2024届各区英语二模试卷 (词性转换汇总)


2024届各区英语二模试卷 (词性转换汇总)(精选2篇)

篇1:2024届各区英语二模试卷 (词性转换汇总)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(1)(2014-4)

1.The film on detectives is so interesting that Tim has already seen it ______________.(two)

2.I am sure George is able to make a real car by _______________.(he)

3.It you want to keep ________________, you should do more exercise every day.(health)

4.“Take care of yourself,” my mother said ______________ to me.(gentle)

5.Shanghai is now very modern.Many foreigners will become the _________ of Shanghai in the future.(city)

6.The soup is good for you.It is a ____________ of different kinds of vegetables.(mix)

7.Please ______________ the milk in the microwave before you drink it.(heat)

8.They won’t publish Johnson’s report unless he ______________ it.(write)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(2)

1.I think it helpful to keep several _________ by me to look up new words.(dictionary)

2.Maggie got the ___ prize because of her good performance in the singing competition.(two)

3.I plan to travel to several __________ countries such as France and Germany next winterholidays.(Europe)

4.The government has decided to __________ the ancient temple next month.(building)

5.I __________ living in the city centre because there is too much traffic.(like)

6.The survey shows that customers are very __________ with the service of the 5-star hotel.(satisfying)

7.Mary was singing ______________ to her baby sister when Mum got back home.(soft)

8.It’s not polite to ask about other people’s ___________ matters in England.(person)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(3)

1.Nobody likes to a person who makes too many empty ___________.(promise)

2.Mum, have you ever seen Danny’s sports shoes? I want a pair like _____________.(he)

3.We are warned that it is _____________ to play too much with smart phones.(harm)

4.Simon’s parents gave him a Chinese _____________ as a birthday present.(paint)

5.As the road was covered with a lot of snow, he fell _____________ on the ground.(heavy)

6.Joan found the book easy to understand except for the ___________ chapter.(five)

7.Jacky is a very __________ person and always deals with problems in his own way.(usual)

8.It is becoming more and more common for people to __________ family cars.(owner)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(4)

1.The restaurant on the __________ floor has a nice view of the Hunagpu River.(twenty)

2.Lily’s ambition is to become a ______________ like her uncle when she grows up.(law)

3.They have decided to _____________ the road where lots of accidents happened.(wide)

4.The two expensive cars were _______ destroyed in the accident last night.(complete)

5.A number of famous singers, ______ Shila Amzah, joined in the singing contest.(include)

6.The airline company didn’t tell then public the __________ about the delay of the plane.(true)

7.Let’s exercise more because taking too much ________ isn’t good to our health.(medical)

8.Joining in the Winter Olympics is a(n)___ experience for Chinese sportsmen.(forget)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(5)

1.When I was in Germany, I bought two nice _____________ for my parents.(watch)

2.Although Angela lost her way to the hotel, she finally got there by ____________.(she)

3.This is the ____________ time for me to further my English study in America.(one)

4.A friendly lady greeted me in a __________ voice as soon as I got into the shop.(gently)

5.The string of the kite suddenly broke and the kite ____________.(appear)

6.It is ___________ believed that online shopping provides us with many benefits.(wide)

7.Shanghai Disneyland will bring __________ to the tourists in the near future.(happy)

8.It was _____________ for a girl to learn Spanish well at the age of five.(usual)

1.The club organizes short trips to the mountains, _________, museums and so on.(beach)

2.After years’ practice, the boy became a very famous _____________.(art)

3.The love from our parents is the ____________ love in the world.(deep)

4.Italy beat France by 6:4, and won the championship for the _____________ time.(four)

5.The weather is very _______________ at this time of year.(change)

6.He played the piano so _________ that a lot of people lost themselves in it.(beautiful)

7.People are wondering how Malaysia Airline Flight MH370 could ______ off radar(雷达).(appear)

8.It’s Dad’s birthday and we’re going out for a meal to __________.(celebration)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(7)

