



第五部分 英译汉

1.In Foreign Language Department, a checking machine is used to correct the student’s test papers.外语教研部用阅卷机给学生批卷。

2.They sold the old house yesterday.他们昨天把老房子卖了。

3.Hi.What can I get for your dinner, sir?


4.Without water, there is no life on the earth.没有水,地球上就没有生命。

5.When I was young, I’d listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs.在我年轻的时候,我总是听收音机,等候我最喜欢的歌曲。

6.I came here at least once a month.我至少每月来这里一次。

7.She looks lovely when she is happy.当她快乐的时候她看上去很可爱。

8.Our library is as big as theirs.我们的图书馆和他们的一样大。

9.Tom likes playing basket-ball but he can’t play well.汤姆喜欢打篮球,但他打得不好。

10.Yeah, I’m anxious to hear all the songs from her new album.是啊,我急切地想要听她新专辑的所有歌曲。

11.She is used to living in the countryside.她习惯于住在农村。

12.How long have you collected your stamps?


13.I expect she will have changed her mind by tomorrow.我估计她明天会改变主意。

14.As long as there is water, plants won’t die quickly.只要有水,植物就不会很快死去。

15.Why, do you want me to change the channel?


16.When are you going to get your hair cut?


17.He had to leave early yesterday.他昨天必须早点离开。

18.Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights.沿着这条马路走,直到你到达第二个红绿灯。

19.I need to buy some 50-cent stamps.我需要买一些50美分的邮票。

20.I need you to fill out the top portion of the form first.我需要你先把表格的最上面部分填写好。

21.Excuse me.Where’s the nearest police station?


22.Please ring me up tomorrow morning.请在明天上午给我打电话。

23.He is thinking about moving to a new place.他在考虑搬到一个新的地方去。

24.A teacher should have patience in his work.教师应该对他的工作有耐心。

25.No matter what happens, I’ll be your best friend.无论发生什么事,我都是你的好朋友。

26.I’ll try not to take up too much of your time.我会试着不占用你太多的时间。

27.He is always making excuses for being late.他总是为迟到找借口。

28.Travel broadens the mind.旅游增长见识。

29.Riding bicycles can save energy.骑自行车可以节能。

30.We used to live near a big park.我们以前住在一个大公园旁边。

31.How do you spell your last name?


32.A dog is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.众所周知,狗一直是聪明而友好的动物。

33.MR.Lin assigned too much homework today.林老师今天布置了太多的家庭作业。

34.I don’t know who broke the window.我不知道谁打碎了窗户。

35.I was wondering who broke the window.我想知道是谁打碎了窗户。

36.Try hard or you’ll fail the test.努力学习,不然考试就通不过。

37.People use science knowledge to understand and change nature.人们用科学知识去理解和改变自然。

38.It is certain that we shall produce this kind of engine.我们应生产这种引擎,这点很明确。

39.Stay here before I get back.呆在这里,直到我回来。

40.The more money I make, the happier I will be.我钱挣得越多,我越高兴。

41.He keeps looking at himself in the mirror.他不停地照镜子。

42.The man is easy to deal with.这个男人容易对付。

43.I do want to know what really happened.我真的想知道到底发生了什么。

44.I’m thinking about a visit to Paris.我在考虑去巴黎。

45.My problem is that I don’t have much time to do the work.我的问题是,我没有太多时间做这项工作。

46.You are clever enough to pass the exam.你够聪明,能够通过这次考试。

47.Please call me back when you are free.等你有空的时候给我回电话。

48.Once all the information is completed, you sign here.一旦所有的信息都完成了,你在这里签字。

49.The plane took off smoothly.飞机平稳地起飞。

50.Okay, and I need a pen to fill out the address.好的,我需要一支钢笔填写地址。

51.It’s always a pleasure to see many friends here in London.很高兴能在伦敦这里见到这么多朋友。

52.The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to health.受污染的空气是有毒的,对健康有害。

53.I’m going to visit a friend of mine this Sunday.这个周日我计划去看我的一个朋友。

54.But it looks like something that I would never buy.但是这看上去是我从来都不会买的东西。

55.Can you express yourself clearly in English?


56.She begins cooking as soon as she gets home


57.We should make best use of time.我们应该充分利用时间。

58.I’m going to run for the bus as soon as the bell rings.铃一响,我就跑出去赶公交车。

59.The whole process required a great deal of effort, skill and a luck.整个过程需要很大的努力、技巧和运气。

60.Excuse me.Could you tell me how to get to the cinema?对不起,请问去电影院怎么走?

61.In the United States a lot of college students do not live at home.在美国,许多大学生不住在家里。

62.Yeah, but they play the same songs over and over again.是啊,但是他们一遍遍重放同样的歌曲。

63.We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party.我们在聚会上玩得很尽兴。

When were the Olympic Games founded?


