



Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy。 It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help。 No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along。

Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends。 Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart。 Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys。While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities。 Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings。 We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them。 In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds。 Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life。



懂得了友谊是多么宝贵之后,就应谨慎地选择朋友。真正的朋友品性良好,本事上等,心地善良;真正的朋友能分担我们的忧伤,倍增我们的欢乐。交友之时,要谨慎选择具有这样完美品质的人。然后应以礼待友,当心不要无理地妨碍他们,不嘲笑他们的所作所为。我们应原谅朋友的失败,并尽己所能帮忙他们。 简言之,建立了友谊之后,要经过言语和行动来珍惜友谊,像爱护宝物一样爱惜友谊。仅有这样,才能发展真正的友谊,让神圣的友谊之灯照亮我们一生。


Dear teacher and my dear friends: I am very pleased to stand here and deliver a short speech to you.And I feel quite lucky to be the first oneto give the speech.Today my topic is about our environment.Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noise and give off poisonous gas.Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed.The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing.The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations.Sohow to protect the environment? Initially,We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems.For instance, new laws must be passed to control industrial pollution, the public must receive the education about the disadvantages of pollution and so on.We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.As for us, as school students, can also join in recycling activities to protect the environment.For example, set up a recycling center beside, which is very useful.It is used to collect the waste paper and plastic bottles.In the high school, our classmates used to throw all of these into the trashbin.At the very beginning of this collecting activity, it was not so warm-welcomed.Later, more and more people were influenced by the others and joined this collecting activity.Gradually, all the students in our class form a good habit to protect the environment.All of us will now put away the reusable things instead of throwing them into the trashcan.We should always remember in our mind that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect.Finally would you please let me end this speech with a little poem, “Be kind to the river.Be good to the trees.Smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze.Be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!”


我们应创设良好的语境, 在教学中加强对学生进行听说能力的培养。从三年级起始阶段起, 每堂课给学生一分钟时间走到台前来进行语言的表达, 对于学生来说, 是锻炼听说能力的一个好方法。在此背景下, 江苏省南京市樱花小学英语组三名教师自2011年9月起, 组成了“课前一分钟英语演讲提高学生语用能力的实践研究”课题组。分别对三、五、六年级的四个班级实施了课题相关研究。


(1) 课前一分钟英语演讲:特指在小学英语课堂教学活动的初始阶段, 由一学生面向全体学生进行的英文口语表达的行为。学生有准备的或者即兴的在一分钟内, 用所学的语言阐述对一件事情或者一个事物的观点或意见。

(2) 语用能力:即学生综合语言语用能力。语用能力是学生语言综合素养的体现。它包括语言知识, 即组词成句、组句成篇的能力, 和语言技能, 即听、说、读、写的能力;认识能力;文化知识;感情因素等。

课前一分钟英语演讲提高学生语用能力的研究, 就是在每节英语课的Free talk环节给予学生一分钟时间, 轮流上台进行一分钟演讲, 并通过此演讲, 培养全班学生进行有意识的听力训练。充分利用学生说和听的素材, 锻炼学生综合运用积累的言语信息, 进行言语表达和运用。


在研究过程中, 笔者对学生进行了课前一分钟英语演讲情况的问卷调查, 得到了学生的相关看法和有关数据。

在四个班级的课堂教学实践中, 老师对于一分钟课堂演讲活动开展的时间不一, 造成了学生对于其认识方面的不统一。除了三 (1) 班的88.4%、五 (2) 班的90%的学生认为每节课老师都让学生进行一分钟课前演讲以外, 其他班级都无课前演讲这一活动。其中两个班是由同一位老师所教, 从调查数据上看, 老师没有在两个班级开展时间相对等的一分钟演讲活动, 如此的“厚此薄彼”是否会造成两个班级学生日后的语用能力差异呢?也值得课题组老师探讨。

教师在引导学生进行一分钟演讲时, 应该更加关注学生“用所学的语言阐述对一件事情或者一个事物的观点或意见”。课前一分钟英语演讲侧重于学生对事物的主观性的语言表达, 是提高、锻炼学生语言表达的有效途径。从课前的准备到演讲时的语言输出, 有严密的思维过程。作为听众的学生, 所听的每一个演讲内容就是一个完整的听力素材。因此, 在安排学生独自的演讲和两两对话式的互动表演时, 教师应该把握好度, 不能把Free Talk完全作为课前一分钟演讲。让学生养成用英语表达自己的思维习惯, 不能只操练“你问, 我答”式的对话。


