



Chapter One

Land and People Exercises Ⅰ.Choose the correct answer from each of the following 1.The north and west of Britain are mainly ____.(D)

A.level land



D.highlands 2.The North Atlantic Drift passes the ____ coast of the British Isles and warms them.(A)




D.southern 3.The most important river in Britain is ____ which is 336 kilometers long.(B)

A.the Severn River

B.the Thames River

C.River Clyde

D.the Tweed 4.____ is the capital of Scotland(B)




D.Belfast 5.The skill of iron-working was introduced into Britain by _____.(A)

A.the Celts

B.the Normans

C.the Romans

D.the Viking Danes

6.What is not an influencing factor that helps give Britain a maritime type of climate?(D)

A.the surrounding water

B.the prevailing southeast winds

C.the North Atlantic Drift

D.the heavy rainfalls 7.The earliest written records of Britain’s inhabitants came from ____.(C)

A.the Celts

B.the Normans

C.The Romans

D.the Germans

8.The people who consider themselves as the true Scots are ____.(B)

A.the Scottish lowlanders

B.the Scottish highlanders

C.the Gaelic-speakers

D.the descendents of Jutes 9.The ancestors of the Welsh are ____.(A)

A.the Celts

B.the Angles

C.the Romans

D.the Normans 10.In the sixteenth century, the event that worsened the situation in Ireland was_____(B)

A.the Orange Day celebrations

B.the Protestant Reformation

C.the “dirty protest”

D.the Women’s Peace Movement

11.England became a Protestant country in __.(B)

A.the 14th century

B.the 16th century

C.the 15th century

D.the 17th century 12.The person who crushed various rebellions in Ireland and settled English and Scottish Protestants there by giving them land was_____.(A)

A.Oliver Cromwell

B.King Charles Ⅰ

C.William Ⅲ

D.William the Conqueror 13.Which of the following is not considered a characteristic of the Englishman?(D)


B.shy of strangers



Chapter Two

English History

Exercises Ⅰ.Choose the Correct Answer From Each of the Following.1.In the year 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at___.(C)

A.the Battle of Crecy

B.the Battle of Agincourt

C.the Battle of Hastings

D.the Battle of waterloo

2.One of the following did not take place during the Middle Ages.It was ___.(D)

A.the Norman Conquest

B.the Crusades

C.the Hundred Years War

D.the “Gunpowder Plot ”

3.For much of the Middle Ages, Britain was ruled by a(n)___ aristocracy.(C)





4.Shakespeare lived in the period of ____.(D)

A.the Middle Ages

B.the Victorian Age

C.the Elizabethan age

D.The Industrial Revolution 5.The defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy took place during ___.(C)

A.the Middle Ages

B.the “grab for Africa”

C.the Elizabethan age

D.The Victorian age

6.The “Gunpowder Plot” took place in the reign of ___.(A)





7.The king who believed the “Divine Right” to govern, and who was condemned to death during the English Civil War was___.(C)





8.One of the following did not take place during the eighteenth century in British history.It was___.(D)

A.great victories over France

B.the Industrial Revolution

C.the loss of her American colonies

D.the founding of the modern police force

9.During the whole of the eighteenth century, England’s great enemy was___.(B)




D.Germany 10.One of the following did not take place between the two world wars in British history.It was ___.(A)

A.the “suffragette” movement

B.the independence of the southern part of Ireland

C.the great “slump”

D.the General Strike

British Government System


Ⅰ.Choose the correct answer from each of the following:

1.Which of the following is the Act that restricted the powers of the Lords in dealing with money?(B)

A.The Parliament Act of 1901

B.The Parliament Act of 1911

C.The Bills of Rights in 1689

D.The Act of Settlement in 1701 2.Which of the following is not a part of the Conventions of the constitution?(C)

A.The powers of the Crown are exercised mainly by Ministers

B.The Queen must act on the advice of Ministers

C.MPs enjoy freedom of speech in debate

D.Ministers are responsible to Parliament for their actions.3.Which of the following sentences is true?(D)

