




Position:ChiefEngineer Achievements:Reducedtheproductioncostby45%throughredesignoftheoriginalassemblylineformanufactruingairconditioners. 职位:总工程师 业绩:通过重新设计制造空调机的原有生产线而使生产成本降低了45%。




Scholarship from the university in 1994. 1994年获校级奖学金。

Scholarship from the department in 1995. 1995年获系级奖学金。

Xianzi Zeng Scholarship for Life Science in 1993. 1993年获曾宪梓生命科学奖学金。

Won the title of Excellent League Member in 1992. 1992年荣获优秀团员称号。

Elected a“Three Goods”Student in 1991. 1991年被评为“三好”学生。


1 Introduction

Humor, a popular artistic form, its social functions include criticizing social shortcomings and mistakes, inculcating the masses and social recreational function.

Horn notes that the feature of humor consist in that, the speaker and the listener flout the CP, especially the maxims of quality, quantity and manner (姜望琪, 2000:57)

The writer seeks to investigate humor from the pragmatic perspective and explain it from the Cooperative Principle (CP) , Politeness Principle (PP) and conversational implicature.On the explanations of conversational humor and behavior-described humor, this paper analyzes the way of producing humor and humor laughingstocks.In general, this paper investigating humor from the perspective of pragmatics is based on linguistic theory.

1.1 The definition of humor

The first definition of humor is that a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter because this one is popularly accepted by all of us.While when we look up dictionaries, we can find out more than 15 items that defer humor as noun and verb.

Here this paper summarizes the definitions of humor from Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language.Humor is the faculty of perceiving and explaining what is amusing or comic"she didn't appreciate my words";"you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor".Humor is a comic quality causing amusement"I fail to see the humor in it"humor is also a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling"he was in a bad humor"humor can be referred to mental disposition or a temporary mood or fame of mind"the event put him out of humor"and even in the Middle Ages, the medical science defined humor as one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state;"the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile".

1.2 The main characteristics of humor

1.2.1 Incongruity

In general, a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter is called humor.It has plenty of forms to express such as euphemism, metaphor, exaggeration, pun, irony, etc.Because of incongruity, both of the explanations form a delightful contrast with each other.Then humor is generated.Giora (1991) noted that the sudden transition from the first one to the second one can produce a style of surprise effect.For instance:

Goethe was once strolling on a narrow path in Weimar.As luck would have it, he met with a critic who was hostile to him.Both of them stopped, staring at each other.Then the critic said:“I will never make way for a fool.”

“But I will.”

With that Goethe retreated aside.

The first explanation of“but I will”is that“I am gentle and I will make way for you, sir.”The second explanation is that“I do not argue with you and I will make way for you because you are a fool.”In that specific context, the first one is cancelled but the second one is out of the critic’s expectation, that is, Goethe admits that he himself was a fool.

1.2The specific recreational function of humor

Humor, compared to common daily conversations, its outstanding feature is using concise language to express rich content, which makes the hearer amused.Violating the cooperative principle and its maxims drastically and frequently generates the effect.And its function of human intercourse is to make people laugh and happy when they face unexpected words and deeds and unbelievable results.But the difference lies in that both the speaker and the listener understand that implicature not in a cooperative way or deliberately misunderstand or one of them lures the other to deduce one implicature but then adds an utterance to cancel that implicature.The contradiction on implicatures understanding is the succinct of humor.

2 Comprehension of the Conversational Humor

2.1 Gricean cooperative principle

2.1.1 Introduction of the cooperative principle

Grice (1975, 1978) suggested that much of the information conveyed in conversation was implied rather than asserted.He argued that the speaker and the listener expected each other to interpret their utterances as if they were acting in a rational and cooperative manner.His cooperative principle has four categories of maxims as follows:





Cooperative principle is meant to describe what actually happens in conversations.