1.My mother asked me to buy two ___________ on my way back home.(tomato)

2.The family are having a party to celebrate their child’s ____________ birthday.(five)

3.Please help _________ to the fruit on the plate, children.(you)

4.Peter felt ___________ sick yesterday so he asked for leave.(terrible)

5.How I wish the heavy haze(雾霾)could _____________ in our city.(appear)

6.We are sorry to hear the bad news of the ______________ MH 370 on TV.(fly)

7.The government in Fengxian is planning to ________ the roads to solve the heavy traffic.(wide)

8.US first lady Michelle Obama gave a __________ at Peking University and met with Chinese and US students in March.(speak)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(8)

1.John has a brother and a sister.He is the ________ child of Smith’s family.(three)

2.Many young _______ waited at the airport to see their idol form Korea.(woman)

3.Little Jim was quite _______ in the story, and he asked me to tell it again and again.(interest)

4.Mr.Black doesn’t ____________ about his clothes.He always wears T-shirts and blue jeans.(careful)

5.Please read the good news _______________ so that everyone can hear you, Jack.(loud)

6.People realize education plays an important part in the _______ of a country.(develop)

7.We all trusted what the old man said because he was never ________ to people.(honest)

8.Now that we have grown up, we should do everything by _____ to make Mum easy.(our)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(9)

1.Saturday is the __________ day of a week.(seven)

2.Usually people are afraid of _____________ because they may eat humans.(wolf)

3.Lei Feng is a good example for us to learn to _____________ the people.(service)

4.If people still don’t care enough for the environment, the air will become much ________.(bad)

5.We can learn a lot from ______________ events.(history)

6.It is good for you to do all the homework _________________.(you)

7.Being kind to others and giving a hand to them when necessary is _______ helpful.(usual)

8.In order to be safer, we have to ____________ that bridge.(build)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(10)

1.I visited many beautiful _______________ during my trip to London last year.(church)

2.She was in her early _______________ when I met her for the first time.(twenty)

3.My relatives all live in the suburbs of Australia, while _____________ are in France.(he)

4.If you feel bored, watching some 3D movies might be a good ____________.(suggest)

5.It __________ takes the driver 15 or 20 minutes to get the airport.(usual)

6.It’s a good idea to have a picnic with our friends on ____________ days.(sun)

7.The little boy thought it was _____________ for Li Na to lose the tennis games.(lucky)

8.Both of the film stars will ____________ in Beijing to take part in the TV show.(arrival)

1.I often help mum wash some _______________ when I am free at weekends.(dish)

2.“Tom, how did you enjoy _________ at Jim’s birthday party?” his mother asked.(you)

3.I’m afraid it’s hard for you to take the _________ on time, Jim.(medical)

4.________ food in small packages has a great variety, so people like to buy it.(freeze)

5.The father and the son are now having a very warm and ___________ talk.(friend)

6.My son hasn’t made a __________ whether he will go abroad for further study.(decide)

7.I am sorry to hear that our school team _____ lost the football game yesterday.(complete)

8.Tim is really _____ because he always tells us the same thing whenever he meets us.(bore)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(12)

1.My father bought this iPad for me on my ______________ birthday.(twelve)

2.Mr.Williams was excited to know that he would be the ____________ of the farm.(own)

3.You can put an advertisement in the local paper to ________________ your car.(sale)

4.Don’t always try to _____________ others.It’s bad manners.(foolish)

5.The man _________ denied driving after drinking when he was stopped by the police.(complete)

6.Detective novels used to hold a special ___________ for my husband and me.(attract)

7.After he felt better, Mike searched for work at _____________ companies.(variety)

8.It was ____________ of you to leave the door open when you were off.(care)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(13)

1.Jeff received quite a few _______________ as presents on his birthday.(toy)

2.You won’t believe it’s the ______________ job he has ever done.(six)

3.Jenny’s parents know that their daughter can solve the problem by _________.(she)

4.The writer wrote this book according to his _______________ experiences.(truth)

