(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit5 Sports and Games


(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit5 Sports and Games(共4篇)

篇1:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit5 Sports and Games

Unit4 Food (1)


Lesson 13 There is some milk.

Lesson 14 How much rice is there?

二. 重点、难点:

1. 了解可数名词与不可数名词的概念

2. 掌握There be句型

3. 谈论食物的数量

Lesson 13 There is some milk

I. Words Study单词学习:

food soda donut juice potato chip potato chips party

list buy or hey right now cake garlic

onion sugar flour ketchup sausage butter salt

cabbage pork

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 句型与可数名词、不可数名词搭配

There be句型与不可数名词搭配表示“某处有某物”时,be动词用单数形式。, There be句型与可数名词搭



肯 定 句 不可数名词前用some修饰

There is some milk in the bottle. 可数名词前用some修饰

There are some cookies on the plate.

否 定 句 不可数名词前用any修饰

There isn’t any orange juice in the fridge. 可数名词前用any修饰

There aren’t any birds in the tree.

一 般 疑 问 句 不可数名词前用any修饰

Is there any sugar here?

Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.


Are there any pictures on the wall?

Yes, there are.

No, there aren’t.

2. else常与疑问词what, when, who和不定代词anything, something连用,意为“其他的”,“别的”。

What else do you need?

Is there anything else I can do for you?

I have something else for you here.

3. What about donuts and orange juice? 多纳圈和橘子汁怎么样?

询问消息或征求意见时用What about …? 表示“…怎么样?”“…好不好?”

What about some apples?

What about going to the cinema?

4. What do you need to make a cake? 你制作一个蛋糕需要什么原料?

表示需要时,用need sth。

I need a long vacation.

Ⅲ. Grammar 语法知识


一般来说,物质名词和抽象名词是不可数的,因此没有复数形式,不可数名词前也不能用a/an修饰,可以用some, any, a little, a lot of等修饰。

some water a lot of rice a little milk

Lesson 14 How much rice is there?

I. Words Study单词学习:

much make shopping pasta tomato meat recipe

check more a few exactly a little hundred

kilogram a lot of carrot coffee also

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. How many onions are there?

How many用于提问可数名词数量的多少,后面跟可数名词的复数,动词用复数形式。

How many students are there in the classroom?

2. How much rice is there?

How much用于提问不可数名词数量的多少,动词用单数形式。

How much milk is there?

3. a few 少数,少许


Jack has a few friends at school.

4. a little 少量,少许


I can see a little water in the bottle.

5. a lot of 许多,大量的


A lot of students are playing on the playground.

There is a lot of milk in the fridge.


一. 单项选择

1. There ____ some flour in the bag.

A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

2. ____ there any milk?

A. Is B. Isn’t C. Are D. Aren’t

3. There _____ any apples on the table.

A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

4. _____ there any potatoes here?

A. Is B. Isn’t C. Are D. Aren’t

5. Are there any oranges in the basket? _______

A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t.

C. Yes, there are. D. No, there are.

6. How many _____ are there in the picture?

A. policemans B. policemen C. rice and meat D. bread and milk

二. 用a, an, some, any填空

7. There is _____ rice in the bag.

8. Can you find ______ box of books in the picture?

9. Would you like _____ water? No, thanks. I’d like _____ cup of tea.

10. I have _____ old photo of Jim’s family.

11. How many pears can you see on the table? I can’t see _____ .

12. There is _____ American boy in the car. I think he’s Bill.

13. There aren’t _____ hills in the picture.

14. There is _____ “r” in the word “car”.

15. What is he? He is _____ teacher.

16. Do you have _____ oranges? Yes, I have _____.

三. 根据短文内容完成句子

Look at the picture on the blackboard. We can see a house in it. Behind the house there is a hill with many trees. Near the hill we an see a river. There are three boats in the river, One is blue, the other two are yellow. There are some Young Pioneers in those boats. Near the house we can see a big tree. Under the tree there is a small bus. It’s a white bus.

