




















总经理 副总经理 总经理助理 财务总监 财务副总监 房务总监 市场营销总监 餐饮总监 工程总监 总账会计 餐饮部经理 行政总厨 IT 经理 采购经理 人力资源经理 培训经理 前厅部经理 行政管家 保安部经理 Deputy General Manager Asst.to General Manager Financial Controller

Deputy Financial Controller

Director of Rooms Division

Director of Sales & Marketing

Director of F&B

Director of Engineering

Chief Accountant

Food & Beverage Manager

Executive Chef

IT Manager

Purchasing Manager

Human Resources Manager

Training Manager

Front Office Manager

Executive Housekeeper

Security Manager

Administration Assistant

行政助理 Cost Controller

Sales Manager

PR Manager

F&B Outlet Manager(Beverage Manager, Café Manager, Chinese Restaurant Manager, Banquet Manager)餐饮部营业部门经理(酒吧经理,西餐厅经理,中餐厅经理,宴会经理),F& B Manager

Chief Steward

餐饮经理 管事部经理 成本控制经理 销售经理 公关经理

Kitchen Chef(Western Chef, Sous Chef, Pastry Chef, Chinese Chef)营业部门厨师(西厨房厨师长,副厨师长,饼房厨师长,中厨房厨师长),Guest Service Manager

Laundry Manager

Engineering Duty Manager

宾客服务经理 洗衣房经理 工程部值班经理

Western Sous Chef

西厨房副厨师长 HR Officer

人事专员 培训专员

宾客服务经理-服务中心 饼房厨师长 员工餐厅主管 Training Officer

GSM-Service Center

Pastry Chef

Staff Canteen Supervisor

(Accountable for the quality of all work performed within their area of responsibility, including management Shift Leader,)(责任所在区域的所有工作表现及质量,包括管理领班)Translator

翻译员 应付 Account Payable Account Receivable Supervisor

应收主管 Purchasing Officer


收益审计 Income Audit Supervisor

Cashier Supervisor

Engineering Section Supervisor,Staff Canteen Chef

Sales Executive

Reservation Supervisor

收银主管 工程部区域主管 员工餐厅厨师长 销售助理 预订部主管 餐饮部秘书 餐饮部各餐厅主管 管事部主管 厨房主管 前台主管 宾客服务主管 行政楼层主管 行李房主管 F&B Secretary

F&B Outlet Supervisor

Stewarding Supervisor

Chef De Partie

Front Desk Supervisor

GSO Supervisor

Executive Floor Supervisor

Bell Supervisor

Housekeeping Supervisor(Floor Supervisor, PA Supervisor, Laundry Supervisor, U&L Supervisor)

客房部主管(楼层主管,公共区域主管,洗衣房主管,布草制服房主管)Security Supervisor, General Cashier

保安部主管,总出纳(Possess specialized skills staff)拥有专业技能和行业认证

Purchasing Assistant

Engineering Senior Skilled Worker



Reservation Clerk

F&B Outlet Captain

F&B Hostess




Bell Captain

(Basic manual duties across all work areas)所有工作区域的基本工作职责 Clerk


Engineering Staff

Staff Canteen Cook

F&B Service Staff



F&B Kitchen Cook


Room Attendant

Security Guard

Kitchen Helper

采购助理 工程部高级技工 库管员 美工 预定员

餐饮部各营业部门领班 餐饮部领位 前台接待 总机接线员 司机 行李房领班

文员 收银员 工程部普通技工 员工餐厅厨师 餐饮部服务员 吧员 面点师 餐饮部厨师 行李生 楼层服务员 保安


PA Attendant

公区服务员 管事员 员工餐厅服务员 洗衣房服务员 布草房服务员 Steward

Cafeteria Attendant


A man went to apply for a job.After filling out all of hisapplications,he waited anxiously for the outcome.The employerread all his applications and said,“We have an opening(空缺的职位)for people like you.”“Oh,great,”he said,“What is it?”“It’s called the door!”