5.It’s ____ that the Malaysian airplane Mh370 suddenly disappeared at midnight.(surprise)

6.It doesn’t sound like a wise __________.You had better think it over.(choose)

7.Sally was so careful that she spelt all the words ____________ in the test.(correct)

8.The broadcast of the Oscar Academy Award can always ________ many people.(attraction)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(14)

1.The two _________ jumped up and down in the trees.(monkey)

2.We’ll celebrate our grandma’s _________ birthday at the Peace Hotel tomorrow.(ninety)

3.The novel was so exciting that they all lost _____________ in it.(they)

4.Alice Munro is the first ____________ to win a Nobel Prize in Literature.(Canada)

5.Mr.Rogers finally took the decision for ______________ reasons.(person)

6.With e-books coming, printed books aren’t people’s first __________ of reading.(choose)

7.Learning and practicing will surely _____________ us to make greater progress.(able)

8.One cannot refuse if you ask __________.(polite)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(1)(2014-4)

1.The film on detectives is so interesting that Tim has already seen it ________________.(two)

2.I am sure George is able to make a real car by ____________________.(he)

3.It you want to keep ____________________, you should do more exercise every day.(health)

4.“Take care of yourself,” my mother said __________________ to me.(gentle)

5.Shanghai is now very modern.Many foreigners will become the __________________ of Shanghai in the future.(city)

6.The soup is good for you.It is a __________________ of different kinds of vegetables.(mix)

7.Please ____________________ the milk in the microwave before you drink it.(heat)

8.They won’t publish Johnson’s report unless he __________________ it.(write)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(2)

1.I think it helpful to keep several ________________ by me to look up new words.(dictionary)

2.Maggie got the __________ prize because of her good performance in the singing competition.(two)

3.I plan to travel to several ___________________ countries such as France and Germany next winterholidays.(Europe)

4.The government has decided to __________________ the ancient temple next month.(building)

5.I ______________ living in the city centre because there is too much traffic.(like)

6.The survey shows that customers are very _________________ with the service of the 5-star hotel.(satisfying)

7.Mary was singing ____________________ to her baby sister when Mum got back home.(soft)

8.It’s not polite to ask about other people’s _______________ matters in England.(person)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(3)

1.Nobody likes to a person who makes too many empty ________________.(promise)

2.Mum, have you ever seen Danny’s sports shoes? I want a pair like ________________.(he)

3.We are warned that it is ____________________ to play too much with smart phones.(harm)

4.Simon’s parents gave him a Chinese ___________________ as a birthday present.(paint)

5.As the road was covered with a lot of snow, he fell ____________________ on the ground.(heavy)

6.Joan found the book easy to understand except for the _______________ chapter.(five)

7.Jacky is a very ________________ person and always deals with problems in his own way.(usual)

8.It is becoming more and more common for people to _______________ family cars.(owner)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(4)

1.The restaurant on the ____________________ floor has a nice view of the Hunagpu River.(twenty)

2.Lily’s ambition is to become a _____________________ like her uncle when she grows up.(law)

3.They have decided to ___________________ the road where lots of accidents happened.(wide)

4.The two expensive cars were ___________________ destroyed in the accident last night.(complete)

5.A number of famous singers, _______________ Shila Amzah, joined in the singing contest.(include)

6.The airline company didn’t tell then public the _________________ about the delay of the plane.(true)

7.Let’s exercise more because taking too much _____________ isn’t good to our health.(medical)

8.Joining in the Winter Olympics is a(n)_______________ experience for Chinese sportsmen.(forget)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(5)

1.When I was in Germany, I bought two nice ___________________ for my parents.(watch)

2.Although Angela lost her way to the hotel, she finally got there by ___________________.(she)

3.This is the __________________ time for me to further my English study in America.(one)

4.A friendly lady greeted me in a ________________ voice as soon as I got into the shop.(gently)

5.The string of the kite suddenly broke and the kite ___________________.(appear)

6.It is __________________ believed that online shopping provides us with many benefits.(wide)