A.The two big parties have been successful in expanding their powers over recent years.B.The strength of the big parties remains unchanged

C.Members of the two big parties no longer dominate parliament.D.The two big parties have declined over the recent years.4.According to the text, which of the following is the most important privilege enjoyed by MPs?(A)

A.Freedom of speech in Parliament.B.High social status.C.High living standards

D.Involvement in law-making


Religion and Belief

Exercises Ⅰ.Choose the Correct Answer From Each of the Following 1.The Church of England is “established” in _______.(D)

A.the whole of Britain

B.England and Scotland

C.England and Wales

D.England only 2.The Church of Scotland is organization is ______.(A)




D.Baptist 3.Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Puritans?(D)

A.They are strict teetotallers.B.They believe in plain food and plain clothing

C.They are honest

D.They approve of working on the Sabbath 4.The supreme holy authority of the Roman Catholic Church is ________.(B)

A.the Bible

B.the Pope in Rome

C.the king

D.Jesus Christ 5.The Puritans form “temperance societies” to ______.(C)

A.protect the Sabbath against sacrilege

B.purify the English society

C.combat the evils of strong drink

D.celebrate the Lord’s Day

6.The Puritans were originally an extreme _____ sect.(A)




D.Christian Scientist

7.The only non-Christian religion that is widespread in Britain is that of _____.(A)

A.the Jews

B.the Buddhists

C.the Muslims

D.the Spiritualists 8.Which of the following statements is not true about the religion in Britain?(B)

A.Today only a minority of people go to any kind of Church regularly

B.Today the church-goers are immoral in one way or another

C.Most of the large majority who do not go to Church still believe in God and Heaven in a confused way.D.It is most uncommon for a Britain to be converted to Muslim or Buddhist faith.



 蒙特利尔爵士音乐节

世界上最有名的国际爵士音乐节之一。1978年加拿大一名狂热的音乐爱好者Alain Simard基于“把全美国最好的爵士音乐家齐聚蒙特利尔”的梦想,向政府提交了申请书,但直到1980年,第一届蒙特利尔爵士音乐节才在各方的资助下正式拉开了帷幕。开办20 多年来,蒙特利尔爵士音乐节已经逐步超脱了音乐演出的单纯意义,成为一个音乐交流的巨大舞台和加拿大最具影响力的国家盛事之一。进入21世纪以后,每年的蒙特利尔爵士音乐节都会邀请两千位著名乐手为乐迷们献上异彩纷呈的音乐大餐,更会吸引超过150万的参观者慕名而来。2011年,蒙特利尔爵士音乐节被评为加拿大魁北克最重要的十五件大事之一,更被《Jazztime Magazine》的读者选为“最好的爵士音乐节”。


 堪培拉气球节

每年4月历时2周的热气球节(Canberra Balloon Fiesta)吸引了世界各地的热气球爱好者。全世界的热气球掌舵手和队员们都来到堪培拉参加这一盛事。


 感恩节

每年11月的第四个星期四是感恩节(Thanksgiving Day).感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。美洲大陆上的移民在当地心








我国新一轮教育课程改革强调教学理念和学习方式的转变与创新。教学过程中要转变过于强调接受式学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状, 要倡导学生主动参与、乐于研究、勤于动手, 成为课堂的真正主角。同伴互评可以帮助学生在学习环境中与他的学习伙伴之间产生一种相互学习的氛围, 并且充分开发学生们的创造力和学习意识, 不断增强学生学习的自主性。正如Sally Brown所描述的那样, “当这一系统处于最佳运行状态, 在学生身上产生的效果也可最大化, 可以帮助学生了解他们做得怎么样, 还有怎样的发展空间。这也可以让全体教员和他们的学生了解所做的一切以及暗示他们前进的方向”。


