





掌握本单元出现的单词和词组:meaning, woodcutter, homeland, master, freely, peasant, unit, progress, native, force, base, revolutionary, limited, rapid, article, praise, encourage, situation, spirit, translate, university, degree, communism, social, idiom, vocabulary, have a talk with, come across, cut up, before long, move on, keep on, make progress, translate…into…, 等等……


1.How are you getting on with your English lessons? 你的英语学得怎么样?

How are you getting on with…? 是一个常用的交际用语,用来询问对方的生活、学习、


How are you getting on with your experiment? 你的试验进展如何?

How is he getting on with his English studies? 他的英语学习进展如何?

He is getting on well with his studies. 他的学习进行的很顺利。

2.he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.


1)be forced to do sth. 作“被迫做某事”解。如用主动语态形式,则是“force sb. to do



You can’t force win to do it if he himself doesn’t want to.


He was forced to resign. 他是被迫辞职的。

We were force to put off the match to the next week because of the bad weather.


Don’t force him to do anything that he doesn’t want to.


2)for political reasons意为“由于政治的原因”,for =because of,for a certain reason(for

some reason)由于某种原因。

3.Before long he had to move on again.不久,他不得不再次迁移。

1)before long =soon作“不久”、“很快”解,既可与过去时,也可与将来时连用。


Don’t worry! I’ll come to see you before long (soon).别担心,我很快就会来看你的。

Before long he left Beijing for Shanghai with his parents.不久,他就和他父母离开北京去上


2)句中的on是副词,同有些动词连用,表示这个动作继续下去的意思。如,work on

继续工作;walk on继续赶路;go on继续下去。

4.He went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work.




We made him our monitor in our class last term.上学期,我们选他当我们班的班长。

5.He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an

American newspaper. 他进步得非常快,不久就开始用英文给一家美国报纸写文章了。




He is such a clever boy that everybody likes him.


He was such an honest man that he was praised by the teacher.



They are such interesting novels that I want to read them once again.



He has made such great progress that the teachers are pleased with him.




He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.


He had so little education that he was unfit for this job.


There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to

the building.


6.In fact, his English is one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and

praised him for it.





He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him.


Dr. Wang is so good that everybody loves and respects him. (=He is so good a doctor that

everybody loves and respects him. =He is such a good doctor that everybody loves and respects him.)


7.However, he went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things―the grammar and

some of the idioms.


1)go on to do sth.意思是“(做完一件事后)接着做另外一件事”。而go on doing sth.则


After reading the text, we went on to do some grammar exercises.


Although it was raining hard, they still went on working in the field.


They went on to read the text, after they listened to the music.


2)be sure about/of…作“确信”、“有把握”解,后面跟名词,代词或动名词。例如:

Are you sure of his success?(=Are you sure that he will (succeed?) Yes, I’m quite sure of it.


I think the answer is right but I’m not absolutely sure about it.


I’m quite sure about/of his honesty. 我确信他是诚实的。

be sure后还可以跟that/when/whether等引导的.从句,例如:

I’m not sure when I last saw her. 我不能确定上一次看见她是什么时候。

She was sure that she had done the right thing. 她确信自己做的对。

He is not sure whether they will come to see him. 他不能肯定他们是否会来看望他。

8.In the years that followed, Marx Kept on studying English and using it.


1)句中的that followed是定语从句,修饰先行词the years关系代词在定语从句中作主语。

句中in the years that followed可改成in the following years或in the next few years. 意思大致相同。

2)keep on doing sth.作“继续做某事”解,(=go on doing sth.=continue to do sth.=continue

doing sth.)例如:

Although he was tired , he kept on working. 虽然他很累了,但他继续工作。

注意:keep on doing和keep doing的区别,前者强调“继续做某事”,而后者常表示连


He had a bad cold and kept coughing all day. 他患了重感冒,整天不停地咳嗽。

Be quiet: Don’t keep asking such silly questions. 安静点,不要老是问这么傻的问题。

9.In the 1870s, when Mark was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia. 在19世纪70年代,马克思已经50多岁了,他觉得研究俄国的形势很重要。

in one’s fifties指在某人50多岁时(50──59)。例如:

He became famous is his twenties. 他20多岁时就出名了。

When he was in his thirties, he went to the countryside and became a farmer.