7.Shanghai Disneyland will bring _______________ to the tourists in the near future.(happy)

8.It was ____________________ for a girl to learn Spanish well at the age of five.(usual)

1.The club organizes short trips to the mountains, _____________, museums and so on.(beach)

2.After years’ practice, the boy became a very famous _________________.(art)

3.The love from our parents is the _______________ love in the world.(deep)

4.Italy beat France by 6:4, and won the championship for the ________________ time.(four)

5.The weather is very ____________________ at this time of year.(change)

6.He played the piano so ________________ that a lot of people lost themselves in it.(beautiful)

7.People are wondering how Malaysia Airline Flight MH370 could _________________ off radar(雷达).(appear)

8.It’s Dad’s birthday and we’re going out for a meal to __________________.(celebration)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(7)

1.My mother asked me to buy two _______________ on my way back home.(tomato)

2.The family are having a party to celebrate their child’s ________________ birthday.(five)

3.Please help ______________ to the fruit on the plate, children.(you)

4.Peter felt ________________ sick yesterday so he asked for leave.(terrible)

5.How I wish the heavy haze(雾霾)could _______________ in our city.(appear)

6.We are sorry to hear the bad news of the __________________ MH 370 on TV.(fly)

7.The government in Fengxian is planning to ______________ the roads to solve the heavy traffic.(wide)

8.US first lady Michelle Obama gave a _____________________ at Peking University and met with Chinese and US students in March.(speak)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(8)

1.John has a brother and a sister.He is the ______________ child of Smith’s family.(three)

2.Many young _____________ waited at the airport to see their idol form Korea.(woman)

3.Little Jim was quite __________________ in the story, and he asked me to tell it again and again.(interest)

4.Mr.Black doesn’t ________________ about his clothes.He always wears T-shirts and blue jeans.(careful)

5.Please read the good news ___________________ so that everyone can hear you, Jack.(loud)

6.People realize education plays an important part in the __________________ of a country.(develop)

7.We all trusted what the old man said because he was never _________________ to people.(honest)

8.Now that we have grown up, we should do everything by _______________ to make Mum easy.(our)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(9)

1.Saturday is the _______________ day of a week.(seven)

2.Usually people are afraid of ___________________ because they may eat humans.(wolf)

3.Lei Feng is a good example for us to learn to __________________ the people.(service)

4.If people still don’t care enough for the environment, the air will become much ______________.(bad)

5.We can learn a lot from ___________________ events.(history)

6.It is good for you to do all the homework ___________________.(you)

7.Being kind to others and giving a hand to them when necessary is ________________ helpful.(usual)

8.In order to be safer, we have to _______________________ that bridge.(build)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(10)

1.I visited many beautiful __________________ during my trip to London last year.(church)

2.She was in her early ____________________ when I met her for the first time.(twenty)

3.My relatives all live in the suburbs of Australia, while _______________ are in France.(he)

4.If you feel bored, watching some 3D movies might be a good ___________________.(suggest)

5.It ________________ takes the driver 15 or 20 minutes to get the airport.(usual)

6.It’s a good idea to have a picnic with our friends on ________________ days.(sun)

7.The little boy thought it was ____________________ for Li Na to lose the tennis games.(lucky)

8.Both of the film stars will ____________________ in Beijing to take part in the TV show.(arrival)

1.I often help mum wash some ___________________ when I am free at weekends.(dish)

2.“Tom, how did you enjoy ___________________ at Jim’s birthday party?” his mother asked.(you)

3.I’m afraid it’s hard for you to take the ____________________ on time, Jim.(medical)

4._________________ food in small packages has a great variety, so people like to buy it.(freeze)

5.The father and the son are now having a very warm and ______________ talk.(friend)

6.My son hasn’t made a __________________ whether he will go abroad for further study.(decide)

7.I am sorry to hear that our school team ______________ lost the football game yesterday.(complete)

8.Tim is really _____________ because he always tells us the same thing whenever he meets us.(bore)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(12)

