










A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop?

-asking parents to help stop the students from cheating

-penalty or punishment to the students

-asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated.


Thanks to the easy access to Internet, children today have more education resources. By simply typing in keywords, they are able to search for knowledge quickly online. However, Internet also makes it easier for them to cheat in homework. With the help of various chatting software, they even can share what they have acquired. To discourage children from cheating, teachers have three solutions in mind, including parents’ supervision, strict punishment and assignments that are difficult for students to cheat. In my opinion, the second one is the best of all.

To begin with, having severe punishment in place is the only solution that makes students consciously avoid cheating by themselves. It is important for students to realize how perilous to form the habit of cheating. Teachers fail to know students’ true academic performance, and students who find with fewer efforts they can also achieve a satisfied score will gradually refuse to work hard in both study and future career. The strict penalty reminds students the danger, warns them to actively regulate behaviors and stresses the significance of honesty and integrity. It is not worthy to take such a risk to deceive teachers. For example, when a student is found dishonest in an assignment, the professor should directly fail him in the subject and urge him to take it again the next year. A long term purpose of setting strict penalty is to educate students that whether there is supervision or not someday in future, they know that cheating is not the option.

Secondly, it is difficult either for all parents to effectively supervise children’s homework or for teachers of all subjects to design homework that is impossible to cheat. Sometimes, parents are busy with work both in office and at home. There is not enough time left for them to check children’s homework page by page. It is also unfeasible for parents to sit by side with children who will feel uneasy and even upset. Or simply, some parents may feel embarrassing when they find that the subject their children are working on is beyond their knowledge to comprehend. Then, from the perspective of teachers, homework of different subjects take different forms. For literature teachers, it is easy to prevent students from cheating by assigning essay writing as homework. However, not all teachers are that lucky. For teachers teaching maths, physics and chemistry, most assignments they give to students are questions that require students to use formula to do calculation and there is just one correct answer. This kind of exercises are essential for students to grasp knowledge they acquire in class. Therefore, teachers of those subjects can hardly inhibit students from cheating by changing homework.

In summary, to cope with the increasing number of students who cheat in homework, schools need to impose severe penalty on those who dare to cross the line. This is the most effective method to teach students to willingly regulate behaviors by themselves.

本文作者:Cindy Pan(公众号:英文写作素材)


It was about two centuries ago when Industrial Revolution made it possible to produce paper and print in large quantities at a much low cost that printing press started to develop rapidly and lead public opinions. Nowadays, there are more means for mass medias to convey information, like radio, TV and Internet. However, facing the overwhelming amount of information, people begin to challenge the credibility of mass medias. In my mind, the mass medias, in general, are actually more reliable than before.

To begin with, it is in fact the challenge and criticism of readers and audiences that force mass medias to try their best to present accurate information timely. Undoubted, the popularization of compulsory education and expansion of universities have overall increased the percentage of population that receives education. As a result, people today have stronger ability to judge and analyze than before. Also, as people gradually get used to collect information from different sources and make comparison, it is unwise for a media to fool people with inaccurate information at the risk of being discredited. On the contrary, most mass medias who aim at long term development of good public relationship invest in the recruitment of excellent journalists and improvement of facilities to serve readers. But, in the past, mass medias were less concerned about their accuracy as they doubted people’s ability to discern.

Secondly, the fierce competition also pushes people working in media industry to be accountable for their information. In the past, the right to publish and broadcast was controlled tightly by governments and a small number of media companies. They, as the true leaders of public opinions, cared less about their accuracy but focused more on how to make profits by manipulating minds. For example, during World War II, governments of many European countries, including Britain and Germany, strictly censored and controlled the press to encourage people to join the army and serve for the war while ignoring the facts of heavy death tolls and economic loss. But today, the broad coverage of Internet has lowered the threshold of media industry and enabled small companies and even individuals to compete for readers and audiences. Therefore, a media that fails to guarantee the authenticity of its information can hardly survive.

Admittedly, it is also true that there are problems caused by mass medias’ inaccurate information. To attract eyeballs and strive to be the first to release the information, some medias choose to distort the truth or publish without further research and confirmation. Their irresponsible behaviors not only mislead the public, but also disrupt the order. The worst scenario is to motivate other medias who fail to observe professional ethics to follow suit. This is especially obvious in the report of celebrities’ tidbits. However, for the healthy development of mass media in the long term, such irresponsible acts will be gradually corrected by general public’s ability to discern right and wrong as well as the unbreakable law of survival of the fittest.