关键词:中英合作 职业教育 酒店专业 创造性培养
















讲到沟通问题时,英国教材是这样呈现的:TASK TIME任务时刻:Think of the different ways you communicate everyday with friends and family.(思考一下你与朋友和家人每天交流的不同方式。)教材不讲大道理,直接切入学生的日常生活,特别是学生和家人的交流方式,因为大多数学生与父母都有矛盾,一讲到这个话题,学生们真是有千言万语,都积极发言,而这也正是教学生怎样与父母、同学、老师等身边的人正确沟通的最好切入点。








同时,在学期末,学生还要提交一个综合性的presentation报告:学生必须列出自己在工作或者培训中能够承担的三个任务(The learner must give three examples of tasks that can be undertaken within their work or training),如表1所示。

















[3]张俊洪.现代教育理论[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2005.



[6][美]Linda Torp著,刘孝群译.基于问题的学习:让学习变得轻松而有趣[M].北京:中国轻工业出版社,2004.

[7][美]Marylou Dantonio,Paul C.Beisenherz著,宋玲译.课堂提问的艺术[M].北京:中国轻工业出版社,2006.


董事长 Director 总经理 General Manage

总经办 Executive Office总经办主任 Director of Executive Office

文员 Clerk 行政干事 Executive Affairs

车队长 Chief Driver 司机 Driver

医生 Doctor 护士 Nurse


财务部 Financial Division 财务部总监 Financial Controller

财务部经理 Chief Accountant 查核部经理 Auditing Manager

会计部经理 Accounting Manager 成本部经理 Cost Controller

采购部经理 Purchasing Manager

收银主管 Cashier Officer 信贷主管 Loan Officer

应付主管 Payable Officer 应收主管 Receivable Officer

会计主管 Accounting Officer 成本主管 Cost Control Officer

仓库主管 Storeroom Officer 收货主管 Receiver Officer

采购主管 Purchasing Officer 查核主管 Auditing Officer

查核员 Auditor 收货员 Receiver

收银员 Cashier 信贷员 Creditor

仓管员 Storeman 采购员 Purchaser

应付员 Payable Clerk 会计 Accouter

出纳员 Teller 工资员 Payroll Control

成本员 Cost Control


人事培训部 Human Resources & Training Division人事培训部总监 Human


人事部 Personnel Department 培训部 Training Department

人事部经理 Personnel Manager 培训部经理 Training Manager

人事助理兼后勤总务 Personnel Officer培训部主任(人事干事)Training Officer人事文员 Clerk翻译兼英语教师 English Translator & Teacher

员工餐厅主管 Staff Canteen Supervisor员工餐厅领班 Staff Canteen Captain厨师 Cook厨师助理 Cook Assistant

员工宿舍领班Staff Dormitory Captain 宿舍管理员 Staff Dormitory Keeper 更衣室管理员 Staff Lockers Rooms Keeper


市场营销部 Sales & Marketing Division 市场营销部总监 Director of Sales and Marketing销售部经理 Sales Manager销售部副经理 Asst.Sales Manager

高级客户经理 Senior Clients Manager 策划经理 Planning Manager

公关部经理 Public Relations Manager 销售主任 Sales Officer

公关主任Public Relations Officer文员 Clerk


房务总监 Rooms Division Director 前厅部 Front Office Department

管家部 Housekeeping Department前厅部经理 Front Office Manager

接待处经理 Reception Manager大堂副理 Assistant Manager

总机主管 Operators Supervisor 礼宾部主管 Chief Concierge

接待处主管 Chief Receptionist

接待处领班 Receptionist Captain预定部领班 Reservation Captain

总机领班Operators Captain

礼宾部领班 Concierge Captain 接待员 Receptionist

预定员 Reservationist行李员 Bellboy

门僮 Doorman


管家部经理 Executive Housekeeper管家总管 Asst.Executive Housekeeper 洗衣房经理 Laundry Manager 楼层高级主管 Senior Floor Supervisor

