



教学反思:这节课的主要任务是学生熟练掌握cows,hens,sheep horses四个单词,能运用所学的句型进行语言表达。整节课的教学设计可分为三个部分。第一部分为复习旧知,巩固旧知中的难点these 和those的区分。第二部分是单词的呈现和练习。四年级的学生还处于爱动,爱唱的阶段。所以我设计了多种形式的练习,让学生在玩中掌握单词。观察力也是学习的重要能力之一,因此,使学生通过观察来认知sheep与其它复数形式的不同。第三部分为语言表达能力的训练。在单词熟知的基础上,根据所学的句型锻炼学生的语言表达能力。最后以熟悉的旋律创作歌曲,巩固所学内容。整节课以层层递进的方式呈现。学生不仅能在轻松愉快的氛围中完成学习的任务,而且激发学生学习英语的热情。




在教授的过程中,Str tie中主要出现了fail,father、ther、brther、sister和e这几个生词,其中家庭成员类单词在牛津小学英语2A Unit1 M fail中已涉及相关内容,对于二年级有了基础的学生,我利用其中的歌曲M fail带领学生反复听唱,激发学生的学习兴趣并复习fail,father、ther、brther、sister这几个单词。学生能熟练唱出这首歌时,再通过多媒体动画整体呈现Str tie,此时学生已基本理解其中的句型,最后Mie指着自己的照片说“This is e!”可让学生自己猜“e”这个词的意思。本单元剩余的部分主要出现的生词也是牛津一年级英语已出现过的:grandpa,granda和gd evening,通过fun tie和cartn tie再次呈现,且有了str tie中的句型作为基础,学生学起来比较轻松,另外要鼓励学生多听磁带多模仿学习正确的语音语调。本单元字母的新授通过Letter tie帮助学生认读、书写Ll、M、Nn这三个字母并通过Learning tip找本单元出现的这三个字母来操练。


1. This is …发音容易含混不清,要引导学生观察口型模仿。

2.家庭成员名称不够熟练,father, ther等th发音,口型容易不到位。



Teaching aims:

To develop students’ reading ability.

To help students know about Biblical idioms in English.

Step 1 Pre-reading

1.Class Presentation

发挥学生的学习主动性, 激发学生的阅读动机和跨文化知识。同时, 培养学生课外探究学习的能力。

(Students have already been required to collect three or four English idioms with the original stories before class.)

T: Have the students volunteer to present the idioms they have found. Besides, have them briefly explain what each idiom means.

2.Ask less able students to read the following sentences and guess what each idiom means

根据教学的情感原则, 力争使所有学生都能参与到课堂活动中来。针对学习能力稍滞后的学生, 通过较容易解决的问题激发他们的参与热情, 从而增加他们的自信, 使其体验到学习的成就感。

Can you guess the meanings of the underlined words?

1) I took my mother’s car without asking for permission. She is angry at me. I am in hot water now! (in trouble)

2) Don’t tell anybody else that I am looking for a new job. Please keep it under your hat. (to keep a secret)

3) We were not expecting to see Joan. When she suddenly arrived out of the blue, we were all surprised. (suddenly; unexpectedly)

3.As we all know, there are many idioms in English, and most of them come from the Bible

What do you know about Bible?


“The Bible is often described as "the greatest book ever written." This is because of its unending significance and influence on people throughout the ages. No other book in history has impacted peoples and cultures like the Bible.

Many basic concepts and principles of Western culture have come down from the Bible. Many common English phrases and expressions have their origin in the Bible as well.”

Even though it was written more than 2, 000 years ago, the Bible continues to influence people today. Let’s enjoy a story in it. “The Obstacle In Our Path ”

4.Since we’ve know about English idioms and Bible, let’s come to learn Biblical idioms in Englsih. 引出话题

Step 2 Fast reading该活动以训练学生快速阅读的技能为目标, 通过分析文章结构、了解文章大意、作者写作意图, 检查学生对课文的整体掌握情况。

Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the following questions.

1) How many parts can the text be divided into? What are they?

2) Why did the writer write the article?

3) What do you expect to learn from the article?

Step 3 Detailed reading

给出读前问题, 引导学生捕捉课文的具体信息, 学会忽略阅读中不太相关的信息。解决细节复述型问题 (Q2) 、理解性提问 (Q3) :教师为检查学生对所学知识理解的程度提出的问题、分析性提问 (Q1) :教师要求学生找出原因、结果、条件等的提问、综合性提问 (Q5) :教师为培养学生综合性思维能力所作的提问, 学生要利用所掌握的知识进行分析, 得出自己的结论或看法、评价性提问 (Q4) :教师为培养学生判断能力所作的提问, 引导学生判断评价事件和人物, 分析品评作者的中心思想和艺术特色, 是一种高深层次的提问, 思想难度较大。

1. Read the passage a second time to find specific information.

1) Why does the Bible have a lot of idioms?

