




Ⅰ.听力(20分)(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答语。(5分)1.A.Yes, I do.B.Yes, he is.C.No, he doesn’t.2.A.Yes, it is.B.Yes, it does.C.No, it doesn’t.3.A.I like carrots.B.I like apples.C.I like ice-cream.4.A.It’s 2 dollars.B.It’s 3 dollars.C.They’re 2 dollars.5.A.It’s on March 2nd.B.It’s in July.C.It’s on Monday.【听力材料】

1.Does your father have a soccer ball? 2.Is that your cousin’s? 3.What vegetables do you like? 4.How much are the blue socks? 5.When is your geography class? 答案: 1~5.CAACC(Ⅱ)录音中有五组对话, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)6.What’s the woman’s number? A.8823405.B.8233450.C.8823450.7.What does the girl want to do? A.To buy clothes.B.To watch TV.C.To play sports.8.How old is Alice’s sister? A.Twelve.B.Eleven.C.Ten.9.Where are they talking?

【听力材料】 W: Can I help you? M: Yes, please.I want to buy a pair of shoes.W: OK, what about the black ones? M: Sorry, I don’t like black.W: Which color do you like? We have white, green and yellow ones.M: Can I have a look at the yellow ones? W: Yes, please.M: How much are they? W: 130 yuan.M: Can I get them a little cheaper? W: What about 120 yuan? M: OK, I’ll take a pair.W: Here you are.M: Thank you.W: You’re welcome.答案: 11~15.CACBA(Ⅳ)录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)16.How is Frank’s classroom? A.Small and old.B.Small but nice.C.Big and nice.17.Where is Frank’s schoolbag? A.Under his desk.B.On his desk.C.In his desk.18.When does Frank want to buy a soccer ball? A.This Sunday.B.This Saturday.C.This Friday.19.What does Frank like best? A.Apples.B.Bananas.4-


学校:云南师范大学学院:外国语学院 专业:英语教育




Teaching Plan

Name : Shan Kunyan & Cao Huixian

No: 114050282 & 114050281

Teaching Materials: Go for It(Unit 6 : Do you like bananas ?)(period: 1)

Students’ level : Junior 1

1:Teaching content :SectionA(1a-1c)(1)Vocabulary: food, hamburger, tomato, ice-scream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, ,apple, banana

(2)Structure : Yes/No questions and short answers

Affirmative and negative statement

Examples : Do you like bananas?

Yes , I do./No , I don’t.Do you like salad ? Yes , I do./No , I don’t.2:Teaching aim :(1)To learn to use words about some foods.(2)To enable students to ask and answer easy questions about likes and dislikes.3: Function : Talk about likes and dislikes about foods.4: Teaching methods : 3P model

5: Teaching aids: pictures , real objects , stick figures

6: Teaching Time: 45 minutes 7.Greeting(2minutes)T: Good afternoon ,class, how are you today ? Ss : I am fine ,thanks.T: how is the weather today ? Ss : It’s sunny./ It’s rainy./ It’s cloudy.Presentation :(17minutes)

1.Teaching new words and structures(15 minutes)

T: Ok ,all right.Last unit , we learned some words about sports and some ask and answer questions about the topic.Today we are going to learn unit 6 , yesterday I gave you a guidance case ,I believe you have previewed it.And now ,I’ll give you 3 minutes to have a quick look of first page.And you need to tell me the topic.Ok ,begin.T : Blackboard : Do you like bananas?

banana tomato ice-cream ?(when Ss read the book.)T :Tell me what the topic is ? Ss : Foods /Bananas/Do you like bananas ?(Different answers)T : Very good!today we will learn something about foods.T : Now ,look at the blackboard and read after me.T :Do you like bananas ? Ss : Do you like bananas ? T : Do you like bananas ? Ss : Do you like bananas ? T : Ok ,great!T : Now ,I will show you something and you need to tell me what are they.T :First ,what’s this?(Show the real banana to Ss)Ss : 香蕉/banana.T : Yes , you’re right.This is a banana.Now look at the black board and read after me ,banana.Ss: banana T : banana Ss : banana T : banana Ss : banana T : Excellent!T :Let’s spell it together.Ss&T : b-a-n-a-n-a T : banana Ss : banana

