

4. We have sweaters for only 25 yuan;______(任何人) can afford this price.

5. Our P.E. teacher is very strict with us,and I’m usually very______(累) after class.

C) 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. Can you______(play) the guitar for us?

2. Let’s go and______(see) Beijing Opera on weekends.

3. My sister______(not like) thrillers because they are very scary.

4. There______(be) some coffee in the glass.

5. She is always the last one______(get) to the school.

Ⅱ. 单项选择

1. Emma can play______violin,she can also play______volleyball.

A. the; the B. ×; the C. the; × D. a; a

2. —______is your birthday?

—It’s March 14th.

A. When B. What C. Where D. Who

3. He often______at 6:30______the morning.

A. have breakfast; in B. have the breakfast; on

C. has breakfast; in D. has the breakfast; on

4. Do you know______?

A. what is Linda’s job B. what does Linda do

C. what does Linda’s job is D. what Linda’s job is

5.______is between(在……之间) twelve and fourteen.

A. Ten B. Thirteen C. Fifteen D. Seventeen

6. We have great bags______sports______only 20 yuan.

A. at; for B. for; for C. for; in D. in; for

7. —Can I help you?


A. Here you are B. Thanks a lot

C. You are welcome D. Yes,please

8. I like music,I want______the music club.

A. join B. to join C. joins D. to go

9. —_________. Is this your coat?

—No,it isn’t.

A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Excuse me D. OK

10. My son,please______these books to your brother. He’s at school now.

A. take B. bring C. want D. see

11. There are many______in the dish on the table.

A. food B. eggs C. pear D. milk

12. She is my sister,and______name is Kate.

A. her B. its C. his D. she

13. —______is your daughter?


A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How

14. I can dance,______I can’t dance well.

A. so B. or C. and D. but

15. —How much______these shorts?

—______two dollars.

A. are; It’s B. is; It’s C. are; They’re D. is; They’re

16. —What time do you go to school every morning?


A. At B. On C. In D. From

17. —Who’s the boy in a yellow hat?


A. I don’t know B. She is Tom’s friend

C. He is at school D. He is four

18. —Why don’t you like science?

—Because I think it’s______.

A. exciting B. funny C. boring D. interesting

19. —______is your Chinese teacher?

—Miss Yang.

A. How B. Who C. What D. Where

20. —Thank you very much.


A. That’s right B. Right

C. You’re right D. That’s all right

Ⅲ. 句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空限填一词。

1. Jennifer does her homework at 6:30. (改为同义句)

Jennifer does her homework at____ _______ ______.

2. Jimmy does his homework every day. (改为一般疑问句)

______Jimmy______his homework every day?

3. Mr Black usually gets up at 5:30. (对画线部分提问)

______ ______ _____Mr Black usually_______ ________?

4. He is always late for school because he wants to sleep a litter longer. (对画线部分提问)

________ _______he always late for school?

5. She has breakfast at 7:00. (把主语She改为They)

________ _______breakfast at 7:00.

Ⅳ. 连词成句 根据横线后的标点符号,连词成句。

1. my,is,book,where,math

________________________________________________ ?

2. favorite,is,your,what,sport

________________________________________________ ?

3. at,has,Miss Barnes,usually,school,lunch

________________________________________________ .

4. fun,because,physical education,likes,she,it’s

________________________________________________ .

5. go,on,doesn’t,Kim,school,to,Sundays

________________________________________________ .

Ⅴ. 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填空,完成对话。其中有两个句子是多余的。

A:Hi,Li Lei. __1__

B:I want to join the music club.

A:Oh. __2__

B:Yes,I can. I can sing well. __3__

A:No. __4__. I can play chess well.

B:I can play it,too.

A:Really? __5__


A. Can you play chess?

B. What club do you want to join?

C. Can you sing?

D. Do you want to join the music club?

E. Let’s sing a song.

F. I want to join the chess club.

G. Let’s play it now.

Ⅵ. 完形填空

Joe is an English boy. He is __1__ years old. He comes __2__ China with his parents. He is a student of Guangming Middle School of Beijing.