楼层主管 Floor Supervisor公卫主管 PA Supervisor

洗衣房主管 Laundry Supervisor布草主管 Uniforms Supervisor

服务中心领班 Service Center Captain 楼层领班 Floor Captain

公卫领班 PA Captain水洗领班 Laundry Captain

干洗领班 Dry Clean Captain布草领班 Uniforms Captain

服务中心文员Service Center Clerk清洁工 P.A.客房服务员 Room Attendant缝纫工 Seamstress

熨烫工 Presser洗涤工 Washer


餐饮部 Food & Beverage Department中餐厅 Chinese Restaurant

西餐厅 Western Restaurant餐饮总监 F & B Director

餐饮部经理 F & B Manager宴会销售部经理 Banquet Sales Manager

楼面经理 Service Manager宴会销售主任 Banquet Sales Officer

中餐部经理 Chinese Restaurant Manager西餐部经理 Western Restaurant Manager营业部经理 Sales Manager 酒水部经理 Beverage Manager

调酒师 Bartender 酒吧服务员 Barman

咖啡厅主管 Coffee Shop Supervisor 高级主管 Senior Supervisor

领班 Captain高级服务员 Senior Waiter & Waitress

服务员 Waiter & Waitress 咨 客 Hostess

传菜员 Pantryman实习生 Trainee


行政总厨 Executive Chef助理行政总厨 Asst.Executive chef

中厨总厨 Master Chef Chinese Food中厨主厨 Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)西厨总厨 Master Chef.Western Food西厨主厨 Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主厨 Chief Baker 点心工 Pastry Cook

烧味厨师 Grill Chef厨工 Cook Assistant

管事部 Steward Department 总管事 Chef Steward

主管 Steward Supervisor碗工 Dishwasher

管事清洁工 Cleaner


工程部 Engineering Department 总工程师 General Engineer

工程部经理 Chief Engineer 高级工程师 Senior Engineer

电脑工程师 Computer Engineer电脑部经理 EDP Manager

电脑操作员 Computer Operator值班工程师 Duty Engineer

主管工程师 Supervisor Engineer 强电维修高级技工 Senior Electrician

锅炉高级技工 Senior Boilerman强电维修技工 Electrician

机修技工 Machination木工油漆高级技工 Carpenter &painter

电梯高级技工 Lift Senior Technical 空调高级技工 Air-conditioning Technical强电值班技工 Duty Electrician电梯技工 Lift Man

弱电值班维修技工 Duty Electrician


娱乐部 Recreation Department娱乐总监 Recreation Director

舞台总监 Stage Performance Director 艺术总监 Arts Director

DJ部高级工程师 DJ Senior EngineerDJ部主管 DJ Supervisor拓展部经理 Marketing Manager

高级主管 Security Senior Supervisor主管 Security Supervisor

舞台主任 Stage Performance SupervisorDJ部长 DJ Captain

康乐主管 Recreation Center Supervisor 康乐领班(楼面部长)舞厅服务员 Waiter/Waitress 健身房服务员 Gymnasium Attendant

桌球服务员 Billiard Attendant 主持 Preside

演员 Actor& Actress 服务员 Waiter & Waitress

DJ员 DJ 咨客 Hostess


保安部 Security Department 保安部经理 Security Manager

消防主任 Fire Center Officer 领班 Security Captain


董事长 Board Chairman(Director)董事总经理Managing Director 经济师Economist 首席会计师 Chief Accountant 总经理General Manager 副总经理Deputy General Manager(Vice)驻店经理Resident Manager 总经理行政助理Executive Assistant Manager 总经理秘书Executive Secretary 总经理室Executive Office(G.M office)机要秘书Secretary 接待文员Clerk 副总经理Vice General Manager 总经理助理Assistant to General Manager 总经理秘书Secretary to General Manager 行政秘书Executive Secretary