1.My father bought this iPad for me on my ___________________ birthday.(twelve)

2.Mr.Williams was excited to know that he would be the __________________ of the farm.(own)

3.You can put an advertisement in the local paper to ____________________ your car.(sale)

4.Don’t always try to ________________ others.It’s bad manners.(foolish)

5.The man __________________ denied driving after drinking when he was stopped by the police.(complete)

6.Detective novels used to hold a special ____________________ for my husband and me.(attract)

7.After he felt better, Mike searched for work at _____________________ companies.(variety)

8.It was _____________________ of you to leave the door open when you were off.(care)

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(13)

1.Jeff received quite a few ____________________ as presents on his birthday.(toy)

2.You won’t believe it’s the ___________________ job he has ever done.(six)

3.Jenny’s parents know that their daughter can solve the problem by _______________.(she)

4.The writer wrote this book according to his _________________ experiences.(truth)

5.It’s ______________ that the Malaysian airplane Mh370 suddenly disappeared at midnight.(surprise)

6.It doesn’t sound like a wise _________________.You had better think it over.(choose)

7.Sally was so careful that she spelt all the words __________________ in the test.(correct)

8.The broadcast of the Oscar Academy Award can always _______________ many people.(attraction)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:(14)

1.The two ________________ jumped up and down in the trees.(monkey)

2.We’ll celebrate our grandma’s ________________ birthday at the Peace Hotel tomorrow.(ninety)

3.The novel was so exciting that they all lost __________________ in it.(they)

4.Alice Munro is the first __________________ to win a Nobel Prize in Literature.(Canada)

5.Mr.Rogers finally took the decision for ___________________ reasons.(person)

6.With e-books coming, printed books aren’t people’s first ________________ of reading.(choose)

7.Learning and practicing will surely ___________________ us to make greater progress.(able)

8.One cannot refuse if you ask _________________.(polite)

篇2:2024届各区英语二模试卷 (词性转换汇总)

1.The golden fish said to the fisherman, “All your ______ will come true.”(wish)长宁)

2.Thousands of________ were lost in the terrible earthquake happened in Japan.(life)(奉贤)

3.Nowadays many people share_________ with their friends on the Internet.(photo)(黄浦)

4.The children learned to put their ________ and forks down on the plates after eating.(knife)(杨浦)

5.You can see lots of _______ flying inside the dirty restaurant.(fly)(虹口)

6.The book Harry Potter and the Philosopher‟s Stone sold millions of ________.(copy).(闵行)

7.Jenney‟s father has a collection of beautiful __________.(butterfly)普陀)

8.After ten ________, he found his lost boy with the help of the police.(month)(青浦)

9.Ivy missed her parents after she had spent a few ___________ abroad.(month)(闸北)

10.He had to wait for a few __________for the visa(签证)to come through.(month)(金山)

11.Real _____________ is more valuable(有价值的)than money.(friend)(宝山)

12.John told us that he had made friends with a few ________ on the Facebook.(Germany)(徐汇)

13.The students are doing experiments in the lab with some new ________.(chemistry)(长宁)

14.Your smile is the best way to show people your ___________.(kind)(奉贤)

15.Premier(总理)Wen Jiabao asked the government to improve school bus__________.(safe)(金山)

16.Though he is of average _________, he plays much better than the others in the team.(high)(静安)

17.Although Michael is only six, he has already shown his _______ to draw pictures.(able)(徐汇)

18.More and more people have realized the __________ of saving water.(important)(浦东)

19.Nobody at the lunch table believed the___________ of his story.(true)(普陀)

20.Nobody can really tell the _________ of the accident that happened a week ago.(true)(静安)

21.It‟s hard training not _______ that has helped Liu Xiang break the records again.(lucky)(徐汇)

22.Wu Liangyong is one of the __________to get China‟s Top Science Award this year.(win)(奉贤)

23.In some cases, you can hardly tell who is the final _______.(win)(虹口)

24.I‟d like to buy that jacket, but the colour is not my first ___________.(choose)(金山)