__3__ favorite subject is __4__. He thinks it is very __5__. But he __6__ speak Chinese well and he thinks it is difficult. He __7__ a Chinese club. He goes to __8__ club every day. And he goes to __9__ Chinese movies every Sunday. Then he can speak Chinese __10__.

1. A. thirty B. thirteen C. third D. three

2. A. to B. from C. for D. at

3. A. Her B. He C. His D. She

4. A. math B. Chinese C. English D. P.E

5. A. boring B. scary C. interesting D. busy

6. A. can B. not C. can’t D. don’t

7. A. wants B. joins C. likes D. helps

8. A. × B. a C. an D. the

9. A. paint B. learn C. look D. see

10. A. well B. also C. good D. nice

Ⅶ. 阅读理解


Mr White is from England. He is an English teacher now. His class is very interesting. He likes us and we like him,too. Mr White has two children,Tom and Lucy. Tom is seven and his sister is four. Tom goes to school but his sister doesn’t. Mr White likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans. Soccer is his favorite sport. After school we usually have a basketball match. Sometimes Mr White watches us play and sometimes he joins us. He plays basketball just for fun.


1. Mr White is______.

A. a Chinese teacher B. an English teacher

C. an English student D. a math teacher

2. How many daughters does Mr White have?

A. First. B. Two.C. Three. D. One.

3. Lucy doesn’t go to school because______.

A. she doesn’t want to go B. she doesn’t like school

C. she is too young D. her father doesn’t like her

4.______is Mr White’s favorite sport.

A. Volleyball B. Soccer C. Basketball D. Baseball

5. Which of the following is right?

A. After school we have a soccer match.

B. Sometimes Mr White watches our soccer match.

C. Sometimes Mr White joins us in our basketball match.

D. Mr White plays soccer just for fun.



6. How many English classes does Mary have in a week?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

7. Does Mary have classes at 10:30 am on Thursday?

A. Yes,she has. B. No,she doesn’t.

C. We don’t know. D. Yes,she has P.E..

8. When dose the football game start?

A. At 3:00 pm on Tuesday. B. At 2:00 pm on Thursday.

C. At 3:00 pm on Thursday. D. At 10:30 am on Tuesday.

9. Mary has a music class on______.

A. Monday afternoon B. Tuesday morning

C. Thursday afternoon D. Monday morning

10. —What does Mary do after English class on Friday?


A. plays footballB. plays volleyball

C. goes to a movie D. plays the piano

Ⅷ. 书面表达

假设Maria是你的好朋友,她是一位英国女孩,今年11岁,她的生日是五月五日,最喜欢的运动是足球和网球,最喜欢的学科是数学,经常在周末去看电影。请你根据上面提供的信息,以“My Good Friend”为题写一篇50个词左右的英语短文。


Ⅰ. A) 1. twelfth 2. sports 3. star 4. write 5. night

B) 1. pianos 2. gets up 3. call/phone 4. anybody/anyone 5. tired

C) 1. play 2. see 3. doesn’t like 4. is 5. to get

Ⅱ. 1-5 CACDB 6-10 BDBCA 11-15 BACDC 16-20 AACBD

Ⅲ. 1. half,past,six 2. Does,do 3. What,time,does,get,up

4. Why,is 5. They,have

Ⅳ. 1. Where is my math book

2. What is your favorite sport

3. Miss Barnes usually has lunch at school

4. She likes physical education because it’s fun

5. Kim doesn’t go to school on Sundays

Ⅴ. 1-5 BCDFG

Ⅵ. 1-5 BACBC 6-10 CBDDA

Ⅶ. 1-5 BDCBC 6-10 BBCAD

Ⅷ. One possible version:

My Good Friend






54070800000○5470800000 48万○480001 900000000○9亿 1000000○999999 4、3时整,时针与分针夹角是()度,7时整,时针与分针夹角是()。