He lives in a small room with only one small window.他住在一个只有一扇小窗户的小房间里。

A good memory is a great help in learning a language.好的记忆对学习语言很有帮助。

I don’t want to spend five dollars on a cup of water.我不想花五美元买一杯水。

Let me type in your address and then open the account.让我录入你的地址,然后给你开个账户。

China will build up a space station in ten years.中国将来十年后建造一个空间站。

70.She always laughs at a good joke.听到一个好的笑话,她总是会大笑。

71You’d better go quickly before I change my mind.在我改变主意之前,你最好快点走。

72She likes Mike a lot ,but she doesn’t want to get married so early.她很喜欢迈克,但是她不想这么早结婚。

73Promise me never to be late again.答应我下次不能再迟到。

74.I’m finishing my second year of studies.我即将完成第二年的学习。

75.Would you mind turning down the radio?


76.It’s never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。

Think it over before you speak.说话前要考虑仔细。

I’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t had time to call anybody.最近我很忙,我都没时间打电话给任何人。

79.She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five.她是家里的独生女,也是五个孩子中最小的。

80.I think our dream will become true.我想我们的梦想会成真。


A FOX one BCCDA BABBD A land free from ADBAC DCACA A very new, BBBDC CADAD Almost everyone ABDCB ABDCB Americans have always DABAB CCDCC As she walked DCCAB AACAC Before the 20th DBABB DAACB Children use their CDABB BCDAC Good business ethics BADBC ABDAC In our daily life CDCAD BDBBA

In the USA, CABBD ACCDA It was getting dark BACCD ABDBA

It’s very interesting to study different BCAAB CCADD Jody was then years CBCABBCCAB Man has always CDCCA BBCBD Many people may fail CDBAB ACBDC Many teachers worry BCADB CCCAC Men usually want to ACABD ACBDA Michel is a DABBD BCBAA Monday is the ACDBB DCAAA Mr Black works ADCBC DABBC Mr Johnson was BDBCA CCABD Mr Smith was CABCA BACDA 词汇题集

No one is glad to hear t BCBCB There were once many sheiks BADCB A characteristic of American culture ABDAB A foreigner’s DBDAC

A foreigner’s first impression of

CABCD Britain and France are separated DDADC By definition, heroes and heroines CDDCB Cars are lots of fun CACBB Community service is an important BCADB Computers can injure you.CBBAC Education in the ACABD Great changes have been made in BDCDC How man first DCDBA How men first learnt to invent words DCDBA

When someone CADBC ADCBB

New comers AACAB BCACD The main purpose BACBD BBDDC Many teachers worry BCADB CCCAC Rumor is the most ACBCA AABBC Susan Cleveland DBDCB CDCDC

Men usually want to ACABD ACBDA The birth rate in Europe ABACD BDDCB

The story happened in Paris CCDBA DABDC The hippopotamus(河马), DDBBA ACCAB There are more than forty BACDD CDDAC There are many people in the BABCD BBDBA The game of ABADC CBDCA The British love to ACADA ABCDB One day a young man CAADD AACDA On May 27,1995 CBACA DBBDA What is a museum DCBDC BCADA While I was waiting BDBAC CDBBA

What is it you want to do BADCB CDBCB Peter was CACBD BABBC

Of all the things DBAAD BDBAB Your boss has ABDCA BDBCB

People in different ACDCB BBCBA People used to say BAADA CDCCB

Pearl Carlson CDCBD

Foulsham House is a fine, DBADC Six people were traveling BBDBC

Very few people were coming to eat at CBADA As long as the sun shines DBCDA

Herman had worked for the bank BBADD Bill turned the key ADDBB When Mrs.Joseph CBBAD

When I begin to look back BCDBA Albert Einstein had CDCBC

The resources of the library DCDAD Look at the instructions DAACA Tom is a little boy CADBC We say that a person CCDAB I often dreamed DDCBD If you do not useBDBAC In Europe many DCBAD In the United States, BBBDB It has been reported that in colleges CCDCB Law have been written to govern ABDCB Look at the DAACA Many people who work in London BCBAC Most people imagine CBBDA Mr Perkin stood CABDA Mrs.Weeks was reading a newsp ACCCD Mrs.Jones’ telephone number DCBBD On Christmas DBACA Once an old CBCDC One day a man BDBCA Paper is one of the most important BAABC Places to stay in Britain ABDCB Pubs are supposed BCADD Shyness is the cause BABCB Sixteen-year old

DCCDA The aim of students CBBCA The French Revolution CBDDD There are three kinds of goals BDCCC There was once a large, DACBC What makes a person a scientist?...BCACD What must you DADBC When John and Victoria DCBBD When John and Victoria Falls arrived DCBBD

For several years, Americans have enjoye BCDAC Here is a story told about an American BDDBA

Pearl Carlson was shaken awake at 3:30a.m.CDBBD Nancy and Peter McCall like sports.CCDCD Pubs are supposed to be BCADD

A city of World----Most people CBBDA Some of the notebooks DBCAD A young man who lived BACBD I or any Englishman CACAB Trees are useful to man DCCCB There are stories about two CDCDB If we were asked exactly DDDBA Almost every family CADCA

I often dreamed about Pisa DDCBD One silly question I simply DDCBD No one knows who made ACDAD Our child’s behavior CDBAC

I was due to take my driving BADCB Long long ago ABCAC

Let’s watch the weather forecast ADACB Dr.Harvey Gates BDCDC A guide dog is a dog ACDCA A man got into a train CBABC

How men first learnt to invent words DCDBA If you’ve been joining in chat DACBA Why was Bastille DADCD Until 1983 DCDAB