2) How many years ago was the Bible translated into English?

3) Why are idioms an important part of language?

4) How many kinds of idioms in the Bible are mentioned here? What are they? 5

5) How is studying idioms useful in language learning?

根据问题设计的梯度, 针对不同水平的学生提不同层次的问题。

2.Further comprehension

根据动机模式:attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction, 帮助学生将课文知识活用, 凭借已获取的新知识, 灵活运用到各个语言环境中去。这样既能吸引学生注意力, 激发学生知识间的相关联系, 又能让他们从成功解决实际问题的过程中获得自信与满足感。

Apply these idioms into practical usage.

1) Sarah’s grandmother adores her; Sarah is the apple of her grandmother’s eye

2) Wilson was disappointed when he learnt that the coach had feet of clay.

3) She knew it might take a long time for her teammates to change their minds, but she believed that the new plan would work by and by.

4) The people in my village are very honest and hard-working; they are the salt of the earth.

5) When my brother came back home from his trip to Europe, we killed the fatted calf for him.

6) She would not say who told her about the surprise party. She just said, ‘A little bird told me’.


模仿高考任务型阅读这一题型, 训练学生限时完成所设计表格的部分信息的效率, 并且帮助学生进一步巩固该文章。

Task-based reading

Step 4 Post-reading

该读后活动将本课的阅读策略运用于实际, 学生通过小组讨论使用类比法推断更多习语含义。

Instruct students to pay attention to the Reading strategy of the article. Make sure that students understand how to infer the meaning of the idioms by analyzing the hidden clues.

Provide students with more Biblical idioms and ask them to discuss in groups of four how they manage to understand an idiom.


该课的教学目标是帮助学生了解英语中的圣经习语。这节课上下来感触颇多, 总的来说是一堂较成功的阅读课。亮点一:读前活动的第一个任务的设计能有效发挥学生的主观能动性, 让学生们把课前查找的习语及相关习语故事在课堂上用英语表达出来。学生们跃跃欲试, 都渴望把自己的成果与大家一起分享。因此这一热身充分调动了学生的积极性, 激发了学生的兴趣。第二个任务是针对部分英语能力稍差的学生设计的, 课堂反响非常好。回答的学生都能在老师指导下成功猜出谚语的含义。他们的学习热情被提了上来, 有了自信, 而且能把这种满足感带到接下去的学习中去。亮点二:Detailed reading部分, 任务的设计较有层次性。五个读前问题的设计体现出梯度, 浅表性问题和拓展性问题的设计给不同基础的学生提供了表现的机会。另外, 根据学生的认知水平, 将文中所学的习语运用到实际中, 这一环节的设计体现了本课的教学初衷。学生完成的正确率达到100%。

任何课堂都不可能达到完美, 本课当然也存在不足之处。1.任务型阅读设计在Detailed reading中作为巩固的练习不太妥当。学生当时已获取了相当多的课文知识, 再做表格填词练习略显简单, 意义不大, 没能遵循学生的认知规律。改进方法一:把任务型阅读还放在巩固这一环节不变, 重新设计表格, 增加某些文中找不到, 需要学生自己总结的填词, 或不得填文中出现的词。这样也许能真正提高学生综合阅读能力;改进方法二:表格不变, 把这个任务放到Fast reading中, 可能有助于培养学生整体阅读的能力, 切实做到有效阅读。2.从主题来看, 本堂课对中心的升华不够。Post reading的设计较草率, 深度不够。无外乎重复前面的猜意活动, 只是假借了“小组活动”之名, 有点生搬硬套。学生的讨论没有高度, 兴趣减淡。改进方法:应根据阅读内容进行各种思维活动, 鼓励学生将所阅读的内容与自己的经历、知识、兴趣和观点联系起来。比如:开展关于英语谚语的知识竞猜活动。三、教学的情感目标要求教学设计要有一定的“冒险性”。后半堂课的任务设计缺乏挑战性, 整体感觉学生没前半堂课带劲了。改进方法:要激发学生真正思考、交流, 将阅读技能与其他语言技能进行整合, 对学生进行综合语言能力训练。

正因为存在这些缺憾, 才能让教师知不足, 获得更多宝贵的经验。教师要加强课堂教学反思, 提高学生主题意识。总之, 要用积极的态度去面对不足, 用可行的方法去解决这些问题, 让每堂课都变得有价值。


[1]1.Principles of Language Learning and Teaching语言学习与语言教学的原则[M], Third edition, H.D.Brown, 北京:外语教学与研究出版社

[2]Teaching and Learning in the Language classroom语言课堂中的教与学3.[M], Tricia Hedge, 上海;外语教育出版社


知识目标 :能听、说、认读单词:one , two . three ,four , five的数字单词,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。

能力目标:能够在图片、实物和教师的帮助下运用How many …?询问物品的数量。




教学重点:能听、说、认读单词:one , two .three ,four , five的数字单词,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。