The professor was an ordinary―looking little man is his sixties.




I think it necessary to go there. 我认为到那儿去一趟很有必要。

We find it impossible to finish the work in ten minutes.


He feels it his duty to help those who are in trouble.


10.In one of his books, Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language.


advice是不可数名词,不能用复数形式。如果说一条建议,则用a piece of advice, 二条

建议,two pieces of advice。advice前常用的修饰词有some、any、much、pieces of等。例如:

They gave some advice on our work. 他对我们的工作提出了一些建议。

You’d better ask for the teacher’s advice on our English study.


You should follow/take your parents’ advice. 你应该听众你父母的劝告。


年级 初三

文件 middle3 unit21.doc

标题 初三第二十一单元

章节 第二十一单元

关键词 内容




1.词组: wear out, either … or…, so… that… , be busy doing sth, think about

2.语法: 过去完成时




1.My shoes are worn out. 我的鞋穿破了。

be worn out “穿破了,穿旧了 ” 它是wear out 的被动形式,但是实际上不强调被动,而强掉状态或情况,因此worn out相当于一个形容词短语。如:

His clothes were worn out. 他的衣服穿破了。

He has worn out three pairs of shoes.他已经穿破了三双鞋了。

be worn out“筋疲力尽”,相当于be tires out.多指人的情况。如:

He came back from school and he was worn out. 放学回家他筋疲力尽了。

I was so worn out after that planting. 那次植树之后我筋疲力尽。

2.I’m looking for a pair of black shoes. 我在找一双黑颜色的鞋子。

a pair of shoes 一双鞋 a pair of gloves 一副手套

a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 a pair of trousers 一条裤子

a pair of stocking 一双长统袜

另a pair of 也可指夫妇,如:

They are a happy pair. 他们是幸福的一对。

in pairs “两个两个的” “两个之间”如:

Please check the answers in pairs. 请两个人之间核对一下答案。

3.What size do you want? 你穿多大号的鞋?

就衣服,鞋类的尺寸大小的提问常用what size 如:

What size shoes do you wear ? 你穿多大号的鞋?

What size is your bedroom? 你卧室的房间有多大?

4.a bit 和a little

二者在肯定句中修饰形容词或副词时可通用,表示“一点儿”, “有些”

It’s a bit/a little cold today. 今天有点儿冷。

I’m a little/a bit tired today. 我今天有点累。

但是not a bit “一点也不”;not a little“非常”相当于very 如:

I’m not a bit tired. 我一点也不疲倦。

I’m not a little tired. 我非常疲倦。

5.I don’t think I’ll take it. 我想我不会买。

think长与介词或副词连用, 如:

think about 考虑

think of 想到, 想

think out 想出

Please think about how to tell her the bad news. 请考虑一下如何把这不幸的消息告诉 他。

What do you think of the music? 你认为这段音乐怎么样?

5.I don’t think I’ll take it. 我想我不会买。

在英语里, 当think后面的宾语从句含有否定概念,通常形式上否定think,而实际意义上否定宾语从句。如:

I don’t think you’re right. 我认为你不对。

I don’t think she will come. 我认为她不会来。

6. That’s much too expensive! 这太贵了!


too, much too 和too much


He is too careless in doing anything. 他做任何事都太粗心。

The book is too difficult for students of Grade One. 这本书对于一年级学生太难。

much too 的中心词是too, much修饰too,用以加强语气,如:

You are much too kind to me. 你对我实在太好了。

The shirt is much too expensive. 这件衬衫实在太贵了。

too much的中心词是much, too修饰much,以加强语气。too much修饰不可数名词,意为 “more than enough”与too many相对,后者修饰可署名词。如:

I drank too much beer last night. 昨晚我啤酒喝的太多了。

There is too much smoke in the room. 房间里的烟太多。

7.next week 和the next week

next week与一般将来时连用;the next week(the following week)与一般过去是或一般过去将来时连用。如:

We’ are going to plant trees next week. 瞎周我们将要去种树。

They had a maths test the next week. 第二周,他们考了数学。

8.because,since, as 和for


She didn’t come to school yesterday because she had a high fever.


as和since也是从属连词, 表示已为们所知或显而易见的原因或理由。 as连句since连句多用于主句前。如:

As(Since) you are not feeling well, better stay home.


Since everybody is here, let’s begin our meeting.



