






一. 活动背景:



二. 市场调查:我校在校师生60000余人仅我前湖校区就有40000,学生活动积极,追求新潮,对生活充满了期待和好奇,他们的消费特点和行为方式,将左右和引领整个社会潮流的发展方向,尤其在西餐消费上绝对可称为消费主流.

三. 活动时间:xx年4月24日(具体时间可调整)

四. 活动地点:多媒体教室

五. 主办单位:南昌大学学生社团联合会


六. 活动简介:



七. 活动流程:

八. a、准备阶段(提前活动一周进行):


































Water Goblet White Wine Glass Champagne glass Brandy Glass Use to fill water Use to fill white wine

Use to fill champagne Use to fill brandy The method of use glasses is: Use the thumb、middle finger and forefinger holding the cup angle ,the little finger put in the bottom of the cup and fix The specific order is: With a knife before the water glass as the base ,turn right under the dining table with 45 degree angles.Followed by : champagne glass ,red wine glass ,white wine glass ,sherry glass ,brandy glass

Part two: Fork& Knife

Soup Spoon Salad Fork/Knife Dinner Fork/Knife Fish Fork Use to fill soup Use to eat salads Use to eat main course Use to eat fish

Steak Knife Butter Knife Cheese Knife Dessert Fork/Spoon Use to cut steak Use to wipe butter Use to cut cheese Use to eat desserts

Tea/Coffee Spoon Serving Fork/Spoon Lobster Pick Use to stir tea/coffee Use to service guest meal Use to pick the lobsters

Fork is also very particular about the use of:

1.If have not finished eating , the plates have not empty ,and also want to continue dinner ,put the knife and fork apart ,about triangular in the shape.Then the waiter will not take your dishes.2.If have finished eating ,you can put knife and fork parallel on the plate be the same side of ,then the waiter will take the dishes away.3.If the plate is empty ,and you also want to eat,devide the knife and fork with eight-shaped,then there will have waiter to serve you the food.Part three decimetres dessert plate 10 decimetres dinner platedecimetres place plate Use fill the desserts or salads Use to fill the main courses just use to table decorations

Soup Plate & Soup Cup and Saucer Sugar Bowl Creamer Use to fill soup Use to fill sugar Use to fill coffee cream or milk

coffee Cup & Saucer Tea Cup & Saucer Use to fill coffee Use to fill tea

餐具摆放(the place of the table ware)

In formal settings, all the silverware, glassware, cups, saucers and the like are placed on the table, so it’s often difficult to know which fork to use when or which water glass is yours.As a general rule to thumb, silverware is lined up in the order in which a person will use them, going from the outside, in.For instance, the fork and knife used for the salad are placed in the outermost of the setting, farthest from your plate(with the exception of the spoon).Dessert silverware, if not brought out with the dessert, are placed at the top of your entrée plate.Glassware, cup and saucer are placed to your right, while the napkin, bread plate and butter spreader to your left.餐具的使用(the use of the tableware)

Rules on flatware(扁平的餐具,指刀,叉,匙等)

Start from the outside and work your way in toward the plates as the meal progresses.Usually,the big fork is for the entree;the big spoon for the soup.(餐具的使用根据上菜的顺序由外向里使用。通常,最大的叉子是用来食用主菜的,最大的汤匙是用来喝汤的。)According to the “BD” gesture: Eat bread is on your left,drink is on your right,use the knife by your right hand,and use the fork by your left hand.Once a utensil(餐具)has been used ,it never goes back on the table.when you are taking break ,rest your fork and knife entirely on the plate.when you are finished ,place them diagonally(对角地)on the plate ,side by side ,with the handles(手柄)at 4 o"clock.The knife blade(刀片)should face the center of the plate ,not point out toward another guest(an ancient sign of aggression)

The order of dishes in China(待定)The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes.Soup then will be served to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings.If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.The order of dishes in the West

Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called an a starter.After the starter you will get a bowl of soup.Then ,fish course.The next dish is the main course,it usually is a beef steak.A vegetable salad will be served.Then a delicious dessert will appear at the table.At last is a cup of tea or coffee.Manners in the West 1)When leaving the table during the course of your meal, put your napkin on your chair, not the table.No one wants to see your stained napkin.And at the completion of the meal, place it on the left of your plate, or if your plate has been cleared, in the center.2)When in a situation where you have to pass food or condiments to others at the table, pass it to your right, or counter clockwise.Never do a “boarding house reach” across the table.3)While cutting meat, the correct way is to cut a piece and then switch your fork to your right hand to pick it up.This method is considered the “American” way.Not switching your fork and using your left is called the “Continental” way, and is done most often in European countries.This way is gaining acceptance and I wouldn’t be surprised if one day soon it’s considered acceptable in fine dining.Also, cut meat a piece at a time.Cutting the entire meat up into pieces or cutting more than one at a time is tacky 4)When you’re done with your meal, the proper placement of the silverware is to lay them parallel to each other and across the plate with the handles facing the right.To clarify, the ends would be facing 10 o’clock and four.Note: Not all waiters will know this and they still may ask you if it’s okay to clear your plate.At least you appear classy.Manners in China(待定)1)Spitting Out the Bones

In China it is also common practice to spit things out on the table or the floor.Often food has small pieces of bone or other inedible parts that need to be removed from the mouth.Using chopsticks, a hand or a tissue is a polite way around the problem.2)Touching Tables Though in the West it is sometimes considered rude to put one’s elbows on the dining table, this is quite acceptable in China, particularly when eating noodles.You however may want to avoid this in some restaurants where the table is only wiped with an old cloth and there may be some unseen residue from the previous patrons’ meals.3)Dessert

Eating something sweet for dessert is not a Chinese custom.Sweet things can be found hidden among everything else on a Chinese menu.Fruit salads and caramel covered apple are Chinese sweet dishes that are popular with Westerners.4)Drinking



1. 理性的西方人更多关注的是营养与生存

中西饮食文化最大的差异是关注的重点不同, 即“营养”和“美味”两者孰轻孰重的问题。在西方国家, 饮食大多仅仅作为一种生存的必要手段和交际方式。西方饮食是一种理性观念, 不论食物的色、香、味、形如何, 营养一定要得到保证, 西方烹调讲究营养而忽视味道。他们拒绝使用味精, 认为其是既不营养又有副作用的化学产品;生吃的蔬菜, 不仅包括西红柿、生菜, 甚至是洋白菜、西兰花。因而他们的“色拉”有如一盘饲料, 使我们难以下咽。虽然现在的中国人也讲究营养保健, 也知道蔬菜爆炒加热后会丢失一部分维生素, 生吃则避免丢失, 可还是宁愿选择前者, 因为习惯使然, 更是因为味道确实好多了。

2. 感性的中国人追求的是美味和享受

在中国, 民间有句俗话:“民以食为天, 食以味为先”, 味道是烹调的最高准则。在中国人的眼里, “吃”远不单纯是为了饱, 也不是为了营养, 有时吃饱了, 还要吃, 这是因为受不了“美味”的诱惑而尽情进行味觉享受。但在西方的理性饮食观看来, 这种超负荷的饮食不仅造成浪费, 而且危害人体。尽管中国人讲究食疗、食养, 重视以饮食来养生滋补, 但我们的烹调却以追求美味为第一要求, 致使许多营养成分损失破坏, 因此营养问题也许是中国饮食的最大弱点。

3. 西方烹调遵循的是规范与科学

西方人强调科学与营养, 因此烹调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事。菜谱的使用就是一个极好的证明。西方人总是拿着菜谱去买菜, 制作菜肴, 但相比起来, 还是一个非常机械的东西, 而这导致了西餐的一个弊端——缺乏特色。当人们身处异地想品尝当地美食时, 肯定是不会有人选择肯德基或麦当劳之类食品的。另外, 规范化的烹调甚至要求配料的准确, 调料的添加精确到克, 烹调时间精确到秒。由于西方菜肴制作的规范化, 使其毫无创造性。令西方人不能理解的是, 中国烹调不仅不追求精确的规范化, 反而推崇随意性。翻开中国的菜谱, 常常发现原料的准备量、调料的添加量都是模糊的概念。而且中国烹调中, 不仅讲究各大菜系要有各自的风味与特色, 即使是同一菜系的同一个菜, 所用的配菜与各种调料的匹配, 也会依厨师的个人爱好特点有变化。同样是一道“麻婆豆腐”, 为四川客人烹制和为苏州客人烹制, 所用的调料肯定是不同的。而在西方, 一道菜在不同的地区不同的季节面对不同的食者, 都毫无变化。