25.Last month we received Peter‟s __________ and went to his birthday party happily.(invite)闵行)

26.Lots of students went to the school hall to enjoy the wonderful ________ by Mr Hu.(paint)(静安)

27.To be or not to be, it‟s a very difficult _______ to many people as well as Hamlet.(choose)(虹口)

28.Tim wants to be a great __________ like Zhang Yimou when he grows up.(direct)(浦东)

29.Tom Sawyer gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but ___________ in his heart.(enjoy)(浦东)

30.Danny has worked as a newspaper___________ for a couple of years.(report)(普陀)

31.The students played a game at the ___________ of the lesson.(begin)(普陀)

32.At the __________ of last century, people in China lived in darkness.(begin)(黄浦)

33.With the _____________ of the industry, the environment is getting worse and worse.(develop)(青浦)

34.To my surprise, the ________ of the machine is a middle school student.(invent)(青浦)

35.There were many _________ in the Science Museum last Sunday.(visit)(松江)

36.All the guests are pleased with the restaurant for its excellent _________.(serve)(松江)

37.We are surprised to learn the death of the famous American _______ Whitney Huston.(sing)(徐汇)

38.For many students, choosing a job is the most important life ___________ they must make at school.(decide)(闸北)

39.I wonder if the floor can support such a ________ of furniture.(weigh)(杨浦)

40.Thanksgiving Day falls on the ____Thursday in November in the USA.(four)(宝山)

41.Lucy and Linda are twins.They were born on the ________ of November.(four)(长宁)

42.Thanks-giving Day falls on the ________ Thursday in November.(four)(黄浦)

43.Leung Chun-ying became the ________ chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on March 25th.(four)(杨浦)

44.The accident took place on the ________ day of their journey.(five)(普陀)

45.There are seven days in a week, and the ________ day is Thursday.(five)(青浦)

46.My uncle lives on the __________ floor.The flat has a nice view of the Huangpu River.(twenty)(徐汇)

47.After his _________ birthday, Tom will go abroad to further his study.(twenty)(浦东)

48.On the Double ___________ Festival, people usually climb mountains.(nine)(闸北)49.2012 is a leap year.That‟s why there are ___________days in February.(twenty-ninth)(奉贤)

50.The actor who acted in the TV series last night became famous in his ________.(thirty)(闵行)

51.We should drive ________ on the road.(safe)(宝山)

52.The Magic Hotel is amazing because it‟s __________ underwater.(complete)(长宁)

53.With the development of China, Chinese has become an international language and is ______ used all over the world.(wide)(奉贤)

54.This kind of grass is ________ used to deal with toothache in that area.(wide)(黄浦)

55.Let Tom tell you the truth ___________.(straight)(宝山)

56.Could you___________ open that window for me?(possible)(金山)

57.We all think James will ___________ be an artist when he grows up.(possible)(普陀)

58.________, all the lights went out and people had to wait in the darkness.(sudden)(徐汇)

59.The gentleman lost temper for the first time and shut the door _______ when he left.(heavy)(虹口)

60.In spring the wind blows _______.It makes us feel so comfortable.(gentle)(浦东)

61.All the mistakes should be corrected ________ if you want to get a good mark.(careful)(青浦)

62.I don‟t go out much, ________ because I have to look after the kids.(main)(闵行)

63.He did the work as _________ as he could so as to go back home early.(quick)(松江)

64.Jane gets angry ________.She‟d better get rid of it.(easy)(闸北)

65.John is _________ ill, so you ought to spend more time caring for him these days.(serious)(杨浦)

66.Nancy‟s grandma was _________ ill and he had an operation last month.(serious)(静安)

67.Shanghai ____a lot of visitors from all over the world every year.(attractive)(宝山)

68.Sandy likes drawing very much and she believes it can ________ her whole life.(rich)(长宁)

69.Most people think that traveling abroad can ________ one‟s knowledge.(rich)(闵行)

70.If you want to _________ your dream, study hard from now on.(real)(闸北)