T : Can you tell me what’s the Chinese meaning of “ do you like banana?” T : Volunteer , any volunteer.T : Ok ,the girl.S1 : 你喜欢吃香蕉吗?/a wrong answer

T : Very good!/ Thank you!And tell him or her the answer.T: So if you like to eat it ,you can say “yes ,I do.”/if you don’t like it ,you can say “no ,I don’t.”

T: Ok, next one.what’s this ?(Show a real tomato)Ss:西红柿/tomato T:Great!This is a tomato.And also,这是一个西红。T: everyone , read after me, tomato.Ss : tomato T: tomato Ss:tomato T: tomato Ss: tomato

T : Do you like tomatoes ? S2(随机叫):Yes ,I do./no ,I don’t.T :Good.T:Let’s move on.T: Look at this beautiful picture ,boys and girls.What’s this? Ss:冰淇淋/ice-cream T: You are so smart.This is ice-cream.冰淇淋.T: Now read after me, ice-cream Ss: ice-cream T: ice-cream Ss: ice-cream T: ice-cream Ss: ice-cream T : Do you like ice-cream ? S3(随机叫): Yes ,I do./No ,I don’t.T : Do you like ice-cream ? S4(随机叫): Yes ,I do./No ,I don’t.Use the similar way to teach the other words.(老师在叫学生回答问题的时候,要顾及到坐在不同位置的同学,基础好和差的同学,男生和女生)

T: Well done.Let’s read these words 3 times together.Ss: Read the words on the blackboard 3 times

Practice :(14minutes)1.Group work :(6minutes)T : Now let’s do group work : Everybody , look the picture in 1a ,there are many foods on the picture.You need to match the left words with the picture , you can talk to your partner.I will give you 4 minutes.T : Walk around in the classroom and listen to students’ conversations.4minutes later

T : Who can tell me the answer, any volunteer.S:/ T:Thank you.2:Listening practice(5minutes)T:Ok ,class.Now ,let’s do a simple listening practice.T: Look at 1b ,there are 3 conversations.You need to listen and number the conversations.Do you understand ?(In fact ,there is the Chinese meaning of the title in the book.)Ss: Yes.T: Are you ready? Then play the type the first time.2.Listening material :1.Do you like salad?

No I don”t.2.Do you like oranges?

Yes ,I do.3.Do you like bananas?

Yes ,I do.T:Do you all get your answer ? Ss: Yes/No T: Let’s check it together.Play the first conversation and then stop.So the first one is….Ss: 第一个

T:Ok,go on.Play the second conversation and then stop.So this is …..Ss: 第三个

T:Ok.Play the third conversation and then stop.T: Ask a student to tell the answer.(Right :thank you!/ Wrong : ask another student for help)T: Ask 3 students to read the conversations Words review: read all the words together including Chinese three times.3: words review(3minutes)T: everybody , now I will check your words ,let’s do an exercise , I will say Chinese and you tell me the English T: 香蕉/冰淇淋/梨/西红柿/草莓/牛奶/汉堡包 Ss: banana/ice-cream/pear/tomato/strawberry/milk/ Hamburger T: well done!

Production(10minutes)1.Learning case:(4minutes)T:class ,now take out your learning case and we will do some practice.look at practice number 3 ,I had took some letters from the words ,you need to complete them, I will give you 3 minutes for this._ppl_

b_n_n_ _r_ng_ t_m_t_


br_ _d

str_b_rry s_l_d

ic_-cr_ _m


人教版七年级英语上册一共包含了十二个单元, 其中前三个单元为预备单元, 在中考中本册书主要涉及考点包含以下几个方面。

1.your, his, her等形容词性物主代词和yours, his, hers等名词性物主代词的简单用法。形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特点, 常做定语, 修饰名词, 位于名词之前;名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+ 名词”, 可单独使用, 后面不必再接名词。

