





1.Lei Feng will live(永远)in our hearts.2.Mr Wang came back to China after studying(在国外).3.He is studying the 当代的)history of China.4.She became interested in the new(乐队).5.She was a woman of great 美丽).Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。

1.Jay Chou(周杰伦)is my favorite pstar.2.Many football fwill go to Brazil to watch the 2014 FIFA World Cup.3.Our English teacher i the new classmate Linda to us just now.4.The Diaoyu Islands bto China!

5.I can only remember the first l of that song.Ⅲ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.What time did you(actual)leave?

2.They didn’t achieve great 3.The foreign visitors will travel in some(south)states of the USA.4.Wow!The house is always full of(laugh).5.The rich man gave away(million)of dollars to those poor areas.Ⅳ.根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空一词。


does this piece of music make you?


Peter 3.马克还没去过长城。

Mark 4.你最喜欢哪种音乐?

Whatmusic do you like best?


the studentsforty-five in our class.参考答案:

Ⅰ.1.forever 2.abroad 3.modern 4.band 5.beauty

Ⅱ.1.pop 2.fans 3.introduced 4.belong 5.line

Ⅲ.1.actually 2.success 3.southern 4.laughter 5.millions

Ⅳ.1.How;feel 2.used to argue 3.hasn’t been to 4.kind of 5.The number of;is


1.happen vi. 发生

happen to sb./ sth. 发生在某人(某物)身上…

e.g. If anything happens to him, let me know.

happen to do (be, be doing ) 偶尔(碰巧)在做…

e.g. He happened to be out then.

注意: happen 作 “发生”讲时是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,其过去分词不能用作形容词. The accident was happened last night.(F)

The accident happened last night.

happen, take place, occur都表示 “发生”,都不能用于被动语态.

1). happen 指事情的发生,往往带有 “偶然”或 “未能预见”的意思.

2). take place 指事先布置或策划好而后发生,没有 “偶然”意味.有时有 “举行”的意思.

e.g. Great changes have taken place in our school.

When will the football match take place?

3). occur 当主体指具体或确实发生的事件时, occur可与happen换用.但在表示否定时最好用occur.

e.g. The accident happened (occurred) yesterday.

注: occur 表示 “想起,产生”时,不可与happen互换.

e.g. It occurred to me that I had forgot to bring money.

2. It really hurts.

hurt, injure, wound 这三个词都表示 “使…受伤”. 作及物动词, 在表达 “受伤”时,一定要用被动语态.


He badly hurt (injured, wounded ). (F)

He was badly hurt (injured, wounded).

1). hurt “伤” 可以指精神上的或肉体上的 “伤害”, 含较强的 “疼痛” 意味, 通常与badly, slightly, seriously 等连用,表示受伤的程度.

e.g. He fell and hurt his arm. 他摔了一跤,摔坏了胳膊.

2). injure “伤” (=hurt). 指在意外事故或事件中, “负伤, 受伤害”.

e.g. He was injured in a fire. 他在一场火灾中受伤.

3). wound “伤”指用外界暴力引起身体 “创伤”, 尤指刀伤, 枪伤, 剑伤等.

e.g. The bullet wounded him in the left leg. 子弹打伤了他的左脚.


1). 身体内部的受伤不能用 wound

e.g. His internal organs were injured/hurt .(不能用wound)


2). injure, wound 的过去分词可以作定语; hurt的过去分词不能.


I saw an injured (a wounded) man.

I saw a hurt man.(F)

3). hurt 可作不及物动词, 表示 “疼”, “难受”. 其他两个词不能.

e.g. My left foot hurts. 我左脚疼.(可能是鞋夹脚的原因,不一定是伤)

3. It was a bit green.

a bit 一点点,有点 a bit of +不可数名词

a bit of salt= a little salt

a bit hungry (angry) 有点饿(生气)

e.g. I’m not a bit hungry. 我一点也不饿.