17. There is a _____ on the _____.

18. Can you see a house _____ a room in the picture? A _____.

19. _____ is the hill? It’s _____ the house.

20. Are there any trees on the hill? _____, there are _____ trees on it.

21. There _____ three _____ in the river.

22. One is _____ the other two are ____.

23. Who are in the boats? Some _____ _____ are in them.

24. Is there a small bus in the picture? _____, there _____.

25. Where is it? It’s _____ the big _____.

四. 阅读理解

This is a picture of the twins’ house. It’s near the river. Near the house you can see Lucy and Lily. They are under the tree with some other children-two boys and two girls. Look! There is Mrs. King. She’s the twins’ mother. She is near the door of the house.

“Come here, children! It’s tea-time!” she says.

There are three trees near the twins’ house. There is one big tree and two small trees.

In the big tree there is a bird. Can the bird sing? Yes, it can.

What’s that near the tree? It’s a cat.

“I want some food.” thinks the cat. “Bird, come here!” says the cat.

“Not today. Thank you!” says the bird. “You can’t catch me! Goodbye!”

26. Where is the twins’ house? _____.

A. Near the river B. In the tree C. In the picture

27. How many children are there in the picture?

A. 4 B. 6 C. 7

28. Is Mrs. King near the door of the house? _____

A. Yes, he is B. Yes, she is C. No, she isn’t

29. “It’s tea-time!” means _____

A. It’s time for tea. B. It’s time to play C. It’s time to go to bed.

30. Can the cat catch the bird? _____.

A. Yes, it can B. No, it can’t C. I don’t know

五. 连词组句

31. are, our, the behind, door, footballs

32. two, table, cats, are, under, the

33. wall, China, of, map, there, the, is, a on

34. are, flowers, on, some, window, the

35. you, can, the, find, not, broom


一. 1-6 AADCCB

二. 7. some 8. a 9. some a 10. an 11. any

12. an 13. any 14. an 15. a 16. any, some

三. 17. picture, blackboard 18. or, house 19. Where, behind 20. Yes, many 21. are, boats

22. blue, yellow 23. Young Pioneers 24. Yes, is 25. under, tree

四. 26-30 ABBAB

五. 31. Our footballs are behind the door.

32. Two cats are under the table.

33. There is a map of China on the wall.

34. Some flowers are on the window.

35. You can not find the broom.

篇2:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit5 Sports and Games


Lesson 15 There are three dollars a pound.

Lesson 16 I’d like a pizza, please.

二. 重点、难点:

1. 掌握表示可数名词与不可数名词数量的单位

2. 学习价格的方法

3. 学习就餐的日常用语

Lesson 15 There are three dollars a pound.

I. Words Study单词学习:

dollar half fruit vegetable market fresh

cost watermelon cheap loaf bread

dozen bottle cooking oil piece bag

bar soap box cent change expensive

money each

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 表示名词量的单位

<1>a dozen …

<2>a loaf of …

<3>a bottle of …

<4>a piece of …

<5>a kilo of …

<6>a bag of …

<7>a bar of …

<8>a box of …

<9>a stick of …

2. 询问价格

<1>How much are the onions? They are two dollars a kilo.

how much表示“多少钱”,是询问价格的疑问词。询问食物与可数名词搭配时,动词用复数形式。

How much are the bananas?

<2>How much is the bread? It’s two dollars a loaf.

询问食物how much与不可数名词搭配时,动词用单数形式。

How much is the meat?

3. 付钱

<1>Here is one dollar. 给你一美元。

<2>Here is the money. 给你钱。

<3>Here is your change. 找你零钱。

Lesson 16 I’d like a pizza, please.

I. Words Study单词学习:

want order French fries soup very healthy

honey may salad glass anything

drink sir without will spring water

attention shopper must fell hungry flavor

low price

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. May/Can I have your order?

谈论可能性或要求许可时,可用may, can

May I have your name?

Can I help you?

2. I’d like a hamburger, please.

I’d like = I would like, 表示征询, 用于提问和回答。

Would you like something to eat?

I’d like a cup of tea.

