高一上Unit 13 教案


高一上Unit 13 教案(精选8篇)

篇1:高一上Unit 13 教案

Unit 13 Healthy Eating          总课时数:1


Warming up





1. Warming up to arouse the students’ love in talking.



1. Make the students be free to talk about their favorite food and give reasons for their decisions.



Different students for different methods.


Free talk, listening and answering activities

课 型




A computer, a projector, a tape-recorder




篇2:高一上Unit 13 教案

veryday, we have food. Food makes us feel full and happy and it also helps to build our bodies. But have you ever thought what you eat is junk food or healthy food? Today we are going to learn something about food.

StepⅢ Warming-Up

First show the students some pictures of dishes and so to introduce the topic of this unit.

In this part, the students must first identify the kinds of foods showed in the photos and consider weather theyare healthy or not to eat.

And then show the pictures on their text books and let them to decide what junk food is and what is not.

Here the students may have a short ask and answer in pairs to themselves more engaged in the topic. Ask your partners what they like to eat. And fill in the table.




Ex.1 on page 71


In this class we’ve done some listening and speaking. And we know what food we eat is healthy food and what food is junk food.


Ex.2 on page 72




篇3:高一上Unit 13 教案

难点重点:How to write‘My ideal school’.

教学方法:Reading and writing

教学程序设计:Step 1.Revision

Say something about school lives in British and American.

Revise comparatives.


Step 1.presentation

Think and answer the questions:

1.How many subjects do you learn?lead out:physics.

2.What do you like about our school?Why/Why not?---

写作则需要充分激发和调动学生的已有的经验, 激起学生的心理认知, 主动的探求, 提高学生的写作兴趣, 自身的体验让学生更接近生活, 更有话可说, 听说为先, 并且为书写questionnaires打下基础。


1.Finish Part A and read the whole sentences.

2.Say something about our school like this:

My school starts at---finishes---I think---is interesting.we spend---on---.I hope---Ask several students to make a short passage according to Part A.

学生熟悉写作素材后, 可以先试着整体组织和安排, 其中在口头写作中就会遇到各种问题, 老师应该引导学生及时纠正, 同时也为写作明确了方向。再者, 学生已经对以上句式非常熟悉, 在加上关键句的提示, 写作活动也变得更具体可操作性。


What subjects can Daniel choose to study in his ideal school?

写作是一个综合性的活动, 再听的过程中关键是如何捕捉文篇的整体布局特点。同时通过学生是否和Daniel达成共鸣来检验学生的听的效果。


Read Paragraph 1 and try to answer:

1.What time does Daniel’s ideal school start and finish?Why?

2.Do you enjoy studying in his school?

3.Books closed and try to fill in the blanks.

My___school at.We don’t and we have time for afterschool activities.We only have homework every day.Listen and retell Daniel’s school.

Teach the other paragraphs in the same way.

因为成功的写作起于仿写, 本人设置了精读练习, 根据短文内容填空和根据文意进行整合填空, 主要是引导学生先忠实于文本, 紧紧地依赖文本, 做到有效、必要的语言迁移。在用材上进行必要的取舍, 也是启示学生进行仿写的前提。学生在阅读的过程中就会很自然的通过对比, 来“控诉”现实中学校的不足, 自然会有了自己的ideal school。这为下面的讨论和建构自己的理想学校埋下了伏笔。


Discuss and complete the table below.If you don’t like this school, please write an article about your ideal school.

这部分是写作的核心, 设置讨论就是要让学生合作探究, 进行认知上的创新活动。学生通过例文学习和笔头单句练习之后, 更加明确写作要求, 使写作活动水到渠成。

Step 6.Checking

Reprent some Ss’articles on the screen and check out their mistakes.Then report your answers.

写作的最后一个环节是看学生的文章是否符合课标的要求, 从内容到形式, 从语言到结构是否存在着一些错误, 以便进一步的补救。

Step 7.Homework

Fill in the blanks according to the reading.

作业的设置进一步巩固学习的内容, 对写作活动进行强化。



第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

第一节:单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. Books can’t be ____from the library.