4. 崇尚自由的西方人重分别与个性

在中西饮食文化之中也明显体现出这种“和合”与“分别”的文化特征。西菜中除少数汤菜, 正菜中各种原料互不相干, 鱼就是鱼, 牛排就是牛排, 纵然有搭配, 那也是在盘中进行的, 这体现了“西方重分别”的社会文化。这种重分别的社会文化同样体现在用餐方式上。西方人奉行的是分餐制, 人对个性、对自我的尊重。西方流行的自助餐形式更是各吃各的, 缺少中国人聊欢共乐的情调。

5. 向往和谐的中国人重和合与整体

中国人一向以“和”与“合”为最美妙的境界, 音乐上讲究“和乐”、“唱和”, 医学上主张“身和”、“气和”, 希望国家政治实现“政通人和”。称美好的婚姻为“天作之合”, 而当一切美好的事物凑集在一起时, 我们将其称誉为“珠联璧合”。而这种“和合”的思想体现在烹饪上就反映为“五味调和”。所以中国菜几乎每个菜都要用两种以上的原料和多种调料来调和烹制。中国人把做菜称之为“烹调”, 美味的产生, 在于调和。因此中国人烹调不是“1+1=2”那么简单, 而是应该等于“3”甚至更多。

总之, 中西饮食在诸多方面存在着各式各样的差异, 当然, 这些差异都具有相对性, 几千年来的东西方文化的交流也促成中西方的饮食文化的不断融合。全球化态势下的跨文化交际使得多样的饮食文化不断的互补与兼容。今天, 享受东西方各具特色的饮食已成为当代人日常生活中司空见惯的事情。我们在大街上随处可见法式大餐、肯德基等西方的舶来饮食, 而中国菜馆也开遍了全世界。


饮食文化、餐具、进餐方式以及一系列的餐桌礼仪等则反映了不同民族的社会生活样式和文化取向。现代社会礼仪无处不在, 用餐不单是满足基本生理需要, 也是很重要的社交经验。而中西方在餐桌礼仪方面的要求也有许多差别, 了解了两者的不同防止失礼于人。

1. 餐桌气氛上的差异

总的来说是西方餐桌上静, 中国餐桌上动。西方人平日好动, 但一坐到餐桌上便专心致志地去静静切割自家的盘中餐。中国人平日好静, 一坐上餐桌, 便滔滔不绝, 相互让菜, 劝酒。中国人餐桌上的闹与西方餐桌上的静反映出了中西饮食文化上的根本差异。

2. 餐桌举止

在中国文化传统中, 人们在出席各种正式的会餐时也是比较讲究的, 但是在现代风俗变迁和发展中, 有进步的一面, 也有落后的一面, 有对传统的继承, 也有对传统文化习俗的违背。比如就餐时的衣着, 要远比过去随意多了, 可着中山装、夹克或西服等, 这也正体现了传统文化的变迁和发展, 这正是中西方文化融汇, 相互发生正迁移作用最好的例证。

当今许多西方人, 尤其是美国人不喜欢吸烟或喝酒, 许多人也不喜欢别人在他们的住处吸烟喝酒。而在当今的中国, 许多人既吸烟又喝酒, 有一种社会怪现象似乎是“不吸烟不喝酒”就无以社交。所以在中国的餐桌上依旧存在吞云吐雾、烂醉如泥的“陋习”, 尽管他们知道这有伤风范, 但依旧不能禁绝之。想必这就是文化迁移和发展的不完全性、不彻底性的表现, 我们有必要在正确理解和认识文化现象的基础上, 不断推动人文文化的发展, 提高民族人文素质。

3. 座位的排序

中西都讲究正式的宴请活动的坐次安排。中国人传统上用八仙桌。对门为上, 两边为偏座。请客时, 年长者、主宾或地位高的人坐上座, 男女主人或陪客者坐下座, 其余客人按顺序坐偏座。西方人请客用长桌, 男女主人分坐两端, 然后在按男女主宾和一般客人的次序安排座位。对于餐桌的规矩, 西方人进餐用刀叉, 中国人用筷子。当然刀叉和筷子的用法都有各自的规矩。

通过中西方饮食文化差异以及中西方餐桌礼仪的比较, 不仅仅反映了各地的文化传统, 还折射出不同民族心理、价值观与道德标准、社会关系、社会礼仪和社会风俗等方面, 即西方文化主张个人荣誉、自我中心、创新精神和个性自由, 而中国文化主张谦虚谨慎、无私奉献、中庸之道和团结协作;西方人平等意识较强、家庭结构简单;而中国人等级观念较强, 家庭结构较复杂, 传统的幸福家庭多为四代同堂等。