3. What would you like to drink? 你想喝点儿什么?

4. I’ll have vegetable soup.

I’ll = I will, will have在这里表示征询。

What will you have?

I’ll have a hamburger.



1. I can see some _____ on the table.

A. cake B. a cake C. cakes D. the cake

2. I would like some _____ and an orange.

A. a bread B. bread C. breads D. the breads

3. How many _____ of water can you see?

A. glass B. a glass C. glasses D. some glass

4. What _____ you like?

A. can B. are C. must D. would

5. I want something _____.

A. drink B. for drink C. drinking D. to drink

6. Can I help you? Yes. _____ a cup of tea.

A. I’d like B. I like C. I’d love to D. I do

7. I can’t see any pears in the picture. Can you?

Yes, only _____.

A. any B. some C. one D. a

8. Hello, Mr. Smith! _____ are you today?

A. What B. Which C. Who D. How

9. Whose socks _____ these?

A. is B. am C. are D. /

10. _____ the window, please.

A. opening B. Open C. Opening D. open

二、根据中文提示, 完成句子。(一空一词)

11. 我来自加拿大多伦多,讲英语和法语。

I am _____ Toronto, Canada. I _____ English and French.

12. 杰克逊先生在重庆的一所中学教英语。

Mr. Jackson _____ English in a middle school in Chongqing.

13. 他经常看晚七点的新闻联播。

He often _____ CCTV _____ at 7:00 in the evening.

14. 你能帮我提包吗?

Can you _____ me _____ the bag?

15. 她是干什么的? 她是个医生。

What _____ she do? She is a _____.


A: Can I help you? What would you like?

B: I don’t know.

A: Would you like 16 to eat? 17 about some cakes?

B: No, thanks. I think I’d like 18 bread.

A: Would you like 19 to drink?

B: A cup of tea, please.

A: Here 20 .

B: Thank you.

A: 21 welcome.


22. “Do you like noodles?” “No, I don’t like _____ at all.”( they )

23. He often _____ letters to his mother. ( write )

24. Our _____ begin at 7:30 every morning. ( class )

25. We are twins. I have long hair, and she _____ long hair, too. ( have )

26. The _____ like milk and cakes. (baby)


Jim is from England. He isn’t from the USA. He speaks English. His father is working in Beijing. So he is studying in a middle school in Beijing. He has classes on weekdays. On Sundays, he often plays games with his Chinese friends. He likes China very much. He can speak a little Chinese now.

( ) 27. Jim comes from the USA.

( ) 28. He has no classes on Sundays.

( ) 29. He can’t speak Chinese.

( ) 30. His father is working in Beijing.


汉堡包 8.00 薯条 5.00 面包 2.00

牛奶 3.00 咖啡 5.00 橙汁 4.00


一. 1-5 CBCDD 6-10 ACDCB

二. 11. from, speak 12. teaches 13. watches, news

14. help, carry 15. does, doctor

三. 16. something 17. What 18. some

19. something 20. you are 21. You are

四. 22. them 23. writes 24. classes

25. has 26. babies

五. 27. F 28. T 29. F 30.T


hamburger 8.00

French fries 5.00

bread 2.00

milk 3.00

coffee 5.00

篇3:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit5 Sports and Games


1. 学会表达对食物的喜好

2. 学习饮食结构与身体健康之间的关系

3. 能够正确地将食物分类

4. 正确使用频度副词

5. 复习可数名词和不可数名词及相关知识

6. 看懂食物营养价值表


1. exercise

①vi. 锻炼,运动

She should exercise more.

They don’t exercise enough.

My grandfather exercised and became healthier.

②vt. 练习

We should exercise our legs.

He is exercising himself in dancing.

③n. (不可数) 运动,锻炼

I should take more exercise.

Exercise is good for old people.

④n. (可数) 操练,学习中的练习题

Students in this school do eye exercises twice a day.

We do morning exercises every day.

There are seven math exercises to do.

2. top

Who is the top football player in your class?

She is at the top of her class in English.