Ramsden提出, 所谓的“评价”, 是帮助学生学习的一种方式, 它可以有效地记录学生的学习状况, 是教学方法改进的必由之路。同伴评价是指在评价时利用同伴————————————————————————的力量, 在与同伴互动的过程中, 发挥互助合作与知识共享的精神, 通过观察、模仿、评价同学的作品, 实现学习目的的一种评价方式。在同伴评价的过程中充分发挥学生的能动性, 培养他们的学习能力、创新思维和批判能力, 并希望以此促进整个课堂教学的效果。同伴评价对于学生来说是一种影响力极大的评估方法。它可以激励学生们不断努力前行, 因为他们会受到同龄人之间的相互影响和反馈作用, 而且这种反馈速度很快, 效率很高。为了提高学习效率, 学生需要知道他们在学习方面, 尤其是方法上的是非对错, 并加以改正和提高。

在同伴评价过程中, 被评价的对象要静心倾听他人对自己的评价, 不管对同伴评价的内容是否认同, 都不得在此时发表言论, 以便评价者能畅所欲言、大胆评价。学生倾听他人评价的过程本身就是一个受教育的过程, 如果评价意见是赞扬性的, 可以增强学生的成功体验, 强化学生的研究兴趣;而批评性的意见则可以帮助学生在今后类似情境中加以改进。对不能认同的批评性意见, 静心倾听本身就是对学生人格、心理耐挫力、人际合作意见和能力的一种训练。同伴评价就是一个具体化的会影响个人发展的体系。评估方法的使用与选择和特定评估服务对象之间的完美结合是至关重要的。同伴评价可以刺激学生产生学习的动机并大幅提升学习的最终效果。

借助同伴评价, 学生可以参与并深入了解好学生的标准, 充分利用评估系统, 提高学习自主性。学生不但可以参与进来, 而且还可以提高自己对学习的责任意识, 主动学习。如果学生想在学习上和自己的同龄人一比高下, 他就会把这个评估方法看作是学习的一部分。这样一来, 他们就会学得更好。他们不再会仅仅满足于完成篇章课文的阅读, 而是扩大自己知识的广度和深度, 再也不是肤浅的了解。同样, 这一系统应用以后, 学生会向更高层面的知识领域共同努力发展并且营造一种社会所需的团结合作氛围。

Mendonca和Johnson两位研究者在1994年就发现大多数学生对这一方法还是感到满意的。事实上, 学生此刻迫切需要的, 莫过于老师的评价, 因为这是追求自我提升的一种办法。通过对篇章结构乃至句子的理解和翻译, 老师对学生的学习情况可以进行一系列的评估, 并且给予反馈。结果, 老师们会发现学生只是成了自己的“独家听众”, 学生也只会循环往复地依赖着老师的评价用同一种思维方式考虑问题。这倒是符合某种特定规则, 但会使得学习变得单调乏味, 让学生对学习感到厌倦。最终, 学生会丧失学习的热情, 并且产生学习英语“难于上青天”的想法。在这样的情况下, 学生不可能开拓思路, 从别的层面去思考问题。他们也不想有这样的学习方法。

实际上, 学生们最在意的是他们如何才能获得同龄人的仰慕与赞叹。通过同龄人之间的相互比较, 他们会加深对学习目标和动机的认识。通常情况下, 学生们也会在学习上相互攀比, 这可以帮助学生学得更好, 成为终生学习者, 而不是单纯的收听者。


学生的学习方法和动机在很大程度上是受老师的教学方法和评价方法所影响的 (Ramsden, 2003) 。英语国家社会与文化课程教学的目的是以全方位的视角培养学习者对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性, 培养学生的跨文化交际能力。这样, 在他们将来的学习、事业和社交活动中, 学生就可以与他人交往自如。通过运用同伴评价的方法, 学生开始深入地理解贯通英美国家的历史、文化及发展, 并能正确地进行跨文化交际, 而不是艰难地识背课文中的文化知识。