I’m not a little hungry. 我很饿了.

not a bit = not at all 一点也不

not a little= very 很,非常

4.Was the peach ripe or green?



e.g. Green fruit is not good to eat.

The cherries(樱桃)are still too green to pick.



red(暴力的,流血的 ) black(邪恶的,不吉利的)

yellow(胆怯,靠不住的) blue(沮丧) white(幸运的,吉利的)

e.g. a red battle血战

I always knew you were yellow! 我早就知道你胆小怕事。

He looks blue. 他看上去情绪低落。

Things look black.

5. And I advise you not to eat fruit that isn’t ripe in the future.



(1)后面可以跟不定式构成的复合结构,即advise sb. (not) to do sth. ,意为劝某人干/不干某事。

e.g. The doctor advised me to take more exercise.


He strongly advised me not to do so.


(2)后面可以跟that引导的宾语从句,从句用虚拟语气should do, should可以省略,即advise sb that sb (should) do sth.

e.g. I advised him that he should attend the meeting.


The teacher advised us that we read more books about English literature.


Advise sth. 建议某事

~sb. (not )to do sth 劝告某人

~doing sth. 建议做某事

~sb+疑问词+不定式 建议某人怎么样

~(sb.) that +主+(should) do sth 建议某人应该做某事

He advised an early start.

me to start early

starting early

(me) that I (should) start early

Could you advise me what to do next?

I ____ him to give up smoking, but I failed.(C)

A. preferred B. hoped

C. advised D. suggested

解析: prefer 与题意不合; hope to do sth/wish sb. to do sth. ; suggest (sb.) doing sth.

另注: advise sb. to do sth. “劝说某人做某事”但不一定劝说成功.

advise (v.) →advice (un.)

give (some) advice on sth/how to do…;

advice column;

advice line;

ask for (a piece of ) advice;

follow/take sb.’ s advice

2) in future (from now on) “今后”

in the future (in time yet to come)“将来”

e.g. You’d better not go out alone in future. 今后你最好不要单独外出。

No one knows what will happen in the future. 没人知道将来会发生什么事情。


1.Traditional diets often have too much fat and too many calories for the 21st-century person.





e.g. The doctor has ordered me a special diet. 医生给我安排了特殊的饮食。

They gave us plenty of food and drink. 他们给了我们大量食物和饮料。

Proper _diet___and exercise are both important for health.


This _diet___only allows you to eat fresh fruit.


Milk is the natural _food___for young babies.


We must have _food___to eat and clothes to wear.

2) too many +可数名词

too much +不可数名词

much too +形容词/副词

3)calorie= calory,指食物产生的热量,也可以作热量单位。

e.g. One thin piece of bread has 90 calories. 一片薄面包有九十卡路里的热量。

While you are at school, or walking home, your body is burning up 100 calories an hour. 你在学校上课或者走路回家的时候,你的体内每小时要消耗100卡路里。

2. Stores offer all kinds of food and snacks and we have to make many choices.



What fruits are in season now? 现在哪些水果上市了?


e.g. the upper waters of Yangtze River 长江上游

on the sands在沙滩上


works of literature and art 文艺作品

Don’t put on airs with me.不要在我面前摆架子。

2)make a choice


教学内容:Unit10 By the time I got outside, the bus has already left.复习教学。

教学目标:复习本单元重点单词、短语和过去完成时;通过巩固练习, 让学生能学会运用过去完成时叙述过去发生的事情。




(设计思路:笔者对以上38个单词进行了归类:1、3、5是过去式或过去分词;2、4、6、7、8是本单元重点单词;9~19是本单元重点短语;其余单词和短语要求一般掌握。在操作过程中, 建议把以上表格用多媒体呈现给学生, 可采用单词接力赛的方式组织学生进行第一轮口头复习, 满足大部分学生的表现欲望, 让全体学生都参与到教学活动中来。然后, 用接力赛的方式开展第二轮复习, 可配以适当的奖惩措施增强小组成员的学习积极性、凝聚力和集体荣誉感。第一步的“词汇头脑风暴”既检测学生对本单元单词掌握的基本情况, 又起到教学热身的效果, 一举两得。)


(一) 大显身手

1.Mary was given a prize for coming to school____every day during the whole term.

