



LETTER OF MOTIVATION Dreams open the door of the future, and perseverance makes them come true.My intense interest now is civil engineering, a subject that combines engineering science with construction technology and social value.It provides me with a good opportunity to express my idea, display my creativity.And at the same time I obtain from it the pleasure of study and immense satisfaction.I hope I will become a prominent engineer or a talent of management in this field someday.It seems to me that there are two major branches in the future of civil engineering.One is the microcosmic theory of materials, which will lead to the development of analysis methods and structure materials.The other is the design and construction of huge architectures, such as super-high-rise buildings and super-span bridges.And I prefer the latter.With the development of the society, more and more high-level civil engineers are needed in our country.In order to make full use of my talent in this field and to participate in the construction of our country, I have been feeling the strong desire to seek advanced study in France in order to better prepare myself for the challenges ahead.And it’s not groundless that I choose your university to further my education.What I am pursuing is “to be the best”, and this motto of mine manifests my characteristics and ambitions as well.One year ago,I made a good starting academically by entering Xi’an Jiaotong University, one of the best engineering university in China.And now I’d like to enter your university to continue my pursuit.The motive behind it is obvious:France is famous for its exoteric education system, relatively lower life expenses compared with other developed countries, and above all, the world’s leading status in many fields especially in Architecture.Group des Ecoles Centrales, a distinction of French engineering education, has exceptional advantages of bringing up talented personnel.Ever since I entered college I have been following the development of civil engineering in a global sphere.Gradually I come to find that the France holds the leading position in this field, and your university is universally acknowledged for excellent teaching, rigorous scholastic studies and great scientific breakthroughs.What’s more, you provided your students with easy access to the best facilities, laboratory equipment and abundant opportunities to large enterprise for internship,which, in my opinion, leaves the students free space to fulfill their dreams and goals.These advantages are so attractive that it is hardly resistible for any ambitious young scholar like me who is thirsty for knowledge and eager to see his dream come true.In brief, I desire to study at your university, aspire to do my bit for you and for my country in the near future——if I could be fortunately enrolled.I would appreciated it if you could take my application into favorable consideration.And I’m greatly convinced that I will be excellent in the field of civil engineering.XXXX

Le 21 November 2009


兹证明XXX先生,25岁,籍贯南宁,身高170cm, 体重60KG..经检查无任何传染性疾病,身体健康,可胜任每天8小时工作。

医师: XXX(签名)


Certificate of Physical Examination

22nd May, 2013



Yang Bi, one of the talented female literary translators in the Chinese literary translation history, has made an outstanding contribution to E-C translation.Her version of Vanity Fair is welcomed by large amounts of readers and researchers.Meanwhile, it is considered as one of the best translated works in Chinese translation history.Yang Bi did not leave us much translation theories or thoughts although her version of Vanity Fair was appreciated by many readers and translators.However, her translation thoughts is closely affected by her brother-in-law Qian Zhongshu, one of the most famous translation figures who enjoys a high reputation in Chinese translation circle.Therefore, a study of the consistency of Yang Bi’s Translation thoughts with Qian Zhongshu’s will be conducted from the following aspects:translation nature, translator’s subjectivity, translator’s ethics and reproduction of the original style.

1 Translation Nature

The nature of translation is one of the most basic topics which almost every translation researchers will discuss.From Yang Bi’s translation characteristics, that is, free, readers-oriented and flexible, we can conclude that in Yang Bi’s point of view, the nature of translation is to lure readers to get to know the original text and meaning by adapting to the target language rules and style.

The statement“Translating is exchanging”can be found in Discourses on Rites of Zhou written in the Tang Dynasty of China.Also in Western translation theories, there exists“translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, second in terms of style” (1982) .There are lots of debates on the nature of translation.Some define translation as an art while others define it as a science or craft.Yang Bi’s instructor and brother-in-law—Qian Zhongshu’s view on the nature of translation seems having significant impact on Yang Bi’s translation.Qian once discussed the nature of translation by borrowing Xu Shen’s explanations of ancient Chinese words.In his essay, he put forward that translation is functioning as a“You (诱lure) ”.At the same time, he insisted that“E (讹mistake) ”can be hardly avoided in translation.So the tidemark of translation is“Hua (化adaptation) ” (Qian, 1997) .In his eyes, translation is a kind of“art and craft (艺业) ” (1997) .On the nature of translation, Yang Bi’s consistency with Qian Zhongshu’s translation thought is easy to be found and proved.For the“Lure”, Yang Bi did her best to maintain the original culture flavor and lure her readers to know more about the new culture.For the“Hua”, Yang Bi’s reproduction of the original style is the best proof.But for the“E”, there may have different inferences.Before the publishing house decided to republish Yang Bi’s version of Vanity Fair, they once asked her if there are some modifications needed to be done in the new version.Yang Bi’s reply was“without one word modified” (Yang, 2009) .This arouses some misunderstandings about Yang Bi.Some researchers think that Yang Bi was quite satisfied with her translation so that she did not want to improve it.However, according to Yang Bi’s sister—Yang Jiang’s words, the reason why Yang Bi did not want to change a word is that she was too sick to do so at that moment.This is also proved by some mistakes appeared in Yang Bi’s almost perfect version because some of the mistakes can be avoided by modifications.Therefore, we can infer that Yang Bi’s view on the nature of translation is consistent with Qian Zhongshu’s“You”, “E”and“Hua”, that is, to“lure”the target readers to get knowing the original work and the original culture, to avoid mistakes and pursue the perfection embodiment of the original work and culture.