教学难点:数字的发音,尤其是three 和five的发音。

教学方法:情境教学方法 小组合作学习法 练习法

教学准备:卡片 自制教具 教科书 录音机



1、Greeting 板书 How

2、今天是Sam 的生日,Zoom和Zip 去为他祝贺生日,让我们也去祝他生日快乐吧! 引出课题:Unit 6 Happy birthday,看黑板和老师一起拼读这些字母好吗?师板演



1、How many candles ? 学习数字one


2)、课件正音:听音、 模仿、跟读。


2、同样方法学习数字:two :two,two ,小剪刀。

three:three ,three, 花孔雀。

four :four,four ,小扇子。

five:five ,five,小手掌。

3、Say chant :

one ,one,one,小薯条。

two , two,two ,小剪刀。

three,three ,three, 花孔雀。

four ,four,four ,小扇子。

five,five ,five,小手掌。


4、Lets play: Show me one…



1、Lets count

1)、看图数数 (课件)





2、 听指令,摘蘋果。(要求摘到苹果的同学要拼读出单词,才可以得到苹果)

3、 听音,写数字。


1、Lets chant














Unit 6 Happy birthday

A Lets learn

How many candles?

one two

three four five



1. 注重采用多种手段落实新知。

本课时中,我采用内容丰富且紧密联系、环环相扣的活动引入新知,激发了学生学习的热情。在操练过程中,我注重调动学生的多种感官,通过看、听、说、做等多种方式,通过 动一动、拍一拍、数一数、等不同活动方式巩固和拓展新知。

2. 注重教学重、难点的把握和突破。

本节课的教学重点是正确认读新单词。因此,在呈现three(/ θ /), five(/ v /) 过程中,我多次强调学生看我的口型说和读,并在课件演示中用红色标示这些字母提醒学生注意。本课时的教学难点是three(/ θ /), five(/ v /)的发音,在这堂课中,学生基本上能解决这些问题。

3. 注重教学与学生实际生活联系。


4. 注重游戏的教学功能,提高识记效果



1. 在引入“数字”这个话题时, 没有更好的情景创设使学生更加感兴趣呢?

2. 需培养学生说一个完整的句子的能力,尽量做到“词不离句”,同时培养学生的语感。

3. 在活动设计方面,要从学生的实际出发,找到学生的最近发展区,不要过于简单也不要太难。 个别活动的先后顺序有待调整,应考虑到课堂气氛的起伏变化和活动难度的选择。

4. 多关注个性偏内向、不爱表达的学生,慢慢引导他们喜欢上英语并敢于表达思想。

篇5:unit4 最高级教学反思

unit4 最高级教学反思

本节课主要运用“任务型教学法”,并辅助于TPR 全身反应教学法、情景交际教学法竞赛教学法和整体语言教学等活动。在教学中,善于抓住用英语交际的机会,充分感知,积极体验,大胆实践。例如,在复习环节,学生可以利用很多机会,积极参于,善于合作。又如,本课设计了几个任务,操作简单,学生一定很感兴趣并且积极地参与其中,从而合作完成任务,培养了团队精神。通过上完本节课,我也深刻地认识到在实际教学中,对学生进行学法指导是很有必要的,它对于实施有效教学,提高课堂教学效果起着重要的作用.新的`《英语课程标准》把“培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立自信心,培养良好学习习惯和形成有效策略,发展自主学习和合作精神”放在了首位。




以新目标九年级英语Unit4 What would you do?为例:1a部分,我给学生提出了一个问题What would you do if you had a lot of money?围绕虚拟语气说和写出一些短语来。是写与说的练习。1b 是听的训练,1c紧接着就是围绕虚拟语气说的,2a,2b又是听的训练。那么我根据目标的需要就不要这么多听力了,我只选取了学生感兴趣的话题1a和1b,我想先来上一节以“说”为主的课。

于是,我提前一节课把词汇和语法给同学们呈现并讲解了,接着就是让同学们为下节课的内容做些“未雨绸缪”的工作:第一,我给同学们布置的问题是what would you do if you were a teacher? 让学生们用所学知识或课前搜集素材,为下节课的说做准备。第二,了解海伦凯勒,并在网上或通过书籍阅读她写的《假如给我三天光明》部分段落,体验一下虚拟语气。并且想想,假如你和海伦凯勒一样看不见,你只有三天的时间可以看见,你会做些什么?这会无形中培养了学生的阅读能力,并且也会多多少少渗透些让学生战胜困难的情感教育。第三 读 Aladdin and the magic lamp 《阿拉丁神灯》的故事,让同学们想象,What would you do if you had an Aladdin magic lamp?对于课外的一些东西,学生们一般都很积极去尝试体验。果然,学生们都搜集了很多我布置的作业中的内容素材。我设计的着重说的课进行的很顺利。