A.on timeB.in time

C.at the time D.by the time

2.--What’s wrong with your clock?

--It can’t_______.

A.take offB.get off

C.go offD.turn off

3.--I’m sorry I____my homework at home.

--That’s all right.Don’t forget____it to school tomorrow.

A.forget;to take

B.forget;to bring

C.left;to take

D.left;to bring

4.What a pity!The beautiful girl____a dishonest man yesterday.

A.married with


C.got married

D.was married

5.The camera is_____expensive_____I can’t afford it.

A.so that

B.too to

C.not only but also

D.such that

6.If you meet with anything, let me know. (同义句)

Ifanything______________you, please let me know.

7.He says if you speak English____, you’ll learn it well.

A.as much as possible

B.as many as possible

C.as many as you can

D.as more as you can

8.He’s not used to making speeches in public.It’s so________ (embarrass) .

(二) 归纳总结


(1) 区别time短语:on time/at times/in time/by the time

(2) 区别off短语:take off/get off/go off/turn off/break off/set off/run off

(3) 区别:leave/forget

(4) 区别marry及短语

marry sb/get/be married to sb

(5) 区别too…to/so…that

(6) 短语:happen to

(7) 区别as much as possible/as much as you can

(8) embarrass的形容词:embarrassing/embarrassed


(1) ___________time到……时为止

(2) go_________ (闹钟) 响

(3) leave sth________把某物忘记在某处

(4) get________to sb与某人结婚

(5) too...____太……而不……

(6) sth happens_______sb某事发生在某人身上

(7) as______as possible尽可能……

(8) embarrass_________令人尴尬的

(设计思路:在“单词过关测试”的基础上, 对重点单词和短语进行巩固练习和归纳总结, 为学生提供了巩固的条件, 加深了记忆。教学应主要以学生动口动手为主, 教师适时指导, 体现新课程改革中学生的主体地位, 教师的主导作用。此外, 笔者观察发现, 学生通常采取的复习学习方法是:背笔记———做练习———订正答案———考试。虽然学生很用功, 但是发现有些知识点一而再再而三地考, 甚至用同样的题型考, 仍然会做错。其实, 问题出在复习教学缺乏必要的“反思”, 学生在反复的练习中遗忘“归纳总结”, 教师在繁忙的课堂教学中对“教学反思”也不够重视。)


(一) 牛刀小试


(二) 实战练习

1.Wei Hua_________________ (not go) to see the film last Sunday because he_________________ (see) it before.

2.When I________ (arrive) las night, I discovered that June______ (make) a beautiful candle-lit dinner.

3.--_____you____ (be) to the Summer Palace?

--Yes, I______ (go) there three years ago.

4.By the time we got to school class_______ (begin) already.

5.When I got to the cinema the film______ (be) on for ten minutes.

(三) 练习小结




(四) 再接再厉:课后背诵3a部分


1. I doubt whether your c ___________ that vegetables have feelings is right.

2. Some international c___________ are held in our country every year.

3. He t ___________ to kill me if I refused to give him my handbag.

4. On the Double Ninth Festival, we Chinese often h ___________ our ancestors (祖先).

5. This new model is of high q ___________ but it is not expensive.

6. If you drive a car, you must f ___________ your safety belt.

7. Don’t be so mean. Be g ___________ when you try to help your friend.

8. The man a ___________Napoleon so much that he wanted to join his army.

9. People now use paper instead of a h ___________to clean their faces.

10. Some people become v ___________because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat.


1. A live wire is one that ___________ (charge) withelectricity.

2. We___________ it yet, but I think our ___________will be heated.(discuss)

3. If the factory keeps ___________(send) wasteinto the river, the pollution will become more and more serious.

4. The woman wanted her husband ___________(examine) at once.

5. Yesterday he got his wallet___________(steal).

6. Traditional Chinese New Year Festival___________(celebrate) in capitals all around Europe.

7. The director and the actors were rehearsing the play again and again because they___________ (perform) it the next evening.