语法部分以单项选择的形式进行考查。涉及的面很广, 主要涉及主谓一致、从句、虚拟语气、动名词等基本语法结构。语法测试要求学生根据题意、上下文语境从四个备选项中选出一个最为合适的答案, 无论从逻辑上或语意上都符合句子要求。语法部分的测试既强调全面性, 也考查特殊性。语法知识中的特殊规则和特殊用法, 往往是考查的重点。


语法部分的辅导难点在于, 语法项目的使用原则看上去清晰容易, 但在具体语言环境中的应用却是千变万化, 非常灵活, 特别容易出现错误。学员要做到掌握每一条使用规则, 并且灵活应用并不容易。因此, 我们平时在给学生讲解习题的时候, 应该就所讲的习题扩展相关知识, 从一个知识点联系到几个知识点, 帮助学生通过一道题掌握一类题。


在我本人的教学实践中, 通过以点带面、拓展的讲授方式对定语从句、动词时态、虚拟语气等语法内容进行辅导, 下面我举例说明。

1. Did you notice the man______head looked like a big potato? (《大学英语》

A.whom B.which C.who D.whose


第一, 看句中有没有“that、which、who”等这样的引导词, 引导词前面是否有一个名词;第二, 看引导词后面接的是不是陈述语句。如果两个条件都符合, 我们大体可以判断。

拿到题目, 看到名词the man后面需要填一个词, 这个词引导一个句子, 从四个选项都是疑问词来看, 我们知道这里需要一个疑问词。“head looked like a big potato”是陈述语句, 因此, 我们判断这里考查定语从句的关系词。此题中, the man是先行词, 在定语从句中是主语, 并且谓语和宾语都不缺, 只缺少head的定语。先行词在定语从句中做定语, 只能用关系词whose, 可以用来指人或指物。表示“头看上去像个大马铃薯的人”, 因此正确答案为D选项。

定语从句是大学英语B网考常考的内容, 辅导的重点在于减少学生误用关系词。这里需要强调定语从句中只能用关系代词that的情况:当先行词为all、anything、something等不定代词时, 定语从句只能用that来引导;当先行词前有序数词only、last、first, 或形容词的最高级等修饰词时, 定语从句只能用that来引导。这些都属于定语从句的标志性词, 需要特殊记忆。

2. Bob’s sister_____philosophy in this university ever since she graduated from Yale University.

A.has taught B.teaches

C.is teaching D.taught

此题解题的着眼点是标志性的时间状语, 带有时间状语的题目考查时态的比较多。根据句中标志性时间状语“since she graduated from Yale University”可知这种状态一直持续到现在, since是与现在完成时连用的典型时间状语, 因此这道题选择现在完成时态。鲍勃的姐姐自从耶鲁大学毕业后就一直在这所学校教哲学, 故选A。

每种时态都有常与之连用的时间状语, 建议学生了解这些典型的时间状语, 以便考试时能正确选择时态。

(1) 一般现在时:usually, every day, seldom, often, now, 等。

(2) 现在进行时:at this moment, right now, at present, these days等。

(3) 一般过去时:ago, after that, yesterday, last month, 等。

(4) 现在完成时:already, yet, recently, since+一点时间等。

(5) 一般将来时:next year/month…tomorrow, in a week, 等

(6) 过去进行时:at this time last night, then, at that time, 等。

(7) 过去完成时:by the end of last week/October…等。

3. The dean of the Mathematics Department requested that Professor Li______a lecture tomorrow afternoon.

A.would giveB.give

C.had given D.gave

此题解题时审查题干, 看是否有表示建议、要求等含义的词, 如果有的话, 通常是考查虚拟语气。题目中出现了request, 意思是请求, 后面引导一个从句, 并且考查从句中谓语动词的形式, 因此判断考查的语法项目是虚拟语气。request (要求) 后面的宾语从句的谓语动词用“ (should) +动词原形”。同时为学生扩展, 用在动词propose (提议) 、insist (坚持) 、suggest (建议) 、order (命令) 、demand (要求) , 等引导的宾语从句, 以及它们相应的名词proposal、insistence、suggestion、order、demand, 后面的表语用法, 同位语从句中谓语要用“ (should) +动词原形”表示虚拟。

除此之外, 我们在讲解虚拟语气相关习题的时候也要帮学生回顾、复习条件句中虚拟语气的形式, 包括与现在情况相反、与过去情况相反、与将来情况相反的三种虚拟条件句的表达方式。我们辅导的时候尽可能把相关的知识体系为学生进行介绍, 可以按照专题或语法项目, 这样学生学习起来更有条理。


语法知识是大学英语B网考的难点。教师在辅导学生备考的时候, 可以尝试从一个语法知识点联系到相应的几个知识点, 并辅以大量的练习, 培养学生具备举一反三、灵活运用语言的综合能力, 相信会收到良好的学习效果, 帮助学生渡过语法难关。


[2]吴文权.高校英语语法教学的困境与出路[J].宿州学院学报, 2010 (07) .

[3]王小萍.大学英语B综合教程[M].北京:北京语言大学出版社, 2011.

[4]陈瑜.大学英语B网考新题型下如何提高通过率[J].广西广播电视大学学报, 2011 (04) .