课后,我又布置了三篇自选作文:1 What would you do if you had one million dollars ? 2 If I had three days to see.3 If I had a magic lamp.同学们因为经过了搜集材料,大量的练习说的过程,写的时候就变的轻车熟路,条例清晰,有相当多同学写的作文都是非常有内容的,经过修改后,我把十多篇范文贴在了板报栏里,激发了学生学习英语的热情。

基于初三学生要中考,在中考中要涉及到if 条件状语从句,我又让学生把以前所学的关于if条件状语从句需要注意的知识系统复习了一下,尤其是时态。还练习了if引导宾语从句需要注意的一些事项,让学生在比较中感受到虚拟条件句与真实条件句的不同。随后设计了大量的相关练习让学生做。学生们,在进行了一个单元的学习后,绝对不仅仅是多了些虚拟的想象,而是对知识有了扎实的运用与掌握。






——九年级Unit 4 What would you do?教学反思




最后的Homework我布置学生回去根据今天所学的句型设计一段对话,以此提供给学生更多的操练机会和充分展示的空间,引导他们将学习内容和自己的实际生活相结合,点燃他们思维的火花、创作的灵感,加大了语言的输出量,使他Unit4 I like… 教学反思》


一、积极预习, 猜测词义和文中的长难句的意思

在课文阅读前, 教师指导学生先预习课文, 并在一体化讲义上列出部分重要的单词、词组和句子, 让学生在初步了解课文的同时, 猜测其意。教师可以在学生预习完课文后, 将试卷收齐, 进行批阅, 以便及时了解学生的预习情况并在课上校对预习案时, 能突出重点并节省时间。

二、明确课堂目标, 做到有的放矢

在阅读课开始时, 首先要让学生了解本节课的上课内容及达成的目标。使学生有目的地在教师的指导下, 练习相关技能并实现预期的目标。本节课的教学目标如下:

1. Ability goals:Enable students to gain some information about living and studying at a university in Canada.

2. Learning ability goals:Students are expected to practice and strengthen their reading comprehension and improve their overall ability.

3. Affective goal (情感目标) :Encourage students to work hard to enter their ideal universities.

本节课的主题是“我的大学生活”, 所以笔者特意设置了情感目标, 并在课堂中激发学生努力学习以实现自己的大学之梦。

三、充分运用多媒体教学, 激发学生的阅读兴趣

首先, 在课堂一开始让学生校对预习案, 并对重点内容反复记忆, 为进一步理解文章打下基础。其次, 笔者以课文视频导入, 同时让学生完成几个简单的热身训练, 既锻炼了学生的听力, 又让学生看到的精彩的大学生活的图片, 对深层阅读文章充满兴趣。第三, 在深层阅读中, 本人设置了多样化的练习, 并逐步提升阅读难度, 使学生在课文阅读中真正提升阅读能力。1.细节阅读, 练习包括简单提问、True or False、难句翻译等;2.任务型阅读, 形式与高考模式一致, 让学生在十分钟内再次阅读文章并进行归纳整合, 完成练习后找两位学生上黑板写出答案。教师集体校对并对易错题进行点拨。任务型阅读充分培养了学生分析句子以及句型转换的能力。

四、强化小组合作, 总结课文主题

当课文阅读完成后, 阅读课并没有进入尾声, 教师首先做了一个简单的总结:Today we have learnt something about my university life, so I think all of us are eager to enter our dream university.Now let’s look at the pictures of some famous universities in China.其次给学生欣赏一些中国知名大学的图片, 从而导入讨论环节的话题:1.What is your dream university?2.What course do you want to major in?3.How can you adjust to your university life?给学生五分钟时间用英语进行小组讨论, 并让小组代表呈现讨论结果。小组讨论是阅读课堂最具有意义的环节, 它不仅激发学生的合作精神也锻炼了学生的口语表达, 更激发了学生的学习斗志。

五、作业布置, 巩固当堂所学内容

在学生讨论完与大学生活相关的话题并呈现出各自的看法后, 教师要趁热打铁, 布置一篇与课文主题相关的作文, 并能用到本节阅读课中学到的一些好词、好句。例如:


进入大学, 面对新的学习和生活环境, 谈谈你打算如何适应你的大学生活。

内容要点应包括: (1) 确定新的学习目标; (2) 改进学习方法; (3) 学会独立生活; (4) 参加各种课外活动; (5) 处理好与同学的关系。参考词汇及句型要求:major in;decide on;put away;V-ing作主语;疑问词+to do;2个以上复合句字数要求:150字左右。

作文是对本节课所学的大学生活及讨论内容的总结, 让学生通过练习提升写的技能, 可谓恰到好处。


【教学理念】本专题中所学内容更具生活化,教学中以生为本,重视生活情境的营造,通过生活事物和图片展示,可以让学生准备自己或是家人、家庭过去的照片;让学生生出参与热情和课堂表达交流渴望。激发学生主体性预习和自读课文,学会用then and now对事物归类;在合作交流中掌握单词、句型,提高本专题学习的效果。


1.掌握和运用四会单词,感受动词过去式用法,能用…years ago,…could/ could not…Now,…等造句;


3.感受Then and now对比,认识科技和经济发展于个人的成长和社会的进步的作用。





【教学内容】Story time


1.能听说读写e-book, newspaper, radio, , anywhere, could等单词,学会初步运用;

2.掌握动词过去式的发音及用法,理解感受…years ago,…could/ could not…Now,…句式;




一、Free talk激趣导入,进行Story time学习。

师:Look at me , say something about your English teather!


