




Unit 1 Classmates 1.Let’s talk about Helen.让我们谈论一下海伦吧。2.--What’s Tom like? 汤姆是什么样的?

--He is clever and helpful.他很聪明还乐于助人。3.Jim likes making kites.吉姆喜欢制作风筝。

4.He often forgets to feed Coco.他经常忘记喂Coco.5.Joe stays with Amy’s family.乔和艾米一家呆在一起。6.She sings a song in music class.她在音乐课上唱歌。7.He often says “Hello” to everyone.他经常对大家说“你好”。

8.Jim helps Ann walk her dog.吉姆帮助安遛她的狗。9.He didn’t want to eat it at first.起初他不想吃。

10.He often plays tricks on bad men.他经常捉弄坏人。11.At school, he likes studying English.在学校,他喜欢学习英语。

12.She is very popular, too.她也很受欢迎。13.Sometimes she is careless.有时她粗心。14.--What is Tom good at? 汤姆擅长什么?

--He is good at playing basketball.他擅长打篮球。15.--What are you good at? 你擅长什么?

--I’ m good at singing.我擅长唱歌。16.I’m good at English.我擅长英语。

17.She is famous for her beauty.她因长得漂亮而著名。18.--What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

--I like playing football.我喜欢踢足球。19.Amy likes planting flowers.艾米喜欢种花。

20.What’s your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么? 21.There are so many flowers/ model planes!有那么多的花!/有那么多的飞机模型!

22.John goes to school every day.约翰每天去上学。23.Beijing duck was so delicious that he ate a lot.北京烤鸭是那么美味以致于他吃了很多。24.He often can’t find his pen in the morning.他经常在早上找不到他的钢笔。25.He is very popular in our school.他在我们学校很受欢迎。

26.That girl looks very friendly.那个女孩看起来很友好。27.Her hobby is dancing.她的爱好是跳舞。

28.Tom is clever and good at maths.汤姆聪明,擅长数学。29.Tom likes making model planes.汤姆喜欢制作飞机模型。

30.He looks like his father.他看上去像他的爸爸。31.He has long arms and big hands.他有长长的胳膊和大大的手。

32.He is good at science.他擅长科学。33.He also likes reading and thinking.他还喜欢阅读和思考。

34.He helps Tom walk his dog.他帮助汤姆遛他的狗。35.I’d like to meet him.我想要见见他。

36.Let’s meet after school today.让我们今天放学后见吧。37.Her favourite class is English.她最喜欢的课是英语。38.She likes going to parties.她喜欢去参加聚会。

39.She is teaching me how to fish.她正在教我如何钓鱼。40.It’s time for dinner.该吃晚饭了。41.It’s time to go to bed.该去睡觉了。

42.Thanks for a great day!感谢美好的一天!

Unit 2 Teachers

1.A dog is barking.一只狗正在叫。2.--What’s she like? – She’s nice.她是什么样的人?她人很好。3.He wears glasses.他戴眼镜。

4.Tell him something about your favourite teacher.告诉他关于你喜欢的老师的情况吧。

5.She often tells stories in class.她经常在课上讲故事。6.Mrs.Young has long, curly, brown hair.杨老师有长长的棕色卷发。

7.Please don’t let Mrs.Tiger come back.请不要让泰格老师回来。

8.We have lunch at 12 o’clock each day.我们每天12点吃午饭。

9.He often plays sports with his students.他经常和他的学生一起做运动。10.She is that woman in the red T-shirt.她是穿红色T恤衫的那个女人。

11.She plays the piano very well.她钢琴弹得非常好。12.What are her hobbies? 她的爱好是什么? 13.She has straight black hair.她有黑色直发。

14.She’s not friendly or kind.她既不友好也不和蔼。15.Who’s your favourite teacher? 你最喜欢的老师是谁? 16.It is an interesting story.它是一个有趣的故事。17.There are many pictures on the walls.墙上有许多画。

18.We are from Canada./ We come from Canada.我们来自加拿大。

19.Write a letter to your friend.给你的朋友写一封信。20.She sits on the grass.她坐在草地上。、21.The man in a blue T-shirt is my teacher.那个穿着一件蓝色T恤衫的是我的老师。22.What do you think of your teacher?