A. taken awayB. put awayC. given awayD. kept away

22. You know you are ____ to stay.

A. welcomedB. welcomingC. welcomeD. welcame

23. Mrs Black came ____ her friend in New York.

A. aboutB. by C. upD. across

24. Political leaders fought ____ slavery.

A. forB. againstC. outD. at

25. I ____ what he said but I don’t ____ him.

A. believe; believeB. believe in; believe in

C. believe; believe in D. believe in; believe

26. It was in 1969 that the American astronaut ____ on the moon.

A. succeeded to landB. succeeded landing

C. succeed in landingD. succeeded in landing

27. The story ____ about the neighbourhood.

A. is being whisperedB. is whispering

C. has whisperedD. whispered

28. ____ of us smoke, Li Ming never does.

A. AllB. NoneC. Not allD. No one

29. I hurried ____ I wouldn’t be late for class.

A. sinceB. so thatC. as ifD. unless

30. He ____ to go to bed ____ there was a ring.

A. was going; whenB. was about; when

C. was getting; whileD. was looking; as

31. What a pity!____ she had known about it.

A. As ifB. Even ifC. If onlyD. Even though

32. All of us have been there, Xiao Ming ____.

A. includingB. includedC. is includingD. is included

33. They found there was ____ to press on the top.

A. heavy enough nothingB. nothing heavy enough

C. nothing enough bigD. enough nothing big

34. ——Can you win the game?


A. I’m sure soB. I’m afraid notC. I wish so D. I don’t hope so

35. Why do you want a new job ____ you’ve got such a good one


A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when

第二节:完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。

Jack, an old sailor(水手) who had __36__ many years in the Navy(海军), was walking __37__ a country road __38__ he came into a farm-house. The farmer was standing __39__ the door and Jack said, “I have been walking all day __40__ work. Will you give me __41__?”

“All right,” said the farmer, “I’ll give you a __42__. Do you see the sheep over the hillside?”

“Yes,” answered Jack.

“Well,” said the farmer, “get them all __43__ that gate and into the yard.”

An hour __44__ the farmer went to the __45__ and found Jack lying on the grass, out of __46__, with sweat(汗) on his forehead.

“Did you get them all in?” said the farmer. “Yes,” said Jack. The farmer __47__ and sure __48__ all the sheep were __49__ in the yard and the gate __50__. __51__ the farmer saw a hare(兔子) __52__ round among the sheep. The sailor saw what he was __53__.

“Yes,” he said, “that little __54__ there gave me __55__ trouble than all the rest put together.”

36. A. costB. spentC. paidD. stayed

37. A. acrossB. inC. alongD. with

38. A. whenB. justC. thenD. as

39. A. atB. inC. onD. behind

40. A. lookedB. looking forC. looked forD. looking

篇5:高一上Unit 13 教案


点击这里下载<人教版高一英语下册unit13教案> 人教版高一英语下册unit13教案这是一个没有妻子,没有母爱的幸福家庭。时过境迁,从这个幸福家庭走出来的美好的女孩,带着自己纯洁无瑕的.爱情,把青春交给了苦涩的回忆。一生不去! 这是一段拥有娇妻,人教版高一英语下册unit13教案|人教版高一英语下册|人教版高一英语教案|高一英语下册教案|人教版语文下册教案|人教版初一英语下册|人教版高一数学教案|人教版初二英语下册|人教版高一语文教案|,怀抱爱女的不幸婚姻。白驹过隙,这段婚姻的主宰者,用一生来偿还一段不合时宜的孽缘(我甚至不愿称它为“情”),人教版高一英语下册unit13教案|人教版高一英语下册|人教版高一英语教案|高一英语下册教案|人教版语文下册教案|人教版初一英语下册|人教版高一数学教案|人教版初二英语下册|人教版高一语文教案|。无力回天! 敏感于生活的真实,便不必再评论男主人公的多情。只是,面对天使般的女孩,他有爱的理由,却没有爱的权力!功过是非,不提,罢了。欲知前世因,今生受者是;欲知后世果,今世做者是! 我要说的是爸爸DD女儿生命中最最重要的指针,在关键时刻,只能用有限的文字传达无尽的含义。这是一篇用爱与生命谱写的乐章,人教版高一英语下册unit13教案|人教版高一英语下册|人教版高一英语教案|高一英语下册教案|人教版语文下册教案|人教版初一英语下册|人教版高一数学教案|人教版初二英语下册|人教版高一语文教案|,没有声音,没有旋律,非女儿之灵魂不能感受。 “我建议……” “你最好……” “……快去吃早餐吧” …… 一幕幕,似曾相识,那语音,那语调。更确切的说,是确有其事。幸运的是,在我拥有的乐章中,还有一半妈妈的笔迹。人教版高一英语下册unit13教案