Some reflections aroused by CET iBT

CAI Zhao-hui

(School of Foreign Languages,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang,Jiangsu 212013,China)

Abstract:For the effective implementation of College English Curriculum Requirements,a new round of CETreform,whose priority will be accorded to the teaching of listening and speaking,is bound to be enforced.CET iBT will certainlyactively promote learners' sustainable abilities in English study.For the smooth performance of CET iBT,it is necessary to conductresearches into its significance and possible problems.

Key words:college English;iBT;reflection

“大学英语教学改革是教育部‘高等学校教学改革与教学质量工程’重要组成部分。大学英语教学改革在引领和推动中国高等教育教学改革、全 面提高人才培养质量方面,做出了积极的贡献,具有重要的战略意义”( 教育部办公厅[2006]4号文件)。从《大学英语教学大纲》到《 大学英语课程要求》,大学英语教学不断改革以适应社会发展对人才培养的新要求。而作为教学的一个重要组成部分,考试也必须进行相 应的改革以实现其以考促教,以教促学的作用。教育部高等教育司2006年工作要点之一就是:继续推进四、六级考试改革,做好四、六级 考试管理工作,从而充分发挥其引导高校英语教学改革的作用。在2008年六月大学英语考试改革工作会议上,教育部高等教育司张尧学司 长提出了大学英语网考的基本思路。本文在回顾了大学英语四、六级考试改革发展过程的基础上,分析了网考的意义,探讨了实施 网考后可能出现的问题,以期这一研究对我国大学英语教学改革,尤其是四、六级考试改革实践具有积极的指导和借鉴意义。


国家教育部为了检测高校完成大学英语教学大纲情况,推动大学英语教学改革,于1987年9月推出了大学英语四级考试,全国有十万考生参 加了这场考试。1989年1月,大学英语六级考试也应运而生,有六万考生参加了考试。2004年6月参加全国大学英语四、六级考试的人数已 突破1100万。事实上,不仅是四、六级考试的规模在不断扩大,而且其影响力也在不断扩大。一方面,学校将四、六级通过率作为相互间 攀比的重要砝码;另一方面,考试结果成了企事业单位录用员工的基本标准,甚至还与户口落户挂钩,如此的社会权重导致“枪手代考”、“ 考场舞弊”等一系列的社会问题的产生。更主要的是,随着大学英语改革的不断深化,随着改革开放后对高等教育核心和标志性课程——大 学英语教学要求的不断提升,作为大学英语改革纲领性文件的《教学大纲》已经历了几个阶段:“1980-1984年的恢复阶段、1985-1993年 的发展阶段、1994-2001年的巩固阶段以及2002年至今的提高阶段”[1]。大学英语教学大纲的变化必然导致全国大学英语教学手 段、学习方式及教学效果的变化,那作为检验教学效果的四、六级考试也必须作相应的变化。然而始于1987年的四、六级考试内容及形式 却未做任何相应的改革和调整。这种形势下,对于大学英语四、六级考试的改革已呼之欲出。

2005年2月25日,教育部召开新闻发布会,出台《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行)》。改革方案包括采用新的计分体制和成 绩报道方式,改满分为710分,取消及格线,成绩报道单替代证书,报道总分和各部分单项分。考试内容方面也作了相应调整:听力理解部 分减少短对话新增长对话,听力语料选自日常生活中的对话、讲座、广播电视节目等,比例由25%提高到35%;阅读理解部分,新增了快 速阅读与篇章词汇理解,比重由40%下降到35%;还新增了汉译英,占总分的5%。在经过几轮试点之后,教育部于2007年6月全面实施了 改革后的四、六级考试。这次四、六级考试改革的不断深入和全面推开,一方面,提高了教师和学生对课堂教学中的听写和听力理解练习 的重视程度,促使学生增加了课外听力活动(广播、电视等);另一方面,也在一定程度上减轻了社会权重的影响,但考场违纪现象还是 屡见不鲜。

为了给大学英语改革向更深层次发展提供真实有效的参考,真正贯彻《大学英语课程要求》“听说领先”的教学原则,不断完善大学英语四、 六级考试的机制,尽最大可能克服四、六级考试作弊方面的问题,大学英语四、六级考试将采取网考的形式。事实上,从2007年开始就已 经在不同城市的不同大学进行了四次四、六级的模拟网考,它们分别为:2007年九月的哈尔滨、西安、上海;2007年11月的哈尔滨、西安 、石家庄;2008年5月的哈尔滨、北京、南京和2008年11月的哈尔滨、北京、南京。2008年12月,有50所高校进入四、六级网考试点的 行列。而之后四、六级网考的全面进行必将对考试所涉及的方方面面产生较为深远的影响。


大学英语四、六级网考满足了时代的要求,将在培养学生英语学习的可持续发展能力方面起到积极的作用,在有效指导教学实践方面具有 重要的杠杆作用,在消除原四、六级考试方式所带来的弊端方面有着广泛而深远的影响。