首先, 同伴评价转换了学生在教学活动中的角色, 从被动的接受者转变为自主的学习者。主动学习是指在学习过程中, 学生表现出的自觉性、积极性、独立性特征的总和。从广义上讲, 主动学习指的是一种方法, 要求学习者通过积极参与学习活动为自己的学习负责。在这种方法中, 学生可以通过整合分析来推动自己的高阶逻辑思维能力, 建立综合评价, 检验和修正自己的知识。为了提供一个更准确和更快的评价, 评价人员会主动完成学习任务。他们肩负着责任去给自己的同伴做出有价值的反馈和评价, 为了不在同伴面前失了面子, 他们会自主地学习以便做好充分的准备, 吸收更多的信息。虽然教师评价更多的是语法的正确, 仅代表了老师的意见, 在内容上是单调的和有限的。学生需要知道他们做错了什么, 什么地方做得不到位, 或是否有其他的方式可以进行提升。而同伴互评正好可以弥补老师评价的不足。通过互评, 学生也将更明确自己的学习目标和动机是什么。

其次, 同伴评价驱动了学习动机。所谓学习动机包含了学习的目标及努力去实现目标的需求。这就是所谓的“想学”。评估应激励学生努力朝着明确的学习目标发展, 发挥积极作用, 引导学习。对于大多数中国学生而言英语国家文化的掌握和运用是很困难的。连续且乏味地输送语言点和成绩第一的观念使学生失去了学习的兴趣和动机。面对期末大量的笔试内容, 学生会产生各种消极的情绪, 如恐慌和焦虑, 考试带来的压力使学生的成绩低下, 进而有继续影响学生的学习动力。同伴评价, 从这个意义上说, 确实是行之有效的。在这个过程中, 学生可以真正运用自己所学的学科知识和技能, 并且以他们的方式可以很容易地理解彼此的想法。尤其是在中国学习英语, 当学生发现很难学好, 很难记住知识点语言点时, 学生可以通过同伴及时、详细的评价来提高自己的记忆。

最后, 同伴互评可以促进学生的深度学习。深入学习的策略在于学生要理解任务的意义和满足好奇心。学生能用更长的学习时间, 从文本和网站等媒介中进行学习, 做详细的笔记, 而不是仅仅完成作业任务。例如学生在学习英国的dragon文化时, 为了能正确地给同伴做出评价, 他们查阅大量资料, 知道了英国人是不会有中国的“望子成龙”这种表达的, 因为“龙”在其看来是邪恶的。此时, 学生不再只是从文字的表面来进行文化交流。


在教学的过程中, 同伴评价的应用是有益的, 也是有效的。首先, 它能更加公平公正地评价一个学生, 打破了传统的评价方法。其次, 它促使学生提高了跨文化交流的能力。如果学生取得了一些进展, 他们会变得更有兴趣学习英语, 这将有助于他们实现更多的学习目标。第三, 变得自信起来, 因为学生成了领导者和同伴评价的主角。并且学生可以利用原有的认知结构和批判性分析的新思路, 使众多的已知概念和知识联系起来。Race (2001) 提出同伴互评可以有效地推动学生的深入学习。当他们厌倦了听老师讲, 他们可以自己作为学习主体, 参与学习活动。这会给他们放松学习和获取知识的兴奋感, 有助于他们的进步。在互评中, 学生有机会观察他们的同龄人学习的整个过程, 它能帮助学生更深入地学习, 能够让学生更好地认识到自己的优点和缺点。我们需要高素质的人才, 但不是贴着“高学历”标签的人。同伴评价比学习技能更讲求个人素养的发展, 这是一个完全可行的有效学习方法。


[1]邓郦鸣、岑粤.同伴互评反馈机制对中国学生二语写作能力发展的功效研究[J].外语教学, 2010 (1)

[2]张新颖.口语活动同伴互评的个案研究[J].海外英语, 2013 (11)