3. fish

①鱼肉 (不可数名词)

Would you like to eat some fish?

I hate eating fish.

There is a lot of fish for supper.

②鱼 (可数名词)

a fish two fish

a lot of fish two fishes

4. health 不可数名词

healthy 形容词

have good health = be in good health = be healthy

have poor health = be in bad health = be unhealthy

be fit / well / fine

be unfit / unwell

5. keep

① 连系动词 + 形容词

keep cool keep fit stay clean stay open

keep young stay fine stay young

become small turn green

look nice sound good


keep a dairy keep a secret stay at home stay for 3 days

look at the blackboard

turn to Page 16

6. without 介词 + 名词 / 代词 / 动词的-ing形式

He goes to school without keys.

He came late. We went without him.

The children left without saying “Goodbye”.


1. Take turns to ask questions.

turn n. 顺序,次序

Please take turns to go out.

They are taking turns to have a rest.

It’s your turn to give a speech.

It’s his turn to clean the blackboard.

2. It’s + adj. + for sb. + to do sth.. 对某人来说做某事很…

It’s very easy for me to get tired.

It’s also important to drink lots of water every day.

It’s very important for us to learn English well.

It’s interesting for the students to watch animals.

3. 并列连词

but / and / or / so…

I like basketball but I don’t like football.

It’s very cold, so I stay at home.

Will you go with me or stay with your father?

I am a teacher and my brother is an engineer.

4. 频度副词




He is always ready to help others.

Chinese New Year usually comes in late January or early February.

I often forget very important things.

Sometimes I go to the supermarket.

He seldom goes to the library.

Tom has never been to Hangzhou.



You are often free.


I can’t always listen to him.


I never see such an animal.


Usually we wear special costumes at Halloween.

⑤seldom ,never 表示否定意义的副词用在句首时, 句子需倒装。

Seldom do I eat in the restaurant.

Never will I forget it.

用how often对频度副词提问

How often has a walk after supper?

How often does he have a walk after supper?

How often does he go to see his uncle?

How often do you go shopping? Twice a week.

5. 不用冠词的情况


I like playing football.

You’d better have breakfast every day.


Mr Li is my boss.


Class Three America Tom


He came here by bike.

Why not go to Beijing by train?


at home at work go to school


My sister’s shoes are under the desk.

6. less than three times a day

I have less money than him.

He spends less than one hour reading English every day.

7. not… at all

I am not excited at all.

He doesn’t have toys at all.

8. Congratulations!

congratulate v.

celebrate v.

Let me congratulate you on your success.

Let’s celebrate your birthday.

9. not … any more 不再,再也不

no more

They don’t live in that city any more.

They no more live in that city.

10. Good luck with…. 祝愿你在某方面有好运或顺利。

Good luck with your study.

Good luck with your trip.

Good luck with your English exam.

Good luck to you! = Wish you good luck!

11. for oneself 为自己

Design a diet for yourself.

He bought a shirt for himself.

If you don’t believe me, you may go and see it for yourself.

12. give sb. energy for… 为…给某人提供能量

He drinks milk to give himself more energy for sports.

We eat food to give ourselves energy for working or playing.



( )1、It’s time to school now.

A. for us to go B. for us go C. for our to go D. for we to go

( )2、- are you late for school?

- Seldom.

A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How soon

( )3、I often go to see my grandparents my bike.

A. by B. in C. with D. on

( )4、-Happy New Year to you, Mary! - !

A. Thank you very much B. The same to you C. All right D. Good

( )5、We can cut into slices with .

A. potato, knife B. potatoes, knives C. potatos, knives D. potatoes, knifes

( )6、-Would you like tea?

-Yes, and milk, too, I think, please.

A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any D. some, some

( )7、Li Ming helps Li Hua her homework on Sundays.

A. does B. doing C. do D. with do

( )8、water do you drink every day?

A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How long

( )9、How pieces of paper there on the desk?

A. many, is B. much, is C. much, are D. many, are

( )10、Xiao Fang usually up at 6:30. Now she up, she up at 6:00 tomorrow.