23.Her students are very naughty.她的学生非常淘气。24.What’s your new friend look like?


25.–What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?

--They’ re swimming.他们正在游泳。26.--What does he teach? 他教什么?--He teaches maths.他教数学。

27.--Where are you going? 你要去哪儿?

--I’m going to the zoo.我要去动物园。28.How many students are there in your class?


29.My new friend is from America.我的新朋友来自美国。

30.Bill is popular in our group.比尔在我们组很受欢迎。31.John is picking up all the rubbish.约翰正在捡起所有21.I don’t want Turtle to be my friend.我不想让龟做我的朋友。

22.An elephant eats leaves and grass.大象吃树叶和草。23.He is writing a book about a talking sheep.他正在写一本关于一只会说话的羊的书。

24.He wants to teach an elephant to dance.他想要教一头大象跳舞。

25.You must think about the good.你必须考虑优点。26.It has a big nose called trunk.它有一个叫象鼻的大鼻的垃圾。

32.The school is beautiful and the teachers are wonderful.学校很漂亮,老师们都好极了。

Unit3.Animals 1.--What animals do you want to see?--Tigers.--你想要看什么动物?


2.It’s a bird, but it can’t fly.它是一只鸟,但它不会飞。3.Many wild animals are in danger now.现在许多野生动物都面临危险。

4.--What are you doing ? 你正在做什么?

--I’m drawing a picture of my favourite animal.我正在画一张我最喜欢的动物的画。5.Turtle is too slow to play football.乌龟太慢了不能踢足球。

6.I want to draw a picture.我想画一张画。7.Let’s talk about our teacher.让我们谈论一下我们的老师吧。

8.We should take care of animals.我们应该爱护动物。9.Mrs.Tiger comes into the classroom.泰格老师进了教室。

10.It has two long teeth and a long nose.它有两颗长牙齿和一个长鼻子。

11.It lives in a bamboo forest and eats bamboo there.它住在竹林里,吃那里的竹子。12.What’s your favourite animal? 你最喜欢的动物是什么?

13.My favourite animal is the bee.我最喜欢的动物是蜜蜂。

14.Its ears look like two triangles.它的耳朵看起来像两个三角形。15.Cats can catch mice.猫可以捉老鼠。16.Different children love different animals.不同的孩子喜欢不同的动物。17.It has two long teeth called tusks.它长着两颗叫象牙的长牙齿.18.Can you be my new friend? 你能做我的新朋友吗? 19.I am a baby dog from America.我是一只来自美国的小狗。

20.Which animal do you want? 你想要哪个动物? 子。

27.I want to play with you.我想和你一起玩。28.Get out of my house.从我的房子出去。

29.Put them together like this.像这样把它们放在一起。30.They decide to build big stone houses.他们决定建造大大的石头房子。

31.Let’s take care of them.让我们照看它们吧。32.What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?

33.All animals have good things and bad things.所有的动物都有优点和缺点。34.I’m waiting for you.我在等你。35.The pig builds his house with straw.那只小猪用稻草盖房子。

Unit4 Shopping Day

1.How much is the pencil? 铅笔多少钱? 2.Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?

3.We are going to buy a new dress.我们打算买一条新


4.I want a pair of pants.我想要一条裤子。

5.Where can I find them? 我可以在哪里找到它们? 6.How much is it all together? 一共多少钱? 7.I need three more dollars.我还需要三美元。8.Shopping online is an easy way to buy things.网上购物是买东西的一种简单的方式。9.The puppy is on sale.那只小狗特价销售。10.To his surprise, the puppy is gone.使他惊奇的是,那只小狗不见了。11.Tomorrow is my first day back at school.明天是我回到学校的第一天。12.I’ll take the green shoes, please.我将买那双绿色的鞋子。

13.What are you going to buy? 你打算买什么? 14.I am going to buy a new notebook.我打算买一个新笔记本。

15.How much is the black bag? 那个黑色的包多少钱? 16.I want to buy a present for my friend.我想给我的朋友买一个礼物。

17.There is a pet shop next to his school.在他的学校旁边有一家宠物商店。

18.The pen is 25 yuan.这只钢笔25元。19.--What do you think of this bag?

