



Our interest was purely perfunctory.


Interest rates went up.


Interest rates were lifted yesterday.



What are your special interests?


She has business interests in France.


Her main interests are music and tennis.


She told him she only had his interests at heart.



The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates。


Some interest rates have remained stubbornly high。


1、I often go to movies with my friends, Mike.My favorite actor is Paul Jackson.He has a new movie, My father’s birthday.It’s a very funny comedy.Mike likes the actor Rick Smith.He really likes his movie, Black September.It’s a very successful thriller, but I think it’s boring.One interesting thing: Mike is English, but he likes Beijng Opera!He often goes to see Beijng Opera on weekends.Mike’s father likes it, too!

2、Musicians Wanted for School Music Festival

Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar? Then you can be in our school music festival.Please call Zhang Heng at 6226033.3、I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon.Here, students are skating to raise money for charity.For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity.The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating.Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours.Next is Sam, and he has been skating for four hours.Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.4、Dear Jack, Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster.I love it.In fact I think it’s probably my favorite.I’ve been collecting snow globes for seven years, and now I have 226 of them.My mom says I have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to store them.They’re all around our apartment.I even store them in boxes under my bed.The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday.I particularly love globes with animals.I have a big one with bears in it and another one with penguins.If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me.I’d like to start a snow globe collectors’ club.By the way, what’s your hobby?

5、Yellow River Fisherman This is Hong Tao’s latest movie.I like Hong Tao.He’s made some great movies over the years.Unfortunately, this is his worst movie.If you’re looking for entertainment, stay at home and watch TV.Yellow River Fisherman is too long, and it’s really boring.It does have a few good features, though.I thought the fisherman’s wife was really funny.Amy Kim Photography Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery.Amy Kim is one of he best known Chinese

photographers in the world today, and some of her best loved photos are on display in thes exhibition.She really has something for everyone.There are many great photos of people and of the countryside.The few city photographs are less successful.I see the same things every day and they don’t interest me as much.But this is a great show from a world class photographer.Whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition.Wild and Windy Over the years, we’ve seen musical groups with pretty strange names come and go.Few have stranger names than this band.As the name suggests, the band has lots of energy.And they play the kind of music that I love to hear.Every song is really loud and often you can’t understand the words, but this is okay because the lyrics aren’t very good.However, these are musicians who make us happy-even on a Monday morning!

6、Dear pen pal, I’m having a great time in Hong Kong, although I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai.Still, it’s a great place to visit and I’m lucky to be here for my six-month English course.Some other students are learning French.I might like to learn some too.What languages would you like to learn? There’s just so much to see and do here.Last night I went to a Chinese music concert.Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to.I prefer quiet, traditional music so the concert suited me just fine.What kinds of music do you like? Before the concert we went for Italian food.Do you like it? There are lots of different kinds of food here.I don’t know what to try next.What kinds of food do you prefer? My host family is taking me over to an Indian film festival next weekend.I’m not sure what to expect because I’ve never seen an Indian film.Have you? Some people say they’re boring, but others say they’re great.What kinds of films do you prefer?