2. 掌握指示代词this, these, that, those和人称代词I, he, she等的用法。this指代较近的一个人或物, these是this的复数形式, 指代较近的几个人或物;而that常用来指代较远的一个人或物, those是that的复数形式, 指代较远的几个人或物。

3. 掌握Yes/No questions and short answers以及可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词的变化规则: (1) 一般情况下词尾加-s。如:book—books; (2) 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加-es。如:bus—buses, watch—watches; (3) 部分以o结尾的词加-s或-es。如:photo—photos, tomato—tomatoes。 (4) 以辅音字母加y结尾的词, 变y为i再加-es。如:family—families。 (5) 部分以f或fe结尾的词, 把f或fe变为v, 再加-es。如:leaf—leaves, knife—knives。 (6) 不规则变化。如:child—children。不可数名词无法用数目计算, 无复数形式;做主语时, 谓语动词要用单数形式。

4. 掌握并运用特殊疑问句Where is/are…? 及其答语:It’s/They’re …和方位介词in, on, under谈论物品所在的位置。Where is/are …? 意为“…在哪里?”, 常用于询问人或物的位置。表达人或物所在位置时, 通常要借助介词。on意为“在…上”, 强调物体在表面上;in意为“在…里面”;under意为“在…下面”。

5. 掌握do和does引导的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答, 以及实义动词三单变化形式。 (1) 一般情况, 直接在词尾加-s。如:play—plays; (2) 以s, x, ch, sh, 或o结尾的词要在词尾加-es。 如:go—goes, watch—watches; (3) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词要变y为i, 再加-es。如:study—studies; (4) 特殊变化, 如:have—has, do—does.

6. 掌握由What, When, How old, How much… 引导的特殊疑问句, 注意其中主谓一致的原则。

7. 名词所有格的构成。名词所有格是指在某一名词后的右上角写上“’”再加上-s等, 表示“…的”这一结构形式。其构成规则为: (1) 一般单数名词, 或不以“s”或“es”结尾的复数名词, 在单词后写“’s”构成。 (2) 如果是以“s”或“es”结尾的复数名词构成所有格时, 在后面写上“’”即可。 (3) 表示各自所有时, 每个名词都要变成所有格;表示共同所有时, 只将最后一个名词变成所有格。

8. 掌握一些有用的短语和句型:first name, last name, phone number, watch … on TV, think about, play basketball, after school…


1. My friend _____ a Chinese map.

A. has B. have C. is

解析:friend是单数形式, 根据句意“我朋友有一张中国地图”, 故谓语动词用has.


2.Tom likes basketball, _____he doesn’t like volleyball.

A.so B.and C.but

解析:so”因此”, 表因果关系;and”和;又”, 表顺承关系;but”但是”, 表转折关系。由句意“汤姆喜欢篮球, 但是他不喜欢排球”可知前后两个分句之间是转折关系。


3. I am hungry. I want to have some _____.

A. bread B. hamburger C. noodle

解析: bread ( 面包) 是不可数名词, noodle ( 面条) 是可数名词, hamburger ( 汉堡包) 是可数名词, some修饰不可数名词或可数名词复数形式。


4. - _____________?

- My birthday is December 12th.

A.When is his birthday?B.When is her birthday?

C.When is your birthday?

解析:根据答语“我的生日是12 月12 日”可知问句是询问什么时候生日, 根据答语中形容词性物主代词my可推测问句中的形容词性物主代词为your。


5. - _____do you like English?

- Because I think it’s very interesting.

A. Why B. When C. Who

解析: why”为什么”;when”什么时候”;who”谁”。由答语“因为我认为它很有趣”知问句问的是“原因”, 故应用why来引导特殊疑问句。



一、单项选择填空 ( 共15 小题, 每小题1 分, 计15 分)

( ) 1. Harry Potter is _____ interesting story and we all like it.

A.a B.an C.the

( ) 2. -_____ is the jacket?

-It’s blue.