你认为这个包怎么样?--It’s beautiful.它很漂亮。

20.You need a pair of pants.你需要一条裤子。

21.A box of crayons is only 10 yuan.一盒蜡笔只卖10元。22.We have a nice green pencil box.我们有一个漂亮的绿色铅笔盒。

23.Do you have any toy planes? 你们有玩具飞机吗? 24.--How much are the socks? 这双袜子多少钱?--They are 5 yuan.它们5元。

25.He only has 25 dollars.他只有25美元。26.--What about a model car? 来一个小汽车模型怎么样?

--Yes, that’s great.是的,那好极了。

27.--How much is it ? 它多少钱?--It’s 30 yuan.它30元。28.--How much are they? 它们多少钱?

--They’re 10 dollars.它们10美元。29.I’ll take it.我将买它。

30.--How much are the pants?这条裤子多少钱?

–They’re 80 yuan.它80元。

31.You can ask your parents to help you.你可以让你的父母帮助你。

32.Do you want to go shopping? 你想要去购物吗? 33.Do you also want to stay at home? 你也想要呆在家里吗?

34.How much is that pencil in the window? 橱窗里的那支铅笔多少钱?

35.I want an exercise book.我想要一个练习本。36.How much is the red one? 那个红色的多少钱? 37.I’ll take the yellow one.我将买那个黄色的。38.What colour is your school bag? 你的书包是什么颜色的?

Unit5 TV shows 1.What are your favourite TV shows? 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么? My favourite TV shows are sports shows.我最喜欢的电视节目是体育节目。2.What are his favourite TV shows? 他最喜欢的电视节目是什么? His favourite TV shows are cartoons.他最喜欢的电视节目是动画片。3.What are her favourite shows? 她最喜欢的电视节目是什么? Her favourite TV shows are music shows.她最喜欢的节目是音乐节目。4.When do you usually watch sports shows? 你通常什么时候看体育节目?

I usually watch them on Saturday evening.我通常在星期六晚上看它们。5.When do you usually do your homework? 你通常什么时候做你的家庭作业? I usually do my homework at 7:30.我通常在七点半做我的家庭作业。6.When does he/she usually watch them? 他/她通常什么时候看它们?

He/She usually watches them on Tuesday morning.他/她通常在星期二早上看它们。7.Are they interesting? 它们有趣吗? Yes, they are fantastic.是的,它们是极好的。

8.Why do you like it/ them? 你为什么喜欢它/它们?

Because it’s / they’re interesting.因为它/它们很有趣。9.What is the nature show about today? 今天的自然节目是关于什么的?

It’s about butterflies.今天的节目是关于蝴蝶的。10.What time is it on? 它几点播出?

It’s on at 9:30.它在九点半播出。11.What’s wrong with this TV? =What’s the matter with this TV? 这台电视怎么了? 12.The power is off.停电了。13.What’s your favourite children’s show? 你最喜欢的儿童节目是什么?

14.I like watching skating and swimming on sports shows.我喜欢看体育节目上的滑冰和游泳。15.My mother likes nature shows best.我妈妈最喜欢自然节目。

16.She can learn about animals all over the world.她可以了解世界各地的动物。

17.I can learn about animals from different countries.我可以了解来自不同国家的动物。18.I watch these shows every evening.我每天晚上看这些节目。

19.I can hear many new songs and see famous singers.我能听到许多新歌并且看到著名的歌手。20.Our favourite shows are nature shows.我们最喜欢的节目是自然节目。21.We watch them every evening.我们每天晚上看它们。22.We can learn about animals.我们能了解动物。23.I think they are interesting.我认为它们很有趣。