8. Einstein’s theory ___________ (prove) to be trueat last.

9. The girl was so angry that she ___________ (tear)the letter into pieces.

10. I ___________ (inspire) to work harder thanever before.


1. We offer a wide range of holidays to choose___________.

2. Young people are compared ___________ the rising sun.

3. What I said about Smith goes ___________ you, too.

4. This novel is based ___________ historical facts.

5.Taking an umbrella will protect you___________the sun.

6. Will you please spare me some ink? I have run___________of it.

7.We don’t want to buy a piano, for it takes___________ too much room.

8. I’m sure I can pay ___________all my debts in a year.

9. Can you explain the text ___________ your ownwords?

10. The slaves worked hard to fight___________ their rights.


1. The Smiths borrowed a lot of money and they haven’t ___________ their debts yet.

2. The old photographs ___________ the memories of his happy childhood.

3. Well, the story is too much for Lucy. Shecan’t understand. ___________ , she’s only two.

4. The boy couldn’t ___________ an excuse when his teacher asked him why he was late.

5. The idea sounds wonderful but we need to___________ it ___________in practice.

6. It is a custom to ___________each other onApril Fool’s Day.

7. The customs in eastern countries___________ not ___________ those in western countries.

8. ___________ , they won the contest through their own efforts.

9. They said that they didn’t think I would be fit for the job; ___________ , I was turned down by the company.

10. She is too ready to believe others, so she is very easy to___________.

五、 单项填空。

1. It was suggested that the sports meet___________until the next week.

A. was put offB. would be put off

C. be put offD. ought to put off

2. It took Mary a long time to___________ a new dress at the store.

A. pick upB. pick out

C. take upD. take out

3. The newly-built bridge ___________the beauty of the city.

A. is added toB. adds up to

C. adds toD. adds up

4. Did you leave the doors and windows___________ ? You know there are many burglarsthese days.

A. to fastenB. to be fastened

C. fastenedD. fastening

5. On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Wangwent to the market, ___________some bananas and visited her cousin.

A. buyingB. buy

C. boughtD. to buy

6. When and where we are going to hold themeeting ___________ . So we’d better wait until we___________.

A. is not announced; are informed

B. isn’t announced; inform

C. are not announced; have been informed

D. aren’t announced; have informed

7. What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was___________ in the traffic jam.

A. broken upB. kept back

C. held upD. kept up

8. I thought of him as my trustworthy frienduntil, to my ___________ , he gave me away tothe boss.

A. honourB. faith

C. doubtD. shock

9. The best use___________ our present machine.

A. must be made ofB. must be made

C. must make ofD. must take

10. The National Day ceremony is a great ___________.

A. occasionB. situation

C. locationD. position

六、 完形填空。


A house in Clarktown caught fire on Christmas Eve, 1982. The woman who lived in the house was already in her eighties. Being in poor health, she had t ___________ (1) in walking even when things were fine. W ___________ (2) her house burning down around here, she was not able to go anywhere. The smoke made her choke(窒息). The fire was very hot. Without quick help she would have d ___________ (3).

Fire f ___________(4) got to the house. They started to put the fire out. They did not know the old woman was still inside. The people heard her crying for help. The fire was still very hot and there was lots of smoke.

A man d___________(5) like Santa Claus(圣诞老人)was passing by. He was on his way to give gifts to poor families. H ___________ (6) had he heard the old woman’s cry when he ran into the burning house. After a while he r ___________(7) out with the old woman on his back to safety. Then, as quickly as he had done that, the man left. No one knew the real name of the hero who had s ___________ (8) the old woman’s life.