71.It is very difficult to _______ the problem of air pollution.(solution)(宝山)

72.He needs a secretary who can also __________ his life for him.(organization)(奉贤)

73.Every day, we _____________ the visitors‟passports carefully before they check in.(exam)(静安)

74.I hope our company will _________ something like iPhone4S in the nearest future.(product)(虹口)

75.Don‟t always ask for advice from others.You should learn to ________ everything by yourself.(decision)(浦东)

76.Can you tell me who will _______ at the class meeting next Monday?(speech)(松江)

77.The doctors in that hospital always ________ patients with great care.(exam)(杨浦)

78.It‟s great fun to watch the beautiful stars in the sky on ______ nights in autumn.(clearly)(黄浦)

79.I feel ___________ that our school football team will win the match.(confidence)(宝山)

80.Students in Shanghai don‟t have to take_________buses any more, they can take special school buses.(crowd)(金山)

81.On hot summer nights, the swimming pool near my home is _________ with people.(crowd)(徐汇)

82.They were ________ with the recent case the young detective had dealt with.(pleasure)(闵行)

83.Do you agree “Beating a child is a good way to make the child ___________” said by Wolf Dad?(success)(闸北)

84.Could you introduce us three __________ events in the Tang Dynasty(唐朝)?(history)(静安)

85.Most Chinese people think that 8 is a ________ number.(luck)(黄浦)

86.Because of the warm and ________ weather, oranges grow very well here.(sun)(长宁)

87.Don„t touch anything here because it is ________.(danger)(青浦)

88.“Turn down the radio, Jim.It‟s too _________.”said his grandfather.(noise)(松江)

89.As soon as the boss appeared, the_________ office became quiet.(noise)(普陀)

90.I love the programme “Schools in students‟ eyes” made by Shanghai ___________ TV


91.We shouldn‟t make friends with any __________ persons.(honesty)(宝山)

92.It‟s known to all that ________ drivers are a danger to both themselves and others.(care)(静安)

93.Helen‟s teacher was so ________ with the great progress she made this term.(please)(长宁)

94.We are very ________ to our teachesr for their great help.(thank)(奉贤)

95.My mother is nearly 80 and she‟s starting to get a bit________.(forget)(金山)

96.As time passed by, the smart teacher was very old and sometimes rather ________.(forget).(虹口)

97.The Bund is famous for its ___________ night views.(attract)(浦东)

98.All of us should obey traffic rules in order to keep ourselves _________.(save)(松江)

99.This truck is used to deliver _______ food from the factory to the supermarket.(freeze)(徐汇)

100.On leaving school, all the students felt ________ to the teachers for giving them a good education.(thank)(杨浦)

101.Although Peter is five years old, he is learning to make the bed by ________.(he)(长宁)102.The old lady gave half of her money to the homeless, although she is not rich ________.(she)(黄浦)

103.Be careful, Richard, or you‟ll hurt ___________.(your)(金山)

104.The clever dog can open the gate of the garden by ________.(it)(普陀)

105.The music he was playing was so beautiful.We all lost ___________ in it.(we)(闸北)106.When the horse finished the race, ________ sides were wet all over with sweat.(it)(闵行)107.Aunt Liu says these books aren‟t _________.They belong to the gentleman over there.(she)(静安)

108.It is clear that your schoolbag is much heavier than_______.(I)(奉贤)

109.My brother‟s hobby is collecting stamps, but ________ is playing badminton.(I)(青浦)110.A friend of _________ is waiting for the manager at the gate of the company.(they)(松江)

111.I will try _____ best to get a bright future.(I)(浦东)

112.To make lessons lively, our teacher taught ________ English in a special way.(we)(杨浦)113.To keep fit, we should get ride of _________ eating habits and do more exercise.(healthy)(黄浦)

114.Nobody likes to make friends with _________ people.(honest)(金山)

115.Nowadays blogs are much more ________ than traditional diaries and especially welcomed by young people.(useless)(闵行)