【关键词】项目教学 英语学习 英语授课 英语国家社会与文化




















American Indians , who were mistakenly called by Columbus, moved to the

Americas from Asia about 25 000 years ago.They developed their own aboriginal cultures and some of them such as the Aztecs, the Incas and the mayas were very advanced when Europeans arrived in the New World.But, as a result of European conquest, the Indian population was quickly reduced and their cultures were ruthlessly destroyed.2.the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and was adopted by the Congresson July 4,1776, when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for

their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule.The document

declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.It also explained the philosophy of governments:the powers of governments came from the consent of the governed and the purpose of governmemts was to secure the rights mentioned above.The theory of politics and the guiding principles of the American Revolution mainly came from John Locke.3.Ggeorge Washington

George Washington was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic.He was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the War of Independence against the British colonial rule and the first President of the United States.4.Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic He was the chief author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States.5.Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic.He participated in writing the Declaration of Independence and making the U.S.Constitution.6.the Articles of Confederation

After the War of Independence was won, the new nation of the United States was organized under the agreement of the Articles of Confederation with a weak national

government called the Congress.Each state had its own government, made its own laws and handle its internal affairs.The states did not cooperate with the Congress and with each other.The Congress had no power to force anystate to contribute money to the national government and the Congress could not tax any citizen either.As a ressult,the Articles of Confederation failed.7.the Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights consssists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.8.Eli Whitney

Eli Whitney is an American inventor who invented the cotton gin, which made

removing the seeds from the bolls of cotton much easier.He also began manufacuring rifles with machinery, using interchanageable part.This contributed to the American system of mass

production.9.service industries

Service industries are industries that sell a service rather than make a product.Service industries range from banking to telecommunications to the provision of meals in restaurants.Aas more and more people are employed iin service industries in the US, it is sometimed said that the US has moved into a “post-industrial era “.10.stock

When starting or expanding business, corporations need to borrow money.They may issue stocks for people to buy.When people buy stock, they become part owner of the company.If the company makes a profit, they receive a share of it.Likewise, if the company loses money, the stockholders will not make a profit or the value of their shares will drop---they lose money.Therefore buying s tock is a risk.11.Mattin Luther Ling,Jr

Martin Luther King,Jr.,an Atlanta-born Baptist minister, was the leader of the

Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.To promote his philosophy of nonviolent protest against segregationand other kindds of social injustice, King organized a series of “marches”.King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.Due to his strong belief in nonviolent peaceful protest, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.He was assassinated in the city of Memphis in April 1968.12.Counter Culture

In the wake of the Free Speech Movement and the New Left appeared a

phenomenon that historians called the “counter culture.” The Counter Culture rejected capitalism andd other American principles.They had morals different from those taught by their parents.Some groups of youth tried to construct different ways of life.The counter culture exerted a great influence upon people’s attitudes toward social

mores,marriage,career,and success.13.Now:

With the publication of The Feminine Mystique in 1963,Betty Friedan became the chief spokesperson of the Women’s Liberation Movement.In her book,she compared the American family,or the American society as a whole,to a “comfortable concentration camp”,where women were discriminated against and oppressed.In 1996,she helped to found the national Organization for Women(NOW).A reform organization,NOW battle for “equal rights in parnership with men.14.white-collar crimes

White-collar crimes are those committed by higher income groups such as the

crimes of fraud,false advertising,corporate price fixing,bribery,embezzlement,industrial pollution,tax evasion and so on.Yet the statistics provided by the FBI tend to overrlook white-collar crimes.In fact,white-collarcrimes are often ignored by law enforcement agencies.Some sociologists aargue that the higher classes may actually have a higher rate of crime than the lower classes.15.the abuse of power by government