2.1.2 Violation of the cooperative principle

Humor is based on the principle of daily verbal intercourse.On the other hand, it deliberately flouts the maxims of Cooperative Principle and the understandings of conversational implicature, but the speaker and the listener take each other’s meaning.In this part, the writer lists abundant examples to analyze the production of recreational effect of humor in the explanation of violation of Cooperative Principle.

有盗牛而被枷者, 熟识过而问曰:“汝何事?”答曰:“晦气撞出来的, 前在街上闲走, 见地上草绳一根, 以为有用, 拾得之耳。”问者曰:“然则罪何至此?”及复对云:“绳头还有一小小牛儿。”

“见地上草绳一根, 以为有用, 拾得之耳”the man stole a little cattle but he only referred to the string of grass.The information provided less than needed and that would make a false image that the man was innocent.We did not understand until hearing the last utterance“绳头还有一小小牛儿”.

The following may be seen as a case in which the employer deliberately express his idea that he needed a male worker in an obscure way, so the implied meaning is that we did not say we did not need female worker, but none of them are up to the requirement.Only male workers have the qualifications to apply for this vacancy.

American Constitution stipulates that any forms of discrimination are forbidden such as sex, age, religion and etc.There was one company that only wanted to employ male worker.It posted such an advertisement for fear of being charged by women rights movement organization.It said:“A worker wanted.Requirement:working with upper part of the body naked will not reduce the efficiency of other colleagues.”

When illustrating the violation of the ambiguity avoidance maxim, Grice uses as an example William Black’s lines“Never seek to tell thy love, love that never told can be.”In this case, love may refer to an emotion or the person one loves.And“love that never told can be”may mean either love that can not be told or love that if told can not continue to exist.

2.2 Gricean conversational implicatures theory

Grice noted that everybody would not follow the cooperative principle and its maxims all the time.People do violate them, especially in a context;the speaker sometimes deliberately violates the principle and its maxims, and intends to let the hearers to understand the implicature.Grice also distinguishes conversational implicatures and conventional implicatures.By“implicature”he holds that they are the inferential paths of a word meaning that the speaker intend to have conventional implicatures are lexicalized;Conversational implicatures are calculated afresh each time the speaker and the listener interacts.

2.2.1 Characteristics of implicature

Conversational implicature is a type of implied meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the conversational principle and its maxims.In this sense, implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning, or言外之意in Chinese.And these two theories differ only in the mechanisms they offer for explaining the generation of contextual meaning.

1) Calculability

The fact that speakers try to convey conversational implicatures and hearers are able to understand them suggests that implicatures are calculable.

On the basis of every information available, there is one interpretation, which may support our previous assumptions, and then we will take it as the real point the speaker is trying to get across.For example:

One day Mark Twain was finishing.A stranger came along.“Good morning!”said the stranger.“Good morning!”said Mark Twain.“This is good weather we are having.”“Very good weather, ”said the stranger.“Are you catching any fish?”“The fish is very good here.I caught three trout here yesterday in about an hour.”“Is that so?”Said the stranger.“Yes, and I am very fond of trout.”“By the way, ”said the stranger, “do you happen to know who I am?”“No, I have not any idea, ”said Mark Twain.“Well, I am the game warden of this country, ”said the stranger.“And trout are out of season.”Mark Twain paused a minute.Then he asked:“By the way, do you know who I am?”“No, I do not!”“Well, I am the biggest liar in this country!”.

After hearing“well, I am the game warden of this country”Mark Twain will assume that the stranger is still following some normal practice like the Cooperative Principle and tries to say something true and relevant.Since the important thing is that it is the fishing forbidden season.Mark Twain deduced that implied meaning and played a joke with that man by saying he was the biggest liar in this country.

2) Cancellability

Cancellability is also known as defeasibility.

For example:

After hearing Kennedy’s inaugural address, Nixon happened to meet Ted Sorensen, one of Kennedy’s aids.They began discussing it.“I wish I had some of those things, ”said Nixon.”“What part?”Sorensen wanted to know.“That part about‘Ask not what our country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country...’”“Not, ”said Nixon.“That part that starts, ’I do solemnly swear...’”