24.What about you? / How about you? 你呢? 25.Most people don’t like them.大多数人不喜欢它们。26.Interesting people are often on talk shows.有趣的人经常在谈话节目中。27.They talk about many interesting things.他们谈论很多有趣的事情。28.These shows are fun.这些节目有趣。29.You can also learn a lot.你也能学到很多。30.They are wonderful.它们很精彩。31.I think nature shows are wonderful.我认为自然节目很精彩。32.I think news shows are boring.我认为新闻节目很无聊。33.I think the children’s shows are great.我认为儿童节目很棒。

34.Sports shows are exciting.体育节目很令人兴奋。35.Variety shows are interesting.综艺节目很有趣。36.Let’s watch TV together.让我们一起看电视吧。

37.Let’s play a game.让我们做个游戏吧。

Unit6 Chores 1.Do you help your parents do chores at home? 你在家帮助你父母做家务吗?

Yes, I do.是的,我帮助。

2.I take out the rubbish and make my bed.我倒垃圾并整理我的床铺。3.You should clean the room every day.你应该每天扫扫房间。

4.I often help my grandmother take out the rubbish.我经常帮助我的奶奶倒垃圾。5.I always tidy the desk on Sundays.我总是在星期日清理书桌。6.Are you free after school? 你放学后有空吗?

7.Can we play computer games together? 我们能一起玩电脑游戏吗? 8.My mother is busy with her work.我妈妈忙于她的工作。9.I’m going to help her at home.我将要在家帮助她。

10.I’m going to wash clothes and sweep the floor.我将要洗衣服和扫地。

11.I’m going to tidy my desk and clean my room.我将要清理我的书桌并打扫我的房间。

12.I help my parents take out the rubbish and make the bed.我帮助我父母倒垃圾和整理床铺。13.--Do you usually do chores at home?

你通常在家做家务吗?--Yes, I do.是的,我做。

--What chores do you usually do at home? 你在家通常做什么家务?

--I usually wash clothes.我通常洗衣服。

--How often do you do it? 你多久洗一次?

--Three times a week.一星期三次。14.Can you play with me? 你能和我一起玩吗? 15.I’m doing my chores.我正在做我的家务。16.I’m sweeping the floor now.我现在正在扫地。17.I usually water the plants.我通常给植物浇水。18.I also enjoy feeding my fish.我也喜欢喂我的鱼。19.Do you like doing chores?

你喜欢做家务吗? 20.I enjoy helping my parents.我喜欢帮助我父母。21.Call me when you are free.当你空闲时打电话给我。

22.What chores does Bill do at home?


He cleans the room and feeds the fish.他打扫房间和喂鱼。

23.We usually do chores at home.我们在家通常做家务。24.Bob usually takes out the rubbish.鲍勃通常倒垃圾。25.Jack usually sweeps the floor and waters the plants.杰克通常扫地和给植物浇水。

26.What about you? =How about you? 你呢?

27.Susan is always busy on Sunday.苏珊在星期日总是很忙。28.In the morning she makes the bed.在早晨她整理床铺。

29.In the afternoon she usually washes clothes.在下午她通常洗衣服。

30.Before dinner, Susan feeds her pet cat.晚餐前,苏珊喂她的宠物猫。

31.She enjoys her day for chores.她喜欢她的家务日。32.After getting up, she always makes her bed.起床后,她总是整理她的床铺。33.After lunch, she often does the dishes.午餐后,她经常洗碗碟。34.I often help my parents with chores.= I often help my parents do chores.我经常帮助我父母做家务。

35.Our home has many plants, and I water them twice a

week.我们家有许多植物,我一个星期给它们浇两次水。36.I do many chores.我做许多家务。

37.I take out the rubbish once a week.我一星期倒一次垃圾。

38.Sometimes I cook breakfast.有时我做早餐。39.My parents give me $5 a week for doing chores, so I

like doing them!因为做家务,我父母一个星期给我5美元,所以我喜欢做家务。

40.Please help me do the chores for mum.请帮我为妈妈做家务。

41.I am going to walk the dog now.现在我将要遛狗。42.What chores does your mother usually do at home?