To sum up, the mass media nowadays have to be more accountable for the authenticity of their information, in order to survive and succeed in the long run and to protect the whole industry.








Do you agree or disagree with the following statement : Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problems to the public.







很多考生都非常看重文章的字数,这本无可厚非,但是展现活跃的思维和高超的写作技巧靠的不是庞大的字数,而是精确与高效的表达。如果把凑字数作为写作的第一要务,那就得不偿失了。因为言多“语”失,单纯追求写作字数不仅会导致不必要的语法、拼写和表达错误,还会使文章论证效率低下,写作内容冗余。因此,考生在考前培养准确的写作“规模感”十分必要,即考生应该对文章字数有一个整体的概念,并大致把握在这个写作框架中每一个自然段的字数区间。以托福独立写作“总—分—总”结构下的五段式为例,考生可以这样分配每段的字数:立场段30~50字;论证段一(让步段,无例子) 50~70字;论证段二(主旨段,有例子) 100~150字;论证段三(主旨段,有例子) 100~150字;总结段20~30字。



Nowadays, X is getting more and more important. Different people have different opinions toward different things. Some people may say it is good while others believe that it is wrong. So whether I agree or disagree with this depends on a case by case basis. I would like to discuss my point of view in the following paragraphs.



2托福独立写作题目中的任务设定通常是“… agree or disagree …”,其中or一词清楚地说明了考生的写作目标,即要表达明确的肯定或否定态度。


在托福独立写作中,立场是文章主旨的浓缩,明确、切题的立场是高效论证的前提。因此,考生选择的立场应该是对题目任务的直接回应:如果题目任务是agree or disagree,考生就在立场段直接表明自己同意或者不同意的倾向;如果任务是which one is better,考生就在立场段明确写出自己的选择。









在托福独立写作的总结段,有些考生习惯这样写:“In summary, the claim presented in this topic is vulnerable to question or challenge because of the reasons that I have just mentioned above.”

这样写是不可取的。首先,在整个写作框架中,总结段的作用就是总结,使文章结构完整,仅此而已。在这个阶段,一切都变得简单——只需再次表明自己的观点就可以了。字数不宜多,时间投入更不该长,尤其不应该写“because ...”作解释,因为支持和解释立场的任务应该由论证段来完成。如果在文章的末段出现because,就是在提醒考官:论证段论证不力,在总结段亡羊补牢。况且,“… because of the reasons that I have just mentioned above”这样的表达是没有实质意义的。考生不如腾出时间和空间,在文章末尾提出一条建设性意见,如:“In summary, the claim presented in this topic is vulnerable to question or challenge. Therefore, it is essential for us to …”


散文文体的特点是形散而神不散,这是境界。而托福独立写作是议论文,议论文体更注重文章结构,有些考生却写得形散神也散,这就会让阅卷考官崩溃了。对于很多考生来说,文章结构的搭建基本是随机的,想到哪儿写到哪儿。至于在考场上能想起什么那得靠“缘分”,因此考生写出神形涣散的文章也就不足为奇了。还有的考生抱怨在论证段写作时写了上句没下句,原因很简单:“缘分”可遇不可求,所以“随缘”的写作很容易陷入困境。其实要解决这些问题,考生只要遵照一条规则来写就可以了,这也是议论文写作的一个基本要素:from general to specific (从概括到具体)。每个论证段需要包含论点中心句(相对概括,置于段首)和论据支持(更加具体,紧随中心句之后)。






For one thing, …

For another, …

Another point (that is worth mentioning) is that …

Besides, …

An additional point (that should not to be overlooked) is that …



To carry the idea further, … (第一层细节)

To be exact, … (第二层细节)




TV set was invented about less than a century ago, and it takes a few decades to become a major part of mass leisure. Usually, audiences watch TV programs to relax and to kill time. However, with the emerging of more well-designed programs with educational functions, it is beneficial for people to watch for knowledge but not simply for cheap entertainment.

Admittedly, there is every reason for people to entertain themselves with TV programs. After whole day work or study under heavy pressure, people need an effective way to release stress. Thanks to the funny story, humorous conversation, or exaggerated facial expression and body language, people burst into a belly laugh in a relaxing atmosphere while lying on the sofa with beverage and snacks at hand. This is exactly why cartoon movies are popular among both children and adults, such as Pleasant Sheep. However, there are actually many other programs that can both help people relax and acquire knowledge. They deserve more attention from audiences.