A. get; getting; is going to get B. gets; is getting; is going to get

C. gets; is getting; getting D. is getting; gets; gets

( )11、They are too heavy. Do your need help?

A. any B. some C. a D. many

( )12、Is it good for our heath every day?

A. to eat too much B. eating much too C. eats too much D. to eat much too

( )13、I often have an egg and a glass of milk breakfast.

A. to B. for C. in D. at

( )14、- do you plan to live in China?

- For about two years.

A. How often B. Why C. When D. How long

( )15、There’s orange on the desk., orange is orange.

A. an, an, an B. an, the, / C. an, /, / D. the, an, an

( )16、We often have to do in the evening.

A. much homework B. many homeworks

C. a lot of homeworks D. some homeworks

( )17、is good for your health.

A. Do exercise B. Doing exercise C. Does exercise D. Did exercise


1、People need lots of energy (work) hard every day.

2、Sometimes Sandy (have) coke and hamburgers after school.

3、It takes us two hours (finish) writing the article.

4、Look! The boys (swim) in the river.

5、There (be) a book, two pencils and two bags on the desk.

6、Can you help me (carry) this heavy box?

7、Millie (not play) badminton after class every day.

8、Would you like (be) fit and healthy?

9、Lin Tao is good at (put) the apples in the baskets.

10、They usually (have) lunch at school.


1、He likes bananas.(用not… at all改写句子)

2、Simon is a student. Sandy is a student, too.(用also替代too)

3、Wei Hua does morning exercises at 6:00 in the morning.(改否定句)

4、Every day I play basketball for two hours. (就划线部分提问)

5、Daniel goes to swim twice a week. (就划线部分提问)


1、There are two bowls of rices on the desk.

2、I walks to school on foot every day.

3、What do you usually have breakfast?

4、There are a lot of sheeps over there.

5、Mr and Mrs Green has a daughter called Jane.


Mr Brown has got a good job. He 1 gets his money on Fridays. Every Friday, Mrs Brown takes all his 2 , and then she 3 him just enough for his lunch in the office every day.

One day Mr Brown get 4 very late. Mrs Brown is 5 TV, and have chocolates.

“What’s wrong 6 you?” Mrs Brown asks.

Mr Brown says, “My dear, I 7 10,000 pounds in the lottery(中彩).”

“ 8 !”says Mrs Brown, “But just a minute. How do you buy the 9 ?Where is your 10 from?”

( )1、A. once B. never C. usually D. sometimes

( )2、A. pens B. food C. money D. clothes

( )3、A. asks B. takes C. gives D. borrows

( )4、A. up B. out C. here D. home

( )5、A. seeing B. making C. mending D. watching

( )6、A. on B. at C. for D. with

( )7、A. get B. use C. count D. throw

( )8、A. Bad B. Hard C. Great D. Help

( )9、A. bag B. coat C. food D. ticket

( )10、A. money B. pocket C. friend D. clothes


Jim likes fish very much. He buys fish outside and takes it home. When his wife(妻子)sees the fish, she says to herself(心里想), “Good! Now I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can have the fish. They like eating fish very much.”

When Jim comes back in the evening, he can’t find any fish and he asks his wife, “Where’s the fish?” She says, “Your cat likes fish and eats it.” And she gives him some bread for supper. Jim is angry(生气). He takes the cat and his wife to go shopping nearby. Then he turns to(转向)his wife and says, “My cat is one kilo and the fish is also one kilo. The cat is here, but where’s my fish?”

( )1、Jim likes very much.

A. hamburgers B. cats C. fish D. meat

( )2、eat(s) the fish.

A. Jim B. His wife C. His wife’s friends D. B and C

( )3、His wife tells Jim eats the fish.

A. her friend B. she C. Jim’s friend D. the cat

( )4、Jim is very .

A. happy B. angry C. hungry D. sorry

( )5、knows the cat doesn’t eat the fish.