人力资源部Human Resources Division 人事部Personnel Department 培训部Training Department 质检部Quality Inspection Department 员工关系部 Staffing Relationship Department 人力资源开发总监Director of Human Resources 人事培训经理 P&T Manager 人事部经理Personnel Manager 培训部经理Training Manager 质检部经理Quality Inspection Manager 人事主任Personnel Officer 福利劳资员 Payroll Clerk 培训主任Training Officer 行政部主任 Executive Officer 秘书Secretary 员工事务长 Staff Purser 车队队长 Driver Captain Chief Driver 员工宿舍管理员 Dormitory Keeper 员工餐厅勤杂工 Staff Restaurant Cleaner 司机 Driver 更衣室管理员:Staff Lockers Rooms Keeper 翻译兼英语教师:English Translator & Teacher 计划财务部Finance and Accounting Division 财务部Accounting Department 成本部Cost-control Department 采购部Purchasing Department 审计部 Auditor Department 财务总监Financial Controller(Director of Finance)财务部经理Chief Accountant 成本部经理Cost Control manager 结帐经理Cashier Manager 信用审计经理Credit Manager 采购部经理Purchasing Manager 采购部主管Purchasing Officer 总出纳Chief Cashier 仓储领班 Store Room Captain 营业点结帐领班F&B Cashier Captain 总台结帐领班F/O Cashier Captain 夜审计员 Night Auditor 信用管理员Credit Clerk 应收款管理员 A/R Clerk 往来款结算员Accounting Clerk 收入费用结算员 Accounting Clerk 成本核算员 Cost Clerk 验货员Receiving Clerk 信息管理员Information System Clerk 文员Secretary 食品采购员Purchasing ClerkMaterial 食品保管员Storeroom KeepMaterial 餐厅收款员 F&B Cashier 总台收款员 F/O Cashier

市场营销部Sales & Marketing Division 销售部Sales Department 公关部Public Relation Department 市场营销总监Director of Sales and Marketing 销售部经理Director of Sales 公关经理Public Relation Manager 宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager 销售经理Sales Manager 宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer 销售主任Sales Officer 高级销售代表 Senior Sales Executive 销售代表 Sales Executive 公关代表 P.R.Representative 公关部经理Public Relation Manager 公关部主任Public Relation Supervisor 高级客户经理Senior Account Manager 资深美工Senior Artist 美工Artist 销售部联络主任Sales Coordinator

房务部Room Division 前厅部Front Office Department 客房部(管家部)Housekeeping Department 预订部Reservation Department 宾客关系主任Guest Relation Officer 资深销售中心预订员Sales Center Senior Reservation Clerk 销售中心主任Sales Center Supervisor 礼宾部经理Chief Concierge 行李员Bellboy 女礼宾员Door Girl 礼宾司Door Man 客房总监Director of Housekeeping 前厅部经理Front Office Manager 前厅部副经理Asst.Front Office Manager 大堂副理Assistant Manager 宾客关系经理 Guest Relation Manager 礼宾主管Chief Concierge 客务主任Guest Relation Officer 接待主管Chief Concierge 接待员Receptionist 出租车订车员Taxi Service Clerk

行政管家Executive Housekeeper 行政副管家Assistant Executive Housekeeper 房务中心文员Room service Clerk 楼层主管Floor supervisor 楼层领班Floor Captain 客房服务员Room Attendant 洗衣房经理Laundry Manager 公卫主管:PA Supervisor 洗衣房主管:Laundry Supervisor 布草主管:Uniforms Supervisor 服务中心领班:Service Center Captain 公卫领班:PA Captain 水洗领班:Laundry Captain 干洗领班:Dry Clean Captain 布草领班:Uniforms Captain 仓管员:Store man 清洁工:P.A.Man 客房服务员:Room Attendant 缝纫工:Seamstress 熨烫工:Presser 洗涤工:Washer

餐饮部Food & Beverage Division 中餐部 Chinese Restaurant Department 西餐部 Western Restaurant Department 厨房部 Kitchen Department 管事部 Steward Department 餐饮总监F&B Director 餐饮部经理F&B Manager 西餐厅经理Western Restaurant Manager 中餐厅经理Chinese Restaurant Manager 咖啡厅经理Coffee Shop Manager 餐饮部秘书F&B Secretary 领班Captain 迎宾员Hostess 服务员Waiter ,Waitress 传菜Bus Boy, Bus Girl 行政总厨Executive chef 中厨师长Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)西厨师长Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主管Chief Baker 点心工:Pastry Cook 烧味厨师:Grill Chef 厨工:Cook Assistant 管事部:Steward Department 总管事:Chef Steward 主管:Steward Supervisor 碗工:Dishwasher 管事清洁工:Cleaner 宴会销售部经理:Banquet Sales Manager 宴会销售主任:Banquet Sales Officer 中餐部经理:Chinese Restaurant Manager 西餐部经理:Western Restaurant Manager 营业部经理:Sales Manager 酒水部经理:Beverage Manager 调酒师:Bartender 酒吧服务员:Barman 咖啡厅主管:Coffee Shop Supervisor 高级主管;Senior Supervisor 领班:Captain 高级服务员:Senior Waiter & Waitress 服务员:Waiter & Waitress 咨 客:Hostess 传菜员:Pantry man 实习生:Trainee