To begin with, when people are able to kill two bird with one stone, why not choose to spend time more meaningfully with programs that convey knowledge in an interesting way. To attract eyeballs and increase audience rating, even educational TV programs directors and producers will spare no efforts to make their program interesting, so as to make more profits. Consequently, they usually add many elements to entertain audience, such as jokes, funny tones, or celebrities. For example, an interesting cartoon play for young children in China, called Haier Brothers, teaches audiences knowledge about natural science through two little brothers’ traveling around the world. Their traveling stories explain why there are mountains and rivers on earth, how rains form and why there are four seasons, etc. The vivid pictures and interesting narration never fail to attract little audiences.

Secondly, it is also worth watching programs of serious topics, in order to equip ourselves with necessary knowledge and expand outlook. Living in an ear featuring information explosion, people need the ability to collect information and knowledge that may be crucial in work or life. Sometimes, when there is too much information that is overwhelming, confusing or even disorienting, people should be able to discern with a clear and critical mind. An effective solution is to watch some talk shows about political and social issues. The discussion between the cynical host and distinguished guests will give us a clue on how to view events happening around us. Take the most important political issue in US, namely presidential election, as an example. The speeches of various candidates usually contain too much information that is sometimes misleading or even demagogic. As to have a better understanding of candidates’ political views and their possible future behaviors, we need to draw opinions from professional and objective sources from those political talk shows.

To sum up, it is highly necessary and recommended that audiences today spend more time on TV programs that are educational and enlightening.

Agree or disagree with the following statement people should spend more time watching programs that provide knowledge and spend less time watching programs which provide entertainment only?










Thanks to the constant improvement of living standards, modern people put more emphasis on health. By maintaining good health, people stand more chances to make dreams come true and enjoy a happy life. Luckily, in modern society, to keep healthy is much easier than before.

Admittedly, some people may suffer from the health problems caused by quick life pace and heavy pressure. Owing to the fierce competition in modern society, people usually complain that they have to work overtime or even burn the midnight oil and recall the easy life led by people in the past. Moreover, with much time occupied by work, they can hardly spare time to do exercises and gradually give up themselves to a sedentary lifestyle and fall into sub-health conditions. However, with the increase of awareness of those health problems, people are able to make a change by adjusting their schedule and leading a healthy life.

To begin with, the easy access to information allows people to gain more knowledge on diets than before. There are many professional websites telling people how to eat in healthy ways according to their needs. According to dietitians, it is necessary for people to have a certain proportion of meat, grain, vegetable, egg, milk, etc., so as to guarantee the absorption of nutrients needed for the body function. In addition, people also can learn from cooking shows on TV. The chef teaches audiences how to prepare healthy and delicious food. For example, my mum learnt the way to cook broccoli with a special source without losing its valuable vitamin. However, in the past, most people who were unaware of the significance of balanced diets simply believed people should eat as much as possible in case they could not find enough food the next day.

Secondly, the advancement of medical treatment also guarantees that people today can lead a healthier life than in the past. Thanks to the efforts of scientists and doctors, there are various powerful vaccines that protect people from detrimental diseases, such as chickenpox and polio. Also, as people today have more knowledge of various diseases, the early and accurate diagnosis prevents diseases from getting worse and claiming lives. More importantly, the constant improvement of medical knowledge and equipment enables doctors to cure diseases with less pain and fewer side effects and even conquer incurable diseases. For example, it took only several months to find the vaccine of Ebola spreading wildly in western Africa in , which saved thousands of lives. But, in the past, the limitation of medial knowledge inhibited people from finding right solutions. People were powerless in front of bacteria infection before the invention of Penicillin.

To sum up, it is definitely easier for modern people to lead a healthy life than they did in the past.

It is easier to maintain good health today than in the past.










It happens that we may carelessly ignore some people’s feeling and suddenly realize how important they are in our life after we lose them. To prevent it from happening, people adopt different strategies, even including keeping distance. In fact, a better way to understand and improve relationship with important people in life is to spend more time with them.

Admittedly, by keeping distance with people we believe we have strong ties with, we will make clear how the life is with their absence. Living a life without them, we may fail to perform well and start to make mistakes. The feeling of strong emotional attachment proves they are indispensable. For instance, the end of friendship with an old friend will help us realize without him, we have no one to have a drink together on Friday night. However, in this way, when we finally realize the significance of relationship, we may already do harm to it and it may be too late for us to make up.