Look and answer:Look at this photo.Who is this girl? Guess!

Yes, its me! I was a primary school student then. Now Im a teacher at a primary school.

(多媒体出示自己以前的照片,让学生“See some pictures and say something about me .”利用照片刺激学生的感官,让学生感受“过去和现在”,学习重点单词couldnt。)


Do you know them? Who is he/ she? (Mike, Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, Mikes grandpa)

Then, how about this boy? Yes, this is Mike six years/ Mr Brown twenty years ago/ Mrs Brown twenty years ago/ Mikes grandpa thirty years ago.


T: can you say sth. about Mikes family?

(出示Mikes family的图片,结合教材内容,引导学生对比运用is/are, was/were进行表达,)

T: This boy, he is Mike. Now, he is a young boy. what can he do now?

T: Could Mike do all these things six years ago? What could he do? What couldnt he do?


T:So, six years ago, Mike could read….. but he …

(听U4 Story time录音,试读课文相关内容,圈出动词过去式,尝试写出动词原形,提高倾听能力,感受时态的变化。)


T: Now lets listen to the tape, and try to catch: what they did then and what they do now. And remember to tick them quickly. After learning lets check.

(让学生自主学习Mikes family其他成员的Then and now,自问自探,提升对一般过去式句式的认识和理解,老师通过带着学生读与思,获得自主学习能力的提升。这里,要多给学生展示和表达的时间和空间。和学生一些识记和拼读 telephone、mobile phone、newspaper, radio等单词;让学生尽量开展一些复述活动。)

T: Lets try to fill in the table , OK? 根据表格说一遍。

(总结:It tells us the way to ______ and the way to _______. And the ways are changing now.)

T: This time, lets work in 4. Each one chooses a part to read. Then use the phrases on the blackboard to make a report about your part.




1.Listen and read Story time.

2.Retell Story time on P38




最后的Homework我布置学生回去根据今天所学的句型设计一段对话,以此提供给学生更多的操练机会和充分展示的空间,引导他们将学习内容和自己的实际生活相结合,点燃他们思维的火花、创作的灵感,加大了语言的输出量,使他Unit4 I like… 教学反思》


上完新目标英语八年级下unit4 后,我进行了深刻的反思,以下是我个人的一点看法:







阅读是英语话语教学的主体,我创造了整体语境,为学生设计多维语言使用环境,学生从语言输入到语言输出转换。这是话语教学的本质,但是整体教学不能忽视本地,需要在一步一步深入的基础上做好预读,不会出现混合操作 混乱,重句子忽略整体或过分注意整体问题。在这一点上,我需要更多的思考,设计更贴近学生生活的活动,动员他们参与课堂活动。




1. 教学目标


(1) 掌握词汇和短语。

词汇:race, taught, importance, care, succeed, point, achieve, realistic, obey

词组:get in the way, care about, make decision, be seriousabout, achieve one’s dream

(2) 理解文章内容。

(3) 学会用新的语言结构表达自己的观点和想法。能力目标:

(1) 学会扫读和精读两种阅读方式, 培养阅读能力。

(2) 培养用英语思维的能力。情感目标:

(1) 通过阅读, 使学生对如何控制兴趣爱好和学业上的时间分配有自己的理解。

(2) 通过参与讨论, 使学生能够理解父母的苦心和感受父母的爱。


重点:掌握文章段落大意, 了解两代人对于同一事物的不同理解, 并学会阐述理由。

难点:概括总结双方的不同观点及被动语态的应用。正确使用被动语态, 对青少年被允许和不被允许做的事情, 发表自己的建议, 并陈述理由。


Step 1 Wa rming up

设计意图:通过展示4幅图片 (1.穿奇装异服2.扎耳眼3.在公交车上吸烟4.外出晚归) 抛砖引玉, 引导学生总结青少年在家、学校以及公共场所应当遵守的规则。在巩固旧知的同时, 为导入新课作铺垫。

T:How old is a teenager?

S:The children between 13 and 19 years old.

T:Yes, that’s right.because these numbers end with teen.

T:What are some of the rules that a teenager should obey?

Look at the pictures, perhaps they may help you.

S1:We should wear school clothes at school.

S2:We shouldn’t be allowed to get ears pierced.

S3:We shouldn’t smoke or talk loudly in public places.