6、一个数乘以58等于1160,如果这个数扩大3倍,则积是()。7、8平方千米=()公顷 21000000平方米=()公顷






























134×16 372÷31 208×34 625÷25 1508÷29 356×35 731÷79 3945÷89 270×50 769÷46 125×45 208×15 336÷42 956÷84 610÷29 605×74 840÷50 950×20 5427÷27 913÷15 114×27 406×25 460×25 768÷45

340×17 406×15 760×50 345×43 234×57 567×86 340×17 406×15 486×78 760×50 345×43 298×68 63÷20 260÷80 310÷50 170÷30 643÷80 406÷60 285÷40 111÷20 478÷70 163÷30 372÷45 828÷36 918÷27 792÷33 576÷18 652÷75 552÷69 608÷32 982÷32 510÷85 208÷24 289÷17 900÷60 125×18



2、汽车上山的速度为每小时36千米,行了5小时到达山顶,下山时按原路 返回只用了4小时。汽车下山时平均每小时行多少千米?

























29、两个因数的积是248,其中一个因数乘21,另一个因数除以7,结果应是多少? 30、王大伯家养了185只公鸡,229只母鸡和23只鸭。养的鸡的只数是鸭的几倍?

31、爷爷今年89岁,比小红年龄的12倍还多5岁,小红今年多少岁? 32、3、学校准备了1000元购买盆花美化校园,每盆花的单价是15元,如果一次买4盆花只需付50元,学校最多可买多少盆花?



35、王家村修一条长880米的长渠,已经修了12天,还要修220米。平均每天修多少米?还要修多少天? 36、40千克黄豆可以做160千克豆腐,照这样计算,现在有80千克黄豆,可以做多少千克豆腐?




















































1 distribute 使分布 2 expect 等待 3 plant 工厂 4 overcharge 多收钱

5 prehistoric 前历史的 6 sense 感觉 7 ban 禁止 8 independently 独立地

9 survive幸免于难 10 proportions 比例 11 repeat 重复12 release 公布

13 blast(s) 爆炸 14 minimal 小的


1 be in the lead 处于领先地位

2 wave one’s hand 挥手

3 wave sb goodbye 向某人挥手再见

4 run off 跑开

5 dig up 挖掘

6 your rate of reading 你的阅读速度

7 chief points 要点

8 take exercise 锻炼

9 do sports 运动

10 hold the lead 保持领先

11 lose the lead 失去领先地位

12 get a knowledge of… 了解…

13 have a sense of… 有…感觉

14 find fault with… 对…找毛病

15 come up with … 提出…

16 break down 分解

17 up to… 达到…

18 is linked to 与…有关

19 is relevant to… 与…有关

20 …be on the rise …在上升

21 take the place of… 取代…

22 throughout the academic year 整个学年

22 hand out 分发

23 in the meantime 在这期间


1 cause sb to do sth 引起某人做…

2 take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事

3 inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事

4 enable sb to do… 使某人能做某事


1 –How about ______ we go to the concert after dinner?

- Sounds a good idea.

A when B whether C that D if

2 learning another language is like stepping out of a door, ________ I can look back and see more clearly my own language.

A by which B through which C which D on which

3 The University of Tokyo is the oldest university in Japan and has always been in the lead when it comes to __________ new challenges.

A obtaining B assuming C advocating D dropping out of

8 ___________ evenly, the luggage loaded on a aircraft which goes up and down frequently stay in place.

A Locating B Selected C Investigating D Distributed

9 He kept a little notebook, in which __________ the names and addresses of his friends.

A were written B cancelled C said D read

10 Although _________ after the Civil War, the American blacks still took no important role in the white Americans except as servants and laborers.

A were no longer slaves B no longer been slaves

C no longer being slaves D no longer slaves

11 It was _________ was a waste land ten years ago ________ a modern city has been set up in.

A which; where B where; that C what; that D that; which

12. Do you expect ___________ to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the

particular furniture we need ?

A it B that C one D there

13.______________ on the road, and the taxi was stopped.