In fact, by keeping distance, we lack necessary communication that is important for us to better understand each other and consolidate mutual trust. As social animals, we have to deal with various complicated relationship with people around us, including family members and friends. It seems difficult to distinguish who is more essential. Without sharing of thoughts and experiences, we can hardly know whether we have same attitudes towards life, social events, interpersonal relationship, etc.The similarity between us is usually the foundation of a long-term relationship. For example, only through communication can an optimism person find people around them possessing positive attitudes towards troubles, and he needs their encouragement and inspiration.

In addition, the absence in life of people we believe important, especially their critical moments, is usually considered by them as disrespect and indifference. This is surely baneful for the relationship. In fact, to strengthen ties with people we care about, we ought to spare more time to accompany them. No matter what people we care about are experiencing, they need accompany from trustworthy ones, such as sharing of their happiness, supporting of their decision, and comforting of their failure. The time spent on accompanying is the most valuable investment one can make and the most precious gift one can give. For instance, to show up in friend’s birthday party, graduation ceremony or promotion party is more important than sending expensive presents.

To sum up, to keep distance or to leave far away is definitely not the right choice for us to understand people we care about. Actually, it is more advisable for us to communicate and to accompany.

Some people believe that spending time away from the people we care about helps us improve our relationships with them, because being away from these people makes us realize how important they are to us. Other people believe that to improve our relationships with people we care about, we should spend as much time with them as possible, because spending time apart can damage or harm a relationship. Which view do you agree with, and why?




cultural differences 文化差异

cultural diversity 文化多元化

cultural treasures 文化宝藏

cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流

cultural reconstruction 文化重建

spiritual civilization 精神文明

heritage 遗产

achievements of art 艺术成就

tear down 拆除

humane historical sites 人文历史遗址

preserve the cultural relics 保护文化遗产

blueprint 蓝图

skyscraper 摩天大楼

high-rise office buildings 高层写字楼

city construction 城市建设

well-structured 结构良好的

crystallization 结晶

visual enjoyment 视觉享受

driving force 驱动力

reconstruct 重建

destruct 破坏

architectural industry 建筑工业

map out 制定出

city designing 城市设计

beautify our life 美化我们的生活

human civilization 人类文明

cradle of culture 文化摇篮

mainstream culture 主流文化

cultural traditions 文化传统

national pride 民族自豪感

local customs and practices 风土人情

attract people’s eyes 吸引人们的眼球

artistic taste 艺术品味

cornerstone 基石

be closely interrelated with… 与…有密切关系

adhere to the tradition 坚持传统

architectural vandalism 破坏建筑行为

carry forward… 弘扬…

cultural needs 文化需求

reputation 声望

maintain the world peace 维护世界和平

artistic reflection 艺术反应

give publicity to… 宣传…

burden 负担

cause irreversible damage 造成不可逆转的损失

national identity and value 民族特性和价值观

remove prejudice and misunderstanding 消除偏见和误解

symbol 象征

artistic standards 艺术水准

enjoy great popularity 广受欢迎

cultural devolution 文化退化

cultural insights 文化视觉

learn about the world 了解世界

a thrilling experience 一段令人激动的经历

abstract 抽象的

concrete 具体的

move somebody to tears 使…感动流泪

get relaxed and entertained 得到放松和娱乐

venue 场所

have its value 有自己的价值

inspiration 灵感

scope of knowledge 知识面

lasting artistic works 永恒的艺术作品

abstruse 深奥的

break with old customs 抛弃传统

carry down from generation to generation 代代相传

advocate the new lifestyle 倡导新的生活方式

entertainment 娱乐

be different from… 与…不同

direct experience 直接经验

echo 共识

satiate people’s psychological demands 满足心理需求

attach more importance to… 更重视…

spiritual enhancement 精神升华

a mirror of… …的一面镜子

determinant 决定性因素

eclipse 使…相形见绌

contribute to… 有助于…

a sense of cool and satisfaction 一种惬意的感觉

pastimes 消遣方式

nurture imagination 培养想象力

meditation 沉思

the essence of immortality 永恒的精髓

instructive 有启发性的

edification 熏陶

arouse one’s curiosity about something 引发某人对某事的好奇心

enrich one’s knowledge 丰富某人知识





长篇文章让老师头疼的原因就在于这种没有构思、未理提纲的作文章法太乱,评议质量差。我国的作文题都是规定式作文(controlled writing)这跟国外考试(如TOEFL)不一样。因此,定作时必须按给定的提纲或提示去写,过于放任自由的做法是不可取的,更不要另有所图,滔滔不绝,这是进入实际操作前的一个基本认识问题,稍不留神就会出问题。