S4:We shouldn’t drop litter or spit in public.


Step 2 Lea ding-in

设计意图:延伸热身当中的问题。谁为我们制定了这些规则, 引导学生探讨我们是否可以自己制定规则, 这个问题与学生的生活实际结合起来, 激发学生的参与热情, 各抒己见, 继而导入本课话题。使学生带着求知的欲望学习这篇文章。

Then ask“who makes the rules for us”.

S1:Our teachers.S2:Our headmaster.S3:Our parents.S4:The government.

T:I agree with you.Do you think you should be allowed to make your own decisions?Let’s talk about it in groups.

Group 1:We think so, because we are old enough, we have already had our own ideas about different things.

Group 2:We agree with you.We are able to tell what is wrong and what is right, so we should be allowed to make our own decisions.

Group 3:The teachers and parents don’t know what we like to do.They always ask us to do this or to do that.We can’t stand them.

Group 4:We don’t think so.Teachers and parents have more experience than us.They care us very much.They don’t want us to be hurt.They want us to be healthy and happy.So they often make decisions for us.We should follow their advice.

T:Indeed, you have already grown up, in some fields, you even have more knowledge than adults, after all, you are short of experience.Whether you accept your parents’ideas or not, you should respect their suggestions and take them seriously.Today, let’s know a boy called Liu Yu.He has a problem about whether he should be allowed to make his own decision.Can you help him?Let’s read the text together.

Step 3 Rea ding

设计意图:采用了阅读教学法及任务型教学法。任务布置层层递进, 由浅入深。学生通过扫读、精读获取文中信息。

第1遍读课文: (提出问题:What is Liu Yu’s dream?How does he plan to achieve his dream?通过扫读让学生从整体上纵观全文结构和内容。)

Task 1:Say everyone wants to succeed, so does Liu Yu.Let’s read a passage about him.Scan the reading and find the answers to the questions.What is Liu Yu’s dream?How does he plan to achieve his dream?

第2遍读课文:让学生带着问题在课堂中自学探究, 通过精读课文来回答每段的问题, 了解每一段的具体内容。充分体现学生的主体地位, 培养学生用英语进行思维的习惯。

Task 2:Read each paragraph and answer the questions.


T:What do the teenagers think about the hobbies?

S1:They think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.

T:Do you agree?

S2:I don’t completely agree with him.Work should come first.

T:Do all of you think so?

Ss:Yes, we are good students.

T:What are the disadvantages of their hobbies?

S3:These hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork.

T:What do parents worry about?

S4:They might worry about their child’s schoolwork.


T:Where is Liu Yu from?


T:What’s his hobby?

Ss:He likes running.

T:What does he want to be in the future?

Ss:He wanted to be a professional athlete.

T:What do his parents think about his hobby?

Ss:His parents won’t allow him to train as much as he would like to.He needs to be realistic.


T:Does Liu Yu understand his parents care about him?

S1:No, I don’t think so.He think his parents don’t understand him and don’t allow him to do what he enjoys.


T:Does his parents allow him to practice running on schoo night?Why?

S1:No.Because They think he should study hard in the evenings.

T:What is his parents’way for him to succeed?

S2:They think he needs to spend time on his homework.

T:That is to say they want him to get a good education, and then get a good job, right?


T:Do your parents have the same ideas?



T:Does he agree with his parents’ideas?What does he think?

S1:No, He thinks he will succeed.He wants to make his own decision.

Task3:Sum up the whole passage.

设计意图:在了解每段内容之后, 学生对文章的理解是零散的, 为了让学生理解父母与孩子的矛盾冲突到底是什么, 须要对文章进行重新梳理。引导学生积极参加小组讨论, 合作探究概括双方各自的观点, 并通过表格的形式展现出来, 让学生一目了然。对文章有更深层次的理解, 引导学生抓住中心和关键, 把握全文, 理清思路。

Step 4 Lea rn the la ngua ge p oints

设计意图:所谓知识点, 就是学生在阅读时遇到的障碍, 通过学生自己阅读, 找到他自己不明白的语言点, 教师重点讲解疑难点并处理文章中出现的语言现象。这种让学生去提出问题的设计, 培养了学生主动探究的意识, 避免教师生硬地讲解, 改变学生盲目地听的被动局面。

设计意图:学习语言的目的是为了应用, 以达到真实的交际水平。设计这个任务就是让学生学以致用, 能力得以提升。按学生的真实想法将全班分成两组, 就该话题进行辩论。既能调动学生兴趣及参与意识, 又能提升学生运用语言进行交际的能力。

Task4:Discuss and exchange information.“Whose opinions do you agree with?And tell us why?”

Group A:We agree with his parents’idea.Because few people can succeed as a runner just like Liu Xiang in China.and if he can’t succeed, what job can he do?

Group B:We don’t think so.If everyone is afraid of fail-ure.No one will have a try in this field.How can it be improved?