康乐部Recreation and Entertainment Department 舞台总监:Stage Performance Director 艺术总监:Arts Director消防员:Fireman 拓展部经理:Marketing Manager 楼面经理:Service Manager DJ部高级工程师:DJ Senior Engineer 康乐主管:Recreation Center Supervisor DJ部主管:DJ Supervisor 舞台主任:Stage Performance Supervisor 康乐领班(楼面部长):Captain DJ部长:DJ Captain 舞厅服务员:Waiter/Waitress 健身房服务员:Gymnasium Attendant 桌球服务员:Billiard Attendant 主持:Preside 演员:Actor& Actress 服务员:Waiter & Waitress DJ员:DJ 咨客:Hostess

工程部Engineering Department 工程总监Chief Engineer 工程部经理Engineering Manager 值班工程师Duty Engineer 工程部经理Engineering Manager 运行经理Operation Manager 维修经理Repairing Manager 安消经理Fire Control Supervisor 运行领班Operation Captain 强弱电领班Strong & Weak Captain 维修领班Repairing Captain 空 调 工Air-Conditioning Attendant 锅 炉 工 Boiler 配 电 工 Electrician 强弱电工Strong & Weak Current Worker 机修工Mechanician 木 工Carpenter 万能工Fitting-up Worker 水 工Plumber 文 员Secretary 仓管员Storeroom Keeper

保安部Security Department 保安部经理Security Manager 保安部副经理Asst.Security Manager 保安部主任Security Manager 保安员Security Manager 安消部经理Security Manager 警卫领班Security Captain 门 卫Entrance Guard 巡 逻Patrol Guard 监控员TV Monitoring Clerk


公关部 Public Relation Department预订部 Reservation Department

餐饮部 Food & Beverage Department

康乐部 Recreation and Entertainment Department工程部 Engineering Department保安部 Security Department行政部 Rear-Service Department商场部 Shopping Arcade

人力资源开发总监 Director of Human Resources人事部经理 Personnel Manager培训部经理 Training Manager督导部经理 Quality Inspector人事主任 Personnel Officer 培训主任 Training Officer财务总监 Financial Controller 财务部经理 Chief Accountant 成本部经理 Cost Controller

采购部经理 Purchasing Manager采购部主管 Purchasing Officer电脑部经理 EDP Manager总出纳 Chief Cashier

市场营销总监 Director of Sales and Marketing销售部经理 Director of Sales公关经理 P.R.Manager

宴会销售经理 Banquet Sales Manager销售经理 Sales Manager

宴会销售主任 Banquet Sales Officer销售主任 Sales Officer

高级销售代表 Senior Sales Executive

销售代表 公关代表 Sales Executive P.R.Representative客务部 Room Division

前厅部 Front Office Department

管家部 Housekeeping Department Executive Office总行政办公室 宾客关系主任 Guest Relation Officer公关部经理 Public Relation Manager公关部主任 Public Relation Supervisor客户经理 Account Manager

高级客户经理 Senior Account Manager资深美工 Senior Artist美工 Artist

销售部联络主任 Sales Coordinator

资深销售中心预订员 Sales Center Senior Reservation Clerk 销售中心主任 Sales Center Supervisor礼宾部经理 Chief Concierge行李员 Bellboy女礼宾员 Door Girl礼宾司 Door Man财务部Accounting

营销部Sales & Marketing Dept.总经理General Manager

人力资源及培训部Human Resource & Training Dept.常务副总经理Deputy General Manager房务部Room Division