I had to stop for a rest.,for I was too tired. 我只好停下来休息一下,因为我太累了。




Has either of your parents visited you? 你父亲或母亲来看过你吗?


Come on Tuesday or Wednesday, Either day is Ok.


Either way will do. 这两种方法哪一种都行。


If you don’t go, I won’t ,either. 如果你不去,我也不去。

4)either…or…可表示两种可能,意为“不是……就是……”; “或者……,或者……”,连接两个并列成分或并列分句。如:

You may come either before class or after class. 你可以课前或课后来找我。

either…or…连接两个主语时,其谓语应与后面的主语在数上保持一致。neither…nor…,和 not only…but also…连接两个主语时也是这个情况。如:

Either you or I am to go. 不是你去,就是我去。

Neither you nor he is right. 你和他都错了。

Not only you but also your teacher was wrong. 不但你们,而且你们的老师也都错了。

10.They were so pleased to see each other that they forgot everything else.



He spoke so fast that I could not understand him. 他说的这样快,我听不懂他的话。

如果so前面是系动词be, become, feel等,那么so后面一般跟形容词,如:

He became so angry that he couldn’t speak. 他气的话都说不出来了。

She was so happy that she danced. 他高兴的跳起舞来。


He ran so quickly that he won the race. 他跑得非常快,以致于赢得这场比赛。



1.I said that I ____(go) with you as soon as I ____(finish) my homework.

2.He tells me that he ____(give) a new house if more new houses_____(build) next year.

3.____you____(know) when he was going ____(see) the doctor?

4.When I ____(get) home yesterday,he____(be) busy ____(water) the flowers in the garden.

5.The man asked the worker if the train ____already ____(arrive).

6.She says that she ____(live) here for twenty years since she ____(move) here in 1979.

7.Today’s newspaper ____(say) that two thousand trees ____(plant) on the hill last year.

8.Next month a new machine ____(make) for ____(join) parts together.

9.He was surprised ____(find) that the door ____(can) be opened without a key.

10.You had better ____(not go ) out tomorrow. Because there ____(be) a heavy rain.

(1.would go, finished 2,will be given, are built 3.Did…know,to see 4. got, was, watering 5.had…arrived 6.has lived, moved 7. says, were planted 8. will be made, joining 9.to find, could 10.not go, will be)


1.The shoes are a bit too large for me. Would you please show me ____?

A. small ones B. a smaller one C. a small pair D. a smaller pair

2.I don’t think this one good enough. Please show me ____.

A. the others B. other C. another D. others

3.She looked____ the mirror and found herself a little thinner.

A. into B. through C. to D. at

4.The house is ____small for a family of six.

A. so much B. very much C. too much D. much too

5.When I got there, the dictionary had been sold ____ .

A. to B. out C. off D. away

6.A young man ____David came into the shop.

A. named B. was named C. calling D. is called

7.The woman ______ the basket and left the shop.

A. picked up B. took up C. sent up D. got up

8.I really don’t know ____ next.

A. what to do it B. what shall I do C. which I would do D. what to do

9.He said that the new shop would open ______.

A. next week B. the week before C. the following week D.last week

10.The young man looked at the shop keeper_______.

A. with surprised B. to surprise C. in surprise D. in surprised



Miss Green was very fat. She weighed 100kg,and she__1__ heavier every month, __2__ she went to see the doctor.

The doctor said, “You__3__ to be on diet. Miss Green, I’ve got a good way here,” He gave her a small book and said,”__4__ it carefully and eat the things on Page 11 every day, Then come back and see me __5__ two weeks’ time.”

Miss Green came back again two weeks __6__, but she wasn’t thinner; she was even __7__. The doctor was surprised and said, “Are you eating the things on Page 11 of the small book?”

“Yes, doctor,” she answered.

The next day __8__ visited Miss Green in the afternoon, She was very __9__ to see him.

“Miss Green,” he said, “ Why are you eating potatoes and bread? You aren’t on diet.”

“But doctor,” Miss Green answered, “I will eat my diet __10__ lunch time. This is my tea.”