Rome wasn’t built in a day.语言的有效习得非一日之功。小学阶段的学生正处于英语学习的起始阶段, 教师为学生提供一分钟英语演讲的平台是一片学生自主体验英语学习的乐土, 真正地让学生自己发现、播种, 并且从中收获。通过四个月的实践与反思, 笔者收获颇多。特别是在高年级的课堂中, 教师和学生共同努力, 思考如何用更好的方法对演讲者进行即兴评述。

激发学生对演讲者评价, 能够培养听者认真聆听的习惯, 有助于提高英语听的能力。教师还可以利用学生演讲的素材, 拓展一些听力的训练, 让学生现场根据他人的演讲来进行答题、判断等听力的训练, 听说结合, 启发学生思维。甚至在高年级的课堂中, 培养学生即兴提问的能力, 养成在学习过程中“质疑”的习惯, 调动学生的学习积极性。学生在客观地评价他人演讲的同时, 自己的语用能力也会有所提高。


正如韩礼德从功能语法的角度分析语言, “语言是一种‘doing’的形式, 而不是‘knowing’的形式”, 也就是说, 对语言来说, 口语永远是第一性的, 口语交际的信息含量和重要程度是书面表达方式所不能取代的。

提高小学生的语言运用能力是一个长期的过程。听说领先是语言学习的基本规律。课前一分钟英语演讲既调动了学生的学习积极性, 又促进了语用能力的提高。教师应在此课题研究过程中更多地关注多数学生的语言能力发展, 真正让所有的学生懂得“Love English, use English and make the language ourselves”。





[文章编号]1006-2831(2007) 11-0051-6

Abstract: This paper attempts to analyze the significant role that rational appeal, emotional appeal and ethical appeal play in the English speeches in the light of Aristotle’s rhetoric theory. These three appeals serve to achieve the ultimate goal of strengthening the persuasive force of the speakers who aim to inform, and to persuade. The sample data has been collected from some prize-winning speeches and classic speeches in history in addition to my speech draft in nationwide English speech competition. The sample analyses testify to my conclusion that rational appeal, emotional appeal, and ethical appeal are very important part of successful public speaking; used creatively they can help to establish the credibility of the speaker, arouse the desired emotions in the audience and get them around to accept the speaker’s way of reasoning and eventually identity the speaker with the audience. This paper has the practical purpose of offering some guidance in theory and practice to students interested in public speaking, an important skill in modern society.

Key words: rhetoric, appeal, speech







在第八届“21世纪杯”英语演讲赛中,来自北京语言大学的胡雪举了下面的例子说明环境污染给旅游景点造成的严重威胁:“The Fragrant Hill in the western suburb of Beijing is now almost bereft of birds because of human interference, and it is sometimes parodied as ‘Nasty Hill’ because of the unpleasant smell coming from the chimneys of roadside restaurants.”这个例子更有效地说明人类随意的行为破坏了美丽的香山。

在第九届“21世纪杯”英语演讲赛中,来自外交学院的范舒爽讲述了她在课堂上听到的一个故事:“Once, an important business negotiation was held in Shanghai. And the two parties were meeting for the first time. Unfortunately, when the two representatives first shook hands, one gentleman failed to make eye contact, distracted instead by cameras televising the event. It is not surprising that they have done no business since that meeting.”通过讲这个故事,她强调交际技巧在商业交往中非常重要。


下面的演讲选自1999年国际英语演讲赛中南非选手Nicholas Marais的演讲。他用数据表明英语这门语言在新千年如何重要,如何普遍:“Time magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the lingua franca for one quarter of the world’s population. Already today sixty percent of the world’s television and radio broadcasts are produced and delivered in English. Seventy percent of the world’s mail addressed in English.”通过引用著名的《时代》周刊上的数据,这位选手有效地说明了英语作为一门国际语言的重要性和普遍性。

同样,美国前总统尼克松在北京对外经贸大学的演讲中列举了一串数据:“In 1972, there were no Americans as tourists in the P.R.C; last year there were over 100,000. In 1972, there were no students from the P.R.C. studying in the United States; last year there were over 12,000. In 1972, there was no trade between the two countries; last year trade went over six billion dollars.”这些数据有力地说明中美两国在建立合作关系方面前景广阔。