43.My mother washes clothes and cooks meals.我妈妈洗衣服,做饭。

44.In my family, everyone does chores every day.在我家,每个人每天都做家务。

44.Maybe robots will do all our chores at home.也许机器人将会做我们所有的家务。


Lesson 68

Teaching aim:

Review the words about good hobby and bad hobby.Review the sentences about the unit 11.Teaching important:

Review the words about good hobby and bad hobby

Review the sentences about the unit 11

Teaching difficult:

View the sentences about the unit 11

Teaching utensil:


Teaching course:

1.review the words with the word cards

2.make sentences with the words on the card




所用教科书:Go For It


所教册次、单元: 九年级第一单元



主要以reading的文本为载体, 通过具体教学活动来激发学生的阅读兴趣, 训练学生速读和根据所给问题寻找相关细节的能力。此外, 在教学过程中渗透学习策略, 指导学生如何利用上下文的帮助猜测新词词意和从多个词条解释中选择最恰当的词意。在这一部分阅读训练中, 针对任务型阅读这一学生的薄弱之处, 我设计了一系列题目, 希望学生通过一定量的常规练习, 感受任务型阅读, 减少畏难情绪, 更好的适应这一河北省的新题型。

对文本中的词汇和语法教学, 我把它们分成了两部分来处理。教师着重教授语法重难点“unless”一词的用法, 并带领学生进行知识的拓展, 归纳类比其它经常用于主将从现的连词:as soon as, if, when。其它文本中的短语相对简单, 主要通过学生自学和小组合作学习的方式来解决, 教师根据课堂情况做适当的点拨。作业我选择了美国女诗人Sara Teasdale的一首优美的励志小诗“Like barleybending”

供学生欣赏, 希望学生在接触到原汁原味的英美文学作品, 体会阅读之美的同时, 心灵上受到鼓舞, 乐观、勇敢的面对生活中的挫折与挑战。

整个课程设计凸显阅读课的特点, 对课本内容进行了内部整合与外部拓展, 同时也兼顾中考的要求对基本词汇和重要语法点用不同的方法加以处理。课堂活动利用学习小组, 以学生活动为主, 教师主要是倾听、引导与点拨。


依据新课程标准, 基础教育阶段英语课程不仅仅要使学生掌握一定的听、说、读、写技能, 形成一定的综合语言运用能力, 还注重激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 使学生养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略, 发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神, 帮助学生拓展视野, 了解世界和中西方文化的差异。

课程标准对学生“读”的目标描述中, 九年级学生应能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义, 能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息, 能利用字典等工具书进行学习等。



本课时是本单元的第五课时, 前面四个课时的学习已经为本课做了一定的铺垫。学生在前面SectionA和Section B的3a阅读中也初步实践了一些阅读方法, 本课的学习, 将是前面小块阅读训练的延续与提升, 内容更为集中, 方法针对性更强, 阅读课的特色更加突出。


学生通过初一、初二两年的英语学习, 已积累一定的阅读量与阅读体验, 但是面对阅读中较难的体裁如:科普文、议论文和阅读中较难的题型如:主旨概括, 词意猜测, 根据细节进行推理判断还是感到力不从心, 因此阅读策略的渗透和阅读技能的训练就显得尤为重要。我们旨在通过对教材中Reading阅读材料的整合与延伸, 让学生通过实践, 结合教师的点拨与精讲, 提升自身的阅读能力, 形成自己的有效阅读策略。




学习并能在具体上下文情境中运用下列基本 短语:deal with, worry about=beworried about, learn to do sth, be angrywith sb, go by, decide not to do sth, regard…as…, complain about…, tryone’s best to do sth= do one’s best to dosth, with the help of sb, break off

学习连词“unless”的用法, 复习“when, if, as soon as”的用法。





通过文本的学习, 鼓励学生做个坚强、快乐的人, 积极、勇敢地直面生活中的挫折与困难。



(一) 教学重点:

1. 在于具体的阅读能力的训练:培养学生借助上下文的帮助获得恰当词意的能力;训练学生速读和根据所给问题寻找相关细节的能力。

2. unless的用法;主将从现常用连词“unless, when, if, as soon as”的归纳与运用。

(二) 教学难点:

1. 如何寻找有效的上下文

2. “unless, when, if, as soon as”用 法的辨析与结合情境的具体运用。

(三) 突破方法:

能力的提升借助具体的语篇和引导性较强的题目, 于潜移默化中让学生自己体会、感悟, 教师精讲巧点拨。

语法难点通过教师讲解, 小组互助学习来解决, 并通过巩固练习, 在具体情境中辨析、运用进一步巩固。


Step One: Leading In

1. 教师出示图片和语篇。 (见图 1、2)

Do you still remember the dancerswho performed at 2005 Spring Gala?How beautiful and charming they are!However, they can’t hear or talk, becausethey are disabled people. But they facethe challenges bravely instead of giving up.

2. 请学生猜测 disable 和 face 两词在 文中的词意。

3. 学生讨论词意, 交流方法。教师倾听, 点评, 及时鼓励。

在此过程中, 教师渗透学习策略, 点拨学生利用上下文的提示:They can’thear or talk, because they are disabledpeople. 上下文互为解释。They face thechallenges bravely. bravely副词的运用提示此处face是动词, 故应为面对之意。

设计意图:激发兴趣, 渗透策略:根据上下文猜测词意。

Step Two: Pairwork

1. 口语热身。教师出示话题及要求: Can you think of any problems you havehad recently ? Tell a partner how youdealt with them.

设计意图:阅读前的热身, 也是话题的衔接过渡:面对困难, 我们该如何做?

Step Three: Fast Reading

1. 请学生快速阅读课文并回答问题: What are the three ways of dealing withour problems?

在此过程中教师渗透学习策略:有时可以通过速读来获取信息, 速读时, 文中的副标题非常有帮助。


Step Four: Detail Reading

1. 教师出示阅读任务: (1) 为判断正误, (2) 至 (4) 为回答问题, (5) 为翻译句子。

Stephen Hawking, a famous psychologist, becomes successful by regarding his problemsas unimportant. (T or F)

If we don’t deal with our problems, what will happen?

What can we learn from children tohelp deal with problems?

Why do many students often complainabout school?

Let’s not worry about our problems.Let’s face the challenges instead.

2. 请学生认真阅读课文并写出答案, 要求书写工整, 清晰。

3. 核对答案, 小组交流解决疑难, 教师巡视, 并向学生提供必要的帮助。

4. 全班范围内学生交流, 分享自己的 翻译句子, 学生自评, 选出最佳译文。

设计意图:培养学生寻找相关细节回答问题或进行判断的能力, 训练学生根据文意选择恰当词意, 培养学生小组交流、合作的精神和认真倾听, 主动评价的意识。

Step Five:Vocabularies And Expressions

1. 请学生独立大声朗读课文并找出下列短语, 若需要可向组员寻求帮助:

(1) 处理, 应对 (2) 担忧 (3) 学习做某事 (4) 生某人的气 (5) 决定不做某事

(6) 将…视为… (7) 抱怨… (8) 努力做某事 (9) 在某人的帮助下 (10) 中断

2. 小组内朗读、记忆上述短语。

3. 教师组织小测试进行检测, 以小组竞赛形式进行。测试题注重短语在具体情境中的应用。

(1) I have trouble ______ all theproblems in such a short time. 应付

(2) ______, I finished writing thisessay easily . 在她的帮助下

(3) Our teacher ______ because ofhis cheating in the exam. 生他的气

(4) He ______ to learn English and caught up with his classmates at last.努力

(5) The young mother ______ herson’s illness for quite a few days. 担忧

设计意图:培养学生自主学习的能力, 培养学生的合作精神和竞争意识。

Step Six: Grammar Study

1. 教师出示含有“unless”的例句, 学生朗读、体会、感悟。

2. 教师讲解“unless”, 带领学生辨析归纳unless, when, as soon as, if的用法。

3. 教师提供“unless, when, as soonas, if”的相关练习供学生巩固。

(1) We will go bike riding __ it rainstomorrow.

A. because B. unless

C. if D. when

(2) My brother is going to look foranother job____ the company offers himmore money.

A. after B. when

C. unless D. because

(3) Anybody can learn Englishwell____he works hard at it.