By adding“That part that starts, ’I do solemnly swear...’”the implicature that Nixon admired Kennedy’s literary talent is cancelled.The implied implicature that he wanted to be American President is generated.

3) Non-detachability

By non-detachability is meant that a conversational implicature is attached to the semantic content of what is said, not to the linguistic form.

In America, the police often request the witness to recognize whether the suspect factually commits crimes.Once upon a time, the police ask every suspect to say only one same utterance, that is“Take out your money!”The first and the second one did as required.It was the third suspect’s turn.He blurted out without thinking“I did not say those words at that moment.”

In above example, the writer uses for the violation of Relation maxim, any utterance, which is not directly related to that, will generate the implicature.Utterances that the third suspect would say will also do such as:“I did not say in that tone!”“Ah, what I really said is take all of your money out!”

4) Non-conventionality

Conversational Implicature is by definition different from the conventional meaning of words.

Humor is the specific example of this character.

3 Comprehension of Behaviors-mainly Described Humor

3.1 Introduction

All above analysis only explain the conversational humor.It seems as if the writer excludes that humor which describes behaviors and thoughts.In fact, Grice notes that behaviors, which are rational and full of purposes, can be explained by using the maxims of CP as well as conversational humor.Here“cooperative”has another meaning that is the way we do consists with the conventional style.If someone’s behavior is abnormal and ridiculous, we can say that he or she violates the CP and its maxims.In historic booklet, the writer thinks that we can appreciate those behavior-mainly described humors.

3.2 Violation of cooperative principle

3.2.1 Violation of the quality maxim


That farmer did what he did not believe that could achieve his dream to catch rabbits for free.What he did can be called selfcheated foolish behavior.

3.2.2 Violation of the quantity maxim

一家请客, 失分一箸, 上菜后, 众客朝拱举著, 其人独袖手而观, 徐向主人曰:“求赐清水一碗。”主人曰:“何处用之?”答曰:“洗干净了指头好拈菜吃。”

The host gave chopsticks to guests when having dinner but that host was careless and did not give enough chopsticks.So the host violates the maxim of quantity.While the guest asks for“求赐清水一碗。”What he asked is more than he needed.Laughingstocks are generated by increasing and decreasing the quantity.

3.2.3 Violation of the relation maxim

张诩子缮一榻, 以在卧内, 人未有见, 故拖疾卧榻上, 致姻友省问观之。其姻尤扬子者, 新制一袜, 亦欲表彰;其人故搴裳交足加膝而坐, 已问曰“君何疾?”张诩子睹尤扬子状若是, 相视而笑曰“吾病亦若病也。”

Xuzi Zhang“卧榻上”, Youzi Yang“搴裳交足加膝而坐”while those behaviors are not related to their situation so they violate the maxim of relation.What they did just wanted to show off their new bed and socks.So they smiled and said“吾病亦若病也。”

3.2.4 Violation of the manner maxim

一呆衙役解罪僧赴府, 临行恐忘记事物, 细加查点, 又自己编成二句曰:“包裹雨伞枷, 文书和尚我。”途中步步熟记此二句。僧知其呆, 用酒灌醉, 剃其发以枷之, 潜逃而去。役酒醒曰:“且待我查一查看, 包裹雨伞有。”摸颈上曰:“枷, 有。”文书, 曰:“有。”忽惊道:“哎呀, 和尚不见了。”顷之, 摸自光头曰:“喜得和尚还在, 我却不见了。”

The man did what he thought was right.In contrast to, his manner was ridiculous and dumb, and even he himself did not clear what he was doing and how to do well.

4 Conclusion

In the preceding parts, we have touched upon a variety theoretical issues concerning humor and made a number of observations and explanations both in English and Chinese humor.First, Generally speaking, humor is a common phenomenon both in linguistic field and in our daily life, both in English and Chinese.Humor reveals the incongruity between reality and our expectation as well as reflects the inherent rules of language.Second, Humor can appear in various forms, that is, pure literature humor, situational humor that relies on people’s body language and facial expression, conversational humor mainly generated by speech act.