餐饮部Food & Beverage Dept.采购部Purchasing Dept.电脑部Electronic Data Processing Dept.保安部Security Dept.工程部 Engineer Dept.客房总监 Director of Housekeeping前厅部经理 Front Office Manager

前厅部副经理 Asst.Front Office Manager大堂副理 Assistant Manager礼宾主管 Chief Concierger

客务主任 Guest Relation Officer接待主管 Chief Concierge接待员 Receptionist车队主管 Chief Driver

出租车订车员 Taxi Service Clerk行政管家 Executive Housekeeper

行政副管家 Assistant Executive Housekeeper办公室文员 Order Taker

客房高级主任 Senior Supervisor楼层主管 Floor supervisor楼层领班 Floor Captain

客房服务员 Room Attendant洗衣房经理 Laundry Manager餐饮总监 F&B Director餐饮部经理 F&B Manager

西餐厅经理 Western Restaurant Manager中餐厅经理 Chinese Restaurant Manager咖啡厅经理 Coffee Shop Manager餐饮部秘书 F&B Secretary领班 Captain迎宾员 Hostess

服务员 Waiter ,waitress传菜 Bus Boy, Bus Girl行政总厨 Executive chef

中厨师长 Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)西厨师长 Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主管 Chief Baker工程总监 Chief Engineer

工程部经理 Engineering Manager值班工程师 Duty Engineer保安部经理 Security Manager


Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people (Linell Davis, 2011:24) , while language is a code of culture that we use for communication.Based on culture, language is the most important tool for communication worldwide.Therefore, when the language is used for communication, the profound culture is totally not ignored.

With the economic development, the business and the market is within the global village.As more and more foreigners come to China for traveling or business, they will have to live in Chinese hotels.As we all know that intercultural communication is helpful to spread Chinese culture into the world, and attract more and more foreigners to visit China, so hotel introduction is a way of intercultural communication.In hotel introduction, we can introduce Chinese special customs, food, culture and our ancient architecture.When we tend to introduce Chinese hotel to the world in order to improve Chinese hotel reputation and increase the profit of hotel, we need to translate Chinese hotel introduction into English version.In intercultural communication, translation is a kind of necessary communicative media.Therefore, it is necessary for us to translate Chinese hotel introduction into English version.However, translation is regarded as an intercultural communicative activity.With regard to the differences of Chinese and English culture, we should consider the differences between Chinese and English hotel introduction.

From the perspective of intercultural communication, the paper mainly distinguishes the texts of Chinese and English hotel introduction.

2 The Differences between English and Chinese Ho-tel Introduction

Although the purpose of Chinese hotel introduction is the same as that of the English, which is to expand business and attract the guests and improve the image of the whole nation and promote the smoothness of intercultural communication, as far as the specific expression is concerned, there are still different on he cultural level and the stylistic sphere including the use of adjective, the grammar and the structure of the text organization.

2.1 The differences on the cultural level

“Culture is like an iceberg.” (Linell Davis, 2011:18) It is no easily observable, for it is referred to as subjective culture except the objective culture such as history, literature and custom.It includes feelings and attitudes about how things are and how they should be.Because Chinese are used to delay making a decision, we call this line of argument inductive, that is to say, they place the minor points of argument first and then derives the main point as a conclusion.The structure could be sketched out as"Because A, and because B, and because C, therefore D" (Ron Scollon and Suzanne Wong Scollon, 2007:74) .In contrast, the American are tend to adopt the topic-first patterns of discourse.In the deductive pattern, the topic is introduced at first.