篇6:高一上Unit 13 教案

Period 1

I. Teaching aims:

1. Warming up to make the students love talking after a long time no see.

2. Do some listening to improve the students listening ability.

3. Making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.

4. New words: junk, contain, vitamin, ripe, plenty of, a bit (of), etc.

.II. Important points:

1. Train the Students’ listening ability.

2. Master the new phrase and sentence pattern and make the students be free to talk about eating habit and health.

III. Difficult points:

1. Learn the usage of the sentences pattern: I think that ---because---.

2. Improve the students’ listening and speaking ability.

IV. Teaching methods

1 . Listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class.

V. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Presentation

Begin the class with my own eating experiences. Encourage the students to tell about theirs. Make them say as many names of the food as possible. Get them to tell their feeling about different kinds of food. Ask:

What do you think are good eating habits?

What will happen if we don’t have good habbits?

Conclusion: Every day we have food. Food makes us feel full and happy and it also helps to build our bodies. But have you ever thought what you eat is junk food or healthy food? Today we re going to learn something about food.

Step 2 Warming up

1. Have the students open their books at Page 1 and look at the eight pictures of different kinds of food. Tell the names of the food first. Then discuss in pairs:

which of them are junk foods? Why?

Or which of them are healthy foods? Why?

2. Ask your classmates what they like to eat. The students may have a discussion in pairs and then make a list of the food and decide whether what they like to eat is junk food or not.

3. According to the discussion, fill in the table with real information.

Step 3 Listening

1. Tell the students they are going to have some listening training. Let them know that something is wrong with Mike. Make them listen to the tape once and tell what is the problem with Mike and what he did next.

2. Look at Ex. 1 on P2 and listen to what happened to Mike. The students are to answer the questions in it after a short discussion.

3. Listen to what Mike did next, and then answer the question in Ex. 2. A short discussion is allowed in pairs.

Step 4 Speaking

Everyone wants to be healthy and strong. But sometimes we are not feeling well. Ask:

What will you do if you don’t feel well?

Say: When we’re ill, we’d better go and see a doctor and the doctor will look over us and give us some advice. Now we’re going to practice some everyday English used by doctors and patients. Go through the useful expressions on P3.

Have the students look at the example above. Ask two students act as Dr Yang and Sharon and read the dialogue aloud. Have the other students underline some useful expressions they can find.

Go through the three situations with the students on P2. Ask them to choose one of them and make up a dialogue in pairs according to the example given and then act it out.

Step 5 Conclusion

Today we’ ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday English used between doctors and patients.


Preview the reading passage in this unit.

Period 2

I. Teaching aims:

1. 1. Learn and master the following words and expressions: make choices, pace, diet, nutrient, muscle, bean, keep up with, fibre, mineral, chemical balance, fit, be good for, function, and be harmful to, etc.

2. Improve the students’ reading ability and study the language points connected with the text.

.II. Important points:

1. Train the Students’ reading ability.

2. Master the new phrases and words

III. Difficult points:

How to make the students understand the reading text better.

IV. Teaching method

1 . Fast reading for the students get the general idea first.

2. Discuss after reading to understand the text better.

3. Careful reading to get the detailed information.

V. Teaching procedures::

Step 1 Presentation

Ask the students what in their mind are healthy foods and what are junk foods. Help them to get a conclusion that we must develop healthy eating habits.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Show the students the pre-reading questions. Get them to discussion in groups. Ask individual students to give a report about their own answers to them. Ask:

What do you think of your own eating habit? Is it healthy or not?