(A) if B. unless

C. when D. but

(4) Tom will call me ____ he getshome.

A. until B. unless

C. as if D. before

4. 核对答案, 小组交流解决疑难, 教师提供必要的讲解。

设计意图:关注语法重点, 提升能力的同时兼顾中考基础知识的考察。

Step Seven: Homework

1. 请学生欣赏Sara Teasdale的励志小诗“Like barley bending”并选出自己喜欢的句子。

Like barley bending

In low fi elds by the sea,

Singing in hard wind


Like barley bending

And rising again,

So would I, unbroken,

Rise from pain;

So would I, softly,

Day long, night long,

Change my sorrow

Into song.

------ By Sara Teasdale


设计意图: 开拓视野, 涉猎西方文学作品, 陶冶情操, 启迪心灵。







unless, when, as soon as, if用法的掌握与辨析。


对学生的课堂发言, 教师应及时给出鼓励性的评价。

选出最佳英译汉译文的环节, 鼓励学生自评, 生生互评, 以达到美文共赏的目的。

词汇部分检测以竞赛方式进行, 引导学生自评学习效果, 并解决出现的问题。


Ⅱ. 小蝴蝶要去找小蜜蜂玩。它在路上遇到了哪些单词呢?写下来吧!(8分)

Ⅲ. 选词填空。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

1. It’s_________________bigger.

2. It’s big_________________strong.

3. Jim is older_________________Lucy.

4. It’s_________________long.

5. He will do_________________housework.

Ⅳ. 选择最佳答案。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

( )1. Ms Smart is a_________________teacher.

A. niceB. bit C. naughty

( )2. There_________________many boats on the river.

A. amB. is C. are

( )3. One day, robots will_________________everything.

A. makeB. do C. helps

( )4._________________you take your ball tomorrow?

A. CanB. Will C. Are

( )5. Mount Qomolangma is_________________than Mount Tai.

A. taller B. higherC. older

Ⅴ. 看图片,补全句子。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

1. He can____________________________________________________________________ .

2. They can____________________________________________________________________ .

3. She can____________________________________________________________________ .

4. She can____________________________________________________________________ .

5. She can____________________________________________________________________ .

Ⅵ. 选择合适的答语。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

( )1. Which one is higher?

( )2. Who’s taller than Honghong?

( )3. How old is your brother?

( )4. Is the blue book bigger than the green one?

( )5. Where’s Xiaogang?

Ⅶ. 看图,根据汉语提示,选择合适的句子。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

Ⅷ. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(2 ’× 5 = 10分)

Panda says to Rabbit, “I’m bigger than you.”

Rabbit says, “But I run faster than you.”

Tiger says to Rabbit, “I’m stronger than you.”

Elephant says to Tiger, “But I am stronger than you.”

Giraffe says, “Maybe you are stronger than us. But my neck is longer than all of yours.”

( )1. The panda is bigger than the rabbit.

( )2. The rabbit is stronger than the tiger.

( )3. The elephant is shorter than the giraffe.

( )4. The elephant is stronger than the tiger.


Teaching aim:Review the words about housework and after school activity.Review the sentences about ask the housework and the activity.Teaching important:Review the words about housework and after school activity.Review the sentences about ask the housework and the activity.Teaching difficult:Review the words about housework and after school activity.Review the sentences about ask the housework and the activity.Teaching utensil: tape

Teaching course:

1.Review the words: group contest, say the words as quickly as you can, match words with

pictures, look at the picture and teacher say the phrase, if teacher is right, students will say “yes” teacher is wrong, students will keep scilent.Teacher do the action and students say the word.2.单词归类: write down the words:Part Time Activities, Chores, Frequency.将单词卡


3.Listening: 要求学生通过听录音,将图中家务或课外活动的词组与响应的表示频度的词组连






Lesson 44










2.引导学生说说自己喜欢的节目,如,教师可以问“Which show do you like?Which

show do you want to watch?”



首先,让学生观察B部分图画,教师先进行提问引导学生进行简单的讨论。如:“What do

you need to make it?How do you make it?” 然后让学生在小组间进行讨论,也可