Here in this paper we focus on conversational humor and behavior-mainly described humor and their violation of Cooperative Principle and confliction of conversational implicature.But here exists one problem on analyzing the generation of humor, that is, when we abide by one certain maxim, at the same time;we flout another maxim in the politeness principle.The writer thinks that it is not enough to analyze humor only from the CP, PP and conversational implicature.

The present analysis is far from an intensive research on humor.I believe that exploring it from the joint perspectives will contribute to a more thorough understanding of the interesting language form.

摘要:幽默作为一种流行艺术的表现形式值得从语用学的角度深入分析。不同于生活中的寻常对话, 幽默元素违背了语用学中的合作原则, 而遵循会话含义。基于合作原则和礼貌原则, 在幽默对话和幽默行为举止的环境下尝试解释语言含义的产生, 且通过不同的会话含义冲突来达到幽默的娱乐功能。该文将通过大量例证来帮助理更好地理解幽默, 同时, 也促进了解语言和文化的丰富性, 在实际的人际交往中专注语用学的理解和实践。













Personal Data:

Name: Steve Lee

Gender: Male

Data of Birth: June 11, 1980

Marriage Status: Single

Major: Business Administration

Graduate school: Beijing University

Degree: Bachelor Degree

Email: stevelee@jxue.com



Address: No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


To obtain a challenging position as a managerial assistant, especially in Human Resource Management


1999.92000.9 Assistant in charge of Activity pension of the Communist Youth League.Tutored several students from Greece and India in English for six months.We still keep in touch.Scholarships and Awards:

2000.9-2001.9 Third-class Scholarship


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六、开心生活 学校突破中学住宿生的一贯模式,为保证每个学生的空间,设立了阳台、卫生间、书桌、衣柜、保险柜、电视、电话,每幢公寓内设有淋浴房、自助洗衣房,你会感到学校的生活起居方便、舒适,更有助于你的学生和生活。









Though his life short and rough,Edgar Allan Poe left people a huge of legacy---his poems,essays and short stories make him an outstanding poet and writer.His poems are distinctive for the musical and rhythmical beauty,in which love,the purest and truest beauty in his view,displays in a sad and melancholy tone.

His famous poem,Annabel Lee,is a memory of his wife who died very young.Allan Poe conveys his deep affection for his wife and the deep pain for her young death.However,this poem reveals a somber hint.The following lines in the poem,


That the wind came out of the cloud by night,

Chilling and killing my ANNABEL LEE.

And so,all the night-tide,I lie down by the side,

Of my darling,my darling,my life and my bride,

In her sepulcher there by the sea---

In her tomb by the sounding sea.

Words like"night","sepulcher","tomb","chilling",and"killing"evoke a mirthless feeling and create gothic atmosphere At night,tied people disarm their defense to expose the weakness;at the same time,it is the time to produce mystery and illusion.Against the background with sepulcher and tomb,death comes to the sight and develops.

2 Illustration and Discussion

Death constitutes an important theme in Allan Poe's poems Death makes people feel painful and somber and also creates horrible atmosphere to impress people charnel and grisly.In his view,death may not be the end of life since there is conflict between life and death.The conflict,death and life interdependence and inter-contrast,represents Poe's perspective of the interchangeability of death and life.The horror for death derives psychologically,which is somber different from ghastly.In his poem,the Rave,Allen Poe takes the sentimental horror to develop his poem.