大学英语的教学目标是:培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书 面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要[2]。网考将真正贯彻“听 说领先”教学原则,重点测试听力,在此基础上测试读写译。因为听力是英语实用能力发展的瓶颈,是英语可持续发展能力的核心和关键; 如果不解决听力问题,我们的学生将很难掌握英语和使用英语。只有抓住了听力,才能纲举目张,解决学生的自主学习和可持续发展能力 的问题[3]2。作为大学英语教学的重要评估指标,大学英语四、六级网考充分体现了《大学英语课程教学要求》的精神,为大学 英语教学改革的进一步深化提供了切实可靠的依据。


语言测试是运用科学的测试方法,通过对学生语言运用的抽样,对学生的语言能力进行客观、准确、公正的评价。语言测试是检验学生语 言水平的重要手段。语言测试的主要标准有:信度、效度、区分度和实用性,其中信度和效度是两个至关重要的标准。语言测试的信度是 指考试测量学生语言能力一致性的程度,也就是看一套试题的测试结果是不是比较稳定。语言测试的效度是指考试在多大程度上完成了预 期的测量任务,达到了测试的目标,即考试的目的是否达到,想测试的内容是否已测试。由此可见,测试的信度和效度在很大程度上决定 了考试质量的高低。大学英语四、六级网考采取多种题型,使纸笔考试不可能采用的题型也成为可能,又配合多种方法,多层面、多角度 地测试学生的英语综合能力,从而大大提高了考试的信度和效度。而且,作为四、六级网考支撑的试卷库里的试卷是根据统计学中正态分 布的原理,对那些每次考试中通过率太高或太低的试卷进行淘汰后,使用保留下来的通过率在正态分布中间范围的试卷。它根据《大学英 语课程教学要求》设定了考试中听说读写译各项题型的比例(见表1),在考试的内容上做到整体规划、通盘考虑,具有功能明确、使用方便 、可操作性强的特点。这样高质量的测试必将对语言教学起到积极的反拨作用,也必然会在语言教学改革的方向、推进的力度和产生的效 果等方面起到决定性的作用。此外,实施大学英语四、六级网考,学生可以多次多时地参加考试,实时地测试自己的水平能力。这样,它 既为教师获取及时有效的反馈信息、改进教学管理、保证教学质量提供了重要的依据,又在学生调整学习策略、改进学习方法、提高学习 效率等方面起到了积极的作用。


近年来,由于高校连续大幅度扩招,外语教师严重缺编。而且,“长期以来,大学英语师资严重短缺的问题始终未得到根本的解决。据统计 ,2001年我国讲授大学英语课的教师人数与所教学生的人数之比为1:130。更为严重的是,现有大学英语教师学历结构与教学任务要求严 重失调,教师中只具有学士或学士以下学历的高达73.2%。近年来高校连续扩招给大学英语教学带来的巨大压力远远超出了现有教师的承 受能力。现有教师很少有在职进修的机会,更缺少定期出国提高自己语言能力、改善自身知识结构的可能”[4]。另外,学校之间 为了攀比四、六级考试的通过率,将教师的教学能力与所教班级学生四、六级考试的结果相挂钩,更是大大增加了教师心理和生理上的负 担。大学英语四、六级考试试卷库的建立将在很大程度上缓解这一问题。以试卷库为基础的计算机网络系统大大增加了学生可参加的四、 六级考试的考次,而考次的增加不仅有利于培养学生自主学习的能力,而且还必然会淡化长期以来四、六级考试所产生的负面影响,从而 最终达到帮助老师减负,保证老师可以将宝贵的时间用于提高学生的实际英语能力和提升自身科研水平的目的。


近年来,大学英语四、六级考试结果被多方误用,考试的社会功能也被无限制的放大,致使“枪手代考”、“考场舞弊”等一系列的社会问题的 产生。四、六级网考,一方面,“由于使用计算机考试,我们可以用试卷库作为支撑,保证每个参加考试的考生都有不一样的试题,杜绝了考 生作弊的可能性,保证了考试的严肃性和纯洁性”,另一方面“由于考卷采用网络传输和计算机阅卷,这就杜绝了因印刷、运输等带来的泄密 ”[3]3。


大学英语四、六级考试由报名、考场管理、收费、成绩公布和查询等与考生相关的部分以及出题、审题、试卷印刷、判卷、成绩统计等与 试卷直接相关的部分,原先都由四、六级考委会负责。但随着社会对英语需求的持续升温,报名参加大学英语四、六级考试的人数不断增 多,四、六级考试的人数每年达到1000多万人次。考试人数的增加给与考试相关的所有工作带来了巨大的压力。2005年以后,与考生直接 相关的报名等工作全部由教育部考试中心负责。考试中心采用网络和信息技术,一方面,简便了报名的手续,很大程度上减轻了纸笔考试 的组织工作,大幅度降低了考试运行和管理成本,大大提高了阅卷的效率;另一方面,尽可能在适当时间、适当地点为考生提供以听力测 试为主包含读写译测试在内、重点考查英语学习可持续发展能力的计算机考试[3]3。此外,计算机网络系统的支撑实现了四、六 级考试的无纸化。无纸化考试,在大大降低试题泄密可能性的同时,节约了资源、保护了环境。


网考的目的依然是为教学管理部门和广大师生提供一个评判是否达到了《大学英语课程教学要求》所建议的水平或能力的参考依据。但鉴 于其方式和内容的变化,要想顺利实现其检验教学效果的功能,以下问题仍值得我们研究。