在跨文化交际中, 由于文化障碍而导致的信息误解, 甚至伤害对方的现象屡见不鲜。有时善意的言谈会使对方尴尬无比, 礼貌的举止会被误解为荒诞粗俗。因此, 研究不同文化之间的差异, 研究正确的跨文化交际行为已成为不可忽视的问题。在对比研究过程中, 各自的优、缺点显而易见。这种研究有利于文化的正迁移作用, 以“取其精华, 去其糟粕”, 从而促进本民族语言、人文文化的发展。

摘要:不同的民族和国家存在着各具特色的饮食文化, 具有浓郁的民族性和多样性的特点。饮食文化及餐桌礼仪的差异也是跨文化交际中影响交际结果的因素。从跨文化的角度揭示中西方饮食文化及餐桌礼仪的差异与不同, 可以使人们理解其深刻的文化内涵, 探究其文化底蕴, 提高跨文化意识。



[1]贾玉新.跨文化交际学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1997.

[2]胡文仲.跨文化交际学概论[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1999.


As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin, pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, take it out and put it on your side plate. If the napkin is large, leave it folded double in your lap; if small, unfold it completely. Never fasten it in your collar or waistcoat, or rumple it in your hands. Use a corner of it to wipe off your lips or fingers if greasy or dirty. Never use it to wipe the silver and china.

The Soup Course

Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon at your place is the soup spoon. It will be beside your plate at the right-hand side. Do not make the mistake of using a spoon from the center of the table which may be intended for vegetables or jelly. No one should begin to eat of any course until the hostess picks up her own spoon or fork. It is usual for her to wait until everyone is served before beginning. She will not invite you to begin, as is the Chinese custom. When she picks up her spoon or fork, it means the others may do so also.

Comprehension Questions:

( )1. Who picks up the napkin first at a dinner?

A. The youngest guest.B. The senior guest.

C. The women guests.D. The hostess.

( )2. Napkin should be ________ when you are at table.

A. around the neckB. fastened in your waistcoat

C. rumpled in your handD. laid on your lap

( )3. The spoon used for vegetables or jelly is usually put ________.

A. beside your plate at the right-hand sideB. beside your plate at the left-hand side

C. at the center of the tableD. in the soup bowl at the center of the table

( )4. You could begin the soup course at a dinner ________.

A. when most of the guests are served

B. when all the guests are served

C. when the hostess picks up her own spoon or fork

D. when it is eleven o’clock sharp

( )5. The hostess won’t invite you to begin the soup course, ________.

A. which is the same as the Chinese custom

B. which is different from the Chinese custom.

C. which seems to be a little impolite









有些食物是不用餐具而用手拿着吃的,称为Finger Food,通常餐前酒与正餐之前都会先送上这类食物,以便先填一下肚子保护胃膜。

另外,在空腹的时候,血糖会降低,吃一点东西会使心情沉静而愉悦。 比较常见的咸点心是Canapé,就是小片的薄面包或是饼干上面放火腿、燻鱼等。一般都是三块,直接用手拿着吃就行了。要一口吃完,不要只咬一半,这样反而不雅。


























































If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish. It should be put on the outside of the meat fork, away from the plate.

Usually the bones are removed from the fish before it is served, but if there are bones, you may separate them by the use of a roll or piece of bread in your left hand and the fork in your right. If a bone gets into your mouth it must be removed as quietly and unnoticeably as possible with the fingers and laid on the side of the plate, never placed on the cloth, nor dropped on the floor.

The Meat Course

The main course is usually served by the host himself, especially if it is a fowl or a roast which need to be carved. He will often ask each guest what piece he prefers, and it is quite proper to state your preference as to lean or fat, dark or light. It is also proper to say that it makes no difference to you. Usually everyone waits, with his plate in front of him, until all are served and the hostess picks up her own fork. Sometimes if there are many guests and the food would be less pleasing to the tasty by getting cold, the hostess may ask her guests to begin eating as they are served. It is polite then to wait till those around you are served and begin with them.

The Fish Course

If there is a fish course, it will probably follow the soup. There may be a special fork for the fish. It should be put on the outside of the meat fork, away from the plate.

Usually the bones are removed from the fish before it is served, but if there are bones, you may separate them by the use of a roll or piece of bread in your left hand and the fork in your right. If a bone gets into your mouth it must be removed as quietly and unnoticeably as possible with the fingers and laid on the side of the plate, never placed on the cloth, nor dropped on the floor.

The Meat Course