A Having seen a box B The driver saw a box

C Seeing a box D The driver seeing a box

14._____________ on the road, the driver stopped the taxi.

A Having seen a box B The driver saw a box

C Seeing a box D The driver seeing a box

15 _ Is there any particular soup you would like to have ?

- ___________ you select is all right with me.

A Anyone B No matter what C Whatever D Whichever

16. – I can’t find Mr Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

- It was in the hotel _________ he stayed.

A which B the one C where D that

17. ____________ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.

A Since B Before C Unless D While

18.He claimed __________ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.

A being badly treated B to have been badly treated

C treating badly D to be treated badly

19. – I’m not sure, but his accent __________ Australia.

A sounds B advises C shows D suggests

20 –Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

- No, dear. They don’t __________ well. Put them in the fridge instead.

A fit B get C last D keep

21 Can you make a sentence to __________ the meaning of the phrase?

A turn out B bring out C show off D take in

22. Cars do cause us some health problems ---- in fact far more serious ________

Than mobile phones do.

A ones B one C it D those

23. The home improvements have taken what little there is _______ my spare time.

A from B of C in D at

24. _______ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will

always be in demand.

A Since B As C If D While

25. I was greatly astonished that my students could _______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A get along B get over C get in D get through

26.Near the hill there is a small garden, ________ owner seated in it playing chess with his friend.

A which B that C its D whose

27 – Are you still busy?

- Yes, I _________ my work, and it won’t take long.

A just finish B have just finished C am just going to finish D am just finishing

28. He is such a man who is always ________ fault with other people.

A putting B seeking C looking D finding

29. I really can’t understand ___________ her like that.

A you treat B you to treat C you treating D why treat

30. – I have some trouble with this problem. Could you do me a favour?

- Sorry, you may turn to him. He has been _________ and he may know how to solve it.

A skill B around C expert D experience

31. The town was so quickly covered with volcanic ashes that the people hardly knew

what __________ to it as they headed for safe places.

A happened B has happened C was happening D were to happen

32 I won’t believe you until I ________ him tell the story with my own ears.

A heard B will hear C had heard D have heard

33. _____________ is it talking to him about it?

A How bad B Why C What good D Necessary

34. I hope that the little _______ I have been able to do does good to them all.

A which B what C that D when

35. I can’t ______ it if I am late because all the flights delayed taking off due to weather condition.

A make B help C get D catch

36 Is the research center ___________ you visited the modern equipment last year?

37.Is the research center ___________ you visited last year?

38.Is this the research center ________ you visited the modern equipment last year?

39.Is this the research center ________ you visited last year?

A the one that B the one where C that D where

40. It is better to ask someone for advice rather than ____________ something.

A risk doing B to risk doing C risk to do D to risk to do

41. – Would you like some more ice-cream, Susan?

- No, thanks. The ice-cream is very nice, but I have to ________ my weight.

A keep B notice C watch D lose

42 None at the Iraq police station ________ the car bombing last week.

A survived B was survived in C had survived D has survived in

43 I’ll talk about a newly-built market _________ you may get all ______ you need.

A in which; which B where; that C where; what D which; that

44 They are going to make _________ to have a meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

A a rule B it a rule C it rule D that a rule

45 When everything is ready, then _______ the most exciting moment.

A come B coming C comes D came

46 The bride carrying flowering enters last with her father who will “___________”.

A give her away B see her off C give her off D give her in

47 The car ____________ the couple leaves the church is decorated with balloons 、flags and shaving cream.

A which B that C in which D with which

48 Do you know __________ friends are coming to the party?

A whose else B else whose C else who’s D who else’s

49 _______ is this pen?

A whose else B else whose C else who’s D who else

50 I’m sure it’s _____________.

A someone else B someone else’s C else someone D who else

51 When and where to build the new factory ________ yet.

A is not decided B are not decided C has not decided D have not decided

52 Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and ________ become hard even for the students to understand.

A what B those C as D which

53 The coffee is wonderful ! It doesn’t taste anything I ________ before.

A was having B have C have ever had D had ever had

54 No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the condition of ___________.

A others B the other C either D another

55 – I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.