1. A. was getting B. is getting C. gets D. get

2. A. or B. because C. so D. but

3. A. have B. wish C. like D. want

4. A. Find B. Read C. Watch D. See

5. A. behind B. for C. at D. in

6. A. later B. late C. before D. ago

7. A. heaviest B. heavy C. fatter D. fat

8. A. her husband B. the doctor C. her friend D. her parents

9. A. afraid B. glad C. surprised D. happy

10.A.about B. on C. in A. at


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年级 高一

文件 high1 unit23.doc

标题 unit23

章节 第二十三单元

关键词 高一英语第二十三单元



掌握单元出现的单词和词组:如:edge, regularly, mark, flood, level, figure, rebuild, effort, extra, temple, dam, pyramid, at breakfast, in danger, date from, make a good effort, on holiday, feel like.


⒈The white family are on holiday in Egypt. 怀特一定正在埃及度假。



His family are all very tall. 他家的人个子都很高。

All my family are fond of playing football. 我们全家都喜欢踢足球。

Our class are all for this plan. 我们全班的人都赞成这个计划。


Your family is a happy one. 你的家是一个幸福的家庭。

My family is a large family. 我的家是一个大家庭。

Our class has twenty boys and thirty girls. 我们班有20个男生,30个女生。

⒉I’d prefer to do that tomorrow. 我宁愿明天去参观阿斯旺市容。

⑴to do that是指上文所说的“visit the town of Aswan.”为了避免重复,常用do that来代替上文所提到的动作。例如:

─When you get there, be sure to write to me at once. 当你到那后,务必马上给我写封信。

─OK, I’ll do that. (=I’ll write to you at once when I get there)好吧,我会马上给你写信的。

⑵prefer是及物动词,作“宁愿”,“更喜欢”解,后面可跟名词,代词,不定式,动名词等,作prefer的宾语。本句中prefer的宾语是不定式“to do that tomorrow”。例如:

He prefers to live in the country. 他更喜欢住在乡下。

She offered to drive us to Aswan, but we preferred to walk. 她提出要开车把我们送到阿斯旺,但是我们宁愿走着去。

⒊I don’t feel like walking very much today. 今天我不想走很多路了。

feel like doing sth是一个固定的词组作“想要做某事”解,用来提出意愿或希望,它的后面常跟动词-ing形式作宾语。例如:

I’m not quite myself today. I don’t feel like eating anything. 今天我感觉不舒服,不想吃任何东西。

I feel like going there alone. 我想单独到那里去。

⒋Can’t we visit the High Dam? 我们去看大坝好吗?

这是一种否定疑问句,常用缩略式开头(如Can’t, Don’t, Won’t等),用来提出邀请或征求意见。这种疑问句常表示希望得到肯定的回答。否定疑问句还可表示对某事没有做或没有发生感到惊奇,含有批语或责备的意思。例如:

Don’t you want to see the film with me? 同我一起去看电影好吗?(难道你不想和我一起去看电影?)

Can’t you wait for me here for a little while? 你在这儿等我一会儿好吗?(你难道不能在这儿等我一会儿?)

It’s getting dark. Can’t you walk a little faster? 天快黑了,你不能走快点吗?(说话人觉得对方走慢了,含有责备的口吻)

Haven’t you done your homework yet? 难道你还没有做完作业吗?

Don’t you think it’s a lovely place? 你难道不认为这地方很美吗?

Won’t you come in for a minute? 你不进来呆一会儿吗?

⒌I’d like to take a boat on the River Nile. 我想坐小船在尼罗河上玩一玩。

I’d like/love to do sth. 是一种日常交际用语,用来表示意愿或希望,意思是“我很想,很愿意做某事”

例如:Would you like to tell us something about America? 你给我们讲讲有关美国的情况好吗?

I’d like to go out for a walk. 我想出去散散步。

We’d love to go swimming with you. 我们很愿意同你一起去游泳。

⒍Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk round Aswan after the boat trip. 乘船游览以后,凡是想去的人就可以去阿斯旺各处走一走。

Who wants to是一个定语从句,修饰先行词anyone。to后面省略了“go for a walk”,以避免重复。例如:

“would you like to join us is the travel ? ── “ Yes, I’d like to.”


