



combative a. 好战的,杀气腾腾的,斗志旺盛的

compositive a. 合成的,综合的

constructive a. 建设性的,构造上的,作图的

constrictive a. 紧缩的,束紧的,压缩性的

corrective a. 纠正的,改正的,矫正的

conclusive a. 决定性的,确实的,最后的

delusive a. 困惑的,迷惑的,欺瞒的

cumulative a. 累积的

connective a. 连接着,连接的

conjunctive a. 连结的,结合的,联合的

consecutive a. 连续的,联贯的,始终一贯的

deceptive a. 迷惑的,虚伪的,欺诈的

descriptive a. 描述的,叙述的

electromotive a. 起电的

coercive a. 强制的,强压的,强迫的

abusive a. 辱骂的,滥用的,陋习的

demonstrative a. 说明的,指示的

expositive a. 说明的;阐述的;评注的

distinctive a. 特别的;独具一格的

appositive a. 同位的

consumptive a. 消费的,浪费的,消耗性的

digestive a. 消化的,助消化的

collaborative a. 协作的,合作的

elective a. 选举的,根据选举的,选任的

convulsive a. 摇撼的,抽搐的,骚动的

expansive a. 易膨胀的,易扩张的

causative a. 引起…的`

excursive a. 游览的,离题的,散漫的

defective a. 有缺陷的,欠缺的

correlative a. 有相互关系的,相关的

adhesive a. 粘着的,有粘性的

curative a. 治病的

degenerative a.(疾病)变性的

conservative a.保守的 n.保守的人

comparative a.比较的,相对的

contraceptive a.避孕

exclusive a.除外的;孤傲的

creative a.创造性的,创作的

comprehensive a.广泛的;理解的

extensive a.广阔的;广泛的

excessive a.过多的,极度的

active a.活跃的;积极的

collective a.集体的;集合性的

competitive a.竞争的,比赛的

decisive a.决定性的;果断的

destructive a.破坏(性)的,危害的

aggressive a.侵略的;好斗的

cognitive a.认识的

attractive a.有吸引力的

effective a.有效的;有影响的

attentive a.注意的;有礼貌的

decorative a.装饰的;可作装饰的

addictive adj. (毒品等)使人上瘾的

digressive adj. 本题以外的,枝节的

figurative adj. 比喻的,借喻的

cursive adj. 草书的

derisive adj. 嘲弄的

exhaustive adj. 彻底的,无遗漏的


He became edgy and defensive.


Like their children, parents are often defensive about their private lives.


Accusations are likely to put the other person on the defensive


The military machine is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for action


The government said the moves were purely defensive.