理性诉诸另一个主要的部分就是讲道理,如果同时能结合例子、数据和名言就能加强演讲者的说服力。好的演讲者应该有力地讲道理,但更重要的是让听众接受演讲者的说理方式。演讲者可以从具体的事件说理,也可以从一般的原则说理。此外,演讲者也可以用“causal reasoning or analogical reasoning”。但不论用哪种说理方式,演讲者应该避免fallacies。

比如,丘吉尔在针对希特勒侵占苏联的演讲中使用了the process of reasoning from principle。下面是他说理的压缩结构。大前提:“Anyone who fights against Hitler is our friend and anyone who allies with Hitler is our enemy.”。小前提:“Russia is fighting Hitler despite it being a communist country.”。结论:“Therefore, our policy is to support Russia.”。在演讲中,说理的步骤是清晰明了的,但说理的过程应该清楚。




亚里士多德认为:尽管人本质是一个理性的动物,但却常常受情绪的影响接受事物。Stephen E. Lucas教授(2004)在《公共演讲的艺术》一书中写道,词语是演讲者的工具。语言的使用有三个方面:准确、清楚、生动。准确和清楚是告知演讲必不可少的,但生动是劝说演讲的有力工具。达到生动和激起听众的情绪有两个重要的方法——用形象的词语以及比喻性或有韵律的语言。


下面是来自国际关系学院陈冀佳的演讲。当他说到参加研究生考试辅导班的课时,他说:“Almost 15,000 students were sitting in a huge classroom, listening, taking notes or sleeping. The smell of books, dust and sweat, the buzz of handsets, the rustles of pens and the whispers of the listeners, intermingled with the lecturer’s over-amplified voice echoing in the stuffy, crowded and un-air-conditioned room. All this brought nothing but dizziness and suffocation.” 这些具体词引起人们的视觉和听觉,感觉和情绪能把听众带入演讲中。

比喻性或有韵律的语言包括明喻、暗喻,即用“like”或“as”比较两个本质上不同但有相同之处的事物。下面是著名的Martin Luther King, Jr.的演讲I Have A Dream:This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end night of their captivity. 这些明喻表达了他希望黑人能得到真正的平等相待,并最终有一天能得到解放。

下面是山东大学苗婧的演讲:“Thanks to the expanded enrollment, we can say goodbye to those days when going to college was like passing over a narrow bridge, with only a few, a very few, able to make it to the other side.”这个明喻生动地描述了大学录取的残酷竞争。



life is too short to go through it without caring deeply about something. as steven chu said as you begin a new stage of your lives,follow your passion. if you don’t have a passion,don’t be satisfied until you find one.

As for me, i love moves,furthermore.i even have tried to make my own micro film.in the last summer vacation, with my friends,i wrote a story and had it shot.interested in. i also love photography ,and i choose the photos shop class. i’d like to use my camera and my video clips skills to recorded the beautiful things in our life. i love reading as well. i favoured since fiction world verymuch,from the vivid world,i learned a lot and feel more thirsty for reading. now i read selected poems of tagore. fascinated with his world,i got more interest in english. except for these hobbies i also enjoy football,to be honest,i don’t have any talent in this,i can’t keep myself running for a long time; i can’t shoot the football accurately;and i can’t get the ball passed from my teammate sometimes. but i just like it ,i can’t deny that i’m not good at it,but it surely brings me so much joy.playing football with my friends always are full of surprise and cheers.








1.演讲主题:本次比赛提供主题:以My favorite...(teacher, friend, animal, sports, book, fruit...)为题。演讲要求2分钟左右。(要求脱稿)


① 内容方面(30分):主题内容生动、观点鲜明、结构紧凑、表达符合英语语言习惯,符合逻辑,思维有力。

② 语言方面(30分):发音准确,语调标准、自然、纯正,口齿清晰,节奏感强;英语语言基本功好,语音语调优美,能深入浅出地表达思想与观点。③ 演讲技巧(20分):有效运用抑扬顿挫的语调变化、手势语、面部表情和其他方式加强演讲效果。演讲富于激情,表达完整,具有创意和感染力。④ 综合印象(20分):风格清新自然,落落大方;感情充沛,富有表现力;仪态端庄、大方;着装整洁。