⒎The new dam controls the waters of the Nile so that they now run regularly all through the year. 新的大坝控制着河水,使之一年到头都能正常流过。


The waters of the lake flow out over a large waterfall. 这个湖的水流出后形成了一个大瀑布。

The head-waters of the Nile. 尼罗河的源头。

The stormy waters of the Atlantic. 大西洋多暴风雨的海域。

Britisn water英国的海域

in home/foreign waters在本国的/他国的海域

⒏Electricity can now be made from the water which rushes through the base of the dam. 从水坝底部急速流出的水现在可以用来发电。

这是一个复合句,主句是Electriciey can now be made from the water. Which rushes through the base of the dam是定语从句,修饰先行词water。

rush在句中是不可物动词,作“冲”,“奔”解。有“(猛烈地或匆匆)来或去”(go or come with violence or speed)的意思。例如:

Water went rushing through the lock gates. 水流经水闸时十分流急。

The children rushed out of the classroom when the bell rang. 铃声一响,孩子们就从教室里冲了出来。

They rushed downstairs to meet their old friends. 他们争忙冲下楼去迎接老朋友。

⒐Also, around the area of Aswan there are a lot of important old temples, which date from about 1250BC. 而且在阿斯旺地区的周围还有许多重要的古庙,它们是公元前1250年左右建起来的。

⑴Which date from about 1250 BC. 是一个非限制性定语从句,在关系代词之前通常用逗号把从句和主句分开,同限定性定语从句相比,非限定性定语从句限定性不强,只是对先行词作些补充说明,翻译时通常分别译成两个句子。例如:

Yesterday I met Li Pin, who seemed to be very busy. 昨天我遇到李平了,他好象很忙。

Prefessor Wang, whom I met this morning, asked you to ring him up.今天早晨,我遇到王教授了,他要你给他打电话。

⑵date from/back to是一个动词短语,表示“(从某时期起)就已存在”(to have existed since the date of building or origin),可译作“从某时期开始(有)”,“可追溯到”或“是……时代开始有的”等。例如:

This castle dates from the 14th century. 这座城堡建于14世纪。

My interest in stamp collecting dates back to my schooldays. 我对集邮产生的兴趣是从学生时代就开始了。

This town dates back to the Roman times. 这座城镇的历史可以追溯到罗马时期。

⒑If was carved in the rock and had on the outside four large stone figures, each of which was 20 metres high. 这座寺庙凿雕在岩石中,外边有四尊大型石雕像,每个高20米。

each of which was 20 metres high是一个非常限制性定语从句,each of which=each of the four figures, 这种定语从句是用“名词(或代词)+介词+关系代词”来引导的。类似的句子如下:

On her desk are two books, both of which are about Chinese history. 她的书桌上有两本书,这两本书都是讲述中国历史的。

Yesterday he bought two books, one of which is about American history. 昨天,他买了两本书,其中一本是讲述美国历史的。

They live in a house, the door of which opens to the north.

There are about three hundred teachers in our school, most of whom are women. 我们学校大约有300名教师,他们中多数是女教师。

China has hundreds of islands, the largest of which is Taiwan. 中国有数百个岛屿,其中最大的是台湾。

⒒In all, 1700 workers and 200 other people worked on the project. 总共有1700名工人和200名其它工作人员参加了这项工程。

in all是一个介词词组,作“总共”,“总计”解。相当于in total = altogerther。例如:

That will cost you 500 dollars in all(in total). 你总共要花500美元。

The cost of the project amounts in total to 25,000 US dollars. 这项工程的费用总计25,000美元。

I spent three hundred yuan in all on these books. 我总共花了300元买这些书。

⒓Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or take a boat from across the lake. 今天你可以乘飞机去阿布辛波古庙,或者从湖的对岸乘小船去。

from across the lake意思是“从湖的对岸”,相当于from the other side of the lake. From后还可跟一个介语短语。例如:

I saw them coming towards me from across the street. 我看见他们从对面朝我走过来。

They saw a yellow dog run out from behind the door. 他们看见一只大黄狗从门后跑了出来。

A white cat ran out from under the bed. 一只白猫从床底下跑了出来。

⒔All the visitors who go there believe that it was right that the temple was rescued. 去那儿参观的人都认为拯救这寺庙是做得对的。

这是一个复合句。All the visitors…believe…是主句,who go there是宾语从句修饰先行词visitors,believe后边是由连词that引导的宾词从句,而这个宾语从句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句(that the temple was rescued)。

⒕“3 practice”中的第二句:Inside the temple is a row of stone animals, which face the rising sun. 寺庙内有一排动物石雕像,它们都面朝着一轮旭日。