Step 3 Fast Reading

Say: today we come to the Reading. It’ s about a healthy diet and tells the importance of keeping healthy eating habits. Read the text quickly and find the answers to the questions on the screen..

1. What do traditional diets often have?

A. too much water B. too much protein

C. too much fat and too many calories D. nutrients we need

2. What can help our body fight disease and give us energy?

A. vitamins, fibre and minerals. B. pork and fish

C. water D. calcium

3. What contains a lot of protein?

A. vegetables B. fruits

C. vitamins D. fish, meat and beans

4. Why do some people become vegetarians?

A. Because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or they think we should not kill animals for food..

B. Because they think meat is not “eco-foods”.

C. Because they think meat will make them Fat.

D. Because riley think meat will make them thin.

5. From the passage we can conclude that it is probably better, if

A. we eat less meat B. we have more fruit

C. we have “eco-foods” D. we buy good food and keep a balanced diet.


Step 3 Careful reading

1. Give enough time to let the students read the text carefully again, and tell the main idea of each paragraph.

2. The students read the text paragraph by paragraph. The teacher ask as many questions as possible for the students to answer. Give the students some explanations to some difficult sentences or phrases. Pay attention to the new words and expressions.

3. Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.

4. Give the students some time to ask questions about the points they don’t understand.

Step 4 Post-reading

1. Do post-Reading 1- 3

2. Discuss the questions below, first in pair, then with the rest of the class.

(1)Why do people go to fast food restaurant?

(2)Why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar and fat?

(3)Why are crash diets and supplements so popular?

(4)What can we do to keep a balanced diet?

Step 5 Conclusion

Have two top students to make a conclusion about what we have learned in this class and what we can learn from this text. The teacher should speak highly of their answers. If possible, add some necessary information.


Go through the whole text and retell it.

Get prepared for next class.

Period 3

I. Teaching aims:

1. Review the text learnt in the last period including useful words and expression.

2. Learn how to use had better, should and ought to while giving advice.

3. New words and phrases: ought to, column, gram, sticky, etc.

.II. Important points:

1. Master the usages of had better, should and ought to.

2. Remember the words from the text.

III. Difficult points:

How to use had better, should and ought to correctly in different situations.

IV. Teaching methods:

1. Group or pair work to get the students do better in class.

2. Use competition to make the students active in class.

V. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Presentation

In this class we’re going to review the words we learnt and also learn how to give advice using had better, should, and ought to. Write them on the blackboard.

Step 2 Word study

Make the students open their books at page 5 and look at this part.

First make the students work out the words in pairs. Give them some time to remember the answers.

A competition: Get the students to close their books. The teacher reads out the descriptions and the students are to speak out the words as quickly as possible. See which group get the most correct answers.

Step 3 Grammar

The teacher can tell the students when people use had better or had better not, should or should not, ought to or ought not to. Write down one or two examples for each phrase and try to make sure that the students understand all the usages by asking them to give their own examples.

Then have the students fill in the blanks in Ex. 1 on P5 in a right way.

Step 4 Practice

Read through the title with the students and let them get clear about what they are going to do with this exercise. They will try to write letters giving advice. Read the letters asking for advice quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using had better (not) , ought (not) to or should (not) .

Step 5 Workbook

Books open at P72. Do Exx. 1-3.


Go over the grammar by finishing the exercises on P73 in grammar part.

Period 4

I. Teaching aims:

1. Do some reading about Snacks.

2. Do some writing to develop the students writing skill.

.II. Important points:

1. Train the Students’ writing ability by getting to know how to write a recipe..

2. Improve their reading ability by reading this passage.

III. Difficult point:

Improve the students’ integrating skills.

IV. Teaching methods

1 .Asking-and –answering activity to go through the reading material.

2. Individual and pair work.

V. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Check the answers to the exercises on P73 wit h the students

Make sure all the students understand the grammar we learned in last class. If possible, go over it with the students.

Step 2 Reading

1. Skim the reading text and answer:

What can we do if we need more energy besides eating our main meals?

2. Read the text again quickly, do the following True-or-False exercises.

1) Our body doesn’t need to refuel if we choose nutritious food for our main meals.

2) Good snacks should come from different food groups and should not have too much fat or sugar.