A.What B.How C.What color

( ) 3. - Hello! My name is Gina.


A.Hello!I’m Han Mei.

B.Fine, thanks.

C. Good morning!

( ) 4. He is John Smith. John is his _____ name.

A.first B.last C.middle

() 5.It’s not____baseball.It’s____baseball.

A.you;he B.his;her C.your;him

() 6.-Is Kate your sister?

- No, ____.

A.she is B.Kate is C.she isn’t

() 7._____my friends.

A.This is B.He’s C.These are

() 8.Linda likes tomatoes, ____she doesn’t like potatoes.

A.and B.but C.then

() 9.-____is my bag?

- It’s on the sofa.

A.Where B.How C.What

() 10.She wants____her new model plane to school.

A.take B.to take C.takes

() 11.Let’s____TV now.

A.see B.watch C.to watch

() 12.They____like French fries.

A.don’t B.aren’t C.doesn’t

() 13.-____do you like P.E.?

-Because it’s relaxing.

A.When B.Why C.How

() 14.Sonia has____vegetables every day.

A.lot of B.a lot C.lots of

() 15.-____is the skirt?


A.How B.How much C.When

二、完形填空 ( 共10 小题, 每小题1.5 分, 计15 分)

Dear Tony,

Thank you very much16your letter. Zunyi17beautiful! I like Zunyi18I like China. Now I’m fine and I’m busy19my lessons. I have seven classes every day. There are20in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have nine subjects this term. I like math, biology and history. My21subject is science, because it is very interesting. Yes, my English is very22and I like it, but I23like Chinese, because it is too difficult24me, and I can’t learn it well. I can play soccer and I often play it with my friends after school.Do you play soccer? Can you25Chinese? I hope you can come to China one day.

() 16.A.to B.of C.for

() 17.A.sound B.sounds C.likes

() 18.A.because B.so C.and

() 19.A.at B.about C.with

() 20.A.four B.three C.two

() 21.A.best B.favorite C.like

() 22.A.good B.well C.fine

() 23.A.isn’t B.don’t C.do

() 24.A.for B.to C.with

() 25.A.tell B.say C.speak

三、口语交际 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)


B:Yes, a hamburger, please.


B:Oh, yes.I’m thirsty now.


B:Oh, no.I want a glass of vegetable juice.Er…tomato juice, please.


B:I think it’s wrong.It can’t be$2.7!It’s$2.17.


A.How about some fruit juice?

B.Can I help you?

C.Here you are.That’s$2.70.

D.Here you are.That’s$2.17.

E.Anything to drink?

F.What else to eat?

G.Oh, you are right.I can’t do math.

26. ____ 27. ____ 28. _____ 29._____ 30. _____

四、阅读理解 ( 共20 小题, 每小题2 分, 计40 分)


Dale is from Zunyi. He is nine years old and his birthday is on November 30th. He likes eating apples and bananas. He likes blue very much. He has lots of blue clothes at home.

Dale’s family is big. Five people are in his family. They are his parents, his brother, his sister and Dale. Dale’s brother is Nick. He is six years old.His birthday is on May 15th. His sister is Rose. She is only three years old.Her birthday is on February 7th. Dale’s father is thirty-six years old and Dale’s mother is thirty-four years old. They are teachers. Dale has a good friend in Guiyang. His name is Mike.

( ) 31. Dale likes eating ______.

A.pears and carrots B.bananas and apples

C.pears and bananas

( ) 32. Mike is Dale’s ______.

A.cousin B.brother C.friend

( ) 33. Rose’s birthday is on ______.

A.February7th B.November 30th C.May 15th

( ) 34. _______ is 34 years old.

A.Dale B.Dale’s mother C.Dale’s father

() 35.Which is right?

A.Dale likes black very much.

B.Dale’s parents are teachers.

C.Dale is ten years old.


() 36.Who are 12 years old?

A.Sally and Bob B.Sally and Jane C.John and Jane

() 37.What’s Bob’s favorite sport?

A.Ping-pong B.Basketball C.Soccer

() 38.When is Jane’s birthday?