- __________ . It was her fault.

A No way B Not possible C No chance D Not at all

56 Mr.Green is second _______ speed ________ none as a famous athlete.

A at; to B at; with C in; to D in; with

Keys: 1 D 2 B 3 B 8 D 9 A 10 D 11 C 12 D 13 B 14 C 15 D

16 C 17 D 18 B 19 D 20 D 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 D 25 A

26 C 27 D 28 D 29 C 30 B 31 C 32 D 33 C 34 C 35 B

36 B 37 A 38 D 39 C 40 B 41 C 42 A 43 B 44 B 45 C

46 A 47 C 48 D 49 A 50 B 51 A 52 D 53 C 54 B 55A

56 C


1. I don’t smoke now, but I ever _________ (smoke) for ten years.

2. As we all know, Einstein ________ (play) a leading role in science for nearly 60 years.

3. The plan is so practical, so we can’t think _________ highly of it.


4.One can ________ be too careful in one’s work. (工作越认真越好)

5. I hate being like a bird _______ (keep) in a cage.

6. The champions came back _________ (load) with honors.(满载荣誉而归)

7.报名参加考试 sign up _____ the test / sign up ______ take the test.

8 expect there to ______ (期望有) more time to review their lessons.

9. Compare teachers ______ gardeners. (把老师比做园丁)

10._____ is known to all, China has a long history.

_______ is known to all is _______ China has a long history.

_______ is known to all that China has a long history.

11. 某人是微不足道的 sb be _______ potatoes.

12 live up ______ one’s expectations 不辜负…的希望

13.decline / _________ to do sth拒绝做某事

14. congratulate sb ________ doing sth / congratulations ______ sb on sth祝贺某人

15 make sb much _____ demand 使某人大受欢迎

16. Another colleague who is known __________________ (steal) things in the past is suspected ____ ______ _________ (steal) the camera.

17 I really appreciate ___________ (have) time to relax with you on this nice island.

18 You must get to know yourself so as to find out ________ your real interests lie.

19 As a doctor, I have to treat anyone who asks me for medical help, _______ it may be.

20 She risked her life _______ (try) to save the drowning child.

21 She couldn’t help but ________ (cry)

22 I’m sorry that I can’t help ________ (clean) the house now.

23 My son could have passed the exam, but he ________ (be) careful enough.

24. He wouldn’t have known the beautiful girl who __________ (become) his wife later, if he _______________ (take) a trip that year.

25 The dull precious metal seemed to flash as if ________ (reflect) her bright spirit.

He stood up as if __________ (leave)

She stood there as if __________ (fasten) to the ground.

26 The film is worth __________ (see) again.

It’s worthwhile ___________ (visit) that country.

He is a winner worthy of ____________ (call) a champion.

His deed is worthy ____________ (praise)

27 He screamed __________ delight.

28 Do you know the man ___________ (attend to) our business now.

Who do you think is the right man ______________ (attend to) our business while

I’m away.

29 My son ____________________ (pass) the exam, but he was too careless.

30 I stared at her, anger ______ (flood) me.

31 They were ________ (face) with problems, ______ ______ (其中) the financial problem is not the worst.

32 The house ________________________ (let).(供出租)

33 She lifted her hair with a __________ (practise) hand.

34 recite sth _________ memory

35 It was really a wonder that _________ (so/such) little insects ate so much food.

36 Are you aware _____ his danger?

37 What led him __________ (write) such a great book?

38 Her blue eyes __________ (suited/fitted/matched) the color of her eyes.

39 The girl spent as much time as she could ________ (go) over her lessons.

40 I would rather I ________ (do) it.

I would rather ______ (do) it.

41 With his son _________ (disappoint), the parents felt unhappy.


42 Don’t put the ladder _________ the wall.(靠)

43 He answered the question _______ a low voice.

44 Let’s operate ______ the patient now.

45 You’ll run a risk ____ cutting your feet if you don’t wear shoes.

46 Mr.Cheng instructed us _____ maths.

47 An awful idea _________ (hit/beat/struck/tapped) him.

48 You should stick to ________( study) English.

49 _________ (find out) more about university courses, call (920) 746-3789

50 The days we look forward to ________ (come) at last.

51 Whom will you have _________ (go) to see the film with you?

52 – Who is your brother?