在四、六级考试改革的进程中,考试设计者们积极探索,锐意进取,不仅改革了考试的技术手段:通过采用计算机化或网络化考试(CET- CBT/CET iBT)解决了大规模标准化考试的效度、信度和可操作性之间的平衡问题;还改革了考试的内容和题型,如在综合能力测试方面: 听力与口语测试的结合;阅读与写作测试的结合等;在客观题型方面:输入信息丰富,答题方式多样,使考试任务更真实;在命题语料库 建设方面:选自日常生活中的对话、讲座、广播电视节目、报刊、杂志、书籍、学术期刊等,使考试任务更具真实性。这样的考试技术手 段、内容和题型更准确地测量了大学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是英语听说能力,体现了社会改革开放对我国大学生英语能力的要求。 但仅通过考试内容和形式的改革,不一定能够按预先的设想那样对教学产生良好的后效。要让考试改革顺利推进,考试的设计者们可能还 要做好另外两方面的工作:一方面,要加强宣传。通过广泛深入的宣传工作,让考试相关者理解考试,了解考试改革,并能正确使用和对 待考试;另一方面,密切跟踪改革进程,研究考试后效。通过密切跟踪与仔细研究,考试设计者们要了解“四、六级考试是在哪些方面影响 大学英语教学的及如何影响大学英语教学的、四、六级考试是在哪些方面影响大学生英语学习的及如何影响大学生英语学习的”等一系列的 问题。而 “如果考试设计者认识到由于考试对教学的不正确的导向作用,使学生和教师把宝贵的时间和精力浪费在无助于他们达到学习目的 的教学活动中,那么,他们将会不惜一切代价使所设计的考试对教学产生正面反拨作用”[5]。


大学英语教学长期以来被烙上了“应试教育”的印迹,改革后的四、六级网考以听力为抓手对学生进行综合能力的测试,必将在很大程度上误 导那些追求四、六级通过率的教师,而要根本上避免并根除四、六级指挥棒的作用,就必须通过“赋权增能”实现教师发展。不同的学者对教 师“赋权增能”做了不同的定义,且有所侧重。有研究者强调增能、解放、自主、影响、领导、权力、权威、责任、自尊、自我效能和专业成 长等[6];Blasé关注教师参与学校管理,给与教师新的尊重、改善其工作条件,提高教师工资和更新专业结构,教师获得对专业的 控制权,以及提升教师自主和专业性等[7];Foy则将其定义为“使个人获得力量,使其意见受到重视,影响与自己有关的决定或计 划,在工作场合中运用经验改进自己的表现,并进而改进组织的表现”[8]。Wan将教师参与决策过程可能带来的积极影响做了如 下总结:

(1) 教师因工作的关系而成为距离学生最近的人,而且他们是拥有最丰富的知识去处理教与学问题的专业人士。因此,让教师参与决策更 有可能产生出面向学校整体改善的更加合理也更加有效的学校政策;

(2) 通过共同决策,教师专业性将得到提升。这是因为教师通过参加共同决策活动,获得了一种主人翁意识,该意识的获得反过来又促使 教师更投入于有关决策活动。在这种良性循环当中,教师能够掌握自己的工作实践,充分体现专业人士的风范;

(3) 由于共同决策与教师的工作满意度存在正相关,教师士气及教师对于学校组织的热情可以保持在一个更高的水平。相对于那些教师参 与决策机会很少的学校来说,实施校本管理学校的教师参与决策的程度更深,对政策的影响更大,其工作满意度也更高;

(4) 学校将因为实施共同决策方式,让不同的声音能够在决策过程中呈现出来,因而获得社会的高度认同。从其本质来说,共同决策是评 价学校工作流程民主化的重要指标[9]。

Ayers也认为:“赋权是教学的灵魂和心脏,他不可能由软弱无力之人去实现。就像消极被动的老师绝不可能培养出积极主动的学生,反应迟 钝的老师绝不可能指导出思维敏捷的学生,漠不关心的老师绝不可能培育出充满爱心的学生。那么我们需要赋权教师吗?答案是只要我们 想要杰出的学生不断从学校中涌现出来,我们就需要有赋权的老师”[10]。而且教师专业发展了,能力增强了,就会根据学生学习 的实际情况主动地调整授课的时间和进度,灵活地补充和使用授课的内容,真正落实“因材施教”的理念,进而帮助学生实现综合能力和可持 续能力的发展,从而最终摆脱任何有可能产生指挥棒作用的或考试或条条框框的影响。


大学英语教学的评价体系包括:形成性评估和终结性评估。形成性评估是在学习过程中,采集并解释有关信息的过程,为学生和教师对学 习进度、学习计划、学习方法等决策提供依据;终结性评估是在一阶段学习结束以后进行的,是以评价为目的,有分数或等级的规定,在 明确考生身份的情况下,采用正式的、标准化的手段由教学评估组或人员进行终结性的评价方式。形成性评估的任务是对学生日常学习过 程中的表现、所取得的成绩等做出评价,其目的是激励学生学习,帮助学生有效调控自己的学习过程,使学生获得成就感,增强自信心; 终结性评估任务是检测学生综合语言运用能力的发展程度,反映教学的效果和学校办学质量。在大学英语教学的过程中在关注学生考试结 果的时候更要充分重视学习的过程。夏纪梅曾强调指出:大学英语考试的目的是检查学生各个阶段完成学习任务的综合表现,着重考查学 生运用语言的能力,全面评价学生平时学习情况(包括学生英语集体活动中的表现)和考试结果[11]。采用形成性和终结性相结 合的考查方式有利于从整体上评价一个学生的素质和水平。大学英语四、六级考试只是终结性评估的一种方式,我们应该利用考试的结果 来为大学英语教学的改进提供依据,而不是对其结果赋予太多的社会权重,造成唯结果是从的局面。