Our house faces the street. 我们的房子朝着大街。

He turned around and faces Mr. Smith. 他转过身来,面对着史密斯先生。

We must face the difficulties and try to overcome them. 我们必须正视困难,并努力去克服它们。

⑵“Inside the temple is a row of stone animals…”这是一个倒装句,主语是a row of stone animals. 谓语动词是is, inside the temple是介词短语。例装的原因,一是语法结构的需要,一是为了强调。此句倒装不是为了强调,而是语法结构的需要。例如:


年级 高一

文件 high1 unit26.doc

标题 Mainly revision

章节 第二十六单元





turn down, call back, live, ring off, for free, copy, pound, start doing sth.

non-stop further, come to, realize, persuade, provide, manage, not … but…,

spend money on sth. (in doing sth. ) get through


①Can you ask him to ring me back?

②Will you give him a message please?

③Tell him to ask for Bob or Paula, OK?

④Does he have your number?

⑤It’ll be the biggest line concert the world has ever seen.



1. He is ringing up some pop starts, he wants them to play in a concert.


和打电话有关的短词:ring up, call up给某人打电话。ring off, hang up挂断电话。

hold on一会儿。ring back, call back回电话。

eg. ①I’ll ring you back in 10 minutes. Now, I’m ringing off.


②If you can’t come, ring up and let me know.


play“演奏… (乐器)”,“演出”。

①She plays the violin quite beautifully.


②He was Playing an old tune on his guitar.他正用吉他弹一首老曲子。

2. … as I need to have a look at my diary and I haven’t got it with me.


need to do:需要干某事。

eg. ①I need to ask them for help with my work.


②We need to invite our professors to the conference.



eg. ①-Must I do it now? 我必须现在做吗?

-No, you needn’t. 不用。

②It’s still early, you needn’t hurry.


3. This time he has more difficulty in getting through.

eg. ①Do you have any difficulty in understanding spoken English?


②There is some difficulty in getting everyone have in time.


3. It’ll be the biggest live concert the world has ever seen.



eg. ①It was a live broadcast, not a recording.


②live show现场表演 live TV programmer现场电视节目

4. His greatest success has not been in singing but in organizing other singers to sing for him-

fors-free. 他的最大成功不在于他个人的演唱,而在于组织别的歌手为他演唱,而且


not… but…, 不是…而是…用来连接两个并列的成分,表示意思上的转折。

①He can’t repair a car, but can drive it.


②They need not money, but help.


③Not the students but the teacher thinks so.


for free免费地=for nothing / without payment.

①He got the book for free. 他免费得到了这本书。

②You can’t get something for nothing. 不付出就什么也得不到。

③They supply water to people for free. 他们给人们免费提供水。

5. He left school and worked first in a food factory and later as a worked building roads.


leave school毕业,放学回家。

eg. He had to leave school for some reason.


按动作发生的时间顺序,由first…and later表示:首先…然后…

eg. ①First think, and later you may get the answer.


②He told us first about the cause and later about the result of the accident.


work as作…的工作,是…职业、身份。

①He works as a dentist in the hospital.


②First she worked as engineer and then as a government official.


6. From 1979 to 1982 they were the top group in Britain, but in 1982 the group stopped

playing together.

top adj. 最佳的,一流的

eg. ①Some top students in our school will go to England in this Summer.


②top violinist首席小提琴手 top football player最佳足球运动员

stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do停下来做某事

eg. ①I had to stop to talk with him.


②She stopped walking to have a look.


与此类似的句子还有remember doing sth. 记得做过某事,remember to do sth. 记着去做

某事,forget doing sth.忘了做过某事,forget to do sth.忘了去做某事。

eg. ①I remember telling you about it.


②When you leave, please remember to turn off the lights.


③I forget posting the letter.


④I forgot to lock the door yesterday.


7. If they managed to sell lots of copies, then the money from the record sales could be spent on

food and other things for Africa.


manage: 管理、负责,设法完成某事。(Succeed in dealing with something difficult )

eg. ①He has managed to stop smoking. 他终于戒了烟。

②I think I can quite manage it. 我想我能做成。

③I will try to manage the big one.


④They tried to help us out, but none of them managed to.


spend money on sth. / doing花钱做某事

eg. ①How much did you spend on the dictionary?


②He spent much of his money in organizing the concert.