Group A:We think if he becomes a professional athlete, he can’t get a good education.If he can’t join the national team, how can he make a living in the future.

Group B:He can go to college to major in PE.If he can’t become a professional athlete, he can work as a P.E.teacher.If he succeeds, he will be famous, if he becomes famous, he can be rich, he can travel all over the world.He can...

Group A:No, we think it’s just a dream, It’s very difficult to achieve.We must be realistic.

Step 6 Homework

提升学生的英语表达能力, 巩固并运用所学语言知识, 做到学以致用。

Write a short passage to express your ideas about it.

Let us share your story.


本课是一节阅读课, 所以我采用了阅读型教学与任务型教学相结合的教学方法, 以学生为中心, 以问题为出发点。每一个教学过程学生都在完成任务, 使语言的内容得到重视, 语言的形式呈现多样化。在扫读中的任务是让学生找出Liu Yu的理想是什么, 他计划怎样实现他的理想。从而抓住文章的核心内容。在精读中就每一段内容设置问题, 激活学生的思维, 让学生带着问题阅读, 使阅读的目的性更强, 获取的信息更具体, 而且通过师生之间的交流, 使书面文字变成鲜活的语言, 既培养了学生的阅读能力, 又提高了学生的表达能力。第三个任务, 总结父母与儿子关于未来的不同观点, 对文章进行重新梳理, 使学生进一步理解文章的主旨。第四个任务让学生参与到话题中来, 就各自的观点进行辩论, 真正做到学以致用。学生带着浓厚的兴趣, 参与到辩论中来, 使本课达到了高潮。学生的积极性和语言组织能力得到提升。



1. W____ are my pen and pencil case?

2. We n____ ten desks and chairs.

3. “Where are my backpack?” “I don’t k____.”

4. There is an ____(闹钟) on my desk.

5. Where’s my ____(数学) book?


bring, take, what’s, where’s, in the drawer, your, under

6. Please ____ my notebook to school, Mum. I need it.

7. Alice, ____ the keys to your mother, please.

8. Your baseball is on the floor ____ the chair.

9. “Where’re your keys?” “They’re ____.”

10. “____ that on the sofa?” “It’s a watch.”

Ⅱ. 单项填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

1. “Where are her ____?” “____ are on the table.”

A. CD; ItB. CDs; TheyC. CDs; ItD. CD; They

2. “Where is my football?” “It’s ____ the table ____ the floor.”

A. on, underB. under, onC. under, underD. to, on

3. “Is the backpack on the bed?” “____.”

A. No, it isB. Yes, it isn’tC. Yes, it isD. No, it’s no

4. “Your dresser is nice.” “____.”

A. OK B. Yes, it isC. Thank youD. No, it isn’t

5. The TV is on the ____.

A. penB. tableC. clockD. soccer ball

6. There are some books ____ the sofa.

A. inB. atC. onD. between

7. Where’s the alarm clock? Is ____ on the table?

A. thatB. thisC. theyD. it

8. “____ can you see in the room?” “A ball.”

A. WhatB. WhoC. HowD. Where

9. “____ is my school bag?” “On the chair.”

A. What B. WhoC. WhereD. How

10. “Where’s my eraser?” “I ____ know.”

A. am notB. not C. aren’tD. don’t

11. “____?” “They’re on the desk.”

A. Where’s my bookB. Where are my book

C. Where’s my booksD. Where are my books

12. “Where’s the ruler?” “____.”

A. Yes, it isB. No, it isn’tC. It’s in the floorD. It’s on the floor

13. Can you ____ my watch to school? I need it.

A. takeB. bringC. knowD. need

14. Your father wants(想要) his mobile phone(手机). Please ____ it to him.

A. takeB. bringC. callD. need

15. There is a cat ____.

A. in bedB. in the bedC. on bedD. on the bed

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Sally Brown is my friend. Her __1__ name is Brown. This is a photo __2__ her room. __3__ pen is on the desk. __4__ alarm clock is on the dresser. The computer game __5__ under the bed.

We can see __6__ pictures on the wall. Look! __7__ are these? __8__ are CDs. They are __9__ the drawer. The backpack is __10__ the floor.

1. A. first B. last C. full D. given

2. A. of B. forC. toD. in

3. A. Her B. She C. He D. His

4. A. AB. An C. SomeD. /

5. A. are B. amC. is D. be

6. A. one B. /C. aD. some

7. A. What B. WhereC. WhoD. Which

8. A. TheseB. Those C. ItD. They

9. A. in B. on C. behind D. under

10. A. underB. onC. toD. in

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)


I’m Jane. This is my room. The TV and video tapes are on the table. Where’s my backpack? It isn’t on the table. Oh! It’s on the bed. My pencils aren’t on the table. They’re in my pencil case and it’s in my backpack. My alarm clock, my ID card, and my keys are on the dresser.