From Yang Bi’s version of Vanity Fair, we can also infer that she pays great attention to the communicative function of her translation by using free translation to move the author to the target readers.This also embodies what Qian Zhongshu once proposed.Qian considers the purpose of translating foreign literature works is to introduce them to the target readers, arousing their interests on the works (1997) .Under the guidance of his translation thoughts, Yang Bi’s version presents a characteristic which moves the author to the target readers.

2 Translator’s Subjectivity

A dicussion of translator’s subjectivity begins after the cultural turn of translation studies.Lawrence Venuti, a distinguished American translation scholar reveals that“from the 17th century to today, translator’s situation and activity are invisible”in his The Translator’s Invisibility (2004) .His discussion on the issue“broadens the scope of translation studies, enabling researchers to study translators as real people in sociocultural context and drawing researchers’attention to translators’situation and activity” (Ma&Miao, 2009) .As for translators, they need to be loyal to the original text as well as being considerate to the target readers.Their choices may reflect the social and cultural contexts.Meanwhile, their cultural and aesthetical tendencies may influence their translated works.Recent years, topic of translator’s subjectivity aroused more and more attention of researchers.Yang Bi’s mentor Qian Zhongshu has discussed a lot on the issue.Early in 1933, he quoted an Italian proverb“traduttore traditore”in his On“Old Chinese Poetry” (2005) .And in his Lin Shu’s Translation in 1963, he mentioned this again and translated it as“翻译者即反逆者”.Talking about translators can be“traitors”, he expressed his concept that translators have the right and ability to rearrange the original work at some degree.Meanwhile, he also believed that there exists the possibility that the translation can be better than the original work.Let’s take an example from Yang Bi’s version of Vanity Fair to see her concepts of translator’s subjectivity by taking Rong Rude’s version as a reference.


Ah!Vanitas Vanitatum!Which of us is happy in this world?Which of us has his desire?Or, having it, is satisfied?—Come, children, let us shut up the box and the puppets, for our play is played out. (P1069)

Yang’s Version:

唉, 浮名浮利, 一切虚空!我们这些人里面谁是真正快活的?谁是称心如意的?就算当时遂了心愿, 过后还不是照样不满意?来吧, 孩子们, 收拾起戏台, 藏起木偶人, 咱们的戏已经演完了。 (P702)

Rong’s Version:

啊!名利场, 名利场, 万事无非虚空一场!在这个世界上, 谁是幸福的呢?谁得到了自己所追求的呢?而得到了以后, 谁又感到心满意足呢?来吧, 孩子们, 咱们把木偶收拾起来, 把箱子关上, 因为戏已演完。 (P768)

In the example, the original sentence uses verb phrase“shut up”followed by“the box”and“the puppets”as its objects.Yang Bi translates the sentence into“收拾起戏台”and“藏起木偶”according to her own understanding.However, Rong Rude translates it into“收拾起来木偶”and“关上箱子”.Comparing to Rong’s translation, Yang Bi’s expression“藏起木偶”gives more vivid color to the sentence than Rong Rude’s, even better than the original sentence.In Yang Bi’s translation, we can always discover her subjectivity in diction and syntax arrangement.We can say that her translation is characterized by rearrange the original sentences.From the example we can also figure out that Yang Bi’s point of view on translators’subjectivity is positive.That is translators have the subjectivity and freedom to make some change to the original text, even perfect the original work.

3 Translator’s Ethics

About translator’s ethics, different theorist has different concepts and understandings.In Chinese translation history, there are amounts of noted translators and researchers who attach great importance to the translator’s ethics.Yang Bi’s instructor Qian Zhongshu is one of them.Qian Zhongshu once mentioned in his works that“Common sense and literary ethics seem to agree on the point that compilation is one remove less from original composition than translation, notwithstanding that there may be more fundamental brainwork in a conscientious translation than in a perfunctory compilation” (2005) .And in his comment on Lin Shu’s Translation (Luo Xinzhang, 1984) , Qian Zhongshu (1997) emphasizes that“as a translator, one should have a correct understanding of translation nature, take the translation task seriously, restrict himself/herself from inappropriate writing impulses when he/she is capable of writing”.From Yang Bi’s version of Vanity Fair, we can infer that Yang Bi knew well about translation nature and did a lot of“brainwork”in translating Vanity Fair.And we can refer to Yang Jiang’s essay to prove that Yang Bi devoted herself in translating Vanity Fair so that her health condition became worse after her work had accomplished.However, for Qian Zhongshu’s“restrict himself/herself from inappropriate writing impulses when he/she is capable of writing”, Yang Bi may have a different understanding.In Yang Bi’s version of Vanity Fair, there did exist some rewriting of Yang Bi herself.Some of her rewriting is inappropriate in some researchers’eyes.Just like Fu Lei wrote to Song Qi in 1953:“Yang Bi’s translation is quite flexible, but translation is more than that.So I need to help her with it” (1998) .It is hard to define Qian Zhongshu’s“inappropriate”.So we can just infer that Yang Bi’s concepts on the translator’s writing impulses is that we should release the translator’s writing impulses in what he/she thinks appropriate.For instance, Yang Bi makes slightly changes in translating to meet her sympathy on the character Rebecca:


Miss Rebecca was not, then, in the least kind or placable.All the world used her ill, said this young misanthropist, and we may be pretty certain that persons whom all the world treats ill, deserve entirely the treatment they get. (P13)

Yang’s translation:

原来利蓓加心地并不忠厚, 胸襟也并不宽大。这小姑娘满腹牢骚, 埋怨世上人亏待她。我觉得一个人如果遭到大家嫌弃, 多半是自己不好。 (P10)

Rong’s translation:

而瑞蓓卡小姐在那时秉性断乎谈不上厚道, 心胸决计算不得宽阔。这位几乎恨每一个人的姑娘说全世界都亏待她。笔者却有相当把握认为, 抱怨全世界对不起他们的人完全是咎由自取。 (P12)

In the original text, the author uses“in the least”and“be pretty certain”to criticize the character Rebecca.However, due to her own sympathy to Rebecca, she switches these certain negative words into slight negative word or vague word like“并不”and“觉得”.On the contrary, Rong’s translation is just as certain as the original text.It is difficult to judge whether Yang Bi’s rewriting is appropriate or inappropriate because the translated works are manipulated by different factors like genders, understandings and others.However, we can find Yang Bi’s tacitly approve for the rewriting in what the translator thinks appropriate.

Although we cannot find Yang Bi’s words or papers of what makes a qualified translator, we can see the qualities Yang Bi reflected in translating Vanity Fair.As it is commonly agreed that she is an outstanding translator in Chinese translation history, it is reasonable to take these qualities as what makes a qualified translator.To sum up, as a qualified translator, Yang Bi has excellent language competence and sensation.This is one of the most important reasons for her success in translating Vanity Fair.Then, Yang Bi has her own understanding on translator’s ethics which makes her translation different from others’without diverging from the basic requirements of being a translator like taking translating works seriously.Finally, Qian Zhongshu and Fu Lei both gave Yang Bi modifying suggestions after they read her translation.This proves that a qualified translator does not divorce himself/herself from the masses and act blindly.They listen to other translators’advices and make correction.

4 Reproduction of the Original Style in Translation

In analyzing“Sublimated”in literary translation, Qian Zhongshu quoted a sentence from a western researcher’s words that“Perfect translation is to alternate the original’s forms but remain the spirit” (1997) .When he quotes“Not of the letter, but of the spirit;for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”from The New Testament, he points out that the“spirit”in the quotation is“意”in“意在言外”, “得意忘言”, “不以词害意” (1984) .He once objected to an Italian poet’s demarcation of considering a good translation fully follows the original text and the author (1997) .He expressed the same ideas when he made a judgment on Lin Shu’s“Foreignizing”elements.He said that some diction and syntax is not likely to be a written work of a prose writer who doesn’t know foreign language, but a written work of a person who know foreign language well but know nothing about Chinese.And it is just this kind of stiff translation damages the expression effect of the original works and violates the language habits of our country (1997) .He thought that this kind of translation style should not be adopted.In Qian Zhongshu’s opinion, translation is a tough journey from the original language to the target language.In the journey, anything can happen so as the loss or damage.So the translated works may be different from the original works.As a result, it is translators’obligation to choose what to reserve and what to give up.Another agreement comes to Montesquieu’s translators should forget what he/she has learned after having a good knowledge about the foreign language.These are just the style which presented in Yang Bi’s version of Vanity Fair.Qian Zhongshu once warns that we should remember our old Chinese sayings like“得意忘言”、“貌异同心”、“莫死在句下”and so on when we are reading foreign works (1997) .This is also suitable for translators and we can see that Yang Bi’s version of Vanity Fair is completely under the guidance of Qian Zhongshu’s translation thoughts on style reproduction.

To sum up, Yang Bi’s translation thoughts is definitely consistent with Qian Zhongshu’s.Therefore, researches on Yang Bi’s translation thoughts can conduct products of Qian Zhongshu’s translation thoughts as references.


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[4]Lawrence Venuti.The Translator’s Invisibility:A History ofTranslation[M].London and Newyork:Taylor&Francis e-Li-brary, 2004.

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[7]Thackeray, William.Vanity Fair[M].Beijing:Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research Press, 2006.

[8]杨必, 译.名利场[M].北京:人民文学出版社, 1957.

[9]荣如德, 译.名利场[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2012.

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