-The boy __________ (dress) in blue.

53 Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _________ (follow) it closely.

54 Nowadays even the old people are interested in ________ (operate) the computer.

55 They took _______ (effect) measures to develop the city.

56 The way you work is far from __________ (有效率的)

57 I always get ________ (stick) when I come across a new word.

58 Regardless ________ the difficulties, we got through the ________ (design) task.

59 The Tiantic was built in accordance ______ the safety rules of her time.

60 Fred and I have many in common.(改错)

61 When _______ (offer) help, one often says,“Thank you.”or“It’s kind of you”.

When _______ (offer) help, one often says,“Can I help you?”or“What can I do for you?”

62 Did you get your intention ___________ (over/ across)

63 I have many friends, some of ________ teachers.

I have many friends, some of ______ ______ teachers.

64 Our efforts resulted ______ failure, I feel I am also responsible ______ it.

65 My money ___________ (run out). I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.

My money ________________ (run out of). I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.

66 I lost my way in complete darkness and, __________ (make) matters worse, it began to rain.

67 He decided to _____________ (弥补) the wrongs he has _______ in his life.

68 The plants want __________ (water) daily.

69 Can you pick __________ (out/ up) your brother from the crowd?

70 He went home, _______ (leave) a little work __________ (unfinish).

71 It is no ___________________________.(抱怨是没有用的)

72 I believe things will ____________ (pick up / turn up)

73 I’d rather he _________ (tell) me the truth now.

74 All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness

____________ (grow)

75 You should ___________ (lose/cost) no time in catching up with others.

76 Take a ten-minute break between classes is definitely important.(改错)

That we need is to have a real rest, instead of get more tired.

77 The mother was ________ when he heard the ________ news.(annoy)

78 All things __________ (take) into consideration, we will finish work ahead of time.

_________ (take) everything into consideration, this car is still a good car.

79 Sometimes ads tell a story, or the story may be continued _______ a series of ads.

80 He had found the key to _________ (explain) differences between species.

81 He was always a _________ (负担) to his parents.

82 He lives b_________ his income.(入不敷出)

83 He is a t_______ (耐劳的)worker.

84 _________ (lie) before him was buried treasure. Seeing it, I knew what was ______ his mind.

85 Though __________ (tremble) with fear, he walked on.

86 If __________ (untreat), it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient.

87 Mother said that I was ______ blame for the broken window.

88 The best chance to reach customers is to ________ to(迎合) their emotions.

89 He was accused _______ being a thief.

The driver was charged ________ speeding.

90 Some ads can not provide _________ (detail) information.

91 Different kinds of ads are found on websites _______ (offer) services and information.

92 They appointed him _______ (a /the/ 不填) head of the department.

93 We found the room _________ (decorate) with framed ads on the walls.

94 A good ad often uses words ______ _______ people attach positive meanings.

95 It ______ ________ _________ (没意义,无道理) to do like that.

96 He had a s__________ (充足的)knowledge of botany.

97 Young Banks had an appetite ________ knowledge.

98 In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they __________

_______________ (survive).

99 All showed a clear relationship with those of America, though _________

(separate) from that continent _________ (相差) about 600 miles.

100 a city _________ (locate) between Sydney and Melbourne.

101 warn sb _______ possible dangers

102 The class _______ (be) over, I found her _______ (seat) at the desk _________

listen) to the pop music.

103 The local Tibetans and Sherpas laughed at the strange bottles_________(contain)

__________ they referred to _______ “English air”.

104 At the age of 25, QuYinhua was the youngest _______ to _________________ (reach) the summit.

105 Skateboards have been _________ (盛行,活跃) since the 1970s.

106 _________ (put) into different categories, Guinness records are easy to find.