A. Jim B. Jim’s wife C. Her friend D. Jim’s friend


My Diet and Lifestyle



1、A 2、B 3、D 4、B 5、B 6、D 7、C 8、B 9、D

10、B 11、B 12、A 13、B 14、D 15、B 16、A 17、B


1、to work


3、to finish

4、are swimming


6、carry / to carry

7、doesn’t play

8、to be




1、He doesn’t like bananas at all.

2、Simon is a student. Sandy is also a student.

3、Wei Hua doesn’t do morning exercises at 6:00 in the morning.

4、How long do you play basketball every day?

5、How often does Daniel go to swim?


1、rices →rice

2、walks →walk

3、breakfast →for breakfast

4、sheeps →sheep

5、has →have


1、C 2、C 3、C 4、D 5、D 6、D 7、A 8、C 9、D 10、A


1、C 2、D 3、D 4、B 5、A


篇4:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit5 Sports and Games

1. 掌握情态动词的用法

2. 能够说出不同标志的含义

3. 掌握时间表达法

4. 了解一般现在时的基本用法

二. 需要掌握的词汇和句型

Excuse me.

I see.

We can … / We can’t…

Can I…? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

What time is it?

Do you…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

What time do you get up in the morning?

三. 重点与难点的分析讲解

1. We can play football there.

can 情态动词,表示能力或许可 can’t cannot

He can draw.

You can play football on the playground.

She can’t stay here.

Can I go home now? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

must 情态动词,表示“必须,应该” mustn’t

We must do our homework now.

You mustn’t do that again.

Must he answer the question in English? Yes, he must. / No, he needn’t.

2. What time is it?

What’s the time?



基数词 + o’clock 表示整点 o’clock可省略

nine (o’clock ) one (o’clock)

基数词钟点 + 分钟

5:20 five twenty

12:06 twelve O six

10:50 ten fifty

3:30 three thirty

4:15 four fifteen

8:45 eight forty-five



to表示“差” “缺”

基数词分钟 + past/ to +钟点

5:20 twenty past five

12:06 six past twelve

10:50 ten to eleven

3:30 half past three

4:15 fifteen past four / a quarter past four

8:45 fifteen to nine / a quarter to nine

3. I like playing basketball, football and ping-pong.

like: v. like +n. / v.- ing 喜欢

We all like English.

They like listening to music.

like: prep. 像, 如…一样

I have lessons like Chinese, Math and Art.


Push 推 Pull 拉

Open营业 Closed 关闭

On开 Off 关

On Sale打折出售 Not for Sale 恕不出售



1. 用适当的人称代词形式(主格或宾格)填空

1) (他)is Lucy’s uncle.

2)Do you like the dog?-No, (我)don’t like (它).

3)His aunt gives (我们) a book.

4)She is between you and (我).

5)We often play with (他)in the afternoon.

6)She is a nice girl. (他们)like (她)very much .

2. 根据括号内的汉语,写出适当的英语物主代词

1)This classroom is .(我们的)

2)Where is (我的)ruler ? -It’s on (她的)desk .

3)This is (我的)book . (他们的)are on the teacher’s desk .

4) (她的)sister is a nurse . (我的)is nurse , too.

5) (我的)pen is here . (你的)is over there .

6) (他们的)classroom is on the ground floor. (你们的)is here.


1. This is a bus. (变复数)

These ________ ________ .

2. They are teachers. (变否定句)

They ________ _________ .

3. The children are on the playground. (就划线提问)

____________________ ?

4. He is twelve. (同上)

_________ _________is he?

5. There is a lot of juice in the glass. (同上)

__________________ ?


1. When you go to school in the morning, you say _____ to your parents.

A. goodbye B. good evening C. good night D. hello

2. Where ____ you _____?

A. do…from B. are… from C. do…come from D. B and C

3. There is some ______ in the box.

A. food B. eggs C. apples D. rice

4. I usually have _____ at 6:00 in the morning.

A. the breakfast B. an breakfast C. a breakfast D. breakfast

5. Please _______ my grandmother. She is ill .

A. look for B. look after C. look like D. look at

6. I _____Ann. You ______ Sam and she ______ Kate.

A. is, am, are B. am, is, are C. am, are, is D. is, are, am

7. He often _______ for things in his room.

A. watches B. talk C. look D. looks

8. ---I like computer games very much. ----________.