Samuel Johnson has said that language is the dress of thought (Qin Xiubai, 2002:22) .The differences of the languages are rooted to the psychological identity and the national culture, owing to different historical, cultural, economical and political conditions and way of life, together with different social customs and traditions, so Chinese and English are from two entirely different language families.As we all know, the Chinese people are deeply influenced by the philosophy and the aesthetics in the long history, therefore, their expression emphasizes on the intrinsic, implicit and ambiguous language structure.Because the western countries has witnessed fully developed slavery and capitalist stages, the westerners attach great importance to science and technology, advocate pragmatism and utilitarianism, and adopt scientific, logical and objective methods.As a result, these characteristics of culture influence the language structure, which make the western language demonstrative, explicit and accurate.Li Ke summarizes the differences in culture aspects of both the Chinese and the West:1) The mindset of Chinese people attach great importance to the perceptivity while the Westerners pursue the sensibility.When this different kinds of mindset take on the language level, the language have the discriminations ranging from parataxis Vs hypotaxis, coherence Vs cohension, and loose Vs compact.2) In the mind of the Westerners, the consciousness of object takes the leading effect in their daily life, while the Chinese is dominated by the subject consciousness.Therefore, in the organization of languages, the Chinese style is topic-comment structure and the active tense often is adopted, in contrast, the English structure is subject-predicate structure and the passive tense is popular.3) The Chinese people are famous for the curved mind while the Westerners are typical for the linear mind.Therefore in the grammatical levels, the sentences in Chinese are bamboo-structure and the run-on sentences;on the contrary, the English sentences are tree-structure. (Li Ke, 2005:211-215)

Because of the differences on the cultural sphere and with regard to the culture as the core, we conclude that all the differences of the culture is reflected by the style of languages.So it is necessary to distinguish the differences in the style of two languages.

2.2 The differences in the stylistic sphere

Style is as"manner of expression" (Qin Xiubai, 2002:8) , so we can use it to express the same content in the different manners.Stylistic meaning is that a piece of language takes on the social circumstances of its use.The style manifests in the sphere of lexicon, syntax and the organization of the text.Context means the sociosituational features when the communication happens.In the different contexts, even if we express the same meaning, the style will be extremely different.Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield has said that style is the dress of thought (quoted by Qin Xiubai, 2002:8) .Therefore, the use of the language can not separate from the social situation and the thought in the social atmosphere.In order to cater to the exotic readers, it is necessary to analyze the stylistic differences to create the appropriateness of the communication in the terms of the language.

2.2.1 The differences in the use of adjective

The distinctive characteristic of the hotel introduction in both Chinese and English is that there are abundant of adj.used in it, especially many commendatory adj.in it.However, the frequency of using adj.in Chinese hotel introduction is much more than that in English version and in Chinese hotel introduction it is common to use the exaggerating adj.to describe the environment and the four-character phrase to achieve the propaganda purpose.Compared with it, in the English version, the adj.is plain, which only pay attention to practical experience as if the travelers are enjoying the service in the hotel when they read it.We can find the differences from the following example:

(1) “金海岸罗顿大酒店坐落于最大经济特区海南省海口市的海甸岛北部, 距离大海仅1000米, 位置优越、环境优美、交通便利, 是国家旅游局正式批准的五星级涉外饭店。她北临碧波万项的海峡, 南接繁华美丽的市区, 金碧辉煌, 气势宏伟, 是矗立在南中国黄金海海岸线上的一颗璀璨的明球。酒店格调高雅、设施一流, 更冠以快捷亲切, 无微不至之个性化服务二著称, 是海内外商务客人和旅游者首选下榻之酒店。”

(2) "The Great Southern Hotel is a heritage-listed hotel located in the heart of Sydney's vibrant entertainment district.Offering 165 guest rooms, a restaurant, public bar, gym and meeting facilities for up to 110 delegates, the hotel is within walking distance of the CBD, Central Station, the CBD, Chinatown, Darling Harbour and Sydney Convention&Exhibition Centres.

"AAtt your doorstep:

Darling Harbour

Star City Casino


Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre

Queen Victoria Building and city retail precinct

Paddy's Markets

Sydney Entertainment Centre"

2.2.2 The ornate style VS the plain style

The writing style of the Chinese hotel introduction is beautiful, for lots of four-character phrases and parallel structures are used and when we read it loudly we can enjoy the beauty of melody and image the fantastic scenery from the ornate words.In addition, a successive four-character phrases can increase the emphatic address and therefore they raise the effects of propaganda, for example, the phrases and parallel structure in example (1) underlined.In contrast, the English version is terse and the writing style is straightforward and there are few ornate adj.and each used adj.is accurate which accords with the English habit of expression.We can get the impression from the example (2) .