8. He wanted to see for himself what the problems were.


see for oneself: 亲眼看看,自己去看。

eg. ①If you don’t believe me go and see for yourself.


②She said that was true, though she didn’t see it for herself.


9. He soon realized that hunger was only one of the problems in the African countries which he



eg. ①I realize that you need help.


②He said sorry / to me when he realized his mistake.


10. He started thinking about another project. 他开始考虑另一个计划了。

think about:考虑(consider doing / sth.)

eg. ①I shall like to think about your suggestion before I give you a reply.


②We are thinking about going to America, but we haven’t decided yet.


11. He persuaded all the world-famous pop stars to come and sing at one of these concerts for

free. 他说服了所有的著明歌星为这场音乐会免费演出。

persuade sb. …sb. be persuaded to do说服某人做某事。

eg. ①We persuaded him.


②He was persuaded to try again.


12. He also persuaded other people to provide money or to give help.


provide sth. for sb. / provide sb. with sth. 供给,供应

eg. ①He had to provide food and clothes for his family.


He must provide his family with food and clothes.

13. Bob asked all the airlines to fly the pop stars for free.



eg. ①He will fly from London to Paris tomorrow.


②The fresh food had better be flown to Beijing.


③Spring is the best season to fly kites.


14. He told the BBC that he wanted 17 hours of non-stop TV time….



eg. ①It was a non-stop performance that lastes 3 hours.


②There was a non-stop TV programmer all the night on the eve of Christmas.


15. By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of

which were sent to Africa.


by the end of :到…时为止,要用完成时。

eg. ①By the time he was twelve, he had built a lab for his own.


②By the time you are here, we’ll have started. 等你到这儿的时候,我们已经开始了。

come to 达到(某数量),共计。

eg. ①The total cost of this trip come to yuan. 这次旅费共计2000元。

②The food sent to Africa came to 3000 ton. 送到非洲的食物共计3000吨。



Reter king, 15, Mary King, 13, went to see a doctor. Peter had a bad cold, so the doctor gave him some pills to take. Mary had a bad cough, so the doctor gave her some cough medicine.

These are the words on the bottle of medicine:

Cough Medicine

shake well before use.

Take three time daily after meals.

Dose: adults 2 teaspoonfuls

children 8-14 1 teaspoonful

children 7-4 1/2 teaspoonful

Not suitable for children below the ago of 4.

Store in a cold place.

Use before Oct .

1. Mary should take in a day.

A. 2 teaspoonfuls B. 3 teaspoonfuls C. 4 teaspoonfuls D. 1 teaspoonful

2. Mary or her mother should the medicine left after the tenth month of 2001.

A. throw away B. take two times C. stop to take D. take 3 times more


Tim managed to stop his car thirty meters beyond Dave’s burning machine. He climbed out. One of the firemen was running up the road, but he was more than a hundred meters away from the burning wreck (残骸). He would never get to Dave in time.

Tim’s racing suit would not burn for about a minute even in the hottest fire. He ran to the burning car. He could see Dave in his seat with his head on the wheel. Tim took a deep breath and stepped into the fire. He took hold of Dave’s arms, pulled him out of the car and put him on the grass. Before the firemen reached him, he had Dave’s helmet (头盔) off, but Dave was no longer breathing.

“We must get him away from here.” The fireman said. “It’s too dangerous.” He tried to push Tim to one side.

“Nobody’s moving him,” Tim said, and shook off the fireman’s hand.

“Nobody’s moving him until a doctor comes.”

1. Tim and Dave most probably went .

A. on the way back home

B. To work

C. Half way in the car race

D. On the way to the spot where a car was burning.

2. Tim stopped his car because .

A. it was on fire

B. there was something wrong with its engine

C. the firemen were nearer to Dave’s car

D. he wanted to give Dave a timely help

3. Tim was able to get to Dave because .

A. he was wearing a special suit against fire.

B. he ran more quickly than the fireman

C. he was not afraid of fire

D. he knew Dave’s car very well.

4. The word “him” underlined in the second paragraph refers to .

A. Dave B. Tim C. the fireman D. another fireman

5. Tim forbade the fireman to get Dave away because .

A. he knew it was no use moving him away

B. he thought it would do harm to Dave

C. he realized Dave was dead

D. he couldn’t believe it was true