考试是一把双刃剑:若使用合理,它能为教学提供评估;但若使用不合理,也可能会产生一定的负面作用。我们在保持考试科学性的同时 ,要使考试最大限度地对大学英语教学产生正面的导向作用,引导师生正确处理教学与考试的关系,更合理地使用四、六级考试。而且“对 考试改革项目的评估必须从改革一开始就启动,并定期地进行。评估不仅应涵盖考试的设计和实施,还应包括了解教师和学生等对改革的 认识和看法,以及考试改革对教学的影响”[12]。时时地评估,不断地总结定能为我们的大学英语以及大学英语四、六级考试改革 起到保驾护航的作用。


[1] 陈红.中国大学英语教学发展研究[J].外语与外语教学,2008(10):40-43.

[2] 教育部高等教育司.大学英语课程教学要求[Z].北京:高等教育出版,2007.

[3] 张尧学.关于大学英语四、六级考试改革的总体思路 [J].外语界,2008(5):2-4.

[4] 程雨民.如是形势下的外语教改[J].外国语,2002(6):10-12.

[5] Hughes A.Testing for Language Teachers[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1989.

[6] Keedy.An assessment of school councils,collegial groups,and professional development as teacher empowermentstrategies[J].Journal of In-Service Education,2001(27-1):29-49.

[7] Blasé.Empowering Teachers:What successful principles do[M].Thousand Oaks,California:Corwin Press,2001:2.

[8] Foy N.Empowering People at Work[M].USA:Gower,1994:5.

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Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage to express your views on a given topic.You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the Chinese outline below:



The Internet has become a symbol of modern society.For example, via the Internet, we can send a message to a friend or a relative in a distant place within seconds;we can talk to each other or even see each other;we can do shopping without going out;we can stay home and do business with foreign companies.In fact, we can do many things more easily and more cheaply using the Internet.So, I cannot imagine what society would be like without the Internet.题目2

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a story about what happened to you or to someone else.You should write at least 80 words and base your story on the Chinese outline below:

1. 事件发生的时间和地点

2. 人物

3. 事件的经过

A Day to Remember(难忘的一天)

It was Sunday.Our teacher Mr.Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday.But today we went there to take part in voluntary labor.We got there at nine o’clock.Mr.Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.Group One was responsible to plant trees and water flowers.Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourists.I was in Group Three.We went to the children’s playground and cleaned all the equipment there.We worked very hard.At about eleven we finished work.We all were tired but very happy.I will never forget the day in my memory


Saying something about going abroad for holidays(谈谈出国度假), 可以包括以下内容:

1.How to choose a certain country.2.Why are you willing to go abroad for holiday.3.Advantages and disadvantages.4.What are you going to do in the country.In recent years, going abroad for a holiday has almost become a national pastime.Traveling is indeed fun.I am dreaming of going abroad for holiday.The ideal destination is Paris.Paris is very beautiful and full of romance.Still, going abroad will make me know more about the world and enrich my life.I can experience the different culture in another country.Going abroad for holiday can also be exciting.I will do a lot of shopping in Paris and buy presents for my friends.I hope my dream will come true one day.题目4


5.The importance of learning English.6.How to learn English well?

7.What are your good experience and failing lesson?

Why I like learning English? Firstly, English is very useful.English is the most widely used language in the world.If we make a visit to foreign countries or do business with foreigners, we need to communicate with them in English.Secondly, with China becoming stronger and stronger, we have more chances to go abroad.We can know the English-speaking countries much deeper if we know English.Both China and English-speaking countries have realized the importance of the culture exchanging.Above all, English is useful and important, we must master English.题目5

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an email to a business partner in London about your trip next month.You should write at least 80 words and base your email on the Chinese outline below:

1. 接受邀请下星期到英国观光旅游

2. 希望对方能到机场接你

3. 告诉对方你抵达的日期和航班号等

Dear Mr.Brown,I would like to accept you invitation to go to Britain for holiday.Britain is my dream destination.Would it possible for you to meet me at the airport? The plane leaves Tianjin at 18:25 and arrives in London at 20:50 next Tuesday.My flight number is CA5027.I am really grateful for you kindly support.I am sure I will enjoy my stay in Britain.Bob

Yours faithfully


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a note to tell your boss that you cannot attend this afternoon’s meeting.You should write at least 80 words and base your note on the Chinese outline below:

1. 你刚接到妻子电话

2. 你不得不回家带小孩上医院看病

3. 晚上跟老板联系


Just as lots of teenagers take to pop music, I love basketball.It’s part of my life.I began to play basketball in my childhood.I still remember the good old days when I played with my classmates after school.Later on, as I grew up, almost everything changed, but this sport-playing basketball remained and my love of it grew even stronger.I love this sport because it brings joys and health to my life.When I got tired from office work, I went to the sports ground and felt refreshed.If there were worries and cares from daily life.I went to the sports ground.There everything went away except basketball.It is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood.Water and Life

While we are enjoying the rich fruits of modern industrialization, we are losing something precious on this planet.Fresh water, among others, is dwindling down day by day, owing to the large-scale industrialization everywhere in the world.Just as sunshine is a necessity to life, so is fresh water.Without fresh water, our human society would come to a stop.As fresh water is such an important resource to the human society, we need to treasure it as we treasure our life, but how?