definitive n. 限定词

expositive a. 说明的;阐述的;评注的`

fugitive adj. 逃亡的,易逝的n. 逃犯,逃亡者

genitive a. 属格的

hypersensitive adj. 过份敏感的

infinitive n. 不定词

inquisitive adj. 过份好问的,好奇的


apologist n. 辩护者,辩证者,护教论者

motorist n. 乘汽车者,常坐汽车的人

underwaist n. 穿在马甲下的胸衣,小孩的内衣

philanthropist n. 慈善家

grist n. 大量,许多

moralist n. 道德学家,卫道士

alpinist n. 登山运动员

antagonist n. 敌手,对手

geologist n. 地质学家

zoologist n. 动物学家

recitalist n. 独奏家

abolitionist n. 废除主义者,废奴主义者

organist n. 风琴弹奏者

satirist n. 讽刺诗作者,讽刺家,爱挖苦别人的人

evangelist n. 福音传道者,圣经新约福音书的.作者

revolutionist n. 革命家

unionist n. 工会会员

florist n. 花商,种花者

escapist n. 会消遣的人

opportunist n. 机会主义者,投机取巧者

machinist n. 机械师,机械安装修理工,机械工

activist n. 积极分子

philatelist n. 集邮家

annalist n. 纪年表编者,编年史作者

receptionist n. 接待员

anatomist n. 解剖学家

evolutionist n. 进化论者

prohibitionist n. 禁酒论者

economist n. 经济学者,经济家

psychiatrist n. 精神病医师,精神病学家

dramatist n. 剧作家

casuist n. 决疑者,诡辩家

archaeologist n. 考古学家

ventriloquist n. 口技者

gerontologist n. 老年医学家

optimist n. 乐观主义者; 乐观者

extortionist n. 勒索者,敲诈者

perfectionist n. 力求完美者,吹毛求疵者

federalist n. 联邦主义者

alchemist n. 炼丹家

vocalist n. 流行歌手,声乐家

anesthesiologist n. 麻醉学家

anesthetist n. 麻醉医生

Methodist n. 美以美教徒, 墨守成规者

somnambulist n. 梦行

nationalist n. 民族主义

thaumaturgist n. 魔术师,奇术士

ornithologist n. 鸟类学者

agronomist n. 农学家

feminist n. 女权运动者

optometrist n. 配镜师

dermatologist n. 皮肤学者,皮肤科医生

cyclist n. 骑脚踏车的

meteorologist n. 气象学者

numismatist n. 钱币学家,钱币收藏家

percussionist n. 敲击乐器,乐师

pugilist n. 拳击家


7 active a.活跃的;积极的

8 addictive adj. (毒品等)使人上瘾的.

9 additive adj. 附加的;n. 添加剂;附加物

10 adhesive a. 粘着的,有粘性的

11 adjective n.形容词 a.形容词的

12 administrative a. 管理的,行政的

13 affirmative adj. 赞成的,肯定的

14 aggressive a.侵略的;好斗的

15 appositive a. 同位的

16 appreciative adj. 感谢的,赞赏的

17 apprehensive adj. 恐惧的,担心的

18 archive vt. 归档

19 argumentative a. 好辩的,爱穷根究理的,争论的


drawing n.图画,素描;绘图

docking n.扣工资

excepting prep. 除了…以外

fastening n. (门等)扣绊,拴扣物

complaining adj. 抱怨的,发牢骚的

jesting adj. 滑稽的,好笑的

greeting n.问候,招呼,致敬

hireling n.佣工

hardworking a. 勤奋的;勤劳的

boiling adj. 沸腾的

batting n. 打球,打击,棉絮

disgusting a. 令人作呕的;使人讨厌的

beginning n.开始,开端;起源

fitting n. 配合;试衣;装备;(pl. )配件adj. 适当的;适合的.,恰当的

feeling n.感情;感觉,知觉

alluring a. 诱惑的;迷人的

casing n. 箱,盖,套管,框,包装

catching a.传染性的

hijacking 劫持飞机

helping n. 一份或一客食物

enduring a. 持久的

making n. 制造,构造

everything pron.每件事,每样东西

jogging n.慢跑

liking n. 兴趣,嗜好;爱好;喜欢

lasting a. 永久的,永恒的,持久的

lacking a. 缺少的,没有的

dizzying a.极快的,极高的

breeding n. 教养,生育,饲养

inkling n. 暗示,细微的迹象

bunting n. 旗帜;白颊鸟

casting n. 投掷,铸成品,角色



He might make a boxer, with his width and heaviness.


The heaviness in the evening air oppressed us both.


The light served to enhance the impressiveness of the place.


The group awareness, the psychological dependence and the impressiveness and collectivization of suicide;



Petty crime is having a rious effect on community life.


It is worth trying if you are so inclined, but copying the pattern of another person, if it is not fitting for you, will be rious to your productivity.


He got rich by devious means.


Newman was devious, prepared to say one thing in print and another in private



The angler waited long but the fish would not bite.


The angler made a good catch.


To be a good angler, one must be patient.


As we descend, we take note of the angler fish.



Evaluation Method for Highway Network Adaptability Based on Grey Correlation Degree Model


Adaptability of Industrial Ecological System of Mining Cities in Northeast China


Lady Catherine was reckoned proud by many people he knew, but he had never seen any thing but affability in her.


I rather expected, from my knowledge of her affability, that it would happen. But who could have foreseen such an attention as this?


The father-in-law presently arrived, was greeted by the father with great affability, and invited to sit near the front door.



dampen v 使潮湿;使沮丧(damp潮湿)

hearthen v 鼓励(heart心)

broaden v 加宽(broad宽)

sweeten v 变甜(sweet甜)


wooden a 木制的(wood木头)

woolen a 羊毛制的`(wool羊毛)

golden a 金(色)的(gold金子)

waxen a 蜡制的(wax蜡)

oaken a 橡木制的(oak橡树)


warden n 看守人(ward守卫,保卫)

vixen n 泼妇(vix雌狐)

citizen n 公民(city城市)

heathen n 异教徒(heath荒野;灌木丛)

maiden n 少女(maid少女)

chicken n 小鸡(chick小鸡)



Are you ready, prepared, aligned?


The two systems are poorly aligned.


Is the data aligned?


The prince allied himself with the Scots.


Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915.


Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol.


Close friends were allowed into the sickroom.