People believe that public organizations in the United States sometimes work in concert to advance their own interests rather than those of the people.Government in America is widely distrusted for the lack of answerability.Americans were convinced that the Johnson and Nixon administrations were deliberately and systematically lying to the people in the war against Vietnam and in the Watergate scandal.The FBI and the CIA are responsible for thousands of illegal acts.All these acts show the abuse of power by government.16.Richard Nixon

Richard Buxib was the former President of the United states… Iin the early 1970s, he was involved in the Watergate scandal, for which he was forced to resign from the presidency.17.the Prairies

The prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba lie east of the Rockies.The prairies are flat and featureless and have a harsh continental climate.They are called the breadbasket of Canada becaussse the land is well-suited to farming, and wheat is one of the biggest agricultural crops in this area.The praairies are also rich in energy resources.18.central Canada

Central Canada, Ontario and Quebec, are the parts of the country that were first settled.They are the industrial heartland of the country and are also the most densely populated provincees.They have the largest cities like Toronto and Montreal.19.The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which was introduced in 1982, expressed the idea thaat any ethnic, racial and religious groups which wanted to retain their cultural identity would be supported by the federal government.This promise was further strengthened and explained in the 1988 Multiculturalism Act.20.Structures of governmeent

Canada’s systerm of government is based on the British system of parliamentary democracy.Like Britain,Canada is a monarchy.The official head of state is the Queen, but she is represented by an official called a Governor General as she doesn’t live in Canada.Canada is a federation with ten provinces and two territories.The government of the country is referred to as “the federal government”,to distinguish it from the lower level government of each province.21.Immigration Act 1976

The Immigration Act 1976 encouraged Asian immigration, offering passports to those with capital and entrepreneurial skills.Would-be immigrants with more than $250 000(Cdn)to invest in businesses that will create jobs and wealth wer welcomed to settle in Canada.This created a new category of ”entrepreneurial immigrants”.22.The Canadian Mosaic

Canada is a nation of immigrants.When Canada is described as a mosaic, it

meaans that each if the immigrant groups do not have to throw off their oldd customs, languages and traditions, because there is no particular concept of an overarching

Canadian identity..This resembles a mosaic of different cultures which overlap but do not overwhelm each other.23.“the First Nnations”

The First Nations are the native tribes of aboriginal people who lived in Canada before the European explorers settled.They were officially referred to as “the First

Nations”because they are the original inhabitants of the country, and because there is not one single group or culture----there are many”nations”,or tribes, which have different languages,customs and beliefs.24.migrant workers

Many big farms hire temporary workers only for a specific chore---such as picking crops.Many of these seasonal workers travel from farm to farm,staying only until the cropss are picked…They are known as migrant workers.25.Samuel Slater

In 1793,Samuel Slater built the first factory in the United States---a cotton cloth factory in Pawtuckket,Rhode Island.He built the factory from memory, because it was a crime to carry factory plant out of England.The success of his factory started a process of


A.安全性 B.营利性 C.动态性 D.刚性 E.适度性 2.民间募集社会保障基金的方式是()。

A.发行福利彩票 B.募捐 C.征收社会保险费 D.直接拨款 E.国际援助 3.社会保障管理的模式有()。

A.集中管理 B.分散管理 C.集散结合的管理 D.平行管理 E.垂直管理 4.按照基金来源分类,社会保障基金可分为()。

A.社会救助基金 B.社会保险基金 C.社会福利基金 D.财政性社会保障基金 E.公共基金 5.工伤保险的原则有()。

A.用人单位不缴费 B.个人造成的责任不补偿 C.个人不缴费 D.无责任补偿 E.风险分担、互助互济 6.社会保险基金的筹资模式有()。

A.国家积累制 B.现收现付制 C.部分基金制 D.基金制 E.预期收付制 7.社会保障水平过低的负面影响包括()。

A.保障公民基本的经济生活水平B.社会保障程度不足 C.不利于社会稳定与发展 D.降低了公民的劳动积极性 E.影响社会运转的效率 8.社会福利与社会保障的区别。()A.保障的对象和标准不同 B.资金来源不同 C.分配原则不同 D.经营主体不同 E.保障提供的物质内容不尽相同 9.失业者享受失业保险的资格条件是()。