The Raven describes a young man who lost his beloved wife wants to run away from the harassment in reality.However,he runs to a grisly environment in which he does not extricate himself from the pain,but feels a deep sorrow.In this poem,Allan Poe deliberately chooses a raven to come in the stormy night to the lonely young man when he is in the deep grief for the memory of his dead wife.Ravens,the self-invited guests of graveyard and tomb,are ominous symbol.The dark colour of the feathers and the sore and unpleasant sound consist of the essential part of gothic atmosphere.In the poem,the young man opened the door with great expectation only to find darkness outside.Seemingly he feels that the soul of his dead wife is knocking the door."Nevermore"is the only cry that the raven can make,said Poe.But it is the repeating nevermore enforces the answer to the poet's quest.Nevermore echoes the sadness lingering in the mind and heart of the poet,and brings even more pain to him.It is the pain and torture the poet suffers that fetches him to the peak of beauty,which reflected in Poe's work The Philosophy of Composition.(1846)

The death theme in Annabel Lee and the mysterious and somber atmosphere created in The Raven both indicate the influence of Gothic novel on Allen Poe.Gothic novel first appeared in the 18th century Europe with the publication of works like Castle of Otranto(1765)and Monk(1796).The first writer of such fictions is generally accepted as the author of Castle of Otranto Horace Walpole.Gothic novel developed against the 18th-century rationalism with scenes of mystery,horror,and wonder.The atmosphere of a Gothic novel is usually dark,tempestuous,ghostly full of madness,outrage,superstition,and the spirit of revenge and the theme of death,violence and revenge is repeatedly applied in such kind of fictions,and even in present-day movie culture,which may suggest a kind of inheritance of the Gothic concept.To the 90s of 18th century,Gothic novel evolves into two types:the horrors and the sentiments.The former specifies in the creation of a kind of morbid evilness;whereas the latter turns to describe the sentimental emotion of human being in the face o death and horror.Both of these two kinds have had influence on American literature,hence Allen Poe's poetry.

Allan Poe had suffered many mishaps in his whole life.He lost his father when he was only two years old and then his beautiful mother died from the strain of overwork.After that his stepmother's died and the death of his young wife became the last straw on the camel's back.Which finally blew him so heavily that death penetrates into his works.Thereafter death remains as a flashing topic and a frequent theme lives through his literature writing.

Most Allan Poe's poems are filled with the sentimenta beauty.The description in Annabel Lee,when lying in the tomb beside his beloved dead wife,conveys to us the most sorrowfu beauty.While in The Raven a horrifying mournful memory fo love is effectively delivered as the young man would rather give up the living world to go to the unknown world after the raven whose eyes are as wicked as an evil spirit in the nightmare.In his work Allan Poe raised the horror story to a level far above mere entertainment through their skillful intermingling of reason and madness,eerie atmosphere and everyday reality.He invested their specters,doubles,and haunted houses with a psychologica symbolism that gave his works a haunting credibility.

3 Conclusion

There are many descriptions of death in his poems,which constructs mysterious and grisly gothic atmosphere.In Annabe Lee,the poet wishes lying down beside his dead wife in her sepulcher;in The Raven,the lonely young man would rather go to"another world"to seek for a"bereaved lover".(The Philosophy of Composition.1846)The dedication to these dead beauties is filled with dismal beauty in the somber tone,which indicates his clinging to death and palingenesis.As such,the boundary between life and death vanishes.Poetry surpasses the boundary between life and death to be the undying in his soul,so to achieve the freedom of his spirit.The repeated application of the topic death,combining with other gothic features and symbols,Poe effectively implemented his philosophy of"writing is methodical and analytical"(Wikipedia 2010)so as to achieve the"Unity of effect"(Composition.1846)Allan Poe's work,though full of pain,pathos,loses,and horrors,implies his inside desire and pursuit to surpass the death;and his yearning to warmth and love.Wrapped up in the gothic air is a strong yearning to life.


[1]Gothic Novel.Encyclopdia Britannica.Encyclop dia Britanni-ca Online.13Nov.2006[DB/OL].http://search.eb.com/eb/arti-cle-503832.

[2]Matthews,Brander.The Oxford Book of American Essays[C].NEW YORK:OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS,1914/NEW YORK:BARTLEBY.COM,2000.

[3]The Philosophy of Composition[EB/OL].[2010-06-10]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.