The man went on and took the g ___________ (9) to the poor children. He did not return home until it was dark. He told his wife what had happened. She decided that she did not need to keep the story a s ___________ (10). She told people that Santa Claus was really David Rodriguez, her husband. Mr. Rodriguez is a music teacher when he is not playing Santa Claus.



A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used to reduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increases the risk.

Researchers from the University of Lous based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that looked at the association between sunscreen use and melanoma(黑素瘤). They said that they found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen use and higher risk of melanoma.

Most health experts believe that by protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer, which is increasing in incidence (发生率) faster than any other cancer in the United States.

But questions have been raised about sunscreen and whether it may have the opposite effect, perhaps by allowing people to remain exposed to the sun longer without burning.

The researchers said that among the problems with some earlier studies is that they often failed to take into account that those people most at risk for skin cancer—people with fair skin and freckles(雀斑), for example are more likely to use sunscreen. As a result, it may appear that sunscreen users get cancer more often.

The studies, which generally relied on volunteers to recall their sunscreen use, were also unable to prove how well the products had been applied, said the new study.

1. Does the sunscreen increase the risk of skin cancer?


2. What may happen to people with fair skin and freckles?


3. Is the number of skin cancer patients increasing in America?


4. What does the word “flaws” in the 2nd paragraph most probably mean?



一、 1. conclusion2. conferences3. threatened4. honour5. quality6. fasten7. generous8. admired9. handkerchief10. vegetarians

二、1. is charged2. haven’t discussed; discussion3. sending4. examined5. stolen6. is celebrated7. would perform8.proved9. tore10. was inspired

三、 1. from2. to3. for4. on / upon5. from6. out7. up8. off9. in10. for

四、 1. paid off2. brought back3. After all4. come up with5. try; out6. play tricks on7. are; similar to 8. To their joy9. in other words10. be taken in

五、 1-5 CBCCC6-10 ACDAA

六、 1. trouble2. With3. died4. fighters5. dressed6. Hardly7. rushed8. saved9. gifts10. secret


联想:take sth. into consideration 考虑某事

considering prep. 就… 而论; 考虑到

2. convince sb. of sth 使某人相信某事

convince sb. that… 使某人相信 convincing adj.有说服力的

be convinced of sth. 深信某事

be convinced that 深信….

3. commit a mistake / error 犯错误

commit sth to sb. 把某物托付给某人

commit sb. to prison 把某人送进监狱

commit sb to do /doing 责成某人做某事

commit sth. to memory 把某事记住

4. set about (doing) 开始做;着手处理

set out (to do) 开始做;着手处理

set down 放下;搁下;记下;写下

set aside 拨出/节省;对..不予考虑/把…置于一旁;驳回/撤消

set in (疾病、坏天气等)开始来临===

set off 1)出发 2)使爆炸 3)衬托;使更为突出

set up 建立(事业);成立(组织)

be set in 为(故事、戏剧等)构设背景。

5.be guilty of a crime 犯了罪 have a guilty conscience 问心无愧

6.accuse sb. of sth (= charge sb. with sth ) 指责/控告某人某事

be under accusation 被控告

7.be vital to 对…非常重要 be of vital importance 极其重要的

8. pass on 1)传下来;传给(后代) 2)离去;往前

pass away 去世;死

pass by 漠视;不理会

pass down 传递(=pass on )

9. have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择只好干….

10. live/lead a sad / lonely life 过着悲惨/孤独的生活

11. go wrong 出毛病,走错路

12.keep off 勿踏;让开 keep out 勿入;(使)在外 反义词 keep in

13.even though /even if 即使( 引导让步状语从句)从句中可用虚拟语气

14. be mistaken about sth/sb. 弄错 mistake… for… 误认

15.first of all = as the first thing 表示其后的内容先于其他发生

above all = more important than anything else 表示“特别重要的是/尤其是”强调其后的内容不同寻常,比其他重要。

16. protect …. from… 保护…不受侵害

prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

keep sb. from doing sth. 让某人避开做某事

persuade sb. from doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事

17. make a beeline for :走近路,走直路

The hungry boy made a beeline for dinner. 那个饥饿的男孩直奔回家吃饭.