3) Fruits and vegetables don’t give us any vitamins.

4) Most fruits need cooking.

5) Fruits and vegetables are the only healthy snacks.


1. F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5F

3. Give the students some explanations when necessary.

4. Play the tape and have the students follow. Give them some time to ask questions.

Step 5 Writing

Go through the two recipes on P7 carefully.

Read the tips to the students to let them know for sure how to write a recipe.

Have the students work in pairs and write the recipe for their favourite dish.

Step 6 Checkpoint

Use Checkpoint 13 to help the students go over the grammar and useful expressions they have learned in this unit.


篇7:高一上Unit 13 教案

一、Teaching Content

Unit 13 Word study; Grammar

二、Teaching Goals

1. Review the text learnt in the last period including useful words and expressions.

2. Learn how to use “had better”, “should” and “ought to ”while giving advice.

三、Teaching Important Points:

1. How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.

2. Let the students learn how to give advice or opinion about something, especially master how to use “ should, ought to , had better and their negative forms” to give advice.

四、Teaching Difficult Points

1. How to help the students to understand the Grammar.

2. How to correctly use “should, ought to , had better and their negative forms” to give advice.

五、Teaching Methods:

1. Review method to consolidate the words and phrases last 4 periods.

2. Explanation methods to make the students master the Grammar.

3. Individual, pair work to make every student work in class.

六、Teaching Aids

1. A projector

2. The blackboard

七、Teaching procedures

Step 1 Greetings

T: Good morning! My boys and girls!

T: Sit down, please!

Step2 Word study

T: We’ve learned something about diets. As we all know, we’d better eat healthy food and eat less junk food. In this way, we can keep up with the high pace of modern life.

T: Ok. Please open your books on page 5. On the top of it there are some words and phrases in the form. I am sure you have all finished the homework yesterday.

1unit13.5. (2)

Ss: …

T: Nutrient diet vitamin

Mineral fat sugar

Protein calory

Step3 Grammar

T: In the third period(the part of Speaking ), we’ve learned some useful expressions to express suggestions.

T: We suppose that you are a doctor, and you should give some advice to patients.

T: Ok. Let’s review these useful expressions about suggestions:

1. I advise you to…

2. You’d better …

3. I think you should…

4. Why not…? Why don’t you…?

5. I suggest you should …

T: Now I want you to translate these Chinese sentences into English. Maybe, you can use these expressions.


We shouldn’t ought not to be so careless.


You shouldought to respect your grandfather.


It’s very cold outside. You had better not take off your coat.


It is freeze. We had better put on our coat.

T: Very good. We often give some persons advice or our opinions about something. In such a situation, we often use these Modal Verbs.

T: go back to your textbook. Look at the grammar: Modal Verbs-----had better, should, ought to.

T: We have leant how to give advice by using the Modal Verbs. Here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. Read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using “ had better(not)”, “ ought (not) to or should(not)”.

Step4 Summary and homework

T: In this class, we’ve review the words and phrases. Specially , we

Unit13.5. (3)

review the Modal Verb by giving some persons advice. After class, more exercises are necessary.


1. Review the new words and phrases, grammar.

2. Have a dictation about words (2)

3. Preview two Integrating skills on Page 6 and 74

4. Do the exercises the Grammar 1.2 3.on page74



Nutrient diet vitamin

Mineral fat sugar

Protein calory


I advise you to…

You’d better …

I think you should…

Why not…? Why don’t you…?

I suggest you should …

“ had better(not)”, “ ought (not) to or should(not)”.

篇8:高一上Unit 13 教案





阅读材料选自人教版Go for it!九年级Unit 13We Are Trying to Save The Earth Section B部分的Rethink,Reuse和Recycle。文章主要介绍了三位在节能环保方面做出杰出贡献的人物,他们凭借灵感和创造性思维把生活中司空见惯的垃圾变成实用品或工艺品的故事。






1. 通过阅读文章,学生能正确使用下列常用的词汇和表达:recycle,wooden,metal,bottle,throw...away,put sth.to good use,pull...down,upside down,bring back,能正确认读以下词汇:inspiration,iron,creativity。

