



Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child.Describe a hobby you had when you were a child.Describe an outdoor activity that you like doing(or do regularly).When I was a child, my classmates and I used to play yo-yo after class with my classmates.Actually I had many yo-yos with different colors and size, but my favorite one was a present from my father on a children¡¯s day many years ago although I couldn¡¯t remember how old I was exactly.That yo-yo looked almost the same with the others.It consisted of a piece of string and a small spool.But it has different shapes, colors and designs.Unlike those yo-yo specialists taking part in World yo-yo contests that I got to know on television, I could only do the simplest play.It¡¯s like this.Bring your elbow down with a snap as you release the yo-yo out.Then the yo-yo would go down.As soon as it reaches the bottom of the string, turn your hand over and the yo-yo will climb the string and return to your hand.It may sounds pretty easy, but it surely took me much time to learn, I mean it called for much training.Some of my classmates were really good at playing yo-yo and could perform many tricks, such as ¡°walking the dog¡±, ¡°loop the loop¡±.We often held a competition after classes or at weekends.It was so much fun