A.处于劳动年龄条件 B.自愿失业 C.提出申请 D.满足一定的合格期条件 E.具有劳动能力和就业意愿 10.按照社会福利的保障对象,社会福利可分为()。

A.未成年人福利 B.老年人福利 C.残疾人福利 D.劳动者福利 E.住房福利 11.基金制社会保险基金筹资模式缺点的是()。

A.基金贬值风险较大 B.基金营运存在风险 C.互济性较弱 D.难以应付人口老龄化挑战 E.可能诱发代际之间的矛盾 12.我国社会保障管理当前面临的主要问题是()。

A.缺乏统一管理 B.政事不分 C.责权不明确 D.企业社会负担过重 E.管理人员素质较低 13.工伤保险的给付原则是()。

A.无责任补偿原则 B.雇主责任补偿原则 C.风险分担、互助互济原则 D.雇主过失补偿原则 E.个人不缴费原则 14.与其他社会保障制度相比,社会救助制度的特殊性表现在()。

A.义务的单向性 B.目的的明确性 C.目标的低层次性 D.手段的多样性 E.对象的限制性 15.我国社会福利制度的内容体系中的老年福利包括()。

A.住房福利政策 B.老年人的物质生活福利 C.老年人的医疗保健 D.老年人的文化服务设施 E.职工福利 16.社会保险的特点包括()。

A.强制性 B.补偿性 C.普遍性 D.互助互济性 E.营利性 17.社会保险基金现收现付制筹资模式的局限性是()。

A.受通货膨胀的影响较大 B.难以应付人口老龄化的挑战 C.制度建立困难 D.保险费给付不及时 E.可能诱发代际之间的矛盾 18.生育保险的基本内容一般包括()。

A.产假 B.生育津贴 C.医疗服务 D.社会服务 E.医疗保健 19.安置制度所包括的对象主要有()。

A.退伍义务兵 B.复员军人 C.军队离退休干部 D.转业志愿兵 E.军属 20.构成我国住房保障主体的是()。

A.商品房 B.廉租房 C.经济适用房 D.小产权房 E.自建房 21.下列关于制约社会保障水平的因素说法正确的是()。

A.经济规模与经济发展水平 B.政治、社会结构 C.地理条件 D.制度年龄和人口结构 E.历史、人文等特殊因素 22.以下属于新自由主义代表人物哈耶克的社会福利思想的是(A.反对计划经济 B.主张自由市场 C.主张实行自由货币 D.提出社会自由观 E.提出机会平等观 23.医疗保险的特点是()。

A.保障对象的全民性 B.涉及面广,很复杂 C.具有短期性、经常性 D.为社会成员提供免费、低费或部分收费的医疗服务 E.保障范围较小 24.我国农村救助的主要内容包括()。

A.自然灾害救助 B.农村贫困儿童救助 C.农村五保户制度 D.农村贫困救助 E.农村扶贫工作 25.确立最低生活标准的基本方法主要有哪些?()A.市场菜篮法 B.定量分析法 C.恩格尔系数法 D.国际贫困标准法 E.生活形态法 26.社会保障水平的特点()。

A.有效性 B.动态性 C.刚性 D.适度性 E.普遍性 27.社会保障管理的内容包括社会保障的()。

A.基金管理 B.物资管理 C.信息管理 D.对象管理 E.行政管理 28.生育保险待遇的基本内容包括()。

A.产假 B.医疗服务 C.生育津贴 D.独生子女费 E.防暑降温费 29.失业保险对象的资格规定失业者必须是()。

A.由于本人原因而失业的 B.处于劳动年龄段 C.非自愿失业 D.满足一定的合格期条件 E.具有劳动能力和劳动意愿 30.社会优抚的主要特点()。