1. This is Jane’s room.

2. Jane’s video tapes are on the TV.

3. Jane’s backpack isn’t on the bed.

4. Jane’s pencils are in the pencil case.

5. Jane’s alarm o’clock is in the drawer.


This is a room. I can see a desk in the room. A chair is behind the desk. What’s on the desk? I can see a box and two books. What’s in the box? Sorry, I don’t know. I think it is a pen or a pencil. What’s that under the chair? It’s a ball.

1. “Where’s the chair?” “____.”

A. On the deskB. Behind the deskC. In the deskD. Under the desk

2. “What’s on the desk?” “____.”

A. One boxB. Two booksC. A pen D. A and B

3. “Is there a pen in the box?” “____.”

A. Sorry, I don’t knowB. Yes, there is

C. No, it is in the deskD. No, it isn’t

4. The ball is ____.

A. on the chairB. behind the chairC. under the chairD. on the desk

5. “What can you see in the room?” “____.”

A. A deskB. Two books

C. A chair, a ball and a boxD. A, B and C


This is a picture. It’s a classroom. It is a big room. In the picture, you can see a table, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and two boys, too.

Three books are on the table. A pencil-box is on a desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil-box. A school bag is behind the chair.

The girl is Lucy. She is 11. One boy is Mike. He is 12. The other(另一个) boy is Jim. He is 10. They are in Class 2, Grade Seven. They’re good friends. Their teacher is Mr. Green. He is not here.

1. “What picture is it?” “It’s a picture of ____.”

A. a boy and a girlB. desks and chairs

C. pen and pencilsD. a classroom

2. “Where are the two rulers?” “They are ____.”

A. in the pencil-boxB. on the table

C. behind the chairD. on the floor

3. “Who is eleven?” “____.”

A. MikeB. JimC. LucyD. Lily

4. “How many people are there in the picture?” “____.”

A. TwoB. ThreeC. Four D. Five

5. “Are they good friends?” “____.”

A. They areB. Yes, they’re C. They’re D. Yes, they are


It’s Monday morning. Ben’s mother is making cakes. It’s time to go to school. But Ben can’t find his football socks. He has a P.E. class this morning.

Ben:Mom, where are my football socks? I can’t find them. I’m late.

Mom:Don’t worry, my baby. Are they under the bed?

Ben:No, they aren’t.

Mom:Are they in the drawer?

Ben:Oh, yes, Mom, I get them.

Mom:You must look after your things.

Ben:OK, Mom. What’s for breakfast? I’d like something to eat.

Mon:Come here, my dear son. Look at these nice cakes.

Ben:That’s nice. Let me have one. Oh, my god. It’s 7:30. Bye, Mom!

Ben runs out of the house with a piece of cake and his backpack.


1. Where’re Ben’s football socks?


2. Who is making cakes?


3. Is it time to go to school for Ben?


4. What’s “a P.E. class” in Chinese?


5. Is Ben a student?


Ⅴ. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

1. The CDs are on the desk. (改为一般疑问句)

____ ____ ____ on the desk?

2. Are they your books? (作否定回答)

____, ____ aren’t.

3. Where are the soccer balls? (完成答句)

Sorry, I ____ ____.

4. I can see some keys on the dresser. (对划线部分提问)

____ can you ____ on the dresser?

5. Linda’s video tape is in the drawer. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ Linda’s video tape?

6. This is a picture of my family. (对划线部分提问)


7. Is that your bike? (改为复数句)


8. I need an English book. (改为否定句)

I ____ ____ an English book.

9. Take photos in the museum(博物馆). (改为否定句)

____ ____ photos in the museum.

10. I can play computer games at school. (改为一般疑问句)

____ ____ play computer games at school?

Ⅵ. 根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

1. 她的书包在背上。

Her ____ is ____ her back.

2. “钥匙在桌子上吗?” “没有。”

“Are the keys on the desk?” “No, ____ ____.”

3. 我需要一套桌椅。

I ____ a ____ and a ____.

4. 请把这本笔记本带给你哥哥。

Please ____ the notebook ____ your brother.

5. 那些东西在哪里?

____ ____ ____ ____?

Ⅶ. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。(共5空,每空2分,共10分)

A. Yes?

B. They are on the table.

C. No, they aren’t.

D. How about my books?

E. It’s under the sofa.

Tommy: Hey. Sally.

Sally: __1__

Tommy: Is my computer game on the table?

Sally: No, it isn’t. It’s on the bookcase.

Tommy: Oh, OK. __2__ Are they on the bookcase, too?

Sally: __3__ They’re on the chair.

Tommy: Oh. So, where is my pencil case?

Sally: __4__

Tommy: And where’s my backpack?

Sally: It’s under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.

Tommy: Oh, OK. And where are Mom’s keys?

Sally: __5__

Ⅷ. 书面表达。(15分)

以“My Living Room (我的居室)”为题写一篇短文。