18. come to light 显露,暴露,被发现 bring …to light 将…曝光,揭露

throw/cast light on/ upon 使明白,解释

19. 1) (=be busy with) “忙于” What are the children up to now?

2)“由某人负责” It’s up to you to take care of the children.

up to 3) “胜任;适于” He is still not up to the age.

4) 后接表示时间的词语,表示“直到某个时间”。

I haven’t heard from him up to now.

20.compare … to ….把…比做…. compare …. with …. 把…与… 进行比较

compare with/ to 和… 比较…(常用于句首或句尾做插入语)

21.tell …apart… 把…区分开来 tell A from B 辨别A 和B(= distinguish..from..)

22.be anxious about 为… 担忧… be anxious for sth. 渴望(了解;得到)

be eager for sth. 盼望;想得到 be eager to do 渴望做某事

be worried about 为…发愁 be curious about sth. 对…好奇

23. over and over again=again and again=time and time again=over and over一再地,经常地,重复地

24. 1)前进,进来 He came up to me and held my hands tightly.

2)上升 The sun came up at that time.

come up 3)长出,发芽 These seeds haven’t come up yet.

4)被提出讨论 The question came up at the meeting yesterday.

联想:come about发生; come across 碰见,受欢迎; come at袭击;

come down下降,流传;come out with 说出,透漏;come to oneself苏醒

25 a variety of +n.(pl.) 做主语时,谓语动词用复数。A variety of toys are on show in the shop.

The variety of +n.(pl.) 做主语时,谓语动词用单数.The variety of books he has is astonishing.

26.provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物

联想:be supplied with be equipped with be furnished with

be fitted with

27.award sb. a prize( award a prize to sb) 授奖给某人

award sb. the title of 授予某人…的称号

28.cover…with…. 用… 盖… be covered with 被…覆盖… (表状态)

be covered by 被… 覆盖….(表动作)

29. be divided into 把….分成… divide sth. in half / into halves 把…分成两半

divide up 划分;分配 divided by 除以 separate A from B 使A和B分离

30.keep in touch with 与.. 保持联系 get in touch with 与…取得联系

lose touch with 与… 失去联系 be out of touch with 与…失去联系

31.make sense of (=understand) 弄懂;理解 make sense 讲的通;有意义

make no sense 讲不通;无意义 in a sense 就某种意义而言;在某种意义上

32.be adapted to 适应 The plants are adapted to various climates and soil.

33.at a time (=each time) 每次 at one time (过去)曾经;一度

at the time 那时 at any time 任何时候 at the same time 同时

in time 迟早;及时 in no time 立即;很快 at no time 决不

for a time 暂时;一度 all the time 一直 for the first time 第一次


1. turn …upside down 翻转

2. come up with 提出,想出

3. make notes of 记录,记下

4. call in 召来,请来

5. range from…all the way to…


6. that is 也就是说

7. break down 毁坏,受挫

8. become available to… 对。。。有用

9. take advantage of 利用

10. do the work 生效

11. be sensitive to… 对。。。敏感

12. make…sensitive to… 使…对…敏感

13. a variety of 各种各样的

14. contribute to… 对…有贡献,有助于

15. be made up of 由。。。组合成

16. room temperature 室温

17. freezing point 冰点

18. mix with 与。。。混合

19. the relationship between…and…


20. be measured in 以。。。来测量

21. give off 发出,放出

22. pour…into… 把。。。倒进。。。里面

23. show some examples of sth.


24. be used to/for 被用于(做)。。。

25. keep water from floating away


26. play a trick on sb. 给某人恶作剧

27. define sth. 给某物下定义

28. 比较级+than any other +n.(单数)


29. benefit from… 从。。。得益


1. What are some disadvantages of using water in this way?用这种方式用水的缺点是什么?

2. Life in the oceans ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants like sharks and whales.


3. Water is actually quite simple, but the way the water molecule is formed gives water its unique properties. 水实际上是很简单的,但分子的结构方式却赋予水以独特的性质。

4. The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean quickly became available to other living things.


5. The salinity of the earth’s oceans is about thirty-five parts per thousand, meaning that there are about thirty-five grammes of dissolved solids and gases in one kilogramme of water.