First, our government should have a good plan for the use of fresh water and develop industries that consume less water.Second, waste water must be recycled.Finally,everyone of us should do his bit to save water.A Get-together on May Day Holiday

Dear Wang Hong:

How is everything getting along with you? It is almost one year since we graduated from university.I miss you very much.What have you been doing all these days?

I have been a middle school teacher in my hometown since graduation.Teaching always keeps me busy, but I like my students and I love teaching, you know.So everything is fine here.There will be a former classmates’ getting together during this May Day holiday at my school.You are my best friend.I never forget those happy days we spent together.I hope you will be free then and can come to my school attending the party.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours truly,Li Hua

Dear Li Hua,It’s long time we haven’t seen each other.I miss you very much.How’s everything going on with you? I am busy preparing for PETS 4.I would appreciate if you could help me buy PETS4 English oral textbook which was issued by the Beijing Press, because the books were sold out here.Drop in when you are free.I often think of those happy days we spent together when we were at University.Please let me know as soon as possible once you get the book.My best wishes.Yours

truly,Wang LeiBad Manners in Public

Although we consider ourselves as

highly advanced being living in a civilized society, bad manners can still be found here and there.For example, some cyclists run the red traffic lights, many passengers litter waste papers and plastic bags in public places, and some tourists scrabble in tourists’ attractions, let alone spit on the street.In the cinema, some audiences talk loudly on cell phones in front of others.I’m strongly against talking loudly in the cinema, for this behavior shows no respect at all to others;what’s worse, it upsets the audience who are in the mood of having fun.My Opinion on Cell Phones

Cell phones do play an important role

in people’s daily life, but every coin has its two sides.To start with, as a wireless mobile phone, it’s convenient for the user at any time to contact others.Secondly, it’s helpful companion.With a multifunctional cell phone in hand, one can easily surf the net, downloading what he needs.However, the cell phone has many disadvantages.For one thing, the machine itself is very expensive and its local service is very costly, not to mention its global service.For another, the radiation from the mobile phones might do harm to the user’s heath.In my opinion, with its expenses being reduced sharply after China’s entry into the WTO, its development will have a brighter future.Therefore its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages.My Favorite TV Program

The News Broadcast is my favorite TV program.This has become a part of my life because almost everyday I turn on the TV at 7 pm, watching CCTV 9 news program.Watching the daily news brings me the following benefits.Firstly, it develops my good language skills, proper pronunciation and greater knowledge and understanding of news around the world.Secondly, watching TV news as a family opens a stage for discussion between family members on a wide variety of topics.What is more, sharing the news helps kids better understand the world they live in,helps them learn more on difference views and on how to act or respond to tough situations if they face it.All in all, watching the news program is informative, communicative and instructive.Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can money buy happiness?The answer varies among people.Some believe that money is the source of happiness, because money provides food for the hungry, medicine for the sick, and clothes for the needy.While others hold that money is the root of evils, because it is the devil of money that drives a person to lie, cheat, steal and worst of all, to murder.In my opinion, money is essential to being well-off, but not necessarily to well-being.Happiness is a state of mind, not something that can be bought.April 15, 2009

The Digital products

Nowadays, digital products are enjoying growing popularity among people.Take me for example, the first thing I do after waking up is to switch on my cell phone to check my text messages and read the latest news.Then listen to music on my IPod on my way to school.At the end of the day, I enjoy watching TV programs, or surfing the net.Why are we so fond of those digital products? The answer is simple.They are doing us good----making our lives comfortable and convenient.These two key factors represent the trend of new inventions of modern age that brings in the wide use of digital products.工作

Every person has his own ideal job.As far as I am concerned, I have been

dreaming of being a guide for a long time.First, good guides have wide vision.Secondly, guide can constantly expand his knowledge and understand lots of customs about different cultures and countries.To achieve my dream of being a qualified guide, I have to make sufficient preparations.For one thing, I must learn my specialty well.For another, I should enhance my eloquence so that I can express the allusion about the view clearly.Being a good guide is difficult, but I believe if I endeavor to do these things in all hands, I’ll be successful sooner or later.交通工具

I like bikes best.

Compared with cars, bikes have many advantages.First, they are not very expensive.Second, they are very handy and convenient though they are not so fast as cars.With a bike, you don’t have to look for a large parking place.Third, they do not cause air or sound pollution.

Riding bikes does good to your health if you ride it regularly.In modern times, people are usually too busy to spare any time for physical exercise.Riding a bike to your work place regularly serves as a good way to keep yourself strong and healthy.Therefore, a bicycle is the best means of transportation.电视节目