107 He got a chance ________ (go) abroad.

108 The Labrador Current (拉布拉多洋流) is cold water _________ (come) from

the Arctic.

109 Who is the man _______ (talk) to our teacher over there?

110 You can never predict everything _______________ (happen) in the future.

111 Today, most diamonds _________ (use) in industry come from Russia.

112 The problem _________ (discuss) at last week’s meeting is very important.

The problem _________ (discuss) right now is very important.

The problem __________ (discuss) at next week’s meeting is very important.

113 He has a book ________ (read).

He has a letter __________ (write).

He has a meeting ____________ (attend).

He has a lot ___________ (do)

114 There is a book for him _________ (read)

115 She was the only one _________ (look) after the child

116 The court a________ (承担) responsibility for the girl’s welfare.

117 Do you feel _______ better now?

118 Make sure that your weight is evenly d___________(分布).注意让你的体重分布均匀。

119. A modern city has been set up in _______ was a waste land ten years ago.

120 – Is Mr. Stephen in, please? He _____________ (expect) me.

_ Yes, sir, in the meeting room.

121 _ You know Mr. Green has been ill for days?

_ Yes, I wonder if he is _________ better now.

122 – There must be a dozen pens in this house, but I can never find one when I need them.

_ Keep looking. ________ is sure to turn up.

123 He gripped(紧抓) his brother’s arm _________ (免得,以免) he be trampled (踩) by the mob.(暴民)

124 He thought I was lying, _________ / _________ I was telling the truth.

125 They ______ ________ _______ a snowstorm on their way back.(被困住)

126 Guilin is known _________ its beautiful mountains and clear water _______ all the people.

127 More than one student in our class _____ been to Beijing.

128 He as well as I ________ a student of Beijing University.

129 She _________ (marry) a German. She has ____________ (marry) him for three years.

130 Official data _________ (release) yesterday also showed retail sales surged a surprising 1.3 percent in June.

Keys: 1 smoked 2 played 3 too 4 never 5 kept 6 loaded 7 for / to 8 be

9 to 10 As / What; that / It 11 small 12 to 13 refuse 14 on / to

15 in 16 to have stolen / to have stolen 17 having 18 where 19 whoever

20 to try 21 cry 22 (to) clean 23 wasn’t 24 became/ hadn’t taken 25 reflecting / to leave / fastened 26 seeing / to visit / being called / to be praised

27 with 28 attending to / to attend to 29 could have passed 30 flooding

31 faced / of which 32 is to let 33 practised 34 from 35 such 36 of

37 to write 38 matched 39 going 40 did/ do 41 disappointing 42 against

43 in 44 on 45 of 46 in 47 struck 48 studying 49 To find out 50 came 51 go 52 dressed 53 following 54 operating 55 effective 56 efficient 57stuck 58 of; designed 59 with 60 much 61 offered; offering

62 across 63 them; whom are 64 in; for 65 is running out; is being run out of 66 to make 67 make up for; done 68 watering 69 out 70 leaving; unfinished 71 use of complaining 72 pick up 73 told 74 grew 75 lose

76 Taking; What; getting 77 annoyed; annoying 78 taken; taking 79 over 80 explaining 81 burden 82 beyond 83 tough 84 Lying; in 85 trembling

86 untreated 87 to 88 appeal 89 of; with 90 detailed 91 offering 92 不填 93 decorated 94 to which 95 makes no sense 96sound 97 for

98 are to survive 99 separated; by 100 located 101 of 102 being/ seated/ listening 103 containing/ what/ as 104 ever/ have reached 105 around 106 Put 107 to go 108 coming 109 talking 110 to happen 111 used

112 discussed / being discussed / to be discussed 113 to read / to write / to attend / to do 114 to read 115 to look 116 assumed 117 any 118 distributed 119 what 120 is expecting 121 any 122 one 123 lest 124 whereas / while 125 were caught in 126 for; to 127 has 128 is 129 married ; been married 130 released



政府 方便的 感觉 压力(n)