A.On November 1st B.On January 22nd C.On October 5th

() 39.What’s John’s favorite food?

A.Chicken B.Rice C.Hamburgers

() 40.From the table, we know______.

A.Sally’s birthday is on January 22nd.

B.Bob likes eating rice.

C.Jane can play tennis.


One morning Mr.and Mrs.Green get up early.After breakfast, they go shopping at 7:30.They get to the shop at 7:50.In the shop they see a lot of clothes.Mrs.Green likes them.So she buys a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter, and a sweater for Mr.Green.She buys a dress for hersely, too.

Mr.Green is very tired.He looks at his watch.Then he says, ”Oh, it’s12 o’clock.I think we must go home now.It’s late.”So they go out of the shop and begin to go home, but theylose their way.

Mr.Green goes along the street.He can’t find the way.He asks an old man, “Excuse me, sir.Where am I?”

The old man looks at him and their car.“You are in your car, sir, ”he says.

() 41.Mr.and Mrs.Green get to the shop at_____.

A.ten past seven B.seven fifteen C.ten to eight

() 42.They buy some_____in the shop.

A.food B.drink C.clothes

() 43.They buy their son_____.

A.a sweater B.a shirt C.a shirt

() 44.“Lose their way”means_____.


() 45.Does the old man help them?

A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.C.He doesn’t know.


Tom, Jim and Sam are good friends.They go to school together andplay together.

At school, Tom likes math best.John’s favorite subject is Chinese.Sam likes P.E., (1) 体育对他来说很有趣。They often help each other.

After school, they play sports.They all like soccer very much.They play it for more than one hour every day.They like to watch soccer games, too. (2) They often watch them on TV.

Saturday and Sunday are their favorite days.Sometimes they play soccer all day on weekends.

46.What’s Sam’s favorite subject?


47.Who can help Jim with his math?


48.Does Tom like soccer?


49.将划线句子 (1) 翻译成英语。


50.将划线句子 (2) 翻译成汉语。


五、词汇部分 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

51.Tom and Jack______ (be) good friends.

52.Today is Lily’s______ (twelve) birthday.

53.David______ (not do) his homework at school.

54.His father______ (go) to work every day.

55.This is my pen and that is______ (Linda) pen.

六、语篇阅读 (共10小题, 每题1分, 计10分)

be, work, its, near, photo, family, don’t, at, but, big

Hello, everyone!My name is Gina Green.I’m American.I have two56here.Look57this picture.It’s a photo of my58.I have a very59family, my grandparents, my parents, my brother and me.My grandfather and my grandmother are in England.They are old and they60work.My father, my mother and I61in China.My brother, Frank, is a doctor.He62in the USA.

This is a photo of my house in America.My grandparents live in the house.The house is small, 63there is a big garden behind it.There are many green trees and nice flowers.You can see a white dog64the house.65name is Mimi.I love it very much..




七、句子改错 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

66.I canI can’t play it () _____________

67.Sciencedifficult () _____________

68.Theonher desk.. () _____________

69.favorite () _____________

70.the breadontable. () _____________

八、书面表达 (共1小题, 每小题20分, 计20分)

假如你是Nacy, 下面是你的个人信息, 请根据这些信息, 写一篇60词左右的英语短文。



一、单项选择题 ( 共15 小题, 每题1 分, 计15 分)

1—5 BCAAB 6—10 CCBAB 11—15 BABCB

二、完型填空 ( 共10 小题, 每题1.5 分, 计15 分)

15 —20 CBCCA 21—25 BABAC

三、口语交际 ( 共5 小题, 每题2 分, 计10 分)

26—30 BEACG

四、阅读理解 ( 共20 小题, 每题2 分, 计40 分)

31—35 BCABB 36—40 BCCAC 41—45 CCBAB



48. Yes, he does.

49. P.E. is interesting for him.

50. 他们经常在电视上看足球比赛。

五、词汇部分 ( 共5 小题, 每题1 分, 计5 分)