2. 学生能借助文中的插图和标题,对文章内容进行合理的预测;能用略读的阅读方法,快速找出每段的段落大意;能用寻读的方法,找到文中的细节描述;能借助上下文和构词特征,猜测部分词汇的意思。

3. 通过阅读学习,学生能从中得到环保再生的灵感和启发。






Activity 1:warming-up

上课前,教师准备一些实物:破牛仔裤、饮料瓶等。在课堂上,教师向学生提问:“What are they?How do you deal with these things?But after you see something you may change your mind.”然后,教师拿出另外两样实物,分别是用破牛仔裤做的包和饮料瓶做的花瓶,然后向学生提问:“这是用什么做成的?”

【评析】课前几分钟的预热让学生很快进入学习最佳状态。通过两类实物的对比,为学生进入话题埋下伏笔,这样的设计符合学生的认知。同时,实物给学生直观的视觉冲击,创造了真实的语境。在真实的情景中处理部分词汇和表达,如rubbish,iron,bottle,throw away,put...in good use,bring back to life等。

Activity 2:predicting


1. What does the title“Rethink,Reuse,Recycle”mean in literally?

2. What do you think might be talked about in the article after reading the three pictures?



Activity 3:Choosing after Skimming


1. Please choose the way in which the passage is organized.


2. Please find the topic sentence.

【评析】教师通过自上而下的方式处理文本,有利于学生从宏观的角度把握文章的组织结构,训练学生用略读(Skimming)策略了解文章结构布局和topic sentence。文章的“总—分”结构相对明显,学生能够顺利完成第一个任务。学生了解文章的“总—分”结构后,能快速地从总起段找到中心句:Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind.

Activity 4:Matching



Activity 5:Fill in the table after careful reading

细读第一个例子,完成表1,并提醒学生关注Amy Hayes的环保再生创作,同时品读文章的细节描述。


Activity 6:Finish the mind-map after careful reading

教师要求学生细读第3段,完成下面的思维导图。在完成思维导图的同时,关注动词不定时to do这一语言结构。

【评析】此项活动是对文章局部信息的理解。在阅读中,学生关注频繁出现的语言结构to do这一不定式,使学生在语用中感知语言,真正做到在用中学。

Activity 7:Answer the questions after careful reading


1.Wang Tao is known for_________________.

2.He_______makes larger pieces that look like animals and humans______small pieces that can be put at home.

3. Why does he hope to set up a“metal art”theme park?

4. What can art bring according to the last sen-tence?



Activity 8:Rethinking the meaning of the title

教师要求学生在通篇理解文章后,再次对文章标题进行挖掘和剖析。教师说:“Let’s return to the title and rethink the meaning of the title.Would you like to talk about your understanding after reading the whole passage?”引导学生对阅读做更深层次的解读,使学生对文本的理解不再局限于字面意思,鼓励学生欣赏文本的文艺性和所要传达的充满正能量的价值观,达到提升文本内涵,升华学生情感的目的。

根据学生的回答,教师以图片的形式进行最后总结(见图4)。Rethink:think again in one’s mind.Reuse:use again in one’s action.Recycle:cycle something again to get a positive result.即先有想法,然后付诸实践,最后达到良性循环,从而拯救环境,保护地球。


Activity 9:discussion




有效英语阅读教学设计必须坚持以学生为中心,以“可理解的语言输入(comprehensive input:克拉申i+1公式)”为出发点,根据学生现有的语言认知水平和生活经验(i),设计略高于现有水平的课堂教学活动(1),让学生获得最佳的学习效果(刘玉屏、孙晓明2010)。案例中的活动设计充分考虑了学生在不同阶段的认知水平和经验,设置学生“跳一跳”就能够得着的任务。比如,任务Activity 2的设计既对学生有挑战性,又不超出学生的认知水平。

有效英语阅读课堂设计,要挖掘文本的工具性和人文性,制订综合的三维教学目标,即知识能力、方法策略、情感态度和价值观(教育部2012)。案例中的每个活动都有明确的目标,且各有侧重。如Activity 4的设计既训练了学生寻读的阅读技能,又强调了学生对语言知识点的学习;Activity 8的设计凸显了文本所要传递的情感和价值观。