地球海洋里的盐度大约为35% ,意思是说,在每公斤的水中约含有35克溶解的固体和气体。

6. Even though the pure water is what gives sea water its main properties, the salinity of sea water affects both its weight and freezing point.


7. Density is the relationship between mass and volume and is measured in kilogrammes per cubic metre(kg/m). 密度是指质量和容量的相关程度。

8. Water, which seems so simple and common, is what makes life possible.


9. The density of living creatures is higher than in any other habitat on earth.


10. Since estuaries protect animals and plants from storms and folds and prevent erosion,protecting estuaries is very important.


11.Heat capacity is the amount of energy (that) it takes to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree centigrade. 热容量是指一种物质升高一摄氏度所需要的能量。

12. The most important thing (that) we can learn about water, however, is that we must protect it and use it wisely. 然而,在我们所学的有关水的知识里,最重要的东西是我们必须保护水资源和利用水资源。


1. put/throw….in prison把…投进监狱 (be) in prison 在狱中

2. receive the Nobel Peace Prize获得诺贝尔和平奖 3.Join hands联手

4.born as a slave一出生就是努力 5.forbid sb. to do sth禁止…做…

6.march on继续前进 7.in the summer of 1963 1963年夏天

8.give a speech to给…做演讲 9.be treated as equal citizens被作为平等的公民对待

10.have (no/ the) right to do sth有(无)做…的权利11.vote for/against 投票赞成/反对

12.set an example to 为…树立榜样 13.achieve the goal达到目标

14.racial/sexual discrimination : 种族/性别歧视 15.people of all races各族人民

16.fight/struggle for为…而战 17.mixed-race marriages异族通婚

18.lead/organize a boycott of…领导/组织对…的抵制19.be free to do sth做…自由

20.no voice, not heard不发言就不会被听到 21.start with : begin with以…开始

22.there was a time when…曾经有一个…的时期 23.in modern times现代

24.regardless of = despite/in spite of 不理会, 不顾 25.at first sight乍一看

26.pros and cons赞成与反对 27.rest on=depend on依靠

28.be subject to服从…,受…支配 29.The shirt feels soft. 这衬衫摸起来很柔软

30.The book sells well这书很畅销

3.In 1850 a law was made to forbid people to help runaway slaves.


4.Active in the women’s rights movement after the war.战后在女权运动中很活跃。

2.Mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law. 法律规定不允许黑人和白人通婚。

3.Black people had no rights to vote in the Southern states. 南部的黑人没有选举权。

4.King fought for political rights for black people in the USA. 金为美国黑人的政治权利而斗争。

4.King fought for political rights for black people in the USA. 金为美国黑人的政治权利而斗争。

6.All his life he believed that it was right and necessary to demand changes in society if people did not have their civil rights. 他毕生相信,如果人们得不到民权,那么就有必要提出改变社会的要求,这样做也是正当的。

7.He believed that he could achieve that goal by peaceful actions, not by violence.


9.King led a boycott of the bus company. 金领导人们联合抵制汽车公司。

10.In the end the government lawyers in the capital said that the bus company was wrong to separate blacks from whites. 最后该州首府的政府律师说,公共汽车公司无权在车上把黑人和白人分割开来。

12.It was during the “March on Washington DC” in 1963 that he gave the speech “I Have a Dream”, which inspired people of all races to fight for equality.


13.In the same year, a new Civil Rights Act was passed and in 1965 a new Voting Rights Bill became law.


14.From then on, all black people had the right to vote. 从那时起,所有的黑人都有了选举权。

1.Slavery is the system by which some people are owned by others as slaves.