2.3 Differences in grammar

On the grammatical sphere, Chinese is the parataxis language which only needs the logical meaning of words or sentences to realize the connection between the words or sentences without the help of the forms of the language, which reflects the flexibility of its units.In addition, lexical units can be long or short, and there is a freedom of combination of lexical units.However, the English is opposed to it.English is a hypotaxis language which attaches importance to the cohesion of the language form.Western languages are made up of verb central elements and the form determines the meaning.In the Chinese hotel introduction the sentence is complete and the meaning of each sentence is independent of that of each other, especially the Chinese sentence is various in order to detail the relevant content of the hotel, for example the sentence in above example (1) “金海岸罗顿大酒店坐落于最大经济特区海南省海口市的海甸岛北部, 距离大海仅1000米, 位置优越、环境优美、交通便利, 是国家旅游局正式批准的五星级涉外饭店。”The only long sentence gives us abundant information about the hotel such as the location, the rate and the whole impression of the hotel beauty in the eye of the Chinese people.While in the English hotel introduction, the simple sentence or the complicated sentences occupied a large part.The structure of grammar in English version is easier than that of Chinese.The outstanding characteristic of the English hotel introduction is that it uses"block language"which deletes the unnecessary functional words (such as may, can, subject and so on) to make the sentence concise, for instance, in the example (2) there are many noun phrase。

2.4 The differences in the organization of the text

According the above example, we know that all the introduction, no matter in China and in the West, begins with the situation, that is to say, all the description from the perspective of the time and the space will directly show the first impression of the hotel, but the beginning of Chinese hotel introduction is more formulaic situational introduction, there are more examples to prove this characteristic:

(3) 广东迎宾馆是一家地处繁华市中心的四星级宾馆, 著名的北京路商业步行街信步可达、毗邻地铁最大的公园前站, 与交易会, 火车站仅数里之隔。

(4) 杭州新世纪大酒店位于美丽的西子湖畔, 距西湖仅百米之遥、地处杭州市商业、旅游中心, 时分适合旅游和商务客人居住。

From the above examples, we can know the model of the Chinese hotel introduction has the firm structure, which begins with the name of the hotel, and then introduces the location where the hotel lies and the beauty of the city where the hotel is.In addition, just like the report of the news, it uses the third person.The structure of Chinese hotel introduction is such like this“XXX酒店位于……, 是一所……酒店, 位于……城市……中心地带黄金路段, 距……有X米之遥。”

Compared with it, the beginning of English hotel introduction is much more various and the emphasis of it is also different.The examples are as following:

(5) Imagine a 5-star Georgian retreat in the city centre o Scotland's Capital City.Consistently classified as one of the AA's top 200 hotels in Britain and Ireland and recently awarded a Scottish Boutique Hotel Special Commendation from the Scottish Hotel of the Year Awards 2007.

The above example is extracted from Howard Hotel Edinburgh, Scotland, which lays emphasis on the honor granted in the tourism circle.

(6) There's one thing that guests at the Royal Lancaster Hotel always seem to agree on——the views are breaking.With Hyde Park, the largest of the Royal Parks, directly to the south and vistas east to the City of London, we have arguably the bes views in London.Whether looking down from the hotel's deluxe bedrooms——416 in total——or enjoying the view from the hotel restaurants, it's as if the heart of this great city is within your reach——and indeed it is!

This example is from Royal Lancaster Hotel, which emphasizes the prominent location with beautiful scenery.

3 Conclusion

With regard to the above analysis on the differences between Chinese and English hotel introductions, and based on the crosscultural communication, we know the differences exist in the style, grammar, the organization of the course and the culture.What's more, the deep reason for the differences is due to the distinctive culture.Hotel introduction is an appeal-focused text and whether the translation into English is successful or not depends on whether the target readers have the same reaction with the source readers.In the process of the translation, the translator should focus on the transfer of the information of source text in order to meet with the target text form and the rules of target culture and not to be manacled by the structure of the source text Therefore, when we translate the Chinese hotel introduction into English version, we should use the translation strategies such as reconstruction of the information structure according to the westerners'deductive patterns in discourse, reduce of the rhetorical devices in Chinese based on the westerners'direct mind and interpretation of the special cultural information which is fresh for the westerners.


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