A. I am, too B. I like C. Yes D. Me, too

9. Can I call______ Uncle Wang?

A. he B. him C. she D. her

10. --- Does he have a watch? --- _______.

A. Yes, he has B. No, he does C. Yes, he does D. Yes, he have

11. It’s time _____. Let’s _____ the windows first.

A. to go to home, close B. to go home, close

C. to go home, closed D. to go to home, closed

12. Do you have______ to do?

A. many homeworks B. much homeworks

C. much homework D. many homework

13. My sister likes to play ______volleyball before ______ supper.

A. the, the B. /, the C. the, / D. /, /

14. My parents _____ Shanghai.

A. is come from B. come from C. are from D. comes from

15. Sam _______ his homework at school.

A. doesn’t B. doesn’t do C. do D. don’t does

16. My birthday is _____3rd October.

A. on B. in C. at D. to

17. There are _______ students in our school.

A. seven hundreds B. seven hundred of

C. seven hundreds of D. seven hundred

18. ______ mother’s bike is blue. ______ is red.

A. I, Hers B. My, Hers C. My, she D. My, she’s

19. The Space Museum is ______ today.

A. closing B. to open C. close D. closed

四 完形填空

Mr Brown has got a good job. He 1 gets his money on Fridays. Every Friday, Mrs Brown takes all his 2 , and then she 3 him just enough for his lunch in the office every day.

One day Mr Brown get 4 very late. Mrs Brown is 5 TV, and have chocolates.

“What’s wrong 6 you?” Mrs Brown asks.

Mr Brown says, “My dear, I 7 10,000 pounds in the lottery.(中彩)”

“ 8 !”says Mrs Brown, “But just a minute. How do you buy the 9 ?Where is your 10 from?”

( )1. A. once B. never C. usually D. sometimes

( )2. A. pens B. food C. money D. clothes

( )3. A. asks B. takes C. gives D. borrows

( )4. A. up B. out C. here D. home

( )5. A. seeing B. making C. mending D. watching

( )6. A. on B. at C. for D. with

( )7. A. get B. use C. count D. throw

( )8. A. Bad B. Hard C. Great D. Help

( )9. A. bag B. coat C. food D. ticket

( )10. A. money B. pocket C. friend D. clothes

五 阅读理解

Jim likes fish very much. He buys fish outside and takes it home. When his wife(妻子)sees the fish, she says to herself(心里想), “Good! Now I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can have the fish. They like eating fish very much.”

When Jim comes back in the evening, he can’t find any fish and he asks his wife, “Where’s the fish?” She says, “Your cat likes fish and eats it.” And she gives him some bread for supper. Jim is angry(生气). He takes the cat and his wife to go shopping nearby. Then he turns to(转向)his wife and says, “My cat is one kilo and the fish is also one kilo. The cat is here, but where’s my fish?”

( )1. Jim likes very much.

A. hamburgers B. cats C. fish D. meat

( )2. eats the fish.

A. Jim B. His wife C. His wife’s friends D. B and C

( )3. His wife tells Jim eats the fish.

A. her friend B. she C. Jim’s friend D. the cat

( )4. Jim is very .

A. happy B. angry C. hungry D. sorry

( )5. knows the cat doesn’t eat the fish.

A. Jim B. Jim’s wife C. Her friend D. Jim’s friend


一、1. 1)He 2)I it 3)us 4)me

5)him 6)They her

2. 1)ours 2)my her 3)my Theirs

3)Her Mine 4)My Yours 5)Their Yours

二、1. are buses

2. aren’t teachers

3. Where are the children?

4. How old

5. How much juice is there in the glass?

三、1~5 A D A D B

6~10 C D D B C

10~15 B C D B B

15~19 A D B D

四、1~10 C C C D D D A C D A