3.The fact that black people share equal rights in America today is in part their achievement.


1.Freedom fighters can be found everywhere, and they are of all times.自由战士到处都是,并且无论何时都有。

2.Each age has its own struggle for rights. 每个时代都有他自己的权利之战。

6.What all these groups have in common is that they ask to be treated with respect, share the rights to work, good housing conditions and education and be treated equal to other people in all ways.


7.When Samuel Butler wrote two chapters about the rights of animals and the rights of vegetables in a novel in 1872, everybody thought of that as very funny joke.


12.You can create original ideas by comparing things that are at first sight very different, such as the needs for nutrition for humans, animals and plants but also for robots and machines. 你能通过对比乍一看完全不同的东西,像人类、动物和植物对营养的需要,以及对机器人和机器的需要来创造新颖的想法。


1.She covered her face ______ her hands and began to weep.

2.A hammer is used ______ driving in nails.

3.38%______ the population of the city smoke.

4.His interests ranged ______ class ______ skiing.

5.Her excellent English gives her certain advantages ______ other students in her class.

6.Plenty of fresh air contributes ______ good health.

7.So deeply was he absorbed______his work that he forgot his meals.

8.The weather turned______to be very good,which was more than we could expect.


1.全神贯注,专心致志______ 2.有助于,有利于______3.耍诡计,搞阴谋______

4.分解______ 5.在A和B之间变化______ 6.用……来衡量,测量______

7.召集,收回______ 8.面临危险______


1.No matter who breaks the law,will be punished.

2.Two thirds of the earth are covered with water.

3.The book he gave me is of great beneficial.

4.When the machine broke up,they would send it to us.

5.This novel is so absorbent that I feel absorbed in it.

6.If you continue staying outside,you will be frozen died.

7.-Could I ask you something if you are not too busy?

-Yes,of course you could.

8.Put that cigarette out.You won’t smoke near a petrol pump!


1.-I don’t suppose he could have done well in the exam last week,______ he?

-______,he almost failed to pass the exam.

A.had;Yes B.has;No C.couldn’t;Yes D.did;No

2.As we know,sentences can be______into clauses,and clauses into phrases.

A.broken B.broken out C.broken up D.broken away

3.I really don’t know ______ I had my money stolen.

A.when was it that B.that it was when C.where it was that D.it was where that

4.______,he always helps me with my English.

A.However busy is he B.However he is busy C.However is he busy D.However busy he is

5.______,he is looked down upon.

A.Talented though the artist is B.As the artist is talented C.Talented although the artist is D.Are talented as the artist

6.Most of the artists will go to the United States next week.The rest______to visit Japan.

A.has B.have C.are D.is

7.If it ______ so hard,we’d go to town.

A.isn’t raining B.weren’t raining C.doesn’t rain D.has rain

8.She couldn’t have answered the question if she______a few books on world history.

A.hadn’t read B.hasn’t read C.wouldn’t read D.didn’t read

9.Nothing could have saved him ______ he had been tended without delay.

A.if B.even though C.as though D.once

10.-It was 3 o’clock ______ we arrived at the village.

-Oh,it was also at 3 o’clock ______we arrived at the village.

A.when;when B.when;that C.that;that D.that;when

11.-Good morning,Grand Hotel.-Hello,I’d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th.-______

A.What can I do for you? B.Just a minute,please. C.What’s the matter? D.At your service!

12.He made another wonderful discovery,______of great importance to science.

A.which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think which is

13.It was only when I reread this poems recently______I began to appreciate their beauty.

A.until B.that C.then D.so


1.with 2.for 3.of 4.from;to 5.over 6.to 7.in 8.out


1.be absorbed in 2.contribute to 3.play a trick on 4.break down 5.range from A to B 6.be measured in 7.call in 8.face dangers


1.will前加he 2.are→is 3.beneficial→benefit 4.up→down 5.absorbent→absorbing 6.died→dead 7.could→can 8.won’t→mustn’t