51. are 52. twelfth 53.doesn’t do 54. goes 55. Linda’s

六、语篇阅读 ( 共10 小题, 每题1 分, 计10 分)

56. photos 57. at 58. family59. big 60. don’t 61. are 62.works

63. but 64. near 65. Its

七、句子改错 ( 共5 小题, 每题1 分, 计5 分)

66. B—but 67. B—for 68.C— 去掉the 69. B—Tom’s 70.B—is

八、书面表达 (共1小题, 每小题20分, 计20分)



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《新目标英语》(人教版七年级下册) 教材分析《Go for it》七年级下册共12个单元,加上复习单元2 个,文化背景知识和学习策略等部分补充材料。总的来说,这个长度对于一个学期的教学是合适的,与之前的教材相比, 省去了期中和期末的复习单元总结。在目录中,每一个单元中包括了题目、主题、功能、结构、目的语、单词、复习点这几部分。附录包括课文知识点、磁带录音 语音知识、语法、词汇与表达、单词index、名字列表、不规则动词变化表。每一单元都只有3页,分为A部分和B部分,各部分占一页要介绍基础性的语言知识,例如单词、句型、语法,而 B部分主要进行巩固和运用。在这两部分中,都比较好地结合了听、说、读、写四种能力的训练,但 A部分更注重听和说,B部分注重读和写。在 B部分结束之后,就会有一个简单的自我检测,这部分一方面是对学生学习的检测或总结,另外一方面则是带有一点拔高性质的要求。每个单元还有self check部分,供学生自我检测本单元所学的语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排的。通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高语言习得者的学习效率,有利于习得者的语言产出,体现了以学生为主体的思想。




(二) 实用性强。

每一个单元的主题都取材于学生的学习生活,与他们的认知水平、年龄、生活经历,习惯都有密切的联系, 例如: Unit 1:Can you play the guitar? Unit 3: How do you get to school? Unit 6:I am watching TV. Unit 11: How was your school trip? 等。这些话题来自生活,所以对于学生来说,他们都懂,也有话说,也可以在实际生活中用到,所以说实用性很强。










4、此书采用任务型语言教学,以学生为主体,且每一单元设计有4-5个pair/group work,学生每一堂课都有充分的练习时间,以此来强化新单词以及新的语法结构。同时,通过多样化的活动提升学生其他方面的能力,如反应能力,记忆能力,分辨能力,组织能力等。笔者所实习的育才中学在组织课堂教学方面做得非常好,教师不仅基本功扎实,教学方法好,而且注重提升学生的思想。如教unit 3 动物这一单元,就注重深入要爱护动物,和动物做朋友,在unit 4职业这一方面,则强调应注重男女平等,并不是所有nurse都是女性,也并非所有警察都为男性等等。这一方面,值得我们借鉴与学习。



Unit 1Where is your pen pal from?一般现在时

Unit2Where is the post office?There be 句型

Unit3Why do you like koalas?形容词的用法

Unit4I want to be an actor动词不定式的用法

Unit5I am watching TV现在进行时

Unit6It’s raining!关于天气的日常用语,关于现在进行时Unit7What does he look like?动词Have的用法,描述人的外貌Unit8I’d like some noodles?可数名词和不可数名词的用法Unit 9How was your weekend?一般过去时的用法

(一)Unit10Where did you go on vacation?一般过去时的用法

(二)Unit 11What do you think of game shows不定代词的用法




1. 能力发展目标


2. 思想情感目标


3. 认知目标




4. 钻研新课标,提高教学水平,真正做到教学相长,努力达到学校规定的教学指标。





七年级(70)班共有学生37人,其中,男生22人,女生15人。开学初,我对本班学生进行了摸底了解,我发现有一半的学生有一定的小学基础,多数为女生,而四分之一的学生基础较差,多数为男生,连26 个字母都写不全。学生的英语基础知识和听说能力普遍较差,大部分学生虽然在小学接触过英语,但应用能力十分薄弱,特别是听力题,很大一部分学生听起来都很吃力。












